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Watch a 30 for 30 documentary and answer the following questions:

1. How does the video start?

It started with an introduction about the program, then Daniel Gordon, the director of the
program talks about Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson and how he admire them.

2. Which are the first words said by Carl Lewis?

What a race, this is the race of the century

3. Who were the competitors?

Robson Da Silva-Brazil
Ray Stewart-Jamaica
Carl Lewis-USA
Lindford Christie- GBR
Calvin Smith-USA
Ben Johnson-Canada
Dasai Williams-Canada
Dennis Mitchell-USA

4. Where and when was Michael Johnson born, how much did he weight and what did his
mom promise when that happened?
He was born in Falmouth, Jamaica in 1961, he weighed less than 3 or 4 pounds. She said
she will serve God until she dies.

5. How was Johnsons childhood and how did he handle the bullies?
When he was 14 he move to Canada with his mother, they lived in a little apartment in the
suburbs of Toronto. He was bullied in school because he was the only black guy in the
school, they beat him. When he decide to stop them he challenge them to a 100m race.
He won the race and since then they never bother him again.

6. What was the first job Desai Williams had?

He cleaned the steps at Toronto General Hospital.

7. How was Carl Lewis different than other athletes from that time?
He wanted to be rich so he didnt need to work, so he worked hard to reach it. If the coach
told him to do something he would do it, also he sang and record some CDs. He also took
acting classes to be more social with his fans.

8. What does Carl Lewis say about Ben Johnson and vice versa?
Johnson said that Lewis was a little bit cocky and show off.
Carl said that Johnson wasnt that good, that he didnt have an essential talent so people
didnt care about him.

9. What does Charlie Francis say about performance enhancing drugs?

At the beginning he didnt want to do it but the association never listened to him so he did
it with his athletes also.
10. Who was the fastest man in 1983 and what does he imply about Carl Lewis?
Calvin Smith, he say that Carl Lewis was only an athlete.

11. To whom was Carl Lewis compared to in 1984 what did he accomplished there and in
which competitions?
He was compared to Jesse Owens, he won 4 gold medals and a world record.

12. Which drug became popular in 1984, how could they obtain it and how could athletes
deceive the tests?
The human grow hormone, their supplier was Robert Kerr a doctor in LA, and
they extract it from a cadaver.
Estrogol, they went to doctor Astaphan, they will stop consuming steroids months
before the competition so the body eliminates them.

13. Why did every other racer want to beat Carl Lewis?
Because he was paid a lot of money from the promotors.

14. What does Carl Lewis think of the 1987 competition in Rome and what happened to Carl
Lewis before the 88 Olympics?
It was ridiculous because Johnson made a false start and was consuming drugs.

15. What happened to Dennis Mitchell before the race?

16. What did Lewis say to himself right after the 100m race and what did he do next?
17. When and at what time did the Olympic committee moved to strip Johnson of his gold
18. Who was Andre Jackson and what role did he play in all of this?
19. Who claimed to have never taken PEDs and what happened to each competitor after the
88 Olympics?
20. In one page (minimum), write about an athlete you admire or a team you root for. Why,
whats your story with it?

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