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Exercises for Analysis, Measurements and Tools

1. The densities (g/cm3) of several substances are: acetic acid, 1.05; CCl4, 1.59;
sulfur, 2.07; lithium, 0.53; mercury, 13.5; PbO2, 9.4; lead, 11.4; iridium, 22.5.
Which substance will have the smallest ppth buoyancy correction and which will
have the greatest? Explain your choices.

2. At 22 EC water was drained from a buret between the 0.03-mL and 10.02-mL
marks to give an apparent volume delivered of 9.99 mL. The mass of the water
delivered was 9.937 g. What was the true volume of water delivered? What is
the correction needed when dispensing approximately 10 mL from this buret?

3. What do the symbols TD and TC mean on volumetric glassware?

4. An empty 10-mL volumetric flask weighs 10.2634 g. When filled to the mark with
deionized water annd weighed again in air at 20 EC, the mass is 20.2144 g.
What is the true volume of the flask at 20 EC?

5. What is the function of a desiccator? Indicate 2 important practices to follow

when using a desiccator.

6. Indicate four important practices to follow when weighing reagents using an

analytical balance.

Solutions for Analysis, Measurements and Tools Exercises

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