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Open Journal of Civil Engineering, 2013, 3, 228-233

Published Online December 2013 (

Influence of the Elastic Modulus of the Soil and Concrete

Foundation on the Displacements of a Mat Foundation
Oustasse Abdoulaye Sall1*, Meissa Fall1, Yves Berthaud2, Makhaly Ba1
Dpartement Gnie Civil, UFR SI-Universit de This, This, Sngal
UFR Ingnierie, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Email: *

Received November 20, 2013; revised December 12, 2013; accepted December 19, 2013

Copyright 2013 Oustasse Abdoulaye Sall et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

In this paper, we suggest to study the behavior of a mat foundation on subsoil from the plate theory taking into account
the soil-structure interaction. The objective is to highlight the soil-structure interaction particularly the influence of the
rigidities of the soil and the concrete on the subgrade reaction (k) and the displacements of the mat foundation subjected
to vertical loads. From plate theory and the soil-structure interaction, the general equation is reached. This equation de-
pends more on the subgrade properties than the concrete foundation properties. Consequently, the behavior of the mat
foundation is more influenced by soil properties than the concrete.

Keywords: Mat Foundation; Plate Theory; Soil-Structure Interaction; Mechanical Properties

1. Introduction 2. Modelisation
The structural and geotechnical calculations of civil en- A foundation is responsible for transmitting the loads
gineering works involve the limit state method and re- from the superstructure to the soil; it provides an inter-
quire the determination of characteristic values for resis- face between the upper part of the structure and the soil.
tance and deformation criteria of structures and soils. A mat foundation is a continuous reinforced concrete
However, the geotechnical design is mainly based on the slab and the study may be governed by the theory of
determination of the displacement caused by the actions plates whose behavior can be studied from the Lagrange
applied to foundation and the determination of stresses equation which take into account the soil-structure inter-
under limit state service. The structural design is strongly action. The solution of the Lagrange equation is possible
based on the determination of stresses and displacements. with the use of the methods of Fourier series or finite
A computational approach that takes into account struc- differences with well-defined boundary conditions. Cha-
tural and geotechnical aspects related to the design of racterization of the interface has also allowed us to see
foundation structures must be developed. It is then ques- that the soil-structure interaction is important for the de-
tion of interaction between two bodies of very different sign of foundation. Selvadurai [1] presented a detailed
characteristics of deformability. The rupture is often fol- analysis of the soil-foundation interaction problem, ex-
lowed by the formation of a thin region led in the direc- plaining the different approaches proposed to model this
tion of contact. This area is called soil-structure interface interaction. These models recognize that soil reaction is a
and it is the location of the major displacements. This linear function of the displacement of the soil-founda-
work focused on the foundation slab and, more particu- tion interface layer. Several models have been devel-
larly, on the characterization of the soil-structure inter- oped:
face. A precise knowledge of moduli characterizes its Winkler model [2],
deformability and stress paths which should facilitate the Elastic continuum model [1];
optimization of the structural and geotechnical design of Biparametric model [3];
foundation. Filonenko Borodich model [4,5];
Hetenyi model model [6];
Corresponding author. Pasternak model [7];

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Reissner model [8]; where:

Vlazov and Leontiev model [9]; Es is the modulus of subgrade;
Vlazov modified model [10]. s is the Poissons ratio of the subgrade;
The system is similar to a concrete slab (Eb, b) resting B is the width of the foundation;
on an elastic soil (Es, s). The plate is assumed to rest on Eb is the Youngs modulus of the concrete foundation;
a spring assembly infinitely close to each other with k as I is the moment of inertia of the cross section of the
the modulus of reaction. These springs are connected by concrete.
an elastic membrane of shear modulus (2T). Modeling of Equation (2) can be written as:
the system is shown in Figure 1. 1 12
The problem is governed by the following general eq- Es E s B 4
k 0.65 (5)
uation: 1 s2 Eb I
4 w 4 w 4 w and Equation (4) by:
D 4 2 2 2 4
x x y x 1
Es Es B 4
(1) k 0.95 (6)
2 w 2 w 2
2T 2 2 kw q x, y 1 s 1 s2 Eb I
x y
Generally for foundations, Poissons ratio is between
where D is the flexural rigidity of the plate and is given 1

by: 0.15 and 0.4 [13], and the term 2

is between
1 s
Eb e3 1.0025 and 1.019 [13] (which leads to ignore this term in
D (2)

12 1 b2 the expression) for k in Equation (6) which can be re-
written as follows:
Eb: elastic modulus of the material constituting the Es Es B 4
k 0.95 (7)
plate; 1 s2 Eb I
e: the thickness of the plate;
b: Poissons ratio of the plate; Thus by combining (3) and (6), k is expressed by the
k is the modulus of subgrade reaction. following equation:
Biot [11] developed an empirical formula for k ex-
E E B4
pressed as follow: ka s2 s (8)
1 EI
0.65 Es Es B 4
k 12 (3) where a and are constants according to different au-
1 s2 Eb I thors (Table 1).
Vesic [12] improved (3) by: It should specify that the vertical modulus of subgrade
reaction can be determined from the results of geotech-
0.95 Es Es B 4 nical testing. T is the horizontal elastic modulus of sub-
k (4) grade reaction. Vlasov [9] proposes the following rela-

1 s 1 s2 Eb I

Figure 1. Discretisation of the system.

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Table 1. Equations giving k [13].

