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Information package for International Students

Welcome to Wrocaw!
Dear Student,
Welcome to WSB University in Wrocaw!
This booklet helps you prepare yourself for starting at WSB, and gives you an idea of what to expect during your stay here. Please read
this booklet carefully, make sure you complete all tasks listed in the Priority Action Points section, and feel free to contact us with
any questions.

With best regards,

Centre for International Cooperation

Jarosaw Tomaszewski
Klaudia Klimczak
Karolina Perliceusz

International Students Office

Magdalena Kozula
Magdalena Papuch
Regina Bogucka-Lebied

Centrum Wsppracy Midzynarodowej

Centre for International Cooperation
Wysza Szkoa Bankowa we Wrocawiu
WSB University in Wrocaw
Fabryczna Street 29-31
53-609 Wrocaw

Table of Contents
Priority Action Points ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Welcome to Poland .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Registering with Extranet WSB System .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Registering your stay in Poland...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Getting insurence ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Getting an UrbanCard (for public transport purposes) .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Opening a bank account in Poland .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Getting a Polish cell phone number ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Accommodation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Learning Polish Language ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Looking for a job in Poland .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
WSB University in Wrocaw ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Wrocaw - the meeting place ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16
Safety and regulations......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22


Priority Action Points

Things you should to do:
1. Registering with Extranet WSB System
2. Registering in Poland
3. Getting insurence
4. Getting an UrbanCard (for public transport purposes)

Things you might do:

1. Opening a bank account in Poland
2. Getting a Polish cell phone number

Welcome to Poland
Poland is the largest of the East European countries which joined
stable democracy with a truly fascinating history, great cultural
the EU in May 2004. Poland is comparable in size to Italy or Ger-
heritage and several areas of outstanding natural beauty.
many and with a population of approximately 39 million (e.g.
more than California) it ranks among the most influential and
More info regarding travelling and sightseeing:
remarkable countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Poland is a

Poland in numbers

Area 312 685 km2

Population 38.5 million
Density/sq km 124 (km2)
Capital Warszawa (Warsaw) 1.76 million
Administrative division 16 provinces (wojewodztwa)
President Andrzej Duda
Parliament the Sejm 460 deputies, the Senate 100 deputies (four-year term)
Currency 1 Zloty (PLN) = 100 Groszy (1 EUR = aprox. 4 PLN)
Time GMT+1h
Religion Catholics 90.7 %, Orthodox 1.4%, others 7.9%
Nationalities Poles 98.5 %, Ukrainians 0.6%, Germans 0.5%, others 0.4%
Life expectancy 72 years men, 81 years women
GDP 14 581 USD per capita, PPP - dollar
Inflation 4.5%
Average monthly salary 1000 USD
Unemployment 10%
Urbanization 65%
Literacy 99%
Tourism 16 million tourists visit Poland every year, Poland ranks 14th in the world
as a tourist destination
Border countries Germany (467 km), Czech Republic (790 km), Slovakia (538 km), Ukraine (529 km), Belarus (416
km), Russia (210 km), Lithuania (103 km), Baltic coastline (788 km)

I came from China to study in Wrocaw. I have chosen WSB University because of its excellent
opinion among international students. Whats more WSB is a perfect choice if you would like
to combine studies and work. I have enough time to manage my own Chinese language school
and to attend the classes, what helps me in developing my business skills.

Zihao Zhuge
student from China

Priority Action Points herself (e.g. a credit card; a document confirming resources on
a bank account or other evidence),
1. Registering with WSB Extranet System student status confirmation from WSB University.

The Extranet System is a student management information sys- Non-EU Citizens

tem used by WSB University. It offers you 24 hours Access to your Temporary Residence Card
student account what makes your student life much easier no A temporary residence permit is granted to foreigners if the aim
matter where you are and what time you log in you can always of their stay in Poland is to start or to continue a full-time un-
check the most important information. dergraduate, graduate or doctoral degree studies programme.
The first temporary residence permit for the purpose of higher
What information is available in Extranet? education is granted for a period of 15 months. If the documents
Your marks presented by the student applying for the permit justify their stay
The schedule of the academic year in Poland lasting less than 1 year, the first permit will be issued
Your individual classes schedule for the duration of the academic year or of the course of study,
News extended by 3 months (for example, if there are 5 months remain-
Welcome Guide for international students ing until the end of the academic year, the temporary residence
Information about international offer: Business Weeks, Interna- permit will be issued for 8 months).
tional Week, Erasmus+ etc. The second and each subsequent temporary residence permit
Private messages granted to the foreigner will be issued for a period of up to 3 years,
Each student obtain an access to the Extranet, a private on general terms.
login and password. Your login is wr + your student num-
ber given on your Student ID Card. Password is your PE-
SEL number which is a personal number of Polish citi- 3. Getting insurance
zens. It consists of date of birth + unique numbers at the By Polish law you are required to have health and personal liabil-
end: yymmdd00000. In case of foreign students your ity insurance. This is very important because the cost of medical
PESEL number will consist of date of birth and five 0, treatment can be very high. It is also a requirement in order to get
e.g.. born 25th May 1991, PESEL: 91052500000 a residence permit for those of you who need one.

