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Volume 102 ∙ August 19, 2010 ∙ Number 1

Berry New dorm possible due to large number of students

awarded Kyler Post

gold LEED Editor-in-Chief

status With the unexpected record size of the in-

coming freshman class (around 660 students),
the college is preparing to add new facilities to
Kelly Dickerson make room for the new faces.
Deputy News Editor College President Stephen R. Briggs said
this week that discussions have begun on the
Berry’s two newest resident addition of new on-campus student housing
halls, Audry B. Morgan and within the next two to three years. Briggs said
Deerfield Halls, have achieved a the new living space will be designed to add
gold status in Leadership in En- between 200 to 250 beds for students.
ergy and Environmental Design “The past two years are signs that the col-
(LEED) certification this year. lege is experiencing a healthy level of growth,”
The LEED certification scale Briggs said. “And so as our student body
was created by the U.S. Green grows, it’s important that our campus facili-
Building Council in 1993. The ties grow and adapt with it.”
scale includes four levels: certi- While plans for the new living space are still
fied, silver, gold and platinum. in the preliminary process, Director of Hous-
Certification requirements in- ing Dennis Goshorn said it would be tailored
clude an energy saving building for junior and senior students and would be
with water efficiency, a reduced suite-style housing. Meredith McDermott, Photo Editor
amount of carbon dioxide emis- “The new area probably won’t be a tradi- A new Pilgrim resident washes her hands in one of the many restrooms. Due to the large
sion and indoor environmental tional dorm like Morgan or Deerfield,” Gos- number of students, women are now living in Pilgram Hall, which was once a male resident
quality as stated on the official horn said. “But it won’t be Centennial either. hall.
website. It’ll be somewhere in between those and com-
Mark Hopkins, director of the Goshorn said the unexpectedly large size Though the changes made to on-campus
pletely different from anything we have on
physical plant, said the new resi- of this year’s freshman class forced Residence housing were made very rapidly to make way
campus now.”
dent halls are energy-efficient and Life to make hurried changes to on-campus for the new class, Goshorn said he did not ex-
Goshorn and Briggs both said the college is
were constructed with recycled housing, including renovating portions of pect the changes to stick.
planning on adding multiple buildings, pos-
materials and reclaimed wood. the equine center to house six female mem- “These changes are not expected to be
sibly even village-style housing, much like the
Hopkins also said the buildings bers of the equestrian team and switching the permanent,” he said. “That’s why we left the
setup of the townhouse area.
include motion sensor lights, wa- residence halls of the WinShape students on urinals in Pilgrim and didn’t bother with full
Another cause of the steady growth of the
ter efficient showers and faucets, mountain campus. renovations. We fully expect that the measures
college this year was the spike in the retention
and an energy system that con- Recent Berry graduate and member of Win- we took this summer are just temporary solu-
rate of second-year students. Briggs said the
verts exhaust back into energy. Shape Drew Welchel (‘10C) said the changes to tions to the situation we found ourselves in
five-year average retention rate is 76 percent,
Dennis Goshorn, director of the residence halls on mountain campus could this summer.”
but last year’s retention rate dipped to 74 per-
housing, said College President take some getting used to for those students That situation included offering off-cam-
cent. This year, however, 81 percent of first-
Stephen R. Briggs fully supports who have been accustomed to life as it was on pus housing to returning upperclassmen after
year students are returning to Berry, adding to
the goal of LEED certification. mountain campus. students had already completed the housing
the housing headache.
“The president is champion- The upper classmen were so used to doing lottery process in the fall.
The new residence halls are just the latest
ing green building. It’s definitely things the way they have the past two or three
of many steps the college has taken in the past
something he wants to become a years,” said Whelchel. “I think it is going to
few months to accommodate the rising num- see “Housing” P. 2
bigger part of Berry College,” Go- be an adjustment for everyone, and it will take
ber of students living on campus.
shorn said. “The next dorms that some time getting used to.”

New school year brings student work changes

will eventually be built will also
be LEED certified.”
Brandon Moore, a resident
assistant in Morgan said he also
likes the idea of LEED certified Steven Walker a significant difference in the college’s ability organize off-campus work opportunities.
buildings. Viking Fusion Executive Director to integrate students’ experience in the work “The idea is to establish a certain number of
“Conserving energy is impor- program that support their career and voca- relationships with local and regional compa-
tant,” Moore said. “Berry is tak- For many years, Berry College has prided tional aspirations,” Waters said. nies and organizations,” Massey said. “We’re
ing a big step in the right direc- itself on a student work program that provides Dean of Student Work and Experiential beginning to place students in roles that relate
tion with the addition of these a meaningful work experience for students. Learning Mike Burnes said the merger of the to their major and can parlay into a full-time
new dorms.” This year, the program will undergo many three offices under Enrollment Management position. This is another enhancement to our
While the cost of building a changes in order to better accomplish this. would serve to better prepare students for a already premier student work program.”
LEED certified building is more Along with Enterprise Development and career after graduation. The student work preference form that is
than that of a regular building, the Career Center, the Office of Student Work “I joked that our new division slogan completed at the beginning of a student’s time
the benefits outweigh the extra and Experiential Learning has been moved to should be ‘Hook ‘Em and Cook ‘Em,’” Burnes at Berry is also being improved to achieve
cost, Goshorn said. report to Enrollment Management, which also said. “[Admissions and financial aid] hook greater relevance to the student’s interests,
“The cost is a little bit higher houses financial aid and admissions rather ‘em, [student work, Enterprise Development both academically and professionally.
than what a regular building than the Office of the Provost where it previ- and the Career Center] cook ‘em and then Waters said one of the ultimate goals of the
would be but the return you get ously reported. when you graduate, you’re fully baked.” student work program is to craft a profession-
back in energy savings makes the Vice President of Enrollment Management In addition to the realignment of offices, al resume for a student.
expense well worth it,” Hopkins Gary Waters said this move would facilitate student work will seek to use student work-
said. work experiences that better involve students’ ers in new, creative ways, including after nor-
interests. mal operating business hours and in student see “work” P. 19
see “LEED” P. 3 “The synergy between student work, stu- teams. Assistant Vice President of Enterprise
dent enterprises and career services will make Development Rufus Massey has also begun to

vv Features | Page 6 Entertainment | Page 9 Sports | Page 10 Fact of the Week:

A freshman’s guide to An introduction to The three most valu-
Berry slang lacrosse able brand names
on earth: Marlboro,
Coca-Cola, and Bud-
weiser, in that order.

...There’s a map for that please recycle our paper.

PAGE 2, CAMPUS CARRIER news August 19, 2010

Textbooks now for rent at Berry bookstore

Claudia Hagan Loveless said the bookstore bookstore] would be more expen-
News Editor has instated the rent-a-text pro- sive than using Chegg. Chegg was
gram to help students find the great,” junior Lauren Hicks said.
Buying textbooks has become a best prices for their books. “When I returned my books, they
thing of the past at Berry College. “Rent-a-text will offer students gave me a lot of free stuff, like a
This semester, the Berry book- upwards of 50 percent off the price bottle opener which I’ll never use,
store is offering the option of rent- of new textbooks and will provide a box and they planted a tree for
ing textbooks for students. students with an affordable alter- every book I rented. What more
Rent-a-text, the program Berry native to rising education costs,” could you want?
is participating in, is being used Loveless said. Like rent-a-text,
because of the variety it brings Loveless said the rented books offers students highly discounted
Stephanie Loveless, bookstore should be returned by a date that rates on rental books. The com-
manger, said. will be on their receipt. However, pany will also accept books back
“We are eager to launch Rent- if students fail to return the book up to 30 days after the order, and
a-text because we are committed on time, then they will be charged they will refund the customer’s
to providing students with afford- non-return and processing fees. money. will also pur-
able textbook choices,” Loveless Loveless said students are able chase books that are in “very good
said. to return rented books if they drop to better condition” as stated on
In order to rent, students may the class during the designated their website.
either select their books online or return period at the beginning of Students who have already
in the store. Either way, students the semester. used other rental outlets said they
are able to pick up their books in Students said they would con- plan on using them again instead
the bookstore Loveless said. sider renting some of their books of the bookstore.
Students can pay for the rental from the bookstore. “I’ll use Chegg because I’ve
by cash, check, credit or finan- “I might rent my books for already used them and had a
cial aid. Regardless of payment my [general education] classes, good experience with them,”
method, students have the option but for my regular major classes, Hicks said. Meredith McDermott, Photo Editor
of converting their textbook into a I’ll buy those,” said senior Kari One difference between Chegg.
The Berry College bookstore advertises for its new renting option.
purchase during their rental time. Theobald. “I know that I’ll want com and the bookstore is the con-
Students will be able to pick up their rented books in the bookstore.
Before a student can rent a to keep them for sure.” dition in which the books can be
book, they have to complete a Other students said they would returned. discour- their users to write and highlight Spelman College and Georgia
rental agreement, be 18 years old, use other textbook rental options ages it users from highlighting in their rented textbook. State University.
show an ID and provide a credit such as and writing in their books. On the Other colleges that utilize rent-
card number as collateral. “I feel like renting books [at the other hand, rent-a-text encourages a-text are University of Georgia,

Housing want to deal with the hassle of renting an off-campus

The current housing policy allows only a select few
lowered the qualifications for admission at all.”
Goshorn said he welcomed growth to a certain extent,
but hoped Berry would remain true to its origins as a
continued from pg. 1 students, mostly fifth-year seniors, to live off campus. smaller school.
Neither Briggs nor Goshorn gave any indication that the “I’d love to see Berry grow, obviously,” he said. “But
Despite their efforts to shift students off campus, growth of the college would cause any reason for chang- I don’t want it to ever be a big university.”
however, Goshorn said his department did not receive ing that policy. Briggs said the rise in admission of first-year students
quite the response they had hoped for. Briggs did say, however, that the college plans on cap- combined with the spike in the retention rate of return-
“It was surprising,” he said. “We didn’t have the ping their acceptance numbers at around 600 students, ing students means good things for the future of Berry
numbers we thought we would, most likely because of but that the recent rise in admissions doesn’t necessarily College.
the timing. It was summer, and students had already reflect a decline in admission standards. “These numbers are just a testament that things are
picked a place and either they were happy with it or had “Percentage-wise we aren’t accepting any more stu- really going well here,” he said. “And we’d like to con-
decided it’s where they were going to be, so they didn’t dents than we traditionally do,” he said. “We haven’t tinue that trend.”

