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SURVIVAL nepsyivon asaman com) DON'T GET YOURSELF IN A PICKL! PICKLING To PRESERVE FOOD When disaster strikes, one of the ist things to go out will be electricity. Without a stable source of power, you won't have the means to preserve food via refrigeration, and youll have to find other ways to extend your foots edly Food preservation uses tobe an essencal sl for humans since rfigaraion and reezing equipment dd not ee widespread use unl ne early 20th century. afore that iethods ike canning, smoking nd drying was staple knowledge fr fais. hankfuly, there f another food preservation method that dass ragulre much stor resource: picking. Pile food i fermentad, or immersed is acidic juee to low the sronch ofharmfl mieroorganisms and preserethe fod past ts normal expiration date, Pclngs so easy an elective thatit has beon practiced allover the worl for ve for fod preseration People ol ove the wars have Been picking vegetables, fats, meat and moe or thousans of years. ITEMS YOU CAN PICKLE ‘one oft bes things about pickings the vat election offoodstuts that can be pede rs, vagetabls, even met Some ofthe welnown futs that can be peed include apples, eran, grapes, cucumbers tomatoes, cles, and pears. You can even pele watermelon rnd as condiment for You can use cauwer, carrots, rashes, beets, cabbage onions, and many other vegetables. Peklngspopulrin Asian countries ke Korea, where they pelle napa cabbage ans (One of Louisiana's specaies speed meat: park, specially. Original, was made from fresh pork rubbed wit sapeter, allspice, st onions, and bay leaves, but many madern variations use brine instead, Corned beefs another good example of pickle meat, Othe types of meat that can be pickle incide chicken and fish such as hecing, trout and salmon, Done rt peting wil let you preserve meat for months. ‘An addtional, common, and inexpensive source of roteln ‘eggs. Peedharabolled eggs are commonly found in stores and are easy to process at nome Depending on the tem you want pickled and what you want fr your final produc. there are diferent pieling methods that you can choose fom quick (Quick or ras pickling the easiest method. The produces packet strlzeacontalne’s an submerge in pickling brine. Some produce may be cooked before blog pleted, bbutmest ris and vagetabes can be daaned and ler whole, ready for picking. method, ether dry or brine, draws out he wa Ie compared to quick pekling «from your produce. this allows the food tam tobe thoroughly soaked wth picklng je, and improves ts favor and shel hs method s used on produce wrth high water conten ke cucumbers, cabbages or eggplants Popularin Asan courte, pekling produce wth vinegar brine 2 step above the alt brine method and draws out more water, comnlealy soaking he produce in pede Sa. sugar, and spices can be aes to fiver the pees produce, FERMENTATION Peng through fermentation ads another yer to brine Peking, giving your piekled produce a estine Mayor andl arma, When fermenting, you musl make sue tha your produce is completly submerged inthe pled solucon Examples of produce picked ehrough fermentation are sauererat an Kime WHAT YOU NEED Mostf the necessary supplies ar eas to find and may already be part of your household supplies. Here ae the tas yout nee whan peng ‘CONTAINERS Clas jars wth a wide mouth and nik gles walls are recommended, The wide mouth wil make esse to putin and take cutyour peed tem, wl the thick lass wil helo the Container withstand the heat when being steriizes, Because ofthese requirements, mason jars are often used as conaine's for peed products you dow ke the foglenature of glass, there ae meta stainless ste containers that can be use fr pking, though Some people wilt you that this can affect the taste of pled aad, DO NOT use copper, bras, luminum or ron containers and uteri they can react tothe sal and ai in your pele juice and produce toxic compeuns inthe preserved foe Aside from the ‘containers, youl also need listo sa your containers You can ten ge ther with your rs, bu you can alo purnase them separately when you need spares oF new I ow of preserved jared vegetables * ups ‘These cover your container and protect it frm contaminants. They used tobe disposable, bu reusable is are nom valle + BANDS These are the exrngs tht secur you ld in place and seal your containers. Theyre reusable, but be on thelookout for rst. Dispose rusted bands and replace them with lean WATER BATH CANNER These are basically arg pots with 3d and rackto accommodate your containers. Your pot shouldbe tall enough te completly submerge the containers youl be using. CANNING RACK. ‘rack keeps your containers trom having rect contact with the bottom of the pot an holds them steady during te terization proces. Rack are usualy packaged with pots during purchase, but you can ako purchase canning racks separately JARTONGS OR LIFTERS Though nat ely a requirement, ters make easier and safer o extract containers In and aut ofthe hot water and makes the process faster PICKLING cRocK you plant pelea larg batch of tems through fermentation he saverkausapeling crock will make she ob much ease. Thee large earthenware pots, watersealed and designed specially for fermenting food items Pieling requires peling sak In case you can i a supply of pckling sak other kinds of sal ke Kesher or pure sea sat can be used as long as they do not contain arktives When vinegars required, distill white vinegar is often use, although apple ier vinegar canbe substituted in some cases. Other iypes of vinegar with ower ais, ke wine vinegar or salad vinegar, shouldbe avolded because they could result in pooripplekled produce. = Pled Olan with chi aceon ie OW To MAKE A FINNISH! 196 STOVE INTTPSu//WWW.ASGMAG,COM/SURVIVAL-SKILLS/HOW-TO-MAKR-A-EINNIsHo¢. > RELATED POSTS Eyseuarion paeranarion uccIN OUF ON SOMEONE ELSE'S TERMS (TTP5//WW ASCHAG.COMYPMEPARATION/EVACUATION-PREPARATION-9UGEING-OUT OM [WALK AWAY ALIVE: VITAL PREPS FOR WINTER EAR SURVIVAL (HTTPS:WWW/ASCMAC.COM/PREPARATION/WALK-AWAY-ALIVE.VITAL-PREPS.FOR-WINTER-CAR. 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