Thrombocytopenia in Late Preterm and Term Neonates After Perinatal Asphyxia

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Thrombocytopenia in late preterm and term neonates after

perinatal asphyxia

Robert D. Christensen,1 Vickie L. Baer 1 and Hassan M. Yaish2

latelet (PLT) transfusions can be lifesaving for
BACKGROUND: A recent NHLBI conference concluded certain thrombocytopenic neonates.1 However,
that platelet (PLT) transfusions of neonates must a recent multidisciplinary NHLBI think tank
become more evidence based. One neonatal disorder expressed the concern that some neonates may
for which transfusions are given is a poorly defined be receiving PLT transfusions unnecessarily, thereby con-
entity, the thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia. To veying little or no benefit with an unfavorable benefit-to-
expand the evidence base for this entity, we performed risk ratio.2
a multicentered, retrospective analysis of neonates with One neonatal condition for which PLT transfusions
perinatal asphyxia. are sometimes given, yet the supporting evidence is
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We analyzed meager, is an entity termed the thrombocytopenia of
records of term and late preterm neonates with perina- perinatal asphyxia. Although this condition has been the
tal asphyxia defined by a cord blood pH of not more subject of previous reports, many aspects are unclear.
than 6.99 and/or base deficit of at least 16 mmol/L. Sola-Visner and Saxonhouse3 recently commented that
From these we identified neonates with at least two for this condition the causative mechanism, the usual
PLT counts of fewer than 150 109/L in the first week range of severity, the typical duration, and the role of PLT
of life and described the severity, nadir, and duration of transfusions are all relatively unknown.
the thrombocytopenia. As a step toward enhancing the knowledge base of the
RESULTS: Thrombocytopenia occurred in 31% (117/ thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia, we conducted a
375) of neonates with asphyxia versus 5% of matched retrospective analysis of all neonates in the past 9 years
nonasphyxiated controls admitted to a neonatal inten- who met the definition of perinatal asphyxia. This was
sive care unit (p < 0.0001). Twenty-one of the 117 done to find the incidence, severity, and usual duration of
asphyxiated neonates were excluded from the remain- this variety of thrombocytopenia. Next we sought to
ing analysis due to disseminated intravascular coagula- understand the value of PLT transfusions in these patients
tion or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Nadir by examining, among those where a PLT transfusion was
PLT counts of the remaining 96 were on Day 3
(75 109/L; 90% confidence interval, 35.7 109-
128.6 109/L) and normalized by Days 19 to 21. PLT
ABBREVIATIONS: DIC = disseminated intravascular
counts after asphyxia roughly correlated inversely with
coagulation; ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation;
elevated nucleated red blood cell count (NRBC) counts
MPV = mean platelet volume; NRBC = nucleated red blood cell
at birth. Thirty of the 96 received at least one PLT
count; TPO = thrombopoietin.
transfusion, all given prophylactically, none for bleeding.
CONCLUSIONS: We maintain that the thrombocytope- From the 1Women and Newborns Clinical Program,
nia of perinatal asphyxia is an authentic entity. Its asso- Intermountain Healthcare, and the 2Department of Pediatrics,
ciation with elevated NRBC counts suggests that Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of Utah School of
hypoxia is involved in the pathogenesis. Because PLT Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.
counts are only moderately low, the condition is tran- Address reprint requests to: Robert D. Christensen, MD,
sient, and bleeding problems seem rare, we speculate Women and Newborns Clinical Program, Intermountain
that PLT transfusions should not be needed for most Healthcare, 4403 Harrison Boulevard, Ogden, UT 84403; e-mail:
neonates with this condition.
Received for publication March 10, 2014; revision received
May 28, 2014, and accepted May 30, 2014.
doi: 10.1111/trf.12777
2014 AABB
TRANSFUSION **;**:**-**.