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August 19, 2010 News CAMPUS CARRIER, PAGE 3

Conn selected for fellowship, leaving Berry for for one year
Nicole Nesmith Conn said. “I view science as a global enter-
Cabin Log Editor-in-Chief prise; most of the scientific issues are global.
I’ll be working on foreign policy issues that
Bruce Conn, professor of biology and dean take it a step further. It’s about using science
of the School of Mathematical and Natural as a way to help countries get along.”
Sciences, is extending beyond the domain of Conn’s position looks specifically at scien-
exams and sleepy-eyed students to test the tific issues and international diplomacy rang-
waters of foreign policy. ing from President Obama’s global health
Conn will spend the next year in Washing- initiative to an ocean policy concerning com- Sports Night at Viking
ton, D.C. as part of the esteemed Jefferson Sci- merce, naval and military issues. He is also Venture
ence Fellowship. During the six-year program, expected to maintain research activities in Come out to the Cage
Conn will be serving as an advisor to the State addition to his new responsibilities. Conn said Center and enjoy a night
Department, continuing in a consulting posi- he has normal reservations about his year in of sports Friday Aug. 20 at
tion for the remaining five years after return- Washington. 9 p.m.
ing to Berry College in the fall of 2011. “As far as trepidation and anxiety, I don’t
During the time that Conn will be away know that much about foreign policy, so New Faces Showcase
from Berry, Tom Kennedy, dean of the Evans I’ve been studying very heavily the past few See the new freshman class
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sci- months,” Conn said. “The first month or so show off their talents in the
ences, will be taking over the responsibilities will just be orientation, but after that will be Ford Auditorium Saturday
of the dean of the School of Mathematical and very intensive training.” Aug. 21 at 8 p.m. or 10 p.m.
Natural Sciences. Kennedy said he will aid Kennedy said his responsibilities remain
the departments in various ways, with the much the same, with the priority to keep the
help of Julee Tate, associate professor of for- school moving forward.
contributed by cabin log Ice Cream Social
eign languages and Gary Breton, professor of “My responsibility is, well, to sort of make but we have every faith that he will do well,” Enjoy some sweet treats as
chemistry. sure the trains leave on time,” Kennedy said. Breton said. a welcome back to all Berry
A highly competitive program, the Jefferson Tate said she is not sure what her duties Although all three professors are faced students from the Black
Science Fellowship requires the awardees to will entail. with busier schedules, they are grateful to Student Alliance Saturday
be very well-known scientists, bring a bounty “That hasn’t really been fleshed out yet,” have the opportunity to assist the departments Aug. 21 at 9 p.m. in the
of research and a notable network. Conn is one Tate said. “I assume it will be along the lines of in accomplishing goals. Ford Auditorium.
of only 12 scientists and engineers to receive signing forms when Kennedy is busy. What- “I’m hoping it will be very seamless for
the honor this year. Kennedy said it is great ever the task, I think it’s great for Berry; it everyone, including the students,” Breton Slip-N-Slide
for Berry as well as Conn to be associated with reflects well upon Berry College.” said. Join Campus Outreach for
something so prestigious. Breton said his job is to help Kennedy with Conn said he hopes to use his experiences their annual Slip-N-Slide
“I’m delighted that he was granted this things he is not familiar with. to influence students at Berry through course- on Mountain Campus Sun-
opportunity,” Kennedy said. “This will “The dynamics are different from humani- work that focuses on both science and inter- day Aug. 22 at 4 p.m.
increase Berry’s reputation, knowing about ties,” Breton said. “I’ll help him with instru- national relations. Conn said it is important to
our existence and the work we do.” mentation, people that need to be present for see the world in a different light, understand- Rome Braves Game
In the late 1990s, Conn said he became labs and any other requests.” ing that we all have the same basic needs. Get off campus for a couple
more interested in foreign policy and how it Extremely prestigious honors such as the “I hope to gain a lot from this experience,” hours and enjoy some minor
relates to scientific pursuit. Conn said his posi- Jefferson Science Fellowship are typically Conn said. “It’s a great opportunity to engage league baseball as the Rome
tion with the State Department will allow him reserved for faculty from huge universities, in a patriotic act for my country. I really believe Braves take on the Greens-
to advise others on scientific issues. Breton said. He added that it speaks highly of in spreading peace. I believe in helping the boro Grasshoppers Friday
“I have, over the years, been involved both Conn and Berry. United States. We all need to strive to promote Aug. 27 at 7 p.m. at State
internationally with scientific organizations,” “It’s going to be really hard for the sciences, improvement in humanity.” Mutual Stadium

Outdoor Movie

bill,” Moore said. used in the renovations of older tions is not to achieve LEED Join KCAB for the first
Morgan and Deerfield were dorms on the Berry campus. certification but to at least make outdoor movie of the year
initially built with the expec- “Green renovations will be the buildings more efficient,” in Clara Bowl Friday Aug.
tancy of achieving a silver sta- used whenever they are pos- Goshorn said. “Things like bet- 27 at 10 p.m.
continued from pg. 1
tus on the LEED scale Hopkins sible,” Elsberry said. “Some of ter heating and cooling systems
said. the older dorms are not built in a and more efficient washers Welcome Back Dance
However, the cost of building Dance the night away at
“In order to achieve a silver way that allows for many green and dryers are still worthwhile
a LEED certified building has KCAB’s Luau Dance Sat-
status we were required to shoot techniques to be used.” green renovations even if they
significantly decreased in the urday Aug. 28 at 9 p.m. in
for gold to ensure that we would However, some green reno- aren’t enough for a LEED
past 10 years Hopkins said. Krannert Center.
at least get silver,” Hopkins vations have already been made certification.”
“The cost has gone down
said. “But once the evaluation in older dorms Goshorn said.

because green building has Paul O’Mara Gallery Talk
came through, it turned out we “The goal with the renova- FEBRUARY 11, 2010
become more popular,” Hop- Listen and learn from
had actually pulled off a gold
kins said. “More manufacturers professional photographer
are producing green products so Paul O’Mara Monday Aug.
Hopkins said in order for
they have become more avail-
able and cheaper.”
Morgan and Deerfield to main-
tain their LEED gold status, peri- LEED certifications 30 at 7 p.m. in the Moon
Gallery. CE credit offered.
Moore said Berry has made
odical reports must be sent to the
it a goal to cut back on energy Student Involvement Fair
U.S. Green Building Council.
costs, and the new dorms are Come learn more about
“Things like housekeeping
perfect to help achieve this goal.
chemicals and levels of energy Platinum 80+ points Student Organizations,
“With things like motion sen- what they can offer you
outputs must continuously be
sor lights and thermostats and and how you can become
reported so that the dorms can
well designed heating and cool- Gold 60-79 points a member Tuesday Aug.
keep their status,” Hopkins said.
ing system, Berry will be able to 31 at 5 p.m. in the Cage
“Gold status can be revoked if the
significantly decrease its energy
dorms do not continue to com- Center.

Second Chances & More

ply with the requirements.” Silver 50-59 points
Eddie Elsberry, director of

First day of
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Sustainability, said green build-
Certified 40-49 points
ing techniques are also being
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site, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere

savings, green materials and resources, indoor
environmental quality, innovation in design
and regional priority.


PAGE 4, CAMPUS CARRIER Opinions August 19, 2010

Academic Adjustments?
As freshmen unpack interact with the student body.
their bags and Viking One of the things about Berry
that makes it a cut above the rest
Venture begins, Berry is the faculty’s willingness to
completes the cycle of answer questions about tests, lec-
exit-entry that is the epit- tures or reading material during
office hours, and some will even
ome of constantly fluctu- help develop ideas for papers.
ating college culture. The Swamping professors with
college’s internal pro- additional grades to turn in may
encourage them to reduce the
cesses whir into a steady number of tests and quizzes they

Your first step starts it all

hum as the millions of administer. Although this may
tiny but essential details initially seem like a welcome
change, fewer grades means
are pieced together and increasing weight on the remain-
ironed out in prepara- ing grades.
and roll tune to kick-start his gig I have now, which, in turn,
tion for the beginning of No one wants to be halfway kyler Post
college career, here’s my advice: has landed me spots on the Stu-
through the semester when they Editor-in-Chief
a new academic year. find out they are failing a class
find your niche at Berry, what- dent Life Council, Shatto Lecture
This year, Berry faces a record ever it may be. From the student Committee and the Emerging
after getting their first test back.
incoming class, with the cur- workers on the grounds crew to Leader Program.
Finals, which have historically
rent estimate of undergraduate the KCAB Chair and the SGA Though I had no road map
composed as little as 10 percent It seems like yesterday I was
enrollment figures at 1925, about President, each and every mem- and, truthfully, no real destina-
of final grades, would then carry on the piano in the College Cha-
150 more students than last year, ber of the Berry community has a tion, I blindly took that first step
more weight, causing additional pel practicing my rendition of
when Berry claimed 1777 under- vital role to play. Find yours. of responsibility at Berry and I
stress during exam week. “Great Balls of Fire” for the New
grad students. Pardon my “Aladdin” refer- wouldn’t change a single aspect
With less time to grade papers Faces Talent Show. I stood where
This influx of new students ence, but stepping into a whole of my three-year adventure so
and tests, professors will inevita- you are standing today, eager
causes concern for many reasons, new world can be a little less far.
bly have to prioritize, which may to break free from the chains of
not the least of which is the hous- than shining, shimmering and College is the final stage of
result in more attention going to childhood and step bravely into
ing debacle that took place dur- splendid. It can be downright preparation for adulthood, and
upper-level classes at the expense the freedom of college life.
ing the summer, in which over a intimidating. Berry, better than any other col-
of the enormous freshman class, Although I was one of the
hundred students were shuffled But in order for you to get lege, allows students the oppor-
which will still be acclimating to most involved people in my
around in a mandatory game the absolute most out of the next tunity to give the “real world” a
Berry academics. high school, I was unsure of how
of musical chairs a la Residence four years of your life, you can’t trial run under the watchful eye
This poses a problem for the I would fit in at Berry or who I
Life. While there have been other sit idly by and let someone else of supportive supervisors, advis-
future if this year’s incoming would become once I entered the
inconvenient adverse effects of do your job or fill your role on ers and other student leaders.
class moves up on a roller coaster Gate of Opportunity.
the high number of students campus. The fact is, there is no Yes, you’re freshman. But
of C’s and still does not possess Now it’s hard to believe that
admitted, the primary concern one else. No other person on this the wonderful thing about this
the know-how to succeed in in a few short months I’ll be
is the long-term effect such rapid campus has the unique qualities, place is that the people of Berry
college. making another huge transition
growth is going to have both on gifts and talents that you alone College encourage everyone,
Additionally, many professors into the job market and “actual”
the quality of education students bring to the table. yes everyone to step up to the
involve themselves in campus adulthood, whatever that means.
receive and the school’s academic But you have to initiate the plate and become a leader in this
activities, even heading up new The other day, I thought back
status. process. community.
student organizations, and some on my time at Berry and asked
Berry prides itself in having a In case you haven’t noticed, How else do you explain a
are frequently seen in Krannert myself “How did I get here?”
low student-to-faculty ratio, cur- this isn’t high school. Nobody’s goofy, big-eared, piano-playing
Lobby conversing with students. Believe it or not, it all started
rently at 11.3-3, but if the growth going to pack your lunch for you jokester like me managing to
Heavier class loads will inevita- with that piano-pumping Jerry
trend continues, then Berry is every morning, create a study become one of the “important
bly cut into the free time profes- Lee Lewis tune at the New Faces
going to be constantly hiring new guide that is an exact replica of people” on campus? It’s true, at
sors spend on campus, which will Talent Show. For weeks after
faculty members to maintain that your tests or even make you go Berry anything can happen.
significantly impact the personal that performance, students, fac-
ratio. While the faculty count is to class. And in the same way, no So enjoy your first few
feel of academics at Berry. ulty and staff were constantly
rushing to catch up with admis- one is going to hold your hand moments on the most beautiful
If Berry is receiving a higher stopping me in the hall and say-
sions, students will be looking at and direct you to the perfect campus on earth, try to remem-
number of applications, then ing “Hey, aren’t you that piano
bloated class sizes and busier pro- opportunity to get involved on ber all of these names and faces
it might be worth considering guy?”
fessors with shorter office hours, campus. You have to find that for you’re learning, discover who
higher admissions standards, That opened a lot of doors for
which translates to professors yourselves. you are and who you want to
which would thwart many prob- me around campus and helped
who don’t have time to discuss It’s amazing to think that be. But most importantly, jump
lems at once and increase the me meet tons of new people who
questions thoroughly, involve where I am now is a direct result in the deep end of the vast pool
value of a Berry education for all I wouldn’t have necessarily met
themselves in campus events or of the steps I took during my of opportunity that is Berry
of us. otherwise.
first week at Berry. I began as College.
So, as someone who used
the sports editor for the Carrier I promise there’s not a person
The Carrier editorial reflects a consensus of the The Carrier’s editorial board. something as simple as a rock
and eventually landed the sweet here who’d let you drown.

