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— US SSMU eae Pou Motorbikes eee] cea as ee cu ar oe LC apologise form -ed and -ing adjectives Coonan tenets Pen Rune ae eS sa) NCO a eR act Cad Peer Ce nrg Ce eeu ne) aCe ona Dearie tm Rua aes OER. rete ee Vocabulary 1 Motorbikes, What is a motorbike? This is a short and basic definition of a motorbike or motorcycle: A motorcycle is a road vehicle with two wheels, driven by an engine, with one seat for the driver and a seat for a passenger behind the drive The basic motorcycle parts are: + The frame * Wheels and brakes Engine (two or four strokes) * Drive train * Suspension _ Electrical system * Fuel system * Ignition system Parts of a motorbike HHBBRB Label the picture using the words in the box. shock absorber seat left hang wing mirror side stand tyre mudguard indicator exhaust pipe headlight passenger back rest handlebar rear light Can you name any other parts of a motorbike? Let's Speed Up! Init ¢ reaaES dasic equipment for bikers a These are some accessories frequently used by bikers. Label the picture below, gloves helmet* jacket boots pants vest glasses/goggles luggage tank bag backpack * A helmet can be full face o half face. What motorbike accessories and safety gear is she wearing? Describe them. Tupes of motorbikes HES Can you label the pictures? sidecar scooter quad racing motorbike trail bike | 1 a a _ Hi Speea Up! Init ¢ ) Werle HEA Wiite the type of motorcycle next to the definition given a) A light motoreycle, usually with small wheels and a curved metal cover at the front to protect the rider's legs. b) A motorcycle with four large wheels, used for ri called ATV ‘all-terrain vehicle’ ing over rough ground, often for fun. Also ©) A light motorcycle that can be used on rough ground, ) Asmall vehicle attached to the side of a motorcycle in which a passenger can ride. Vocabulary Tip The term "biker" is usually associated with members of motorcycle gangs, that's why many motorcycle lovers prefer the terms “rider* or "motorcyclist The expression “on your bike!" is a rude way of telling somebody to go away (GrE, informal) Is there a similer expression in your language? © Listening k. Cars or motorbikes? Two friends, Betsy and Dave, are talking about their likes and preferences. Listen to them and answer these questions: Who prefers cars? HEA Who loves motorbikes? * Circle the words you hear in the listening interesting safer beautiful full good buy ‘ boring dangerous _ pretty coolest best difference Let's Speed Up! Unit ¢ HII Listen to the conversation again and say if the sentences below are True or Fase: a) Betsy prefers cars to motorbikes. False b) Dave thinks cars are safer. __ ©) According to Dave all cars can reach 180 kph. d) Betsy feels free when she rides a motorbike. e) Betsy has never driven a car. Fill in the chart wit! Safe safer than the safest 4 the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives: Powerful Fast Beautiful cs Cool Good you need some help, go to the grammar section ofthis unt. b. Compan JD You are going to listen to a telephone conversation between a mechanic and a customer. HRRE What are they talking about? What's the matter? Listen to them again. Take notes and fill in the chart below: Garage Car description Problem the customer has Mechanic's reaction Does he offer any compensati What type? LL 81 Z r Vocalbuiary IT Dealing witn complaints A complaint is usually considered as a synonym of “problems” But, don’t worry, complaints can be positivell! You just need to know how to deal with them. * Have you ever complained to a garage after having your car serviced? Why? What happened? the mechanics/staff give a positive response? Ata garage, customers may complain about the service received, the spare parts used, the price charged or about the repair itself, They will probably be satisfied if you listen to them patiently and offer a solution or a compensation. When you apologize you accept your responsibility, so apologies are often followed by excuses. In this unit, you are going to learn some useful expressions to deal with complaints. Don't forget what you know about politeness. Always say "I'm sorry”, even if it was not your fault! For apologising and accepting responsibility “That was a bit rude.” “It won't happen again.” “We'll be more careful next time.” vey sorry aboutit, “Its all my fault.” really “11m really angry with myself for what happened did.” “1 know | was wrong, | can't apologise enough for... (verb + -ing).” “Please accept our most sincere apologies for this erron” “We deeply regret any inconvenience, as this was not our intention.” so terribly “Please, accept my apologies.” “Oh no! | do apologise.” “Oh, excuse me.” Pronunciation Tip Geammac Tip Mind the differenc Mind the prepositions that follow * Apology, in plural apologies, is a noun. these verbs: ~ This is a