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To determine the angle of taper using sine bar and sine centre.
Apparatus Required:
Sine bar, Sine centre, Dial Gauge, Slip gauge, C-Clamp, Surface plate.
Sine Bar
Length :
Make : India
Sine Centre
Length :
Make : India
Prelab Questions:
1. What is Sine bar? Why it is called so?

2. How does Sine Centre differ from sine bar?

Set up diagram for taper measurement using sine bar

Sine Bar

S.No Length L in mm Height of slip Sin = H/L = Sin-1(H/L) in

gauge(H) mm deg
Formula Used

H= Height of slip gauges mm

L= center distance between the rollers of the sine bar mm
- taper angle in deg

Sine bar and Sine Centre are used in conjunction with slip gauges
constituting a very good apparatus for accurate measurement of angles. These
are used either to measure angles very accurately or for locating any work to a
given angle. Sine bars are made of high carbon, high chromium corrosion
resistant, hardened ground and stabilized steel.

The Centre distance between the rollers is measured accurately with the
help of a graduated scale. C-Clamps are used to firmly clamp the specimen to
the sine bar. Plunger of the dial gauge is made to touch the work piece placed on
the sine bar/sine centre. Some reading will be shown in the dial. Slip gauges are
added and placed at one end. Now the dial gauge is moved from left to right. If
the deflection shown is negative then slip gauges has to be added, and if it is
positive, then the slip gauges has to be removed accordingly. The process is
repeated until there was zero deflection. Then the reading is taken down and
Set up diagram for taper measurement using sine center

Figure 2 sine center

Sine Centre
Table 2
S.No Length L in mm Height of slip Sin = H/L = Sin (H/L)
Post lab Questions

1. What is the limitation of sine bar?

2. How to measure the unknown angles of heavy components using sine


3. How do you measure the internal taper using sine bar? Draw the
schematic diagram.

4. What should be the difference in heights of two rollers to check an angle

of 30 deg using 100mm sine bar?

The Taper of the given specimen was determined using
a. Sine bar
b. Sine center

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