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Name: Sebastian


1. Name of Campus? UBC

2. Why did you choose this campus? Its in bc, its close-ish

3. What is unique about this campus? Very big, lots of courses, lots of faculties

4. What kind of programs are offered? All kinds of things art, business,
science etc. Many different programs, expected and unexpected

5. What is the application deadline? No idea

6. How do I check my application status? online

7. After I have been accepted, how do I register? online , follow steps

8. How do I know what classes to register for? Based on what you want, what
works best for you, what you can do

9. What is the average class size? Medium 30-40, largest 300-400+, different
class sizes.

10. Where are the best places to study on campus? Library, nature zone,
Japanese gardens, rosebush, student union building,dorm

11. Does the campus offer residence? yes

12. How can I get involved with athletics or clubs and societies? Ask, apply, find out
more and see what you can do


13. How long was the tour? Maybe two hours

14. What surprised you about campus? Very very large, variety of locations,
swimming pool, many buses

15. What did you like about the campus? Some areas felt nice to be in, lots of
food places in the student building, pool

16. What did you not like about the campus? Maybe too big, cold(because fall),

17. Would you apply to this Campus? Yeah, I could see myself liking this place

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