Ampil Roy Narrative

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Saint Joseph College of Canlaon

Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

A Narrative Report in

On The- Job Training Undertaken at Bureau of Fire Protection

Located at Brgy. Panubigan, Canlaon City, Negros Oriental, 6223 Philippines

In a partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business

Submitted by:

Dysen A. Dumaboc

Submitted to:

Sr. Miluna Ruiz Cielo, FAS

Mrs. Marife F. Eleco

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Students Name Dysen A. Dumaboc

Cell phone No : (0919)7224880

Email Add :

Supervisor Name : Sr. Miluna Ruiz Ceilo, FAS

Title : College Dean

Cell phone No : (0928)941-3783 Email Add:

Agency : Bureau of Fire Protection

Dept. Head : Mr. Ray D. Quiliope

Address : Brgy. Panubigan, Canlaon City Cell phone No: 09478967269

Beginning Date : December 07, 2015 Ending Date:February 01, 2016

No. of Hours : 250 hours

Credit Hours:

Faculty Adviser Name: Mrs. Marife F. Eleco

Approved by:

Sr. Miluna Ruiz Cielo FAS, PhD Mrs. Marife F. Eleco

College Dean OJT Adviser
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


I wholeheartedly dedicate this

Narrative Report to my family and loved ones,

to the School Directress Sr.Miluna Ruiz Cielo,

to all my instructors especially Mrs. Marife F. Eleco,

to the Bureau of Fire Protectionand the Human Resource Management and Development office

to my friends and co-trainees and above all

to our Almighty God.

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


With deepest gratitude and appreciation, I humbly give thanks to the people who helped
me in making my On-the-Job Training a successful one.

To my parents, who always encouraged me to do everything that I can, to give my very

best, and to pursue my studies .Also for their unending love and support, for providing all my
needs physically, financially, morally and emotionally, for their patience and understanding
during my hardships and hopeless days, for their never-ending advices and most of all, for being
with me in all of my journey.

To the institution where I am studying, Saint Joseph College of Canlaon, where I am

fully equipped as a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing
Management student. To Sister Miluna Ruiz Cielo, Fas. PhD for giving us the opportunity to be
educated in this institution.

To all our instructors who shared and who continuously shared their knowledge with
students like me and who kept on molding me into a better person. I am extending my warmest
thanks especially to Mrs. Marife F. Eleco whoshared with me everything that she knows and
keeps on inspiring me to pursue my goals in life. I thank her for her patience during the times
that we failed her and also for touching my life and motivating me to study harder to have a
better future.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

To all the Human Resource Management and Bureau of Fire Protectionpersonnel, for
their warm welcome andvery worth remembering working experience with me during my On-
the-Job Training days, for all their advices, for everything that they taught me during my stay
with them and most of all, for the memories weve shared the happy moments, the rush hours,
and for everything that they did that contributed to my growth as a future professional. I thank
them so much.

To my friends and co-trainees whos always been there during sadness and happiness. I
thank them for the friendship and teamwork and for being my companions whom I can share my
laughters and sorrows with.

Above all, to our Almighty God, for His unfailing love and for blessing me each day of
my life. With love and gratitude, I thank Him for guiding me during my training and for making
this a possible one. For the provisions and wisdom He has bestowed upon me and my loved
ones, for the safety,for giving me such knowledge, ability and strength to perform each task that
was assigned to me, and also for the challenges He has given me that made me braver than ever.
I thank Him for His comfort during the times that I am about to give up. By His grace, I was able
to finish this training without any conflict.

Dysen A. Dumaboc
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Our school, Saint Joseph College of Canlaon let us students to engage and experience the
things happening in the actual world of business through On-the-Job Training (OJT).
OJT is very important not only to teach students regarding their chosen career but also to
show the reality about working. We were given 250 hours to undergo and pursue this training
that will help us acquire knowledge and skills that will serve as tools to face the challenges in
becoming future professionals. It sets our minds of what does the real world of business is all
about and also allows those without experience to work and to learn in the same way.
On-the-Job Training helps the trainee to learn more about his chosen field and practice
what he has learned from the school. Others think that business matters only on numbers or
quantitative information. However, it also matters in decision-making and business operations. It
is also somewhat related to the development of our skills in communication, leadership and
management. Thus, experience is vital to ones improvement and in preparing the students to
their future career.
This training develops ones professionalism in dealing with people. After the training,
the trainee will be able to handle situations properly and will be able to know how to socialize
well with his colleagues. He will also be able to work well with everyone and hell have a good
teamwork. OJT also enhances the critical thinking abilities and discipline of the student
conducting his training in a company. His ability to make sound decisions and evaluate pertinent
factors will be improved.
t also gives the trainee a chance to immerse himself in his chosen field. The trainee will
be able to know how to adjust to other peoples personalities and attitudes. On-the-Job Training
requires effort and seriousness. A trainee should take the OJT seriously as it can be a powerful
tool for a person to succeed.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


City Fire Marshal


Shift A
Supervisor/C, Admin/
Supervisor/C, FSES C, Finance


Investigatir/Rescuer Rescuer
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


The Spanish Ira

Canlaon was known then as SitioMabigo where the lush vegetation of bigo, trees
abound. It was predominantly a wilderness area ruled by a native chieftain called Saniko. The
settlement began to grow when migrants from Iloilo and Antique came in 1808 and later
followed in 1812 by groups from Cebu and Bohol to Panubigan.

In 1850, the Don Diego de la Via y de la Rosa a wealthy Half Spanish from Manila,
migrated to Negros. Upon his arrival, he wondered what lay behind the majestic Mount Kanlaon
Volcano. Together with his only son, Jose de la Via y de la Cruz, they crossed the mountains on
horseback. They passed by Satin Marico (the present site of the city) and Panubigan before
reaching the eastern side of the island at the mouth of Pinokawan River (now Barrio Bagawines).
SitioMabigo, the original settlement within the hacienda, later became a progressive village.

Philippine Revolution Era

At the outbreak of the Philippine Revolution in 1896, Don Diego de la Via joined the
revolution and appointed by General Emilio Aguinaldo through Don Juan Araneta of Bago,
Negros Occidental to lead the revolutionary forces in Negros Oriental with the rank of Brigadier
General. His son, Jose de la Via and KapitanSaniko led the local revolutionary movement. The
former became the Teente Colonel de la Revolucion making one of his encomienda at Sitio
malign as his base of defense or refuge.

