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Oral and Intraperitoneal Administration of A/

Acetylneuraminic Acid: Effect on Rat Cerebral

and Cerebellar /V-Acetylneuraminic Acid1


Department of Pediatrics/Division of Newborn Medicine,

University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 N. State St.,
Jackson, MS 39216

ABSTRACT Rat pups were administered N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) by

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i.p. injection or via a feeding catheter for eight consecutive days beginning on d 14
of life All pups were given the identical dose: 1.0 mg on d 1 and 2 and 1.2 mg on the
remaining days, or approximately 20 mg/kg body weight per day. A control group was
injected i.p. with glucose instead of NANA. On the morning of d 25, pups were de
capitated, and the heads were frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen. The brains were
later dissected and analyzed for both cerebral and cerebellar ganglioside and glyco-
protein NANA. Administration of NANA by both oral and i.p. routes resulted in sig
nificantly more cerebral and cerebellar ganglioside and glycoprotein NANA than did
glucose injection (with the exception of cerebellar glycoprotein NANA after NANA
intubation). There were no significant differences in NANA concentration in these
brain fractions for the two routes of NANA administration. J. Nutr. 116: 881-886,
INDEXING KEY WORDS gangliosides •glycoproteins •N-acetylneura-
minic acid •cerebrum •cerebellum

N-Acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) found radiolabeled NANA (4). The effect of re

in milk oligosaccharides accounts for, on the peated oral administration during periods
average, 0.1 % (wt/vol) of the diet of ex- of maximal brain ganglioside accumulation
clusively breast-fed infants in the first 2 wk has not been studied. Administration of a
of life (1), and while the amount declines single oral dose of radiolabeled NANA (5-7)
exponentially throughout the first 2 mo of to young rats, however, indicates that only
lactation (1), it continues to be a significant small amounts of the label appear in organs
component of human milk throughout at and tissues, while the bulk of the material is
least 7 mo of lactation. The potential nutri- apparently absorbed from the intestine and
t ¡onalsignificance of this material to the excreted in the urine within a matter of
human infant appears not to have been hours. Furthermore, Nöhleand Schauer (6)
studied. Morgan and Winick (2) reported suggest that the N-acetylmannosamine por
that NANA administered i.p. during a peri- tion of NANA, and not NANA itself, is the
od of maximal brain ganglioside accumula
tion (3)
v'_. increased
.. the amount
- i ti of NANA i. ©1986 American Institute of Nutrition. Received for publication:
recovered in cerebral and cerebellar gangli- w Maywss.Accepted
osides and glycoproteins. Subsequently, they 'This
byBRSG cram2SOT
j j .f , by the Biomédical Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research
demonstrated that the SynaptOSOmeS Were Resources,National Institutesof Health, to the Universityof South Florida
the major Site Of accumulation Of labeled £°!leSeof Medicine. The work was performed in the Department of
J Pediatrics, University of South Florida College of Medicine, 12901N. 30th
material following i.p. administration of the st.,Tampa,FL 33612.


source of most label recovered in tissues. third of the animals ordered did not deliver
Although these reports suggest that NANA pups.
occurring in food is not available in signifi At 25 d of age, pups were anesthetized
cant quantities for synthesis of glycolipids with a combination of ketamine • HC1 (Keta-
and/or glycoproteins, the degree of accumu set, Rristol Laboratories, Syracuse, NY) and
lation of dietary NANA by nursing mammals acepromazine maléate(Med-Tech, Inc., El-
has not been studied. In this study, free wood, KS) and exsanguinated by heart punc
NANA was administered to young rats by ture They were decapitated, and the heads
feeding catheter for 8 d in an amount simi were frozen immediately in liquid nitrogen
lar to that injected by Morgan and Winick and stored at -75°C until analysis.
(2) to determine whether repeated admin Analytical procedures. On the day of
istration of dietary NANA could increase analysis, the frozen rat heads were partially
the NANA concentration of cerebral and thawed on ice, and the brains were dissected
cerebellar gangliosides and glycoproteins. free and weighed. The cerebrum and cere
Another group of young rats was adminis bellum were then separated, weighed and
tered the same amount of NANA by the i.p. sonicated in distilled water at less than 5 °C.
route. Aliquota of the resulting homogenates were
lyophilized, and gangliosides were extracted

