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Cambridge University Press

978-0-521-75460-6 - Listening Extra: A Resource Book of Multi-Level Skills Activities

Miles Craven
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Recording script

1.1 Your name, please James: Hi, Simone. Im James and the guy cooking is Peem.
Simone: Hi. Hmm ... Smells nice. What are you cooking, Peem?
Receptionist: Hello, Cambridge Language College.
Peem: Im cooking a curry. Thai-style! Do you want some?
Maria: Oh yes. Hello. Id like to attend one of your evening
classes ... Simone: That would be great!
Receptionist: Oh, yes. Which class are you interested in? Peem:/James: Great!
Maria: English ... its course 139. Simone: Can Takeyuki have some too? Hes my boyfriend.
Receptionist: I see ... Course 139 is for intermediate students. Peem: Oh, er ... yeah, sure. Why not?
Is that the course you want? James: Ill get the plates.
Maria: Yes, it is. Intermediate. Simone: Oh, look! Here is Takeyuki now!
Receptionist: Right. Do you want the short course or the Takeyuki: Hello.
long course? Peem: Im Peem. This is James. And ... you know Simone
Maria: The long course, please. Thats twelve weeks, isnt it? already, right?
Receptionist: Yes. Now, I need to take some personal details Takeyuki: Right!
first. Your name, please? Simone: Tell them what you do, Takeyuki!
Maria: Silva. Takeyuki: Oh, yes. I study Computer science ... at Tokyo
Receptionist: Silvas your surname, isnt it? University.
Maria: Yes. Simone: Takeyukis so clever! One day, hes going to have his
Receptionist: Can you spell that for me? own company.
Maria: Yes. S-I-L-V-A. Takeyuki: Thats right. Saito Industries itll be called. Saito is
my surname.
Receptionist: Thank you. And your first name?
James: Sounds just great.
Maria: Maria.
Takeyuki: But first Simone and I will get married!
Receptionist: ... Maria. Thank you. Oh, whats your nationality?
James: Thats just great.
Maria: Im Mexican. Im a student at university in Mexico City.
Im here for the summer. Peem: Curry anyone?
Receptionist: I see. So you speak Spanish and ... any other Everyone: Mmm, sounds good ...
Maria: No, just Spanish ... and a little English!
1.3 What are you like?
Receptionist: And youre a student ... And your date of birth?
Maria: My date ... Oh! The eleventh of October 1983. Part 1
Receptionist: Eleventh of October ... 1983. Where are you Psychologist: Look at the shapes in front of you. There are five
staying in Cambridge? shapes. Examine each one carefully. Youll notice they are
each different in their own way. Look at each one carefully.
Maria: Sorry?
Think. Which shape do I prefer? Which shape pleases me
Receptionist: Whats your address here? most? Put number one on the line below that shape now ...
Maria: Oh. Its 24 Cherry Road. The postcode is CB1 5AW. Thats right, put number one on the line below the shape you
Receptionist: OK. Now then Maria, do you have a telephone like most. Good. Now give each of the other shapes a number
number? ... two, three, four and five in order of preference. Go on.
Maria: Yes. Its 742980. Number each shape in order of preference.
Receptionist: 742980. Thats fine. The next intermediate
English long course starts on Monday at seven pm. Part 2
Psychologist: Look at the shapes in front of you. Each shape
represents a certain type of person. The number you gave to
1.2 Nice to meet you each shape shows how closely you represent that kind of
Peem: Can you pass me the salt, please? person ... The Triangle The triangle represents the desire to
succeed and overcome difficulties in order to achieve your
James: Sure. Here you are.
goals. You are ambitious and single-minded. You are also very
Peem: Thanks. Say, are you from the States? determined. Once you decide what your goal is, you never
James: Thats right. James. James Kent. Pleased to meet you. allow yourself to fail. The Square ... You are a very reliable
Peem: Hi there, James. My names Peem Thalong. person. You are honest, and like to make plans and set goals.
James: Thalong? Thats a Thai name, isnt it? When you start something you always finish it. You are a stable
person. The Circle ... Personal space and time to think are very
Peem: Thats right. I study at Ascension University.
important to you. You are independent and prefer to solve your
James: Hey, Ive heard of that one! What do you study? own problems than ask others for help. You are confident, and
Peem: Engineering. How about you? calm. You do not like to be in crowds. Matching triangles ... This
James: I study History, at New York University. shape represents relationships in your life. You value your
Simone: Oh, I study History too! relationships, and are very loyal to family and friends. You are
sympathetic, and can share your thoughts and feelings with
James: Really! Where?
others. You are also very sociable, and like working with other
Simone: At the Sorbonne University ... in Paris. Im from people. The Whirlwind ... This shape represents a desire for
France. change ... you want to try something new. You are very
James: Really! Whats your name? creative, always full of new ideas. You are energetic, too. You
Simone: Simone ... Simone Clement. like starting new projects. Although enthusiastic, your interest
may fade and you may have difficulty finishing what you start.

118 From Listening Extra by Miles Craven Cambridge University Press 2004 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Cambridge University Press

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