Chapter 1 - Innocence: Takes A Long, Deep Inhale

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Chapter 1 - Innocence

It was a cold December night in downtown New York. If you were to look at the city from a
distance, you would see a beautiful, mural-like horizon dancing with lights. The wind bounced
between the skyscrapers, bringing along the sweet aromas of street vendors and the local
restaurants, all busy throughout the night while the city bustled.

takes a long, deep inhale

Ah, this city never ceases to amaze me. Tele said as she walked from 55th across to her favorite
pretzel stand. She had been waiting all week to treat herself to her favorite desert, especially
since her work was long and exhausting. All she had to do now was head back to her one
bedroom flat, pop open a bottle of wine, and relax in a nice warm bath. As always, she pranced
up to the stand and told the owner, The usual, please! In her light and giddy voice, as she has
before. Tele walked with a certain grace that most were very jealous of. She always caught the
eye of every man and woman around, no matter where she was or what she was doing.

Once Tele returned to her apartment, she quickly flung her shoes off and prepared her bath. She
liked the water steaming hot, its good for her pores and it feels so calming. As she stripped
down, she took a look at herself in the mirror.

Damn, youre hot, she thought to herself. It was true. Her naked body exposed was a sight so
surreal. Her hair perfectly matched her eyes, and she had such smooth skin. Every curve lead to
a place where most men and many women wished the could be. Her breasts were so perfectly
shaped, and each nipple was hard from the cold outdoors just moments before. Her vagina was
clean shaven, pretty and pink. She had long legs and tiny but cute feet. A goddess in the flesh.

As Tele sat down in the spa like tub, she melted and all of her worries from the week prior left
her head. Every ache and pain shot away from her body and it felt so unimaginably good. She let
out a small moan as she stretched out and settled into the warm embrace.

Mmmm, this is the life.

Unfortunately, Tele knew she was lying to herself. She knew that something was missing from
the scene, something she had been craving for a long time. Tele has never been with a man, she
was a virgin. She was so caught up in school, and then her job...she just really never had the
time. All of her friends were getting married now, or going out and bringing boys home all the
time. She felt left out. She felt lost. She felt...needy.

Tele suddenly noticed that she was biting her lip, Shit! Snap out of it! she thought to herself. I
dont have the time for any of that, I need to focus on work. With that, she finished up her bath
and went to sleep, dreaming of what it must feel like to be...full.
Chapter 2 - The Devils Eyes

In a bar somewhere downtown NYC, Ethan struck the cue ball with enough power to scatter the
billiards balls all over the table. He was tall, dark, handsome..the list goes on. The most
noticeable thing about him were his dark, grey eyes. They pieced the soul of those he looked at,
rendering the receiver useless. Definitely a sight to see. He had just graduated college and was
taking a little while to celebrate his accomplishments. After leaving the bar, he was trying to
catch a cab to head back to his hotel. He was only just staying in NYC for the sights and sounds,
he planned on leaving the city the next morning.

As he stood outside, he noticed a beautiful woman walking across the street. HONK Fuck! Im
coming! He had been distracted from his cab that had arrived and was waiting in the middle of
the road. As he crawled into the cab, he noticed that he had a firm erection. Ethan too, was a
virgin. The sight of anything slightly sexual would get him off, and he was growing very tired of
the regular porn he had been watching. Hey driver, follow that girl home he asked the cab
man. Ethan flaunted a $50 bill, so the driver didnt ask any questions. Once the girl set off to her
destination, so did Ethan...

Chapter 3 - The Stranger at the Door

It was now 2am. Tele was fast asleep in her bed after the relaxing bath. She lay naked, sprawled
across her bed with the door to her room open. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK Tele awoke in a startle,
who the hell could that be? She checked her phone to see if a friend was coming. No messages
or voicemails. She arose from her bed as quietly as she could, taking small steps towards the
peep hole of her front door. As she approached the looking piece, she saw the outline of a large
man. She took a closer look. She did not recognize him, but damn was he sexy. who is this
man? she thought. She cracked the door open and barely exposed her head, the chain still
connected to the door so he couldnt just bust in. Can I help you, sir? Tele nervously asked.

