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Cultural Experiences in Angelas Ashes

Rosa Holgun, Andrea Alvarez, Ada Camila Gonzalez

Maria Stolyarova

St. Michaels School

October 15, 2017

Religion is the belief of a superhuman controlling power and system of faith. In Angelas

Ashes, Frank McCourt was influenced to believe in the Catholic Church. Frank learned

how to be a religious person and truthful to God. In the memoir, theyre taught at a very

young age to believe in the Catholic Religion. Grandmother was very religious in general,

and the family was Catholic. Frank learned how religion was beneficial and at the same time,

beautiful. In Angelas Ashes, a book written by Frank McCourt about his life in Ireland, we

can see how the characters apply their beliefs into their decisions.

Frank was only a young child when he had to move from New York to Ireland. People like

Franks aunts were very worried about their family, and because of that they all moved away.
Those who were concerned were also aware that in their own belief what they were choosing

to do was right: The sisters knew what was right and they knew what was wrong and any

doubts could be resolved by the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church Frank

McCourt, 1989, Angelas Ashes pg. 15. This statement clarifies that the decisions that were

made were either right or wrong; and if someone made a mistake, God would resolve it. Every

action brings consequences, and this is an example of how this decision changed Franks entire

life for good.

Most of the population grows up to be catholic and independent in Ireland. In modern day

Ireland, people are open to their own beliefs, but still learn from the Catholic Church. Frank

grew up to be a very religious young man, who felt that most of the time he did something

Angelas Ashes Religion & Church wrong, he shall confess to a priest: I ring the bell at the

priests house and a big man answers, Yes? I tell him, I want to go to confession, Father. He

says, Im not a priest. Dont call me father. Im a brother. All right, Brother. I want to go to

confession before Im sixteen tomorrow Frank McCourt, 1989, Angelas Ashes pg. 340.

Frank wanted to make sure he had a pure soul after all.

The Catholic Church has many conditions, like the 10 commandments, but if you are true

to God, you shall go to heaven. Thats what Frank and the McCourts believed in: Tell the

priest your sin and youll be forgiven Frank McCourt, 1989, Angelas Ashes pg. 125. That is

what the Catholic Religion emphasizes in general, have a pure soul and a clean body.

Irish education is mostly based on the Church. In Ireland, going to church is like going to

school, and this way of teaching has been developed throughout generations. According to

the book Irish Writers and Religion: The irony in the Irish Churchs concern with
education people among the first generations of what might be called indigenous Irish

Catholic intellectuals; Irish Catholicism was not intellectually rich enough to be able to

squander such talents Ireland is a very traditional country, and their tradition reaches their

roots of religion and church.

The reason behind all of this relationship between religion and education in Ireland is

because of unity. Family, social and educational systems have to relate some way and somehow

to the Catholic Church; this explains the reason why Frank McCourt turned out to be such a

curious but religious man. According to the book Religion Identity and Politics in Northern

Ireland: Boundaries of Belonging and Belief: This is because Catholic group membership is

tied Angelas Ashes Religion & Church into family relationships and social networks as a result

of socialization and education. Overall, it is based on the Irish Cultural Standards.

Modern day education in Ireland has varied lately. How teachers used to treat their students

has changed, but still, religion stays the same: Going to school in Ireland is like going to

church, it teaches you everything about Catholic religion Mr. Kevin Kellys interview in class.

In conclusion, modern day studies are almost fully based on religion and church in Ireland.
The Self-Sufficiency and Education as an Outlet.
By Andrea Alvarez

The way people are raised shapes them either in a positive or negative way; not only how

we are raised at home, but at school. It shapes our actions, thoughts, and even our future. In

the book Angelas Ashes, the author expressed how he was starved, beaten, humiliated and

tormented. Having a submissive, not so present mother and an alcoholic, absent, and

deadbeat father really shapes the mind of McCourt. After going through all this Frank

McCourt still managed to become a renown author and mentor for many. He is now a world

famous writer, a respected novelist and an inspiration for aspiring authors. McCourt had to

learn to be independent, self-sufficient, he had to take care of his little brothers and his
mother. Due to his absent father and the death of his sister and twin brothers; yet a way for

him to express what he had suppressed was through school, through writing.

In the book Angelas Ashes, the author expresses how school was in a way his happy

place, an escape, and this is the case for many who were going through the same. This quote

expresses and shows how children who were treated horribly at home were given the

attention and care they needed, but the school also gave them a proper education for them to

express themselves. According to the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse,

During the year we have had to arrange for the placing of a large number of

children in Industrial Schools, chiefly because their parents were unable to

maintain them, but in some cases because their home conditions were so

undesirable as to make it necessary to remove them. There is no doubt that in

these schools they receive care and attention and a sound education, and are

brought up to be useful members of the community. Nevertheless, however

grateful we may be for the devoted work of the Orders which conduct these

schools, it must be recognized that the children are to a large extent deprived

of home influences, and that it would be much better if we could avoid

sending them to such institutions. If their own homes are impossible, good

foster homes would give them a healthier and happier introduction to life.

