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2 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING 3 GRAMMAR present perfect simple and continuous

!JI, /d3/, ltfl, and /k/; word stress a 1 35 >)) Listen to a conversation bet ween a doctor and patient. W hat
symptoms does the patient have? W hat does the doctor suggest?

b Listen again and complete the gaps with a verb in the present
p erfect simple or present perfect continuous.

Doctor Good morning, Mr Blaine. What's the problem?

a H ow do you pronounce soun ds 1-4 above? Patient 11 well for a few days. I keep getting
headaches, and I 2 a lot, too. And I have a
Write the words from the list in the correct
column. D 3 anything for the headaches?
ache allergy ankle bandage choking P Yes, paracetamol. But they don't really help. I read on the internet
pressure rash stomach t emperat ure that headaches can be the first symptom of a brain t umour...
unconscious D How many tablets 4 so far today?
P I took two this morning.
D And have you taken your temperature this morning? ~~
b 1 33 >)) Listen and check. Practise saying the
P Yes. I 5 it f ive or six times.
It's high.
c > p.167 Sound Bank. Look at the typical D Let me see ... Well, your temperature seems to
be perf ectly normal now.
spellin gs for If/, /d3/, ltf/, and /k/.
P I think I need a blood test. I 6_ _ _ _ _ __
d Look at some mor e words related to illness one for two mont hs.
and injury. W h ich ones are similar in your D Well, Mr Blaine, you know I think we should

language? D o you know what the other ones wait fo r a f ew days and see how your
symptoms develop. Can you send t he
m ean?
next patient in please, nurse?
an lt ijbijoltics /rentiba1'ot1ks/ sympltom /'s1mptgm/
medijcine /'meclsn/ eimerlgenlcy /i'm3:cl3gn ii
c 1 36 >)) Listen to what the doctor and nurse say after Mr Blaine
has left. What do they think of h im?
oipelra ltion /opg're1fn/ aslpijrin /'respgnn/
spelciatlist /'spejghst/ paIra icelta lmol /prer;:>'si:t;:>mol/ d Look at the sentences and 9 the r ight verb form . Tick (~)
X-lray /'eks re1/ choilesit elrol /b'lestgrol/ if you th ink both forms are possible.
in ~ ec ltion /m'd3ekfn/ scan /s kren/ 1 Have you been taking / taken anything for the headaches?
2 How many tablets have you been taking / taken so far today?
e 1 34 >)) Listen and underline the stressed
syllable. Practise saying the words. e > p.134 Grammar Bank 2A. Learn more about the present
perfect simple and continuous, and practise them.
f Ask and answer the question s with a partner.
f In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer the questions.
The first question should be present simple or continuous,
What injuries or illnesses
1 might you get when you are ...?
and the second should be present perfect simple or continuous.
a) cooking 1 /often get colds? How many colds/ have in the last three months?
b) doing sport
c) eating in a restaurant 2 / take any vitamins or supplements at the moment? How long /
take them?
Have any of these things ever
happened to you? 3 / drink much water? How many glasses / drink today?
Have you ever been in a situation where 4 / do any exercise? What? How long / do it?
2 you had to give first aid? Who to? Why?
What happened?
5 /eat a lot offruit and vegetables? How many portions/ have today?
6 / walk to school (or work or university)? How far / walk today?
How much do you know about first aid? 7 How many hours /sleep a night? /sleep well recently?
Where did you learn it?
8 /allergic anything?/ ever have a serious allergic reaction?
Has anyone ever had to give you first aid?
What happened?
What do you think you should do if...? 4 WRITING
a) someone has a very high temperature
b) someone is stung by a wasp and has
> p.113 Writing An informal email. Write an email to a friend
an allergic reaction explaining that you haven't been well, and sayin g what you've
c) someone has very bad sunburn been doing recently.
narrative tenses, past perfect continuous
a R ead a newspaper story about an incident that happened during
a flight. What exactly happened?

Last updated at 09:12

Nightmare over the Atlantic!

At 11.35 on January 13th 2012 British Airways flight BA 0206
1 took off I was taking off from Miami to London. It had been