American Era

When the Americans came in the early 1900s, one of the native chiefs of Mabigo and
Panubigan, TranquilinoKilanan, fought the Americans and later died in the battle of Panubigan.
During the American occupation, Mabigo became a hideout of the resistance movement; the
noted ones were Papa Isio, Sapinay, and Magda-it.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Japanese Occupation

Towards the end of 1942, Commonwealth President Manuel L. Quezon and his party
made a brief sojourn in Barangay Panubigan on their way to Mindanao for Australia to escape
the Japanese impending occupation. On the same year, Japanese fighter planes bombed the place
including SitioMabigo because they consider it as guerilla movement stronghold.

When the Japanese Imperial Army unconditionally surrendered in 1945 and the
consequent declaration of Philippines Independence on July 4 the following year, the efforts of
Isidro M. Bautista, Sr. came to fulfillment when President Roxas signed Executive Order No. 19
creating Canlaon a new municipality on October 11, 1946. The new municipality of Canlaon
covers Mabigo, Panubigan, and nine (9) other former Sitios. The seat of government was
SitioMabigo. It was finally inauguration on January 1, 1947, with Isidro M. Bautista as the first
Municipal Mayor.

Municipality to City

Aware of the towns conceivable growth into a city, Hon. Lorenzo G. Teves,
Congressman of the First District of Negros Oriental, filed House Bill 4346 calling for the
creation of the City of Canlaon. He got full support and the backing of 15 other congressional
representatives from Cebu, Panay and Negros Occidental. The bill passed in the Lower House
without difficulty but encountered strong resistance from the Senate. The Senate however, later
pass the bill that later became known as Republic Act 3445.

Former President Carlos P. Garcia, however, did not sign the approved bill. However,
peoples dream finally came into reality by virtue of Proclamation No.193, dated April 20, 1967
signed by President Ferdinand E. Marcos proclaiming the creation of the City of Canlaon. The
citys charter took effect on July 2, 1967.

The first City Mayor was Hon. Isidoro M. Bautista, Sr. who was also the municipal
mayor since 1947. He was the city mayor from 1967 to 1970. His son Isidoro V. Bautista, Jr.
succeeded him from 1970 and through the Martial law years from 1972 until 1986.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Meaning of the Official Seal of Canlaon City

Upper Portion

Depicts the 2,695 meters high Mount Kanlaon Volcano (left) and Mt. Makawiwili, 2,423 m. high
(right); the green color stands for Mt. Kanlaon Natural Park. The white and blue stripes in
between Mount Kanlaon and the Cornucopia of abundance

Represents rivers and creeks that endowed the rich and fertile farmlands

Lower Portion

The giant shell overflowing with vegetables symbolizes the over abundant supply of vegetables;
harvested bundles of palay symbolize abundance in rice, making Canlaon the Rice Granary of
Northern Negros Island; hand full of brown small fruits symbolizes raw coffee for processing
and export; bundles of sugarcane represent sugar varieties which make sugarcane the principal
crop of the city.
Laurel Leaves - symbolic of the humble beginnings of the city
Two (2) Stars

Represents the town of Vallehermoso (Mother town of Canlaon) and Canlaon City that
symbolizes two decades of its corporate existence from 1947 to 1967 City Charter.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration





Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration



There lived once upon a time, goes the first legend, Princess Laon whose rare beauty was
admired and adored by princes and men of note far and wide. Kang a handsome prince whose
physical prowess gained respect of all natives came along. No sooner, they met, and then love
captivated both their hearts. Their love flourishes as Kang unveil his desire to marry Laon, her
father steadfastly rejects Kangs proposal.

Kang knew that his and Laons father were bitter enemies. The two lovers elope but were
captured and condemned to die in the wilderness. Years passed, the mound beneath in which
Kang and Laon were buried together rose up into a mighty mountain belching forth smoke and
fire as if in defiance. People then called this volcano Kanlaon or Kanlaon for euphony in
memory of the two unfortunate lovers. In the days of yore, runs another legend, King Mamagtal
the supreme ruler of Buglas (Negros) established his kingdom in Buglasan (Budlasan) not far
from this place. He and his mighty hands worshipped a deity whose beauty and wisdom no
mortal could equal. She had power over life and death. They called her Laon and the mountain
they believed to be her abode was also called Kan-Laon or Kanlaon in her honor.Kais the oldest
visayan word for Kay, which means for. Hence, Kanlaon or Kay Laon means For Laon.Such are
the legends interwoven in its present time, CANLAON.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration






Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Community of faith, hope and love of everyone based on the teachingof Jesus
Christ the Filipino culture values and the heritage and sign of timetowards the integral
holistic information of man society beyond boarders.

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon, an institution of higher learning pledges to provide an
Integral holistic education towards the individual, the community the country, and the world and
with special concern for authentic Christian living, academic excellence, and professional
responsibility, social involvement of every Josephian in the fullness of life and in building of
Christian community.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Bureau of Fire Protection was created by virtue of being responsible for the prevention
and suppression of all destructive fires on building, houses and other structures, forest, land
transportation vehicles and equipment, ships vessels docked at piers or wharves anchored in
major seaports, petroleum industry installations, plane crashes and other similar activities.
They are also responsible for enforcement of Fire Code of the Philippines and other related
laws. Also they had the power to investigate all causes of fires and if necessary, file the proper
complaint with the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction of the case.
In time of national emergency, all elements of the BFP shall upon direction of the President,
assist the Armed Forces of the Philippines in meeting the national emergency and shall establish
at least one fire station with adequate personnel, firefighting facilities and equipment in every
provincial capital, city and municipality subject to standard rules and regulations as maybe
promulgated by the DILG.
SaintJoseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Role, Responsibilities and Duties of a City Fire Marshal:

The main duties of a full-time Fire Marshal are to help protect the public in
emergency situations. They respond to a wide variety of calls such as car crashes,
chemical spills, flooding, water rescue as well as fires.