the CARRIER Kyler Post

Charnele Noel
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Entertainment Editor
Meredith McDermott
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The Carrier is published weekly except

Berry College
Asst. Photo Editor
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The opinions, either editorial or com-
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Rachel Childs Jessie Duckworth Asst. Online Editor
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Recipient of Georgia College Copy Editor Online Editor Kevin Kleine
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490520 Berry College Features Editor Asst. Sports Editor
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august 19, 2010 opinions CAMPUS CARRIER PAGE 5

Revive personal responsibility

problem.” reached such a condition in the first
I could be doing groceries, trying to place, we are thankful for those who
mail a package, trying to work with the did their best to make things right.
IRS or watching Congress run around I will never claim to be the most
Managing Editor
in circles; I’m sick of it. I would like to responsible college student on the
remind President Obama that George planet, but there comes a time when
W. Bush left office two years ago. the right thing to do is just admit a mis-
I will be holding a memorial service My roommate and I had to deal with take. Maybe it’s the way I was raised,
for my close personal friend sometime an egregious lapse of personal respon- but for the love of heaven, what is so
in the near future. His name is Personal sibility earlier last week. We were both hard about taking responsibility for
Accountability and it seems he’s on his supposed to move into our residence your actions?
deathbed and nowhere near recovery. hall on separate, pre-determined days Say this with me. “I was wrong and “What do you NOT want your
Tragic, isn’t it?
Now that we’re all on our way to
but when we arrived, someone else’s
belongings, trash and spoiled food
I’m sorry.”
Can you imagine all the conflict that
kid to do in college?”
becoming big boys and girls, it’s high were strewn across living space. It was could be alleviated with such a simple
time we started acting like it. This is the nothing short of disgusting. Long story thought?
time of year during which resolutions short, the rest of last week (and most Roommate problems can be eas-
are made. I’m not saying don’t try to of this week) has been spent trying to ily solved with a little communica-
budget your money, lose weight, call make the place livable. When this indi- tion. Let’s say you left dirty dishes in
home more often or get better grades. vidual discovered the inconvenience the sink. Instead of trying to deny the
But please, for the sake of yourself and we encountered, the reaction was noth- chore or claim mischievous elves stole Bring home dirty
others, resolve to take responsibility ing short of indifferent. the soap, it’s better to apologize for laundry.”
for your own actions. All of this could have been avoided your forgetfulness and just get it done. The Browns
I’m tired of presenting issues to peo- if this individual had just moved out at Little things like that really make a Rance
ple and having the problem pushed off the designated time. huge difference in the way people per-
to someone else. It seems like more and Both of us appreciate the efforts ceive each other. And it’s a huge sign
more often I have been hearing things from members of Residence Life, of maturity.
like “Oh, well you have to turn that housekeeping and physical plant this Anyone can take responsibility for
form in to someone else,” “Oh, well past week to give us an acceptable liv- things done well, but it takes a strong
I haven’t heard anything about that,” ing area. Although one could argue person to take responsibility for things
or my personal favorite “That’s not my that the residence never should have done wrong.

Overcoming musical snobbery Sleep through


tive influences, they also apply to per- try artists purposely try to outdo each
Megan The Zeftings
sonal preferences. other by creating more lame lyrics than
Benson Chris
We all want to be individual and their peers.
Sports Editor
stand out in a group, and your taste The problem with disliking a genre,
in music is a very easy way to express though, is the same as with stereotyp-
yourself. Whether you enjoy listening ing a person because of their ethnicity
to Justin Bieber, Disney music or the or geographical location: generaliza-
One of my friends recently told me London Philharmonic Orchestra, you tions are often incorrect. It does not
that she could not understand how I should not care what others have to matter if you like music with instru-
was able to stand listening to the music say, just listen to what pleases you. ments or synthesizers, or classical or
I did. I hold the distinct belief that music indie – it is your opinion.
“How can you listen to that crap?” is created in everyday life – clicking You know what they say about opin-
she asked me. “They don’t even use high heels, wind blowing through the ions – they are like hairstyles. Every- Fail.”
real instruments.” trees or cars driving by on the freeway. one has one; some are beautiful, some
The question got me thinking about Music is whatever we enjoy listening are nasty, and some are scarier than
why I liked that particular song. “It’s to. Whether it follows certain chord Michael Jackson babysitting your kids.
The Jennings
different,” I thought. progressions or time constraints, it Just because you do not like a song, art-
Having been a part of bands and does not matter. ist or genre does not mean that other
orchestras for the better part of the last We have all seen small children people will necessarily agree with you.
decade, I enjoy listening to a variety of – and sometimes even grown-ups – Music exceeds geographical and cul-
music. banging on random pieces of furniture tural boundaries. Small African tribes
Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy or cookware to perform for their audi- create music from their hearts and it is
cranking up some Tchaikovsky or ence. They are creating something and usually very different from the music
Beethoven on the stereo every once in a music, like art, has no limitations. heard and created at Berry College.
while as well, but as they say, “variety In addition to listening to the types Music should not be tainted by this
Not use her
is the spice of life.” of music that please you, you should hoity-toity attitude. Where classical
time wisely.”
It would be easy for me to criti- also respect the musical opinions of music can sometimes become confus-
cize my peers for listening to specific others. In other words, don’t be a music ing with its opus numbers, strange Ital-
genres or artists because of my musical snob! ian words and obscure jargon, trendy,
background, but if anything all that the The music I enjoy listening to goes popular music can be considered triv-
music theory and composition courses beyond genres to specific artists and ial and brainless. The Travises
have taught me is that individuality songs, and sometimes even to small Don’t just hear the music – listen to Millie
and diversity are key to becoming a parts of songs. It would be hypocriti- it. Pay attention to the parts of a song
successful artist. cal of me to say that I do not have my you like or dislike and that will help
I often hear the phrases “Be your- own musical preferences, because I do you become a more active listener.
self” or “Don’t give into peer pres- have them. Who knows, maybe you will find that
sure.” While they are most often meant Generally speaking, I avoid the a song you like opens up a whole new
to steer young people away from nega- “country” genre. I imagine that coun- world of music for you.
Goof off
too much.”

If you have an opinion, we want to hear it! The Randolphs


If you want to write an opinion, all you have

to do is send it to
Letter Submission Policy Letters to the editor must include a name, address and
phone number, along with the writer’s class year or
title. The Carrier reserves the right to edit for length,
style, grammar and libel.
PAGE 6, CAMPUS CARRIER Greetings August 19, 2010

Generation Me? Not the Berry experience SGA: your campus,

your voice
After several months, he received a letter from his through the medium of SGA. Our
Debbie Heida meetings are held every Tuesday
mother that included a question (paraphrased from
night in the Science Auditorium
Dean of Students my memory), “Bobby, I enjoy getting your letters but mallory owens
at 7:00 p.m. We always have
isn’t there anyone else at Harvard? Your letters are SGA President exciting speakers who will com-
all about you. Certainly there must be many inter- municate necessary information
Welcome to Berry and to the new academic year. esting people there.” The paradox of college is to about important topics on cam-
I join others in welcoming the new members of our help each student learn about themselves – who are We have all come quite a long pus, and they also take questions
community and welcoming back those of you for you? what do you believe in? what do you value? way this summer! You came from as to any concerns you may have!
whom this is already home. how does your faith inform your life and your work? an excitement filled SOAR ses- In addition, SGA provides
There’s been much written about the Millennial are you working to your potential? — yet also learn sion to obtaining your i.d. card, a “BookSwap” service. “Book-
moving in to your very own dorm Swap” allows you to purchase
Generation and many are dubbing you “Generation that no one person is the focus of the universe. Most
room, and embarking on a new books at a “student friendly”
Me.” Summer reading for some of us included The of you have heard me quote Frederick Buechner at
beginning. price and is held on the first floor
Narcissism Epidemic, Living in the Age of Entitle- SOAR in saying that your calling is “where your of Krannert. This week Book-
I came from giving a welcome
ment and the authors make the case that narcissism deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.” Who Swap will be open on Thursday
speech in a very crowded and
is not just rampant among college students but has you are is important – learning where you can make warm dining hall where I told you from 3:00-5:00 and Friday from
become pervasive across age groups in our society. a difference is equally as important. that my favorite color was pink, 11:00-2:00.
While debating both the statistics and the resulting So whether you are new to Berry this fall or com- I love country music and read- I would also encourage you to
assumptions, if this is true what does it mean for a ing back for your senior year, I encourage you to use ing biographies about successful start cultivating yourself for lead-
Berry education? the introspective and applied parts of your Berry individuals, and sweet tea is my ership. As always, SGA has a way
favorite beverage to gearing back that you can do this! Each class
Berry has, from its founding, been a place that experience not just as a means of becoming the best
up for the school year and plan- has a set of officers which include
was committed to bringing young people to cam- you can be but to also discover the ways that you
ning exciting new initiatives. On a President, Vice President, Trea-
pus to educate them and then to help them return can make a difference be it on your residence hall surer, and Secretary. Elections
behalf of the Student Government
to their world prepared to make it different, make it floor, as you help a student with a class problem, as for your incoming class will be
Association at Berry, I would,
better. And to do that, we ask you to do two things you lead a student organization or a work team, as again, like to welcome you to held soon, and you will soon start
in tandem – find out who you are and what your you volunteer in the Rome community, as you make campus! hearing more about this!
talents are while asking that you commit yourself to plans for your graduation and life after Berry. I would encourage you to Please feel free to stop
serving others. It is one of many paradoxes you’ll I hope others can look at Berry students as affir- immediately start looking for by our office located in Krannert
confront as a young adult and a member of the Berry mation that there are places not defined by narcis- ways to get involved on campus. 327 with any questions you may
Berry is unique in that it really is have or if you are just looking
community. sism or entitlement but rather by a genuine compas-
possible for your voice to be heard. for smiling faces, candy, or a cold
Several years ago, I was privileged to be part sion for and commitment to serve others. Berry is
One main way you can do this is Coca-Cola!
of a program that included the renowned Harvard defined not just by our mission and our motto but
psychologist and author Robert Coles. He told us how well we live them out on campus, in Rome, and
of his letters to his mother his first year at Harvard.
He wrote weekly and would get a weekly response.
in the places you call home today and in the future. Provost offers “mom’s” advice
minutes. Plan for stressful times
katherine – figure out what can be done in

the whatley advance (then do it!) and what

has to wait until the last minute.
5) Get enough sleep, eat right
(most of the time), and exer-
cise. Each of these will help with
To the class of 2014 and to stress.
transfer students new to Berry: 6) Don’t be afraid to ask for
help. Ask your faculty, your RA,
Welcome to Berry! The Campus the Academic Support Center,
Carrier folks have given me (and your friends, your family. We
NEEDS YOU! others) a chance to offer you some have lots of great people on cam-
Paid Positions Available early advice. Here’s what I’ve told pus who are all interested in help-
Meetings Every Monday at 5:30 p.m. my advisees each fall and what I ing you succeed.
in Richards Gym told my kids when they went off 7) Stay on campus for the
to college: weekends for the first half of the
semester. If you want to start feel-
1) Go to class. Every class. ing at home here, you actually
Every day. It will pay off for you have to live here.
in the long run. 8) Think about others. How
2) Explore. Consider new will you make a difference in the
courses of study, meet new peo- world? What can you do right
ple, participate in new activities, now? We have many opportuni-
find new places. Figure out what ties to volunteer to help people in
you like, and what you don’t. our community. Get together with
Figure out areas where you excel, a couple of friends and help.
and what you can live without. 9) Call the people who raised
Discover new areas of interest. you once a week or so to let them
3) Read. Read books, maga- know you’re ok. (And not just
Student Discount on Oil Change and General Repair zines, newspapers – and websites when you have a problem.) They
too, if you read them critically and miss you.
with an eye toward what is veri- 10) Look up from the cell phone
fiable. Read what’s required for periodically and marvel at the
your courses, but read for fun as beautiful campus around you!
4) Manage your time wisely. I’m looking forward to getting
Do your work for class. Work to know all of you over the course
hard at your job. Do something of the year. Good luck with this
fun every day, even for just 15 first semester!
Eternal Expressions
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august 19, 2010 greetings Campus Carrier page 7

