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Carbon 41 (2003) 26132617

The evaluation of the gross defects of carbon nanotubes in a

continuous CVD process
Weizhong Qian*, Tang Liu, Fei Wei, Zhanwen Wang, Guohua Luo, Hao Yu,
Zhifei Li
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Received 29 August 2002; accepted 24 July 2003


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were prepared by ethylene decomposition on an Fe /Al 2 O 3 catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor.
Their gross defects at different growth periods are evaluated by using a combination of SEM, TGA and Raman spectroscopy.
The initially grown CNTs have a much lower thermal stability and more defects as compared to the fully-grown ones. The
difference in the defects of CNTs at different reaction times is attributed to the lift up of CNTs with the gradually crashing
texture of catalyst and the increasing volume of CNTs in a limited reactor space.
2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: A. Carbon nanotubes; B. Chemical vapor deposition; C. Raman spectroscopy; D. Defects

1. Introduction scale. Especially, the evaluation lacks the time-dependence

of defects in the CNTs prepared in a CVD process, which
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) consisting of a single carbon is important for the quality control of the CNTs. In this
layer or multiple coaxial carbon layers seemingly are ideal contribution, the combination of SEM, TGA and Raman
perfect structures [1] with ultra-high mechanical strength, spectroscopy is used to evaluate the gross defects of the
high electrical and thermal conductivity etc. [2,3]. How- CNTs grown in a continuous CVD process. The result is
ever, there are always many defects when the nanotubes useful for the understanding of the defect formation and
are prepared in a practical process [47]. The defects of the quality control of CNTs.
the CNTs, including pentagonal, heptagonal defects and
the pentagonheptagon pairs or even line defects etc.
[810], destroy the symmetry of the carbon layer and
hence decrease its mechanical strength and other properties 2. Experimental
and, in consequence, influence their applications seriously.
So far, the following factors have been reported to be The CNTs are prepared in a continuous ethylene de-
related to the formation of the defects of nanotubes: high composition process by an Fe /Al 2 O 3 catalyst [14] in a
energy (i.e. laser or arc discharge) [5,6], large force fluidized bed reactor. The fluidized bed reactor, described
buckling the tubes [7], the kinetic driving force for the elsewhere, favors the continuous production of CNTs on a
formation of helix-shaped CNTs [11] or zigzag tubes [12] large scale [14]. To prepare CNTs, 10 g of catalyst
and the impurities of the catalyst influencing the carbon precursor are packed into the reactor and first reduced with
diffusion and precipitation in a CVD process [13]. How- hydrogen at 823 K for 2 h. Then a mixture of nitrogen and
ever, these studies on a micro-scale are unable to provide a ethylene (99.99% pure, 2:3 volume ratio of nitrogen to
direct indication of the quality of CNTs on a macroscopic ethylene) is fed into the reactor. The experiment is
conducted at 823 K, atmospheric pressure and an operating
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 186-106-278-9041; fax: 186- gas velocity of 0.1 m / s for 56 h. The total yield of CNTs
106-277-2051. is about 100200 g. CNTs are sampled at certain intervals
E-mail address: (W. Qian). of time. The fluidized CNT samples, assumed to be

0008-6223 / 03 / $ see front matter 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016 / S0008-6223(03)00341-5
2614 W. Qian et al. / Carbon 41 (2003) 26132617