Proactive day to day duties in the workplace include:

- All fire exits and routes must remain free from obstruction and available at all times.
It is crucial that fire exits are opened to check they are not blocked from the outside.
- Break glass call points are visible and have a break glass point sign and emergency
fire action notice adjacent to them.
- Ensuring fire extinguishers are in their correct place, serviced signed and stowed
above floor level.
- General house-keeping is in good order i.e. paper storage and
- Smoking areas are controlled
- Control of flammable liquids and hazardous materials
- Electrical safety checks/pat testing
- Fire alarm checks tested everyday
- Arranging fire drills at least once a year
- Exit sign surveys
- Fire door checks on a weekly basis
- Working with a fire risk assessments
- Managing all checks/paperwork/compliance documentation

Reactive Fire Marshal duties:

- Fighting fires/use of fire extinguisher

- Raise the alarm/call for emergency services
- Sweep all rooms where safe to do so ensuring toilets and places like walk in
cupboards are checked
- Ensure final fire doors are closed
- Take part in the roll call at the assembly point
- Report to the fire service on their arrival
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


SERVICE TITLE: Getting a Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)for occupancy/business
OFFICE ADDRESS: Bureau of Fire Protection Office, Brgy. Panubigan, Canlaon City
Head of Office- Ray D. Quiliope
SERVICE DESCRIPTION: To ensure a fire safe business establishment.
WHO MAY AVAIL OF THE SERVICE: All business owners/building owners (except single
family dwellings) investors.
REQUIREMENTS: 1. Endorsement from the building official (BO)/business permit licensing
office (BPLO)
2. Photocopy of business permit and assessment of occupancy permit
fee/assessment of business permit fee/BPLO assessment/tax bill for
business permit, as the case may be
3. Copy of Fire Insurance Policy
4. Copy of latest fire safety inspection certificate immediately preceding
this application
5. Three sets of fire and life safety assessment report-2-(FALAR-2) for
occupancy permit or FALAR-3 for business permit
SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE: Monday to Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
FEES: 10% of all fees charged by the BO or by the LGU or other government agencies
concerned in granting pertinent permits or licenses.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration



Secure FSIC application

form with the list of
1 requirements from 5 minutes Customer
Customer Relation Relation officer

Submit duly Check application

2 accomplished application form and 10 minutes Customer
form with complete requirements and Relation Officer
requirements to the CRO endorsed to Fire
Code Fees Assessor
Wait for the release of Assess FCF and
order of payment issue
3 15 minutes Fire Code Fees

Pay the FCF to the Govt. Collect FCF and BFP Collecting
4 Service Bank/Local Machine Validated 10 minutes Officer
Treasurer/Collecting OP/issue OO
Assess Fire Code Fee
Present machine and issue Order of
5 validated OP/OR as basis Payment to the 10 minutes BFP Collecting
for issuance of claim stub applicant and return Officer
application with
complete documents
to CRO
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


SERVICE TITLE: Fire Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) for construction of new
buildind/repair/renovation/modification/alteration/additional/change of type of occupancy of
building, structure or facility or portion thereof.

OFFICE ADDRESS:Brgy. Panubigan, Canlaon City

SERVICE DESCRIPTION: To ensure that any changes of certain establishment has been
already evaluated.

WHO MAY AVAIL OF THE SERVICE? Any person or entity (private individual, investor,

REQUIREMENTS: -Endorsement from the Local Building Official

-Six sets of building plans and specifications

-One set of bills of materials and cost estimate

-Three sets of detailed fire safety plans and specification or fire and

Life safety assessment

SCHEDULE OF AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE:Monday to Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm

FEES: 0.1% of estimated value of buildings or structures to be

erected/repaired/renovated/modified/altered but not to exceed fifty thousand (P50,000.00) pesos.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Secure FSEC Application CRO
1 Form with the list of 5 minutes
requirements from CRO

Submit duly accomplished Check application and CRO

2 application form with requirements and 10 minutes
complete requirements to endorse to Fire Code
the CRO Fees Assessor (FCFA)
Wait for the Release of Assess Fire Code Fees FCFA
Order of Payment (OP) (FCF) and issue OP to 15 minutes
3 the applicant and
return application with
complete documents to
Pay the FCF to Collect FCF and BFP Collecting
4 Government Servicing machine validated 10minutes Officer
Bank (GSB)/Local OP/OR
Treasurer/BFP Collecting
Present machine validated -Record the FSEC 15 minutes CRO
OP/OR as basis for application to logbook;
issuance of claim stub OR #; Payment date of
5 FCF; issue claim stub
and endorse to C,FSES
-Receive Application 15 minutes C, FSES
and Assign Building
Plan Evaluator (BPE)
-Evaluate Building BPE
Plans and Accomplish 2 days
Fire Safety Checklist
-Review BPE findings 4 hours C, FSES
and recommend
issuance of FSEC
-Disposition on the 2.5 days C/MFM
issuance of FSEC
-Receive and record 15 minutes CRO
final action on FSEC
and building plans with
FS checklist; record
amount of FCF; OR #;
payment date in the
FSEC; and return file
copy with supporting
documents to C, FSES

6 Present claim stub to CRO Release original copy CRO

of FSEC and Building 5 minutes
Plans with FSC to
applicant and endorse
one set to Building
Official (BO)
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


The Bureau of Fire Protection Office is one of the front liner offices of Local

Government Unit (LGU), which renders NONOON BREAK Service. Proper recording and

registration of business establishments and issuance of required documents are the keys to

uphold the integrity and accuracy of information in the BFP. Effective implementation of

instructions in this manual together with other related laws and guidelines are necessary to help

attain these objectives towards our shared outlook to have a fire safety city.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


In the year 1956, the Columbian priest Father Ohalpen and Father Hynes came to the
municipality of Mabigo. They felt one important missing institution in that is the possibility opening
secondary school for the growing young people of this mountain paradise. In the year 1957, Saint Joseph
Academy was opened and was housed in the old convent of the parish. It was a two year secondary
course and with only eight students and four teachers to handle the tasks.

The Columbian Priest did not stay in Canlaon for long, so the management of the newly opened
school was turned over to the two priests namely Father Ecube and Father Acebedo. However the
operation of the school was temporarily shelved because of the problem that the priests have encountered.

In the year 1961, Father Andres Flores succeeded Father Acebedo as Canlaon Parish Priest. He
continued the operation of Saint Joseph Academy. Through his effort, the four year secondary course was
approved.In 1965, it marked the first Graduation Rites of the Graduates of Saint Joseph Academy. Most
of them were transferees from the schools. The first graduates numbered only eight students. In the year
1966 to 1967, Saint Joseph Academy had Eight Alumni Graduates these was during the time Mr. Fidel
Renacia as principal. When father Andres Flores was transferred in Canlaon as the new Parish Priest, the
school was turned over to the Order of Friar Minors (O.F.M.). This time, Father Lloyd Johnston, an
Engineer, initiated the construction of Saint Joseph Academy building as its present site. The former Miss
LinaTanatas was the principal.