Five F’s for fighting frustration, finding fulfillment Make

all of whom are committed to your success. time to prioritize the many demands on your
time, and attack those that are most important
Director, First-Year
Fit. Both connotations of this F-word are
relevant for first year students. First of all, try
to find where you fit in at Berry. Whatever
in helping you meet your goals. Discipline
yourself to give your full attention to one task
at a time and learn to say “no.”
your interests or talents, you can find a place
to put them to use at Berry. Attend the student Forgiveness. You won’t always be focused; lindsey taylor
Felicitations First-Year Students! Since the
involvement fair on September 2 to learn about you’ll fall of your fitness plan occasionally; Director of Residence
Fiendish Carrier Editor has forbidden ful-
the numerous opportunities to get involved at from time to time your friends will get on your Life
someness, I offer five F-Words (no, not that
Berry. Secondly, staying or getting fit is vital nerves, and you’ll get on theirs, and sometimes,
one) that, if faithfully followed, will help you
to your success. With all the stress of the first you’ll feel you don’t fit it anywhere. The only
find fulfillment and fend off failure in your
weeks, it’s easy to get too little sleep, too many remedy is to learn to forgive. Forgive others
first year.
empty calories, and not enough exercise. A for not meeting your expectations and forgive On behalf of the Residence Life
weekly schedule that includes sitting down yourself for not being perfect. And then start staff, I would like to welcome you
Friends. The biggest mistake you can make
to healthy meals, some form of exercise and working again toward your goals. to (or back to) Berry College! The
is to think that you can do this alone. Make
7-8 hours of sleep every day will not only help Residence Life staff is here to help
an effort in these first weeks to reach out and
you deal with the stress of these early weeks, First-Year Experience Office. The office of make your living experience the
form connections with classmates in BCC 100
but keep you performing at your best through- First-Year Experience, located in Krannert 331 best possible.
and other classes, your mentor, your room-
out the semester. exists to help new students make a successful Our team is comprised of stu-
mate and hall mates and commuters. Not all
transition to Berry. Along with your first-year dents who are ready to welcome
of these people will become your close friends,
Focus. You will find many interests com- seminar instructor and first-year mentor, we you into the Berry community,
but they’ll see you through the first challeng-
peting for your attention, including your new work hard to help you learn about the many assist with your transition, and
ing days, and yes, some of the friendships you
friends, your job, those campus organizations opportunities and resources for you at Berry, aid in making Berry College your
make now may last a lifetime. While you’re
you’ve joined, and your daily visit to the Cage so that you make the most of all of them. We “home away from home!”
reaching out, get to know your professors and
to work out. So it’s important that you manage measure our success by your success, so please With such a large incoming
your academic advisor, your work supervisor,
your time effectively from the beginning. Take call on us. class, we ask that you take an
active role in building our cam-

College life too good to pass up

pus community. Your Resident
Assistant(s) are excited you are
here and will be planning pro-
grams and activities to provide an
opportunity for you to meet those
living around you.
Your participation in these
sphere that a college offers are indicators that a Wisdom at Berry College is also found out- programs is one way you can
student, particularly a new one, “gets it”. side of the classroom. Work supervisors are have an active role in building our
Harry Musselwhite I often say that the busiest students are the marvelous resources for important informa- community.
most successful, and I still believe this to be tion, whether it be how to attend to the birth Another way you can help in
Choral Director
true. The sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses of a new foal at the Gunby center or perhaps creating our community is dem-
who sing in my choirs at Berry College are how to get an interview with an important onstrating respect towards your
resident assistants, Campus Carrier journal- corporate officer. roommate, peers, facilities, and
I liked college so much that I never left. ists, filmmakers, actors, and members of the We love to make music at Berry College. policies.
Seems like a strange thing to say, but it is equestrian team. Oh, yes, they also attend Martha Berry was keen on great music mak- There is a great amount of
very true. The stately buildings, usually featur- classes and make outstanding grades. They ing, and she made sure that vocal and instru- responsibility each of us has to
ing proud columns pointing the way to higher “get” the college experience at Berry! mental music had a pride of place in campus take to make living on campus
thought, the friendships discovered and nur- Students who “get it” quickly identify events. fun and enjoyable for everyone.
tured in those buildings, and a sense of doing great teachers here and seek their wisdom and We still make music in one form or another Please join our staff in making
something extraordinary all conspired to lure guidance, both in and out of the classroom. at nearly every event on this campus. this a great year and a great place
me into the life of a college teacher. These great teachers may be difficult, but the Join us as we make music this year! Join a to live and learn!
In a life of tremendous highlights, I know influence on young lives they offer serves as a choir, a band, a brass ensemble, and become an If you need any assistance, our
that one highlight at the top of my personal foundation for a truly great experience here, integral part of the Berry College community. office is located in the Ladd Cen-
list is observing a young person diving into and more importantly, as a rock solid basis for Don’t be surprised if a professor, work ter. We hope your semester gets
the world of collegiate study with abandon. a successful life. Don’t believe me? Ask one of supervisor, or fellow student stops you one off to a great start, and again, wel-
Taking great classes, participating in campus the thousands of alumni who come back every day and says, “Wow, you really ‘get it’ here!” come to Berry!
activities, and absorbing the stimulating atmo- October for Mountain Day.

KCAB: same name, new game.

at internships, camps, study abroads, work, So be sure to mark these weekends on your
and vacations, KCAB has been hard at work calendar!
preparing for an eventful year of campus Most importantly, KCAB is here to serve
Ali Dullen programming. the student body, to produce amazing events,
KCAB Chair Changes have been made to events to and to be a resource for you to use when plan-
make them even better, and we cannot wait ning your own campus fun.
to see you out and about at our events. One So please feel free to visit us any time in
of the biggest changes that you will notice for our office on the first floor of Krannert.
It would not be a true Berry College greet- this year is that, in addition to our traditional I encourage you to check out all of our
ing without saying hello, and welcome back programming, events this year – this is your Student Activi-
to another exciting year here on campus! So Viking Weekends are back! Yes, that cov- ties Fee hard at work, so don’t let it go to waste!
on behalf of KCAB I would like to extend that eted red t-shirt is being replaced with a new, I promise you won’t be disappointed!
welcome to each and every one of you. All 17 teal, Viking Weekend t-shirt. We do not have
KCAB members have been hard at work wait- 2,000 t-shirts so be on the lookout for ways to
ing for your arrival. win your very own shirt!
Hopefully your room is slowly becoming a However, what I can guarantee you is that
little more organized, or at least the boxes are these Viking Weekends are 7 weekends you
now just on your side of the room instead of do not want to miss! They are loaded with fun
piling onto your roommate’s side as well. events that include free food, paint balloons,
While you have all been away this summer talent, dances, and even a murder mystery.

Check out the Carrier online at
PAGE 8, CAMPUS CARRIER Greetings August 19, 2010

Student work: taking care of business Career Center

Mike burnes
Dean of Student Work
during your upperclass years, we hope you will take
advantage of the opportunity to work in higher level
project management (Level 3), supervisor (Level 4),
keeps you on track
and director (Level 5) positions.
In these higher level positions, you will learn this coming year for various
skills such as initiative-taking, problem-solving, wes moran majors. By attending, you will
Welcome to the nation’s premier Work Experi- decision-making, and supervision. Director, Career Center learn about career fields and
ence College. We are looking forward to seeing you Berry is a very special place in large part due to alumni who want to help you
join the long line of Berry students who have, since our work program. We choose to depend on our with your career goals, learn
1902, contributed to the college by working. students to help us operate and manage the campus connections between college
Our goal is for students to graduate with signifi- and perform research. The Career Center is not just for majors and career choices, and
cant work experiences related to their interests. As a result you have a unique opportunity to learn seniors! One-on-one assistance is internships. This program is very
You will begin your experience by working in valuable work habits and skills which allow you to available for students on identify- popular among Berry Students!
entry-level (Level 1) positions in which you will craft a compelling resume and make you more com- ing and clarifying your interests, Go shopping for a major or
develop basic work skills such as dependability, atten- petitive in today’s job market. skills, and values, for choosing learn more about what you can
tion-to-detail, teamwork, and time management. Please contact the Student Work Office at exten- a major, for relating majors to do with one you have selected
After your first or second semester in the pro- sion 2244 or come by our offices on the third floor of careers, for learning about a vari- by attending the “Majors Fair”
gram, you will be eligible for promotion into skilled Krannert if you need assistance. Again, welcome to ety of career options, for finding on September 30—a collaborative
(Level 2) positions. As you gain more experience the nation’s premier Work Experience College. internships and for such tasks as effort with the Freshman Center.
writing resumes. Set a goal to A drawing will be held and the
make at least one appointment winner will be among the first to
Enterprises helps you do it yourself with us before the end of your
first year at Berry.
register for classes next semester!
Just call us at 236-2292 to
We also assist with you with schedule an appointment with
5.Whole Foods Market partnership is imminent. identifying career shadowing a career advisor for one-on-one
rufus massey We will be providing produce as early as this fall opportunities to make contact assistance! For programming
VP of Student and Angus beef by March to the Cobb County store with professionals in potential events, workshops dates and
Enterprises (Harry’s on Powers Ferry). This will include a ‘Berry career fields of interest. By par- other useful career tidbits, check
Day’ in which student enterprise leaders will be in ticipating, you will gain insights out our newsletter, The Career
Welcome back returning students and welcome the store promoting and talking with customers. into career fields, learn new Tribune posted on the Career
aboard to all our new students from student enter- Partners with Whole Foods Market include: The careers for various majors, con- Center website and in restrooms
prises! We hope you had a productive and fun Berry Farms Angus Beef, The Berry Farms Seasons firm you career choices, and get across campus. Have a great year
summer. Harvest (sustainable garden) and The Berry Farms your questions answered! Be on and we look forward to meeting
Many exciting things have happened with the Jersey Milk enterprises. the lookout for Career Conversa- with you soon! Plan4ward begins
student enterprises program and much more to 6.Berry Student Enterprises Farmers Market – tions –alumni panel discussions now!
come. Next event is scheduled for Saturday, September 18 that will take place several times
Several potential new enterprises are under from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm at Clara Bowl. This event