(p.6). In this quote the authors, CICA, establish how schools were an escape

to many children. Children who did not get attention from their parents or at

home; they went to school and in a way felt as if they were heard. In school

they got food, ways to express themselves with no fear, the attention their

parents could not give them because in a sort of way were absent. Even though

CICA made this report about the escape school is other associations are

working together in order to further protect children.

In Ireland, the government is working towards their goal to help further the protection of

their education and schools as well for vulnerable parents. According to a report made by the

National Safeguarding Committee, Efforts are being made to develop a public campaign to

help further protect vulnerable adults and education the population about abuse of vulnerable
adults. (pg.1). They are working towards a common goal which would no doubt help so

many families stay united. If vulnerable parents like Franks mother would be protected, then

she would not be as submissive or in a way not present in Franks life. In the book she is

presented as a weak woman, if she were protected and educated then Frank would see her as

a role model. If there were protection and education for vulnerable parents not only will

children wouldnt be as desperate for food, attention, and to leave but they would have a role

model in their house. Someone they aspired to be, they thought I want to grow up just like

my mom or dad. The fact that the government is pursuing this would prevent deadbeat dads

like Franks and mothers that are submissive.

The next ministers of education to come are now realizing that education is a requirement

for everyone and not the fortunate ones who could afford it because it helps those who are not
as fortunate to realize what they are able. According to Patrick Clancy, Sheelagh Drudy,

Kathleen Lynch, and Liam ODowd,

Successive ministers of education adopted the view that the role of the state in

education was a subsidiary one, aiding agencies such as the churches in the provision

of educational facilities. The acceptance of this principle of subsidiary is reflected in

the structure of education in the Republic of Ireland where the degree of control

exercised by the religious personnel is almost without parallel. (pg.475). This quote

shows how the governments help in education is so important. If the government is

present in the education, then it would help prevent the situations like Franks in the

future. What Frank had to go through in his life at a very young age is incomparable.

All the suffering he had to go through, he was already burying his little sister the light

of his family when he was five years old. Having his twin brothers die not so long

after and his dad leaving them to starve because his dad was an alcoholic. If the

education was better and people knew how much parents mean to how their children

will become; they would not be as careless and non existent to their lives. If women

were educated, then they would not act as if they can not be heard.
Mr. Kelly was asked during an interview at class if women were submissive or not very

present in his childhood; he responded that it is actually very common. Yes, it is very

common. The Irish are very traditionalist. Kelly, Kevin interview in class. Mr. Kelly being

an Irish man that lived and was raised there confirmed that it was very common for women to

not have a voice. To just stand there and not say a single word. Franks mom never said

anything when Margaret died Frank took charge and took care of his brothers. She did not

really react in the way she should have. She left her children there and did nothing. Frank was

a little boy but he still took care of her and his little brothers.
Frank when he was five years old he had to take care of his little brothers and his mother

because after the death of his sister, Margaret his mom was in shock and his father left the

house for two days. Mam stays in the bed all day, hardly moving. Malachy and I fill the

twins bottles with water and sugar I boil sour milk in a pot, mash in some of the stale

bread, and try to feed them from a cup, bread and goody They wont eat the bread and

goody till I kill the taste of the sour milk with sugar. Frank McCourt,1989, Angelas Ashes

(pg.36). Frank was only five years old and he had to learn to be independent and how to be a

man. He did not even know right from wrong yet, but he was taking care of his mom and

siblings. His mom was supposed to be the person he turns to because his dad is not around as

much. Frank does not even need his mom or dad to take care of himself. He learned to take

care of his needs and what he wants by himself because he had to. His mother was not the

only one who neglected him.

Franks father came back after his two-day cigarette hunt smelling like alcohol and

making them get out of bed not caring what happened during those two days. Two days later

Dad returns from his cigarette hunt. Its the middle of the night but he gets Malachy and me

out of bed. He has the smell of the drink on him. Frank McCourt,1989, Angelas Ashes

(pg.39). His dad came two days later from getting a cigarette and smelled like

alcohol, so he went to a bar for two days. While Frank was home taking care of

his brothers and mother he was out getting drunk. Frank needed to learn to be

self-sufficient because no one was going to take care of him. Education is vital

for a community if the schools in a community are not good then parents will

show bad examples to their children about how they should be drinking every

day. The only place Frank could have a role model and some one to guide him

as at school.
Mr. OHalloran franks teacher told him that he needed to study because his brain is the

only thing that is going to get him ahead in life. You have to study and learn so that you can

make up your own mind about history and everything else but you cant make up an empty

mind. Stock your mind, stock your mind. It is your house of treasure and no one in the world

can interfere with it. Frank McCourt,1989, Angelas Ashes (pg.208). Mr. OHalloran

showed him that the most important aspect of yourself is your knowledge. He tells Frank that

he should learn as much as he can because thats whats important in life thats what matters.