2. Registering your stay in Poland EU/EEA citizens

Poland has the health care system based on general health insur-
Since December 21, 2007, Poland is part of the Schengen Area. As ance.
a student of WSB University, you also become an inhabitant of the Persons covered by the general health insurance are entitled to
city of Wroclaw and the resident in Poland. free health services in the territory of Poland at the health care
providers who have concluded contracts with the National
EU/EEA citizens (+ Switzerland) Health Fund (NFZ - Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia). The Na-
Rules of entry and residence for a period not exceeding tional Health Fund is the institution, which is responsible for
3 months assuring health services for insured persons and members of
A citizen of an EU Member State and his/her family member be- their families.
ing also the EU citizen may stay within the territory of the Re-
public of Poland for up to three months without being obliged to During a temporary stay in Poland, a person entitled to health
register his/her stay. care under EEA rules can receive health services in the follow-
ing areas:
Right of residence for a period longer than 3 months primary health care,
If a residence period in Poland is longer than 3 months the EU specialist out-patient care,
citizen has the obligation to register his/her stay. The application hospital treatment,
for residence permit must be submitted in person, not later than dental treatment (limited),
the next working day after expiry of the 3 months period from the rescue services and ambulance transport.
date of the foreigners entry to the Republic of Poland.
Foreigners that belong to one of following groups are entitled to
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: public health care benefits:
application form, people staying in Poland insured in countries belonging to EU or
a copy of a valid travel document (passport), belonging to European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
a copy of European Health Card or another document confirm- employed in Poland
ing that a foreigner has a medical insurance, family members of insured clients (children, wives/ husbands, par-
a copy of a document confirming that the applying person has ents, grandparents)
financial resources which are sufficient to provide for himself/ refugees


unemployed people registered in an Office of Employment as [Ticket Sales Points] and in ticket vending machines. (Ticket
well as the members of their family if they dont possess any vending machines closest to the POS - Student Service Point are
other kind of health insurances situated at Rondo Reagana).
children attending schools.

You should obtain the European Health Insurance Card

(EHIC). A free card that gives you access to medically necessary,
state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the
28 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland,
under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some For more info
countries) as people insured in that country. please check

Public Transport in Wrocaw

Cards are issued by your Wrocaws public transport system is easy to use and fairly exten-
national health insurance sive, with 120 bus lines and 23 tram lines. Youll rarely need trams
provider in your country. or buses to get around the Old Town, but many affordable hotels
and some sights are located outside the centre. Buses and trams
run roughly from 04:00 to 00:00, with irregular night buses run-
ning after that.
Non-EU/EEA citizens Most importantly, remember that paper tickets are not valid
International students who come from non-EU countries have, in until you stamp them once inside the tram or bus.
most cases, a private insurance which was required for the visa Each stop has a schedule posted in paper and - in the city cen-
application. But this insurance covers mostly only accidents and ter - electronic schedule information system. W dni robocze
do not cover general practitioners consultation. Please check means Monday through Friday and w dni wolne means Saturday
carefully what kind of insurence you have and what and Sunday. For route planning, check out the innovative public
does it cover! transport journey planer: You
For a general medical care insurance (Voluntary Health Insur- can download a moblie application of jakdojade and use it com-
ance for Students from Foreign Countries) you have to apply in fortably on your smartphone.
the National Health Fund department. People who are voluntary
insured have an obligation to report members of their family to
the NFZ, in case if they dont have their own insurances. As a for- 5. Opening a bank account in Poland
eigner you have a right to decide on the system that you choose.
If you plan to stay in Poland for a longer period of time, consider
Note! The insurance in the private clinic or by private insurance
opening a bank account in a local bank. Wide variety of services is
company doesnt necessary cover the service in public clinics.
offered to costumers and you can choose from many banks.
WSB encourages international students to take out insurance
What to consider? Its good to choose a bank that offers:
through NFZ - National Health Fund. The process of regis-
no service fees
tration is quite easy (to fill in the application please contact Ms.
free bank transfers
Magdalena Kozula at
withdrawals from all ATMs in Poland free of charge
free payment card
Note: the current premium for health insurance for students
additional services: SMS notifications, insurances, account
from foreign countries is around 50 PLN.
limits, and discount programmes.
Documents needed to sign the contract in NFZ:
The procedure of opening an account is not complicated and does
not require much time.
Student ID card
The certificate from WSB University showing that you are a student
Documents needed to open an account: passport + eventu-
ally visa and permanent or temporary Residence Card.
4. Getting an UrbanCard
Currency in Poland
The Wrocaw URBANCARD is a convenient, multipurpose car-
The currency in Poland is the Polish Zoty (z). Zoty is fully ex-
rier of electronic services and products in a prepaid card format.
changeable currency. Other currencies are not accepted (the only
From May 2010, the Wrocaw Urban Transportation Systems
exception shops of international brands like H&M or hotels),
tickets are encoded on the card. Benefits for URBANCARD users
but can be exchanged at banks and currency exchange points
include e.g. an option to reclaim the ticket in the case the card is
(Pol: kantor).
stolen or lost, wide availability of electronic ticket vending points,
easy and convenient use, transaction security, multipurpose na-
ture and durability of the card, as well as an option to implement 1 zoty divides into 100 groszy.
new services supported by the card. The coins, apart from groszy,
are: 1, 2, 5 zoty.
Having your Student ID Card? Encode your Notes: 10, 20, 50, 100 and rare
tickets on it!
An Electronic Student Card that exists in the URBANCARD
system may have electronic municipal transportation tickets en-
coded on it. Tickets may be encoded at Punkty Sprzeday Biletw
6. Getting a Polish cell phone number Company www
In Poland mobile phones (Pol: telefon komrkowy, komrka) al- Plus GSM
most completely replaced land lines. Getting one shouldnt be T-Mobile
a problem. Every mobile company has many offers customized
for different users. Its best to talk with consultants and compare
the offers personally. If you dont want to sign a contract, you can Play
buy a pre-paid set. The offers also vary between companies, Plus Heyah
for example has a special offer addressed to foreigners. They all Virgin Mobile
include Internet access and a free packages of transfer, SMS and
call minutes. Nju Mobile

How to get to WSB?