Writing Center
review include a venture tied to the terrific Exer- along with many shared services (marketing, com-
cise Science program (VO2Max tests, fitness assess- munications, business planning, project manage-
ment, accounting, risk management) provided by
ments, etc.), Viking Furniture (Adirondack chairs),
and Handicrafts (yep, using the looms…).
Berry Enterprises Student Team (B.E.S.T.).
7.Rufus Massey was awarded the prestigious offers assistance,
understanding for
Following are some cool accomplishments from Leavey Award for Private Enterprise Education
various student enterprises: from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for
the innovative student-operated enterprises pro-

first-time college writers

1.Occupancy in The Cottages at Berry up 11% gram at Berry.
since student enterprise took over management. 8.Alum Cathy Anderson has sponsored Berry
2.A new cheese processing partnership is under College Student Enterprises by providing a 2011
development with Udder Cool Dairy in Roopville, Ford Fiesta complete with full SYNC technology
Georgia. The Berry Farms Jersey Milk enterprise has (see photo above). rebecca phillips writing prompt, to inventing and
already partnered with them to sell raw milk and 9.Berry College Student Enterprises have been Student Supervisor, developing ideas, to creating a
Queso Blanco cheese (using exclusively Berry milk) covered by Georgia Magazine, Rome News, Mari- Writing Center thesis or organizing paragraphs.
is being marketed under the Udder Cool brand. etta Daily Journal, various local radio station inter- Please note that Writing Cen-
Berry branded cheese is anticipated soon. views, Berry Magazine, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, ter tutors are not editors and do
3.Viking Cycle Works is the newest addition to interview by Forges columnist, Georgia Cattlemen’s Welcome to Berry! not merely proofread or correct
the student operated enterprises group, initial offer- association, etc. etc. Now that you’ve moved in papers, but they are happy to help
ings are maintenance and repair packages. Would you like more information? No problem, with the deer, let’s move on to the you learn how to handle these fin-
4.Berry Nonprofit Strategic Services is already just go the our student developed and maintained really important question: What is ishing tasks.
involved in a couple of high profile community proj- web site: http://www.berrystudententerprises. a secret to successful college writ- During the day (Monday-
ects. Their goal is to provide free business planning com. ing? Say more about less! And Friday), The Writing Center is
and strategic planning services to nonprofits in cri- just as athletes don’t practice only located in Evans Hall, Room
sis or startup mode. on the night before a game, col- 233. We also have evening hours
lege writing also requires that you in Memorial Library. Although
you’ll like it so much you’ll want to practice early and often to give
your best performance.
drop-by visitors are quite wel-
come, appointments receive pri-

put As the Student Supervisor of

Berry’s Writing Center, I invite
ority treatment. Appointments
may be made by accessing the

a ring on it you to visit us. A free service

available to all Berry students, the
center’s online scheduling ser-
vice at
center is staffed by sophomore, academics/humanities/english/
junior, and senior peer tutors who page.aspx?id=2350 or by calling
have learned best practices in the 706-238-5903. For questions about
teaching of writing. the Writing Center or interest in
Past and current tutors come becoming a peer tutor, please con-
from a variety of majors and tact Dr. Diller, the Writing Center
disciplines. Coordinator, in Evans 233A (or
Our central goal is to help call 706-238-5877).
you to become better thinkers
and writers for the long haul by
working with you to improve
individual assignments. Tutoring
sessions are collaborative and can
focus on any part of the writing
process - from understanding a
august 19, 2010 greetings/ETC. Campus Carrier page 9

Use student media FOR RELEASE AUGUST 9, 2010

for expression, Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

information ACROSS
1 Sound near an
leaving a comment on a story, to chat- ineffective
MARK HANNAH ting on the forums or starting the blog, scarecrow
Adviser, Viking I encourage you to use Viking Fusion 4 Electrical pioneer
Fusion as a place to express yourself. Speak- Nikola
ing of expressing yourself, you can 9 Scandinavian
also share photos, videos, and creative inlet
There is so much going on at Berry
writing with your fellow students and 14 Chef’s phrase
it can sometimes be hard to keep up
have it published online with Viking 15 Healing plants
with it all. Fortunately, there is a place
Fusion. You can just also enjoy watch- 16 Apple pie
where you can learn about all that is
ing one of the original award-winning maker’s device
important to students from a student’s
perspective. Viking Fusion (http:// productions created by our staff. Feel 17 Economy- is a student- free to use Viking Fusion as a resource boosting
operated website that contains news while at Berry to connect online with government
from across the campus and around your fellow students in a unique way program
Rome. We work closely with the Cam- and also a place to escape from your 20 Ex-UN chief
pus Carrier and actually are the online busy lives and enjoy all that we have Annan
home for the newspaper. It’s also a to offer. I hope you have an enlighten- 21 GPS
place where you can voice your opin- ing and entertaining year. suggestions
ion on issues that matter to you. From 22 Greek vowels
23 Apt name for a
herding dog

Counseling Center
26 Wedgelike tools
28 Exam with
derivatives and

available as resource
32 __ Miss
33 Game originally By Jeff Chen 8/9/10

for students
named “The 72 “For __ sake!” Saturday’s Puzzle Solved
Conquest of the 73 Messy place
34 Gold or silver, e.g. DOWN
38 Baldwin of “30 1 Sherry container
your questions about services. Elisa Rock” 2 Choir part
Torell, a graduate student intern from 40 Line spoken to 3 Homeless child
MARSHALL jenkins Richmont Graduate University will the audience 4 Cross shape
provide counseling under my super- 43 Actor’s 5 Bent pipe shape
Director of Counseling vision two days per week. Also, we assignment 6 One with a
supervise the Peer Educators who post 44 Big name in grumpy scowl
the bathroom Pot Thoughts and orga- chicken 7 “__ we forget”
nize activities and cultural events pro- 46 She gets what 8 Appearance
CHANGE! College brings much grams on making healthy, smart choices she wants 9 TV monitoring gp.
change. The Counseling Center is for making the best of college and life. 48 Wall Street 10 Wisecrack maker
here to help you cope with change and If you want to help us with educating index, with “the” 11 Give a speech
develop skills to face new personal students here and in Rome about men- 49 Puffy sky feature 12 Fit for a king
challenges. tal health related topics such as alcohol 53 Hall of Fame 13 Word with sun or
Academic achievers and under- and drug abuse, sexual assault, eating Celtic whose evening
achievers, social insiders and outsid- disorders, etc., let us know and we’ll initials are his 18 Catchall abbr.
ers, people facing normal stresses and discuss the Peer Educator program fur- given name 19 Tennis legend (c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 8/9/10
those with mental health issues use ther with you. 56 Spanish cat Arthur
our services. Our service is confiden- Also, come to our office for books 57 Pakistan neighbor 24 “Ben-__” 39 Hard-shelled 53 Actor Douglas and
tial. I am a licensed psychologist, and and other media on personal develop- 58 Benelux country: 25 “East of Eden” palm fruits baseballer Gibson
Terri Cordle, M.S., L.P.C., is a licensed ment topics. We will see you in classes Abbr. director Kazan 41 Dunked morning 54 Witch
professional counselor, So if you think and residence halls to discuss stress 60 Strong-jawed 27 Belief: Suff. snack 55 Farr or Foxx
you need a skilled, listening ear from management, relationships, personal- device 28 __ of arms 42 Film lioness 59 London’s __
someone outside your social circle, ity, and other requested topics. There 64 Rome’s twin 29 Comrade in arms 45 Sister Britain art gallery
put down that phone book and call are lots of folks at Berry eager to help founders, 30 Wranglers 47 “Sister __”: 61 Rascals
706-236-2259 (or on-campus extension and support you. If you’re not sure we traditionally alternative Whoopi 62 Three-piece
2259), or come by the Counseling Cen- are the right ones for your particular 68 Makes a scarf, say 31 Proficiency Goldberg film attire, maybe
ter, located in the Ladd Center, to make need, come see us, and we’ll help you 69 One-eighty 35 Knucklehead 50 List of choices 63 Glimpse
an appointment. find the service you need. We welcome 70 Dot on a die 36 Baseball’s Felipe 51 Runs out of 65 WWII transport
Regarding the rest of the staff, we you and look forward to meeting those 71 Dost lay one’s or Moises 52 Score before 15, 66 Dr. of rap
welcome our new office manager, of you who choose to share your jour- eyes on 37 Ribald in tennis 67 Dr.’s co-workers
Teresa Frazier, who can help you make ney with us.
that appointment and who can answer

Student publications offer work opportunities to all students

What is there to do on campus or in Rome? Where are produced.
the best places to take a date around this area? What is If you are interested in working for the literary mag-
Kevin Kleine Mountain Day like and what should I expect during my azine, newspaper or yearbook, please come to our first
first one? staff meeting. We expect no prior experience and will be
Student Publications I have the solution. Read our student media, includ- happy to train you. Students of all majors are desired.
Adviser ing Viking Fusion. Or better yet, become a staff member Whether you’re a communications major, English
of one of our studentmedia. We have three award-win- major, government major or an animal science major, we
If you like to write, take photos or use computers for ning publications awaiting your arrival as a reader or a can always use your help, so don’t feel like the student
graphic or Web design, then I have the place for you to staff member. publications are strictly for communications students,
get involved. You’re worried about meeting some new And best of all--most student publications are FREE! they are not. Once you join our team as a reader or pub-
friends. No worry, student publiations will welcome you All of our publications are designed and created for lication staff member, you will find a family of caring
as a staff member on one of our publications. you--the students. If you don’t like what you see, let us and creative fellow students. We welcome you with open
So, you don’t know what to do now. You’re wonder- know. We’ll likely try to put you to work on one of our arms.
ing how you will spend your free time outside of class or publications since we appreciate and seek diverse view-
work. You’re not alone. points. All of our publications are student-managed and
PAGE 10, CAMPUS CARRIER Features August 19, 2010 August 19, 2010 Features CAMPUS CARRIER PAGE 11

15 Dos &
Don' Webster
ts Terms you may hear Quick Edition
around campus:

The Bubble: all the surrounding areas when entering Berry Col- space between Morgan and Deerfield.
lege. From the Gate of Opportunity to the academic buildings, and
Residence Halls, athletic fields, roads, houses; also includes Moun- The Three Flo's of Hoes: there are three floors in the Morton/
tain Campus. A protective shield from the rest of Rome, Ga. and the Lemley Residence hall where hoes run wild, and they aren’t the
world. We have a our own city called Mount Berry. garden tools.

to fight the freshman 5 to 15 Chastity Castle: The Ford buildings are home to Clara, East and
West Mary women. The ladies that live in the buildings are sus-
pected to be studious and chaste.
The Dana Funk: the stench that once swarmed one's nostrils
when walking through the halls of Dana Residence Hall. Recently
has been evicted and vacated to Thomas Berry over the summer.

Three ma- Rape Lot: a parking lot behind the E.H Young Theatre where
Katherine Lavey jor factors include women have been suspected of taking advantage of their victims.
6. Do the H2O, minimize the high sugar and high
having a new sense of
Features Editor
freedom, a change in sur-
As the fall semester begins, roundings and a stressful work- calorie drink intake.
college campuses will be chaotic load. Finding ways to cope can Stretch: the three-mile road that leads and circles around
as returning students move back into and will be difficult with the sudden Mountain campus. Good for driving when needing some
their day-to-day grind. Also, for some, change in lifestyle. Food can become
time to think or take a break from studying.
7. Don’t
breaking away from the long held par- something to turn to when you feel a
ent’s grip for the first time into the jour- loss of control or when you experience fall into bad habits such as staying up
ney as a freshman own challenges arise. new waves of emotions. late and waking up early.
Overcoming obstacles will be rewarding. We all want to exercise our rights to do
One obstacle we have heard about (or what we want, minus the weight gain.
have faced) is the unforgiving “freshman Web MD and other reports suggest stu-
fifteen,” the weight one may gain while
attending their first undergraduate
dents keep in mind many activities will
revolve around food. We all should
refrain from a sedentary lifestyle,
8. Do exercise—schedule time and follow it. Walk-
year in college. According to fresh- ing to class or riding a bike is also beneficial. The Cage, college students are which can keep the calories from
prone to weight fluctuations, adding up. By following these provides a free gym, open seven days of the week.
because of stress related fac- steps, the freshman fifteen Swimming is available and classes such as cycling,
tors, as well as frequent can be another challenge dancing and yoga are free. Schedules will be posted on
partying. to overcome.
the Berry athletics page in the fall.

