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Sub Editing &

Page Designing

Saira Ayub Randhawa

Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

Newspaper Sections or Contemporary newspaper

A newspaper includes the following sections
1. News room 6. Reporting
2. Editorial 7. Magazine section
3. Photo graphic section 8. Film making section
4. Management section 9. Printing section
5. Circulation section 10. IT and communication unit
News room
News room is the most important section in all sections, where the news is processed.

Components of news room

1. Editor
Who make all decision about what stories to cover, also known as head of news room
2. Section editor
Usually manage the Review of submissions and the editing of those that are accepted.
3. Shift in charge
Supervise the work of the team of subeditors
4. Page editor
The Page Editor is a powerful text editor and page manager.
5. Sub editor
He receives a large number of news from news agencies and check the written text
6. Proof reading desk
After computer composing, check the error and correct them.
7. Photography
Photo Editor is online designer and editing tool catering to all your photographic and
image creation needs.

A Subeditor receives a large number of news from news agencies and check the
written text of newspapers, magazines or websites before it is published. They are responsible
for ensuring the correct grammar, spelling, house style and tone of the published work.

Qualities of Subeditor
1. He should have sense of judgement.
2. A subeditor should be able to work fast.
3. Well informed and understanding level.
4. He must be hard worker.
5. He should have law and ethics
6. Strong command over language
7. Sub editor must be well educated and good sense of humour.
8. He should be able to judge the shape of news
9. He must be brave enough to write the truth

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

10. He must have broaden knowledge

11. He should have sense of cooperation
12. He must have questioning attitude
13. Understanding of peoples sentiment
14. Willing to work at unearthly hours
15. He must have good news sense.

Duties of Subeditor
1. Collection of facts and figure
2. Editing copy to remove spelling mistakes and grammatical errors
3. The main duty of a sub-editor is selection of news because a large number of news
is received in the office of a newspaper from different sources, i.e. reporters, news
agencies, hand out, press releases, etc. Therefore, the sub-editor who is in charge
of the desk, has to be selective about the news stones to be published
4. A sub-editor is also required to improve the copy. He removes the irrelevant
details and trims down sentences to a reasonable length.
5. Use short and suitable words and Verifying facts, dates, statistics and reference.
6. The sub-editor rearrange the report in order to give a catching intro to news story.
7. He summarizes the story in such a way that its main points is not dropped.
8. Making a suitable and concise headline of a news story according to its
importance is the basic function of a sub-editor.
9. Laying out pages and playing a part in page design
10. Cropping photos and deciding the best effect and writing picture captions.

(The most important display element)

The title or a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.

Qualities or Characteristics of Headline

There are following qualities for writing a good headline of newspaper:
1. Eye catching: good headline is that it takes peoples attention immediately.
2. Believable: Remember that your news report is going to be read by hundreds of
people. Dont get so wrapped up in trying to make things eye popping that you are
3. Easy to read: Stay away from strange fonts, and the like. Anything that makes your
headline more difficult to read will cause people to skip over it.
4. Active voice: If you use verbs in your title, keep them active.
5. Brief: Please remember that todays reader is in a hurry. Long titles make people
bore. Make your headline short but sweet.
6. Accurate: Give your readers a good idea of what theyll be reading. You must get all
your facts right.

Saira Ayub Randhawa

Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

7. 5Ws &1H: A powerful technique which is use for determines the root cause of the
problem. A good headline must cover 5Ws and 1H.

Principles or Rules of Headline

Here are four rules of headline. Theyre taught as the four us of headline writing.
1. Your headline should be unique.
2. Your headline should be ultra-specific.
3. Your headline should convey a sense of urgency.
4. Your headline should be useful.

Unique means being the only one of its kind. In other words, your headline has to be different
from others.

It should provide enough information. Headlines should be specific enough to get the
attention of the readers.

It should include something that forces readers to continue reading so they dont miss out.

