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Oligochaetac Locomotion

Oligochaetes crawl and burrow by peristaltic

Largest Oligochaeta
Body shortens
Including Australian earthworm,
Chaetae are extended
Megascolides australis (3m long)
Longitudinal muscle contraction
Body elongates
Form and Function Chaetae retracts
Similar to thatgeneralized annelid Circular muscle contraction
Well-developed segments Contraction waves can be reversed
Four bundles of chaetae per segment Enables worm to move backward
Small prostomium and small pygidium Fewer chaetae than in polychaetes
(both are devoid of appendages) Species of microscopic aelosomatids
Oligochaete chaetae Swim by ciliated prostomium
Simple and terminate in a needlelike
point or tips that are bifid, pectinate, Nervous system
different from the shaft
Two nerve cords
More complex in genital segments
Fused in the ventral midline
Chaetal sac
Inside the muscle fiber of body wall
Found each side of segment
Which chaetae are secreted
Shifted posteriorly
Which chaetae emerge as bundles
In Lumbricids
Chaetal bundles
Lies in the third segment above
Two are ventral
anterior end of pharynx
Two are ventrolateral or dorsolateral
In ventral nerve cord
1-25 number of chaetae per bundle
5 giant axons
In Lumbricus
3 large diameter in dorsal part
Eight chaetae per segment
2 smaller diameter in ventral
Two chaetae in each of the four
Mid dorsal axon
Fewer chaetae than in polychaetes
Fired from sensory input from the head
Protractor and retractor muscles
Two dorsoventral fibers
Allow chaetae to be extended or
Fired from sensory input from the
posterior end of the body
Sensory input from the other end of the worm
Body wall and Coelom illicit a response however the response is more
Body wall is similar to polychaetes rapid if the head is grasped or disturbed
Cuticle Subpharyngeal ganglion
Overlies an epidermal layer that Center of motor control and vital
contains mucous gland reflexes
Circular muscle If this is destroyed, movement will
Longitudinal muscle cease
Four bands
Septa Sense organ
Relatively complete
Lacks eyes
Some earthworms with well developed septa,
Intergument has dispersed unicellular
can have sphincters
photoreceptors located in inner part of
Located around septal perforation
epidermis, dorsally at anterior end
Central flow of coelomic fluid from one
segment to another
Form three rings around each segment
Coelomic fluid
Numerous on the most anterior
Keeps integument moist
segments, especially in the
Deter predators
Connects coelomic compartment to the
Nutrition and Digestive system
Located mid dorsally in the Feed in dead organic matter
intersegmental burrows In Aelosoma
Provided with sphincter Collect detritus with its prostomium
Giant Australian worm In Chaetogaster
Eject fluid from their pores to a height Feed using sucking action of pharynx
of 10 cm Eat amoeba, ciliates, rotifer, and
Squirter worm trematode larvae
Eject fluid to a height of 30 cm
Didymogaster sylvaticus