Volume **, ** ** TRANSFUSION 1


given, the reasons for and response to transfusion. We blood cells (NRBCs) were quantified using either auto-
then attempted to identify the underlying cause of this mated cell counts, performed in accordance with the
variety of thrombocytopenia and to assess whether thera- hematology analyzer manufacturers instructions, or
peutic hypothermia (cooling) used in the treatment of manual enumeration, performed by certified medical
neonates with perinatal asphyxia played a role in the technologists on Wright-stained blood smears enumerat-
pathogenesis of the thrombocytopenia. Last, we sought to ing a minimum of 100 white blood cells per test. The ref-
determine the implication of finding thrombocytopenia erence intervals for complete blood cell count variables
after perinatal asphyxia on the mortality rate. are those we previously published from Intermountain
Healthcare data bases.8
Guidelines for administering PLT transfusions in the
Intermountain Healthcare neonatal intensive care units
Patient information (NICUs) during this period have been previously pub-
Data were collected retrospectively as deidentified limited lished.9 All PLT transfusions were type specific or AB (D+
data sets from archived Intermountain Healthcare or D), and were derived from apheresis. They were not
records. Intermountain Healthcare is a not-for-profit pooled or volume-reduced but were all subjected to
health care system that owns and operates 19 hospitals leukofiltration and irradiation, and administered in a
with labor and delivery units in Utah and Idaho. The infor- volume of 10 to 15 mL/kg body weight. Gestational age
mation collected was limited to the complete blood was determined by obstetric assignment unless this was
counts and the information displayed in tables and figures changed by the neonatologist on the basis of gestational
of this report. Patient records were accessed if the neonate age assessment (physical examination and neurological-
had a date of birth from June 1, 2004, through May 31, neurodevelopmental findings).
2013. The Intermountain Healthcare Institutional Review Neonates meeting the definition of perinatal
Board approved this as a deidentified data-only study, not asphyxia, and found to have thrombocytopenia (2 PLT
requiring the consent of individual subjects. counts <150 109/L), were matched 1:1 with neonates
A standard operating procedure was in place at all from the same hospitals born during the same period of
Intermountain Healthcare hospitals during all study time who had cord gasses that did not meet either defi-
years, guiding the delivering physician (obstetrician or nition (pH or BE) of perinatal asphyxia. Matching was
family physician) on collecting umbilical cord blood for performed on the basis of gestational age (1 week), sex,
blood gas determination of any birth for which the meta- and birth weight (250 g). Patients whose data would
bolic status is in question.4 After the neonate is delivered otherwise qualify for inclusion in the study were
and the umbilical cord clamped and cut, the umbilical excluded if they were treated with extracorporeal mem-
artery (and sometimes the umbilical vein also), on the side brane oxygenation (ECMO) or had a confirmed diagnosis
of the cord still attached to the placenta, is punctured with of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). This
a needle attached to a 1-mL syringe and 0.2 mL of blood was done because of the confounding effect of PLT con-
is withdrawn for immediate blood gas determination. The sumption caused by ECMO or DIC on the issues relating
cord blood gas findings defining perinatal asphyxia were to thrombocytopenia. DIC was diagnosed by the combi-
pH of not more than 6.99 and/or base deficit of at least nation of hypofibrinogenemia for age,10 schistocytosis,11
16.0 mm/L, because these were suggested in the Ameri- prolongation of the prothrombin time and activated
can College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Commit- partial thromboplastin time for age,12 and elevated
tee Opinion on cord blood gas analysis4 and were used by D-dimers.
two large studies of therapeutic hypothermia5,6 and are
consistent with the 2003 report of the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists Task Force on Neonatal Data collection and statistical analysis
Encephalopathy and Cerebral Palsy.7 The program used for data collection was a modified sub-
system of clinical workstation. The 3 M Company (Minne-
apolis, MN) approved the structure and definitions of all
Blood cell counting and PLT transfusions data points for use within the program. Data were
PLT counts and mean PLT volumes (MPVs) were deter- managed and accessed by authorized data analysts.
mined in all hospitals with a hematology analyzer (Model Means and standard deviations (SDs) were used to express
LH750, Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA) from 2004 values in groups that were normally distributed and
through mid-2012. After mid-2012 the PLT counts and medians and ranges to express values in groups that were
MPVs were determined using counters (Sysmex America, not. Differences in categorical variables were assessed
Inc., Lincolnshire, IL). All blood tests were performed in using the Fisher exact test or chi square. A nonpaired t test
accordance with Intermountain Healthcare Laboratory was used to assess continuous variables. Significance was
Services standard operating procedures. Nucleated red set as a p value of less than 0.05.