distributed uniformly in the reactor [14], are sufficiently the CNTs at this time is the most perfect. However, the
repetitive to reflect the change of CNT growth. ratio increases somewhat again when the time is longer
The unpurified CNT samples are characterized by than 100 min. Then it maintains a stable value in the
scanning electron microscopy (SEM, LEO1530), HRTEM following period.
(JEOL-2010), Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw, RM2000; Meanwhile, it is found that the CNTs sampled at
514.5 nm, 1.2 mW) and TGA (TA instruments, TGA 2050; different periods have different thermal stability, character-
temperature: 2931273 K; heating rate: 20 K / min; air ized by TGA. As shown in Fig. 2, the burning tempera-
atmosphere). The SEM, TGA and Raman characterization tures for all samples are all higher than 700 K. The result
[15,16] can reveal the morphology, thermal stability and indicates there is nearly no amorphous carbon, the burning
microstructures of CNTs in a relatively large amount as temperature of which is generally lower than 673 K [16].
compared to HRTEM. Since the peaks characteristic for SWNTs and fullerene are
not observed in the Raman spectra, these results suggest
that the carbon deposited on the catalyst should be all in
3. Results and discussion the form of MWNTs. The burning temperature of the
initially grown tubes (06 min) is only 774 K. It is far
The first order Raman spectrum is sensitive to the lower than that of the fully-grown tubes when the reaction
change in microstructure of carbon materials [15]. Gener- time exceeds 16 min. The burning temperature of the
ally, the CNTs consist of an ordered graphitic structure samples after 16 min remains at a stable level of 850880
(peak at 15701610 cm 21 , G line) and a disordered K, in a normal range for MWNTs [16]. Also, the tendency
structure or lattice defects (peak at 13201360 cm 21 , D of the carbon content of the products to change with
line). The CNTs sampled at different periods have been reaction time is nearly the same as that of their burning
characterized by Raman spectroscopy [14]. In the initial temperature (Fig. 2). The result suggests that the fully-
growth period (06 min), there is no obvious peak found grown CNTs have a relatively high thermal stability.
in the Raman spectrum, indicating that the carbon content The above characterization clearly shows that the initial-
is small and the carbon form is far from perfect. When the ly grown CNTs have a low thermal stability and more
growth time is longer than 16 min, the D line and G line defects as compared to the fully-grown tubes. Considering
can be clearly seen for all samples. The intensity ratio of D the relationship between the microstructures of CNTs and
line to G line is generally used to evaluate the quality of its thermal stability, the result of TGA is in agreement with
CNTs [15]. A high ratio means relatively more defects that of the Raman spectra. Further, these findings are in
inside the carbon layers. As shown in Fig. 1, the ratio is agreement with the result of XRD characterization of
very high and there is an obviously increasing tendency of CNTs in a fixed-bed reactor [17]. The above results all
the ratio in the initial period, indicating the CNTs contain indicate that the significant change of the properties of
serious defects and there is a significant change in the CNTs mainly occurs in the initial growth period. Here the
initial growth period. When the reaction time is longer than SEM images of CNTs are used to understand what occurs
16 min, the ratio decreases gradually and approaches a in the different CNT growth periods. Using a relatively
minimum value at 50 min, indicating the microstructure of large amount of CNTs without ultrasonic dispersion, the
difference in length of CNTs and the particle size of the

Fig. 2. Time dependence of the carbon content and the initial

Fig. 1. Time dependence of the intensity ratio of D line to G line burning temperature of the solid products (carbon and catalyst) in
in Raman spectra of CNTs (cited from Ref. [14]). TGA analysis.
W. Qian et al. / Carbon 41 (2003) 26132617 2615