flying for about three hours, and was over the Atlantic, when
suddenly a voice 2 came out I had come out of the loudspeakers:
'This is an emergency announcement. We may shortly have to
a You are going to listen to an airline pilot make an emergency landing on water.'
and an air traffic controller talking on a
radio programme. Before you listen, discuss Immediately panic 3 broke out I was breaking out. One passenger
on the flight said, 'My wife and I looked at each other and we
questions 1-8 w ith a partner and imagine
feared the worst. We imagined that we were about to crash into the
what the answers w ill be. Atlantic. It was awful. Everybody 4 screamed I was screaming.'
1 What weather conditions are the most
But about 30 seconds later the cabin crew started to run up and
dangerous when you are flying a plane? down the aisle saying that the message 5 had been played I was
2 Is turbulence really dangerous? being played by accident, and that everything was OK. By this time
3 Which is more dangerous, taking off or a lot of the passengers were in tears , and 6 tried I were trying to get
landing? their life jackets out from under their seats.
4 Are some airports more dangerous than Another passenger said, 'The captain didn't even say anything
others? about it until just before we started to land and even then he didn't
5 What personal qualities does an air traffic explain what 7 happened I had happened. It was very traumatic.
controller need? Everybody was terrified. I can't think of anything worse than being
told your plane's about to crash. It 8 was I had been the worst
6 Is the job really very stressful?
experience of my life.'
7 Why is it important for air traffic
controllers and pilots to speak English well? Later a British Airways spokesman 9 said I had said, 'A pre-
8 Are there more men than women working recorded emergency announcement was activated by error on
our flight from Miami to Heathrow. We would like to apologize to
as pilots and air traffic controllers?
passengers on this flight.'
b 7 >)) Listen to the programme. How m any
of the questions did you an swer correctly? Adapted from the Daily Telegraph

c Listen again for more detail and make notes

for each of the questions. b Read the story again and B the right form of the verbs 1- 9.

d Which job would you prefer, to work as a c Now look at two sentences about the story. What do you think is
pilot or as an air traffic controller? Why? the difference between the two highlighted verbs?
T he pilot was very experienced and had flown this route many times
When the announcement was made the plane had been flying for
about th ree hours.
d )ii- p.136 Grammar Bank 3A. Learn more about narrative tenses
and the past perfect continuous, and practise them.

e In pairs or groups, try to complete the two sentences in four

different ways using the four narrative tenses.
1 The police stopped the driver because he . ..
2 I couldn't sleep last night because .. .

2 GRAMMAR future perfect and future continuous c Look at the highlighted verbs in the
predictions. Which ones refer to ... ?
a Read some predictions that have been made about the next 20
a an action or situation that w ill be finished
years. Which ones do you think . . . ?
in the future
1 are already happening b an action or situation which will be in
2 are likely to happen progress in the future
3 probably won't happen
d )iii- p.138 Grammar Bank 4A. Learn more
about the future perfect and the continuous,
How we will be living in and practise them.

20 years' time ... (or will we?) e Talk to a partner and say if you think the
following predictions will happen. Explain
At home why (not).
Most people will have installed solar panels or wind turbines on
their houses or blocks of flats to generate their electricity. IN TWENTY YEARS' TIME...
People will be recycling nearly 100% of their waste (and those who Most people in office jobs will be working from
don't will have to pay a fine) . home.
All private swimming pools and golf courses
Transport will have been banned.
Cars that use a lot of petrol (e.g. four-by-four cars) will have been
Most people will be using public t ransport or
banned and many people will be driving electric cars.
bikes to get to work.
Low-cost airlines wi ll have disappeared and flights will be much
People will be having more holidays in their
more expensive.
own country and fewer abroad.
The environment People will be retiring at 70 or even later.
Paper books will no longer be produced to save trees from being The teaching of handwriting will have
cut down, and all books will be electronic. disappeared from the school cu rriculum
Fresh water wi ll be runn in g out in many parts of the world and because students will only be writing on
we wi ll be getting much of our water from the sea (through tablets or laptops.
desalination plants).