2 TRANSFUSION Volume **, ** **


RESULTS neonates admitted to a NICU who did not have perinatal

asphyxia but had at least two PLT counts obtained in the
Incidence, severity, and duration first week (p < 0.0001).
of thrombocytopenia Twenty-one of the 117 with thrombocytopenia were
Of 24,351 neonates born at at least 35 weeks gestation excluded from the analysis because they had a known
during the period studied and admitted to an Intermoun- cause of thrombocytopenia separate from the thrombocy-
tain Healthcare Hospital NICU, 439 met the criteria for topenia of perinatal asphyxia. These included ECMO
perinatal asphyxia (Fig. 1). Of these, 375 had at least two (n = 16), excluded because of consumption of PLTs in the
PLT counts in the first week and 64 did not. Of the 375 circuit, and DIC (n = 5), excluded because of generalized
where thrombocytopenia could be assessed, 117 (31.2%) PLT consumption (Fig. 1). The five with DIC were all born
had at least two PLT counts of fewer than 150 109/L by emergent cesarean section for placental abruption and
during the first week, thereby qualifying for the definition absent or low fetal heart rate. Additional information
of first-week thrombocytopenia. The 117 who developed about these five is provided in Table 1. PLT counts in the
thrombocytopenia differed from the 257 who did not by group with thrombocytopenia after perinatal asphyxia are
having a lower 5-minute Apgar score (4 2 vs. 5 2, shown in Fig. 2. The reference interval for PLT counts of
p < 0.0001). However, groups that did versus did not neonates, not transfused with PLTs, during their first 3
develop thrombocytopenia did not differ in sex (54% vs. weeks (5th to 95th percentile limits), which we published
56% male, p = 0.671), birthweight (3097 625 g vs. previously,13 is shown by the shaded area. The lowest
3223 558 g, p = 0.059), or delivery type (57% vs. 54% PLT counts were typically on Day 3, with a nadir of
cesarean delivery, p = 0.615). The incidence of thrombo- 75 109/L (90% confidence interval [CI], 35.7 109-
cytopenia in those with perinatal asphyxia (31.2%) was far 128.6 109/L) and a return to within the reference interval
greater than the 5% incidence among 375 matched control by 3 weeks.

Admissions 35 weeks gestation during the

9-year period studied (n = 24,351)

Did not have a blood gas definition of perinatal asphyxia Had a blood gas definition of perinatal asphyxia
(n = 23,912) (n = 439)

Controls matched 1:1 with the 375 with perinatal Had 2 platelet counts obtained during the first
asphyxia who had 2 PLT counts in the first week week (n = 375)

Thrombocytopenic ( 2 counts <150 109/L) Thrombocytopenic ( 2 counts <150 109/L)

(n = 18) (n = 117)
5% 31.2%

Excluded from further analysis (n=21) Included as thrombocytopenia of

ECMO (n=16) perinatal asphyxia
DIC not treated with ECMO (n=5) (n = 96)

Fig. 1. Study flow diagram to identify neonates with the thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia.

Volume **, ** ** TRANSFUSION 3


TABLE 1. Five neonates with perinatal asphyxia and DIC*

Initial PLT count Fibrinogen PT aPTT D-dimers
condition (109/L) Blood smear (mg/dL) (sec) (sec) (ng FEU/mL) DIC treatment Outcome
Abruption 9 Marked schistocytosis 84 19.4 57 >8,463 Multiple FFP, multiple PLTs Lived
Abruption 17 Marked schistocytosis 102 30 >150 >50,000 Multiple FFP, Cryo, multiple PLTs Died
Abruption 15 Marked schistocytosis <30 >100 >150 >20,000 Multiple FFP, Cryo, multiple PLTs Died
Abruption 81 Marked schistocytosis 58 36.7 >150 >20,000 Multiple FFP, Cryo, multiple PLTs Died
Abruption 47 Marked schistocytosis 64 21.6 53 >20000 Multiple FFP, Cryo, multiple PLTs Died
* All were delivered by emergent cesarean section with absent fetal heart rate or severe bradycardia. All had blood gasses qualifying for the
definition of perinatal asphyxia. All had at least two PLT counts of fewer than 150 109/L, low fibrinogen for age, schistocytosis, prolonged
clotting times for age, and elevated D-dimers. All had hypotension and oozing at venipuncture or catheter-insertion sites and were treated
with dopamine, fluid boluses, FFP, and PLT transfusions.
aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time; FEU = fibrinogen equivalent units; PT = prothrombin time.