good apology. It is pronounced: /a'pa:ledsi/ '* You apologise to somebody. * Apologise, is a verb. * You complain to somebody about ~ I want to apologise. It is pronounced: /a!patladgaiz/ something, Let's Speea Up! TS Match the complaints of some customers at a garage and the appropriate apologies: ‘A. Complaints There is no petrol in the tank and it was full ‘The mechanic isn't very friendly. | had to wait for five days to get the car back 4 2 3. The radio doesn’t work properly 4 5. The seats are dirty and greasy. Es a) Please, accept my apologies. I'm afraid we were too busy last week. ) Sony sir, we'll clean the interior immediately. ©) Lam very sorry. He is probably a bit stressed today. d) Well check the electric system again to repair the radio. | €) 1am afraid there has been a mistake. Ill fil the tank with petrol. Imagine you are a mechanic. Read the following complaints and write a suitable apology. Try to write new and original apologies and offer compensation to your customer. 1. The dashboard is very dirty and it was new and clean! 2. The engine stil makes a strange noise when | start the car. 3. This invoice is too expensive and I'm not going to pay that high price. The initial estimate was lower. 4. Will you be able to lend me a courtesy car? Adjectives with too... and not... enougn Mind the difference! too + adjective: This car is too slow. not + adjective + enough This car is not fast enough let's Speed Up! eres HE Fill in the sentences with too or not enough. a) Next Monday is late. | need my car today! b) The car is not clean __. You must wash it again. ¢) The estimate was not clear_ __. Can you explain it to me? d) The repairs are ___ expensive. | think | will buy a new car. e) A Nissan Cube is modern for my mum. She prefers classic design for cars. #) That scooter is not powerful iP Adjectives -ed or -ing } Some verbs can be used as adjectives in the past participle form (-ed) and in the present participle form (-ing). d * These signs are confusing! * We are confused. = ‘The feeling produced is d the person or thing produ: eA Let's Spee Up! TS HEBEE Form -ed and -ing adjectives from these verbs: excite worry surprise confuse amaze please annoy terrify depress interest satisfy amuse embarrass disappoint tire exciting ‘Complete the following sentences with the appropriate ending. a) She doesn’t understand what she has to do, she is very confused 'b) My job is really bor__ | need to do something different soon! ©) He isa fantastic driver, | was very impress __ by his skill d) My exam results were very depress __| failed a lot of subjects. e) | am very surpris___ to hear you want to change jobs. ) The film was very scary, | was so frighten __! 9) | made a mistake, | am sorry, | am very embarrass__. h) The boss is very annoy ___ because you work so slowly! Look at the pictures and think of the best adjective to describe their feelings. Use adjectives ending in ~ed or ~ing, Imagine the situation they are living and tell your partner about it let's Speed Upl 7 7 Manes kame Grammac LL 8 Tw ‘Comparatives Adjectives can be compared to determine equal, superior or inferior characteristics. Equality To compare equal characteristics of two people or things we use as before and after the adjective. My caris as fast as your car The negative is formed by adding not: Peteris not as good at driv as Mary. In American English the form not 50+ adjective + asis sometimes used, The show was not so nice as | expected, Inferiority Another way to talk about a person or thing net as good as someone or something else is by using less + adjective + than. is less expensive nas less helpful than Superiority Short adjectives (of one syllable or two.syllables and ending in a stressed vowel sound) form the ‘comparative by adding ~er and the word than. Tom's cars bigger than mine. For long adjectives the word more is inserted before. comfortable than Peter’. / is more interesting than his, Short adjectives (of one syllable or two syllables and ending in a stressed vowel sound) form the superlative by adding est. We put the before the superlative. Their shop is the nicest in town, He has the fastest car. For long adjectives the words the most are inserted, ir boss is the most reliable per most modern garage in Bray then * Some adjectives can form the comparative and superlative in two ways. Exceptions Adjective friendly simple Comparative simpler * There are also some irregular adjectives. Adjective good bad Comparative batter Superlative Superlative Let's Speed Up! TTS Spelling Tips 1. Short adjectives ending in a single consonant with a single vowel before it, double the last consonant. Ono ees big bigger the biggest 2. Short adjectives ending in -y, change the y into i before adding ~er or ~est. Oo a happy happier | the happiest 3. One syllable adjectives ending in -e and two syllable adjectives