The Princess and Three Sheiks

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The Princess and Three Sheiks

Alex: badzlan

Rico: nevi

Dewa: budi

Queen: jeli

Citra: lucia

Maura: magdalena

Chapter One

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful and powerful Princess in Arabia. Her name was
Princess Maura. The Princess had a many suitors. But she refused all of them until the suitors
were just remaining three people. Princess Maura felt so confused to choose one of them so,
Princess Maura asked to her friend, Citra.

Queen : My daughter is a beautiful girl. But until now, Why does not she get married? I am
afraid if my daughter will be spinster. Oh my God.

Princess Maura :Mom please dont talk about it.

Queen : Oh my God, you shock me Maura!

Maura :Im very sorry, Mom. Can you not talk about my marriage, Mom?

Queen :Why I cant talk about it, honey? I just worried about you. You know Maura? Your
age is ready to get married , but why until now, I always didnt see you with a boy, you just
always with your friend. Citra right? And then I feel like holding your baby quickly .

Maura :Listen up Mom, I am going crazy if you talk about it again and again. I promise
mom. Soon I will get a great husband. I will held a contest to choose my right husband.

Queen :Yes up to you my daughter. Maura I just give you one week to choose one of them.

Princess Maura :Yes mom, I get it.

Queen : So dont waste your time to do things that are not useful.
Queen :Hey where are you going now, my daughter?

Princess Maura :I am just going to meet my best friend to discuss about it seriously,

Princess Maura come to her best friend, Citra. Citra is a young girl who live in near Palace,
She is belong middle class. Citra and Maura be friend during 10 years. When Maura had a
problem, Maura always teel her problems to Citra. Citra as her best friend always listen
Mauras problem and then give her suggestion.

Princess Maura :Hey My best friend

Citra :Hey Friend. What are you doing here?

Princess Maura :I need your help to get a great husband. Can you help me?

Citra :Okay I will help you but how to do it?

Princess Maura :I think I will have a suitor contest

Citra :Oh. That is a great idea! When do we start it?

Princess Maura :Now we announce that and tomorrow we start to contest.

Citra :Just one week?

Princess Maura :Yeah. Because, my mother just gives me one week to get him.

Citra :Oh okay. Lets announce it quickly.

In the next day there were many suitors in the palace. Princess Maura selected all them, until
there were just three men left.

Citra :There three person left, Maura

Princess Maura :I know about it. Oh what can I do? I am so confuse.

Citra : Why are you confused to choose one of them?

Princess Maura : Because, theyre handsome, rich, and very powerful. And Im afraid
if they only want my wealth .What should I do?

Citra : Oh! I got an idea!

Princess Maura : What is it friend?

Citra : I think you must disguise to a poor girl and ask them for some food. Do you

Princess Maura : Whoa! Thats a very great idea! Mm but what is the purpose?

Citra :Oh Maura! You will know the man who is the most generous among them.

Princess Maura : Oh. You are so smart friend.

Citra :Haha. Thank you

Princess Maura :Your welcome. I must go now. Bye Citra

Chapter Two :

In the other place, Alex and Rico were talking about the princes.

Alex :Hey Friend. What do you think about the princes?

Rico :She is fat and not so beautiful but she is very rich.

Alex : I think so Rico

Rico :In your opinion, who will get married with the princess?

Alex :Of course I am. I will marry the princess.

Rico :I think you cant marry the princess. Because I am who will marry her.

Dewa :My Friends, why do you wish to get married the princess?

Alex :Because I will take all her wealth. After that, I will divorce the princess

Rico :I think so. Because the princess is not so beautiful, Alright?

Dewa :Hey guys, dont say that! If you do not love her, please dont marry her.

Rico :Hey you shut up! It is not your business.

Alex :You are not suitable to get her

Rico :Yes. You are poor man

Alex :You are true!

Dewa :Hey you. Dont be arrogant. We are the same, God creature.

Alex :Hahaha.. Up to you!

Rico :Yeah. This life is so great! I can do everything here. I will marry the princess and
take all of her wealth.

Alex :No! Of course I am who will marry the princess.

Rico :Lets see tomorrow

Alex :Okay

Then they went home to take rest, but the Dewa stayed in that place.

Chapter Three :

In the dinner time, The Princess entered the camp of three sheiks. Shes disguised like a poor
and old woman. Slowly, she began to enter Dewas camp.

Princess Maura : Excuse me Sir, can I get some foods or drinks for my dinner?

Alex : Hey! who you are?! Poor woman!

Princess Maura : I am just a poor woman who every day rely on the kindness of the
rich people like you.

Alex : Yeah! But I dont want to give some foods for you!

Princess Maura : Im very hungry. Please, sir.

Alex : If you want to eat something. This is for you! (gave stale food)

And then, the Rico got out from the tent.

Rico : Whats going on?

Princess Maura : Im hungry Sir, please give me some foods or drinks.

Rico : Ah, the poor woman again. My food is too tasty for human like you.