Fig. 2. All PLT counts of 96 neonates with the thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia during their first 3 weeks are included in the
figure. Patients were at least 35 weeks gestation at birth, met a cord blood gas definition of perinatal asphyxia, and in the first week
had at least two PLT counts of less than 150 109/L. The median values, first and third interquartile ranges (box), and 90% CIs
(whiskers) are shown. The shaded area represents the normal reference interval for PLT counts of neonates of at least 35 weeks
gestation during the first 21 days after birth (modified from Wiedmeier et al., J Perinatol 2009;29:130-136).13

Response to transfusion and MPV comparing the pretransfusion count to a count 1 to 24

Thirty of the 96 neonates received 56 apheresis PLT trans- hours after the transfusions, was 86 109 50 109/L.
fusions. Chart reviews indicated that all 56 transfusions Figure 3 shows the increase and subsequent decrease in
were given prophylactically, meaning that the patient did PLT counts over the days after PLT transfusion. For ease of
not have active bleeding. PLT counts before the transfu- comparison, all PLT counts were normalized to percent-
sions ranged from 24 109 to 108 109/L (median count, age of the pretransfusion PLT count. Next, to try to reduce
44 109/L). The increase in PLT count after transfusion, confounding variables that can occur during the 24-hour

4 TRANSFUSION Volume **, ** **


Fig. 3. PLT counts after 56 apheresis PLT transfusions to 30 neonates are included in the figure. All values are normalized to per-
centage of the pretransfusion PLT count (all pretransfusion counts are shown as 100%). The median values, first and third
interquartile ranges (box), and 90% CIs (whiskers) are shown. The peak and characteristics of the subsequent fall are used to infer
the kinetic mechanism responsible for the thrombocytopenia (reduced PLT production vs. accelerated PLT destruction).

period after transfusion, we conducted a subgroup analy- relationship (R2 = 0.107) was seen between high NRBCs at
sis including only the PLT counts performed in the 6-hour birth and low PLT counts.
period after completing the transfusions. This showed an Table 2 shows data from the neonates with perinatal
average 6-hour increase to 287 109 143 109 PLTs/L. asphyxia divided into two groups: 1) acute hypoxia,
We next compared PLT counts after apheresis PLT defined as having a normal NRBC count on the day of
transfusion of six nonasphyxiated neonates during this birth (50th percentile reference range, n = 172), and 2)
time period that had a diagnosis of alloimmune thrombo- chronic hypoxia, defined as having an elevated NRBC
cytopenia (immune-mediated PLT destruction). Their count on the day of birth (>95th percentile reference range
counts increased by only 5.7 109 4.5 109 PLTs/L. limit, 3.0 109 NRBCs/L, n = 167).15 Many characteristics
MPV measurements accompanying the PLT counts of of neonates in the two groups were similar; however,
the 96 thrombocytopenic neonates over their first week thrombocytopenia was much more common (52% vs.
after birth are displayed in Figure 4. Overlying the values 15%, p < 0.0001) in the chronic hypoxia group.
in the shaded area is the MPV reference interval (5th to Therapeutic hypothermia was administered to 91 of
95th percentile limits) that we published previously.12 the 375 neonates with perinatal asphyxia. All of these were
during the period 2008 to 2013, because the Intermoun-
tain Healthcare NICUs began offering this treatment in
Relationships with hypoxia and 2008.13 The 91 with therapeutic hypothermia had slightly
therapeutic hypothermia lower PLT counts at birth (168.7 109 75.9 109/L,
An elevated NRBC count at birth has been used as a mean SD) than did those not treated with hypothermia
marker for prolonged (exceeding 24 hr) hypoxia in (195.5 109 68.6 109/L, p < 0.0001). However, both
utero.14,15 Figure 5 includes data of all 375 neonates with groups had a decrease in PLT count over the first 3 to
perinatal asphyxia and shows their NRBC count at birth 4 days (nadir counts, 108.9 109 65.2 109/L in those on
and their lowest PLT count during the first 3 days. A weak hypothermia vs. 142.5 109 78.2 109/L in those not

