Chapter 7 Problems Solutions

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Chapter 7 Problems Solutions

7.1 For any particular value of I f ,

VL / 3
where VL is read from the OCC and I L is read from the SCC.
The OCC and SCC data from Fig. 7.16 are used in the following MATLAB program
Xs1.m to calculate and plot X s vs. I f .

% Xs1.m - Uses OCC/SCC data from Fig 7.16 to solve
% Problem 7.1.
VL=[0 2.85 5.7 8.55 10.9 12.9 14.7 16.2 17.5 ...
18.6 19.3 19.8 20.2]*1000;
If=[0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 ...
1100 1200];
for i=2:m; Xs(i)=VL(i)/sqrt(3)/IL(i); end
plot(0,0,If(2:m),Xs(2:m)); grid
xlabel('Field current, A'); ylabel('Xs, ohms');

7.2 Since insufficient information is available to determine Er , use Er Van . Enter the OCC
curve of Fig. 7.16 with VL 13.8 kV to find I fu 490 A and I fs 550 A . By [7.26],
I fu 490
ks 0.891
I fs 550

From [7.27],
X s 0.15 X su 0.85ks X su 0.15 0.85 0.891 0.898 0.815

This value for X s is slightly larger than the value of Example 7.3 due to the fact that the
saturation factor k s is only applied to X , the portion of X s that is affected by
saturation. This problem has emphasized that the method used to determine X s in
Example 7.3 is an approximate method. Although the error was about 2.4 percent in this
case, the error becomes greater as the level of saturation increases.

7.3 The value of per phase stator winding resistance at 150C is found as
Rsac 234.5 T2
Rs Rsdc
Rsdc 234.5 T1

234.5 150
0.03 1.04 0.0471
234.5 20
With the stator resistance nonzero in value,
VOC / 3 13,800 / 3
Zs 0.796
I SC 10,000

X s Z s2 Rs2 0.796 2 0.0471 2 0.7946
X l 0.15 X s 0.15 0.7946 0.1192

X X s X l 0.7946 0.1192 0.6753

Since Rs = X s , the values of X l and X differ little from those of Example 7.3.

7.4 First, determine the rated stator current and its associated phase angle.
S 250 106
I LR 10, 459.2 A
3VL 3 13,800

cos 1 PF cos 1 0.8 36.87

Assume Van on the reference; then by KVL,

E f Van jI a X s 0 10, 459.2 36.87 0.81590

cratio.m is used to evaluate the second term of E f ; then csum.m is applied to add the
two terms of E f .
E f 14,720.427.8 V

The screen session for computation of E f is shown below.

7.5 Use X and X l from Example 7.3 and Van , I a , E f of Example 7.4. Apply KVL to Fig.
7.13a with Rs 0 .
Er Van jI a X l 0 10, 459 36.87 0.13590

Er 8886.937.30

r E f Er 27.19 7.30 19.89

By [7.31],
3E f Er 3 14,573.6 8886.93
3Td sin r sin 19.89
s X 120 0.661
3Td 5.305 105 N m

The answer is identical to the result of Example 7.5.

7.6 The per phase equivalent circuit and the associated phasor diagram for analysis are
shown below.

(a) The rated voltage, current, and PF angle are found.

Van 120 V
ST 5000
Ia 13.88 A
3VL 3 208

cos 1 0.866 30

Assume Van on the reference and apply KVL to find

E f Van jI a X s 1200 13.88 30 890 200.1328.72 V

E f 200.13 V

(b) The torque angle is given by

E f Van 28.72

(c) Since Rs 0 , [7.33] is applicable. For this 1800 rpm, 60-Hz machine,
s 188.49 rad / s .
3E f Van 3 200.13 120
3Td sin sin 28.72 22.96 N m
s X s 188.49 8

7.7 Let the primed variables indicate the new case with increased value of field current.
Since the power converted and speed do not change, based on [7.33],
Van E f sin Van E f sin

Xs Xs

Whence, using E f 1.2 E f ,

E f sin E f sin 1.2 E f sin

or, using the value of from the solution of Prob. 7.6,

sin sin 28.72
sin 1 sin 1 23.6
1.2 1.2

(a) By application of KVL to the equivalent circuit for the new condition,
E f Van
I a
jX s

1.2 200.1323.6 1200

I a

I a 17.35 46.15 A

I a 17.35 A

(b) The new power factor is

PF cos Van I a cos 46.15 0.693 lagging

(c) The total three-phase apparent power supplied by the synchronous generator is
QT 3Van I a sin 3 120 17.35 sin 46.15 4504.3 VARs

7.8 The per phase equivalent circuit and the associated phasor diagram that follow are

(a) Assume Van on the reference, use the rated values from Prob. 7.6, and apply KVL to
E f Van I a Rs jX s 1200 13.88 30 0.15 j 8 201.2128.21 V

E f 201.21 V

(b) Since Rs 0 , [7.33] is not valid; however, [7.31] is applicable. First, determine the
torque angle r . By KVL and using X X s X l 8 1 7 ,
Er E f jI a X 201.2128.21 13.88 30 790 129.24.87 V

r E f Er 28.21 4.87 23.34

By [7.31],
3E f Er 3 201.21 129.2
3Td sin r sin 23.34 23.42 N m
s X 188.49 7

7.9 The loss of synchronism at steady-state

conditions would be the case of 0 as
shown by the phasor diagram to the right.

