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End of the Old Regime The King Concedes

In the meantime, Louis XVI remained at

The National Assembly affirmed the Versailles. Used to the absolutist system,
rights of man and set up a limited monarchy in the he stubbornly refused to accept the
Constitution of 1791. National Assemblys decrees. On October
HISTORY & YOU How did George III react to the 5, however, thousands of Parisian
Declaration of Independence? Read how Louis XVI womendescribed by an eyewitness as
reacted to the events of 1789. detachments of women coming up from
every direction, armed with broomsticks,
The National Assembly reacted to news lances, pitchforks, swords, pistols and
of peasant rebellions and rumors of a possi- musketsmarched to Versailles. Some
ble foreign invasion. On August 4, 1789, the of the women then met with the king.
National Assembly decided to abolish all They told him that their children were
legal privileges of the nobles and clergy. starving because there was no bread.
These women forced Louis to accept the
new decrees.
Declaration of the Rights of Man Now the crowd insisted that the king
On August 26, the National Assembly and his family come to Paris to show sup-
adopted the Declaration of the Rights of port for the National Assembly. If the king
Man and the Citizen. Inspired by the Eng- was not under their close watch, they
lish Bill of Rights of 1689 and by the Amer- feared he would rouse the kings and
ican Declaration of Independence and princes from other countries to oppose
Constitution, this charter of basic liberties reform.
began with the natural and imprescripti- On October 6, the king and his family
ble rights of man to liberty, property, returned to Paris. As a goodwill gesture,
security, and resistance to oppression. they brought wagonloads of flour from the
Reflecting Enlightenment thought, the palace storehouse. They were escorted by
declaration proclaimed that all men were women who chanted: We are bringing
free and equal before the law, that appoint- back the baker, the bakers wife, and
ment to public office should be based on the bakers boy. The king, the queen,
talent, and that no group should be exempt and their son were now virtual prisoners
from taxation. Freedom of speech and of in Paris.
the press were affirmed.
The declaration raised an important issue.
Should equal rights include women? Many
Church Reforms
deputies agreed, provided that, as one man Under the old regime, the Catholic
said, women do not hope to exercise politi- Church had been an important pillar of the
cal rights and functions. One writer, social and political system. The revolution-
Olympe de Gouges, refused to accept this aries felt they had to reform it too. The new
exclusion of women. Echoing the words of revolutionary government had another
the official declaration, she wrote: serious motivation, however: the need for
money. By seizing and selling off Church
lands, the National Assembly was able to
increase the states revenues.
Believing that ignorance, omission, or scorn See page R43
Finally, the Church was formally brought
for the rights of woman are the only causes of to read excerpts from
under the control of the state. A law was Olympe de Gougess
public misfortunes and of the corruption of passed called the Civil Constitution of the Declaration of the
governments, the women have resolved to set Clergy. It said that bishops and priests Rights of Woman and
forth in a solemn declaration the natural, the Female Citizen in
were to be elected by the people, not
inalienable, and sacred rights of woman in order the Primary Source
appointed by the pope and the Church
that this declaration, constantly exposed before and Literature
all the members of the society, will ceaselessly hierarchy. The state would also pay the Library.
remind them of their rights and duties. salaries of the bishops and priests. Because
from Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of these changes, many Catholics became
the Female Citizen, Olympe de Gouges, 1791 enemies of the revolution.

CHAPTER 18 The French Revolution and Napoleon 581

New Constitution and government did not have universal sup-
port. Political radicals and economically
New Fears disadvantaged people wanted more
The new Constitution of 1791 set up a reform. The king detested the new govern-
limited monarchy. There was still a king, ments regulation of the Church and his
but a Legislative Assembly would make loss of absolute power. While Louis resisted
the laws. The new body was designed to the new constitution, family members and
be conservative. First, only the so-called advisers urged him to take more action.
active citizensmen over 25 who paid a In June 1791, the royal family attempted
certain amount of taxescould vote. All to flee France in disguise. They almost suc-
others were considered passive citizens ceeded in reaching allies in the east, but
with equal rights but no vote. Second, the they were recognized and were captured
method of choosing its 745 deputies meant at Varennes and brought back to Paris. In
that only relatively wealthy people would this unsettled situation, the new Legisla-
serve. Not only the clergy, but also govern- tive Assembly met for the first time in
ment officials and judges, would be elected. October 1791 and amended the constitu-
Local governments were put in charge of tion to allow for trying the king if he turned
taxation. The influence of the new govern- against the nation. Although Louis XVI
ment began to spread throughout France. publicly swore to uphold the new consti-
By 1791, the ancien rgime, or old tution, the constitutional monarchy seemed
order, had been destroyed, but the new already doomed.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was an important

spokesman for the civil rights movement in the United Dr. King delivered his famous
States in the 1960s. The purpose of the civil rights I Have A Dream speech at the
movement was to gain equal rights for African Lincoln Memorial in Washington,
Americans. These were the same rights that the French D.C., in 1963 during the march
Third Estate had fought for nearly 200 years earlier.
for jobs and freedom.
However, Dr. King advocated nonviolent protest to
accomplish these goals.
All men are created equal
All men have basic rights to
liberty, property, and life


1. Comparing and Contrasting What are
some similarities and differences between
the American civil rights movement and the
French Revolution?
2. Making Inferences Why could a nonviolent
approach to change succeed in the United
States in the 1960s, but not in France in the
late 1700s?

Bob Adelman/Magnum Photos

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