1. National Health Fund - Joannitw Street 6
2. URBANCARD Office - Grabiszyska Street 9
3. Lower Silesian Governors Office - Powstacw Warszawy Square 1
4. WSB University - Fabryczna Street 29-31

d wa







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Ways of traffic Po
Airport Jerzm









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Bus 406 (stop Wysza Szkoa Bankowa)


Railway station

Le . W
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Branib Rus
orska ka

BUS 406 Kazim
Wielk Oaws
iego ka

Tram 9 (stop Wzgrze Partyzantw) Bus 406

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Tram 20/31/32 (stop Orlt Lwowskich) Bus 149/406/409
(stop Wysza Szkoa Bankowa) Mar
sz ki
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ska kieg
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Bus Station
Le . W
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Branib Rus
orska ka


BUS 409 Kazim
Wielk Oaws
iego ka

Tram 9 (stop Wzgrze Partyzantw) Bus 406

(stop Wysza Szkoa Bankowa)
Tram 20/31/32 (stop Orlt Lwowskich) Bus 149/406/409
(stop Wysza Szkoa Bankowa) TRAM 31 sz ki





J. P

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bod dsk


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Work and study

Studies Sport Friends Work Family Hobbys Relax

I came to Wrocaw from Ukraine. From my friends who have been studying here already
I heared that WSB University is a good choice. I decided to study tourism and leisure
because I like travelling and I speak four languages.

Kostiantyn Shtenko
student from Ukraine

Accommodation Universities in Wrocaw offer many dormitories, the most popu-

lar among international students are those owned by University
Wrocaw is a big academic centre, offering incoming students of Wrocaw, named Pencil and Crayon (Pol: Owek and Kredka).
wide range of possibilities to find accommodation. Students If you want to learn more about them and book a room please visit:
usually choose between two options: dormitory or private apart- To book a room you should contact
ment. Even though WSB University does not have its own dormi- directly the accommodation office at UWr: sprawystudenckie@
tory you may apply for a room in dormitories offered by different

Check out the dormitories at the websities of biggest universities in Wrocaw:

Name Check
Wrocaw University of Economics
Wrocaw University of Technology
University of Wrocaw

If you are motivated to apply for a room in dormitory or look for a flat after arrival to Wrocaw and you need accommodation only for
a short period, hostel is a good option.

Name www Contact Prices

Mleczarnia Hostel 48 71 787 75 70 35-45 PLN/night
Kociuszko Hostel 48 514 281 878 32-100 PLN/night
DizzyDaisy 48 513 151 973 30-80 PLN/night
Corner Hostel 48 71 344 10 95 30-50 PLN/night
Absynt Hostel 48 691 405 405 30-210 PLN/night
Youth Hostel on the Island 48 71 322 11 50 35-70 PLN/night
The One Hostel 48 71 337 24 02 45-80 PLN/night

What to choose after studies? Work in...

Project called GPS-what after studies? Work in... is conducted by the
Career Oce at WSB University. It represents the unique attitude to the
recruitment process. Workshops, case studies and presentations are
prepared by employers - its a great opportunity to get known the companies
and their needs regarding future employees.

If dorm life isnt for you and you fear its rules the city of-
fers some alternatives: a private house or flat. You can either While looking for a room is good to know what cost to ex-
rent a room in a house/flat occupied by the owners or rent pect:
a room in a students house where the entire flat is co-rented single room 600-900 PLN
by students. There are two ways to rent a flat: through the (depends on location)
real estate agency or directly from the owner. room to share in a flat
Unfortunately some of the annoucements might be in Pol- 350-650 PLN per person
ish, so you will need to translate it or ask for help Polish room in a dormitory 400-800 PLN
speaking student. bachelor flat (1-2 people) 1000-1800 PLN
Real estate agencies: flat 2-4 rooms >2000 PLN

Name www All the costs written above are monthly and depend on lo-
Simple Rent cation, room standard and other facilities. Additional cost
Simproperty which you need to pay signing the agreement is a deposit
MBA fee, usually in the amount of one month rent.
You can easily compare the costs of living in your city and
Wrocaw at the following webiste:
Renting Zone
PepeHousing Best living areas for students in Wrocaw:
The Old Town (Stare Miasto), Legnicka Street
Renting Zone and PepeHousing are specialized - city centre, Grabiszyska Street and surrounding areas
agencies and portals for international students.
We highly recommend you to check their services rdmiecie (Downtown) and Nadodrze: Jednoci Nar-
and flats offer! odowej Street, Poniatowskiego Street and surrounding ar-
eas good connection with the city centre
Here is the list of websites offering rooms to rent from Strzegomski Square, Legnicka, Nowy Dwr, Muchobr,
private owners: Popowice near WSB
Grunwald (Grunwaldzki Square near shopping mall
Name www
Pasa Grunwaldzki) area where most of the dormitories
Erasmusu are located
OK Roommate

I was interested in studying abroad in a foreign language. So I came to WSB from Germany.
I have acquired an in depth experience in favorable international opportunities that WSB
offers. The BA program gives students an opportunity to broaden their knowledge on business
know-how with a strong emphasis on professional perspective. As a student at WSB, you will
find an up-to-date learning environment and you will take part in many international projects.