When Father Lloyd Johnston was assigned to another Parish Father Raymond Kernan Kilroy and
Donan Paskey, both from the O.F.M took over the school administrators of the school. Father Kilroy
became the school Director of Saint Joseph Academy (SJA) while Father Paskey became the Parish
Priest.Father Kilroy left for the United States ahead of Father Paskey so the latter was left to manage the
School from the year 1972, Mr. Gregorio Banua became the Principal but his stint started from 1978
when he decided to transfer to Government service.

Before Father Kilroy left for the states, the first ever student demonstration happened as offshoot
of the event, names of prominent student leaders front lined Bobby Jalandoni, Camel Pangcog and Susan
Alfonso to many to mention a few their demands were carefully studied by the administration and all
that starts well so to say.

Notable events during this time were the staging of Miss SJA, a brain and beauty contest which
became a forerunner of the present beauty search in Canlaon City.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

The Miss SJA was an event whose mechanics was changed through the years to suit the
demands of the time, but the trademark of Miss SJA of a Catholic beauty pageant with beauty
and brains never change up to the present.

The dual meet between Saint Francis-Vallehermoso, a Sister Franciscan school and Saint
Joseph Academy was initiated with which the venue for the games alternate between these sister

Slowly, Saint Joseph Academy graduates rose to the standard of academic excellence
acceptable by the known standard school in the Negros Island like Siliman University and
University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos, where graduates of Saint Joseph Academy were no
longer required to take entrance exams.

Father Paskey soon left for his homeland and the school was left under the care of a
Filipino Franciscan Priest, Father Henry V. Taganile. During his short stint as School Director,
the Principal was Miss Lina Tanatan was appointed for the second time.

Shortly after, the school was turned over to the Diocese of Dumaguete under the
directorship of Father Jesus Flores, the younger brother of Father Andres Flores. Miss Belen M.
Bautista was the principal at the time while Father Romegio Omale became the spiritual director.
Father Jesus Flores was transferred to the municipality of Siaton, Negros Oriental.

Sometime in the year 1984, Miss Belen M. Bautista and Father Romegio Omale
conceived a dream to turn Saint Joseph Academy into a College. Timely, Miss Belen M. Bautista
had just finished her master degree and had successfully defended her thesis. She immediately
initiated the task of putting her dream to reality. She made representations to the Department of
Education Culture and Sport (DECS) now Department of Education (DepEd) and had prepared
all the necessary papers required by the agency.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

If forever change the history of Saint Joseph Academy and the countless lives of their
college graduates. The following year in 1985, their application for the establishment of the
college was approved. It was a major change in the annals of history of Saint Joseph Academy
and marked a new school, Saint Joseph College of Canlaon City (SJCC). It started with only two
courses the Bachelor of Arts (AB) and the Junior Secretarial Course (JSC).
When Father Romegio Omale was transferred to the municipality of Bayawan (now
Bayawan City), Father Manuel P. Duetao, the parish priest became the School Administrator. It
was during his time, that a class room was renovated to become a school Chapel. The following
year, Saint Joseph College of Canlaon had adapted to another change as the director has to be
transferred again to the Municipality of Bacong.
In order not leave the management of the school in a vacuum, the diocese of Dumaguete
invited the Franciscan Apostolic Sisters (FAS) to run and administer Saint Joseph college of
Canlaon. This year Ms. Belen M. Bautista ended her seven-year stint as principal of Saint Joseph
In 1986 to 1987, the Franciscan Apostolic Sister came under Sister Mary Bonhogon as
the School Directress and the College Dean, Sister Lorie Fuentes as the High School Principal
and Sister Thelma Patapat as the Canteen Manager.
That year, the first batch of the Junior Secretarial Course (JSC) graduates marched on
stage. Although they were only ten, yet this marked a major accomplishment for the school.
The following year, Saint Joseph College of Canlaon experienced a revamp in her school
personnel Sister Mary Bonhogon was recalled to the Mother house together with Sister Martina.
Sister Miluna Ruiz Cielo FAS, Ph.D took over the School Directress and the College Dean.
Sister Elaine Bael FAS became the new School Treasurer and Canteen Manager while Sister
Lori Fuentes was retained as the High School Principal. The Sisters convent was finished and it
served as the house of the sisters. The school canteen was also constructed adjacent to the
Sisters Convent there were four courses opened, Bachelor in Science in Commerce major In
Management (BSC), Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED), Bachelor of Arts (AB) major in
English and History, and the Junior Secretarial Course (JSC).
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Through Sister Milunas intelligence, good education, wit, courage and experience. The
school just as the two courses was already added in the school curriculum, the school gymnasium
and College building had been constructed and entire school campus fenced graduates of Saint
Joseph College especially form the Education Department had given their Alma Mater honor and
pride in passing the Professional Board Examination for Teachers (PBET) and Civil Service
Career Examination (CSCE). Other graduates also excelled in their chosen field of endeavors.

The years when Sister Miluna Cielo held the position as School Administrator showed a
major leap for Saint Joseph College. Playground facilities were constructed, the volley ball court
improved and concrete pavements were lined, all meant for the benefits of the school

Funds were pouring from the community like parents, alumni and friends through tireless
efforts of this dynamic leader. The High School Principal during this time was Sister Lolita

In the year 1988-1989, mark the first graduation on a four year courses in AB and BSED.
The graduates of BSED Major in History were five and three in Major in English. In AB there
were only two and luckily all of them passed the Teacher Board Exam. The college building and
the construction of the childrens playground were started.

In 1989-1990, the same Administrator ruled the school Sister Lolita M. Lobete was the
principal. There were four hundred eighty four high school students and one hundred sixteen
college students. There were in College graduates, four from BSE, and one from

Among these graduates seven of them go the loyalty award. The volleyball court was
constructed for P.E students. The mini-gym was also finished this year.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

In the following year, same school Administrator. There were five hundred and seventy
eight high school students and one hundred and forty eight college students with nine BSED
graduates, twelve JSC and two BSC and fifteen loyalty awardees. In the year 1991-92, there
were one hundred and sixty two college students with nine graduates, four BSE, three in AB and
two JSC. In 1992-93, there were five hundred and one high school students and two hundred
college students. There were thirteen College graduates, twelve from BSE and one from BSC.

