Walkway Duplo PDF

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Banco Duplo | Double Bench

O Banco Walkway duplo permite
conciliar o descanso e o usufruto
d o e s p a o , p r i v i l e g i a n d o a
partilha e a interao. Um design
de linhas sbrias que evocam
intemporalidade e que se
conjugam com o candeeiro
Walkway Tree.

The Walkway double bench

allows to conciliate the resting
and enjoyment of the space,
privileging the share and
interaction. A design of sober lines
that evoques timelessness and
that combines itself with the
design of the Walkway Tree.

Banco com 1400 mm de Bench with 1400 mm by

comprimento e 430 mm 430 mm.
de largura.
Galvanized steel painted in
A o g a l v a n i z a d o c o m RAL color to dene and
pintura cor Ral a denir e kambala wood. 1400
madeira Kambala.
1200 430
Fixing to the ground.
Fixao ao cho.


REV.00 28.07.2016

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