Philipp Suso
student from Germany

Learning Polish Language

Being in Poland is a great opportunity to learn a Polish language.
Polish is a language of the Lechitic subgroup of West Slavic lan-
guages, used throughout Poland (official language of Poland
and one of the official languages of UE) and by Polish minori-
ties in other countries. Its written standard is the Polish alpha-
bet, which has several additions to the letters of the basic Latin
script. If you feel like Polish is a language that you would like to
learn come to Centre for International Cooperation we offer a
semester Polish language courses provided by qualified language
teachers at WSB. The cost is 150 PLN/ semester.

You can also check the offer of the following language schools:

School Price www

The School of Polish Language and Culture
2900 EUR/year
for Foreigners (at the University of Wrocaw)

Link Polish for Foreigners 240-320 PLN/ month

Atrius 375-985 EUR/ 5-10 days

AB Polonia Contact to find out more

Polish World Polish Language School 228 EUR/3 months

Polonica School of Polish 1500 PLN/ semester

Check out the free of charge project Wrocaw na jzykach wiata

to polish your Polish!

Extranet Oce hours of the Dean,

Information abour internships
and work oers
Vice-deans and ocials
News from
Access the Student Service
to library departments
Your marks
On-line forms
in e-indeks system
and applications

Your schedule
and class papers
Information The oce hours
abour scholarships of your teachers
and your tution fees


Looking for a job in Poland


EU/EEA citizens
Citizens of EU member states and their family members do not
need a work permit for Poland.

non-EU citizens
Full-time students
Foreign students attending full time courses and graduate stu-
dents studying in Poland on the basis of visa and having no work
permit still are allowed to work the whole year round.

Part-time students
Part time students who are not a EU/EEA citizens still have to
obtain a work permit. A work permit is issued to a given foreigner.
Additionally, it defines the entity hiring the foreigner to carry out
work as well as the position or nature of work that is to be carried
out by the foreigner and the term of validity of the work permit.
Employer obligations towards foreigners
The entity hiring a foreigner that requires a work permit is re-
quired to, i.a.:
conclude an agreement with the foreigner in written form on
terms and conditions defined in the application for the issuance
of a work permit,
present to the foreigner, prior to the signing of such an agree-
ment, a translation of such into a language understood by the inform the foreigner of actions being undertaken in conjunction
foreigner, present to the foreigner one copy of the work permit, with proceedings relating to the issuance or extension of a work
permit as well as decisions concerning the issuance, refusal to
issue or the revokement of such a permit, exercise due diligence
Where to look for a job? in proceedings associated with the issuance of and extension of
a work permit for the foreigner.

Recruitment Agencies www Citizens of Belarus, Georgia, Moldova,

Randstad Russia and Ukraine
Fall Work
If youre a citizen of Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia or
Green Service Ukraine, you may work in Poland without a work permit for six
Work Express months in a period no longer than 12 months on the basis of
AIC a declaration of intention to entrust a job to a foreigner. Decla-
ration must be registered by the employer at the Labour Office
Advertisements websites www
Xpat Jobs

International companies www

Qatar Airways
BNY Mellon
McKinsey & Company
Diamond Hotels
Ernst & Young
C.H. Robinson
Volvo Group
Credit Suisse

WSB University in Wrocaw

About us of the specializations offered whilst striving to guarantee the

highest possible quality of education.
WSB University in Wrocaw is a higher education institution found-
ed by TEB Education Corporation in 1998. WSB Universities are the
largest group of private business schools in Poland. Our educational
Teaching sta
offer is available to students in cities such as Bydgoszcz, Chorzw, Permanent WSB teaching staff consists of 100 scientific and di-
Gdask, Gdynia, Opole, Olsztyn, Pozna, Szczecin, Toru and dactic employees also from international academic centres. For
Wrocaw. In almost 21 years of operating in the domestic education most of them WSB University in Wrocaw is a basic employment
market, over 250 000 students and graduates have put their trust in in higher education. Apart from permanent staff there are lectur-
the WSB Universities. Thanks to our wide experience in education ers from Wrocaw University of Economics, Wrocaw University,
and cooperation with business environment, courses we offer suit Wrocaw University of Technology, Mining University in Dneprop-
actual labour market needs. etrovsk and Wilhelmsuniversitt in Mnster as well as people with
long-term professional experience in total 130 people. WSB coop-
The main characteristics of our brand is friendliness and prac- erates with European university partners under a frame of Eras-
tical approach. It means that studies is a pleasure on one hand mus+ programme and hosts many international representatives.
and gives our students competitive market position on the other.
The Schools Mission is to produce high-class professionals A significant number of classes at WSB are conducted by practi-
with the knowledge and skills that they need to develop careers tioners. These are directors and employees of banks, brokerage of-
while at the same time making a conscious contribution to the fices, insurance companies, chambers and tax offices, customs of-
creation of a modern Polish economy. In order to achieve this fices, creative directors, specialists in public relations, commerce,
goal, WSB University in Wrocaw is continuously improving its international finance, marketing managers, experts from consult-
teaching methods and programs as well as broadening the scope ing companies, owners of travel agents and tourist agencies.