In 1993-94, this year, the elementary level was opened with forty eight enrollees. The
following year, Sister Miluna Ruiz Cielo was transferred. Sister Irene Anapi took over the
Administration, with Sister Delia Brimon as the High School Principal, while Sister Helen Nabor
took the post of Elementary Principal. Sister Aida Allam was the Librarian and at the same times
the Canteen Manager.

With the coming of Sister Irene Anapi as the new Administrator, people became doubtful
of her capacity to do and compete with what her predecessor had done for Saint Joseph College.
However, all apprehension was proven wrong because under her Administration, Saint
Joseph College of Canlaon became better and beneficial for the community. She worked hard for
the DECS recognition of the Elementary Education (BEED). Her efforts were rewarded as Saint
Joseph College of Canlaon received her official recognition from DECS on January 17, 1995. Sr.
Iren Anjali was an Administrator who place great emphasis on molding her students for
academic excellence and spiritual formation. In 1995 also, a Computer Secretarial Course (CSC)
was offered in the school. She also initiated for the school accreditation with the Associate of
Catholic School but was not realized due to her call of transfer to the Motherhouse.

Notable achievements during the time of Sister Irene Anapi as the School Directress will
be mentioned to name a few. She facilitated some of her faculty members to avail of the CHED
Program on minimum Master Degree subject requirements at CVPC and Siliman University,
Dumaguete City.

She then initiated and finished the construction of a new building that facilitated the
computer classes and the audio visual room.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Aside from these, there were many changes that happened in the physical set up of Saint
Joseph College. The school library was transferred to the main building for accessibility of the
students. The Home Economics building was provided as a good training area in Home
Economics related activities. A school dormitory was also realized during the latter part of her

The Administrator was not only thinking of the building for students better learning
atmosphere, but she has also a heart for the poor yet deserving students. A program with GASPE
has been initiated. She also coordinated with the local Government Officials. The late City and
Vice Mayor Jose B. Cardenas supported her dreams by proving scholarship funds for these
intellectually deserving students.

In 1996, Sister Erlinda Tomagan succeeded as the School Directress and the College
Dean. With her were Sister Helen Nabor as the Elementary and High School Principal and Sister
Aida Allam as the Canteen Manager.

During this time, there is a newly built functional Science laboratory room, well-
furnished as a second floor to the Computer and AVR Rooms.

In 1997 to 2001, Sister Maria Delia Brimon became the School Directress and College
Dean with Sister Flora Tenanted as the Elementary and High School Principal. She was able to
renovate the school chapel to accommodate the schools growing academic needs.

In the year 2001, the new Administrator was Sister Adela Piton and Sister FlorDechime
as the Elementary Principal, but the latter did not stay long and is replaced by Sister Daisy
Aquiten who is now acting Elementary School Principal.

Sister Adela Pabons improved the school as a whole. First, the realization of the newly
built covered-walk in cooperation with the project of the Student Government came into
existence just the other year to protect students, teachers and individuals from getting wet during
rainy days.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Second, the on-going faculty developments in sending teaching attend in service trainings
and seminars. Worthy to mention is the Graduate Studies in consortium with College de Santa
Rita, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, for teachers conduct their classes here at St. Joseph
College every Saturdays and Sundays. Finally, the construction of the College building giving
the College students a home they can call their own.

The Franciscan Apostolic Sisters are trying to improve a well-rounded Catholic quality
education so as to develop pupils and students actual potentials for the growth and development.

For all this years, the Administrators have done much for the physical and academic
development of the school. In fact, Sister Adela ushered a new meaning of family by giving the
faculty members both the full time and the part timers a chance to improve their profession by
sending them to various seminars related to their fields. The faculty members and staff invited to
out of school events like field trips and retreats. Because of this, Sister Adela gained the respect
to the Alumni, the Parents, the Faculty, the Students and the Community.

Everybody is dreaming and strived excellence! Thus, all dreams and plans will only be
realized if the Administration, Faculty and Staff, Parents, Students, and Community will work
for the unity towards the fulfillment of this dream. The school has also joined successfully
various activities. The Triangular Meet sponsored by the Local Government Unit (LGU) which
was participated in y the three (3) High Schools within the City namely; Fortunately, some of the
schools athletes were qualified to join the provincial Athletic Meet.

The first Philippine Council of Business Educators and the Students Provincial Congress
which was being participated by selected College students held at Dumaguete City was fully
supported by the Administration both financially and morally. The same support was also given
to a representative from the high school department in attending a Leadership
Workshop/Seminar. Held in Bacolod City.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

For the School year 2005-2006, As the last of the five-year term of Sister Ma. Adela M.
Pabon, FAS, it offered two numerous Blessings. First, the assignment of Sister Evangeline Z.
Arcala, FAS, who was native of Canlaon. Second, was the realization of the dream come true for
the College Students as we have now the cool-painted college building with its lighted foot walk.
The entire school campus have also undergone re painting as it now looks improvised and
somehow ready to face the coming of the new school year. Lastly, legacy of two new courses
was offered namely: Associate in Computer Secretarial (ACS) and Associate in Agricultural
Technology (AGTECH).

For the School year 2006-2008, a new personality emerged the person of Sister Susan O.
Turingan, FAS, as the new Director of the school. Sister Loida Nitura, FAS, is also appointed
such as management of canteen and the physical facility of the administration office (Registrar,
Treasurer, and Directors officer) had been transferred and many other minor and major changes.

Last March 20, 2013, a new two-storey building is now visibly seen in Saint Joseph
College compound which was blessed by Rev. Fr. Daniel Patcrick Y. Parcon, Diocesan
Administrator of San Carlos. The project was initiated through the able leadership of Sr. Miluna
Ruiz Cielo FAS, Ph.D, who had arduously and dedicated work hard for completion of the said
project. The building will serve as the cashier and registrars offices on the first floor while
second floor will be utilized for the Sisters convent.For the School Year 2012-2013, a total of 24
elementary graduates, 60 high school graduates and 84 colleges had marched.In the year 2014-
2015, a new two-storey college building. This year 2015-2016, the new two-storey college
buildings are now already benefited by the new generation. Another great accomplished initiated
through the able leadership of Sr. Miluna Ruiz Cielo FAS, PhD, who continued to make Saint
Joseph College a better school.