(a) The value of excitation voltage E f is

unchanged from Prob. 7.6. Based on
[7.31], with 90 for this lossless

3Van E f 3 120 200.13

PT 3Td s 9005.8 W
Xs 8

(b) Since Van , E f , and jI a X s form a right triangle, application of the Pythagorean
theorem and use of E f from Prob. 7.6 leads to
1/ 2 1/ 2
E 2f Van2 200.13 2 120 2
Ia 29.17 A
Xs 8

(c) Based on [2.53], ST2 PT2 QT2 , or

1/ 2 2

1/ 2
QT 9005.8
3 208 29.17
5416.1 VARs

7.10 (a) Since Rs 0 , use of [7.33] yields

PT 3Td s
3E f Van

3 2300 2400 / 3 sin 25
Xs 4

PT 1010.13 kW

(b) KVL applied to the circuit of Fig. 7-13(a) with Rs 0 gives

230025 0
E f Van 3
Ia 299.22 35.7 A
jX s 490

I a 299.22 A

(c) The terminal PF is found by

PF cos Van I a cos 35.7 0.812 lagging

7.11 The machine with constant speed and terminal voltage is adjusted in operating point so
Van I a sin remains constant

Van I a cos increases in value

Let primed variables denote the new condition; then the phasor diagram below
simultaneously illustrates both cases.

From inspection of the phasor diagram, it is seen that
I a I a
E f E f

7.12 The load apparent power, reactive power, and current can be determined as follows:
SL 12,500 VA

QL 12,500 sin cos 1 0.8 7500 VARs

IL 15.04
3 480
Based on the statement of machine 1 leading,
3 VL I a1 sin 1 0.6 7500
tan 1
3 VL I a1 cos1 0.5 10,000

1 tan 1 0.9 41.99

PF1 cos1 0.743 lagging

The current for machine 1 is

P1 5000
I a1 8.09 A
3 VL PF1 3 480 0.743

E f 1 Van jI a1 X s1 2770 290 8.09 41.99

E f 1 289.232.14 V

The current for machine 2 is found by KCL.

I a 2 I L I a1 15.04 36.89 8.09 41.99 7.02 31.02 A

E f 2 Van jI a 2 X s 2 2770 390 7.02 31.02

E f 2 288.413.59 V

With the load open circuit as shown on the

Ef1 Ef 2
j X s1 X s 2

The Thevenin voltage is found by KVL,

VTh E f 2 jI a X s 2

Substitute the expression for I a to give

VTh E f 2
E f 1 E f 2 X s2 X s1
Ef 2
X s2
X s1 X s 2 X s1 X s 2 X s1 X s 2

Substitute the known values.

2 3
VTh 287.84 j18.06 289.03 j10.83
23 23

E feq VTh 288.56 j13.72 288.882.72

Deactivate the two independent sources as

indicated to the right to find the Thevenin
X s1 X s 2 2 3
X Th X seq
X s1 X s 2 23

X seq 1.2

7.13 Using the value of E f determined in Example 7.6 in [7.34] gives

E f Van 100% 14.57 13.8 / 3 100% 82.87%
Van 13.8 / 3
The Reg calculated in Example 7.6 is 39.85%. Thus, the error is

82.87 39.85 100%
Error 51.9%

7.14 Values for I f and Er at half-load are needed. Using the result of Example 7.4, the half-
load current is
I a 10, 459 36.87 5229.5 36.87 A

KVL applied to the circuit of Fig. 7.13a gives expressions for both Er and E f .
Er Van jI a X l 0 5229.5 36.87 0.13590

Er 8410.243.85 V

E f Van jI a X s 0 5229.5 36.87 0.66190

E f 10,394.1613.62 V

The field current is determined from the rated voltage linearization curve of Fig. 7.16 at
3 E f 18,003 as I f 720 A . Hence, the half-load field losses are

2 362
Pf I 2f R f 720 0.303 MW
Based on the statement of the problem, the friction and windage losses are
PFW 1.705 0.8525 MW
The half-load core losses are
8.41 1
Pc 1.705 0.928 MW
15.2 / 3 2
Based on [7.35],
3 13.8 5.229 0.8 100%

