Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Research Design

Descriptive research can be explained as a statement of affairs as they are at

present with the researcher having no control over variable. Moreover, descriptive
research may be characterized as simply the attempt to determine, describe or identify
what is, while analytical research attempts to establish why it is that way or how it came
to be.

Descriptive research is aimed at casting light on current issues or problems

through a process of data collection that enables them to describe the situation more
completely than was possible without employing this method

Research Locale

A nucleus of young professionals coming from various professions academe,

business, information technology, health industry conceived of an idea of establishing
an educational institution in Laguna that would educate and train students for industry-
based employment on a very affordable tuition and yet maintain high standard of
instruction. This nucleus considered that the region is teeming with industries.
Deciding to give flesh to the spirit of their ideas, these young professionals, armed with
faith in their dreams, passion for teaching, and with youthful vigor, established DON
BOSCO INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES on June, 2011 when it inaugurated
its first campus in Cabuyao, Laguna.

It started with a few students enrolled in the 2-year Computer Programming

course. The first year was very difficult. But the following school year, June 2012, the
enrollment took a leap from a few students to more than 400 new ones.
This rapid and considerable increase in enrollment could be attributed to the reasonable
and affordable tuition package of the school and to the words of mouth of students who
extol the quality of education at Don Bosco. Due, in great measure, to these strengths,
outstanding technical institution in Laguna.

The courses offered expanded to cover 2-Year programs Information

Technology, Office Management, and Tourism, all duly recognized by TESDA. It has
maintained enviable enrollment since its inception. In 2013, DBIAS took a bold step in
offering BS Computer Science, duly recognized by CHED.

In June 2014, residents of Bian and nearby towns started to see a new DBIAS
campus in the very heart of the City of Bian. June 2014 would also usher in two new
courses offered by DBIAS in all campuses B.S. Accounting Technology and B.S.
Entrepreneurship. In 2015, it changed its name into Don Bosco Global College to make
it more apropos to the expanding reach of its brand of education. In June 2016, it
opened its Senior High school Department with more than a thousand enrollees while
the College Department introduced BS in Tourism Management. After six challenging
but exciting years, the institution has finally answered the clamor of the many who seek
a school name that would truly represent the culture, spirit, and nature of the institution.
Today, the school shall be formally known as the CITI GLOBAL COLLEGE (CGC).
CITI stand for Center for Information Technology and Interdisciplinary.

CGC is still in its nascent years, but the warm response of the community and
its people emboldens the institute to go farther and do better. With the noble dictum,
improving man as man, CGC vows to continually extend, innovate and improve its
services to present and future students and take part in nation building through

Population and Sample

The researchers used simple random technique. In this technique, each member
of the population has an equal chance of being selected as subject. The entire process
of sampling is done in a single step with each members of the population.
The population of the grade 10 students in CITI GLOBAL COLLEGE is 47
where the number of boys are 23 and girls are 24.


Seltix et. al., (1981) argued that questionnaire is convenient for the respondent
to complete, cheap and are a relatively easy research method to implement when
gathering first hand primary data. Questionnaire is one of the most popular methods of
conducting research. They provide a convenient way of gathering information from a
population (David S. Walonock, Ph. D,. 1993). It is a set of questions people are asked
to gather information or find out their opinions, or the information gathered by asking
many people the same questions. A question is essentially a structured technique for
collecting primary data. It is generally a series of written questions for which the
respondents has to provide the answers (Bell 1999).

After finishing the chapter 1 and 2, researchers proceed in making a

questionnaire as a survey form for the data gathering and will be answered by the grade
10 students of the CITI Global College. The result of the survey conducted by the
researchers will help them to give more foundation in this study.

Ms. Mabel Guillemer teacher of Media and Information Literacy in CITI Global
College approved the questionnaire.

Mrs. Sheryl Dizon teacher of Business Mathematics in CITI Global College

approved the questionnaire.

Procedure of Gathering Data

The data for this research was collected by the researchers using questionnaire
as a survey form. The survey was created using suitable individual questions formed by
the researcher. The survey contains 6 questions and answerable by the following
guidelines, the researchers distributed the questionnaire to the Grade 10 students of
CITI Global College with the population of 47. The researchers gave enough time for
the respondents for them to answer the survey, after answering the questions given, the
researchers collected the survey.
Statistical Treatment

A percentage is a portion of a whole expressed as a number between 0 and 100

rather than as a fraction. All of something is 100 percent, half of it is fifty percent, and
none of something is zero percent.

To determine a percentage, you divide the portion of the whole by the whole
itself and multiply by 100. So if you just ate two pieces of an eight-piece pie, and you
want to know what percentage of the pie you consumed, you'd first divide 2 by 8 which
equals .25. Then multiply .25 times 100 and get 25 percent.

A percentage can also mean a portion of something but only when it has to do with
numbers. When you buy furniture, the salesman gets a percentage of what you spend.
Name: ___________________________ Age: 15 years old below

Sex: Male Female 16 years old and above

The researchers are conducting a survey for their study entitled The Impact of
Advertisement on selecting schools for Senior High of Grade 10 students of CITI
Global College. The questions below will help them to gain information.

5- Strongly agree


3-Agree nor disagree


1-Stongly disagree

Does. 5 4 3 2 1

the distance from home to school affects your decision

in choosing school?

tuition fee affect your decision in choosing school?

the popularity of the school affects your decision in

choosing school?

lack of equipment in the school affects your decision in

choosing school?

the extent and capacity of the school affects your

decision in choosing school?

marketing strategy of the school affects your decision in

choosing school?

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