Volume **, ** ** TRANSFUSION 5


Fig. 4. MPV measured in fL. Values are shown from 96 neonates who met a definition of thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia.
The median values, first and third interquartile ranges (box), and 90% CIs (whiskers) are shown. The shaded area represents the
normal reference interval for MPV (modified from Wiedmeier et al., J Perinatol 2009;29:130-136).13

treated with hypothermia, p = 0.012). The proportion of DISCUSSION

fall in PLT count was the same among those treated versus
Thrombocytopenia is a relatively common problem
not treated with hypothermia; therefore, it appeared to us
among patients in NICUs.16,17 The majority of neonates
that therapeutic hypothermia did not independently
with thrombocytopenia are small and ill and have an
cause thrombocytopenia.
acquired variety of consumptive thrombocytopenia
accompanying bacterial or fungal sepsis or necrotizing
Outcomes enterocolitis.3,16 A different variety of thrombocytopenia
Of the 258 neonates who did not develop thrombocytope- has been described among neonates after perinatal
nia after asphyxia (Fig. 1), 13 died (5%). In contrast, of the asphyxia.3,18 Although DIC can occur in such patients, and
117 neonates who developed thrombocytopenia after can cause thrombocytopenia from PLT consumption, the
asphyxia, 17 died (14.5%, p < 0.002). Two of the 16 treated majority of neonates reported with thrombocytopenia
with ECMO, four of the five with DIC, and 11 of the 96 with after birth asphyxia do not have evidence of consumptive
the thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia died. None of coagulopathy.3 This study was an attempt to better define
the 11 deaths among those with the thrombocytopenia of the thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia as a needed
perinatal asphyxia involved active bleeding or hemor- step toward evidence-based NICU PLT transfusion
rhagic complications. Rather, all 11 deaths involved with- practices.
drawal of respiratory support when the family and We began our study by identifying all patients in the
caregivers concluded the situation was futile, because past 9 years at least 35 weeks gestation who met a cord
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy resulted in severe blood gas definition of perinatal asphyxia7 and had at least
central nervous system damage. In contrast, three of the two PLT counts drawn during their first week. Among 375
four who died with DIC, and one who died with ECMO, such neonates we sought the incidence of thrombocyto-
had bleeding problems unresolved and complicating care penia, and among those we sought information on the
at the time of death (Table 3). severity and duration of the thrombocytopenia and its

6 TRANSFUSION Volume **, ** **


experiments have generated potential

explanations. For instance, McDonald
and colleagues20 subjected adult mice to
hypoxia and found a decrease in the size
of individual megakaryocytes in the
marrow and an overall reduction in
marrow megakaryocyte mass, suggest-
ing that the primary kinetic mecha-
nism was reduced PLT production.
Saxonhouse and coworkers21 evaluated
whether megakaryocyte progenitors are
damaged directly by hypoxia. He found
no evidence for this by culturing
CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitor cells
obtained from umbilical cord blood in
0% versus 20% oxygen environments.
The anoxic environment did not result
in CD34(+) cell death or diminished
megakaryocyte clonogenic potential. In
a follow-up study Saxonhouse and
coworkers22 cocultured CD34(+) pro-
genitors with or without mononuclear
Fig. 5. Among 375 neonates meeting the cord blood gas definition of perinatal (accessory) cells under various oxygen
asphyxia, their NRBC count (109/L) at birth is compared with their lowest PLT count environments (1, 5, and 20%). Although
recorded in the first week after birth. the progenitors themselves were unaf-
fected by the ambient oxygen concen-
underlying mechanism. Our findings led us to speculate tration, the cocultures with accessory cells showed a
that the thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia is most progressive reduction in megakaryocytic clones with
likely: 1) an authentic entity, although the condition can decreasing O2 concentrations. The conclusion was that
cooccur with DIC; 2) probably a hyporegenerative condi- nonprogenitor cells in the hematopoietic microenviron-
tion, as opposed to being due entirely to accelerated PLT ment were likely damaged by hypoxia resulting in
consumption and/or destruction; 3) associated with intra- impaired megakaryocytopoiesis. This conclusion is con-
uterine hypoxemia; 4) only moderately severe (mean sistent with the in vitro experiments of LaIuppa and col-
nadir count, 75 109/L); and 5) self-limited, typically with leagues23 showing that hypoxia alters the effects of
a nadir count on Day 3 and a duration of about 3 weeks. cytokines on megakaryocytic progenitors.
This was a retrospective study, and we acknowledge We suspect that the new thrombopoietin (TPO)
significant problems with that approach. For instance, receptor agonists romiplostim and eltrombopag will not
PLT counts after PLT transfusions were not obtained on a be of value in treating the thrombocytopenia of perinatal
standard schedule, PLT transfusions were given to some asphyxia.24 Three reasons form the basis of our
and not to others with no clear explanation, surely some assumption: 1) These medications require approximately
relevant data were sometimes missing from the charts or 14 days between commencement of dosing and a signifi-
electronic databases, and bias may have been uninten- cant increase in PLT count, and the duration of this variety
tionally introduced. Also, changes in obstetric and neona- of thrombocytopenia is generally only 3 weeks. 2) Ninety
tology practices occurred during the 9 years of study. percent of neonates with this disorder will not decrease
Examples of practice changes we recognize include the their PLT count below approximately 40 109/L and thus
marked overall reduction in NICU transfusion during this may not need any specific treatment. 3) We suspect that
period9 and the specific reduction in PLT transfusions on impaired TPO production is not a pathogenic component
the basis of a change from PLT countbased guidelines to of this disorder, because McDonald and coworkers
PLT massbased guidelines.19 Also, therapeutic hypother- reported that, in mice, hypoxia does not reduce TPO
mia was introduced in 2008. These flaws limit the confi- production.20
dence in our conclusions, but the data do provide, in our One treatment option for neonates with the throm-
opinion, reasonable hypotheses for future observational bocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia is PLT transfusion, but
and prospective testing. much investigation is needed to determine the risks and
The molecular mechanisms resulting in the thrombo- benefits of transfusions for neonates with this condition
cytopenia of perinatal asphyxia are obscure, but several and to establish transfusion guidelines for this group. As