Chicken Bus: a vehicle sponsored by Chick-fil-a that transports

9. Don’t get too comfortable or turn to 14. Don’t turn to
WinShape students from mountain campus to main campus and
1. Don’t go out to eat for all meals snack foods if you are uncomfortable. Stress is a food when emotions run
sometimes to the airport.
because dinning hall food isn’t satisfactory. leading factor to over-eating, even if you are not wild. D-hall: the main cafeteria in downstairs Krannert Center that is V-Hall: the store on the second floor of Krannert that is open
hungry. open Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday and Sun-
p.m. Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. through 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 day at 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Inside you can find snacks and beverages
2. Don’t drink like a fish. Binge drink- 15. Do treat yourself if p.m. and a few stations that provide hamburgers, fries, chicken sand-

ing can lead to excess calories and late night 10. Do avoid staying inside the dorm play- you have been exercising whichs, philly cheese steaks, a southwest grill and sushi as well as
a deli.
meal runs to McDonald's or Taco Bell. ing video games, watching movies or TV all the on a daily basis.
time. Getting involved will help with staying Moderation is key.
active and meeting people. There are a variety Round-a-about: there is only one, a Berry landmark.
of inturmurals in the fall and spring semesters.

3. Don’t keep junk food close at hand.

Buying healthy food such as bananas, apples
or nutrigrain bars can be an option for break-
fast on the way to class. 11. Do keep a record of your calorie
intake or plan what you will eat.

4. Do stay busy, but not so busy that

you miss meals. 12. Don’t be lazy; be realistic. New rez: before the new residence halls Deerfield and Morgan
landed, Centennial was the newest residence hall.

Mofield: the new co-ed dorms that opened in the fall of 2009, the WinShapers: those students who have recieved a scholarship
combination of Morgan Hall and Deerfield Hall. Can also be the from Chick-fil-a and participate in the WinShape program. They
5. Do eat small snacks between classes if live in Friendship and Pilgrim halls on Mountain Campus.
you feel your stomach start to growl. 13. Don’t get pregnant.

Popular TV shows portray ‘realness’ ,‘relatability’

practice of it, this hot button issue premiere on Sept. 23rd at 10:00
CHAUNCEY is displayed in ways designed to p.m. on NBC as a part of the
BROWN help young viewers on their path “Comedy Night Done Right” is
to self-discovery. In talking about sure to have high ratings. Fans
“Glee” with friends, we have all will be sure to watch every epi-
come to the conclusion we wish sode in anticipation of the finale
we had this show in high school. where they will have to say good-
“It makes me more aware of bye to Michael Scott for the sev-
As I look back on this past how real a lot of issues are,” senior enth and final time.
year, the most profound memory Laura Baker said. “It reminds me On the other hand, “Glee” is
I have was the day I fell in love. of trying to fit in and finding who Courtesy of nbc universal quickly picking up momentum
Courtesy of fox broadcasting company
With “Glee,” that is. I was back then.” and attracting a larger fan base as
joyed at the sheer authenticity of dia television show done in ways
“Glee,” an Emmy nominated In addition, “Glee” has spread Gleeks prepare for the upcoming
each character and the represen- unlike before,” Conway said.
dramedy, is about a talented and like wildfire across college cam- second season. Spoilers have rid-
tation of Ohioans in general. In Fans have the ability to buy
diverse group of underdogs from puses and is slowly starting to dled various blogs and although I
addition to chronically sweating CD’s, clothes, audition to be on
Lima, Ohio who come together overtake “The Office” in popular- can admit to reading every single
the small stuff, the use of that one the show and go to “Glee” con-
through their common love of ity. Set in Scranton, Pennsylvania, one of them, I still cannot wait for
word transformed me from just a certs. “The Office” fans connect
performing. The show intrigued “The Office” is a mockumentary the premiere. Numerous guest
fan to a Gleek for life. with the show through dialogue
me for various reasons; the most about Dunder Mifflin INC. Paper stars are expected to make appear-
The realness of the show is rather than predictable situations,
coming from season one’s epi- Company and the ensemble cast, ances. Britney Spears is expected
something many viewers con- which contrasts with the “Glee”
sode, “Ballad.” The most poignant spearheaded by Steve Carell’s to have an entire tribute episode
nect with. Junior Clare Conway, audience, in which viewers tune
scene was set in a house fresh off character Michael Scott. including songs sung by Brittany,
anthropology major, agreed. into familiar surroundings and
of an HGTV makeover where “It’s real, nothing is glamor- America’s favorite Cherrio whose
“[‘Glee’] is all about the under- weekly changing situations.
four people sit at a table made for ous,” Conway said. “It feels real one-liners keep me in stitches.
dog,” Conway said. “It is the most June 28th, 2010 broke the
eight eating a meal that would especially with the Jim and Pam Although “Glee” is the clas-
realistic show about high school. hearts of many “The Office” fans
put Wolfgang Puck to shame. romance. They are a real couple sic coming of age story, viewers
It’s a show about the people I around the world. Steve Carell
Awkward silences fill the air as with real issues which makes it are able to relate to characters in
hang out with.” confirmed the upcoming 7th sea-
Mr. and Mrs. Fabray look long- very relatable.” unprecedented ways. This season
Being able to relate to char- son would be his last. This rev-
ingly at each other and Finn looks “Glee” and “The Office” fans will be sure not to disappoint fans
acters on Glee every week helps elation quickly became a trending
at Quinn anxiously as if the news alike are attached to the charac- and the next month will feel like
viewers feel less alone in the topic on Twitter with many fans
of her pregnancy needs to be told. ters’ personalities and represen- an eternity to my fellow Gleeks
world. saying the show would not be the
The only way Finn knows how is tations of who they are or people and me. Until then, I will be sing-
“[‘Glee’] has heart, spirit and same without him and the plug
through song, but he is not ready they know. Viewers tune in every ing “Glee” covers in my dorm
is serious enough to deal with should be pulled.
at this time. He stands up. All week to see how each character room and counting down the
issues no one talks about,” Con- Quotes like, “’The Office’ is not
six feet three inches of him tow- grows and deals with everyday hours until the September 21st
way said, “The biggest being ‘The Office’ without Steve Carell-
ers the screen and he says a word problems. One slight difference premiere date at 8:00 p.m. It can’t
teenage sexuality.” hopefully they don’t attempt
I’ve been mocked for ever since I between the two is the ability to come soon enough; and that’s
Sexuality is an overarching it without him,” were found
stepped foot in the South; “pop.” connect with “Glee” after the final how “C” sees it.
issue delicately intertwined with tweeted all over the popular social
Not soda, coke or soft drink. Pop. credits roll.
many storylines. Whether it is networking site.
As a native of Ohio, I was over- “’Glee’ has become a multime-
talking about orientation or the The upcoming seventh season

New club opens just in

time for incoming class Coming soon...
Saturday, Aug. 21 Saturday, Aug. 28
Asst. Entertainment
Editor New Faces Talent Show Welcome Back Dance
8:00-11:30pm Hawaiian Luau
Ice Cream Social 9:00pm-12:00am
A new dance club initiative is 9:00-10:30pm
beginning in time to welcome the
incoming freshman class.
Courtesy of Gabe Steinmeyer and Kyle Johnson
Club Viking, funded solely by
Sunday, Aug. 22 Tuesday, Aug. 31
the Kappa Gamma chapter of Phi Venture in the Krannert Ballroom
Mu Alpha, one of Berry’s profes- from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Two
sional music fraternties, gives DJ’s from Atlanta will be running
students a place to go once every the music. There will be no cover
charge and free drinks.
month to dance the night away.
“We hope to have a large por- Slip-n-Slide Student Involvement Fair
Gabe Steinmeyer, a Phi Mu tion of the freshmen attend,” 4:00-8:00pm 5:00pm-7:00pm
Alpha member, said he and a Steinmeyer said.
few other people in the fraternity Freshmen Millie Travis and
started the club to help with the Kacy Bennett said they think this
severe lack of a dance club scene is a good initiative to improve the

Friday, Aug. 27
club scene for Berry students.
in Rome.
“Club Viking is a new dance
“I think it’s a great idea,” Tra-
vis said. Wednesday, Sept. 1
club concept where college stu- “I would definitely go,” Ben-
dents, primarily from Berry, nett said.
Rome Braves Game Vollyball tailgate
could go to hang out, dance and Junior Mitch Hutts said, even
socialize,” Steinmeyer said. “With though dance clubs aren’t where 7:00-9:30pm
he would be, he thinks it is a good 7:00-8:00pm
the closing of Peach Palace, we
decided that Rome needed a place idea.
for students to go that didn’t have “I’m not big into dance clubs, Outdoor Movie
but I’m supportive of most any For a list of upcoming events, visit the
all the ‘creepy people’ that seem to “50 First Dates”
plague the off-campus locations.” student-run group,” Hutts said. calendar at
The first event will be held Club Viking will be held once 10:00pm-12:00am
Friday, Aug. 20 during Viking a month, with the locations to be

Page 13, Campus Carrier Entertainment August 19, 2010

Coming soon: fall movie lineup

It is prime time for new begin- cinematic masterpieces we thought
nings, changes of pace and premieres you might want to jot in your calendar
for some of the most anticipated films to stand in line for at midnight, or just
mckenzie reeves this year! There is going to be plenty critique from where you are with your
Marketing Director of gun slinging, doomed romance particular film interests. Without fur-
and unsettling mystery to go around. ther ado, sit back, relax and enjoy the
We’ve pulled five of these noteworthy shows!

“The American” “Going The Distance”

Premiering Sept. 1 Premiering Sept. 3
For the moviegoer searching
for a romantic comedy, “Going
the Distance” may be the movie
for you. It is an age-old conflict in
the lives of the young, the restless
and single. They meet. They fall
in love. They know it’s not going
to work. They try anyway.
In the midst of their own fast-
paced lives, Erin (Drew Barry-
more) and Garrett (Justin Long)
meet and make an unmistakable
connection that leads them to
string their relationship across the
country on a telephone wire. This
“long distance relationship” is the
Courtesy of Focus Features
challenge at hand and these two
This action-packed drama/ lives as an assassin and a man are spanning the miles between
thriller stars George Clooney as pining for normalcy collide, Jack them trying to hurdle awkward
Jack, an assassin who has mas- finds himself in the danger of situations and hilarious miscom-
tered the art of deception and uncharted territory in plain sight, munications, if only in the name
keeping his identity and the becoming the object of prey. of dysfunctional love.
Courtesy of New Line Cinema
blood on his hands secretive. He You’ll like it if you loved: You’ll like it if you loved: “(500)
is reaching retirement, receiving “James Bond: Quantum of Solace” Days of Summer.”
his last assignment, but when his and “The Bourne Supremacy.”
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”
Premiering Nov. 19
“Easy A” It’s not news that the book is
Premiering Sept. 17 of timeless merit, but let’s be hon-
As the modern day Hester est. At the age of eight, eighteen or
Prynne of “The Scarlet Letter,” eighty, this film is a must see.
Olive Penderghast (Emma Stone) It all ends here. Well, at least
discovers the perks and pitfalls until part two. Harry is back once
of the high school rumor mill more in the tumultuous battle
when she stages losing her vir- against the Dark Arts and You-
ginity. Suddenly it seems sex is Know-Who.
the key to making her way up the Lord Voldemort has harnessed
social ladder until her reputation power over Hogwarts as well as
quickly proceeds to ruin her and the Ministry of Magic and with the
mindless gossip grows a rumor grievous demise of Dumbledore
weed. This hilarious twist on the at the hands of Severus Snape,
tragic horror of social labels tells Harry, Ron and Hermione stand
the tale of what they know can’t at the battlefront against him.
hurt them and what they do. They’ve dropped out of Hog-
You’ll like it if you loved: warts and isolated themselves
“John Tucker Must Die” and from the people they love in order
Courtesy of Olive Bridge Entertainment “Mean Girls.” to protect them from the rising
evil. Secrets arise from the found-
ers and foundations of Hogwarts
that may contribute to the demise
“The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” of the very place they created.
Premiering Oct. 15 The trio is in search of Volde-
mort’s last two Horcruxes, as they
This thriller/mystery is a
are the key to destroying him. All
sequel to the famed books, “The
the while trying to obtain the Elder
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” and
Wand, an unbeatable force, before
“The Girl Who Played With Fire.”
Voldemort discovers it among the
This final installment is the culmi-
Deathly Hallows.
nation of a violent storm. Lisbeth
Their powers are limited and
Salander is recovering in the hos-
the chances of surviving a war of
pital from the bullet wounds given
this grandeur is slight. Error must
to her by her own father, awaiting
be marginal, if not absent, as the
her trial for a triple homicide, all
fate of their magical world is tear-
the while plotting revenge for the
ing at the seams. Sacrifice must be
people who got her into this situ- Courtesy of Warner Brothers Pictures
made, but who will it be? Things
ation to begin with.
are not always what they seem.
You’ll like it if you loved: “The
Harry Potter, the boy who lived, For a list
of upcoming movies, visit
Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.”
comes to die.
You’ll like it if you loved:
“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Courtesy of Nordisk Film Prince.”
PAGE 14, CAMPUS CARRIER entertainment january 29, 2009

