Treatment of Patients With Arthritis-Related Pain: Nicholas A. Deangelo, Do Vitaly Gordin, MD

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agents are preferred in this patient pop-

ulation.3 Opiate analgesics can be safely

used in treating patients with severe
arthritic pain resistant to nonopioid med-
In this article, we review treatment
Treatment of Patients
modalities for arthritic pain.
With Arthritis-Related Pain Arthritic pain can arise from inflam-
mation of one or more joints. The causes
Nicholas A. DeAngelo, DO of arthritis are listed in Figure 1. Arthritic
Vitaly Gordin, MD
pain occurs from afferent stimulation of
nociceptors within or around the joint.
Mechanical receptors are distributed in
the interstitial and perivascular tissue
located below the synovial membrane
within the joint capsule.4

Clinical Evaluation
Evaluation of arthritic pain includes a
Many causes of arthritic pain are encountered in clinical practice. Osteoarthritis comprehensive history, physical exami-
is the most common form of arthritis in the United States, afflicting tens of millions nation, laboratory testing, and diagnostic
of people. The authors review current literature on the treatment of patients with x-ray films. Patients have pain as the pre-
osteoarthritis. They discuss nonpharmacologic therapy such as physical therapy, dominant symptom for seeking medical
weight reduction, and osteopathic manipulative treatment. Pharmacologic attention.5 Patients can have pain at one
treatment of patients with osteoarthritis includes acetaminophen, nonsteroidal or multiple joints. It is a nociceptive pain
anti-inflammatory drugs, tramadol hydrochloride, and opiate analgesics in that is characterized by an intermittent
patients who failed all other treatment modalities. Patients who failed medical pain that is worse with mechanical move-
management should be referred for consideration for surgery. ment of the joint. The pain is usually
described as a dull ache or throbbing
pain associated with stiffness and
restricted ROM. Patients may express

P hysicians encounter many causes of

arthritic pain in clinical practice.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form
living (ADL). All treatment for arthritis
should begin with a comprehensive
evaluation of the patient that should
signs and symptoms of depression or
anxiety secondary to the chronic debili-
tating state of arthritis.
of arthritis in the United States, afflicting include pain assessment and evaluation Physical examination may reveal
tens of millions of people and predom- of function. Management of patients reproducible tenderness along the joint
inantly seen in the elderly.1 Although should start with nonpharmacologic line and surrounding tissues. Decreased
no cure exists for osteoarthritis, treat- modalities, followed by pharmacologic ROM can occur as the result of pain or
ment can decrease pain, improve range therapy. If these first two modalities are pathologic changes. Signs of inflamma-
of motion (ROM) in the affected joints, ineffective, the patient should be referred tion of the synovium, called synovitis,
and lead to increased activities of daily for a surgical evaluation. characterized by warmth, swelling, effu-
Adequate pain control is essential sions, and stress pain, may be present.
Dr DeAngelo is a pain management fellow and as it allows nonpharmacologic modalities Instability or deformity of the joint is a
Dr Gordin is director of the Pain Medicine Division, to be effective. The American Pain Society late sign that suggests anatomic and
Department of Anesthesiology, Milton S. Hershey
Medical Center, Hershey, Pa.
(APS) has recommended the use of acet- physiologic changes of the joint periar-
Dr DeAngelo has no conflicts of interests to dis- aminophen for mild to moderate arthritic ticular structures. A patient who has a
close. Dr Gordin is on the speakers bureau for pain.2 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory long-term history of arthritis may have
Pfizer Inc.
Correspondence to Vitaly Gordin, MD, Director
drugs (NSAIDs) are the preferred drugs additional muscle wasting and weak-
of the Pain Medicine Division, Milton S. Hershey for moderate to severe pain. Both the ness. Last, functional analysis should be
Medical Center, 500 Univesity Dr, Hershey, PA APS and American Geriatrics Society done by having the patient ambulate and
Panel on Persistent Pain in Older Per- imitate ADL.
sons,3 recommended caution when using Clinical examination documentation
This continuing medical education traditional NSAIDs in treating patients should include physical function, ROM
publication supported by an unrestricted who require long-term daily analgesic of the affected joint(s), gait assesment,
educational grant from Merck & Co therapy. The cyclooxygense-2 (COX-2) assistive devices needed (eg, cane,
selective (or nonacetylated salicylates) walker, or wheelchair), abilities to accom-