Volume **, ** ** TRANSFUSION 7


TABLE 2. Characteristics of neonates at least 35 weeks gestation meeting a definition of perinatal asphyxia and
grouped according to whether their NRBC count on the day of birth was normal (Group 1) or elevated
(Group 2)*
Apgar Initial PLT count diagnosed
Gestational Birthweight score base deficit at birth during the
Group age (weeks) (g) (5 min) Initial pH (mmol/L) (109/L) first week
1: normal NRBC count at birth 39 1 3172 535 5.5 2.2 6.89 0.09 18 3 220 67 26/172 (15%)
(acute hypoxia) (n = 172)
2: elevated NRBC count at birth 38 1 3228 645 4.8 2.5 6.87 0.12 18 3 183 75 87/167 (52%)
(chronic hypoxia) (n = 167)
p value 0.229 0.379 0.009 0.223 0.762 <0.0001 <0.0001
* A normal NRBC count at birth was used as a marker of acute perinatal hypoxia. An elevated NRBC count at birth (>95th% upper reference
interval) was used as a marker of hypoxia with a duration of more than 24 to 36 hours before birth.14,15
Two or more PLT counts of fewer than 150 109/L.

TABLE 3. Causes of, and associations with, death among neonates with thrombocytopenia after
perinatal asphyxia
Death caused by or associated with Withdrawal of respiratory support because
Category of thrombocytopenia Death bleeding problems of futility
Thrombocytopenia of perinatal 11 (11.5%) 0 Eleven all had severe HIE. None were
asphyxia (n = 96) recorded to have died because of or in
association with bleeding problems.
ECMO after perinatal asphyxia 2 (12.5%) One developed a large subdural The patient with a large subdural
(n = 16) hemorrhage on ECMO with a marked hemorrhage had multiple other
midline brain shift unresolvable medical problems and
support was withdrawn.
One had CDH and developed an
occlusive SVC thrombus on ECMO, in
addition to multiple other problems, and
support was withdrawn.
DIC after perinatal asphyxia 4 (80%) Three had bleeding and oozing requiring One patient had support withdrawn for
(n = 5) dressings on multiple body parts up to severe HIE. At the time of death
the time of death abnormal bleeding/oozing was no longer
CDH = congenital diaphragmatic hernia; HIE = hypoxemic-ischemic encephalopathy; SVC = superior vena cava.