overcome the metalsupport interaction [18] in this pro-

cess, much stress is produced in the carbon layers when the
texture of the catalyst is gradually destroyed (Figs. 3 and
4), which may cause the same defects as the intentional
buckling of CNTs [7]. With the catalyst particles decreas-
ing from 50 mm to about 1020 nm in the first 16 min, the
defects in the CNTs reach a maximum value. After that,
the catalyst particles are embedded in carbon layers [19],
thus no significant change occurs in the following process.
In this period, the carbon atoms deposit at the interface of
carbon and metal particles. Probably due to the relatively
weaker interaction of the metalcarbon (as support) inter-
face as compared with that of the metalalumina interface,
the stress may be relatively weak and the defects may be
diminished significantly.
Though the above result does not exclude the possibility
that the annealing may favor the graphitization of CNTs
Fig. 3. SEM image of the initially grown CNTs (sampled at 16
with increasing time [17], the effect may be insignificant in
the present work considering the relatively low tempera-
ture (823 K). This conclusion is supported by the fact that
catalyst are observed for different periods. Fig. 3 shows the the intensity ratio of the D line to the G line for the CNTs
initial growth period of CNTs. The bright large spots are does not always increase monotonously with reaction time
catalyst particles. The catalyst particle at the right side of (Fig. 1). As to the minor increase of the defects of CNTs
Fig. 3 is about 500700 nm in diameter. It can be seen that after 50 min in the Raman spectra (Fig. 1), it is directly
many CNTs grow from it. Meanwhile, other particles seem related to the volume of the CNTs. The bulk density of
to be fragmented by the CNTs and have a rather small size. CNTs is about 0.075 g cm 23 [14]. The volume of CNTs in
All the CNTs are relatively short (2001500 nm). How- the reactor increases sharply with reaction time. In the
ever, the CNTs become very long after full growth (308 initial growth period, the volume of CNTs is small. The
min, Fig. 4). Catalyst particles with relatively small size space of the reactor is large enough for the free growth of
are found at the tip of the CNTs, as compared with those in CNTs after lift up from the catalyst support. Therefore,
Fig. 3. Most of the catalyst particles are smaller than 20 possibly growing in a rather straight direction, relatively
nm. The largest (but very few) particles are around 200 concentric parallel carbon layers are formed, which have a
nm. Since the particle size of the initial catalyst agglomer- symmetric structure and few defects (Fig. 5). However,
ate is about 50 mm, it suggests that the catalyst particles there will not be sufficient space for free growth in the
are gradually fragmented by the deposited carbon and final period and a congestion of CNTs will be unavoidable.
become increasingly smaller with increasing reaction time. The congestion and collision of CNTs with each other may
Since the lift-up of CNTs in a tip growth mode needs to hinder their straight growth. Thus, distorted tubes appear
and the defects may increase to some degree. The result is
in agreement with the result of Hernadi et al. [20] using a
relatively small fluidized bed reactor where the collision of
CNTs with the reactor wall is frequent and broken tubes
are observed. In the present case, the effective suspension
of CNTs by gases in a fluidized bed reactor favors the
formation of CNTs with few defects, and CNTs with
minimal defects can be obtained by the in time trans-
portation of CNTs out of the reactor after nearly 50 min
(Fig. 1). This observation calls also for a more effective
reactor design or control to maintain the CNT suspension
in a relatively dilute condition. Further investigation is
It is noted that our result is contrary to that of Yasuda et
al. [21], who observed that the carbon atoms in the initial
growth period have the ability to self-assemble to an
ordered structure. Its defects may be relatively few. The
Fig. 4. SEM image of the fully-grown CNTs (sampled at 308 reason for this difference may be that, in their in-situ
min). observation, carbon atoms are easily evaporated on expo-
2616 W. Qian et al. / Carbon 41 (2003) 26132617

reaction time can lead to CNT products with different

lengths, their microstructures are somewhat different. To
obtain relatively short tubes for specific applications, an
after treatment at high temperature is recommended to
decrease the defects [15].

4. Conclusions

In summary, the time-dependent evaluation of gross

defects of CNTs was monitored by applying SEM, TGA
and Raman spectroscopy to a continuous CVD process.
The initially grown CNTs have a low thermal stability and
serious defects as compared to the fully-grown tubes, due
to the overcoming of the metalalumina support inter-
action (larger than carbonmetal interaction) in the lift-up
of CNTs. Also, the congestion of CNTs with each other
brings some increase of their defects. Suspension of CNTs
by gases in a fluidized-bed reactor favors the decrease of
their defects to some degree. The control of the volume of
CNTs in the reactor or a more rational reactor design is
needed in view of the effect of increasing volume of the
CNTs on their structural defects.


This work was supported by the Natural and Scientific

Fig. 5. HRTEM image of CNTs (sampled at 50 min). Foundation of China (no. 20236020).

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