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Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57

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Energy efciency optimization in scheduling crude oil operations of

renery based on linear programming
NaiQi Wu a, ZhiWu Li a, *, Ting Qu b
Institute of Systems Engineering, Macau University of Science and Technology, Taipa, Macau
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jinan University (Zhuhai Campus), Zhuhai 519070, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: For sustainable development, a renery is required to save energy as much as possible so as to reduce the
Received 13 September 2016 emission of greenhouse gas. In crude oil operations, oil transportation from storage tanks to charging
Received in revised form tanks via a pipeline consumes a large portion of energy. It is vitally important to minimize energy
10 March 2017
consumption for this process. Since the oil ow resistance is proportional to the square of oil ow rate,
Accepted 29 July 2017
Available online 31 July 2017
the relation between energy efciency and ow rate is nonlinear, which makes the problem complicated.
This work addresses this important issue by formulating a linear programming model for the considered
problem such that it can be efciently solved. A real-world industrial case study is used to demonstrate
Oil renery
the applications and signicance of the proposed method.
Crude oil operations 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Energy efciency

1. Introduction Meanwhile, at the lower layer, advanced process control techniques

are widely realized for unit control in reneries, resulting in sig-
Facing with global and increasingly intensive market competi- nicant productivity improvement. However, thanks to the lack of
tion, great attention is paid to the scheduling operations and con- efcient techniques and software tools for short-term scheduling at
trol of discrete manufacturing systems (Bai et al., 2016; Chen et al., the middle layer, the three layers cannot be integrated such that a
2017a; 2017b; Qiao et al., 2015; and Wu and Zhou, 2012a, 2012b, global optimum cannot be achieved and a short-term schedule has
and Wu et al., 2013) to name a few of studies made in recent years. to be obtained manually by a planner. Hence, extensive efforts have
Also, a plant in the process industry has to be well operated such been made for developing effective and efcient techniques for
that it is competitive. It is known that, with advanced information scheduling of reneries.
technology applied to modify the operations, a process plant can be Since the operations in a renery contains a discrete-event
made more protable (Moro, 2003). During the last two decades, process, its short-term scheduling problem is essentially combi-
extensive attention from both academia and industry community natorial and NP-hard (Floudas and Lin, 2004). Moreover, to obtain
has been paid to the optimization of the operations in reneries, a such a schedule, one needs to dene activities to be performed and
type of most important process industries. A renery can be sequence them simultaneously, leading to the fact that the widely
operated in a hierarchical way with three layers: production used heuristics and meta-heuristics cannot be applied since these
planning, short-term scheduling, and unit control at the upper, methods require that the jobs to be scheduled should be known in
middle, and lower layers, respectively. With linear programming- advance. Hence, mathematical programming models are adopted
based commercial software tools, such as PIMS (Process Industry to formulate the scheduling problem of a renery with two cate-
Modeling System) (Aspen Technology Inc, 1999) and RPMS (Re- gories, namely discrete and continuous-time representations.
nery and Petrochemical Modeling System) (Bonner and Moore, By discrete-time representation, the scheduling horizon is dis-
1979), an optimal plan can be efciently found at the upper layer. cretized into a number of uniform slots such that the scheduling
problem can be formulated as a mixed integer linear programming
(MILP) model (Shah, 1996; Lee et al., 1996; Pinto et al., 2000;
Glismann and Gruhn, 2001; Jia et al., 2003; Rejowski and Pinto,
* Corresponding author. 2003; Saharidisa et al., 2009; Mendez et al., 2006; and Yuzgee
E-mail addresses: (N. Wu), (Z. Li), (T. Qu).
et al., 2010). To make a schedule obtained by such a model
0959-6526/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
50 N. Wu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57