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MATERIALS AND METHODS from the dry tissue with constant shaking
according to the procedure of Roukema and
Experimental design. Pregnant (dated, Heijlman (9). Glycoproteins remaining after
sperm-positive) Sprague-Dawley rats were ganglioside extraction were twice reextracted
purchased from Holtzman, Madison, WI, to remove contaminating glycolipid NANA.
and fed a nonpurified diet (Rodent Lab Both ganglioside and glycoprotein fractions
Chow 5001, Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis, were hydrolyzed in 0.1 N H2SO4 at 80 °C.
MO) until d 15 of gestation. On d 15 the Gangliosides were hydrolyzed for l h and
dams were assigned to one of three groups glycoproteins for 2 h before analysis for
fed high fat (40 % of energy) diets, varying in NANA according to the procedure of Warren
degree of fat polyunsaturation and linoleic- (10). The ganglioside hydrolysate was ex
linolenic acid ratio (8), or to a fourth group tracted with peroxide-free ether prior to
that continued to receive the nonpurified analysis. Spectrophotometric readings were
diet as a control for growth. Litters were made at 532, 549 and 562 nm, and correc
culled to eight young per dam on the day of tions were made for interference at 532 nm
delivery, and pups in experimental groups by the equations of dichromatographic read
were weaned to the maternal diet at 17 d of ings (562 vs. 532 and 549 vs. 532 nm) of
age. Those whose dams were fed the non- Warren (10).
purified diet were weaned at a more typical Statistical analysis. The design of the ex
21 d of age. They also received the maternal periment was such that with four dietary
diet after weaning. treatments and three NANA treatments,
The pups within each litter were subdi each diet-NANA group contained 10-12 rat
vided by chance into three treatment groups pups. Analysis of the data indicated that the
identified by indelible color codes applied to degree of polyunsaturation of the diet and
the tail. Daily from 14 to 21 d of age these the ratio of linoleic to linolenic acid did not
groups received 1) i.p. injection of glucose in affect the concentrations of cerebral and
normal saline (1 mg/d on d 14 and 15, 1.2 cerebellar NANA, and pups from all dietary
mg/d on d 16 through 21), 2) an i.p. injection groups were grouped by NANA treatment
of the same quantity of NANA (crystalline, alone. Data for each NANA treatment are
synthetic; Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, presented as means ±SEM. Differences be
MO) in saline or 3) intragastrically, via a tween groups were determined by using the
feeding catheter, the same quantity of NANA Student two-tailed i-test. P-values were
in water. All solutions of glucose and NANA multiplied by 2 for Bonferroni's adjustment
were prepared fresh daily. It was planned for two-treatment comparisons (11).Although
that another control group would receive numbers of animals within each group dif
glucose by feeding catheter, but about one- fered, results presented are from the analysis

of all available samples. Dissection of the compared to control pups 0.46 /tmol (140.8
complete brain, cerebrum and cerebellum /ig). This amounted to 1.53% of the NANA
was impossible for some brains that frac administered during an 8-d period.
tured in liquid nitrogen. In some cases, the While 80% of the additional NANA in
amount of cerebral and/or cerebellar material treated compared to control groups occurred
available was still adequate for determination in the cerebrum, the cerebellum showed the
of NANA in micromoles/gram. greatest percentage increase. As a result of
treatment cerebellar ganglioside and glyco
protein NANA increased by 13-19%, whereas
cerebral ganglioside and glycoprotein NANA
There were no significant differences increased by 7-11 %.
in the body, cerebral, cerebellar or whole-
brain weights in the three treatment groups DISCUSSION
(table 1).
NANA concentrations of cerebral and cere Depending on the stage of lactation, in
bellar gangliosides were higher in NANA- fants fed mother's milk receive (on average)
treated rats than in rats injected with glu between 135 and 1475 mg oligosaccharide
cose (table 2). NANA-injection and intuba NANA/L of milk while those fed currently

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tion also increased cerebral and cerebellar available infant formulas receive between 0
glycoprotein (table 2). All means of treated and 72 mg of oligosaccharide NANA/L (1).
animals were different from control means Furthermore, the NANA associated with
at a significance level of P < 0.001, except cow milk is known to be chemically differ
those for cerebellar glycoprotein NANA: the ent from that in human milk (12). Whereas
concentration of cerebellar glycoprotein mammals have the capacity to synthesize
NANA in NANA-injected pups differed sig NANA from simple sugars and the metabolic
nificantly (P < 0.02), while that of NANA- intermediate, phosphoenolpyruvate, there is
intubated pups did not. evidence that exogenous NANA may serve as
Gangliosides and glycoproteins accounted a substrate for sialydation of glycolipids and
for 80 and 20 %, respectively, of the exog glycoproteins. Uptake of label from exog
enous NANA incorporated into the brain. enous NANA into gangliosides and glyco
NANA incorporation into cerebral gangli proteins has been demonstrated in cell cul
osides in treated compared to control pups tures (13-15), tissue slices (16) and in whole
was quantitatively the most important, ac animals after i.v. (16) and i.p. (2) adminis
counting on average for an additional 0.30 tration.
/¿molNANA/brain. Cerebellar gangliosides, NANA administered via i.p. injection has
cerebral glycoproteins and cerebellar glyco been shown to result in increases in NANA
proteins accounted for increments with in brain gangliosides and glycoproteins (2).
treatment of 0.07, 0.07 and 0.02 /imol each, This is the first report that indicates that
respectively. Thus, on the average, cerebral orally administered NANA has the same ef
and cerebellar NANA was higher in treated fect in developing rats. In previous studies,

Brain and body weights of experimental groups '

Weight of
Group Body Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain

Glucose-injectedN-Acetylneuraminic 1.6(38)82.4
± 0.01(34)1.01
± 0.004(35)0.204
± 0.02(37)1.47
acid 1.7(42)82.4
± 0.01(38)1.01
± 0.004(38)0.201
± 0.02(37)1.47

acid intubated82.2 1.7(47)1.02

± 0.01(43)0.200
± 0.004(37)1.44
± 0.02(40)

'Values are means ±SEM(n). 'There were no significant differences due to treatment.