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plish ADL, and social and psychosocial
factors that have an impact on the
patients perception of pain. Checklist Checklist
Treatment Modalities  Osteoarthritis  Education
Nonpharmacologic Treatment  Rheumatoid arthritis  Occupational assessment
The goals of treatment are (1) control of  Ankylosing spondylitis aides
pain and (2) improvement of function  Reiters syndrome appliances
and quality of life with minimal toxic
 Psoriatic arthritis joint protection
effects from therapy.6 Modes of therapy
 Gout  Physical therapy
include nonpharmacologic, pharmaco-
 Pseudogout aquatherapy
logic, and surgical. The nonpharmaco-
 Infectious arthritis aerobic exercises
logic modes of therapy include patient
education, self-management programs,
Figure 1. Causes of arthritic pain. strengthening
weight loss, aerobic exercise programs,
physical therapy, occupational therapy, ultrasound stimulation
and the use of assistive devices for ADL transcutaneous electrical
nerve stimulation (TENS)
(Figure 2). It has been reported that indi- myofascial release can improve arthritic
 Weight loss
viduals who participate in self-manage- pain, promote healing, and increase
ment programs notice decrease in joint mobility. Although not many studies (increase up to 4 g/d)
pain and frequency of arthritis-related have beenn done using OMT alone,
 Nonsteroidal anti-
physician visits, increases in physical studies have been done that demonstrate inflammatory drugs
activity, and overall improvement in OMT combined with standard medical  Cyclooxygenase-2
quality of life.7 care was more efficacious than standard selective inhibitors
Patients with arthritic pain tend to be care alone in treating patients with (celecoxib and valdecoxib)
deconditioned; therefore, physicians chronic pain syndromes.10  Topical creams
should emphasize exercise through nonsteroidal
patient education and referral for phys- Pharmacologic Treatment anti-inflammatory cream
ical therapy. An exercise program under  Natural CompoundsGlucosamine capsaicin cream
the supervision of a physical therapist chondroitin is an amino sugar produced  Glucosamine chondroitin
combines warm-up using heat, ROM from shellfish. It is a key component of  Tramadol hydrochloride
exercises, followed by muscle-strength- cartilage. It works to stimulate the syn-  Opioid therapy
ening techniques. In addition, patients thesis of glycosaminoglycan, proteo-  Interarticular injections
also require aerobic conditioning. Swim- glycan, and hyaluronic acid.8 Although corticosteroids
ming is the best therapy for patients with the precise mechanism of action is hyaluronic acid replacement
arthritic pain. It has been reported that unknown, glucosamine has been shown  Radiofrequency neuroablation
8 weeks of simple aerobic training by clinical experience to help decrease for facet joint arthropathy only
increases physical ability and improves arthritic symptoms. Glucosamine short-  Surgical intervention
functional status.8 term clinical trials have demonstrated
The psychological rewards of exer- effective symptomatic relief in patients Figure 2. Modes of therapy for arthritis-
cise such as appearance and self-image with arthritic knee pain due to related pain.
are additionally beneficial as depression osteoarthritis.8
and mood alterations tend to develop in  Anti-inflammatory DrugsPrimary
patients with chronic pain. Similarly, pharmacologic management of arthritic life of warfarin sodium.12,13 It can cause
occupational therapists can assess pain includes the use of analgesics and hepatic toxicity and should be used cau-
patients and recommend proper assis- anti-inflammatory drugs. Acetamino- tiously in patients with known chronic
tive devices and use of splints to improve phen is a drug with purely analgesic alcohol abuse or liver disease.14-16
joint function.6 Studies using occupa- properties that allows patients to avoid For patients with severe pain,
tional therapy and NSAIDs improved NSAIDs, thereby resulting in fewer side NSAIDs are statistically superior to acet-
disability in 49% of treated patients.9 effects and potential cost savings. The aminophen.17 Risk factors with NSAIDs
Although no formal control studies of dose of acetaminophen can be up to are bleeding perforation, edema, hyper-
occupational therapeutic interventions 4000 mg/d, and acetaminophen should tension and/or congestive heart failure.
have been done, clinical practice has be combined with nonpharmacologic COX-2 specific inhibitors might offer a
demonstrated their effectiveness. therapeutic modalities.11 Although acet- lower instance of risk factors than non-
Osteopathic manipulative treatment aminophen is a safe analgesic, it can be specific NSAIDs.6 One recent exception
(OMT) consisting of thrust, muscle associated with clinically important is rofecoxib (Vioxx), which was recently
energy, counterstrain, articulation, and adverse events such as prolonging half- withdrawn from the market because of