Oligochate digestive tract

Straight and simple
Beneath prostomium Gas Exchange
Opens into small buccal cavity
Opens into a spacious Gas exchange is through diffusion of gases
pharynx through body wall
Mid dorsal pharyngeal bulb Mucous gland secretions and fluid through
Principal ingestive organ ceolomopores moisten the surface epidermis
In aquatic species, it is everted and and facilitate gas exhange
collects particles on its adhesive In Dero and Aulophorus
surface Have circle of fingerlike gills at
Pharynx posterior end of its body
Acts as pump In Branchiura
Pharyngeal glands produces salivary Has gill filaments dorsally and ventrally
secretion containing mucus and in posterior quarter of the body
enzymes Members of Tubificidae
Opens into narrow, tubular, esophagus Tolerates low oxygen or even complete
Esophagus may be modified to form lack of oxygen
gizzard or crop Tubifex tubifex
Gizzard It can die due to long exposure
Used for grinding food of ordinary oxygen tension
Lined with chitinous Excretion and Diapause
Very muscular Have metanephridial system
Crop Each segment has one pair of metaphridial
Occurs in lumbricid tubules per segment except at extreme
earthworm posterior ends
Storage chamber Segment following the nephrostome, the
Esophageal wall tubules is greatly coiled
Houses calciferous gland Holonephridia
Secrete calcium carbonate to Single typical pair of nephridia
esophageal wall in a form of Found in each segment
calcite crystals Enteronephridia
Calcite crystals are then Open into the various parts of the gut
transported into the gut and In terrestrial species, it appears to be
pass out as feces. It is not an adaptation for water retention
reabsorbed By first releasing the urine in
Eliminates CO2 via the gut and the digestive tract, much of the
excess calcium taken in with remaining water can be
food reabsorbed in the intestine en
Ciliated intestine route to anus
Anterior half of the intestine Worms with enteronephridia can
Principal site of enzyme tolerate drier soils and do not have to
secretion burrow so deeply during dry periods
Posterior half of the intestine Found in each segment
Absorptive Ammonia remains an important excretory
Intestinal epithelium product
Has cellulase (digest plant cell Earthworms also secrete urea. Its level of
wall) and chitinase (digest secretion depends on the condition of the worm
fungal cell wall) and the environmental situation
Absorbed food material are passed to Salt and water balance is as well regulated by
blood sinuses the nephridia
Typhlosole Urine is hyposmotic
Increase surface area of the Reabsorption of salt must take place as fluid
intestine passes through nephridial tubule
Projects internally from mid Few aquatic oligochaetes are capable of
dorsal wall encystment by secreting tough mucous
Chlorogogen cells covering that forms the cyst wall
Yellowish mesolecithal cells
Reproduction and Development
Hemal system
Clonal Reproduction
Similar to annelids in general Common in aeolosomatids, naidids,
Have integument capillaries and lumbriculids
Heart Other oligochaetaes reproduce
Supplement dorsal blood vessel asexually in the summer and sexually
In Lumbricus in the fall
Five pairs of heart surrounds the Clonal reproduction is always
esophagus transverse division (fission) of the
In Tubifex parent worm into two or more new
Has one pair of circumintestinal heart individual
In Lumbriculus
Reproduces by fragmentation In aquatic species, clitellum is
Fission precedes usually in the same region as
differentiation the female gonopes
In Nais and Aelosoma In lumbricids, gonopore in
Reproduce by paratomy located at the posterior of the
Differentiation precedes female gonopore
separation of individuals, Copulation
resulting in chains of Less continuous breeders in
individuals called zooids contrast to polychaetes
Sexual Reproduction During copulation, ventral
Reproductive system contact is established between
Hermaphroditic anterior ends of the two
Genital segments are found in oppositely facing worms
the anterior half of the worm Most oligochaetes except the
Female segment are always lumbricids, male gonopore
behind the male segment directly appose the seminal
Paired ovaries and testes receptacle of another worm
occur on the posterior face of Held in a position by a
a genital septum coat of mucus
Gametes are released from secreted by clitella
gonadsat an early stage of Genital chaetae hooks
development and enter them together
seminal vesicles (male) and Genital Chaetae
ovisacs (female) Specialized ventral
Gonoducts segmental chaetae
Sperm ducts (male) Situated along the
and oviducts (female) male gonopore region
In males, sperm ducts or seminal receptacle
usually fuse before In the lumbricids, male
opening to the outside gonopores do not appose the
via single male seminal receptacle instead the
gonopore sperm must swim externally
Prostate glands from the anterior male
Glandular tissues gonopore to the posterior
associated with male pores of the partners seminal
gonoducts receptacle
Absent from most In lumbricids copulation, the
lumbricid earthworms clitellum of one worm presses
Seminal Receptacle against the seminal receptacle
Sac for storing mucus secreted
partners sperm prior enveloped in a slimy tube-
to fertilization attachment by genital
Testis sac chaetae sperm are released
In Lumbricus together with the contraction of
Special ventral specialized muscles
compartment that created grooved in the body
encloses the testes, wallbetween male gonopore
sperm duct funnel, and clitellum- sperm moves
and the opening of the along the grooves clitellum-
seminal vesicle cross over to the other
Completely separate worm - enter seminal
from the remaining receptacle
portion of coelomic Cocoon
activity making the Secreted by the clitellum after
testes not visible in the copulation for the deposition of
usual dorsal dissection eggs
Aelosomatidae Mucus tube is secreted around
Lack distinct gonad the anterior segments
and have large number including the clitellum
of genital segments clitellum secretes chitin-like
Absent gonoduct material that forms the wall of
Sperm use nephridia cocoon deep glandular layer
to exit the body of clitellum secretes albumen
Clitellum into the space between the
Reproductive structure of wall of cocoon and clitellum
clitellates Albumen-filled cocoon slides
2 clitellar segments in aquatic forward as the worm moves
forms, 6-7 in Lumbricus, 60 in backwards
Glossoscolecidae As it passes the female
gonopore, eggs are
discharged in the cocoon
moves to the seminal
receptacles cross
fertilization cocoon slips
over the head of the worm
freed from the body mucous
tube disintegrates cocoon
constricts and seal themselves
Finished cocoon contains
zygote and nutritive albumen
In contrast to polychaetes,
hormones produced by the
brain appears to stimulate
Direct developers
Have yolky eggs
Terrestrial group have smaller
eggs and lesser yolk because
of the albumen which provides
the embryo nutrients
Larva is absent
Development into juvenile
stage occurs in the cocoon
Juvenile emerges from the
end of cocoon after 8 days or
several months of

Diversity of Oligochaeta
Less than 5 mm
Ventrally ciliated prostomium
Chaetae present in most segment
Segmental septa is absent
Sexual reproduction: rare; Clonal
reproduction: common
Few segments
Prostomium is not ciliated
Chaetae is absent
Segmental septa is present
Some have long prosboscis
Paratomy is common
Stylaria, Chaerogaster, Nais
Many segments ith four pairs of
Clonal reproduction by fragmentation
Lumbriculus variegatus

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