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Chapter 16 A Mi. . .

( To my Muse) a pathetic poem

that lacks the exquisiteness of To the Flowers
Brussels capital Belgium of Heidelberg and is less polished than To the
Jose Albert young student from Manila who Filipino Youth but passionate in feeling
accompanied Rizal in Brussels 2 things brought cheer to Rizal:
Jaceby sisters (Suzanne & Marie) run the o summertime festival of Belgium
modest boarding house Carnival style
Jose Alejandro engineering student who o Romance w/ Petite Suzzane Jacoby
replaced Albert Belgian girl; pretty nice of his lanladies
wrote La Solidaridad in Brussels Nellie Boustead
o articles appeared in La Solidaridad
A La Defensa (To LA Defensa) reply to a Chapter 17
Spanish author Patricio de la Escosura
La Verdad Para Todos (The Truth For All) Rizal fought 2 duels: Antonio Luna &
defense against the Spanish charges that the Wenceslao E. Retana talented Spanish
native local officials were ignorant and scholar and press agent of the friars
Leonor Rivera married a
Vicente Barrantes Teatro Tagalo- exposes
Barrantesignorance on the Tagalog theatrical British(Englishman) engineer
art M.H. del Pilar acted as Rizals lawyer
Una profanacion (A Profanation) a bitter Dr. Dominador Gomez secretary of the
attack against the friars for denying Christian Asociacion Hispano-Filipina
burial to Mariano Herbosa, husband of Lucia Minister of Colonies - Seor Fabie
who died of cholera El Resumen Madrid newspaper w/c
Verdades Nueva (New Truths) a reply to sympathized w/ the Filipino cause, To
Vicente Belloc Sanchez w/c assertes that the cover the ears, open the purse, and fold the
granting of reforms in the Philippines would arms- Spanish colonial policy
ruin the peaceful and maternal rule of the Queen Regent Maria Cristina ruler of Spain
friars. during the minority of Alfonso XIII
Crueldad (Cruelty) defense of Blumentritt Jose Ma. Panganiban talented co-worker of
from the scurrilous attacks of his enemies Rizal in the Propaganda Movement died in
Diferencias (Differences) reply to biased Barcelona @ 27. (Eulogy for Panganiban)
article Old Truths w/s ridiculed those La Ecopa anti-Filipino newspaper in madrid
Filipinos who asked for reforms Teatro Apolo where gold watch chain with a
Inconsequencias (Inconsequences) defense locket containing the picture of Leonor Rivera
of Antonio Luna against the attack of Pablo lost
Mir Deas in El Pueblo Soberano Pablo Rianzares first proprietor of M.H. Del
Llanto y Risas (Tears and Laughters) A Pilar where he purschased La Solidaridad
denunciation of Spanish racial prejudice election between Rizal & del Pilar for
against the brown Filipinos Responsible took place during the 1st week of
Ingratitudes (Ingratitude) reply to Feb. 1891
Governor Valeriano Weyler who told to the 2 hostile camps (Rizalistas & Pilaristas)
people of Calamba that they should not allow Madrid one of gayest cities of the world
themselves to be deceived by the vain according to Rizal
promises of their ungrateful sons.
Rizal was first to advocate the Filipinization of Chapter 18
its orthography.
salacot (peasants head-gear)
Biarritz resort city in French Riviera & where
Sobre la Nueva Ortografia de la Lengua
Rizal finished his second novel El
Tagala (The New Orthography of the Tagalog
Language) article published in La Solidaridad.
