Electrochemistry Communications: Elzbieta Bak, Mikolaj Donten, Zbigniew Stojek

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Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 10741077

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Electrochemistry Communications
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Three-phase electrochemistry. Inuence of temperature on ion transfer

Elzbieta Bak, Mikolaj Donten, Zbigniew Stojek *
Department of Chemistry, Warsaw University, ul. Pasteura 1, PL-02-093 Warsaw, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A study on the inuence of temperature and time on ion transfer across the liquid|liquid interface is
Received 19 April 2008 
reported. Three anions of different hydrophobic properties were selected for the examination: ClO4 ,
Received in revised form 2 May 2008 NO and Cl 
. It was found that while the current magnitudes of the oxidation of dmfc in NB in the pres-
Accepted 7 May 2008
ence of selected anions in water are very different at room temperature, they become comparable above
Available online 15 May 2008
45 C. This nding indicates that the ability of the examined anions to reach signicant concentrations in
the organic phase, at 45 C, becomes similar. For the anions of lower afnity to the organic phase (NO 3
and Cl), distinct current oscillations appeared in the recorded experimental voltammograms and
Three-phase boundary
Cylindrical microelectrode
Nitrobenzene 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction micro- and nanopipettes are very useful in studying the transport
of uncharged and charged species at the water/1,2-dichloroethane
Three-phase electrochemistry or three-phase electrodes are interface with low concentrations of or without supporting electro-
employed in several elds of electrochemistry and electroanalysis lyte. We have proposed a new three-electrode setup [18] in which
[16]. One of the interesting aspects of three-phase electrochemis- the graphite rod was replaced with a very thin gold or platinum
try is the investigation of ion transfer across the phase boundary wire which was placed in a mixture of two immiscible liquids in
and of the electrode reactions that require such a transfer of ions. such a way that the upper part of the wire remained in the aqueous
The electrochemical examination of ion transfer across the liquid| phase and its lower part was totally immersed in organic liquid.
liquid interface started with the four-electrode arrangement [7], The proposed conguration provides reproducible and well de-
however, due to serious limitations of that setup, the four-elec- ned and controllable length of three-phase boundary. The organic
trode system has been replaced with the three-electrode one. phase can be also represented by a drop dispensed from a capillary
Marken et al. [810] deposited an oily electroactive compound [19]. By applying the microcylindrical approach and an electropo-
in the form of several droplets on the graphite electrode surface lymerization process it was possible to examine how deeply the
and in such a way a three-phase junction electrode/organic particular anions can penetrate the organic phase [20].
phase/aqueous phase was formed. Scholz et al. [1113] replaced Other recent developments in the three-phase electrochemistry
the oxidation of pure organic phase with the oxidation of an elect- include: (1) the nding that for very hydrophilic anions the cat-
roactive compound in different organic solvents. In their approach ionic product may be transferred from the organic phase to water
a droplet of organic liquid with dissolved hydrophobic electroac- [21], and (2) for prolonged electrolysis times the precipitation of
tive compound was attached to the graphite electrode surface. the dmfc cation with the corresponding anion may take place [22].
The electrode was immersed in an aqueous solution containing Since a change in temperature and prolonged electrolysis time
various inorganic salts. Opallo and coworkers used electrodes may affect substantially the ion ability to exist in the organic phase
based on hydrophobic porous silicate matrix and homogeneously at higher concentrations, we demonstrate in this paper, how tem-
dispersed electrode conductor (graphite particles) [1416]. Such perature and time affects the process of ion transfer in three-phase
electrodes were easily impregnated with hydrophobic organic electrochemistry.
non-polar solvents. Similarly as before, the transfer of ions was
related to their lipophilicity and thus could be monitored as a
function of electrode potential. Li et al. [17] have shown that 2. Experimental

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 22 220 211x336; fax: +48 22 822 4889. Voltammetric measurements were performed in the three-elec-
E-mail address: stojek@chem.uw.edu.pl (Z. Stojek). trode system using an AUTOLAB, model PGSTAT 30, potentiostat

1388-2481/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Bak et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 10741077 1075

(Eco-Chemie, Utrecht, The Netherlands). A special thermostated

voltammetric cell has been constructed for the measurements. A
platinum cylindrical electrode of 300 lm in diameter served as 20
the working electrode. A silver/silver chloride/saturated KCl (E =
0.199 V vs. NHE) was used as the reference electrode and a plati- c
10 a

i / A
num wire was the auxiliary electrode. The organic phase in form
of a drop was dispensed from a capillary with the help of a preci- 10 b
sion dispenser. The cell was enclosed in a Faraday cage to minimise c
the electrical noise. ClO4-
Lithium perchlorate (LiClO4), sodium chloride (NaCl) and lith-
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2

i / A
ium nitrate (LiNO3) were of high purity (pure p.a.) and were pur- E / V vs Ag/AgCl
chased from Fluka. Decamethylferrocene and nitrobenzene were
purchased from Aldrich.
A detailed description how a platinum microwire can be im-
mersed partially into a nitrobenzene drop and partially in the
aqueous phase can be found in [19]. 0

