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Roman Catholic Christianity

Old church of Roman Catholic Christianity in chantaburi province,Thailand

Roman Catholicism has the largest religious following in the Philippines. This religion
was first introduced to the Filipino peoples through the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
Magellan in the early 1500's. Magellan, whose original destination was Spice Island, arrived on
Cebu Island in Philippines due to a missed route. He then proceeded to make Roman
Catholicism a state religion by first converting the Chief of Cebu, and several hundreds of his
followers. Roman Catholics believe in a supreme deity or God, who exists in three forms. These
are God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, commonly referred to as the Holy Trinity.
Catholics believe that God sent his son, Jesus to the world through a virgin to die for the sins of
the world. There are also three main sacraments of initiation kept by Roman Catholics, which
include Water Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Conversion and acceptance of the religion
precedes these three sacraments. In terms of influence, the Catholic Church historically has
impacted decision making in such areas as marriage, reproduction and family life in general.
However, that influence seems to be waning. For instance, divorce which was previously
unacceptable due to the country's predominant Catholic beliefs, is now being accepted or
tolerated by many. Family planning through the use of contraceptives or abortion which was
also frowned upon by the Church seems to have been adopted by those who consider
themselves "liberal" Catholics. As expected, these have not resonated well with the Catholic

Islam is the second largest religion in the Philippines after Roman Catholic
Christianity. The religion existed in the region for around a century before the spread of
Christianity. Islam first spread to Simunul Island in the Philippines through foreign trade
with countries such as India. Specifically, it was the Islamic cleric-Karim ul' Makhdum
who first introduced the religion to the area. Subsequently, he established the first
mosque on the same Island, which is today, the oldest mosque in the country. Muslims,
similar to Christians, believe in a single supreme God, or Allah in Arabic, but not in
Jesus as the ultimate prophet and Messiah. They believe that Allah revealed his
messages through the Prophet Mohammed, the founding figure of Islam. There are five
principles which all Muslims generally adhere to. These principles include the Shahada
or declaration of faith, Salat or prayer, Zakat or alms-giving/charity, Ramadan or ritual
fast, and the Hajj or Pilgrimage. Islam has not had that much of an influence on the
general society in the country, since it is not the dominant religion. However, one
significant impact is in the area of Islamic dietary laws. Halal provisions which previously
were non-existent or very scarce, are now gaining influence in the country. Influences
are most felt in the Southern part of the country which is home to the majority of
Muslims. Wearing of religious dress which historically was required and is still required,
is however a bit flexible today. Muslims now incorporate Western styles into dressing,
while still maintaining the standard which is modesty.
Evangelical Protestant Christians (affiliated with the PCEC)

Bacolod City
The First Chinese Congregation in Bacolod of the United Evangelical Church of the Philippines

Evangelical Protestantism was introduced into the Philippines by

American missionaries after the Spanish-American War between the late
18th and early 19th Centuries. Some Protestant groups which are affiliated
with the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC), however were
established locally, without any foreign influence. This religion though
similar to other forms of Christianity, arose as a counter-religion to Roman
Catholicism. The main beliefs include spreading the message of Salvation
through scriptural teaching, faith in the finished work of the Cross, which is
the death and resurrection of Jesus, and, most importantly, a personal and
willing conversion which is known as being "born-again." Influence of this
sect on Filipino society has been predominantly in the area of education.
Protestant Churches have established several schools at different levels,
and incorporated most of these beliefs in the curriculum, even for students
or pupils who are not part of the religion.
Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ)

Unlike other religions in the Philippines which spread through external

influences, the Philippine Church of Christ originated from within the
country itself in the early 19th Century. The religion was founded by Felix
Manalo Ysagun, who claimed that this sect was the true religion of Christ,
and all other Christian groups were not. This Church believes in the power
of scripture and a supreme God in a fashion similar to other Christian
denominations, but rejects the doctrine of Trinitarianism which is common
among other groups. The sect ascribes instead to the doctrine of
Unitarianism, which holds that God is a singular entity, and not triple as
described by adherents of Trinitarianism. The religion is rigid, especially to
Protestants and Catholics, who are viewed by the Iglesias as apostates.
Influence of the Philippine Church has largely been political. To encourage
solidarity and unity in the religion, followers are required to vote only
leaders endorsed by the Ministers or Church authorities. Hence, freedom of
thought and opinion pertaining to political issues is absent in this religion.
Any opposition from the State or any other group is usually met with large
protest rallies. This rigidity has really made people, especially "outsiders" to
the religion to question the supposed Church and State separation which is
Davao Sights: Lon Wa Buddhist Temple

The time Buddhism first spread into the Philippines is
unknown for the most part, although archaeological records point
towards the 6th or 7th Century. Through sea trade with the
Srivijaya Empire of India which was predominantly Buddhist,
Vajrayana, a form of Buddhism became introduced in the
Philippines. The adherents of this religion are primarily Chinese,
Filipino-Chinese, Japanese, and other Asian or Middle-East
groups residing in the country. Buddhists do not believe in a
creator God in the same fashion Christians do. The main beliefs
include suffering which is inherent in human existence,
impermanence of everything in the world, and the absence of a
permanent soul. Buddhism has had linguistic influences on
Filipino culture as the origin of some words can be traced to
Sanskrit and Pali which are Buddhist languages.
Jehovah's Witnesses talking in front of their new Kingdom Hal

Other Christians

Other Christian groups in the country include Jehovah's

witnesses, Latter Day Saints, Assemblies of God, Seventh-day
Adventists, and numerous others. These groups were started
either locally, or introduced by international Missionaries. Some
beliefs are common to mainstream Christianity, but there are also
a host of differences. For instance, Jehovah's witnesses also
reject Trinitarianism, and the Latter day Saints believe in
Salvation for the dead. Influences of these religions are mainly not
on the wider society, but adherents of these religions. For
instance, Jehovah's witnesses do not receive blood transfusions
no matter how critical their health is.

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