JEFFERSON HOPE, Analysis Character in 'A Study in Scarlet'

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A Study in Scarlet is short novel that written by famous writer, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle. He is famous because of his creation of fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes along
with the novel series. He is a writer and a doctor also. Sherlock Holmes is inspired by
Doyles former lecturer in university, Joseph Bell. Before he wrote A Study in Scarlet, he had
written 3 short stories, they are The Mystery of Sasassa Valley in an Edinburgh magazine
called Chamber's Journal, The American Tale and Captain of the Pole-Star in London Society
and his first story about the sea, a chilling tale called Captain of the Pole-Star during his
medical study. At first his first novel was named A Tangled Skein and the two main
characters were called Sheridan Hope and Ormond Sacker, but two years later it was
published in Beeton's Christmas Annual, under the title A Study in Scarlet .
A Study in Scarlet was Doyles first novel that published in 1886. The novel is divided
into two part. The first part tells about the introduction of the two main characters, Sherlock
Holmes and Dr. Watson and the murder case. This part is narrated by Dr. Watson. The second
is about the background the murder case and the solution of the case. It is narrated by the
The story begins with narration of Dr. Watsons contemporary condition. In 1878 he
received his Doctor degree from University of London and he was soon sent as assistant
surgeon due to the war in India. He had a lot of struggle to reach his regiment in Candahar.
The campaign brought honours and promotions, but it only brought him misfortune. He was
struck by a bullet in the shoulder and had to be dragged back to British lines. He then suffered
from typhoid fever. After he was healed, his country dispatched him to England to spend
some months nourishing his health. He knew no one in London, but the money he had from
the government allowed him to live a "comfortless, meaningless existence" in an expensive
hotel. His money soon came close to running out and as such he sought a new living
One day at the Criterion Bar he ran into an old acquaintance named Stamford. Later
Stamford helped Watson met Sherlock Holmes, because Watson looked for roommate to
share the room cost. Stamford had told Watson about the strange Holmes, he said Holmes
was too scientific and could tend toward cold-bloodedness, however he had a "passion for
definite and exact knowledge" and conducted strange experiments. Stamford introduced
Watson to Holmes. The first thing Holmes did was explained his new discovery, but then he
realized that he had new roommate in front of him, so he talked about their agreement.
Holmes could recognize that Watson had clearly been in Afghanistan recently and it was
surprised him. Holmes left strong impression to Watson.
The next day, Watson and Holmes met and checked the room together. After living
together with Holmes, Watson was full of curiosity and questioned about Holmes. He often
talked to himself in his mind about Holmes. One day there was a murder case that could not
be solved by other detectives from police, then they asked help from Holmes. During the
investigation Watson joined also and he learned a lot about Holmes himself. During the
investigation Watson joined also and he learned a lot about Holmes himself. The murder case
is involved another main character in the part II, Jefferson Hope. It tells us about the
beginning of the love story and revenge that ended in a murder.
This paper is intended to analyse each major characters in two-related-parts of the
novel by focus on the narration and dialogue. The narration is longer than the dialogue, but
the readers could imagine the situation and the scene in their mind. Doyle creates the story
alive in readers imagination.

He was the main culprit of the case that Holmes handle. He is a hunter and mine worker.
Then, physically Hope has proper body, strong muscle, dark skin and also scary look since he
is characterized as a tough man.
Unaccustomed to sudden emergencies, her head began to swim, and her grip upon the
bridle to relax. Choked by the rising cloud of dust and by the steam from the struggling
creatures, she might have abandoned her efforts in despair, but for a kindly voice at her
elbow which assured her of assistance. At the same moment a sinewy brown hand
caught the frightened horse by the curb, and forcing a way through the drove, soon
brought her to the outskirts.
Youre not hurt, I hope, miss, said her preserver, respectfully. She looked up at his
dark, fierce face, and laughed saucily. Im awful frightened, she said, naively;
whoever would have thought that Poncho would have been so scared by a lot of
cows? Thank God you kept your seat, the other said earnestly. He was a tall,
savage-looking young fellow, mounted on a powerful roan horse, and clad in the rough
dress of a hunter, with a long rifle slung over his shoulders.
But, he is also a gentleman. Gentleman in Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary means man
who is polite and behaves well. He helps Lucy Ferrier when she was ready to fall from her
horse with a good manner towards lady. It is shown in paragraph above, when he said
Youre not hurt, I hope, miss, respectfully and earnestly Thank God you kept your seat,
to Lucy. He cares and do not talk harshly to a person he just met.

