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= Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE. ‘OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP ‘Camp Grame, Quezon City STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES JUN 16 204 NO, 2014- 004 GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PNP BEST PRACTICES 1. REFERENCES: a. PNP P.A.T.R.O.L. PLAN 2030; b. PNP Fundamental Doctrine, 2013, PNPM-D-0-1-13 (DHRDD); and ©. DHRDD SOP Nr. 2011-008 “Guidelines and Procedures in the Preparation, Development, Publication and Distribution of Doctrines and Manuals. 2. BACKGROUND: Best Practice is a relatively new concept in the PNP. In many corporations and intemational public institutions however, best practices form part of their ‘organizational development and knowledge management With the adoption of the PNP PATROL Plan 2030, the PNP has recognized the value and wisdom of developing and adopting best practices. All PNP Units and offices are now encouraged to develop their own best practices to enhance their overall operations and management and create better customer value. Such best practices, in many instances, have made police operations and the delivery of police service efficient, cost-effective, accessible and equitable. Considering the concept’s adoption in the PNP, there is a need to clearly define best practices and adopt a common system and standard on its development, hence, this SOP. It is aimed at synchronizing efforts in documenting, developing and adopting best practices for PNP-wide implementation. 3. PURPOSE: This SOP aims to set common guidelines, procedures and standards in the development, documentation, approval and adoption of PNP Best Practices. 4, SCOPE OF APPLICATION: This SOP shall be used as a guide in the development of PNP Best Practices, by all PNP Units and Offices nationwide. SOP “Guidelines and Procedures in the Development of PNP Best Practices” Page 1 5. DEFINITION OF TERMS: For the purpose of this SOP, the following terms shall be used: a. Best Practice refers to an “out-of-the-box’ initiative, activity, technique, or method adopted, field tested and proven to deliver desired results and leads to the fulfillment of certain police objectives. It should be innovative, unique and relevant to the fulfillment of the PNP’s mandate. b. Best Practices Board (BPB) acts as the chief advisory board to the CPNP on matters pertaining to the adoption of PNP best practices. Its ‘main function is to plan and prioritize the development of all best practices, assign resources, review, recommend and evaluate existing best practices for the approval of the CPNP. c, BPB Resolution refers to a written statement issued by the Board endorsing to the CPNP the approval and adoption of a proposed best practice for PNP-wide adoption. 4. BPB Secretariat refers to a body headed by the Chief, General Doctrine Development Division, DHRDD tasked to perform administrative requirements of the Board, @. Proponent refers to an office or unit or PNP personnel known as the author that submits a “Best Practice’ proposal for approval and adoption of the PNP. 6. POLICIES: a. There shall be created a Best Practices Board (BPB) which shall perform the following functions: 1) Deliberate and evaluate the appropriateness and adaptability of a proposal through the creation of Technical Working Groups or sub- boards. 2) Direct any PNP Office/Unit to study, develop or revise 2 best practice proposal. 3) Provide security classification for all approved best practices. 4) Provide legal comments on all proposals through the Legal Service. 5) Assign a numerical designation or index on all approved best practices published thru the DHRDD; 6) Recommend approval of best practices proposals to the Chief, PNP. 7) Maintain an inventory of all approved best practices thru the PNP Command Library. 