The weather
p definitely, probably, and likely I unlikely
We often use definitely, probably, and likely
Temperatures worldwide will have risen even further. Many ski I unlikely when talking about the future,
resorts will have closed because of a lack of winter snow and some especially when we are making predictions.
beaches and holiday resorts will have disappeared completely. I think it'll definitely happen I
We will be having even more extreme weather, and heatwaves, it definitely won't happen.
hurricanes, floods, etc. will be frequent occurrences. it'll probably happen I
it probably won't happen.
it's (very) likely (to happen) I
b Read the predictions again. Which two would you most and least it's (very) unlikely (to happen).
like to come true?
present perfect simple and continuous We use the present perfect continuous:
1 with action verbs, to say that an action started in the past and
present perfect simple: have I has+ past participle is still happening now.
This use is common with time expressions like How lonB .. .?,
1 H ave you ever written a blog? 1 37 l))
for or since, all day / evenin8, etc.
2 We've just landed but we haven't got off the plane yet.
Don't use the present simple or continuous in this situation.
I've already told you three times .
NOT I know i\fil iam since I was a child.
3 It's the best book I've ever read.
4 My computer's crashed! Look, it's started snowing. 2 for repeated actions, especially with a time expression,
5 I've known Miriam since I was a child. e.g. all day, recently.
My sister has had flu for ten days now. 3 for continuous actions which have just finished (but which
6 How many Agatha Christie novels have you read? have present results).
They've seen each other twice this week.
1 I've been learning French for the last three 1 39 l))
years. He's liked classical music since he was a teenager.
We use the present perfect simple:
2 She's been having piano lessons since she was a child.
1 to talk about past experiences when you don't say when
T hey've had that car for at least ten years.
something happened.
3 We've lived in this town since 1980. We've been living in
2 with just, yet, and already. a rented flat for the last two months.
3 with superlatives and the first , second, last time, etc. 4 I've painted the kitchen. I've been painting the kitchen.
4 for finished actions (when no time is specified) which have
present results. 1 To talk about an unfinished action we normally use the
5 with non-action verbs (= verbs not usually used in the present perfect continuous with action verbs and the present
continuous form, e.g. be, have, know, like, etc.) to say that perfect simple with non-action verbs.
something started in the past and is still true now. 2 Some verbs can be action or non-action depending on their
This use is common with time expressions like How lonB .?, meaning, e.g. have piano lessons = action, have a car= non-action.
for or since, all day/ eveninB, etc. 3 With the verbs live or work you can often use the present
Don't use the present simple or continuous in this perfect simple or continuous. However, we normally use the
situation: NOT {know Mi1 iam since {was a child. present perfect continuous for shorter, more temporary actions.
6 when we say or ask how much/ many we have done or how 4 The present perfect simple emphasizes the completion of an
often we have done something up to now. action(= the kitchen has been painted). The present perfect
continuous emphasizes the duration of an action, which may
present perfect continuous: have I has+ been+ verb + -ing or may not be finished (= the painting of the kitchen may not
be finished yet).
1 How long have you been feeling ill? 1 38 l))
H e's been chatting online all evening.
2 I haven't been sleeping well. It 's been raining all day.
3 I've been shopping all morning. I'm exhausted.
A Take your shoes off. They're filthy.
B Yes, I know. I've been working in the garden.

a @ the correct form of the verb. T ick (v') if both b C omplete the sentence with the b est form of the verb
ar e possible . in brackets, present p er fect simple or co ntinuous .
H ave you ever @ been tryinB caviar? I've bouBht a n ew car. D o you like it? (buy)
1 She's worked/ been workinB here since July. 1 We Jack and Ann for years. (know)
2 Your mother has phoned/ been p honinB three times this 2 You look really hot. at the
morning! gym? (you / work out)
3 T h e kids are exhausted because they've run/ been 3 Emily h er homework yet , so I'm afraid
runninB around all day. she can't go out. (not do)
4 Tim and Lucy h aven't seen / been seeinB our new h ouse. 4 T h ey don't live in London , they . (move)
5 I've never met / been meetinB her b oyfriend. H ave you ? 5 I time to cook anything. (not have)
6 It's rained/ been m ininB all m orning. 6 We fo r h ours. Is this the right w ay? (walk)
7 Bill has just &one / been BOinB to work. H e won 't be back 7 you my diary again? (read)
till this evening. 8 Oh no ! I my finger on this knife. (cut)
8 M y sister h as lived/ been livinB alone since her divorce.

m ~p.15
narrative tenses: past simple, past continuous, 3 We use the past perfect (had+ past participle) to talk about
the 'earlier past', i.e. things which happened before the main
past perfect, past perfect continuous event(s).
narrative tenses 4 We use the past perfect continuous (had been+ verb + -inB)
with action verbs to talk about longer continuous actions
1 We arrived at the airport and checked in. Bl)) or situations that started before the main events happened
2 We were having dinner when the plane hit some and have continued up to that point. Non-action verbs
turbulence. (e.g. be, have, know, like, etc.) are not normally used in the
At nine o'clock most people on the plane were reading or past continuous or past perfect continuous.
were trying to sleep.
3 When we arrived at the airport, we suddenly realized that past perfect simple or continuous?
we had left one of the suitcases in the taxi.
4 We'd been flying for about two hours when suddenly the Lina was crying because she'd been reading a 9 l))
captain told us to fasten our seat belts because we were very sad book.
flying into some very bad weather. Lina didn't want to see the film, because she'd already read
the book.
1 We use the past simple to talk about consecutive actions or
situations in the past, i.e. for the main events in a story. The past perfect continuous emphasizes the continuation
2 We use the past continuous (was/ were +verb + -inB) to of an activity. The past perfect simple emphasizes the
describe a longer continuous past action or situation which completion of an activity.
was in progress when another action happened, or to describe
an action or situation that was not complete at a past time.