Eduardo Boustead father of Adelina and Nellie
Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera auhthor of El
(Nelly) living in Villa Eliada
Sanscrito en la Lengua Tagala (Sanskrit in the
Nellie (Nelly) prettier and younger daughter of
Tagalog Language)
Mr. Boustead, protestant
Laong Laan(Ever Ready)
Father Pablo Pastells accused Rizal that he is a
Jose Ma.Basa (Hongkong) British colony Simoun hero of Fili who was Crisostomo
where Rizal want to practiced ophthalmology in Ibarra in Noli; rich jeweler
order to earn his living Tabo- roundish shaped steamer sailing from
Propaganda Movement/reform crusade Manila to Laguna de Bay through Pasig
Mr. A.L. Lorena pseudonym of Deodato River
Arellano Doa Victorina ridiculously pro-Spanish
May 30,1891 revision of fili mostly completed native woman
Don Tiburcio husband of Doa Victorina
Chapter 19 who deserted her
Paulita Gomez - Doa Victorinas niece
Ghent famous university city in Belgium Ben-Zayb anagram of Ibaez; a Spanish
Rizal met 2 compatriots: journalist who write silly articles about the
o Jose Alejandro from Pampanga; room- Filipinos
mate of Rizalin cheap boarding house Padre Sibyla Vice-Rector of UST
o Edilberto Evangelista from Manila Padre Camorra parish priest of town Tiani
both studying engineering in Don Custodio pro-Spanish Filipino
University of Ghent holding a high postion in the government
F. MEYER-VAN LOO PRESS publisher Padre Salvi thin Franciscan friar and
found by Rizal to print his Fili former cura of San Diego
Valentin Ventura his friend in Paris who sent Padre Irene a kind friar who was a friend
him the necessary funds for the printing of Fili of the Filipino students
Sept. 18, 1891 El Filibusterismo came off the Padre Florentino - a retired scholarly and
press Patriotic Ffilipino priest
Riza sent 2 copies of Fili in Hongkong for Basa Isagani a poet-nephew of Padre Florentino
and Sixto Lopez and a lover of Paulita
Rizal donated the original manuscript and an Basilio son of Sisa
autograph printed copy to Valentin Ventura Noli and El Fili Compared:
La publicidad where the members of Filipino Noli is a romantic novel, work of the
Barcelona newspaper published a heart, book of feeling, has freshness,
tribuneeugolizing the novels original style w/c color, humor, lightness, and wit
is comparable only to the sublime Alexander Fili is a political novel, work of the
Dumas and a model and a precious jewel in head, book of the thought, contains
the now decadent literature of Spain bitterness, hatred, pain, violence and
El Nuevo Regimen liberal Madrid newspaper sorrow
whom serialized the Fili in its issues; consists of El Fili contains 38 chapters while Noli
279 pages of long sheets of paper has 64
El Filibusterismo was dedicated to Gomburza Noli is superior than Fili
(Mariano Gomez,73yrs old; Jose Burgos, 35yrs Unfinished 3rd novel has no title, consists of 44
old; Jacinto Zamora, 37yrs old pages(33cm x 21 cm), preserved in National
Filipiniana Division of the Bureau of Public Library
Libraries, Manila where the Original Prince Tagulima son of Sultan Zaide
Manuscript of El Filibusterismo is being of Ternate
preserved Malapad-na-Bato A big rock on the
P10,000 amount of acquiring the original bank of the Pasig River
manuscript from Valentin Ventura by Philippine Kamandagan hero of the 3rd novel;
Government descendant of Lakandula, last king of
FOREWORD( found before the dedicatory Tondo
page) & WARNING(found on the other side of Other unfinished novels:
the dedication) features of Fili that do not Makamisa novel in agalog, written in
appear in the printed book to save printing cost a light sarcastic style and is incomplete
the title page of El Fili contains inscription for 2 chapters, consists of 20 pages (34.2
written by Ferdinand Blumentritt x 22)
El Filibusterismo is a sequel to the Noli. Little Dapitan written in ironic Spanish,
humor, less idealism, less romance than Noli, consists of 8 pages (23cm x 16cm)
more revolutionary, more tragic
novel about the life in Pili, town in o Ang Mga Karapatan NAng
Laguna consists of 147 pages (8 x Tao (The Rights of Man)
6.5) proclaimed by the French
Novel about Cristobal youthful Filipino Revolution
student who has returned from Europe, o A la Nacion Espaola (To the
consists of 34 pages Spanish Nation) appealto