3. Results and discussion

In one of our previous papers [22] we have found that under -5 anion NO3-, T = 13 oC
some conditions decamethylferrocenium salts may precipitate in
the solution. Such precipitation must affect immediately local con- -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
ductivity in the organic phase, so we thought it might trigger the E / V vs Ag/AgCl
appearance of oscillations in the measured current. Since, it is
known that solubility of chemical compounds and the mass-trans-
port rate are usually strongly temperature dependent, we have 50 40 a
decided to examine the dmfc electrode processes in a wider time
range and at different temperatures compared to earlier papers. 20
It appeared that in the case of anions of more positive transfer 40
i / A

potentials (more hydrophilic) and, consequently, of limited ability 0

to move into the organic phase, current oscillations indeed can be
seen in the measured responses. For NO 
3 and Cl these oscillations
30 ClO4-
were found in both: cyclic voltammograms and chronoampero- -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 b
metric transients.
i / A

E / V vs Ag/AgCl
In the case of NO 20
3 the oscillations were observed in cyclic vol- c
tammograms in the entire investigated temperature range, i.e.
from 13 to 55 C. Exemplary cyclic voltammograms of decamethyl-
ferrocene obtained in the presence of LiNO3 in the aqueous phase 10
at two selected temperatures (13 and 25 C) are shown in Figs.
Fig. 1A and B. At small scan rates (longer experimental times),
for both selected temperatures, the oscillations appear earlier
and usually have larger amplitudes (see curves a in Figs. 1A and
B). At higher scan rates the oscillations are not seen in the rst sev-
-10 anion NO3-, T = 25 oC
eral scans (see curves c) and appear eventually in consecutive

scans. Interestingly, when ClO4 , was present in the aqueous phase,
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
no current oscillations were observed at any temperature; see the
insets in Fig. 1A and B. In chronoamperometry, the appearance of E / V vs Ag/AgCl
the oscillations NO 3 is proceeded by a delay time of ca. 100 s. Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammetric curves for 0.05 M decamethylferrocene obtained with
Once the oscillations appear they maintain their frequency at a the 300-lm Pt microcylindrical electrode. Depth of penetration of nitrobenzene
rather constant level. For the explanation of the histeresis in the drop: 1500 lm. Aqueous phase 1 M LiNO3; scan rate: 2 (a), 5 (b) and 20 mV/s (c);
voltammograms see Ref. [22]. temperature: 13 C (A) and 25 C (B). Inset: aqueous phase 1 M LiClO4; all other
conditions as in A and B.
Cyclic voltammograms obtained in the presence of the chloride
ions in the aqueous phase also exhibit the oscillations. There are, to move into the organic phase. The examined temperature range
however, some differences: at lower scan rates the magnitude of could not be too wide, since at high temperatures the mutual sol-
oscillations is smaller compared to nitrates and oscillations disap- ubility of water and nitrobenzene signicantly increases. For
pear at temperatures higher than 45 C. example, a temperature increase from 20 to 60 C is related to an
At low dmfc concentrations the oscillations appeared for none increase in the solubility of water in nitrobenzene from 0.24% to
of the examined anions. 0.7% m/m, and of nitrobenzene in water from 0.19% to 0.4% m/m
[23]. In the temperature measurements the main emphasis was
3.1. Dependence of current on temperature put on more hydrophilic anions like NO 
3 and Cl , however; we

started with ClO4 which is the most hydrophobic among the exam-
The inuence of temperature on the magnitudes of the oxida- ined anions, enters well the organic phase [24] and therefore was
tion peak currents of decamethylferrocene was investigated in expected to give simple, linear Arrhenius-like (ln i vs. 1/T) depen-

the presence of three selected anions (ClO4 , NO 
3 , and Cl ) in the dencies. Reliable activation-energy data cannot be obtained from
aqueous phase. The selected anions represent different abilities these dependencies, since the rate-limiting process is unknown.
1076 E. Bak et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 10741077

Cyclic voltammograms of decamethylferrocene obtained in the plots, the current values were averaged over a range of data points.