practically applicable, the time duration for the time slots should be to establish schedulability conditions for different scenarios (Wu
short enough, leading to a huge number of discrete variables for a et al., 2011, 2008a, 2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2016a; and Zhang et al.,
practical application problem. Hence, it is almost impossible to be 2017). These conditions determine the feasible space, i.e., the
solved by the existing software tools such as the famous CPLEX and feasibility conditions, such that the problem can be decomposed
LINGO (Floudas and Lin, 2004; and Wu et al., 2011). into two sub-problems: rening scheduling and detailed sched-
To make the problem computationally tractable and solvable, uling. With the schedulability conditions as constraints, the
models with continuous time-representation are developed such rening scheduling problem can be solved to obtain a realizable
that the time points for the start and end of an event can be exactly and optimal rening schedule by using linear programming-based
found (Jia et al., 2003; Jia and Ierapetritou, 2004; Karuppiah et al., methods (Wu et al., 2012; 2016b). Then, given a realizable and
2008; Li et al., 2002, 2012; Mouret et al., 2009, 2011; and Shah optimal rening schedule, a detailed schedule to realize it can be
et al., 2009). By such a model, it is indeed that the number of found in a recursive way (Wu et al., 2011, 2008a, 2009, 2010a,
discrete variables can be signicantly reduced. Especially, by the 2010b, 2016a). Furthermore, with the schedulability conditions,
priority-slot-based modeling method presented by Mouret et al. genetic algorithm can be used to nd an optimal detailed schedule
(2009, 2011), the problem size can be signicant reduced. Never- (Hou et al., 2017). Accordingly, a short-term schedule for crude oil
theless, it pays an expense of introducing non-linear constraints, operations can be efciently found although it may not be globally
resulting in a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) optimal.
model. It is well-known that an MINLP problem is very difcult to It should be pointed out that all the aforementioned studies
solve. Furthermore, in order to build such a model, one needs to mainly focus on searching for techniques to cope with computa-
decide the number of operations to be performed in advance, tional complexity while some objectives are optimized without
which is unrealistic for practical applications in general (Floudas taking sustainability into account. With continuous climate change
and Lin, 2004). resulting from anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, there is a
In addition to different modeling methods, efforts have been great concern on energy saving for sustainable development. It is
made to improve computational efciency by developing solution well-known that process industries are characterized by high en-
methods. For example, event-based methods (Yuzgee et al., 2010; ergy consumption. It is vitally important to minimize energy con-
and Furman et al., 2007), an outer-approximation algorithm (Jia sumption in operating a renery such that greenhouse gas
et al., 2003), and a decomposition algorithm (Shah et al., 2009) to emissions can be reduced as much as possible. A renery process is
improve the efciency of solving such a problem. Indeed, the very complex and energy-intensive, and signicant energy can be
aforementioned solution methods can reduce the computation saved if it is well-operated in the sense of energy efciency. Thus, it
requirements to some extent. However, all these methods belong to is very important to reduce energy consumption in the sense of cost
enumeration in nature. With the NP-hard nature of the problem, reduction and sustainable development. This work focuses on the
they cannot resolve the computational complexity problem for energy saving issue in scheduling the process of crude oil
real-life applications. To avoid solving an MINLP problem, based on operations.
the model obtained by the priority-slot-based modeling method, a In the existing studies on scheduling crude oil operations, a
two-stage algorithm is proposed to solve the MINLP problem variety of objectives are optimized. They include: 1) minimizing
(Mouret et al., 2009, 2011). At Stage 1, an MILP model is formed by cost resulting from crude oil inventory, oil tanker waiting, and oil
removing all the non-linear constraints from the MINLP model. This unloading (Lee et al., 1996; Jia et al., 2003; and Jia and Ierapetritou,
MILP problem is then solved to obtain a solution for the integer 2004); 2) maximizing productivity (Pinto et al., 2000; and Wu et al.,
variables. Generally the solution obtained from solving the MILP is 2012, 2016b) and minimizing the number of tanks used (Pinto et al.,
not feasible for the original MINLP, since the non-linear constraints 2000; Zhang et al., 2017); 3) minimizing the number of oil type
are removed. Then, at Stage 2, the solution for the integer variables switches in oil transportation via a pipeline (Lee et al., 1996; Hou
obtained at Stage 1 is substituted into the original MINLP to obtain a et al., 2017); 4) minimizing the remaining oil in a tank when it is
non-linear programming (NLP) model without an integer variable. unloaded (Shah, 1996); and 5) maximizing the processing effec-
Then, the NLP is solved to obtain a schedule. However, a solution tiveness of different oil types processed by different distillers (Wu
may not be found for the NLP problem even if a feasible schedule et al., 2012; 2016b). However, as far as the authors know, there is
exists for the original MINLP problem. no research report on how to save energy in scheduling crude oil
Thus, to make the problem formulated by mathematical pro- operations, which is crucial to our society. This motivates us to
gramming models solvable, in modeling, some constraints are conduct this study.
ignored, which, unfortunately, results in an inefcient or unrealistic As pointed out in (Wu et al., 2005), in crude oil operations, crude
schedule for real-life scenarios (Mendez et al., 2006). This means oil transportation from storage tanks to charging tanks via a
that there is a gap between academic research and applications. As pipeline consumes a large portion of energy. In order to save energy
the best knowledge of the authors, up to now, there is no software in the process of crude oil operations, it is signicant to minimize
tool of short-term scheduling of oil reneries for practical use. the energy consumption for oil transportation. The aim of this work
To bridge such a gap, the key is to develop a computationally is two folds: 1) to develop a method to minimize the energy con-
efcient approach for a good solution other than an exactly optimal sumption in oil transportation from storage tanks to charging
solution. Notice that, with a large number of discrete variables, the tanks, and 2) the proposed method should be computationally
solution space is very large. On the other hand, with a large number efcient such that it is practically applicable.
of constraints for the problem, the feasible solution space must be Generally, in a renery, crude oil is transported from storage
small. Thus, it is extremely difcult to solve such a problem by any tanks to charging tanks via a pipeline. When delivering liquid
enumeration method. With this observation, a Petri net-based material through a pipeline, the ow resistance in a pipeline is
control-theoretic approach for crude oil operations is proposed proportional to the square of uid velocity, i.e., is highly non-linear
(Wu et al., 2008a, 2009, 2015). By this approach, the dynamic as pointed out by Cafaro et al. (2015). Hence, the transportation rate
behavior of the process is modeled with a hybrid Petri net model by of the pipeline is not proportional to the power applied, in other
treating the plant as a hybrid system with the interaction of words, the energy consumption is non-linear with respect to the oil
discrete-event and continuous processes (Wu et al., 2007; 2008b). ow rate. This makes the problem of optimizing the energy ef-
From the viewpoint of control theory, schedulability is analyzed ciency in oil transportation very complicated. Thus, a
N. Wu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57 51

