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University College London | fAD_3-carols_story-SD

We met in 1976 and got married in 1979. So 36 years we've been married. We have two grownup children now,
Emily was born in 1981 and John in 1985. And we both have had occupations where we've been based at home,

so we've often been busy, we've been committed, we've had vocational occupations which has demanded a lot of
time and mutual support.

Carol was originally a teacher; she trained as a teacher and when we first met she was a teacher. But that

changed significantly with the family involvement with Alzheimer's. Changed about 1985, 1986. She had the young

children, left work to look after the children until they were at school, but by the time she was due to come back,

we discovered the family business, as it's called. And she felt at that stage she wanted to work, supporting and
raising the profile of Alzheimer's.

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