3 13.8 5.229 0.8 0.8525 0.928 0.303 3 1.01 5.229 0.006


7.15 Based on Fig. 7.24a,

Ef Ef
RL j X L X s
Ia Ia

X Xs
tan 1 L
Since RL and X L each increase 10% while X s is unchanged, must decrease in
value. However, is unchanged as the PF angle is unchanged. Consequently, it is
concluded that . Further, E f is unchanged in magnitude owing to constant I f , so
I a must decrease. The figure below displays a phasor diagram that results from these
observations. The primed quantities are for the case of increased Z L . Inspection of the
phasor diagram allows the following conclusions:
E f E f , , , I a I a ,
Van Van

7.16 The phasor diagram for zero PF lagging is shown below.

The total reactive power is

QT 3Van I a sin 3Van I a

From the above phasor diagram,

E f Van I a X s

Solve for current I a .
E f Van

Substitute the expression for I a into the expression for QT to give the desired result.


3 Van E f Van2

The vertical axis intercept of Fig. 7.30 is the condition of rated voltage and rated
field current with zero average power, thus zero PF. Hence, the above expression for QT
must give the value of this intercept.

7.17 Since field current does not change and the alternator is constrained to constant voltage
by the utility grid, both E f and Van are unchanged in value. Let primed variables denote
the case after increase in prime mover power. The developed power for both cases is
given by
3Van E f sin

3Van E f sin
Pd 1.1Pd

Hence, the angle must increase as the prime mover power increases. The following
phasor diagram is constructed to simultaneously describe both cases.

Since the horizontal projection of jI a X s is less than for jI a X s , the reactive power has
been reduced. In summary, I a I a , , , and QT QT .

7.18 The phasor diagram below describes this case where E f Van . It is seen that the PF must
be leading.

7.19 It is first necessary to determine current I a . From conservation of energy consideration,
PT Ps losses Ps 0.05 PT 3I a2 Rs

0.95PT 0.95 3 VL I a PF Ps 3I a2 Rs

Substitute known values to get a quadratic equation in I a .

0.95 3 480 I a 0.85 150 746 3I a2 0.06

Rearrange to yield
I a2 3729.67 I a 621,666.7 0

Apply the quadratic formula and disregard the extraneous root to find
I a 174.88 A

(a) The PF angle is

cos 1 0.85 31.79

Since the motor is operating at a leading PF, I a must lead Van by 31.79. KVL applied to
Fig. 7.13b gives
E f Van I a Rs jX s 0 174.8831.79 0.06 j 0.15 1.50

E f 481.15 32.39 V

E f 481.15 V

(b) The torque angle follows as

E f Van 32.39

(c) The total three-phase input power is

PT 3 VL I L cos 3 480 174.88 0.85 123,577.77 W

With the output power given, the efficiency can now be calculated.
Ps 150 746
100% 100% 90.55%
PT 123,577.7

7.20 The phasor diagram for the original unity PF condition and for the pull-out condition is
shown below where the primed variables denote the pull-out condition.

The value of rated current is found as

S 20,000
Ia 52.49 A
3 VL 3 220

For unity PF operation, KVL applied to Fig. 7.13b yields

E f Van jI a X s 0 52.490 390 202.31 51.1

Since E f is unchanged as the motor moves to loss of synchronism, the magnitude of the
pull-out load torque for this lossless motor is

3Van E f 3 127.02 202.31
Ts 3Td sin sin 90
s X s 2
120 3

Ts 204.49 N m

E f , jI a X s , and Van
form a right triangle on the phasor diagram. By the Pythagorean
1/ 2

2 1/ 2
202.31 2 127.02 2
I a f 79.63 A
Xs 3

7.21 KVL applied to Fig. 7.13b leads to

Van E f 4800 457 8
Ia 18.19 19.58 A
Rs jX s 0.25 j 3.8

The total three-phase average power supplied to the motor stator is

PT 3Van I a cos 3 480 18.19 cos 19.58 24.68 kW

The total three-phase reactive power supplied to the motor stator is given by
QT 3Van I a sin 3 480 18.19 sin 19.58 8.78 kVAR

The total power converted from electrical to mechanical form is determined by

subtraction of the stator ohmic losses from the input power to the motor stator.
3Pd PT 3I a2 Rs 24,680 3 18.19 0.25 24.43 kW

The output mechanical power is simply the converted power less rotational losses.
Ps 3Pd PFW 24, 430 700 23.73 kW

The efficiency must also consider the power supplied to the field winding.
Pout Ps 23,730
100 100 100 94.43%
Pin PT Pf 24,680 150 3