Useful can mean several things; practical, helpful, valuable, informative, beneficial and so
Other rules or principles in writing headlines

1. Write nothing in the headline that is not in the story.

2. Avoid repeating key words
3. Dont use names of persons unless well
4. Be specific, avoid generalities
5. Dont editorialize
6. Dont use labels
7. Avoid using a negative verb
8. Use short familiar words
9. Use forceful dynamic words
10. Dont begin a headline with a verb

Importance of Headline
1. To grab the readers attention.
2. To pre-screen or select your readers.
3. Generate article topics and develop article outlines.
4. Deliver a complete message.

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

5. They summarize the story contents.

6. To give the gist of the news.
7. Draw a reader into the story.

Types of Headline

Label Headline
Label headlines are used for reports where the headline writer is constrained for space
like front page brief. These headlines are used with a hard news story. These headline are also
found in advertisement supplements published to promote commercial activities.

Additional Headline
Additional headline is written separately or in BOLD words, it is a good point of an
interview mentioned as bold statement with an interview.

Side line Headline

A short headline with the main headline. It is a headline form that runs alongside a
story. It is normally three or four lines. Insert your headline BOLD

Reverse headline
Insert your headline
Process of printing light coloured or white text on a dark or black background, used
for producing a visual impact. A reverse headline can provide an inviting, eye-catching point
of entry, signalling the viewer to look here before moving on to the other elements.
Prominent Headline: A headline which is contained Bold a few words within a headline.
Bold words are called prominent headline.

Underline Headline
This headline is considered as a style of headline. It is a headline which is underlined.
For example, Sometime underlined someones quotation.

Hanging Headline
Headline style in which the top line is set flush left and subsequent lines are indented
from the left. Hanging headline has at least three lines, second and third line indented.

Example: Teachers Need

Bigger Increase
In Wage Package
Frame Headline
Headline style in which the headline written within a frame. Insert Your headline here

Inverted/Reverse triangle headline

The "inverted" or upside-down "pyramid" is writing style. The first line fills in the
entire column, then uses less space as it gets to the bottom.

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

Quotation Headline
Quotation headlines are the exact words of someone else woven into your writing. It
may be; Individual or collective Quotations
Individual: Insert here quotation Imran Khan said
Collective Quotation: Insert here quotation PPT
Novelty Headline
These headlines are the quality of being new or unusual or
unfamiliar thing/experience.

E.g. Jisay Allah Rakhay usay kon Chakhay

Catching Heading
Headline style in which dispute at one side and news on next.

For example: Kashmir Another Attack

Banner Headline
A large newspaper headline, which covers the whole 8 columns of newspaper and
mostly placed on top of the front page of the newspaper.

For example, any severe incident e.g. APS Attack NEWS

Qualities of Good Introduction of News Story

A good intro usually creates a mood for the reader to continue reading a feature article and
therefore you should choose an appropriate intro to start your feature article.

1. It commonly include one or two paragraph.

2. It includes only those 5ws and 1H that are important.
3. It starts with main point and with features of story.
4. It quickly summarize the most important facts of the story in the first few words.
5. It starts with the subject of a verb and specific interesting touching words.
6. Dont start introduction with abbreviation. Figures, facts or numbers.
7. It also mention the source of news when required.
8. It identified the person which mentioned in the story and written lightly.
9. Sometime it has news facts such as when, where and why.
10. Be careful while using the adjective.
11. Dont put the comparative analysis of the things
12. Answer the questions not raise the question.
13. Tell the introduction not hide the info.
14. Every term and abbreviations must be explained
15. Clarify the cladder and confusion

1. Dont just read the text, listen to the voice in your head.
2. Dont change the sentence structure

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

3. Be faithful and use clear sentences.

4. Dont be an editor
5. Dont interpret. Maintain all ambiguities and uncertainties.
6. Translate properly name of countries
7. Clarify the terminologies
8. Translate in simple and short sentence
9. Check, double check, then check againplace names, proper names, strange words or
idioms, and clearly anything that seems unclear.
10. Check Dictionaries, Wikipedia and Google.

Rewriting and restricting of news story

One of the news writers duties is rewriting. Following are some principles for rewriting or
restructuring news story.