highlighted by Josephson and colleagues2 in a recent sym- with this variety of thrombocytopenia, with PLT counts in
posium, PLT transfusion strategies for neonates currently the 40 109 to 60 109/L and free of other complications,
lack a strong evidence base, yet this is needed as a high should do well without PLT transfusions. Thirty of the 96
priority. From our present findings we conclude that most neonates in this analysis with this variety of thrombocy-
neonates with this variety of thrombocytopenia will have topenia received one or more PLT transfusions. In retro-
nadir PLT counts of higher than 40 109/L (the mean spect, we question how many of these, if any, were
nadir count was 75 109/L; 90% CI, 35.7 109-128.6 109/ beneficial. None of the 30 had a PLT count of fewer than
L). Surveys of neonatologists in Central Europe25 and 20 109/L, almost half had a pretransfusion PLT count of
North America26 agree that PLT transfusions are recom- more than 50 109/L, and all 30 were transfused prophy-
mended when PLT counts fall below 20 109/L, but lactically with no bleeding.
counts that low should be quite rare in the thrombocyto- Our data suggest that therapeutic hypothermia does
penia of perinatal asphyxia. Whether transfusions should not independently cause neonatal thrombocytopenia.
be recommended when the counts are in the 40 109 to Hypothermia for 72 hours has recently become a common
60 109/L range is not clear.2,27 Stanworth and coworkers28 and effective means of improving neurodevelopment of
reported a prospective observational study of 194 neo- term neonates after perinatal asphyxia.29,30 Hypothermia
nates with thrombocytopenia, where a subgroup of 47 had does adversely affect PLT function, as manifested by pro-
their lowest count in the 40 109 to 60 109/L range. Only longation of the bleeding time and lengthening of the
two of those who were at least 35 weeks gestation had a PFA100 closure time.13 Once rewarming has occurred,
major hemorrhage and both of those had DIC. Thus we PLT function rapidly normalizes.13 Additional study is
judge it is very likely that late preterm and term neonates needed to determine whether PLT dysfunction during

8 TRANSFUSION Volume **, ** **


therapeutic hypothermia warrants giving PLT transfu- 5. Gluckman PD, Wyatt JS, Azzopardi D, et al. Selective head
sions at higher PLT counts than for neonates not on thera- cooling with mild systemic hypothermia after neonatal
peutic hypothermia. encepathology; multicenter randomized trial. Lancet 2005;
Taken together our study results suggest that 365:663-70.
approximately 30% of term and late preterm neonates 6. Shankaran S, Laptook AR, Ehrenkranz RA, et al.; National
with a cord pH of not more than 6.99 and/or a base deficit Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neona-
of at least 16 mmol/L will have a condition that can be tal Research Network. Whole body hypothermia for neo-
called the thrombocytopenia of perinatal asphyxia. A nates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. N Engl J Med
minority of these neonates will have coexisting severe 2005;353:1573-84.
DIC. Likely those will be the most ill patients, with 7. American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of
elevated coagulation times and D-dimers,31 very low and Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Neonatal encephalopathy
rapidly decreasing PLT counts, persistent hypotension and cerebral palsy: defining the pathogenesis and patho-
and acidosis, and a poor prognosis for survival. However, physiology. Elk Grove Village, IL, AAP; Washington, DC,
we speculate that the great majority of neonates with ACOG, 2003.
thrombocytopenia after perinatal asphyxia will have a 8. Christensen RD. Reference ranges in neonatal hematology.
much more benign condition, with PLT counts that do not In: de Alarcn PA, Werner EJ, Christensen RD, editors. 2nd
fall below 40 109/L. We maintain that these should not ed. Neonatal hematology. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
need treatment with either PLT transfusions or TPO ago- sity Press; 2013. p. 385-408.
nists and that their PLT counts will gradually increase 9. Baer VL, Henry E, Lambert DK, et al. Implementing a
from a nadir on approximately Day 3 to the normal range program to improve compliance with neonatal intensive
over about 3 weeks without any specific intervention. care unit transfusion guidelines was accompanied by a
reduction in transfusion rate: a pre-post analysis within a
multihospital health care system. Transfusion 2011;51:
The authors thank Martha C. Sola-Visner, Harvard University and 10. Christensen RD, Baer VL, Lambert DK, et al. Reference
Boston Childrens Hospital, for helpful discussions about this intervals for common coagulation tests of preterm infants.
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