We look forward to a more updated professional growth of the faculty and staff as it one
of the agendum and target of the new administration. St. Joseph College for fifty long but
beautiful years is part of every Canlaonian home. It had brought successes to countless graduates
who pursued their dreams bearing with them the ideals of a Christian-Catholic Education
wherever they go.
Sr. Miluna Ruiz Cielo FAS, PhD inspires us that let us not be tired helping Saint Joseph College
and this is your home away from home. Godbless.

Thank you so much Saint. Joseph, our Patron Saint. May you will lead us to another fifty
fruitful years of Christian-Catholic Education for our children and our childrens children.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Freedom Avenue, Poblacion Mabinay,
Negros Oriental


Date of Birth : September 16, 1967

Place of Birth : Dumaguete City
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Male
Weight : 75 kl.
Height : 1.67
Marital Status : Married
Dialects : English, Tagalog, Cebuano
Religion : Baptist
Mothers Name : Purisima A. Durango
Fathers Name : Gregorio B. Quiliope
Their Address : Poblacion Mabinay
Spouse : Nerie A. Quiliope
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Tertiary Level : Negros Oriental State University

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education - 1990
: Southwestern University
Masters of Public Administration 2011-2012
Secondary Level : Sto. Nino High School 1984-1985

Elementary Level : Lumbangan Elementary School 1980-1981


Driving, Encoding
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

National Highway, Brgy.MabigoCanlaon City


Date of Birth : April 27, 1982

Place of Birth : San Joaquin, Iloilo
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Male
Weight : 70 kls.
Height : 55
Marital Status : Married
Dialects : English, Cebuano, Ilongo, Tagalog
Religion : Catholic
Mothers Name : Elena S. Mianagua
Fathers Name : Dominador S. Servidad
Their Address : San Joaquin, Iloilo
Spouse : Naisa L. Servidad
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Tertiary Level : University of Iloilo

Bachelor of Science in Criminology 2002-2003

Secondary Level : Escalantera National Highschool 1998-1999

Elementary Level : Escalantera Elementary School 1994-1995


Rescue Techniques
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Brgy.Panubigan, Canlaon City


Date of Birth : February 22, 1969

Place of Birth : Poblacion Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Male
Weight : 66 kls.
Height : 58
Marital Status : Married
Dialects : Cebuano, English, Tagalog
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mothers Name : Loreta A. Cornito
Occupation : Deceased
Fathers Name : Bonifacio C. Cornito Sr.
Occupation : Retired General Construction Foreman DPWH
Their Address : Poblacion Vallehermoso, Negros Oriental
Spouse : Ellen Z. Cornito
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Tertiary Level : Bayawan College

Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics)
Secondary Level : Saint Francis Highschool

Elementary Level : Vallehermoso Central School


Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Samaka Village, Brgy. Mabigo
Canlaon City, Negros Oriental


Date of Birth : August 13, 1985

Place of Birth : San Carlos City
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Female
Weight : 130 lbs.
Height : 51
Marital Status : Married
Dialects : English, Tagalog, Ilongo, Cebuano
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mothers Name : Remia G. Magsico
Occupation : Private Employee
Fathers Name : Eufemio L. Calinawagan
Their Address : St. John Subdivision, San Carlos City, Negros Oriental
Spouse : Alexander T. Hugo
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Tertiary Level : Riverside College, Bacolod City 2006-2007

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Secondary Level : Colegio De Sta. Rita, San Carlos City 2002-2003

Elementary Level : Colegio De Sta. Rita, San Carlos City 1998-1999


Computer Literate
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration



Date of Birth : April 19, 1985

Place of Birth : Abis, Mabinay, Negros Oriental
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Male
Weight : 72 kls.
Height : 55
Marital Status : Single
Dialects : English, Tagalog, Ilongo, Cebuano
Religion : Catholic
Mothers Name : Lolita R. Traya
Fathers Name : Ner M. Baldado
Their Address : Abis, Mabinay, Negros Oriental
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Tertiary Level : Negros State College of Agriculture

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Cumlaude/VLP Scholar)


Secondary Level : Mabinay National Highschool 2002-2003

Elementary Level : Abis Elementary School 1998-1999


Photography, Driving
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Panubigan, Canlaon City


Date of Birth : July 21, 1968

Place of Birth : Canlaon City, Negros Oriental
Citizenship : Filipino
Sex : Male
Height : 157 cm
Marital Status : Married
Dialects : Cebuano, Ilongo, English, Tagalog
Religion : Catholic
Mothers Name : Carmencita F. Rosales
Fathers Name : Gaulberto T. Semillano
Their Address : Canlaon City, Negros Oriental
Spouse : Edna E. Semillano
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Tertiary Level : La Carlota City College

Associate in Criminology 1992-1993

: Bayawan College
Bachelor of Arts 2002-2003

Secondary Level :Saint Joseph College of Canlaon 1986-1987

Elementary Level : Macario Espaniola Memorial School 1982-1983


Rescue techniques, driving

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Student Trainee : Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency : Human Resource Management and Development Office
Monday 07Dec. 2015 Attending the flag ceremony, submitting 8
application forms in our designated offices and
attending orientation at the session hall, led by
Mr. Dael and Mrs. Eleco.
Tuesday 08Dec. 2015 Putting up some Christmas decorations inside 8
and outside our office together with my co-
trainees and some other employees.
Wednesday 09Dec. 2015 Encoding some documents as requested by Mr. 8
Palis and calculating the number of absences and
number of leaves of some employees.
Thursday 10Dec.2015 Looking for some files inside the cabinet, 8
gathering all of it and compiled it as one.
Friday 11Dec.2015 Checking employees status, encoding some 8
information gathered, fastening the folders and
placed it back inside the cabinet according to its
designated offices.