1. Read the article

The first thing to do when you are to rewrite essay is to fully read the material. This
will give you the idea of the author
2. Know your audience
This will help you on how you will reword your sentences that will make it more
interesting to your reader.
3. Reshaping of something
Write to express the story not to impress
4. Hard news vs soft news
You must be know about hard and soft news
5. Simplicity
There should be very simple wording in news writing
6. Answer
A news story should answer the all 5Ws and 1H
7. Proofread
Check for misspelled words, or wrong use of grammar and punctuation.
8. Essential background
Must put the background information of news story
9. Combine
To have a completely unique text, you can combine your work.
10. Sequence
Must follow the inverted pyramid style for rewriting the news story
11. Detail
All the elements related to news story should be complete.
12. Objectivity
Objectivity can refer to fairness and factuality.
13. Narration
Writing style or expression of writer must be descriptive.
14. Introduction

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

Finding the best introduction of the story is much important.

15. Use strong subtitle
Change or reword the articles subtitle. To do this, make sure you have a strong
News: News is the unusual picture of life. According to Lord North: When a dog bites a
man that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is news.

Element of News
1. Timeliness/Freshness: Time factor is important, nobody likes to read an outdated story.
2. Proximity or Nearness: News greatly depends on place of its origin. E.g. an earthquake
in China will be less important in our newspapers than an earthquake in Pakistan.
3. Prominence: Bigger personality involved in the event, the greater its news value.
4. Magnitude: The event relating to greater loss of life, damage or natural disaster.
5. Conflict: Everybody takes interest in conflict among people, nations and groups.
6. Oddity/Unusualness: The more the event is unusual the greater its value.
7. Consequence: The news story that about budget, rise in petrol price, electricity rate etc.
8. Human interest: Human interest events greater its news value.
9. Drama: Dramatic news are more attractive
10. Suspense: Reader interest stories deal with continuing suspense.

Values of News
1. Useful 5. Relevance 9. Impact
2. Conflict 6. Prominence 10. Currency
3. Novelty 7. Secrecy
4. Interest 8. Proximity

Parts of a NEWSPAPER
1. Editorial
Article that expresses the stand/opinion of the editors and publishers on a current
issue. Though you are entitled to your own opinion, you can affirm your opinion by
reading editorial on a current issue
Account of events that have recently happened
Type of news story that develops the writing from the angle of human interest
Express the columnists views or stand on any issue of the day
Reports on the status of different businesses and industries

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Gives us news on the result of national and international games and their advance
reports on schedules.
Publishes readers opinions, reactions, comments, and the like.

Newspaper Layout and Parts

A newspaper is a publication that is issued daily or weekly and includes local and
international news stories, advertisements, announcements, opinions, cartoons, sports
news and television listings. The front page has the most important stories of the day.

I. Broadsheet
Is used both to refer to a generic paper size, and to specific types of publications
which have historically been produced on broadsheets. The classic example of a
broadsheet is a wide-circulation newspaper, with the broadsheet size being preferred
by many newspaper publishers. As a general rule, the sheets are vertically long and
short horizontally, with a length of at least 22 inches(56 centimeters) and a width
which can vary. In a full broadsheet, a sheet of paper is printed and folded to create
four pages, a front and back and two inner pages.

Dimensions: 750 x 600 mm (29.5" x 23.5")

A tabloid is both a paper size and a term for the style of the newspapers that tend to
use that format. Tabloid is the smaller of the two standard newspaper sizes; the larger
newspapers are called broadsheets. The name seems to derive from a pharmaceutical
trademark meaning compressed tablet, and has been applied to other small things.

Dimensions: 430 x 280 mm (16.9" x 11.0")

Newspaper pages are laid out on a grid which consists of a margin on 4 sides, a
number of vertical columns, and space in between columns. Newspapers grids are
based on a different number of columns, depending on paper size and design

Byline: tells who wrote the story; may include the writers title.

Classified ad: an ad that appears in the classified or want ad section of the


Column: a vertical division of the layout that helps give structure to the pages.
Newspaper stories and images are measured in column inches: the number of columns
wide by the number of inches long.