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PAGE 15, CAMPUS CARRIER Entertainment August 19, 2010

Important places you should know

A. Home Mart K. Lube Plus Car F
10 Central Plaza 2117 Shorter Ave SW
Rome, GA 30161-3234 Rome, GA 30165-2017
(706) 378-5957 (706) 238-9888

B. Provino’s L. Connect Rome

288 Shorter Avenue Church
Rome, GA 30165-4288 2770 Martha Berry
(706) 378-9009 Highway
Rome, GA 30165
C. Dogwood Books (706) 378-2223
240 Broad Street
Rome, GA 30161 M. The Wishy Washy
(706) 235-2660 1904 Shorter Ave
Rome, GA 30165
D. Second Chances
Bookstore N. Eternal Expressions
69 Maple Ridge Dr 1907 Shorter Ave SW
Rome, GA 30161 Rome, GA 30165-2181
(706) 346-9074 (706) 232-8999

E. After Hours Auto

2973 Martha Berry
Rome, GA 30165-9708 L
(706) 237-6524

F. Flowers & Gifts by

3964 Martha Berry
Rome, GA 30165
(706) 295-3004

G. Coman’s Beauty
219 Broad Street E
Rome, GA 30161-3021
(706) 295-9697

H. Chick-fil-a
264 Shorter Avenue
Rome, GA 30165
(706) 232-9233

I. Edible Arrangements
315 Riverside Parkway
Rome, GA 30161-2986
(706) 235-0711

J. Promotions Plus
216 Broad Street B
Rome, GA 30161-3022
(706) 232-1341 I

Page 16, campus carrier Sports august 19, 2010

Lacrosse teams hope to bring ‘blue-collar’ mentality

Megan Benson How to Play Lacrosse:
Sports Editor
“Lacrosse is basically a combination of hockey and soc-
Berry College is welcoming a new sport this year: cer, with a little bit of basketball thrown in,” Delfausse said.
lacrosse. “It’s really easy to watch, because it’s a really simple game.
According to men’s head coach Chris Delfausse, lacrosse People who are new will grasp it because it’s more familiar
is often seen as a “preppy, private school sport.” than they think it is.”
“That’s a misnomer. I think you’ll see a more blue-collar The object of lacrosse is to score the most points. A point
mentality,” Delfausse said. “Lacrosse is more about finesse. is scored when a player kicks, nudges, bats or throws the
It’s not as violent and vicious as people think.” ball into the opponents net. Players cannot use their hands
to throw the ball into the net.
History of Lacrosse: The games are divided into four quarters. College, pro-
fessional and international games have 15-minute quar-
Lacrosse began as a game played by Native Americans, ters. At the end of each quarter teams must switch ends.
making it one of the oldest team sports in North America. The game is determined by who has the most points at the
“Rooted in Native American religion, lacrosse was often end of the fourth quarter. Ties are decided by a sudden
played to resolve conflicts, heal the sick and develop strong, death playoff.
virile men,” said Thomas Vennum in his book “American Men’s lacrosse is played with 10 players: three attack-
Indian Lacrosse: Little Brother of War.” men, three midfielders, three defenders and one goalie.
European immigrants to create its current, modern form The game begins in much the same way as a hockey
later revolutionized the game. According to uslacrosse. game – with a face off. Two opponents face each other and
org, “French pioneers began playing the game avidly in try to gain possession of the ball.
the 1800s. Canadian dentist W. George Beers standardized Once a team has possession of the ball, they work their
the game in 1867 with the adoption of set field dimensions, way down the field toward their opponents net.
limits to the number of players per team and other basic According to, “offensive players
rules.” maneuver down the field toward the goal by running with
The name “lacrosse” came from the early French settlers or passing the ball to a team mate. Players can run the
from the generic name given to any game with a curved entire length of the field as long as they are not offside by
stick - “crosse” in French. not leaving enough players in the defensive end.”
New York University fielded the first collegiate team in After a team scores, there is another face-off instead of
The Mouthpiece: The mouthpiece must be a very vis-
1877. This has spread to more than 400 college teams and the teams simply switching possession. The team who
ible color and is mandatory.
1,200 high school teams today. just scored could easily go on a run of scoring unanswered
goals, which makes a comeback more probably than in
The Gloves: All players are required to wear protective
Equipment: other sports.
gloves. These are especially important because the hands
Lacrosse is a very physical game with a good amount of
are permitted to be hit with the Crosse during the game.
The Crosse: The “crosse” is just a fancy word for the contact. Checking is a basic skill in lacrosse. There are two
stick. Sizes of the sticks vary for the different positions and types of checking: Stick Checks and Body Checks. Stick
Other Equipment: All players, except the goalkeeper,
each stick has a head with a net to help transfer the ball. Checks occur when contact is made with the opponents
are required to wear shoulder pads. Arm pads and rib
stick. Body Checks occur when the ball carrier or anyone
pads, while not always required, are strongly recom-
The Ball: The ball is solid rubber and must be white, within five yards of a loose ball is hit with their shoulder,
mended. Men must also wear a protective cup.
yellow or orange. It is comparable to a tennis ball. as long as contact is not from behind, above the waist and
Goalies are required to wear a throat protector and chest
below the shoulders.
protector in addition to the other required equipment.
The Helmet: Each helmet comes with a facemask, chin The Berry lacrosse team has a short fall season and the
pad and a four-point chinstrap. This helps prevent facial regular season is set to begin in spring 2011.
injuries in the event a player gets hit with the stick or ball.

Volleyball team ready to begin 2010 season

Matt Stokes Learning to fathom that it will not be “In some ways it’s made our focus more addressed several of the program’s needs,
Asst. Sports Editor able to compete in the postseason for sev- day-to-day in the sense that every match is Robinson said.
eral more seasons has been hard for the now the challenge versus the whole season, “We definitely had to address the setting
team at times, but its members have learned meaning that every match is what mat- situation. Another thing we were looking
When Berry’s volleyball team opens
to cope. ters,” Robinson said. “In another sense it to address was our front row play, espe-
its season against Emory on Sept. 1, at the
“It stinks because I won’t ever play in a broadens our focus even more because as cially in the middle position because we
Cage Center, it arguably is facing a program
championship all four years I’m here, but a program, our focus is turning somewhat just don’t have a lot of depth in that posi-
that is where Berry wants to be in several
then again I know I’m helping the program towards ‘What are we building for the tion,” Robinson said. “And just net play
seasons from now when the provisional
to be an Emory in the next six to seven future?’ so that when we come out of the in general. One of the things that we were
period is complete.
years,” said sophomore middle blocker provisional status, we’re prepared to go looking to improve on was to be bigger at
Emory’s program has competed in two
Claressa Brekke. win those championships.” the net.”
of the last three NCAA Division III national
“Regardless of whether we have a post- One challenge for this year’s team will Though the team will not be competing
championship games, winning in 2008 and
season or not, these girls on our team are be adjusting to the roster changes from last in postseason play, they will be playing in
losing in 2009.
really dedicated. I can tell by the way that season. Four seniors from last year gradu- three tournaments and invitationals, which
The thought of building a powerful
they work and the way that coach [Rob- ated, including Berry’s all-time leader in Robinson said is a plus.
Division III program is not something that
inson] pushes us that whatever we do, career assists, Megan Cheatham. In addi- “The tournaments in the meantime give
head coach Mika Robinson is waiting to do
we’ll be successful,” said freshman setter/ tion five players elected not to return to the us an opportunity to have a little bit of that
once the four-year provisional stage ends in
libero Stephanie Quinn. “We find joy in program. taste of playing for a championship even if
fall of 2013.
the success that we get in regular season On the plus side the program wel- it is on a smaller scale,” Robinson said.
“For me personally we want to make the
matches.” comes four incoming freshmen who have
point [this season] that we are not going to
The shift in the
just be a Division III team [when the pro-
team’s overall focus has Established 1977
visional stage ends] but a very competi-
been toward looking at OH INVESTMENT COMPANY
tive Division III team,” said the third-year DBA
things through a more
coach. “Our goal is that when we come out
narrow scope Robinson Joseph Oh
of the provisional stage to be competing at
the highest level nationally.” President
Charles Oh
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august 19, 2010 Sports page 17, campus carrier

Berry introduces first rowing coach

Ashley McIntyre not included in the process of selecting a coach.
Managing Editor “It’s kind of disappointing because Conrad and I
approached [administration] about it before and when
For the first time since the team’s founding more than it happened, we didn’t have a part in the process,” Furst
thirty years ago, the Viking Crew team will have a coach. said.
Laura Chappell graduated from Berry in May of 2008 “We share a boathouse and the founder of the Darling-
with a major in economics. She will be serving as the coach ton crew was a Berry alum,” Furst said. “It worked out.
for Viking Crew and the Darlington School’s team while I’m interested to see what she does.”
pursuing her M.B.A. (a two-year program) at Berry. Chap- Chappell said she will have her Level One coaching cer-
pell was a member of Viking Crew for all four years during tification on Saturday, in time for the season. She said her
her Berry tenure and was a club officer. goals for the team include making the team better known
Since her graduation in 2008, Chappell has worked with in the community, teaching the team more techniques with
Walton Communities, a company that supports apartment drills and through the team’s success, encouraging more
homes around the metro-Atlanta area. funding.
Chappell said she found the opening online, applied “I’d definitely like to see a few medals, and also grow
with a resumé and cover letter, and went through an the team’s knowledge of how to be competitive,” Chappell
interview. said.
“I was skeptical because Berry never had a crew coach Chappell said she has a notebook with practices and
before,” Chappell said. drills that she intends to use on both teams this season.
Junior Andrew Williams, the president of Viking Crew, Senior Conrad Beckman has also rowed for four years
said he found out about the new addition in mid-June and and was the other co-president last year. He said he thinks
that Chappell would be relatively hands-off during crew Chappell will have a positive impact on the team.
camp. “We need someone designated ‘in charge.’ The presi-
Viking Crew started their annual, week-long training dent puts in a solid 20 to 30 hours a week and she’ll help
camp on Monday. Team members who wish to move up to out with a lot of that,” Beckman said.
a higher level of competition on the team or maintain their “All I can judge her by is what she can do for our team,”
high standing are required to go through the camp, which Williams said.
includes two rows and two runs throughout the course of Williams said that Chappell will also help shoulder the
the day. responsibility of running a competitive team.
Although rowing is not a varsity sport, Chappell is con- “A lot of changes are going to happen. There shall be
sidered a graduate assistant and is being compensated for cuts this year,” Williams said. “Crew is going to be more Candler Hobbs, Asst. Photo Editor
her time with both teams. time consuming. I would rather have two good boats that son,” Williams said. “We end up spending 400 to 500 dol-
Senior Mark Furst, who has been rowing since fresh- can compete over eight boats that can’t finish.” lars a year rowing boats that are 30 pounds heavier than
man year, was co-president of the club during the 2009- Viking Crew will participate in four regattas this year. everyone else’s and still dominate. We’re looked down
2010 school year and said he was disappointed that he was “Rowing is a club sport at places like UGA and Clem- upon by these other schools. Until we start rowing.”

