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Possible Help for Your Company

Job Seeker: William L. Stevenson

Introduction: I have recently returned to the United States after 7 years in Germany. I
had gone there for marriage reasons and a fulltime unpaid Internet
ministry offer. I developed 9 websites, helped hundreds of individuals,
and created courses. Now, I want to work instead of receiving Social
Security. I will be 64 years old in December, but I think that I can help a
business as a data processing and office support assistant.

Work Experience in the USA:

1. In California, Texas, and Tennessee I did (a) school teaching and (b) curriculum
writing and editing during the 1970s and 1980s.
2. During the 1990s and the early 2000s, I did computer programming using Excel
software (creating data collection systems with good directions for usage), some
more teaching, and various office work jobs in Tennessee, California, and New
3. My most recent fulltime employment in Albuquerque was representing Excel
Technical Staffing as a Senior Records Clerk at Sandia National Labs’ Records
Keeping Department from October 1995 until May 1999. I developed Excel and
ACCESS software data collection systems, created Excel generic macro
command programs for easy report generating, and helped others solve their
software using problems.

Formal Education Accomplishments:

• Received a B.A. Degree in Sociology and Partial Elementary School
Teaching Credential from Humboldt State University in Arcata, CA-- August 11,
• Did special human relations research/writing in the San Jose State
University's New College experiment in San Jose, CA-- from September 1968
through December of 1969.
• Took university extension courses and organization seminars in California
and Texas about education philosophy and teaching techniques-- in the 1970s and
• Earned the Control Data Institute’s “Computer Programming and Business
Systems Analysis Highest Honors Certificate” after completing a six month
course in San Jose, CA-- from June 1970 through January 1971.
• Earned a place on the Dean's List in completing business courses and
micro computer software courses at Canada College with a 4.0 GPA-- in the Fall
Semester of 1989-90.

Concluding remarks: I don’t like wasting time and I have always been a diligent
worker. In every job I have had, I learned quickly what was
needed for me to do, mostly independently but I have been fully
cooperative with co-workers. I never gossiped or went against
company rules. I can survive easily on a low salary, but I
believe that my quality of work is worthy of good pay.

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