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

Cutline/caption: explains what is happening in a photograph or illustration. The use

of cut dates back to a time when images in the newspaper were printed from carved
wood and etched metal. A cutline or caption sometimes may include a photo credit,
the name of the person who took the picture.

Layout & Makeup

"Newspaper makeup" is defined as the design of a newspaper page or the manner in
which pictures, headlines and news stories are arranged on a page

The make-up or the window dressing of a page.

Consists of




Includes the selection of font styles, sizes and colors.

A newspaper should be carefully and properly laid out

1. To give prominence to the news in proportion to is importance.

2. To make the different contents easy to find and to read.

3. To give the pages an attractive appearance.

4. To give the paper a personality of its own.

An effective makeup may be planned using two procedures:

1. Page makeup is a matter of personal taste. There are no absolute criteria for laying out
the page or pages of a newspaper or a magazine; therefore, the layout artist may
experiment freely on page makeup until he gets the pattern that is acceptable to him.
2. There are many forms of front page makeup, its good to know them, but this does not
mean that the staff cant devise its own.

Types of Front Page Makeup

(By Way of Headline and Text Arrangement)
1. Perfect Balance Makeup (Balance or Symmetrical

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-A large headline placed, for example in the right-hand column front page, is balanced
with a corresponding large one in the first and second column.
-Other headlines are similarly arranged. A one-column cut at the top of the column
2. Brace or Focus Makeup

-Headlines are diagonally arranged from the upper left

to the lower right hand corner or vice-versa just like a brace
supporting a house.
-balance is obtained by various devices such as two-
column heads, boxes, and cuts which are used to offset the
weight concentrated in the upper right or upper left hand
This kind of makeup is desirable to use when one story
is more important than any other because the readers attention
is directed to the upper right-hand corner or occasionally to the
upper left.
3. Broken Column Makeup
-the page is broken into several units to give space to
many stories.
-symmetry is obtained be carefully arranging the
contents so as not to cancel each other by their nearness. Large
heads and cuts are placed where they give the page a pleasing
This kind of makeup is developed primarily to be able to
print as many short news stories on Page 1 as possible.
4. Occult Makeup
-type groups are arranged at varying distances from the center
like two boys on a see-saw.
-it is sometimes called occult or hidden balance because the
type group with its headline may be balanced with a picture, an
illustration or a bow, instead of another type group.
No attempt is made to achieve perfect balance. This is one of the most
popular kinds of front page makeup since it permits great variety fro, issue to issue.
5. Streamline Makeup
-the format is similar to that of the contrast and balance makeup.
However, the nameplate is usually floated, headlines are flushed up in
cap and lower-case (clc) type, and large body types are often used.

Saira Ayub Randhawa

Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

-instead of boxing stories in full, three quarter boxes are restored to.
Often, bullets, asterisks, or jim dashes are employed to introduce lead stories. This kind of
makeup is more commonly used by high school papers than by the national dailies.
6. Circus Makeup
- it is broken-column carried to the extreme. The page is broken up
with no attempt at regularity, symmetry, or order.
-Many headlines of all size; boxes and cuts are scattered all over
the page, each clamoring for attention, and screaming as barkers
carnival circus do. There is no focus of interest.

Makeup By Way of Text and Photo Combination

1. The X Format

2. The Curve Format

3. The L format

4. The J Format

5. The Umbrella Format

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

The staff is composed of what we call in newspaper parlance as deskmen.

-they are the makeup maen and layout men.
-they decide on the general appearance of the newspaper.
Dummy sheet

-a piece of paper which has measurement in length and in depth and will determine more or
less the pages. The main consideration in preparing the page is that it should be as attractive
as possible.

Types of Layouting
1. Quadrant Makeup

- divides the page into four parts. Each quarter has its own eye-spotting story.
2. Horizontal Makeup

-the appearance of the page is horizontal rectangles. The effect on the eyes is made by using
multi-column heads; the eyesight travels horizontally.
3. Circus Makeup
- which is really like a circus. All harmony is thrown to the winds. No symmetry, and there
are sensational pictures or boxed human interest stories.
4. Brace Makeup
The brace is characterized by angular shelf-like arrangement of content. The deskman
usually projects the effect by making a four-column head, that is what you call a red-out or a
drop-head of, two columns or three-columns.