Employeers rates 4,63

WSB Univeristy very high Its the average given to WSB
University by the employeers who
among universities in Poland have been cooperating with us.

Wrocaw Business Park Partnerships

The main campus of WSB University in Wrocaw is located in the In order to offer domestic students and students from different
place which entirely reflects its identity and educational person- countries the chance to participate in an academic exchange,
ality. WSB is based in Wrocaw Business Park at 29-31 Fabryczna WSB University in Wrocaw has established quite impressive net-
Street. Excellent public transport connections (direct bus connec- work of partner universities.
tions to the Market Square, the Railway and Bus Stations, Nowy WSB has agreements with about 50 universities and offers around
Dwr) is only one advantage on the long list of advantages of WSB. 100 students a year the opportunity to enrich their academic ex-
perience with international perspective.
All exchange programmes for students organized by Centre for In-
Teaching basis ternational Cooperation offer opportunities of adjusting the edu-
There are six buildings used by the University at present. Five of cation level to requirements of the European labour market. WSB
them are located in the main campus in the area of Fabryczna undertakes a lot of actions concerning international co-operation in
Street and one at 8 kowa Street. All buildings located in Fab- order to enhance the European dimension of education.
ryczna Street are fully prepared for needs of the disabled. In all Short projects provided by WSB:
buildings there are modern rooms equipped with audio-visual Erasmus+ actions
equipment, big lecture rooms (for over 100 people), classrooms Studies and internships abroad
and computer labs. There is a free-of-charge car park in Fabrycz- Intensive Programme
na Street. IMEO/Summer Schools
Business Week in Wrocaw
Student zones Business Weeks abroad
Appropriate relaxation is very important while studying. Knowl- International Conferences
edge acquisition is better when the student relaxes from time to Language-adaptation courses
time. That is why WSB has arranged places with comfortable sofas International trips
and armchairs, delicate light and a cozy atmosphere. Cultural evenings and integrative programme for foreign students
Adaptation days for international students
School online
WSB provides students with a free-of-
charge access to the internet through
For more information, please contact us via e-mail:
WI-FI network. In the corridors there
are Web-kiosks which students can use at
Each student may get an e-mail account
and a place for ones own website in the
server. Extranet is an internal internet
system that the student can use 24 hours a day to check impor- Studies at WSB
tant information about the studies. Read more about Extranet in
Priority Action Points. recommended
E-transcripts by the graduates
Electronic transcripts are used by WSB as the only form of tran-
scripts. Students emphasize this practical solution indicating the
saving time - they do not have to come over to school to get an
entry into the transcript, 9 among 10 graduates of WSB
safety - all grades and credits are stored electronically in the
universitys servers,
would recommend studies here to their friends.
comfort - they do not have to take the transcript for the exam
as they can access it anytime and anywhere to see their grades.

9 out of 10

how-to-get-to = Job Fair at WSB University in Wrocaw
The WSB University in Job Fair is an annual event organized by
Wrocaw is the first higher the Careers Office of the WSB University
education institution in in Wrocaw since 2006. While the Fairs are
the region of Lower Silesia always held in the fall, each event is focused
whose students can commute on a different theme. During the Fair, students
together using the website The site makes it can make direct contact with potential employers, find out
possible for individuals to advertise available seats in their cars, about recruitment procedures and employers expectations
inviting others to join and share the travel expenses. Group in specific industries, and, last but not least, submit job
commutes are not only more comfortable and economical but applications. Many employers point to very good English skills
they also stand for increased safety and clear benefits to the as an essential prerequisite for employment. Any questions? Please
environment. At the same time, you can make new friends contact Career Office directly:
and have exciting conversations on the way to school. Visit for details. Student TV at WSB Universities
WSB TV is a place where students can learn to
edit texts and films, and to perform in front of, as
well as to work with, a TV camera. The WSB TV
team includes cameramen, editors, newsmen
and broadcasters working together to create
original TV productions. Training, teamwork,
Dreaming of having your own business? and opportunities to build a personal brand
make up a perfect setting in which to develop requisite skills for
Every business idea can become flesh! To make this happen
TV production jobs.
is the mission of the Academic Business Incubators (ABIs), an
initiative aimed at promoting and supporting entrepreneurial
attitudes among young Poles. The Polish ABIs make up Europes
Services in English
largest network of academic enterprise hubs. Through the ABIs, Admission Office, English-speaking specialist: Ms. Kinga Sarapuk
young people (up to 30 years of age) dreaming of having their (
own businesses can begin to make their dreams come true. Office for Student Affaris (Bachelor degree), English-speaking
An Academic Business Incubator has been operational at the specialist: Ms. Paulina Hejnosz (
WSB University in Wrocaw since 2006, helping its students set Library, English speaking specialist: Mr. Bartomiej Piskor
up their own businesses and providing them a rich variety of (
training opportunities. The Office of Student Financial Services, English-speaking
specialist: Ms. Edyta Rotter (