o Amelia his sweetheart Spain to right the wrongs done
o Capitan Ramon father of Cristobal to Calamba tenants
o Sa mga Kababayan (To my
Chapter 20 Countrymen) explaining the
Calamba agrarian situation
Rizal left Europe for Hongkong o The Hong Kong Telegraph
Melbourne steamer bound for British daily newspaper
Hongkong o Mr. Frazier Smith editor of
Manuel Camus a compatriot living in The Hong Kong Telegraph
Singapore o Una Visita a la Victoria Gaol
Father Fuchs a Tylorese whom he (A Visit to Victoria Gaol) a
played with chess; a Father Damaso w/o account of Rizals visit to the
pride and malice colonial prison of Hong Kong,
Jose Ma. BAsa welcomed Rizal in contrasted the cruel Spanish
Hongkong prison system w/ the modern
Rizal opened his clinic and more humane British prison
sad news of deporting of twenty-five system
persons from Calamba including his o Colonisation du British North
family Borneo, par de Familles de Iles
Queen Victoria of England whom Philippines (Colonization of
Hidalgo will write if the Queen of Spain British North by Families from
will not listen in appealing for their the Philippine Islands) wrote
protection to elucidate his pet Borneo
Santa Cruz capital of Laguna colonization project
Dr. Lorenzo P. Marques Portuguese o La Mano Roja (The Red
physician who befriended by Rizal and Hand) denounces the frequent
admirer of him, helped him to build up a outbreaks of intentional fires in
wide clientele Manila
Dr. Ariston Bautista Lin sent Rizal a o Constitution of the Liga Filipina
congratulatory letter and a book on printed in Hong Kong
Diagnostic Pathology by Dr. H. (LONDON PRINTING PRESS)
Virchow and Traite Diagnostique by o Liga Filipina (Philippine
Mesnichock League) an association of
Don Antonio Vergel de Dios offered patriotic Filipinos for civic
him his services for the purchase of purposes
medical books and instruments o Jose Ma. Basa originally
establishment of Filipino North
conceived the Liga Filipina but
Rizal wrote the constitution
Menon ship on board to Sandakan
o Domingo Franco- friend of
Bengkoka River in Maradu Bay
Rizal in Manila where he sent
offered by the British North Borneo
the printed copies of Liga
Manuel T. Hidalgo brave Batangueo,
o Dr. Marques where he gave
who objected to the colonization project.
Weyler Cubans odiously called The his last Hong Kong Lettters for
Butcher safekeeping.
Gov. Gen. Eulogio Despujol Count of o Luis de la Torre secretary of
Caspe who announced to the Filipino Despujol
people a fine program of government
Writings in Hongkong
Pobres Frailes (Poor Friars) satire against
Chapter 21 the rich Dominican friars; printed bt the
Imprenta de los Amigos del PAis, Manila
The battle field is in the Philipines Fr. Jacinto author of Pobres Frailes
biblical Daniel bearding the Spanish lion Ramon Despujol nephew of Gov. gen.
in its own den Despujol who arrested Rizal and escorted to
Arrival of Rizal w/ Lucia Fort Santiago
meticulous diarist (description of 2nd Nilad first Filipino Masonic Lodge
homecoming) Supreme council governing body
Gen. Eulogio Despujol, Conde de Caspe Gaceta de Manila published the story of
Spanish gov. gen. Rizals arrest
visiting friends in Central Luzon Cebu steamer sailing for Dapitan
o Malolos, San Fernando, Tarlac, Cpt. Delgras cpt. of steamer Cebu
Bacolor and Pampanga Cpt. Ricardo Carnicero Spanish
Doroteo Ongjungco Chinese-Filipino commandant of Dapitan
mestizo ; where the meeting was conducted,
Ylaya Street,Tondo, Manila
Liga Filipina civic league of Filipinos
Unus Instar Omnium (One like All)
motto of Liga
o Ambrosio Salvador president
o Deodato Arellano secretary
o Bonifacio Arevalo (Harem)
o Agustin de la Rosa fiscal
o Apolinario Mabini Katabay
o Andres Bonifacio warehouse
o Pedro Serrano Laktaw Panday
o Domingo Franco Felipe Leal
o Jose Ramos Socorro
o Moises Salvador Araw
o Faustino Villaruel Ilaw
o Numeriano Adriano Ipil
Constitution of Liga Filipina
to unite the whole archipelago into
one compact and homogenous
Mutual protection in every want
and necessity
Defense against all violence and
Encouragement of education,
agriculture, and commerce
Study and application of reforms
Provincial council province
Popular Council town
entrance fee 2 pesos & monthly due 10

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