Authors a k
1 12
Es Es B 4
Biot (1937) [11] 0.65 1/12 k 0.65
1 2 EI

Es Es B 4
Vesic (1963) [12] 0.69 0.0868 k 0.69
1 2 EI

Es Es B 4
Liu (2000) [14] 0.74 0.0903 k 0.74
1 2 EI

Es Es B 4
Daloglu et al. (2000) [15] 0.78 0.0938 k 0.78
1 2 EI

Es Es B 4
Fischer et al. (2000) [16] 0.82 0.0973 k 0.82
1 2 EI

E s Es B 4
Yang (2006) [17] 0.95 0.108 k 0.95
1 2 EI

Es Es B 4
Henry (2007) [18] 0.91 0.1043 k 0.91
1 2 EI

Es Es B 4
Arul et al. (2008) [19] 0.87 0.1008 k 0.87
1 2 EI

Es H
3. Analytical Solutions
T 0 2 dz (9)

4 1 s2 1 s 1 s Before the calculation of displacements due to load, it
should be consider that the motion of the interface is a
To a relatively deep layer of soil where the normal result of the weight of the slab. This displacement is con-
stress may vary with depth, it is possible to use, for the stant on the entire extension of the interface and is a
function (z), the non-linear continuous variable defined function of the thickness of the plate and the modulus of
by Equation 10(a). (z) is a function which describes the vertical subgrade reaction. The displacement w0 is given
variation of the displacement w(x,y) along the z axis, by:
such that: w0 25000 e k (12)
0 1 et H 0
In the case of an elastic homogeneous soil, a uniform
Selvadurai [1] suggests two expressions of (z): distribution of the forces applied to the foundation sys-
z tem is assumed. This amounts to admitting that the stress
z 1 (10a) q(x,y) is constant (Q value) from each point of the foun-
H dation. For a foundation of infinite dimension, a zero
displacement at the edges of the plate is imposed. If each
sinh H z edge is far from one to another, this is true. Although,
Z (10b) this questionable assumption allows an accurate resolu-
sinh tion of the problem using the Fourier series. At first, we
L assume a uniform distribution of the applied foundation
H: thickness of the soil layer (depth of the rigid sub- system forces. So q(x,y) is constant (Q value) for ana-
stratum). lytical solution, and the double Fourier series is used.
And for a linear variation of (z), the shear parameter q(x,y) can be written as:
model is given after integration by:
mx ny
q x, y Q 1 1 amn sin

Es H sin (13)
T (11) L B

12 1 s2 1 s 1 s

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4 L B mx ny 4 w m mx ny
amn Q 0 0 sin sin dxdy (14) 1 1

bmn sin sin (21)
LB L B x 4
4 L mx B n y
L B 4
amn 4 w n mx ny
1 1 bmn sin

Q cos cos (15) sin (22)
LB m L 0 n B 0 y 4 B
It result that for m and n impair: By replacing the differential equation governing the
16Q behavior of the system we have:
amn (16)
mn 2 m 2 2 2
1 1

bmn D
For the calculation of the displacements, we assume
that w(x, y) can also be decomposed into Fourier series:
mx ny m 2 n 2 mx
w x, y 1 1 bmn sin

sin (17) ny
2T k sin sin (23)

mx ny
1 1 amn sin

2 w m mx ny
1 1

bmn sin sin (18) L B
x 2
According to (23), the expression bmn can be given by
2 w n mx ny the following relation:
1 1 bmn sin

sin (19)
y 2 B L B amn
bmn 2
m n 2 2
m 2 n 2
D 2T k
x 2 y 2 L B
2 2
(20) L B
m n mx ny (24)
1 1

bmn sin sin
B L B The axial deflection is:

mx ny
sin sin
w x , y 2 1 1 L B (25)
m 2 n 2 m 2 n 2
Dmn 2Tmn kmn


The total displacement is obtained by summing the elastic modulus of the soil. Hence the importance of
displacements given by Equations (12) and (25). mastering the property of the foundation soil is to better
Figures 2 to 7 show the evolution of k according to the
different parameters of the mechanical behavior model.
x 10
Figure 2 shows the increase of k with the increase of Es. Es = 8MPa
Figures 3-5 show that k is sensitive to the mechanical
Modulus of subgrade reaction k (N/m3)

Es = 7MPa

properties of the soil foundation. These figures show that 1.6 Es

k and the displacements vary slightly with the mechani- 1.4

cal properties of concrete foundation and are strongly 1.2

dependent on elastic modulus of the soil foundation. 1

4. Conclusion
It appears from this study that the elastic modulus and
the Poissons ratio of the subgrade are the most influen-
tial parameters on the displacements of the plate. The 0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
results show that modulus of subgrade reaction and dis- B/e

placements varies slightly with the mechanical properties Figure 2. Modulus of subgrade reaction versus B/e ratio of
of concrete foundation and is more influenced by the the plate for various values of Es.

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7 0.04
x 10
Eb = 33GPa 0.035
Moduulus of subgrade reaction (N/m3)

1.6 Eb = 36GPa
Eb = 39GPa 0.03

Eb = 43GPa

Dplacements (m)
1.4 0.025
nus = 0.2
1.2 0.02
nus = 0.25
nus = 0.3
1 nus = 0.4

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0.4 x/L
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
B/e Figure 6. Displacements along the median of the plate for
various values of s.
Figure 3. Modulus of subgrade reaction versus B/e ratio of
the plate for various values of Eb. 0.04
0.035 Eb=36GPa
0.04 Eb=39GPa
Es=4MPa 0.03 Eb=43GPa
0.035 Es=6MPa
Displacements (m)

Es=7MPa 0.025
0.03 Es=8MPa
Dplacements (m)

0.005 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 7. Displacements along the median of the plate for
x/L various values of b.
Figure 4. Displacements along the median of the plate for
various values of Es. structures.

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