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Unit Operasi 2014

Extraction a separation process, based on

differences in solubility
Extraction is one of the most useful and widely
used chemical separation methods.

There are two types of extraction process:

Solid Liquid Extraction
(termasuk Supercritical Fluid Extraction)
Liquid Liquid Extraction

Solid-liquid Extraction (leaching)

a solute is extracted from a solid phase with

the help of a solvent.

ekstraksi kopi dari biji kopi pada pembuatan kopi
ekstraksi senyawa antimikroba dari berbagai jenis
ekstraksi kalsium oksalat dari tepung porang
(pemurnian/pencucian tepung porang)

Mekanisme Leaching

keterangan :
1. pelarut, 2. padatan (mengandung komponen terlarut),
3. komponen terlarut, 4. padatan (tidak mengandung
komponen terlarut), 5. komponen terlarut dalam pelarut

Mekanisme Leaching

komponen terlarut yang terperangkap di dalam padatan,

bergerak melalui pori-pori padatan
komponen terlarut berdifusi keluar permukaan partikel
padatan dan bergerak ke lapisan sekitar padatan,
selanjutnya ke larutan

Proses ekstraksi padat-cair

Multistage Extraction

Liquid-liquid Extraction
Liquid extraction (or solvent extraction) merupakan
operasi dimana komponen terlarut dipisahkan dengan
menambahkan pelarut cair yang sesuai.

Pada operasi ini, pemisahan komponen bergantung pada

perbedaan distribusi komponen terlarut diantara dua
fase cairan.
The mass transfer of the solute liquid takes place
from the feed solution to the solvent phase.

Basic Steps

Typical liquid-liquid extraction operations utilize

the differences in the solubilities of the
components of a liquid mixture. The basic steps
involved include:

1. Contacting the feed with the extraction solvent.

2. Separation of the resulting phases
3. Removal/recovery of solvent from each phase.

Liquid-liquid extraction is a useful method to separate components

(compounds) of a mixture

The concept of liquid-liquid extraction

Liquid-liquid extraction is based on the transfer of a solute

substance from one liquid phase into another liquid phase
according to the solubility.
Extraction becomes a very useful tool if you choose a suitable
extraction solvent.
You can use extraction to separate a substance selectively
from a mixture, or to remove unwanted impurities from a
In the practical use, usually one phase is a water or water-
based (aqueous) solution and the other an organic solvent
which is immiscible with water.

The success of this method depends upon the difference in

solubility of a compound in various solvents. For a given
compound, solubility differences between solvents is quantified
as the "distribution coefficient"

Partition Coefficient / Distribution Coefficient (K)

When a compound is shaken in a separatory funnel with two

immiscible solvents, the compound will distribute itself between
the two solvents.

Normally one solvent is

water and the other solvent
is a water-immiscible
organic solvent.

Most organic compounds

are more soluble in organic
solvents, while some organic
compounds are more soluble
in water.

(1) If there are 30 particles
of compound, these are
distributed between equal
volumes of solvent1 and

(2) If there are 300

particles of compound , the
same distribution ratio is
observed in solvents 1 and 2

(3) When you double the

volume of solvent2 (i.e., 200
mL of solvent2 and 100 mL of
solvent1),the 300 particles of
compound distribute as shown

If you use a larger amount of extraction solvent, more solute is


An additional 67 particles are

extracted with the second portion
of extraction solvent
(solvent2).The total number of
particles extracted from the first
(200 particles) and second (67
particles) volumes of extraction
solvent is 267.This is a greater
number of particles than the
single extraction (240 particles)
using one 200 mL portion of

It is more efficient to carry out

two extractions with 1/2 volume
of extraction solvent than one
large volume!

If you extract twice with 1/2 the volume, the extraction is more
efficient than if you extract once with a full volume. Likewise,
extraction three times with 1/3 the volume is even more efficient.
four times with 1/4 the volume is more efficient.five times with 1/5
the volume is more efficient

The greater the number of small extractions, the greater the

quantity of solute removed. However for maximum efficiency the
rule of thumb is to extract three times with 1/3 volume

Supercritical Fluid Extraction

Supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE or SFE) is an extraction

process carried out using a supercritical fluid as a solvent.

A supercritical fluid (SCF) is a substance at a temperature and

pressure above those of the critical point.

The density of supercritical fluids is close to that of the
liquid while their viscosity is low and comparable to that of
a gas. These two properties are the key to the functionality
of SCFs as extractants.
The relatively high density imparts to SCFs good
solubilization power while the low viscosity results in
particularly rapid permeation of the solvent into the solid

Karbon dioksida (CO2) merupakan pelarut yang paling

umum digunakan dalam SFE.

Pertimbangan penggunaan CO2 :

segera dapat dipisahkan dari bahan yang dilarutkan
viskositas rendah, difusifitas tinggi, tidak berwarna, dan
tidak mencemari lingkungan
tidak mudah terbakar dan tidak mahal
memiliki temperatur kritis 31 oC, sehingga sesuai untuk
bahan yang sensitif thd panas

SFE System

Keuntungan ekstraksi dengan CO2 :
Non toxic
Mudah dipisahkan dari minyak yang diekstrak
Minyak berkualitas tinggi
Tidak memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap
perubahan komponen gizi lainnya

Ekstraksi minyak dari biji bunga matahari

Kondisi yang diberikan sbb :
berat biji bunga matahari : 4 gram
suhu ekstraksi : 400C
tekanan ekstraksi : 35 Mpa

Ekstraksi minyak dari dedak

Kondisi yang diberikan sbb :
berat dedak : 150 gram
suhu ekstraksi : 350C, ~ 5 jam
tekanan ekstraksi : 4350 Psi

Ekstraksi minyak dari mesokarp (daging buah)
Kondisi yang diberikan sbb :
berat serpihan mesokarp : 400 500 gram
suhu ekstraksi : 400C
tekanan ekstraksi : 3000 3500 Psi

2. Dekafeinasi Kopi
Keuntungan: bebas residu pelarut

Contoh soal:

Suatu sampel mengandung komponen X sebanyak 350 partikel.

Sampel tersebut memiliki volume 1 dm3. Untuk mengekstrak
komponen X dari sampel ditambahkan pelarut etanol sebanyak
100 cm3. Komponen X dalam sampel 5 kali lebih terlarut dalam
etanol daripada sampel.

1. Hitung berapa jumlah partikel yang didapatkan dengan

ekstraksi 1 tahap!
2. Hitung berapa jumlah partikel yang didapatkan dengan
ekstraksi 2 tahap (masing-masing tahap menggunakan dari
total pelarut)

Suatu sampel mengandung komponen X sebanyak 250 partikel.
Sampel tersebut memiliki volume 1 dm3. Untuk mengekstrak
komponen X dari sampel ditambahkan pelarut etanol sebanyak 100
cm3. Komponen X dalam sampel 6 kali lebih terlarut dalam etanol
daripada sampel.

1. Hitung berapa jumlah partikel yang didapatkan dengan ekstraksi 1

2. Hitung berapa jumlah partikel yang didapatkan dengan ekstraksi 2
tahap (masing-masing tahap menggunakan dari total pelarut)



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