8) Ensure that all approved best practices are incorporated in the training and education programs of the PNP as applicable. ‘SOP “Guidelines and Procedures in the Development of PNP Best Practices” Page? b. The BPB shall be composed of the following senior officers: Chairman: The Deputy Chief PNP for Administration Vice Chairman: = TDHRDD Members : DDPRM, DDI, DDO, DDL, ODPL, oc, DDPCR, DDIDM, DDRD, DDICTM, CS, CPSM, OD, PNPTS, DD, LS, DD, HRAO Secretariat: GDDD, DHRDD c. The BPB Secretariat shall be the Chief, General Doctrine Development Division, DHRDD and shalt have the following functions: 1) Assist in the administrative tasks of the Board; 2) Schedule meetings and deliberations and send out notices to concerned units/offices; 3) Prepare the venue for the deliberations; 4) Prepare the minutes of the meeting and cause the signing thereof by its members; 5) Consolidate all inputs/comments from the Board and send the same to the proponent for incorporation in the final proposal. d. All units are encouraged to develop their own best practice proposal following these criteria/parameters: 1) Innovative, new and out-of-the box; 2) Feasible, Adaptable and sustainable; 3) Cost-effective; 4) Field-tested/Piloted; and 5) Proven positive impact/results e. Best Practice Reports shall follow a common report format (see attached format). {All PNP units/offices shall designate their own Best Practices Officer who shall be responsible in the documentation and preparation of proposals to the Board. g. Approved PNP Best Practices must be compiled, indexed and published by the DHRDD thru the Board Secretariat; SOP “Guidelines and Procedures in the Development of PNP Best Practices” Pages 7. PROCEDURES: The following stages must be followed in the development of a Best Practices: a. Stage 1 - Initiation A Best Practice can be initiated either by the: (a) Board; (b) PNP Office/Unit; or (b) individual Proponent/Author. b. Stage 2 - Submission 1) Whether the initiation is BPB or Unit-led or by the author, the Proponent shall submit the Best Practice Report to the BPE through the BPB Secretariat, in soft and hard copies. (2) The proposal shall contain the Letter of Intent and Best Practice Report, . Stage 3 - Presentation and Deliberation ‘The Proponent shail present their Best Practice Report before the BPB for deliberation. d. Stage 4 - Decision If the Proposal meets the criteria, the BPB will recommend through 4 resolution the approval and adoption of the Best Practice Proposal to the CPNP. e. Stage 5 - Compilation, Publication, Distribution and Dissemination 1) The DHRDD shall compile, publish and distribute approved Best Practices. 2) Approved Best Practices shali be published in the PNP websites and other forms of publication, subject to security considerations, f. Stage 6 - Teaching Approved Best Practices shall be taught thru the different PNP training units through its incorporation in the Program of Instruction of related training programs and in the conduct of Police Information and Continuing Education down to the station level. 8. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. DHRDD 1) Receive and evaluate Best Practice Reports submitted by Proponents/Author of BPR prior to its presentation before the BPE. SOP "Guidelines and Procedures in the Development of PNP Best Practices" Page 4 2) Responsible in the monitoring, review and evaluation of Best Practices for the necessary review of interventions or measures being undertaken 3) Monitor the compilation and printing of PNP Best Practices which shall be in conformity to existing standards. 4) Supervise the compilation, publication and distribution of adopted PNP Best Practice. 5) Ensure the publishing on the PNP websites and other forms of Publication, subject to security considerations. &) Recommend to the Directorates concemed in the development of memo directives, policies or guidelines to further enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their present strategy or approach within their immediate operational support units/area_ of responsibility. 7) Perform other related functions as directed by the BPB. b. DPRM 1) Issue orders for the members of the Best Practices Board; and 2) Perform other functions concerning Best Practices Proposals as directed by the CPNP. ce. DC 1) Provide funds for the publication of Best Practice Compendium; and 2) Perform other related functions as directed by the BPB. d. BPB 1) Direct Proponent to submit its PNP Best Practice Reports thru the BPB Secretariat (C, GDDD, DHRDD). 2) Deliberate the submitted best practices thru the BPB secretariat. BPB will recommend through a resolution the approval and adoption of the Best Practice Proposal to the CPNP. 3) Prepare and submit recommendation to the CPNP,_ its observation(s) and/or recommendation(s) relative to the identified best practice e. All D-Staff, NSUs, PROs 1) Designate their Best Practice Officer and submit to the BPB ‘Secretariat their names and contact numbers. 