Rubric For Dialogue: Criteria 4 3 2 1 0

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Rubric for Dialogue

Criteria 4 3 2 1 0
Factual Four or Three facts Two facts One fact is No facts are
Information more facts are included are included included in included in
are included in the in the the the dialogue.
in the dialogue. dialogue. dialogue.
Accuracy All facts are Three facts Two facts One fact is All facts are
accurate. are accurate. are accurate. accurate. inaccurate.
Organization All Information Information Information All
information is well is well is poorly information
is well organized organized organized is
organized in with one with two with more disorganized
a logical minor error. errors. than two and difficult
order. errors. to follow.
Message The The The The No message
message to message to message to message to is given to
the listener the listener the listener the listener the listener.
is clear and is clear. is somehow is unclear.
strong. clear.
Presentation The The The The The
dialogue is dialogue is dialogue is dialogue is dialogue is
presented in presented in presented in not clearly not clearly
a clear a clear a clear presented. presented.
voice. The voice. The voice. The Little eye Eye contact
presenters presenters presenters contact was was not
made made some made little made with made with
consistent eye contact eye contact the the
eye contact with the with the audience. audience.
with the audience. audience.


Grade earned ______

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