Make up of Inside Pages

1. For News Pages-

Inside news pages should be laid as facing page units rather than as single pages.
The principles of contrast and balance used for front page makeup should also be applied in
planning the makeup of facing pages.
2. For Editorial Pages

These pages should have a distinctive, dignified, and formal appearance. The masthead or
editorial box which should be relatively small, may be anchored in any corner as done in
streamlined newspapers.
3. For Feature and Literary Pages
These pages must have a literary and feminine appearance. The columns are often wider.
Roman and italics types are used for text.

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

4. For Sports Page

These pages have a bolder but more lively appearances than other pages. Their makeup
should suggest their content, action, speed, and color. Large bold heads, even streamers are

Principles/ factors to Follow to Achieve Effective Makeup

1. Unity

The content of every page and of every double page spread should blend into a harmonious
unit. No one part of the page should overshadow another.
2. Balance
Balance should be whether it be perfect or occult. This can be done by having like or unlike
units balance each other. A cut may be balance with another cut, or with a group of headlines,
or with a boxed story. A two-column head may balance a box and a single column head.
3. Emphasis
In order to achieve emphasis, news should be displayed according to importance. The news
value of every story must be determined as to what page it should find print, its position on
the page, and the style and size of its headline.
4. Movement
There is no movement in perfect balance. With occult balance, the eye is directed from one
part of the page to anotherfrom the most important to the least important.
5. Proportion
The picture must sized properly to keep up with other shapes on the page, Square cuts are
undesirable. The length of the stories should be considered. A long story may ruin the
proportion of the page.
6. Contrast
Each story and cut should have an individuality of its own. This can be achieved if units
blends together as one. Every head and cut on a page should contrast with adjoining
materials. Contrasting adjacent headlines will help emphasize between heads are sometimes
good makeup devices.

Dos & Donts in Page Makeup

1. Avoid tombstoning -placing two or more headlines on approximately the same level
in adjacent columns especially if they are of the same point and types.

2. Avoid bad breaks -breaking stories to the top of the columns. The top of every
column should have a headline or cut.

3. Avoid separating related stories and pictures.

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

4. Avoid gray area. Breaking these up with the use of subheads; indented boldfaace
paragraphs; and use of short articles with short headlines.

5. Keep long columns of 6 points types and tabular material to a minimum especially on
the front page.

6. 6. Avoid using a banner headline unless the story deserves it. Screaming headlines
should not also be used. A screaming headline is one that is too big for a short or
unimportant story.

7. Dont make the page top-heavy, i.e., making the top half of the page heavy with cuts
and big headlines. A spread head beneath the fold will help prevent this.

8. Avoid many headlines of the same size on a page.

9. Avoid placing small heads on rather long stories.

10. The average number of stories on page 1 of a tabloid is from seven to nine stories.


Old method of layouting Boxes for pictures/graphics

Cut, paste, and fit method Lines for headlines
Uses layouting paper Arrows for texts/articles
More papers are consumed

Softwares and programs are readily available for desktop publishing (microsoft tm
Publisher, adobetm indesign, Corel Draw)
Not much laborious for all you need is a computer unit, a program and a creative
designing skill
Putting up a campus paper becomes easier and more convenient
Disadvantage: limited size of the computer screen. A dummy is still prepared.

The death of the newspapers & the future of the newspapers

Through our digital devices, we are always connected and always on. With greater access to
information on the go, digital media is slowly killing the printed word.
Newspaper apps for the ipad are currently much cheaper than print subscription.

News on the Internet can be updated round the clock so that readers can have the
most up-to-date news any time of the day or night.
The type of news and the way it is presented can be customized to the needs and
preference of individual readers.