computationally efcient method for optimizing energy con- To meet the market demands, a renery should process a
sumption in oil transportation should avoid non-linearity and at number of crude oil types with different components. Each distiller
the same time obtain satisfactory performance. can process some crude oil types, but not all, which in turn requires
For a long-distance pipeline, at each pumping station, there are a tank (storage or charging tank) to hold one oil type at any time.
a number of sets of machines for pumping the oil. In practice, the oil Before oil can be processed by a distiller, brine must be separated
ow rate is regulated by changing the number of sets of machines from oil. To do so, it requires that, after lling a storage or charging
that are in operation. Based on such an operation mode, this work tank, crude oil must stay in it for some time before it can be dis-
tackles the energy efciency issue and a linear programming-based charged. This is called an oil residency time constraint. Besides, any
approach is proposed to minimize the energy consumption in tank cannot be charged and discharged simultaneously. There is
crude oil operations. It is done as follows: a short-term schedule is another requirement that a distiller must work continuously and
found with the maximal ow rate of the pipeline to maximize the cannot be stopped unless there is a planned maintenance. The
productivity without taking energy efciency into account. This above requirements pose a large number of constraints on the
problem can be efciently solved by the Petri net-based theoretic- process of crude oil operations.
control approach proposed in (Wu et al., 2008a, 2009, 2012, 2016b). To schedule the process of crude oil operations is to decide the
Based on the obtained schedule, this work minimizes the energy tasks to be performed and sequence them. A task is a discrete event
consumption for oil transportation via a pipeline. A linear for the process. In the execution of a task, oil is delivered in a
programming-based technique is developed to solve it. By doing so, continuous way, resulting in a hybrid system with both discrete-
non-linearity is avoided and it is computationally very efcient. event and continuous processes. When a task is executed, the
The remainder of this work is organized as follows. Next section system is transformed from a state to another such that a task can
briey introduces the process of crude oil operations and its short- be seen as a control command. Thus, the scheduling problem of
term scheduling problem. Section 3 states the energy optimization crude oil operations is to determine the commands (tasks) and can
problem in crude oil operations and presents the linear program- be studied from a perspective of hybrid system control as done by
ming formulation for it. A real-world industrial case study is given Wu et al. (2011, 2008a, 2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2016a, 2012, and 2016b;
to demonstrate the application and signicance of the proposed and Zhang et al., (2017). By the control-theoretic-based approach, a
method in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the work. task is dened as follows.
Denition 2.1. A task (TS) is dened as TS {OT, SP, DP, V, a, b},
2. The process and its short-term schedule where OT denotes an oil type; SP the source from which the oil comes,
DP the device to which the oil is delivered; V the amount of oil to be
Before presenting the problem discussed in this work and the processed; and a and b the start and end time points for a task.
method for it, we briey introduce the processes of a renery. An
illustrative view of general/typical oil renery processes can be For easy implementation and simplicity for nding a schedule,
depicted in Fig. 1. A renery contains a number of storage tanks the oil ow rate in a task is set to be a constant, i.e., f V/(b -a). In
located at a port near the plant, a pipeline, a number of charging crude oil operations, there are three types of TSs: UTSs for oil
tanks in the plant, a number of distillers for oil distillation, and a unloading from a tanker to storage tanks, DTSs for oil delivering
variety of other production units. In the viewpoint of operations, from storage tanks to charging tanks, and FTSs for oil feeding from
there are two phases: 1) crude oil operations and 2) production. charging tanks to distillers. With the denition of TSs, a short-term
Crude oil arrives at the port through oil tankers by sea. It is then schedule SCHD for crude oil operations can be described as
unloaded into storage tanks. From the storage tanks, oil is delivered
to charging tanks through the pipeline. Charging tanks are used to SCHD {UTS1, UTS2, , UTSw, DTS1, DTS2, , DTSx, FTS1, FTS2, ,
feed oil to the distillers for distillation. This process forms the rst FTSk} (2.1)
phase, called crude oil operations. The products obtained from
distillation are further processed by other production units to Thus, the scheduling problem of crude oil operations is to nd
obtain various components. These components are blended to form an SCHD such that all the aforementioned requirements and con-
the nal products, which is the production phase. A short-term straints are met, while some objectives are optimized. With the
scheduling problem for the process of crude oil operations is well maximal oil ow rate of a pipeline, such a schedule can be ef-
recognized as being the most difcult one in a renery. That an- ciently found by the control-theoretic-based approach to optimize
swers why we nd no implementable theory and software tools to productivity and oil type processing effectiveness (Wu et al., 2008a,
enable industrial-size applications. 2009, 2012, and 2016b). A schedule for a scenario from a renery