presence of ClO4 in the aqueous phase, as expected, revealed that For relatively high scan rates the linear plots were obtained in the
the measured current increased steadily with potential and de- entire temperature range. Their slopes have rather big value
creased with increasing scan rate. It also increased with increasing which may mean that the current increase is not just due to the
temperature. The current magnitudes measured at 45 C were ca. transport increase; it may be caused by a signicant increase of
twice as large as those obtained at 18 C. solubility of decamethylferrocene nitrate with the increase in
The next investigated anion was NO 3 . The magnitudes of the temperature.

oxidation currents of decamethylferrocene recorded in the pres- Temperature investigations similar to those done for the ClO4
ence of NO 3 at various temperatures are plotted vs. scan rate in
and NO3 anions were performed for Cl . However, the obtained
Fig. 2A. These plots were subsequently transformed into ln i vs. ln i vs. 1/T plots differed signicantly from the dependencies
1/T dependencies which are shown in Fig. 2B. Generally, due to constructed for NO 3 . The striking difference is the absence of a rec-
the existence of oscillations, the reading of the current magnitudes tilinear part in the plots; they are parabolic. However, the low-
recorded at different temperatures was difcult. For preparing the temperature fragment of the plot has again a high value of the
slope. The reason for the parabolic shape of the plot is not clear.
We suggest a preliminary explanation here: this shape of the plot
might be connected with the transfer of decamethylferrocene cat-
A ion (DMFc+), in the presence of very hydrophilic anion in the aque-
ous phase, from nitrobenzene to water. Such a transfer has been
suggested in papers [21,22,15].
120 Temperature dependencies of ln i for all investigated anions
at the highest applied scan rate of 100 mV/s are presented in
Fig. 3. At this scan rate no oscillations or transport limitations
were observed, since only a small part of the microcylinder
was appropriately polarised within a short experimental time-
80 scale and the concentration of the anions could not grow much.
i / A

As it was mentioned above, for ClO4 a linear dependence of the
60 logarithm of the current on the temperature reciprocal was
expected. Surprisingly, the ln i vs. 1/T plots consisted of two
linear segments of two distinctly different slopes: the ratio of
40 55 oC
the slope values is 6.31. This means that in two temperature
45 oC ranges seen two different phenomena control the current. An
20 35 oC important conclusion that can be drawn from Fig. 3 is that the
25 oC current magnitudes of decamethylferrocene obtained in the pres-
13 oC ence of various anions at temperatures higher than 45 C are
0 comparable.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
v / mV s

B 5.0 4.0
v = 100 mV/s

55 oC
4.5 3.5 45 oC
b 35 oC
25 oC

4.0 d
e 18 oC
ln (i / A)

ln (i / A)

13 oC
3.5 2.5

3.0 2.0


0.0030 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034 0.0035 0.0030 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034 0.0035 0.0036
1 / T (K-1) 1 / T (K )

Fig. 2. (A) The dependence of the magnitude of the oxidation current of decam- Fig. 3. ln i vs. 1/T plots for the oxidation of DMFc in the presence of various anions
ethylferrocene measured at 0.41 V on the scan rate at various temperatures. Con- in the aqueous phase. Concentration of LiClO4 (0.25 V), LiNO3 (0.41 V) and NaCl
centration of dmfc: 0.05 M, concentration of LiNO3 in the aqueous phase: 1 M. (B) ln (0.46 V): 1 M; scan rate: 100 mV/s. The currents were measured at the same ove-
i vs. 1/T plots for the oxidation of DMFc and at various scan rates: 2 (a), 5 (b), 10 (c), rpotential (400 mV) vs. the potential of ion transfer, i.e. at the potentials 0.25, 0.41
20 (d), 50 (e), and 100 mV/s (f). and 0.46 V vs. Ag/AgCl, respectively.
E. Bak et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 10 (2008) 10741077 1077

4. Conclusions optical microscope. They were well correlated with the current
spikes. Current instabilities caused by unstable liquid/liquid inter-
The inuence of temperature on the magnitudes of the oxida- phase, and convection caused by a redox reaction at the three-
tion currents of decamethylferrocene was investigated in the pres- phase boundary have been reported recently [26,27].

ence of three selected anions (ClO4 , NO 
3 and Cl ) in the aqueous
phase. The selected anions represent different hydrophobic proper- Acknowledgement
ties and therefore different abilities to enter the organic phase. The
oxidation current of decamethylferrocene distinctly depended on Support for this work by the Polish Ministry of Education and Sci-
temperature. It appeared that while at room temperature the cor- ence under Grant No. N-N204 244534 is gratefully acknowledged.
responding currents differed much the current magnitudes of
decamethylferrocene obtained in the presence of various anions References
at temperatures higher than 45 C are comparable. Therefore it
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