What Can A Computer Do and Cannot Do?: ESSAY Question (1 Item Only)

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ESSAY Question (1 Item only)

1. What can a computer do and cannot do?

In the field of education, computers can be used in virtual classes and distance
learning. It can also serve as online library for reference purposes and availability of
educational services in distant areas with the help of internet. For students, they can
interact and share with social networking sites. Projects are done using applications like
documents in Microsoft Word, Presentations in Powerpoint, and drawings in AutoCAD.
They can also do video conferencing, taking online courses, researching, and
entertainment like movies, games, and others. Apart from the aforementioned ones,
there are several other uses of computer in day-to-day life. They include E-banking, E-
shopping, graphics and architectural designs, day planner/organizers, writing/publishing
contents, and a lot more.

As technology takes over more tasks, there are still areas that computers cannot
do. Its the skills of social interaction empathy, social sensitivity, storytelling, forming
relationships, collaborating, leading, creatively solving problems together. These are the
essence of humanity.

Empathy: It means discerning what another person is thinking and feeling, and
responding appropriately.

Collaborating: The world is doing ever more of its work in teams. We form,
exchange, improve, accept and reject ideas, and we improve our collective
performance, through deeply human interpersonal processes that may happen
even without our knowing it.

Storytelling: It may not be rational, but we humans find stories more compelling
and persuasive than mere facts.

Creatively solving problems together: No matter how capable computers

become, humans are still in charge of which problems need to get solved, and
humans in organizations are constantly revising their ideas of what their
problems and goals really are. Success requires group creativity and innovation.

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