Princess Maura : Please Sir, I just want to eat your little food, Please give me some.

Rico : Oh, okay, so here! (throw some food)

Princess Maura : Both of you are so wicked and stingy prince!

And then, the Princess walked away from the tent with the hurting heart. One of thr sheik
named Dewa chased the princess.

Dewa : Hey wait!

Princess Maura : What do you want, The Arrogant Prince?

Dewa : Hey! I just want to give you some foods for your dinner. I heard youre so hungry
and you want to ask some food from them

Princess Maura : Thanks you, Sir. I cant believe that you give me some foods.

Dewa : This is obligation for us as God creature to help each other.

Princess Maura : Thank you very much, Sir. I hope God replies your kindness.

Dewa : Youre welcome. And i hope God always bless you, too.

And then, The Disguised Princess left alone.

Chapter Four :

In the palace, The Princess talked with her best friend, Citra.

Citra : How about your disguise, Maura?

Princess Maura : It is so perfect, Citra. I cant believe that two of them have the bad

Citra : So who will marry with you?

Princess Maura : I will announce it tomorrow, in the diner time. Now I want you to
tell them about the dinner.

Citra : Alright, My best friend.

Chapter Six :
The next day, the three sheiks came to the palace. Alex dressed up as handsome as he can.
And Rico wore him most expensive clothes, but the last sheiks wore the clothes like usual.
The Princess was so beautiful today. She invited three sheiks for sit and had a dinner with her.

Princess Maura : Sit down, please.!

Queen :Maura, can I take a sit with you and your suitors here ?

Princess Maura :Yes mom for my pleasure

Quenn :Hello good evening. What is your name?(menunjuk Rico)


Rico :Hello Majesty, my name is Rico.Okay, Im come from EAST

ARABIA, my parents have a big oil industri on there. I have five cars, there are two BMW
and then three lamborghini. I have ten house in Arabia.

Alex :Yes Majesty, my name is Alex, Im come from same like Rico. my parents is a
profesional skins tabib in East ARABIA.. Im very thankful to God because i have They to be
my parent .

Dewa :My name is Dewa. I come from same like Alex and Rico. My parent died one year
ago, so I must worked hard to bought food and fulfil my life.

Maura :Oh yours all story is very nice

Queen :Lets eating together everybody.

Maura :Excusme Mom, wait a minute.

Queen :Okay

Rico : I am sorry. Where are you going Princess?

Princess Maura : I want to take something

Dewa : Do you need a help?

Princess Maura :No, thanks. I will ask my friend to bring it

They wait Princess Maura for a minute, and a few minutes ago, she came with three plates of
foods. The Princess gave three sheiks different foods. Alex got a stale food, Rico got a
throwing food. And the last sheik got a tasty meat. Alex and Rico were very surprised!

Alex : What the fuck it is!!

Rico : What the hell you give for me

Princess Maura : why? Didnt this food you give me yesterday?

Alex :No. I never give you this food to you

Rico :Me too. I give the food like this to a poor woman not to you Princess

Princess Maura :Oh. You never give food like this to me? I will tell you that the poor
woman was me

Quenn :Whats wrong Maura?

Rico :How can you be poor woman like that?

Alex : You are very rich Princess. It is impossible for you to be a poor woman.

Dewa :Im not aware about this situation

Princess Maura :I have the evidence. I will show you

Rico :Okay. I am waiting

Princess Maura :It is the evidence. This is my clothes

Alex :Are you kidding me?

Rico :The clothes, the same with the poor womans clothes.

Princess Maura :Yes, you are right. You gave her the food like this right.

Alex :Oh I am sorry Princess. I dont know that she is you

Rico :Me too Princess.

Princess Maura :Please dont treat people differently. You must kind to everyone.
Through my disguising I know that Rico and Alex have a bad behavior

Alex :Dewa gave you a tasty meat like that?

Princess Maura :Yes. Oh once again, I know that Rico and Alex just want my wealth
not really love me. I know it.

Rico :It is not true!

Princess Maura :I hear with my ears! And I see it with my eyes!

Queen :What? You both stay away from my daughter. I never give permission to my
daughter to marry one of you. Stay away now or I will kill you if you dont stay away from

Dewa : Im Sorry Princess. I refuse eat this if the other sheiks dont get the same food like
what I have got.

Princess Maura :Oh you are so kind Prince Dewa. So I choose you to be my

Alex and Rico go out from the palace. Just Dewa who have permision from the Queen to
marry Maura. Next Month, Maura and Dewa maried.

Queen :Oh, Honey finnaly you have a great husband.

Maura :Yes Mom Ive fulfill promises right?

Queen : Yes I know it honey.

( Queen look at Dewa and approached him.)

Queen :Dewa, my daughter choose you to be her husband. Promise to me that you will
always love her and protect her. I know yo are a kind person right?

Dewa :Yes Majesty, i will love her and protect her. I promise

Maura :What do you talking about with my Mom, Dewa?

Queen :Its secret honey hahahaha

Maura :ohh Mommy.

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