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Sub Editing & Page Designing Saira Ayub Randhawa

Reader can be alerted through e-mail, cell phones or other devices about
availability of any new news of their interest.
Reader can conveniently refer to additional information related to a news item
using suitable links to other pages on the same site and to other sites.
Readers can easily forward interesting news items to others
The news can be presented in a rich formats, which in addition to multi-colour
printing, can have videos.
Once a news item is put on the Internet, it becomes instantly available for use
round the globe without additional variable costs.
News provider can get detailed data on popularity of news items. This information
can help in better choice of information put on the site.
The lead time required between occurrence of an event and news making on
it available on the Internet has reduced considerably. Some items of news like
stock market prices are now available almost in real-time.
However, there are other areas where newspapers score over the Internet-news.


1. Avatar A graphic representation of a video game player or real person in a virtual

2. Copyright The laws that require compensation for the use of property and
information owned by artists, writers and media producers.

3. Feature article - the main article on the front page of a newspaper, or the cover story
in a magazine
4. Human interest story - a story that focuses on the human side of news and often
appeals to the readers emotion
5. Inverted pyramid - the structure of a news story which places the important facts at
the beginning and less important facts and details at the end, enabling the editor to cut
bottom portion of the story if space is required
6. Investigative journalism - a story that requires a great amount of research and hard
work to come up with facts that might be hidden, buried, or obscured by people who
have a vested interest in keeping those facts from being published
7. Jargon - any overly obscure, technical, or bureaucratic words that would not be used
in everyday language

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8. Journalese a type of jargon used by newspaper writers language used by journalists

that would never be used in everyday speech
9. Jump line - line of type at the bottom of a column which directs the reader to
somewhere else in the paper where the story is completed, allowing more space for
stories to begin on the front page
10. Media relations a function of public relations that involves dealing with the
communications media in seeking publicity for, or responding to media interest in, an
11. Morgue newsroom library
12. News angle the aspect, twist, or detail of a feature story that pegs it to a news event
or gives it news value for the reader
13. News speak language that distorts, confuses, or hides reality
14. Paraphrase an indirect quote or summary of the words the news maker said
15. Plagiarism using the work of another person (both written words and intellectual
property) and calling that work your own
16. Public affairs various activities and communications that organizations undertake to
monitor, evaluate, influence, and adjust to the attitudes, opinions, and behaviours of
groups or individuals who constitute their publics

17. Genre Specific kinds of media content, e.g., drama, entertainment, information,
news, advertising, etc. Each category is defined with traditional conventions, but
categories may overlap as in "docu-drama" or "info-tainment."

18. Media Literacy The ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication
in a variety of media forms (television, print, radio, computers, etc.).

19. Media Targets Audiences are media targets. Audiences are targeted, sold and
delivered to advertisers by media agencies. Groups are targeted on the basis of
demographics, media-use patterns, ZIP codes, and polling by those who wish to sell
or persuade.

20. Personal Broadcasting The act of individuals producing and designing content and
making it available to others via digital media. Examples can include blogs and video
clips available on YouTube.

21. Podcasting A method for delivering audio or video files to users who subscribe to

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22. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) A web feed that delivers frequently updated
content to users who have subscribed to it, for example, headlines from a website that
specializes in news content.

23. Social Networking Site A website where users can create profiles, post information
about themselves and exchange messages with other users. was the
first, but many others, such as MySpace and Facebook, have emerged on the Web.

24. Short Message Service (SMS) A form of electronic communication sent to or from
a mobile phone. The number of characters typically allowed is limited.

25. Twitter A social networking and microblogging service that allows users to send
and read other user messages called "tweets," which are capped at 140 characters

26. Tabloid - technically, a publication half the size of a standard newspaper page; but
commonly, any newspaper that is splashy and heavily illustrated

27. User Generated Content (UGC) Online content, including text, graphics, video
and audio, found on websites and blogs that individual users create rather than
traditional producers, such as commercial broadcasters and production companies.

28. Viral Marketing A form of advertising that propagates itself. Examples include
websites and email messages that encourage users to "tell-a-friend."

29. VLOG/VBLOG A web log, or blog, that uses video to present information.

30. Visual Literacy The ability to look at visual information with perception. A
visually literate person understands how visual elements contribute to the meaning of
the whole.

Saira Ayub Randhawa

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