2) Prepare and submit Best Practices Report(s) to the Secretariat, BPB for deliberation and subsequent adoption of the proposed Best Practices. 3) Encourage all Provincial Police Office/Unit down to the Police station level, to undertake efforts to develop and document their ‘own Best Practices. 4) Submit Reports on. Best Practices to the BPB Secretariat for ‘monitoring purposes. SOP “Guidelines and Procedures In the Development of PNP Best Practices’ Pages f. PNPTSIRSTUs Responsible in the teaching and dissemination to all PNP training Units through the incorporation in the Program of Instruction of related training programs and in the conduct of Police Information and Continuing Education (PICE) down to station level 9. EFFECTIVITY: This SOP shall take effect immediately upon approval Chief. PNP JUN 15 agg CPNP tine 12 sos 440 AWOUUE 0 's030740, 30P “Guidelines and Procedures in the Development of PNP Best Practices" Page 6 Heading and Logo of the Proponents Office/Unit MEMORANDUM FOR : TDHRDD FROM SUBJECT : _ Best Practice Proposal Report re DATE 1. REFERENCES: a. Cite reference(s) related to the Proposed Best Practice. 2. RATIONALE: a. Reason(s) for the adoption and implementation of the Proposed Best b. Problem(s) aimed to be solved by the adoption of the Best Practice 3. DEFINITION OF TERMS: a. Meaning or concept of terminology(ies) used in this report, if any 4, BACKGROUND: a. General description of the prevailing condition(s) prior to the implementation of the Proposed Best Practice such as peace and ‘order, political, social, cultural, economic, technological, legal, environmental etc. 5. IMPLEMENTATION: a. Uniqueness and innovativeness of the practice that is distinct from the rest of regular practices of the PNP. 6, RESULTS OF IMPLEMENTATION: a, Answer on what specific practice is made and/or used. Discussion should not focus only on say the “bravery of the defender’ (if tactical) but on the practice or procedures or innovations that made the difference (Out of the Box), b. Impact or results of the implementation of the Best Practice to the peace and order, political, social, cultural, economic, technological, egal, environmental, and other conditions, c. Comment(s) or reaction(s) of the community through radio, television, newspapers, magazines and intemet and result(s) of survey, if there are any. 4. Problems encountered and/or risks mitigated in implementation of the practice. 7. RECOMMENDATION: a. Endorsement for adoption b. Approaches/measures/steps requiring action from higher authority. Signature Name Rank Attachments: a. Memoranda b. Video clips cc. Newspaper clippings d. Others as may be appropriate Important Reminders: 1. Report shail be printed in an A4 sized paper and ring-binded. Margins shall all be | at 1” except the left margin which shall be at 1.5". 2. If the proposal emanates from an office or unit lower than the PRO, it must be |” endorsed by the latter. | 3. Refer to TCDS Memo dated December 14, 2012 re: Revised Guidelines in the | Standard Preperation of Communication By ono of te Pipones @& SLs Cae oy NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR HUMAN RESOURCE AND DOCTRINE DEVELOPMENT Camp Crame, Quezon City 1402.03.43, MEMORANDUM UN TS FOR cPNP THRU: TOCA at toco _[ Teps FROM —: TDHROD SUBJECT : Proposed SOP on the Development of PNP Best Practices var JUN 05 20% 1, References: a. PNP PATROL. Plan 2030; and b. PNP MC No. 2011-008 Guidelines and Procedures in the Development, Preparation, Publication, and Distribution of Doctrines and Manuals and For Other Purposes. 2. This has reference to the verbal instruction of the CPNP to document, study, ‘and propagate best practices in the PNP. 3. The CPNP encourages every PNP office/unit to be proactive and promote “out. ofthe box’ thinking in order to come up with innovative ideas which could contribute to the delivery of a more efficent police service. 4. It is with this premise that this Directorate formulated the procedures to be followed in the development and preparation of Best Practice Reports. This proposed ‘SOP aims to prescribe a standard format on Best Practice Report as well as the criteria to bbe adopted in evaluating them so that best practices may be taught, disseminated, propagated, or replicated by other units 5. In this regard, request approval and signature of the CPNP on the attached ‘draft SOP prior to its implementation. ocene ssc 731706 fini nat 9 8 MN OTeDSs 1 OSUS” Message Center JUN 0 4 2014 Ws

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