with a stressed ~e at the end only ‘add -r for the comparative and -st for the superlative forms. Oe ee lage | — larger the largest HERE Complete the chart with the comparative and superlative form of the following adjectives. ees bigger than the biggest Bin big expensive heay hot fantastic \ | ugly j good | | | ttt aa | | rea Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the comparative of superiority of the adjectives in brackets. a) Football is more popular than boxing in Spain. (popular) b) Ferrari cars are ___ than Hyundai cars. (stylish) ©) The new model is much than the previous one. (expensive) ana d) She was when she worked here. happy) Hye e) You will be after your course. (confident) fla f) That bike is than mine. (nice) Pct nit HED Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the superlative of the adjectives in brackets. a) Angel Nieto was the fastest ~—_ motorcycle racer in Spain. (fast) b) This sports car is the __ ___| have ever seen. (powerful) ©) For me, Fernando Alonso is the Formula One driver! (good) d) | love my Nissan Cube. It is the __ car at the moment. (origina e) He is the mechanic in this garage. (skilled) #) This garage is the in town. (big) Choose the correct alternative. Circle it. a) This was the best/ better CV we received. b) That day was the busyest/ busiest of the year. ©) He can drive the faster/ the fastest cars. d) I wanted to try more modern/ moderner car engines. @) The salary at Thames is more generous than/ the most generous in town, 4) You will be as good as/better thanhim when you finish your training, Fill in the gaps with the right form of the adjective in brackets: comparative or superlative. You may need to add some extra words. a) Forme, this sedan is more comfortable (comfortable) than a convertible. b) My motorcycle is {fast) than your old moped. ) In your opinion, which car has the (good) engine of all? ) Your mechanic is the (reliable) in town @) In my opinion, a car is (safe) than a motorbike ) What is (cool) car in the world? HA Compare the motorcycles below using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box and the information given. useful fashionable powerful cheap cool. expensive _fast Price £ 5,880.90 Price £ 2,442.45, . 150 Kph 50 Kph 750 CV socy let's Spee Up! FT; Prepositions of time Days of the week Parts of the day (except at night): Days of the week + the part of | Months: the day: a Years: Dates: 008 nic Seasons: Expressions: Centuries: Period of time in the future: Decide which one to use: at, on, in. a) 6th June. b) half past three. 9 Wednesday. a 1984. e) winter, f) _____ Christmas Day, g) —__ autumn. h) the evening i) the weekend D night. Complete the sentences with at, on, in or no preposition (-) a) What are you doing the weekend? b) I'm seeing Max Thursday. ©) Alfred is phoning ‘two o'clock. ) ‘Can | talk to you?’ ‘Sorry, I'm leaving three minutes.’ €) Susan always has some coffee the afternoon. )_ I'm starting a new course Monday morning. 9) Telephone me __ tomorrow if you have time. h) When were you born? 2005. i) Marco Simoneelli died in an accident 23 October 2011 let's Spee Up! Gacage situations Imagine you have just taken your car back from the garage after having it fixed/repaired. You are not happy with the work done in the garage and you complain to the mechanic, RE Work in pairs. Decide who is A and who is B. Student A has to complain in the situations below and student B has to give a logical apology to convince student A. Student B can also offer compensation. When you have finishing, students 8 and A exchange roles. ™~ te ca} orca Verses teeta righ Student A The paintwork on your car is badly Student B \ scratched |The invoice is too | expensive and you \ think there is a " mistake. 5 / Student A \ You told the | mechanic to revise Student B the central locking \ too, but it doesn’t © carafter having it You cannot start the ms d I k. | * % rma 4 eee notes >__ af «st G \ a $A Work in pairs again. You can choose another partner if you want. Talk to him/her and describe a situation in which you or someone you know had to complain in a garage. It may be TRUE or FALSE. Your partner has to guess if it was true or false. Take your time to prepare the anecdote. Let's Speed Up! ies | oO Reading Top ten fuel saving tips “These ere some eas) ways to help reduce {uel consumption in cars. This way you ‘auld not only help your wallet but also the environment, A yin —win situation, 41. Check tyre pressure every week If your tyres are too soft this can increase fuel consumption by 2%. 