Cerebral and cerebellar ganglioside and glycoprotein N-acefy/neuromimc acid (NANA) concentrations1
measured Treatment Ganglioside NANA

±0.05 (36) ±0.02 (34)
NANA-injected 3.36 ±0.06 (40) 1.05 ±0.02 (34)
±0.06 (40)0.62
1.03 ±0.02
±0.05 (34) ±0.04 (28)
NANA-injected 2.21 ±0.05 (37) 0.73 ±0.03 (26)
NANA-intubated3.03 2.19 ±0.04 (38)0.96 0.70 ±0.03 (29)
Values are means ±SEM(n). 2Means differing from glucose-injected controls by 0.07 /tmol/g are statis
tically different (P < 0.001) except for glycoprotein NANA in cerebellar tissue. The level of significance for NANA
injection in cerebellar glycoprotein was P < 0.02 while NANA intubation produced only a nonsignificant trend
(P < 0.10). P-values reflect Bonferroni's adjustment for two i-test comparisons (11).

bellar gangliosides and glycoproteins (25).

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the results of administering single doses of
labeled NANA (5-7) suggest that most orally The NANA administered in this study,
administered NANA is rapidly excreted in approximately 20 mg/kg body weight for
the urine However, the use of weanling rats eight consecutive days, was responsible for
and mice (6, 7), as opposed to animals in 7-19% of that recovered in cerebral and
which neural NANA-conjugates were rapidly cerebellar gangliosides and glycoproteins.
accumulating, could have led to an under Although this indicates that orally adminis
estimation of the potential importance of tered NANA can provide a significant por
dietary NANA to the nursing mammal. It is tion of total-brain NANA, it may actually
clear that more precise experiments with underestimate the usual contribution of di
labeled NANA compounds administered etary NANA to that of glycoproteins and
orally during periods of rapid central ner glycolipids for a number of reasons. 1) Rat
vous system development are still necessary. milk contains an unknown quantity of
Data of both Witt and co-workers (5) and NANA-lactose (26). All rats in this study and
Nöhle and Schauer (17) indicate that the in that of Morgan and Winick (2) were
tissue uptake of labeled NANA may depend suckled for between 17 and 21 d after birth,
on the form in which it is administered. which would dilute the contribution of ex
On account of their asymmetrical location perimentally administered NANA to some
in the outer half of the membrane bilayer, degree 2) NANA administered in these ex
gangliosides are thought to play an impor periments [milligrams/(kilogram • day)] was
tant role as membrane receptors and cell quantitatively small compared to that usually
surface markers (18). NANA is an integral received by infants fed human milk (1). The
part of each molecule of ganglioside and is average intake of oligosaccharide NANA by
postulated to be the actual receptor for infants fed only human milk would be 170
neurotransmitters (19). Both essential fatty mg/kg per day in the first 2 wk of lactation,
acid deficiency and protein deficiency dur falling to 20 mg/kg per day only after 10 wk
ing development (20-22) have been shown or more of lactation. 3) Administration of
to decrease the amount of brain gangliosides NANA in this study occurred during the
as measured by NANA concentration. These second major period of brain ganglioside
reductions in brain ganglioside/NANA are NANA increase in rats (3). Orally adminis
associated with impaired learning behavior tered NANA might be expected to be more
in rats (22). Antisera to brain gangliosides significant when administered during the
alters behavior in rats (23). Also long-term most rapid period of brain ganglioside ac
active avoidance conditioning and environ cumulation in the rat (0-10 d). 4) Exogenous
mental stimulation have increased, respec NANA might be more efficiently utilized as
tively, brain ganglioside synthesis (24) and a substrate for sialydation of membrane
NANA concentrations of cerebral and cere gangliosides and glycoproteins if the same

dose were administered in several aliquots 5. Witt, W., von Nicolai, H. & Zilliken, F. (1979)
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might be of even greater significance to the minic acid mixture in the mouse and rat. Hoppe-
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those of term milk, at least in the early take, metabolism and excretion of orally and intra
weeks of lactation (1). venously administered, double-labeled N-glycoloyl-
neuraminic acid and single labeled 2-deoxy-2,3-
Although NANA administered in this ex dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid in mouse and
periment was free and that in milk is in the rat. Eur. J. Biochem. 126, 543-548.
form of oligosaccharides and glycoproteins, 8. Carlson, S. E., Carver, J. D. & House, S. G. (1986)
it seems reasonable to suppose that milk High fat diets varying in ratios of polyunsaturated
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gested to their sugar and amino acid compo brane phospholipids. J. Nutr. 116, 718-725.

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Although measurement of NANA concen 14. Hirschberg, C. B. & Goodman, S. R. (1976) Free
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