Assistance for disabled students University Sport Club AZS

Currently the club is offering following sections: football, basket-
WSB provides students with permanent disability assisting them ball, volleyball, jujitsu, alpine skiing, snowboarding, tennis, table
by creating integrative program. The students have many pos- tennis, horse riding, bowling, athletics.
sibilities such as: special assistance, adapted buildings to make
them feel convenient and safe, a coordinator who helps with all
the difficulties, individual approach to disabled students. Our Trip Club
students have a possibility to take part in Erasmus+ program. Conferences, meetings with representatives
The Centre for International Cooperation provide them with all of the travel industry and travelers, interna-
the mobility process and support them during their stay abroad. tional tourism fairs. All the students who love
Coordinator of disabled students: Stanisaw Konik stanislaw. travelling and tourism are welcome.
Contact: or
FB page: WSBTripClub
Activities at WSB
iWSB Volunteer Center
International WSB is a group of students If you are open to new experiences, would like to help others and
who have experienced in international have some free time, you have to start your work with the Volun-
exchanges, are fancy meeting new peo- teer Center.
ple from different countries and helping Contact:
them in adopting in polish reality. Each
Erasmus student is given a Buddy who
helps them to organize their stay in Wrocaw.
Buddies have many duties, such as supporting in accommodation
finding, transferring from airport to place of stay at the first day,
exchanging information before arrival, helping in basic activities
at the beginning of stay, etc.

Check our FB profile: International WSB

Here you can also find news about our international
projects and feedback about participation from stu-
dents. Follow us!
Students Association of WSB
A group of young active peo-
Salsa Group ple with lots of interesting
Enjoy a free salsa lessons! ideas. The association repre-
Come, meet new people and discover the sensu- sents the interests of all the
ality of hot Latin rhythms! Classes are twice a students and does organize
week and last for one hour and a quarter. You can join basic or student events and parties.
advanced group, select day and time. For all the participants the Contact:
salsa parties are organized in Wrocaw clubs.
Contact: FB page: samorzadstu-
FB page: Salsa WSB Wrocaw denckiwsbwroclaw

Wrocaw the meeting place
The code displayed either on display stations screen or obtained
via text message on your phone should be used to unlock the bike
from a stand. Have a nice ride!
Wrocaw a city with over a thousand year of tradition is a gem 3. To return the bike approach a bike stall and lock it in using
of south-western Poland, that is being discovered a new by tour- electric lock. In case of using your paypass card during rental
ists from Poland and abroad. Here, history meets modernity. process you also have to pass it against a point-of-sale terminal
Wrocaw is currently the most desired meeting place for people reader on a display station.
of culture, science, business and also students, and tourists. The 4. Use - Use city bikes whenever you like. From the beginning of
process of unifying Europe that is in progress in the last decades March to the end of December city bikes are available on a 24/7
makes it easier for the people living on our continent to discover basis.
forgotten or unavailable treasures of European culture.
In Wrocaw history had entwined the fates of Polish, Czech, Jews, Bike users should remember to ride in accordance with
Hungarians, Austrians, and Germans. Nations, religions, and traffic regulations, road signs and common sense.
cultures mixed together so well, that today it is hard to tell what
is done by who. After WWII Wrocaw saw the meeting of the resi- How much do you pay for using Wrocaw City Bike?
dents of different regions of Poland, who (and in particular those 0-20 minutes for free!
who lived in Lviv today in Ukraine) created present, unique 21-60 minutes 2 PLN
character of the city. Every next hour 4 PLN

Wrocaw is also one of the most important meeting places for the
authors of Polish and European contemporary culture. Museums,
cinemas, numerous cultural centres, big and small galleries, fes-
tivals, exhibitions. All of these show the richness of cultural life
in Wrocaw and the constantly changing offer provides a chance
to familiarize oneself with newest trends in art.
Contemporary Wrocaw is lively, modern industrial and cultural
centre, which strongly influence the development of Lower Sile-
sia. Thanks to its location on the Odra river, Wrocaw has many
picturesque islands and over 120 bridges.

Bike renting
Good alternative for public communication in Wrocaw in spring/
summer season is city rental bike. WRM (Wrocawski Rower
Miejski) works under a Nextbike system from 2011.
A single registration with Nextbike system allows for using a fleet
of 21.000 bikes around the world. Nextbike bicycles can be rented
on 24/7 basis from early spring to the end of autumn, with rental
fees charged according to local tariffs.

Wrocaw City Bike step by step

1. Register in Nextbike system on by filling the form
with required information and paying the minimum of 1 pln of
initial fee. A PIN number will be generated it will allow you to
use Nextbike 24/7 from March to December.
2. To rent a bike from a stand approach a display station and
press an icon Wypoycz. Validate rental by either typing your
phone number and PIN obtained during registration or by Check it out at:
URBANCARD or any paypass card.

Check out the portal dedicated for foreigners living in Wrocaw: InfoLink

Where to eat?


MI - milk bar Open: Mon-Fri 7am 6pm

Home-made meal for reasonable price. It is around 2PLN per soup and around 8PLN for Sat 8am 5pm
whole meal dinnerware set (soup + main dish). You can also take away your meal but Sun closed
you need to have your own container for food. Address: Kunicza Street 48
Phone: (+48) 71 343 49 63

MISZ MASZ Open: every day 11am 10pm

Every day they offer about 8-10 dinner sets and two soups. Address: Noownicza Street 14-16
Price of soup: 3,50 5,80PLN. Phone: (+48) 71 343 90 67
Students Mondays and Fridays: whole meal for 8-9 PLN
Dinner set for around 10PLN: pork or chicken + potatoes or French fries + salad

BAR WITEK Open: Mon-Fri 10am 6:30 pm

One of the legends of Wrocaw. Famous for the best toasts and toasted sandwiches. Also Address: Wita Stwosza 40
salads and beverages. Phone: (+48) 71 344 68 40
Toast: 7-10 PLN, toasted sandwich: 6-9 PLN
Also take away.