Crude oil operations Production

Charging Distillers production Blend Finished
Tanker Storage Pipeline
tanks tanks units header products

Fig. 1. The illustrative view of a general oil renery.

52 N. Wu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57

Fig. 2. The Gantt chart for distiller feeding schedule.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
#1 #1 #7 #5 #4 #7 #2 #4
TK #2 TK #3 TK #5 TK #8 TK #1 TK #9 TK #2 TK #6

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180


Fig. 3. The Gantt chart for oil transportation schedule via a pipeline.

obtained by using this approach is shown in Figs. 2 and 3, where DSi extremely complicated, it is difcult to efciently nd such a
represents Distiller i. In Fig. 2, the distiller feeding schedule is given schedule by optimizing productivity and energy consumption
by presenting the case when a charging tank is used to feed a type simultaneously. However, with the maximal oil transportation rate
of oil into a distiller. For example, during time interval (0, T1), via a pipeline, a schedule to maximize the productivity can be
Charging Tank #1 is used to feed Oil Type #1 into Distiller 1. While, efciently found. Based on such a schedule, this section discusses
in Fig. 3, an oil transportation schedule from storage tanks to how to optimize energy consumption by regulating the oil trans-
charging tanks is given by presenting the case when a type of oil is portation rate in the obtained DTSs.
charged into a charging tank. For instance, during time (0, A1), Oil
Type #1 is charged into Charging Tank #2.
To make a schedule feasible, a charging tank can feed a distiller 3.1. Problem statement
only when the oil in the charging tank is ready for feeding. For
example, the charging of Oil Type #1 into TK #3 ends at A2 as shown Given a schedule with the maximal oil transportation rate for
in Fig. 3 such that it can be ready at T2 when TK #3 starts to feed DS1 DTSs, to minimize energy consumption, we examine whether some
as shown in Fig. 2. Note that, for the schedule shown in Figs. 2 and 3, parcels of oil in the DTSs can be delayed without impact on the
TK #1 is used to feed Oil Type #1 into DS1 at time zero, which feasibility of the schedule. If so, we can delay the transportation of
means that Oil Type #1 should be charged into TK #1 before time some parcels by reducing the transportation rate.
zero, i.e., it is done during the last scheduling horizon. A pipeline system in a renery used to transport crude oil from
By observing the schedule shown in Fig. 3, during time (A2, A3), storage tanks to charging tanks can be illustrated by Fig. 4. It is
the pipeline is stopped and no oil is transported. Note that, in composed of a pipeline and a number of pumping stations that
transporting oil via the pipeline, the oil ow resistance is propor- provide the power for the oil transportation. There are a number of
tional to the square of the oil velocity and is highly non-linear to the sets of machines at each pumping station. The power provided by
velocity (Cafaro et al., 2015). This implies that the higher the oil the system is dependent on the number of sets of machines that are
ow rate in the pipeline is, the more energy is consumed. Thus, in operation at each station. In such a system, given the number of
when there is idle time for the pipeline, one may reduce the oil ow sets of machines in operation at each station, the oil transportation
rate to save energy if the obtained schedule is still feasible. Also, the rate can be regulated in a range. Since the relation between the
transportation of some oil parcels can be delayed by reducing the pumping power and oil rate is highly non-linear (Cafaro et al., 2015)
oil ow rate without affecting the distiller feeding schedule. In this and the range that can be regulated is generally small. In practice,
way, energy consumption can be further reduced. This problem is when the oil transportation rate needs to be increased, one puts
coped with in the next section. more sets of machines in operation at each pumping station. In fact,
the oil transportation rate is not proportional to the number of sets
of working machines either and is highly non-linear instead. Take a
3. Problem formulation and solution method renery as an example. When one set of machines is used at each
pumping station, the transportation rate of the pipeline is 20,000
As aforementioned, to nd a schedule for crude oil operations is tons per day. When two sets of machines are used, the rate is
to decide a series of TSs and, by the control-theoretic-based 30,000 tons per day. If three sets are used, it is 33,000 tons per day
approach, the oil delivering rate for each TS is set to be a con- only.
stant. Since the scheduling problem of crude oil operations is Note that the scheduling of crude oil operations is a routine job.
N. Wu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57 53

Storage tanks
Pipeline Charging tanks

Pumping Pumping Pumping

station 1 station 2 station 3

Fig. 4. Illustration of a pipeline system.

