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Simulation Guide Stampack_Incremental 7.

Types of meshes

Using Stampack the mesh may be generated in different ways, depending on the needs of each
simulation project. The two basic types of meshes are the structured mesh (structured mesh is
one in which each node is connected to a constant number of elements) and the unstructured

For volumes only there is one additional type, the semi-structured mesh (semi-structured
volume mesh is one in which you can distinguish a fixed structure in one direction, i.e. there is a
fixed number of divisions. However, within each division the mesh need not be structured. This
kind of mesh is only practical for topologically prismatic volumes).

For all these types of mesh a variety of elements may be used (linear, triangles, quadrilaterals or

Structured quadrilateral:
Unstructured quadrilateral:
2D sheets or blanks
2D sheets or blanks
3D rigid tools
3D rigid tools

Unstructured triangle:
3D lamina sheets or blanks
3D rigid tools Structured triangle:
3D lamina sheets or blanks
3D rigid tools

Linear element:
2D rigid tools
Draw beads
Cutting lines

Structured hexahedra:
3D solid sheets or blanks
3D rubber tools

Semi-structured hexahedra:
3D solid sheets or blanks
3D rubber tools


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