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increased risk of cardiovascular compli- adjunctive therapy when patients pain that local anesthetics can be more effec-
cation. Overall caution still must be exer- may not be responsive to other pharma- tive than a placebo in treatment of
cised in patients with hypertension, con- cologic modes of therapy. They are rec- osteoarthritis.25
gestive heart failure, renal insufficiency, ommended for severe intractable chronic Patients with spondyloarthropathy
and gastric ulcer disease. The American pain to improve a patients quality of and associated arthritic pain may also
College of Gastroenterology (ACR) life.5 The American Pain Society and the benefit from corticosteroid injections into
endorsed the use of nonselective NSAIDs American Academy of Pain Medicine the facet joint in the spine. In addition,
with gastroprotective agents in patients have published joint guidelines on the patients who have obtained short-term
at high risk, as described in 1995 ACR use of more potent opioids in the man- relief with facet joint injections may have
recommendations as an alternative to agement of chronic nonmalignant pain.23 longer relief with radiofrequency neu-
the use of COX-2 specific inhibitors.18 Opiate analgesic therapy should include roablation of the medial nerves that
 Topical AnalgesicsTopical anal- a clear diagnosis, integrate interdisci- innervate the facet joint. This is a low-
gesics (eg, methylsalicylate or capsaicin plinary treatment modalities, and include risk procedure that can be offered to
cream) are adjunctive modes of therapy appropriate ongoing patient moni- patients with isolated and severe low
for patients who cannot take systemic toring.22 back pain due to facet joint arthritis.
anti-inflammatory therapy. Quantitative Because arthritic pain occurs pri- Hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluro-
systemic review of topically applied marily with mechanical movement, nate, hyaluronan) is a mucopolysaccha-
NSAIDs have shown these agents to be patients usually describe an intermittent ride that is found in synovial fluid of
effective in patients with osteoarthritis.19 pain associated with activity. Short-acting articular joints. It is a viscous compound
Capsaicin cream is available over the or immediate-release opiates are recom- that provides lubrication to the joint. As
counter in single-strength (0.025%) or mended for this type of pain. For those people age, the body produces less and
triple-strength (0.075%) ointment that patients who have pain at rest and are less hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid
can be applied to the symptomatic joint not opiate nave, opiate analgesics in con- replacement, referred to as viscosupple-
four times daily. trolled-release formulations may be rec- mentation, is done by injecting hyaluron-
Tramadol hydrochloride is a cen- ommended. Some continuous-release ic acid directly into the painful joint.
tral-acting oral analgesic that has a medications include morphine, oxy- Studies are inconclusive; however, some
unique dual mechanism of action. It is a codone, and transdermal fentanyl. In studies show viscosupplementation
very weak -agonist that also inhibits addition, methadone is an opiate that affording pain relief for up to 6 months.5
the reuptake of norepinephrine and sero- has a half-life of approximately 23 hours Patients with severe symptomatic
tonin. It has been approved for the use of and can provide a longer duration of arthritis and associated arthritic pain that
moderate to severe pain and can be used action similar to the controlled-release has failed to respond to medical therapy
as adjunctive therapy for arthritic pain. It medications. or minimally invasive therapy (or both)
has been shown that tramadol In treating patients with chronic and who have limitations in ADL may
hydrochloride can allow a significant nonmalignant arthritic pain with opiate require referral to an orthopedic surgeon
reduction in the dose of NSAID without analgesics, physicians should do an eval- for evaluation for joint replacement. Sur-
compromising relief of pain.20 In patients uation of patients, provide a written treat- gical treatment modalities may include
who are unable to tolerate NSAIDs, tra- ment plan stating the objectives and arthroscopic debridement, osteotomies,
madol has been found to be comparable goals, obtain informed consent and and total joint arthroplasties.
to the analgesic effects of ibuprofen in agreement for treatment including mon-
patients with arthritis. 21 The most itoring of urine and serum medication Comment
common side effects are dizziness, levels, periodic review, additional con- Arthritic pain is one of the most ubiqui-
nausea, constipation, and somnolence.22 sultations if needed, and accurate and tous complaints for which patients are
Tramadol is given in 50-mg doses every complete medical records. The Federa- seen in their physicians offices. Treat-
4 to 6 hours and should be titrated slowly tion of State Medical Boards of the United ment modalities should be tailored to an
to reduce side effects. The total daily dose States (Web site: has spe- individual patients needs. Patient edu-
should not exceed 400 mg. cific guidelines for the use of controlled cation, exercise, weight reduction,
Tramadol should be used with cau- substances for the treatment of pain. NSAIDs, systemic analgesics, and top-
tion in patients taking serotonin selec- ical analgesic agents have all been found
tive reuptake inhibitors because it may Procedures and Surgical Treatment to be beneficial,26
lead to an increase in serotonin and Intra-articular steroid injections can pro- Patients benefit from a multidisci-
increase the risk of seizures or serotonin vide relief lasting for months. However, plinary approach that includes educa-
syndrome. Tramadol is not a controlled Neustadt24 states that corticosteroids may tion and physical therapy. The goals of
substance; however, it can be addictive in actually increase the progression of the treatment of patients with arthritis
patients with addictive tendencies. osteoarthritis. Local anesthetics are used include pain control and improvement of
 Opiate AnalgesicsOpiate analgesics in conjunction with corticosteroids to function while minimizing the side
cannot replace anti-inflammatory offer immediate relief and improve accu- effects of pharmacologic therapy.
therapy. They should be used as an racy of diagnosis. It has also been noted

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