To make a method for the routine scheduling problem applicable to 3.2. A linear programming-based method
complex and practical application problems, it must be simple and
computationally efcient. With high non-linearity, it is extremely Given a short-term schedule for crude oil operations obtained
difcult to optimize the energy consumption if the domain of oil by the control-theoretic-based approach, assume that there are k
transportation rate is in a real number space. Thus, to search for an DTSs, each of which is performed to charge a charging tank. With a
efcient method for the scheduling problem of crude oil opera- single pipeline, these DTSs are sequenced such that DTS i1 should
tions, one must avoid the non-linearity. To do so, it is reasonable to be performed just after DTS i. Notice that if DTS i1 is scheduled to
adopt the operational mode used in the practice, which regulates be performed immediately after DTS i is performed, then when DTS i
the oil transportation rate by changing the number of sets of ma- is delayed, DTS i1 must be delayed too. However, if there is an
chines at each station. Also, given the number of sets of machines to interruption for the pipeline between performing DTSs i and i1, a
be operated at each station, there is a most energy-efcient oil delay of performing DTS i does not necessarily result in a delay of
transportation rate. Thus, it is justied that, given the number of performing DTS i1. Thus, to present the method, the DTSs are
sets of machines to be operated, the most energy-efcient oil grouped.
transportation rate is applied. Based on this analysis, we present a The DTSs obtained by the control-theoretic-based approach are
simple and computationally efcient method to minimize the en- divided into d groups such that, in group Gi, there are ki DTSs with
ergy consumption in scheduling crude oil operations as follows. k1 k2 kd k. We use DTSij to denote the j-th DTS in group
Based on the above analysis, to minimize energy consumption is Gi, and Aij and Bij to denote the time points when DTSij starts to
to decide the oil transportation rate for each DTS. Since the number charge a charging tank and ends the charging, respectively. Note
of sets of machines at each station is limited and known, there are that Aij and Bij are given by the schedule obtained by the control-
only a limited number of selections on oil transportation rate for theoretic-based approach, i.e., they are known. Then, with this
the amount oil for each DTS. To do so, we assume that there are n grouping, we have Bij Ai(j1), i.e., in the same group, the DTSs are
selections. Then, given a DTS {OT, SP, DP, V, a, b}, we divide V into n performed one after another without interruption. However,
parcels V1, V2, , and Vn such that each parcel is delivered with Bi(ki) < A(i1)1 must hold. In other words, between groups Gi and
different rate as shown in Fig. 5. Nevertheless, the feasibility needs G(i1), the pipeline is schedule to be idle for some time. Since the
to be guaranteed, i.e., when a charging tank is scheduled to be schedule obtained by the control-theoretic-based approach is
charged, it must be emptied, and when the oil in a charging tank is known, given i, whether Bi(ki) < A(i1)1 holds or not is known too.
scheduled to be fed into a distiller, the oil residency time constraint This implies that the number of groups is known, i.e., d is a decided
must be satised. Specically, for the schedule given in Figs. 2 and parameter. Based on this grouping of DTSs, we present the
3, by regulating the oil transportation rate of DTSs, Charging Tank following notations to formulate the considered problem.
#5 can be charged only after time point T4 and its charging should Parameters and sets.
be ended U time units earlier than time point T8 when Tank #5 that
holds Oil Type #7 is used to feed DS3, where U is the oil residency n: the number of sets of machines usable at each pumping
time. station;
In summary, to minimize energy consumption for oil trans- S {1, 2, , n}: the set of the number of sets of machines;
portation via a pipeline, for each DTS {OT, SP, DP, V, a, b}, one d: the number of groups of DTSs;
needs to optimally divide V into n parcels V1, V2, , and Vn such that G {1, 2, , d};
they are transported with ow rate levels 1, 2, , and n, respec- Nki {1, 2, , ki};
tively. A linear programming-based method can be developed to DTSij: the j-th DTS in Group i2G and j2Nki that is decided by a
achieve this purpose. given schedule;
Gi {DTSi1, DTSi2, , DTSi(ki)};
Vij: the amount of oil to be transported by performing DTSij;
TKij: the charging tank to be charged by performing DTSij that is
Flow rate
rate decided in the given schedule;
DTS 11
level 11 Aij: the time point when TKij starts to be charged by performing
DTSij as given by the schedule;
21 Bij: the time point when charging TKij ends as given by the
Flow rate
rate schedule;
DTS 22
level 22 Tij: the time point when TKij charged by performing DTSij begins
2k to feed a distiller as given by the schedule;
Cn2 U: the oil residency time;
Cn1 fi: the most energy-effective oil transportation ow rate when i
sets of machines are used at each pumping station;
Flow rate
rate Cnk DTS
DTS kk Ci: the cost coefcient when i sets of machines are used at each
level nn pumping station;

Fig. 5. Optimization of energy consumption by regulating the ow rate of DTSs.