Sir? I like that. Anyways, I saw you when I was coming home from the bar and I hate to admit it,
it may be the liquor talking, but I think you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, so I had
to come find you. Tele flushed, but she was still very nervous, as she just learned a stranger had
followed her home from a bar.

I think you are drunk, you should go home, I have nothing for you Tele told the man. She didnt
know it, but she had everything he needed, and he had everything she needed as well.

No, please, let me stay the night. Can we just fuck like animals for hours? Its all I want and
somewhere deep inside I know you want it too. Now Tele was taken aback. This man had
followed her hone and now he was asking such forward things?! She was appalled, yet
somewhere deep down her inner goddess grew bright red. S fire started between her legs and
she was surprised to say the least. Was she really thinking about this? I dont even know who
you are Tele embarrassingly stated.

Shit, sorry, Im Ethan He replied. He knew what he was doing was ridiculous, but for some
reason he felt like this was right, it was his chance, he needed it and somehow knew that she
needed it too.

Chapter 4 - Emptiness made Whole

Tele knew she was wrong, but she flung the door open for this man she had just now met. A man
that had followed her home. A man she knew nothing about. She just couldnt help herself. Her
pussy was sopping wet and enough was enough. She couldnt take another night of wondering
what a hard cock felt like. She needed this man to fill her with everything he had. She grabbed
him and threw his head back and started kissing him violently, her tongue making its way into his
mouth, exploring every inch. Ethan replied by picking Tele up and slamming her against the wall
with his cock only a few centimeters of clothing away from his first pussy. He pressed harder and
harder as his cock became more and more firm. He slowly started to hump in between Teles
thighs, her pussy drooling at this point. It was time. Ethan sat Tele down and ordered her to her
knees as he began to undress. She complied willingly. She began to speak but Ethan bundled up
his t-shirt and gagged Tele, rendering her voice useless. Ethan knew what he wanted, and Tele
was at his mercy. Ethan took his hard cock and started rubbing it all over Teles face, smacking it
all over.

As Tele reached up to grab his member, Ethan smacked her hands away and with a forceful voice
he ordered her to keep them behind her back. With one hand Ethan grabbed the back of Teles
head, the other forcing his hard cock into her mouth and removing the gag that was now
covered in saliva. He began to violently thrust in and out, grunting with extreme pleasure as he
fucked her face. His eyes wild with lust. With every pump, his cock went deeper and deeper into
Teles throat until a large amount of hot jizz sprayed for what seemed like gallons down her
throat. But he would not pull his cock out, so she was forced to swallow. Tele gagged relentlessly,
try to scarf down all of Ethans seed, but it was too much. She began to throw it all up onto the
floor within seconds of Ethan pulling his cock out of her mouth. This did not phase Ethan though,
he was just getting started. He the took her and shiver her down into a doggy style position. His
cock still hard and raging, he made one long lick with his tongue from the bottom of her pussy to
the top of her asshole.

With one excruciating motivation, Ethan rammed both of his thumbs into Teles ass and his cock
into her wet pussy. Tele tried to scream but the pleasure rendered her strength useless. The pain
hurt so bad, but the pleasure was so much more. Every stroke, Ethans penis would insert itself
all the way to the base into Teles vagina, which was already bloody from her virgin cherry being
destroyed. Ethan was in a rage of fucking, and nothing was getting in his way. Again and again,
Tele came and lost herself in all of the pain and pleasure at once. She was melting, more and
more. Ethan pumped more and more hot jizz loads into Tele until he could no longer stay hard.
His deed was done. He had his way with this girl he barely knew. He found his release. Tele found
what made her whole.


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