MKM BISTRO Open: every day 8am- 4pm

Our canteen, located at WSB, building A. Address: Fabryczna 29-31
Every day different menu, wide choice of salads. Self service, 2,70 PLN per 100 g. Meal Phone: (+48) 664 764 258
with soup 10-15 PLN.
Soup: 2,50 PLN, fresh juices: 6,90 PLN, good coffee.


KUCHNIA MARCHE Open: Mon-Fri 9am 9pm

For something completely different, visit this colorful food bazaar where the Sat, Sun 12pm 9pm
chefs are at work right in front of you. A bit confusing for the uninitiated, receive a card
Address: widnicka Street 53
at the door and get it stamped as you wander the food stations making selections from
Phone: (+48) 71 343 95 65
amongst the Polish, Italian, Asian and Turkish cuisine on hand, before paying upon
completion of your meal. Happy hours: reduced price by 25% from 7:30pm-8pm, and
50% after 8pm every day. (10-25PLN)

VEGA Open: Mon-Th 8am 7pm,

A must-see for all vegetarians. Vega is a large self service restaurant with two floors. On Fri 8am 9pm,
the first floor you get traditional Polish food like bigos, pierogi and gobki, all without Sat 9am 9pm
meat. On the second floor - Asian and Indian food. Sun 9am 7pm
Address: Rynek 27a

MULTIFOOD STP Open: Every day 10am 9pm

A large self-service canteen whose counters come manned with cheerful red clad staff Address: Kunicza Street 10
touting sun visors and t-shirts. The dining hall is largely anonymous, but the food - plates
of meat and vege - has won a loyal student following. Everything is priced at 3.29PLN Additional locations
per 100 grams, with your bill worked out once you reach the end of the queue. Fast, easy, in shopping malls:
affordable, good. Magnolia Park, Grunwaldzki Passage,
Korona, Marino

IMPRESSA LUNCH BAR Open: Every day 11am- 12pm

For the lovers of polish cuisine- here you can taste polish traditional food spending time Address: Krupnicza Street 13
with nice atmosphere in the middle of a market square. Every Friday is a dance Friday!

A taste of Polish cusine

For a taste of authentic Polish cuisine, such as pierogi and urek, we recommend visiting restaurants that specialize in what is called
Old-Polish Cuisine, they are mostly located in the Market Square such as:
Pierogarnia Stary Myn Rynek 26
Restaurant Pod Gryfami Rynek 2
Restaurant Dwr Polski - Rynek 5


Polish Snacks & Shots

A very Polish phenomenon that has swept the country in recent
years is the 24-hour snack and shot bar. Known locally as Zakski
Przekski (literally Appetisers & Snacks), or Polish Tapas as its
been dubbed by some, these trendy, formulaic budget bars cash
in on communist nostalgia and the appeal of low prices by offer-
ing a small selection of simple, local appetisers (typically served
cold) for about 8z each, with drinks typically fixed at 4z. Famil-
iar as the bar food of the lean communist years, the menu reads
like a list of correct answers to the Jeopardy question Foods that
follow vodka and typically includes led (pickled herring in oil),
galaretka (pig trotters in jelly), kiebasa (sausage), pierogi, pickles
and tartare.

Everything - from beer to whiskey, coffee to Burn energy drink, tartar to herring - costs a slim 5zl coin, making Ambasada so
packed at night that you might not even get a glimpse of the slightly upscale interior covered in old travel agency adverts and
transatlantic posters.
Open: 24hrs. Address: w. Mikoaja Street 8-11

Pijalnia Wdki i Piwa

Drinks for 4z and food for 8z, the atmosphere is lively and if youre feeling bold
you can order the niespodzianka (surprise).
Open: 24 hrs Address: Market Square 13/14

Another Zakski Przekski bar, Przedwojenna sets itself apart thanks to a great location just off the market square and plenty of
atmosphere. Popular throughout the day as well as the night, the food is better than the competitors and Przedwojenna is becoming
a Wrocaw legend.
Open: 24hrs. Address: w. Mikoaja Street 81

Setka Bar Polski Ludowej

For those who miss the Communist system in Poland and those who simply missed it
altogether, Setka (the Polish name for a 100ml glass of hard alcohol) recreates the Spartan
simplicity of a Communist bar or diner.
Open: 10am-6am Address: Kazimierza Wielkiego Street 50a

ubu Dubu Bistro

Much like Setka on the other side of the Old Town.
ubu Dubu is a celebratory throwback to Communism, but a little bit more pizzazz, pop music
and modern styling. The prices are also certainly of the area, but include some larger 16-19z meals
on top of 4z drinks and 8z vodka snacks.
Open: 24hours on weekdays Address: Odrzaska Street 24-29

FA place where you can literally get stuck to the bar, drink a glass of beer for 5 z and eat a variety
of adventurous Polish food for 8z. Designed to look like the waiting room of a Polish train station.
Open: 7:00pm-5:00am Address: Ruska Street 51B

Guchy Telefon
Located in Pasa Niepolda, named after the Polish version of the popular childrens game
Whisper Down the Lane and decorated with old phones and switchboards. Drinks - just for 5z.
Open: 2pm-8am Address: Ruska Street 51

Pubs and Clubs
Niepolda Passage Place close to Rynek (Market Square) where you can find plenty of clubs and pubs. Each one with dif-
ferent atmosphere and music. Open 7 days a week!
Pokoyhof Passage Place in the Four Denominations District where you can find a combination of clubs and restaurants
filled with good quality music and food!