54 N. Wu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57

Decision variables. caused by regulating the oil transportation is in a permissive range

such that the oil residency time constraint is satised. Constraint
xijh: the amount of oil in DTSij to be transported by using the (3.9) presents the non-negative requirement.
most energy-efcient ow rate with h sets of machines being As above discussed, between two Groups G(i-1) and Gi, there is an
used at each pumping station, i2G, j2 Nki, and h2S; idle time, or we have Ai1 > B(i-1)(k(i-1)). However, after delaying the
ti1: the time point when TKi1 starts to be charged by performing transportation of oil of DTSs in G(i-1), this may no longer hold. Since
DTSi1 after oil transportation rate is regulated. a pipeline cannot be used to perform two DTSs simultaneously, a
DTS in Gi can be performed only after all the DTSs in G(i-1) have been
Given a schedule obtained by the control-theoretic-based executed. Constraints (3.5) and (3.6) state that when a DTS in Gi is
approach, the above listed sets and parameters are known except performed, the pipeline is available, and at the same time, charging
Ci. To formulate the addressed problem, one needs to determine Ci. tank TKi1 that is necessary for performing DTSi1 is released. Con-
With high non-linearity, the higher the oil transportation rate is, straints (3.7) and (3.8) have the same meaning as that of (3.3) and
the more power is consumed by transporting one unit of crude oil, (3.4).
i.e., Ci > Ci-1 holds. For the linear programming problem presented Notice that the domain of xijh's and ti1's is real number, and the
below, if we set Cd > Ch with d s h, by solving the following linear objective and constraints are linear. Hence, this is a linear pro-
programming problem, higher priority must be given to the oper- gramming formulation and can be efciently solved by commercial
ation mode that uses h sets of machines than the one that uses software tools. Notice that a frequent switch from transporting one
d sets of machines. Thus, to optimize the problem addressed in this type of oil to another via a pipeline is very costly and the number of
paper, we need only set Ci > Ci-1 regardless of the actual values of such switches should be minimized in scheduling crude oil oper-
Ci's. Let 4 denote the nominal power in KWs when one set of ma- ations. The number of DTSs for an obtained schedule is not large in
chines is in operation at each station. Then, with i sets of machines general. Consequently, the proposed linear programming formu-
are in operation, the power is i4 in KWs, and the energy consumed lation cannot be large. Thus, the proposed method is simple and
for delivering one ton of oil is i4/fi in KWhours. However, in computationally efcient. In this way, the proposed method mini-
solving an optimization problem, we can obtain the same result no mize energy consumption and at the same time it is practically
matter we set Ci to be i4/fi or i/fi. Thus, it is reasonable to let Ci i/fi applicable due to its computational efciency.
such that we have Ci > Ci-1. Then, we formulate the problem as
follows. 4. Industrial case study
Minimize J Ch xijh (3.1) This section uses a real-life scenario from a renery in southern
i2G j2Nki h2S China to show the application of the proposed method. The renery
is located at the southern China and is one of the largest reneries
Subject to
in China. It has three distillers and a long-distance pipeline for
delivering oil from storage tanks to charging tanks. These distillers
t11  A11 (3.2)
are designed for processing different types of oil such that multiple
X types of oil should be processed by the renery. The distance from
x1jh V1j ; j2Nk1 (3.3) the storage tanks to charging tanks is more than 20 km, so is the
pipeline. The maximal oil processing capacity of the three distillers
. is 375 tons, 230 tons, and 500 tons per hour, respectively. For the
Xj X
t11 g1
x1gh fh U  T1j ; j2Nk1 (3.4) pipeline, there are three sets of machines at each pumping station.
h2S If one set, two sets, and three sets of machines are put into oper-
ation, the corresponding most energy-efcient oil transportation
rate via the pipeline is 20,000 tons, 30,000 tons, and 33,000 tons
ti1  Ai1, i2G\{1} (3.5)
per day (or 833.333 tons, 1250 tons, and 1375 tons per hour),
X X . respectively.
ti1  ti11 xi1jh fh ; i2G\f1g (3.6) As a routine, the renery needs to present a short-term schedule
j2Nki1 h2S
every 10 days. The case presented here is one of the scenarios and a
schedule is found by the control-theoretic-based method (Wu et al.,
xi jh Vij ; i2G\f1g; j2Nki ; (3.7) 2008a, 2009, and 2012). For this case problem, since the total oil
h2S processing capacity is 375 230 500 1105 tons per hour that is
less than 1250 tons per hour by using two sets of machines at each
Xj X . pumping station, we can treat 1250 tons per hour as the maximal
ti1 g1
xigh fh U  Tij ; j2Nki ; i2G\f1g (3.8) oil transportation rate via the pipeline for scheduling the process. In
h2S other words, there are two oil transportation modes: 1) one set of
machines at each station is in operation and 2) two sets of machines
xijh  0 and ti1  0 (3.9) at each station are in operation with f1 20,000/24 833.333 tons
per hour and f2 30,000/24 1250 tons per hour, respectively. In
Since Ch represents the energy consumed for transporting one this way, with the initial state of the charging tanks shown in
unit of crude oil, by Objective (3.1), the total energy consumption is Table 4.1, the obtained schedule is shown in Figs. 6 and 7.
minimized by regulating oil transportation rate. Constraint (3.2) For the obtained schedule by the control-theoretic-based
guarantees that oil transportation can be done when a charging method, there are nine DTSs and they form two groups with
tank is available as specied by the given schedule. Constraint (3.3) G1 {DTS11, DTS12, DTS13, DTS14} and G2 {DTS21, DTS22, DTS23, DTS24,
states the conservativeness property of crude oil in a DTS. DTS25}. For this schedule, Charging Tanks #129 with Oil #3, #128
Constraint (3.4) guarantees that the time when the oil in the with Oil #2, and #116 with Oil #4 have been already charged during
charged charging tank is ready is earlier than Tij when the charging the last scheduling horizon such that they can be used to feed DS1,
tank is used to feed a distiller, i.e., it guarantees that the time delay DS2, and DS3 at time zero, respectively. For example, 34000 tons of
N. Wu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57 55