TOTAL NO. OF HOURS: _ 40_____

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Human Resource Management and Development Office- this is the office where I was
assigned to conduct my On-the-Job Training before I was reassigned to the office of the Bureau
of Fire Protection. On the first week of my training, I was very blessed and excited because of
the new environment and the new people around me. Im glad that our first day of OJTwas worth
remembering. We attended the flag raising ceremony. After that, we personally submitted our
application forms to our department heads in our designated offices. On my second day, I really
enjoyed putting up some Christmas decorations inside and outside the office together with my
co-trainees and some other employees. We were able to finish it before 5 oclock in the
afternoon.On my third day, I was very tired upon encoding some documents as requested by Mr.
Palis. After Ive done encoding, I calculated the total number of absences and leaves of some
On my fourth day, I looked for some files inside the cabinet, gathered all of it and
compiled it as one.On the last day of the week,I was having a hard time in checking the
employees status. After that, I encoded some information gathered and then placed the folders
inside the cabinet and arranged it according to its designated offices. I attended the flag retreat
before going to school.I encountered different kinds of works inside the office. Sometimes I felt
tired and bored but all those feelings were gone when I heard that I made an impressive output
according to our department head. Dealing and meeting different kinds of people and employees
require good communication skills as well as good manners and right conduct. By then, you can
start building a good impression towards them. A lot of things I learned on my first week of duty.
I learned how to deal well with new employees and my co-trainees. I also learned how to
calculate the total numbers of absences and leaves of some workers which I thought would be
very hard for me to do. I learned that there is really happiness behind the busy schedules and the
rush hours.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Student Trainee : Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency : Human Resource Management and Development Office


Monday 14 Dec. 2015 Record the total number of late and absences of some 8
Tuesday 15 Dec. 2015 Rearranged the files inside the cabinet and 8
replaced new folders to the old and tattered ones.
Wednesday 16Dec. 2015 We prepared ourselves for tomorrows Christmas 8
party. We practiced our song number together
with the HRMDO and BAC staff.

Thursday 17Dec.2015 Christmas party! 8

Friday 18Dec. 2015 Encoding some documents the whole day. 8

TOTAL NO. OF HOURS: _ 40____

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


On the first day of the second week of our OJT, I was very serious in calculating the total
number of late and absences of some employees. On the next day, I was very tired upon looking
for some files inside the cabinet and in replacing it with new folders.

On the third day, we were so busy practicing our song number for tomorrows party, to
be held in Canlaon City Sports and Cultural Center. On the fourth day, we celebrated our
Christmas party together with the Local Government Unit employees. We dance, sing, eat, drink
and party all day. On the fifth day of the week, I went busy encoding some documents. I felt tired
but overall, I felt very happy because I was able to finish my work before the day ended.

There are things that I learned on my second week of OJT. I was able to meet new
personalities during our party. I learned how to manage my own time, how to deal with those
superior personalities, and on how to balance my work and my studies very well.

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Student Trainee : Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency : Human Resource Management and Development Office
Monday 21 Dec. 2015 Joined the outreach program at Brgy. Masulog in 4
the morning. In the afternoon, I went back to our
Tuesday 22Dec. 2015 Encoded some papers and have it signed. 8

Wednesday 23Dec. 2015 Computing the total number of absences and 8

leaves of some employees.
Thursday 24Dec.2015 Christmas vacation 0

Friday 25Dec. 2014 Christmas vacation 0


Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


The first day of Week 3 of our OJT was a little bit tiring day. I attended the flag raising
ceremony at the City Hall ground floor. After that I went home and dressed up to join the
outreach program at Brgy. Masulog. After the program, I reported back to the office and do some
light works. On the next day, I was just encoding some papers which I was told to do so and then
on the third day, I felt pressured in computing the total number of absences and leave of some
employees. The next two consecutive days were our Christmas vacation.
I learned how to have a proper time management on my third week of being a trainee. It is
never an excuse not to perform your duties and responsibilities well, just because you are busy or
youre having a conflict with your schedule. I learned how to deal well with pressures and rush

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Student Trainee : Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency : Human Resource Management and Development Office

Monday 28Dec. 2015 I just observed the whole day. Most of the 8
staff was on force leaves.
Tuesday 29 Dec. 2015 Last day of duty. I still observed. 8

Wednesday 30Dec. 2015 No duty 0

Thursday 31Dec.2015 No duty 0

Friday 01 Jan.2016 New Year 0



First day of this week was very boring. I spent my whole day with nothing to do but just
observed because our dear employees were on force leave. On the second day, nothing has
changed because I was still observing. On the next three days we have no duty in preparation for
the upcoming New Year. As what I had observed, this week is the most boring week due to the
fact that I had learned less.

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Student Trainee : Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency : Human Resource Management and Development Office
Monday 04 Jan. 2016 Calculating the overall applications for leave. 8

Tuesday 05Jan. 2016 The same work I did for this day which is to 8
calculate the overall applications for leave.
Wednesday 06 Jan. 2016 Encoded the data all day long. 8

Thursday 07Jan. 2016 All I did for today was to observe as to how other 8
employees have done their works.
Friday 08Jan. 2016 Encoded the procurement information. 8

TOTAL NO. OF HOURS: _ 40____

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Day 1 of Week 5 of our OJT is a busy day. I was having a hard time in calculating the
applications for leave of some employees. At the end of the day, I did my job well.
On the second day of the week, I did the same work which is to calculate the overall
applications for leave. Well, I was a bit tired but somehow I enjoyed my work.
On the third day of the week, another tiring moment I encountered. I encoded the data all
day long which made me feel very tired. The next day, I just observed how the employees have
done their works inside our office.
On the fifth week, I encoded the procurement information as requested by one of our
staff. After the work was done, I attendee the flag retreat before going to school.

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Student Trainee : Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency : Bureau of Fire Protection


Monday 11 Jan. 2015 I was reassigned or transferred to the Bureau of 8
Fire Protection.
Tuesday 12 Jan. 2015 First day of duty at the BFP. I edited, encoded 8
and printed the fire safety inspection certificate.
Wednesday 13Jan. 2015 The same work I did as yesterday. 8

Thursday 14Jan. 2015 Interview the clients and issued a fire safety 8
inspection certificate to them.
Friday 15Jan. 2015 I printed the IO and let the clients sign it after 8
getting the FSIC.

TOTAL NO. OF HOURS: _ 40____

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


On my first day of being assigned to this office,I can never hide the fact that I felt nervous and

somehow shy because of the new environment and new group of personnel inside the office.

Surprisingly, I was shocked upon how they accommodated us and gave us a very warm

welcome. They taught us as to how their works should be done and also its processes and


On my second day, I was taught how to edit the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate. I encoded

it and then printed it out and issued it to our clients. On the third day, I and my co-trainee

worked hand-in-hand on encoding the FSIC and edited it for the whole day.

On the fourth day, we had our one-stop-shop duty at the Canlaon City Hall. We were very

busy because there were lots of clients we dealt with.On the fifth day of the week, I was

assigned to encode the Fire Safety Inspection Certificate and issued it to the clients.