He is also described as a very devoted man. Whatever is his goal he must make it happen
whether when he try to get Lucy Ferrier or take revenge to Strangerson and Gregson (the
ones who caused Lucy and Lucys Fathers death). No matter is obstacle he should face and
how long it takes to overcome each obstacle, his must get what he wants. It is shown that he
is a strong willing man.
The love which had sprung up in his heart was not the sudden, changeable fancy of a
boy, but rather the wild, fierce passion of a man of strong will and imperious temper.
He had been accustomed to succeed in all that he undertook. He swore in his heart that
he would not fail in this if human effort and human perseverance could render him
He is strong willing man with a high patience that cannot be doubted. He spent all his time to
find Strangerson and Gregson and work for a long time to save money for chasing both of
them. Even many years have past, his willing to take revenge never fade away. It shows that
he is someone who bear a grudge, avengful person.
Again, however, his active spirit shook off the lethargy which springs from despair. If
there was nothing else left to him, he could at least devote his life to revenge. With
indomitable patience and perseverance, Jefferson Hope possessed also a power of
sustained vindictiveness, which he may have learned from the Indians amongst whom
he had lived. As he stood by the desolate fire, he felt that the only one thing which
could assuage his grief would be thorough and complete retribution, brought by his
own hand upon his enemies. His strong will and untiring energy should, he determined,
be devoted to that one end.

Many a man, however vindictive, would have abandoned all thought of revenge in the
face of such a difficulty, but Jefferson Hope never faltered for a moment. With the small
competence he possessed, eked out by such employment as he could pick up, he
travelled from town to town through the United States in quest of his enemies. Year
passed into year, his black hair turned grizzled, but still he wandered on, a human
bloodhound, with his mind wholly set upon the one object upon which he had devoted
his life. At last his perseverance was rewarded. It was but a glance of a face in a
window, but that one glance told him that Cleveland in Ohio possessed the men whom
he was in pursuit of. He returned to his miserable lodgings with his plan of vengeance
all arranged.
According to article Why We Hold Grudges, and How to Let Them Go. It's not about
the person who wronged you. It's about who you want to be in,
it is said that To begin with, grudges come with an identity. With our grudge intact, we
know who we are-a person who was wronged. As much as we dont like it, there also
exists a kind of rightness and strength in this identity. We have something that defines us
our anger and victimhoodwhich gives us a sense of solidness and purpose. We have
definition and a grievance that carries weight. Therefore, He used the grudge in his as a
purpose of his life and also his identity later on.
He is also a careful person, he plans his revenge very well and he doesnt fall to trap
when Holmes has been set a trap at first by publish the lost ring in newspaper. He asked his
friend to act as an old woman to fool Holmes and ask the ring.
There is only one point on which I should like a little more information, Sherlock
Holmes said at last. Who was your accomplice who came for the ring which I

The prisoner winked at my friend jocosely. I can tell my own secrets, he said, but I
dont get
other people into trouble. I saw your advertisement, and I thought it might be a plant,
or it might be the ring which I wanted. My friend volunteered to go and see. I think
youll own he did it smartly.
The last paragraph above is shown that Hope is also a considerate person. Even he is dying he
still can control his mind to not telling who is the one came to Holmes to take the ring.

Nancy Colier LCSW, Rev. March 4, 2015. Why we hold grudges and how let them go.
Retrieved from
2011. Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary 4th edition. New York, Oxford University Press.

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