Table 4.1
The initial state of the charging tanks.

Tank Capacity (Ton) Type of oil lled Volume (Ton) Distiller feeding

Tank #129 34,000 Crude oil #3 27,000 Distiller 1

Tank #128 34,000 Crude oil #2 30,000 Distiller 2
Tank #116 34,000 Crude oil #4 27,000 Distiller 3
Tank #117 34,000 Crude oil #5 30,000
Tank #115 34,000 Crude oil #5 25,000
Tank #127 34,000
Tank #182 20,000
Tank #180 20,000
Tank #181 20,000

Fig. 6. The distiller feeding schedule for the case problem.

A11 A12 A13 A14 B14 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25
#2 #2 #1 #1 #6 #6 #1 #2 #3
#180 #181 #127 #182 #116 #117 #129 #128 #127

Time (H)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Fig. 7. The oil transportation schedule for the case problem.

oil #2 in tank #128 are fed into Distiller 2 rst. At the same time, Subject to
40,000 tons of oil #2 are transported into tanks #180 and #181.
Then, 21,200 tons of oil #2 are fed into Distiller 2 and 18,800 tons of t11  0
oil #2 in tank #181 are left for the use of the next scheduling ho-
rizon. It should also be noticed that, among the DTSs, the oil x111 x112 20000
transported to Charging Tanks #128 and #127 by performing DTS24,
DTS25 is not processed during the current scheduling horizon but t11 x111/833.333 x112/1250 6  130.4
for the next horizon and the time when it is processed is unknown.
Hence, we do not need to consider these two DTSs for energy x121 x122 20000
From the given schedule, by using ST to stand for storage tanks, t11 x111/833.333 x112/1250 x121/833.333 x122/
we have DTS11 {#2, ST, #180, 20000, 0, 16}, DTS12 {#2, ST, #181, 1250 6  217.4
20000, 16, 32}, DTS13 {#1, ST, #127, 34000, 32, 59.2}, DTS14 {#1,
ST, #182, 20000, 59.2, 75.2}, DTS21 {#6, ST, #116, 34000, 92.8, 120}, x131 x132 34000
DTS22 {#6, ST, #117, 34000, 120, 147.2}, DTS23 {#1, ST, #129, 9000,
147.2, 154.4}, T11 130.4 h, T12 217.4, T13 72, T14 162.7, T21 164, t11 x111/833.333 x112/1250 x121/833.333 x122/1250 x131/
T22 232, and T23 216.03. Also by denition, we have C1 1/ 833.333 x132/1250 6  72
f1 0.0012 and C2 2/f2 0.0016. For this case problem, we have
U 6 h. From Fig. 7, we can observe that only B14 < A21 holds, which x141 x142 20000
implies that there are two groups of DTSs, i.e., d 2. Then, we can
formulate the linear programming model for the problem as t11 x111/833.333 x112/1250 x121/833.333 x122/1250 x131/
follows. 833.333 x132/1250 x141/833.333 x142/1250 6  162.7

Minimize J C1  (x111 x121 x131 x141 x211 x221 x231) t21  t11 x111/833.333 x112/1250 x121/833.333 x122/
C2  (x112 x122 x132 x142 x212 x222 x232) 1250 x131/833.333 x132/1250 x141/833.333 x142/1250
56 N. Wu et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 166 (2017) 49e57