a @ t h e correct verb form . b Put the verb in brackets in the p ast perfect simple (had
done) or con tinuou s (had been doinB) If you think both
are possible, use the continuou s form.
H is English was very good. He'd been learning it for
five years. (learn)
1 I was really fe d up b ecause we _ _ _ __ _ _ _ for
hours. (queue)
2 She went to the police to report that someone
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ her bag. (steal)
3 It all morning. T he streets were
wet, and there were puddles everywhere. (rain)
4 She got to work late because she _ _ _ _ _ _ __
her phone at h ome and go back
and get it. (leave, have to)
5 I almost didn't recognize Tony at the party. H e
Meg and Liam McGowan9 / were BettinB a nasty _________ a lot since I last saw him. (change)
surprise when they 1had checked in / were checkinB in 6 The tourists' faces were very red. They _ _ __ __
at Heathrow airport yesterday w ith their baby Shaun. in the sun all morning and they any
They 2had won/ won three free plane tickets to R ome sun cream. (sit, not put on)
in a competition, and they 3were lookinBforward to / 7 I could see from their expressions that my
had been lookinBforward to their trip for months. But, parents . (argue)
unfortunately, they 4 had been forBettinB f had forB otten to
8 Jess had a bandage on her arm because she
get a passport for their son, so Shaun couldn't fly. Luckily,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ off her bike that morning. (fall)
they 5 had arrived/ were arrivinB very early for their flight,
9 I was am azed because I such an
so they still had time to do something about it. They 6 had
enormous plane before. (never see)
1un / ran to the police station in the airport to apply for an
emergency passport. Meg 7was BOinB / went with Shaun 10 How long before you realized
to the photo machine while Liam 8 had f illed in/ was f illinB that you were lost? (walk)
in the forms. The passport was ready in an hour, so they ~ p. 26
hurried /were hurry inB to the gate and 10Bot / had Bot on
the plane.
future perfect and future continuous f uture continuous: will be + verb + -ing

future perfect: will have + past participle Don't phone between 7.00 and 8.00 as we'll be 30l))
having dinner then.
The decorators will have finished painting by 29 l)) Good luck with your test tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.
Tuesday, so we can move back into the flat then. This time tomorrow I'll be sitting at a cafe drinking a beer.
The football club say that they'll have built the new stadium Come at 7.00 because we won't be starting dinner until 8.00.
in six months. Will you be waiting for me when 1 get off the train?
Laura wo n't h ave arrived before dinner so I'll leave some I'll be going to the supermarket later. Do you want anything?
food in the oven for her.
When w ill th ey h ave learnt enough English to be able to Use the future continuous (will be+ verb + inB) to say that an
communicate fluently? action will be in progress at a certain time in the future.
We use the future perfect (will have+ past participle) to say
We'll have dinner at 8.00 (=we will start dinner at 8.00)
something will be finished before a certain time in the future.
We'll be having dinner at 8.00 (=at 8.00 we will already
This tense is frequently used with the time expressions by
have started having dinner)
Saturday JMarch/ 2030, etc. or in two weeks/ months, etc.
We sometimes use the future continuous, like the present
By + a time expression= at the latest. With in, you can say
continuous, to talk about things which are already planned or
in six months or in six months' time.
We form the negative with won't have+ past participle and
We form the negative with won't be+ verb + inB and make
make questions by inverting the subject and will/ won't.
questions by inverting the subject and will/ won't.

a Complete the sentences using the future perfect or b Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the
future continu ous. future perfect or continuous.
The film starts at 7. 0 0. I will arrive at 7.15. When I A Well, it looks like we'll be having very
arrive at the cinema the film will have started. (start) different weather in the future if climate
I The flight to Geneva takes off at 9.00 and lands at 10.30. change continues.
At 10.00 they to Geneva. (fly) B What do you mean?
2 I usually save 200 a month. A Well, they say we'll be having much (have)
By the end of the year, I 2,400. (save) higher temperatures here in London, as
3 Rebecca leaves at 6.30. It takes her an hour get to work. high as 30. And remember, we
At 7.00 tomorrow she to work. i on the beach, (not lie)
we - - - - - - - - - (work)
4 The meeting starts at 2.00 and finishes at 3.30. in 30, which is quite different.
And islands like the Maldives
Don't call me at 2.30 because we a
3 by 2150 (disappear)
meeting. (have)
because of the rise in the sea level. They
5 Sam is paying for his car. The last payment is in May.
say the number of storms and tsunamis
By June he for his car. (pay) 4 by the middle (double)
6 Their last exam is on May 31st. of the century too, so even more people
By the end of May they their exams. s by then to (move)
(finish) the cities looking for work. Big cities
7 She writes a chapter of her novel a week. This week 6 even bigger by (grow)
she's on chapter five. then. Can you imagine the traffic?
By the end of this week she five B I don't think there will be a problem
chapters. (write) with the traffic. Petrol
8 Sonia is usually at the gym between 6.30 and 7.30. 7 completely by (run out)
There's no point phoning Sonia now. It's 7.00 and she then anyway, so nobody will have a car.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the gym. (work out) Someone 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (invent)
9 The film started downloading at 7.30. It will take a new method of transport, so we
another hour. 9 around in (fly)
air cars or something.
The film at 8.30. (download)

-1111( p.35

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