This cozy place is a mix of pub and art gallery. You can go there for lunch
and coffee during a day or in the evening pop out with friends for a drink.
Beer- 8PLN, Tortilla- 14PLN.
Opening hours: 9am - 2am Address: w. Antoniego Street 2-4

Schody Donikd (Stairs to nowhere)

Pub with retro atmosphere of 20s. Life music, old furniture and best beer.
Beer 7PLN, shot 5PLN
Opening hours: 14pm Address: Solny Square 13

Casa de la Musica
If you love Cubans style, dancing salsa and smoking cigars Casa de la Musica is a place that will quickly become your second home
created with you in mind, it is also a tribute to Cuba before communism, its wonderful history, people, musicians and all the
important figures who contributed to the building of the pre-revolutionary power in the region.
If you want to learn how to dance salsa you can join classes, which are every day from Wednesday to Saturday at 9pm. Its free of
charge. Have fun!
Address: Market Square 11/12

In Wrocaw there are various of places which are worth seeing.
Check them out!

The City Zoological Garden in Wrocaw

The oldest Zoo in Poland with the largest collection of animals. Its good to plan there at least 4 hours for sightseeing.
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm
Ticket price: 40PLN normal, 35PLN student (during winter its cheaper).
Address: Wrblewskiego Street 1-5 (opposite to the Centannian Hall and Multimedia Fountain)


It is a part of Wrocaw ZOO. It is a unique oceanarium presenting various ecosystems of water environment of Africa. Place is
definitely worth seeing!
Opening hours and ticket: the same as Zoo - one ticket for both attractions.

Wrocaw Multimedia Fountain

Wrocaws latest attraction and a must-see. Situated next to the Centennial Hall (Hala
Stulecia). Within a walking distance from the Fountain there are: the Centennial Hall,
Japanese Gardens, Szczytnicki Park and the Wrocaw Zoo. Open from April till October,
10am-10pm. Each full hour theres a special show with music (in the evening
also with lights). There are also special laser displays, in weekend or holidays.
Address: Wystawowa Street 1

Wrocaw Water Park

The perfect place to have fun! Recreational pools, with Jacuzzi, wild river, kids pool and of course slides, sports pool, fitness and
wellness centers, many saunas - all you can find in one place.
Open every day, 9am-10:40pm Price: from 30PLN/ per person, all day.
Address: Borowska Street 99

Ostrw Tumski
The oldest part of the city of Wrocaw also the most beautiful and magic place in Wrocaw.
This Cathedral Island within easy walking distance northeast of the market square
was the first part of Wrocaw to be settled by Slavic tribes in the 9th century.

Sport in Wrocaw
Be active in Wrocaw. There are many options to do some sport.


Fabryka Energii
If you are a fan of yoga just in the city centre there is a great place. To, relax stretch and gain energy!
Address: w. Antoniego Street 2/4, Gate A, II floor
Price: 160PLN pass two times per week 8 entrances

Fitness Academy
It is a chain of gym. They have few locations in Wrocaw-mostly in the shopping malls. Buying a monthly pass you can go as many
time as you wish. You can choose between gym, group activities, personal training, indoor cycling. Some of the places also have
Locations: Sky Towe, Arkady Wrocawskie, Korona, Stare Miasto- Dominikaski Square 3
Price: 135PLN for open monthly pass

Maybe some sport outside? Canoeing in Odra river is a must-check! You can rent a canoe in Przysta Zwierzyniecka and see
beautiful area of Centennial Hall from the river.
Price: 1 hour of renting canoe 15 PLN

Safety and regulations Speed limits
50km/h in built-up areas. Entry into a built-up area is marked
Drinking in public places with a white rectangular sign with the name of the town or
In Poland, it is prohibited to drink alcohol in public places, with a similar sign showing urban skyline in black; the exit point is
the exception of properly licensed designated places, such as bars, marked with an identical sign with a red diagonal stripe.
restaurants, open air caf gardens, etc. 90km/h outside built-up areas
100km/h on A-class roads (marked with a white car on blue
Drinking & driving background sign)
In Poland, the legal limit of blood alcohol content is 20 milligrams 130km/h on motorways
per 100 millilitres of blood. Driving while under the influence of
alcohol (between 20 mg and 50 mg) is an offence punishable by If you drive 50 km/h faster than the limit in built-up
a fine. Driving while being above the 50 mg limit is a serious of- area and the Police caught you, you will lose your driv-
fence which leads to criminal conviction and possible seizure of ing licence!
the vehicle. Offenders face a possibility of immediate arrest and
up to two years imprisonment. In Poland, possession of any kind of drugs is forbidden!

Driving a car Emergency numbers in Poland:

Headlights 112 Emergency number (use for any kind of emergency when you
All vehicles are required to use headlights, night day and all year are calling from cell phone)
round. 999 Ambulance
998 Fire department
Seatbelts 997 Police
The use of seat belts is compulsory for front and rear-seat
passengers. We hope that you wont have to dial the
numbers above during your study in Poland



WSB Universities

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