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Samy Mohamed English language Grade 3

Answer the following questions:

1. Who came to help Pinocchio?
A kind lady came to help him. She took him to her home.
2. What happened when Pinocchio lied to the Kind Friend?
His nose grew longer.
3. What happened when Pinocchio showed the Kind Friend his coin?
His nose was alright again.
4. What did the Kind Friend want Pinocchio to do?
To be good and go and find his father.
5. Why did Pinocchio show the Fox brothers his coin?
Because he didn't want to lie any more.
6. What did the Fox brothers want Pinocchio to do?
They wanted him to plant the coin.
7. Why did Pinocchio fetch some water?
To water the coin.
8. Why was the hole empty?
Because the Fox brothers took the money.
9. Where did Pinocchio go in the middle of the night?
He looked for the Kind Friend to speak to her.
10.Did Pinocchio find the Kind Friend's cottage?
No, he didn't. He found a big stone.
11.Why did Pinocchio start to cry?
He thought the Kind Friend was dead.
12.Where was Pinocchio's father?
In a little boat in the sea.
13.How did Pinocchio go to his father?
He got on the bird's back.
14.Who took Pinocchio's money?
The Fox brothers.
15.What did Pinocchio find instead of the Kind Friend's cottage?
He found a big stone.
16.What suddenly appeared in the sky?
A large white bird appeared.
17.Was Pinocchio's money under the tree? Where was it?
No, it wasn't. it was in his hand.

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Mr. Samy Mohamed English language Grade 3

Complete the following sentences:

18.A kind lady came to take Pinocchio to her (home)
19.A helped Pinocchio and took him to her home. (kind lady)
20.The robbers tried to steal Pinocchio's money but a (kind lady)
helped him.
21.When Pinocchio lied to the Kind Friend, his nose (grew longer)
22. The kind lady said to Pinocchio, " Stop telling. " (lies)
23.Pinocchio showed the lady the coin and his nose was (alright)
24.Pinocchio told lots of lies and his nose was as long as (the bed)
25.The Kind Friend told Pinocchio to be good and go and find (father)
26.Pinocchio hurried back to town and met (the Fox brothers)
27.The Fox brothers told Pinocchio to the coin. (plant)
28.The field wasn't magic, it was (ordinary)
29.Pinocchio looked in the hole but it was (empty)
30.The cricket said, " Pinocchio! they took your. " (money)
(the Kind Friend)
31.Pinocchio ran up the road to find
(a big stone)
32.Pinocchio didn't find the cottage, but he found
33.Pinocchio thought the Kind Lady was
(his father)
34.The large white bird took Pinocchio toin the sea.
(little boat)
35.Gepetto was in a in the sea.
36.Pinocchio wanted to find the kind lady to to her.
37.Pinocchio didn't find the kind lady's
(the sea)
38.The white bird took Pinocchio to .
39.Tommy fox told Pinocchio to dig a
40.Pinocchio went to fetch some water and the fox brothers stole
(his coin)

Answer the following questions:

41.Where did Pinocchio find Gepetto?
in a little boat.
42.Why did Pinocchio jump into the sea?
To save his father.
43.What happened when Pinocchio jumped into the sea?
He couldn't find his father.
44.Where did the sea carry Pinocchio to?
To an island.
45.What did Pinocchio see on the island?
He saw people working.

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Mr. Samy Mohamed English language Grade 3

46.How was Pinocchio when he arrived on the island?

He was tired, lonely and hungry.
47.Why didn't the men give him bread?
He had to work for his food.
48.Why did Pinocchio carry the bucket?
T To help an old woman.
49.Who did Pinocchio meet again on the island?
The Kind Friend.
50.What did the old woman do for Pinocchio?
She cooked something nice.
51.Why was the kind friend different?
she was older.
52.Why did Pinocchio go to school?
He wanted to be a real boy.
53.What did Pinocchio do at school?
He worked hard.
54.What did the school bullies call Pinocchio?
the Wooden Head.
55.Who was Pinocchio's friend at school?

Complete the following sentences:

56.When they came to the sea, the wind was (strong)
57.When Gepetto looked up at Pinocchio, he fell into. (the water)
58.The water carried Pinocchio to an (island)
59.Pinocchio was tired, lonely and hungry but he was (alive)
60.The people on the island were.. (working)
61.Pinocchio saw two men making ( baskets)
62.Another man was a net. (mending)
63.Pinocchio asked the two men to give him some (bread)
64.The old woman wanted Pinocchio to carry a (bucket of water)
65.Pinocchio carried the bucket of water because he was. (hungry)
66.The old woman's hair was .. (blue)
67.The old woman thanked Pinocchio and cooked .for him (something nice)
68.The kind lady was different because she was (older)
69.Pinocchio cried because he wanted to be... boy ( a real)
70.The bullies said Pinocchio couldn't.. anything. ( learn)
71.Pinocchio made friends with a boy called ( Candlewick )

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Mr. Samy Mohamed English language Grade 3

Answer the following questions:

72.Where did Candlewick take Pinocchio?
To the Lazyland
73.How was the bus strange?
Eight grey donkeys pulled it.
74.What do children do in lazyland?
They play and eat sweets all day.
75.What happened to Pinocchio and Candlewick?
They turned into donkey.
76.Where did the bus driver take Pinocchio and Candlewick?
He took them to a donkey market.
77.What did the angry man do to Pinocchio?
He threw him in the sea.
78.Who did Pinocchio meet inside the whale?
He met his father.
79.What carried Pinocchio and Gepetto to land?
A dolphin.
80.How did Pinocchio help the kind friend?
He took food to her and helped her carry buckets of water.
81.Why did Pinocchio become a real boy?
Because he worked hard and was kind.
82.What did Pinocchio see in the dream?
The kind friend telling him that he would be a real boy.
Complete the following sentences:
83.Pinocchio found his father inside a (whale)
84.There were no in Lazyland. (teachers)
85.The strange bus was pulled by eight (grey donkeys)
86.Lazyland was a place. (noisy)
87.Pinocchio and Candlewick went to lazyland and they turned into
88.The bus driver took Pinocchio to a and sold him. (market)
89.A man threw Pinocchio into the (sea)
90.The dolphin carried them back to (land)
91.Pinocchio helped Gepetto and the kind friend because they were
92.The kind friend told Pinocchio he was (brave and kind)
93. Pinocchio worked hard at and helped the Kind Friend (school)
94.At last Pinocchio became a boy. (real)

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