Soccer teams hope to find repeated success in 2010

Megan Benson play in a postseason last year, but that they Senior forward Kate Ross started all 17 “We just have to play every game. Take
Sports Editor still had big games. games for the Lady Vikings last season, each game one at a time,” Canalis said.
“We still play Shorter and Lee, which scored three goals and made two assists. “We have set competitive goals as well as
While the new school year often pro- are both really big, fun games,” Bergmann For her career, she has played in every character goals. We have to set the image
vides a sense of optimism for students and said. “But we still had a great season. The game, starting all but five. we want to have set for ourselves.”
faculty, it can cause a major headache for team was probably the best I’ve ever played Junior midfielder Ally Byrd is the third “If we can take every game seriously to
sports teams and coaches. for.” team captain for the 2010 Lady Vikings. prove ourselves as a team and come out
The 2010 Berry College men’s soccer Vardy called the newcomers “intelligent She also started in all 17 games last sea- with a lot of wins, we can continue to prove
team is set to begin the year on Sept. 3 players” and said he hoped at least three or son played in all 22 games during the 2008 our program to all the new schools,” Shaw
against Young Harris with nine new play- four could step in and help immediately.  season. Byrd finished last season with two said.
ers, including eight freshman, all while According to head coach Lorenzo Cana- goals and one assist. The Lady Vikings first game is set
having lost five key seniors. lis, the Lady Vikings soccer team is going to “The leadership of last year’s team was for Saturday, Sept. 18, at 3 p.m. against
Head coach Richard Vardy said he be the biggest team Berry has ever had. excellent,” Canalis said. “I hope the three Emmanuel College.
expects this year’s team to step up and play “My hope is that the team is as competi- captains step up and set the tone for the
well. tive as they have been in the past, which I team.”
“We’re a young, inexperienced group think is very possible since this is the big- The Lady Vikings also begin their
this year, but we hope to have some play-
ers, especially the upperclassmen, step up
gest squad we’ve ever had,” Canalis said.
This year’s roster currently has 27 play-
season Sept. 3. They will be traveling to
Sewanee, Tenn. to take on The University
of Events
and become leaders on and off the field,” ers, including seven freshmen. of the South.
First Home Game for Men’s
Vardy said.
The goal going into this season is to get
pageThe Lady Vikings will have three cap-
2, campuS carrier
tains for the first time during Canalis’ SectioN
Senior midfielder Ali Shaw said she
hopes this year’s team steps up like last Soccer:
some respect, Vardy said.  tenure. season’s team did. Friday, Sept. 3 - vs. Young Harris
“We look for those positive motivating “Something that’s unusual about this “We have a good track record of going
factors,” Vardy said.  “We hope this season team is that we’ll have three captains this out there and leaving everything on the First Home Game for Women’s
is similar to last – a lot of close, very com- year – two seniors and one junior – Lindsey field,” Shaw said. “We always work really Soccer:
petitive games. It takes a while to discover Caldwell, Ally Byrd and Kate Ross,” Cana- hard. We’re a proud team.” Saturday, Sept. 18 - Emmanuel
a team’s identity.” Canalis said the team’s goal is to take College
lis said.
Vardy said he would be happy with a each game individually and try to leave
Senior Lindsey Caldwell played defense
season similar to last. their mark on opposing teams.
in 14 games last season
Last season’s record of 12-2-4 is one

and started 12 of those
of the best during Vardy’s tenure, but the
games. During her career
team was unable to play in a postseason
at Berry, she has started
due to the transition to D-III.
in 47 of the 56 games in
Senior midfielder Jorg Bergmann said
which she has appeared.
the team was disappointed to not be able to Rome and Floyd County
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Page 18, campus carrier Sports august 19, 2010

Berry College welcomes new Sports Information Director

Matt Stokes ry’s Director of Sports Information and Promotions before be there for a long time. However, the only place that he
Asst. Sports Editor handing handing over the reigns to Scott Dunford, who would ever leave YHC for, Berry, had an opening in the
was his student assistant during the summer of 2005. Sports Information Department during the spring of 2010.
This June, Mickey Seward returned to a familiar posi- After taking several years off from sports information, Seward recently took the time to sit down with The Carrier
tion at Berry: working in the Sports Information Office. Seward returned to that line of work in 2009, this time tak- to go over the specifics of his return to Berry, how its Sports
This time around his office has moved from Richards Gym ing his skills to Young Harris College. When he took the Information Department changed while he was gone, and
to the Cage Center. From 2003-2006, Seward served as Ber- job at YHC Seward said he believed that he was going to how he plans to work the job differently.


Seward: Love of Berry transcends Viking sports

Q: What are some of your favorite memories during ica. I’m embracing that as much as I can. I’m excited to
your first stint in the Sports Information Department at get a good student work crew to come in and work in the
Berry? Sports Information Office…to get real world experience.
A: We started volleyball in 2003. First couple of years The plan is right now to bring back media guides in an
we played over in Richards Gym for volleyball. Little, little electronic format on our website.
bitty facility. The fans were right on top of you, and it was
really loud in there. It was a lot of fun. They moved over Q: Which team do you think will sweep the series in the
to Ford Gym before my last year before moving over to two 2010-2011 Berry-Shorter men’s basketball games?
here at the Cage Center a couple of years ago. A: I think we’re going to see two really good games…
The week I was supposed to start working here [in 2003] two very exciting games. I think we’ll see a couple of sell-
was the week we were getting married at Barnwell Chapel, outs. I do like our chances.
so we actually got them to let me start a couple weeks later
so that we could get married and have a honeymoon. Q: What are your favorite sports teams to follow?
A: All of the Detroit teams are my favorite teams…I am
Q: What were some of the relationships that you formed originally from Michigan. Berry College athletics first then
during 2003-2006 at Berry in the athletic departments? the Detroit Tigers after that. If Michigan State University
A: Todd Brooks…I’ve worked for probably five or six was to play against Berry I would be rooting for Berry.
athletic directors, mostly at the Division I level, and Todd
Brooks is by far the best athletic director I’ve ever worked
for. He is a guy who cares a lot about the people who work
for him. He is a guy who is working everyday to make the
athletics department even better than it already is, and it’s
one of the best in the nation at this level.
Coach Beasley is one of [my] favorite coaches I’ve ever
worked with. He’s just a great guy. He’s a very hard-
nosed coach with a very soft heart. Just a great guy and
really funny.
Meredith McDermott, Photo Editor

Q: What factors played a role in your return to Berry? Q: How do you plan on running the position of being
For more information
A: Scott Dunford, who had this position the last four
years, is a good friend of mine. In fact he was one of my
in charge of Berry’s sports information program differently on Berry Athletics
than last time?
student assistants when I was here before. He actually A: As we get into this year…I want to have a lot of
encouraged me to apply for this job. emphasis on video on the [Berry athletics] website. We’re
Check Out
I always knew if I had an opportunity to come back to going to have a high concentration of video on our web-
Berry that’s the only place I would leave Young Harris to site. We may see more postgame interviews or pregame
go to. Never did I think that opportunity was going to
interviews with coaches and student-athletes. More vid-
come back. CARRIER eos to allow you to get to know our student-athletes and FEBRUARY 11, 20
our coaches in different ways.
Q: How has the position of Berry College DSIP changed I’d like to see us more involved in some of the social
since you were last here in 2006? media aspects as well - Facebook and Twitter - because
A: [There is now] the ability to follow games online…to those allow us to actually go to the people instead of mak-
follow the stats while the games are going on. ing people come to our website whenever they want.
Scott [Dunford]’s done stuff to help the photographers Since I left in 2006, Berry College has taken on this man-
[such as] getting strobe lights, first in Ford Gym then they tra of “Experience It Firsthand,” where it’s really focusing
moved them over [to the Cage] when it was built. on becoming the premier student work campus in Amer-

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August 19, 2010 News CAMPUS CARRIER, PAGE 19

Student Work Expenditures per Year

Work $5
continued from pg. 1


Waters said one of the ultimate goals of the student

work program is to craft a professional resume for a $3
“I have seen resumes of Berry students that in one
page tells an inspiring story about the experience $2
they’ve had here,” Waters said. “We want that for every
student.” $1
While these opportunities are being implemented in
the hopes of creating a more meaningful work experi-
ence, the maximum number of hours a student can work 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010
in a week will be decreased from 20 to 16 in order to gordie murphy, Graphics Editor

accommodate the growing student body and to better meaningful, and we’re coming up with what the core bring in revenue or have value to the student.
supplement a student’s academic experience. values of the work program are,” Burnes said. “[The Randall Goble, director of the Cage Center, said
“There is general agreement that at about 16 hours, organizational charts] show that these are the core val- the idea of meaningful work extends to every job on
students reach a threshold where if they work more than ues, this is meaningful work and this is how you move campus.
that, they endanger their academics,” Waters said. through the system.” “Every job on campus is meaningful to the extent of
Exceptions to the 16-hour maximum will be made One way that student work is hoping to increase effi- that position,” Goble said. “They’re there for a reason.”
based on a student or department’s specific need. Work ciency, both financially and in student and department According to Briggs, there are currently 1,600 jobs on
positions that have more hours built into the expecta- outcomes, is through the implementation of organiza- campus. The student work budget has increased from
tions, such as upper level jobs, will also be permitted to tional charts. Throughout the summer, charts have been approximately $2.5 million in 2004 to about $5 million
work 20 hours each week Waters said. created for each department on campus. These charts last year due to increased minimum wage and the imple-
Waters said the limit to student work has caused mis- show the student positions of that particular department mentation of incremental work levels two years ago.
conceptions to form that budget cuts have been made in or program, the number of hours per week the students Burnes said the number of jobs on campus show how
the student work program. in the position will work, the number of students who important the student work program is at Berry.
“What we always have to do is work to control stu- will work the job and, from that, accurate approxima- “People are really beginning to understand that the
dent wages within a predetermined budget that is part of tions of how much money will be spent in an academic work program is now truly central to a Berry student’s
the total college budget,” Waters said. “We have not cut year for that particular position. Also included is a education,” Burnes said. “It’s not just a nice thing we do
back on the commitment to budgeting student work.” description of a developmental path to progress from for students to make some money.”
College President Stephen R. Briggs said students one level to the next. Despite the record-size incoming freshman class,
would end up financially benefiting from the limit. Burnes who will no longer act as the director of the both Burnes and Waters said every student would still be
“It’s good for students for the college to be economi- Bonner Scholars Program in order to focus more on guaranteed a job on campus if they chose to have one.
cally efficient, because if we aren’t, it can increase tuition student work, said the organizational charts will fulfill
cost for every student,” Briggs said. “We want everyone student work’s goal of improving communication with
to understand that we’re not holding back money from students and departments.
students; we’re just trying to spend that money in a way According to Burnes, for a job to be a meaningful work
that’s fair to everybody.” experience, it must fulfill one of the following require-
“We’re going to let people know how we define ments: provide a service to the college, reduce costs,


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PAGE 20, CAMPUS CARRIER news august 19, 2010

Change A gender switch on mountain campus, the appearance of the first
women in Dana Hall history, the arrival of the largest incoming
class on record and the addition of the majestic Kilpatrick Commons
highlight the changes on campus as Berry prepares for the new year.

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