Video Transcript Template 1.8

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Cancer Research UK

WEEK 1 Myths, Facts and Listening Skills

Step 1.9: Summing up Week 1

GILL KILGOUR: Well done. You've completed week 1. Remember, if you've missed
any of the steps you can return to these at any time.

GWEN KAPLAN: This week we met Anita and Brian and listened in on some of their
conversations about cancer to help you to build your own confidence and
conversation techniques. We picked up on some of the key tips for an effective
cancer conversation.

GILL KILGOUR: Make it part of your day-to-day conversations. Practise your

listening skills. Offer support and encourage positive action. Don't be afraid to say "I
don't know" and then signpost to reliable information.

GWEN KAPLAN: We also started to identify some of the common myths and
perceptions surrounding cancer and why people might hold these views. We also
talked about where some of these views may come from.

GILL KILGOUR: Next week we will start to recognise some of the barriers that
prevent people from taking action in relation to risk and their health. We will revisit
Anita and Brian and use their stories to introduce further practical tips on how to
achieve meaningful conversations when talking about cancer.


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