His knowledge is what will get him far in life. Mr. OHalloran expresses how important

school is for children. It gives them a sense of empowerment that will help them in life.
This is why education is so important because without it then children will not know what

is right or wrong. If schools are not good, then those children wont be good examples for

their own children. They will be deadbeat dads or alcoholic. If there is not a rich education

children wont be able to go out there in the world and make a difference.
Ada Gonzlez
October 15, 2017

Society, Class and Culture

in Angelas Ashes

Origins, class, speech, language, dialect and appearance are part of

someones identity. In the memoir Angelas Ashes it shows how this can affect
the way people treat someone. Born into a lower class, Frank was denied many
opportunities, such as education and a decent job, but he managed to overcome
all those obstacles and become an independent and mature person. This took
place in Ireland back in 1930s were the economy wasn't the best.
People that came from a low class had many disadvantages that other
classes may not have. People were deprived of important and basic needs, such
as education, food, water and a place to live. Frank wasn't accepted in school
because his appearance was not the best and he came from the lanes, Ill tell
you what it is, she says. Tis class distinction. They don't want boys from lanes
in the altar. They don't want boys with scabby knees and hair sticking up. Oh,
no, they want the nice boys with hair oil and new shoes that have fathers with
suits and ties and steady jobs. Frank McCourt,1989, Angelas Ashes (pg.149).
This evidence shows the level of discrimination in Ireland. Stephan Carey
looks at him, then me. He says, We don't have room for him, and closes the
door. Frank McCourt,1989, Angelas Ashes (pg.149). Just because Frank
didn't look decent he could not be part of the church ceremony.
Speech, language and dialect fall into the same category. The only
difference is that speech changes depending on the environment people live in.
Dialect changes depending on someones origin. This cant be one of many
reasons people are discriminated for, because its the way people communicate.
For Irish people having a Northern accent or having a Limerick accent isnt the
best, The greatest sorrow of his life is that his sons are now afflicted with the
Limerick accent. Frank McCourt, 1989, Angelas Ashes, (pg.94). This shows
that people that have that type of accent are deprived of certain privileges.
Dialect changes depending on the environment you live in. People that
have a bad dialect are often prejudiced, The use of dialect ties in prejudice
against the Irish to fears of the dangerous classes found in ethnic-centered
slums. Marry Woods, The Yellow Kid On The Paper Stage, If someone has a
correct dialect people will think of you as educated and respectful. This shows
the stereotype people make just because of the way people speak or someones
Origins were a big reason why Irish people were discriminated. Since
Franks father was from the north and he was born in America he was
considered a shame by many, A disgrace he is to Ireland and his poor mother. I
hope she never finds out. But what would you expect of one born in America
and his father from the North. Frank McCourt,1989, Angelas Ashes, (pg.337).
In general, being from the North and coming to live in the South is not the best
idea. The South and the North don't get along and are basically separated.
Irish society had many diverse features. The main features of Irish society
were: hunting, farming, warfare, the use of metals, the use of writing, and the
ideas of religion, according to Desmond Keenan a Doctor of Philosophy in the
historical aspects of economics and sociology and writer of the book The True
Origins of Irish Society. Still society in Ireland was really bad. There was a
really bad economy, therefore there were poor people with big families.
Mr.Kelly said, The economy was really bad, and there were poor people with
very big families. Since people had big families and were poor they couldn't
provide for them.

Since Ireland had no jobs people would migrate to find one. This is why
Frank decided to go to America and start a new and better life. Unfortunately,
many of these people were not always welcomed, Regrettably Irish
immigrants were not always so well received in the United States. Jay P.
Dolan, University of Notre Dame, August
1997, One of
the reasons was their culture, which was never affected by the British.
According to Mr.Kelly British culture was rejected. The Irish always saw the
British like the oppressor, and would change any systems and currency. Also,
according to Desmond Keenan a Doctor of Philosophy in the historical aspects
of economics and sociology and writer of the book The True Origins of Irish
Society Ireland was not an oppressed, or occupied country. Neither was it a
colony. It was an equal partner in the United Kingdom just as the individual
states are equal partners in the United States. The British didn't affect Ireland
in any way.

Many Irish people are alcoholics. This is because, according to Mr.Kelly,

alcohol is part of the Irish culture. Normally, people from a low class will have
alcohol like sort of an outlet to have fun and party. This is why Franks dad was
an alcoholic.
In conclusion, being from a low class, coming from a different country,
speaking differently and having a different dialect had its disadvantages.
Discrimination was and still is a really big problem which deprives people from
their basic needs.
Reference List

Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse. The Irish Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children (ISPCC). Pg. 6.
Desmond Keenan a Doctor of Philosophy in the historical aspects of economics and
sociology and writer of the book The True Origins of Irish Society
Frank McCourt. 1989. Angelas Ashes. pg. 94-337.





Jay P. Dolan. University of Notre Dame. August 1997.

Marry Woods. The Yellow Kid On The Paper Stage.

National Safeguarding Committee. December 2016. Vulnerable Adults in Irish

Society. Pg. 1

Patrick Clancy, Shelagh Drudy, Kathleen Lynch, and Liam ODowd. 1995.

Sociological Perspectives. Pg. 475.




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