2. Remove eny unnecessary weight 3. Avoid ong idles. Dont eave your . Try to minimize short journeys as approximetely 40p, on fuel every 8. If soe 410 mies fat UK prices) control Use . Change gear efficiently et the Optimum speed 10. Dirty er ites can reduce Tue economy; they should be replaced = regularly. The car should elsobe = serviced regula, nee engine running in order to warm it up; just drive a little more genty forthe first few minutes of criing instead, these are costly on fi ‘rom your cer Remove roof racks etc. Other things to consider ere open ‘windows and sunroofs —if these are open the vehicle is less aerodynamic, This cen increase fuel consumption by up to 30%, 4, Drive smoothly, Avoid sharp ‘braking and acceleration and keep to a steady speed: this cen save as much es 30% on fuel costs. Slowing by 10 mph can save ‘Switch off your air conditioning, Adapted from: hts: fresandtings Cony this is heavy on fuel Read the text carefully and say if these sentences are True or False. a) It is really difficult to find ways of saving fuel in cars. b) This way you can also save money. ©) Soft tyres increase fuel consumption. d) Closing car windows and sunroofs increases fuel consumption, @) To save fuel short journeys are advisable, f) Asteady speed saves fuel. HED According to the reading, are these actions recommended for saving fuel? Tick the right column: Checking tyre pressure Carrying heavy weights Opening car windows Removing racks Repl Driving at a regular speed Running long idles Putting air conditioning on 19 air filters Braking sharply “Service your car regulary let's Speed Up! Motorbikes HED Now answer these questions: a) What is a “win-win” situation? b) What is the meaning of “cruise control"? ©) In your opinion, what is the most effective recommendation for saving fuel? Vocabulary Tip Fuel is any material that produces heat or power when it is burnt. A petrol station is the place at the side of a road where you take your car to buy petrol/gas, oil, etc Petrol or gas is aliquid obtained from petroleum, used as fuel in car engines: Can you guess the meaning of + fill a car up with petrol? + run out of petrol? + What is a petrol tank? Petrol can be leaded or unleaded, Diesel is a type of heavy oil used as 2 fuel instead of petrol. A diesel engine bums diesel instead of petrol. Goer er petrol petrol station Oo Extra Reading very different from driving a. car. Sinee motoreyeles are Driving a. motoreyele i topple over when they stoj moving. A moving motoreyele two-wheeled vehicles, they is affected by qroseopie force: As a result, new motoreyelists must moehines and must be licensed before they ean drive their motoreyeles on the s that are unique to two-wheeled machines. develop the skills necessary to handle their master the art of steering, braking street. In particular, motoreycle riders must and changing gears. s.convmotareyele. htm @ Writing Complaint forms You took your car to the local garage for a regular maintenance revision but when you went back home with your car, you saw that the front seats were really dirty. When you complained the mechanic was really impolite. In the end, you asked for the complaints book. This is the complaint form they gave you. Write your complaint here. Do not forget to fill in your personal data, the date and other necessary information, and then describe carefully all the facts you complain about following a time sequence of what happened. Use linking words of time to describe the sequence of facts: First, . Then, ... / Next, After that, ... In the end / Finally, Use linking words of result to express consequence: So, ... As aresult, ease Surname Address City Contact e-mail Garage Address City Detailed descriptions of the FACTS and REASONS for the complaint ‘Compensation claimed Date and signature Let's Speed Up! ee Ne @ Intecnet q h http:/Awww.classicmechanics.conY hetp//euto.howstuffworks. comvmotorcycle1 htm http://www. mechanicsregister.comvmotormechuk. php http://motorbike-search-engine, can help you with complaints: htp:/ html htrp:/Awww.ehow.convhow_2159055_write-effective-complaint-email htm! hitp://www.! Let's Speed Up! Unit 6. motorbikes (Oi Saal pole ge [> Now you should think about what you have learnt and what you need to revise. Please, tick (¥) the appropriate box Ree (roa Ero ee ees (iron vocabulary Gone (roa Jean make and use the comparative form w how to make and use to use (irene (ere Ineed to improve oe (ero I'can complain in @ polite w |can apologize in a polite way ind offer fn it very well |'can understand a text on saving fuel. ed (roa I can fill n'a complaint form, ere (ere tone eros fone as + adj. +a5 My car is as big as yours. not as + adj. + as Jam not as tired as you. im not so tired as you,/AmE) Equality less + adj. + than Inferiort ao A caris less dangerous than a motorbike. short adjectives long adjectives Superiority adj. + —er than more + adj. than leis bigger than mine Itis more interesting than | thought. short adjectives long adjectives Superlative the + adj. + —est ‘the most + adj. He is the tallest. Itis the most comfortable. fee ees the worst

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