A11 A12 A13 A14 B14 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25
#2 #2 #1 #1 #6 #6 #1 #2 #3
#180 #181 #127 #182 #116 #117 #129 #128 #127

Time (H)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Fig. 8. Gantt chart for the optimized oil transportation schedule.

t21  92.8 vitally important. This work addresses this critical issue in sched-
uling a renery.
x211 x212 34000 In our previous work, we present a control-theoretic-based
approach to the scheduling problem of crude oil operations, by
t21 x211/833.333 x212/1250 6  164 which a schedule can be efciently found. Based on the approach,
this work studies the energy efciency problem in crude oil oper-
x221 x222 34000 ations. Since oil transportation from storage tanks to charging tanks
consumes a large part of energy in crude oil operations, the
t21 x211/833.333 x212/1250 x221/833.333 x222/1250 6  232 objective of this work is to reduce the energy consumption in
transporting oil via a pipeline. With the relation between oil
x231 x232 9000 transportation rate and energy consumption being highly non-
linear, to obtain a practically applicable method, it is crucial to
t21 x211/833.333 x212/1250 x221/833.333 x222/1250 x231/ avoid non-linearity. By considering the fact that, in practice, the oil
833.333 x232/1250 6  216.03 transportation rate is regulated by changing the number of sets of
machines at each pumping station and, for a given number of sets
xijh  0 and ti1  0 of machines, there is a most energy-efcient oil transportation rate,
only a limited number of rates to be selected. Based on such an
As pointed out above, for the obtained formulation, there are operation mode, a method is proposed to formulate the energy
only 16 variables and 17 constraints, which is small and easy to efciency problem of scheduling crude oil operations as a linear
solve. It is solved by using CPLEX with programming problem. By this formulation, energy saving is real-
x111 x121 x141 x212 x222 x232 0, x112 20000, x122 20000, ized by delaying the transportation of some oil parcels if possible
x131 17000, x132 17000, x142 20000, x211 34000, x221 34000, with lower oil ow rate. In this way, we avoid non-linearity and
and x231 9000. The obtained schedule is illustrated by the Gantt integer variables in the model. A real-life case study is presented to
chart in Fig. 8, where an orange bar presents that the oil is trans- show the application of the proposed method. It is found that, for
ported by using two sets of machines, while a green bar represents such a case problem, there are less than 20 constraints and it is easy
that one set of machine is used. By this schedule, Aij's and Bij's are to solve. Also, signicant energy can be saved. Thus, the proposed
modied as A12 16, A13 32, A14 66, B14 90, A21 92.8, method not only optimizes the energy consumption, but also is
A22 133.6, A23 174.4, and A24 185.2 such that it is feasible. applicable to real-life problems due to its computational simplicity.
Notice that A14 6 72 T13 to guarantee that the Oil Type #1 Note that the linear programming formulation is an approxi-
charged to Charging Tank #117 is usable at time T13. To do so, Oil mate model for the non-linear process. It is useful to do comparison
Type #2 charged into Charging Tanks #180 and #181, and part of Oil study with a non-linear model. Also, there are more issues for en-
Type #1 charged to #117 should be transported by using two sets of ergy saving in scheduling crude oil operations. For example, there
machines, otherwise an obtained schedule is infeasible. are high fusion oil types whose fusion point is higher than 30  C.
By observing Fig. 8, it can be seen that higher priority is given to Hence, when such oil types are transported from one place to
the use of one set of machines since this mode is more energy- another via a pipeline, they need to be heated. Then, they are stored
efcient. By the schedule obtained by using the proposed in tanks and cool down. When they are to be processed, they need
method, we have J 228. However, by the schedule given in Fig. 7, to be heated again. Also, when the middle products come just from
we have J 273.6. This implies that the objective is reduced by a device, they are very hot. Then, they are stored in tanks and cool
(273.6e228)/273.6 z 16.7%, i.e., signicant energy is saved. down. However, when they go to the next processing step, they
need to heat up. In this way, large amount of energy is consumed,
which can be greatly saved if the operations are properly sched-
5. Conclusions
uled. This is the issues for our future research work.
It is commonly recognized that, to be competitive in a global
market, an oil renery should be well operated. Since the sched- Acknowledgments
uling problem of a renery is extremely complicated and chal-
lenging, much attention has been paid to this issue. In this research This work was supported in part by Science and Technology
eld, the main focus is on nding an efcient approach such that Development Fund (FDCT) of Macau under Grants 106/2016/A3 and
the scheduling problem is computationally solvable and some ob- 078/2015/A3, and National Natural Foundation of China under
jectives are optimized. In the existing methods, the objectives Grants 61273036 and 61603100.
include maximizing productivity, minimizing oil inventory, mini-
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