Afterwards, I let them sign the Inspection Order and recorded the transactions in the logbook.

It was a week full of fun and enjoyment. Although we felt tired with our works but we were

so inspired because we were able to accomplish it without any conflict.

Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Student Trainee: Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency: Bureau of Fire Protection
(WEEK 7)


Monday Jan. 18, 2016 Editing, encoding and 8
printing the FSIC and
issuing IO to the clients
Tuesday Jan. 19, 2016 Issuance of receipts to the 8
clients have the IO signed
and recommended issuance
Wednesday Jan. 20, 2016 Encoding FSIC and 8
interviewed applicants and
have them sign the IO
Thursday Jan. 21, 2016 Editing some files at the 8
computer as requested by
SFO3 Christopher Cornito
Friday Jan. 22, 2016 I was just observing the 8
whole day because we
didnt have much work due
to the absence of our


Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


On the first day of the week, I felt pressured due to a heavy work. Sometimes I got stressed
because some of the applicants were complaining about their fees. Before the day ended, I was
able to fix the conflict.On the second day, I was having a hard time upon issuing receipts to the
applicants because I didnt know how to do it and so I asked SFO3 Christopher Cornito to
demonstrate how it should be done.

On the third day, I enjoyed dealing with our clients. I conducted an interview related to my
task and I issued an Inspection Order to our applicants and have it signed. On the next day, I felt
tired upon recording files in the logbook. It took one day after I finished it. On the last day of the
week, I encoded the FSIC again. Based on the preceding works Ive done this week, I learned
how to deal with the applicants professionally and on how to issue receipts to them.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Student Trainee: Dysen A. Dumaboc

Agency : Bureau of Fire Protection

Monday Jan. 25, 2016 Printing all the inspection 8
order the whole day
Tuesday Jan. 26, 2016 Encoding of FSEC and 8
printed it
Wednesday Jan. 27, 2016 Transferred the files to the 8
logbook just in case data
will be lost from the
Thursday Jan. 28 2016 Computing the total amount 8
of collections for this week
Friday Jan. 29, 2016 Having a lunch fellowship 8
with the BFP personnel
Monday Feb. 01, 2016 Making up for my one day 8
absent last month


Saint Joseph College of Canlaon

Founded 1957

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


First day of week 8, I got so busy with my work. I printed the Inspection Order and the Fire
Safety Evaluation Certificate as requested by our City Fire Marshal. This is a preparation if ever
there will be lots of clients that might come on the following days, due to the fact that the
deadline for the business permits is fast approaching.

On the second day, I did the same work. I encoded the fire safety evaluation clearance and
printed it out for the applicants. I was a bit tired on this day because I was also studying while

On the third day, I enjoyed recording the files in the logbook for I know that few days more
to go and we will end our On the Job Training in this office. The fourth day of this week was
somehow confusing. I calculated the total amount that we collected from our applicants. We also
had our picture taking inside and outside the office as a sort of remembrance and for the
documentation of our narrative report.

On the fifth day of the week, I never expected that behind our busy day, our City Fire
Marshal planned to have a lunch fellowship with us. We enjoyed eating together with the Bureau
of Fire Protection personnel and have some picture taking inside the office.

My last day of duty was on the first day of the month of February. During this day, I spent
my whole time in doing the same task, as requested by one of our senior fire officers. Overall, I
leaned so many things during my OJT. Whether good or bad, happy or sad, I really enjoyed it all.
With the help of my co-trainee and BFP Personnel, I was able to perform those assigned tasks to
me very well. I learned how to deal with the applicants in a professional manner. I am certain
that even though I encountered conflicts sometimes, still I am able to finish my training with a
good performance evaluation.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration



Sr. Miluna R. Cielo Fas, PhD

School Directress

Sr. Daisy A. Aquiatan Fas, Maed

School Principal

Fr. Leo Teresito L. Chiquillo

School Chaplain

Mrs. Myrna E. Cabatingan and Mr. Marlon T. Sabio

Prefects of Discipline


Very Rev. Fr. Gerardo A. Alminaza D.D.

Diocesan Administrator

Rev. Fr. Benjamin S. Bomediano

Sr. Miluna Ruiz Cielo Fas, Ph.D.
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Ms. Ana Liza Antipuesto

Kinder Adviser

Ms. Leneth F. Pantalita

Grade I Adviser

Ms. Teofila Joy Arsonado

Grade II Adviser

Mrs. Ma. Fe L. Sobiga

Grade III Adviser

Mr. Jesus Roy G. Neri

Grade IV Adviser

Ms. Maria Salvacion N. Gildore

Grade V Adviser

Ms. JemeletteSeballos
Grade VI Adviser

Mr. Roberto Perez

Grade VII-A Adviser

Mr. Kemuel G. Dungon

Grade VII-B Adviser

Mr. Eduard Cuizon

Grade VIII-A Adviser

Ms. Emma Osenilla

Grade VIII-B Adviser

Ms. Margie Christine Timtim

Grade IX Advise

Ms. Gemma S. Pacheco

Grade X Adviser
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Mr. MelchorAlcalde
Mr. John Mar Daragosa
Mr. Frederick Dayanan
Dr. Mario Dejito
Mr. Lerio Jonathan
Mr. Victorio Salinas
Mr. John Paul Salindo
Mr. GeovanieEspino
Mr. BaltazarMagdayao
Mr. Marlon Sabio
Mrs. Marife Eleco
Mrs. Marisa Cornelia
Mrs. Rosalina Marinay
Mrs. Fe Angelic Mercado
Mrs. Rosa Narciso
Mr. RenerioVillafuerte
Mrs. JunavelOrizonte
Mrs. AvelinaRecania
Mrs. Estela Zapanta
Mrs. Myrna Cabatingan
Mrs. PerlaMontealegre
Mrs. LedenineEstampador
Ms. Katherine Omadlao
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Ms. Nemesia Villegas

School Cashier

Ms. Julie Marie Jimenez

Assistant Cashier

Ms. AnalouTusoy
Assistant Registrar

Mrs. Francis Mae Caldoza

Guidance Coordinator

Mrs. Welyn Baguio

School Librarian

Ms. EmelieMaribong
Office Aide

Mrs. Edna Gemina

Canteen In Charge

Mr. Patricio Lara

Mr. RenerioVillafuerte
Security Guards
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Saint Joseph College of Canlaon
Founded 1957
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

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