7.22 Let subscripts p and m denote the plant and the motor, respectively. Let the prime
indicate the condition after the synchronous motor is installed.
Original plant: Pp 500 0.65 325 kW

Q p 500sin cos 1 0.65 380 kVAR

Motor: 200 746

Pm 160.4 kW

New plant: Pp Pp Pm 325 160.4 485.4 kW
Pp 485.4
S p 571 kVA
PFp 0.85

New plant: 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
Qp S p Pp
571 485.4
2 2
300.7 kVAR

Motor: Qm Qp Q p 300.7 380 79.3 kVAR

1/ 2 1/ 2
160.4 79.3
2 2
Sm Pm2 Qm2 178.9 kVA

Q 79.3
PFm cos tan 1 m cos tan 1 0.896 leading
Pm 160.4

7.23 The d-axis and q-axis fluxes of [7.41] each establish a sinusoidally time-varying flux
along the magnetic axis of each phase coil. By nature, these two fluxes reach peak values
at different points in time. Although the phase coil may be a distributed winding, it has
an effective number of turns ( N eff ) as determined by [6.1]. Insofar as the phase coil is
concerned, these two fluxes have the same cyclic frequency as the coil currents. Let the
d-axis flux along the magnetic axis of a coil be described by
t dm sin t

Then, the voltage induced behind the terminals of the phase coil due to this flux is given
by Faradays law as
d t
vd t N eff N eff dm cos t
When transformed to rms phasor representation,
Vd N eff d

By symmetry argument,
Vq N eff q

7.24 By use of [7.39],

jI a X l j I d I q X l jI d X l jI q X l

7.25 Current I a must lead voltage Van and the phasor diagram must satisfy [7.45].

Note: I d may be directed up or down, depending on the degree of leading PF. If I d were
directed downward, a different phasor diagram results.

7.26 Current I a must lead voltage Van and the phasor diagram must satisfy [7.46].

7.27 Use [7.39] in [7.46] to give

E f Van I a Rs jI d X d jI q X q

Solve [7.39] for I q , substitute the result into the above expression for E f and rearrange.

E f Van I a Rs jI a X q jI d X d X q
Define E f Van I a Rs jX q , then

E f jI d X d X q E f'

Since I d must lag E f by 90 and X d X q , then jI d X d X q must necessarily be in

phase with E f . Since both terms on the right side of the above equation have identical
phase angles, their sum must have the same phase angle. Thus, E f E f , or the two
phasors are collinear.

7.28 Using the results of Example 7.10 and [7.40],
36.87 7.02 43.89

I d I a sin 12.028sin 43.89 8.34 A

From the phasor diagram of Fig. 7.39a,

E f E f jI d X d X q

I d X d X q 8.34 8 4 33.36 V

Since E f and E f are collinear, simply add 33.36 V to the magnitude of E f

determined in Example 7.10 to find
E f 309.25 33.36 7.02 342.617.02 V

7.29 (a) The total three-phase power supplied to the stator is

PT PF S 0.707 10,000 7070 W

The stator current can be calculated as

S 10,000
Ia 12.028 A
3VL 3 480

Using the given value of rotational losses, the total losses are
Losses 3I a2 Rs PFW 3 12.028 0.1 225 268.4 W

Based on conservation of energy,

Ps PT losses 7070 268.4 6801.6 W

(b) The total developed torque must be the power converted from electrical to
mechanical form divided by shaft speed.
P 3I a2 Rs 7070 3 12.028 0.1
3Td T 37.28 N m
s 2

7.30 (a) By [5] of Example 7.10 with Rs 0 ,

E f Van jI a X q 0 12.02845 490
E f 313.0 6.24 V

From [7.40],
I d I a sin 12.028sin 45 6.24 9.38 A

Van has been taken on the reference. From the phasor diagram of Fig. 7.39b, it is seen
that I d must lag Van by 90 96.24 .
I d I d 90 9.3896.24 A

Also from Fig. 7.39b, it is seen that

E f E f jI d X d X q 313.0 6.24 9.3896.24 490

E f 275.48 6.24 V

For this 4-pole, 60-Hz synchronous machine, s 188.49 rad / s . By [7.53], magnitude of
the total developed torque is
3 277.13 275.48 3 277.13 8 4
3Td sin 6.24 sin 2 6.24
188.49 8 2 188.49 8 4

3Td 33.02 N m

Ps 3Td s PFW 33.02 188.49 225 5998.9 W

7.31 The values of rated current and the PF angle are found as
ST 20 106
Ia 836.76 A
3 VL 3 13,800

cos 1 0.866 30

(a) Assume Van on the reference, then from Fig. 7.39b with Rs 0 ,
E f Van jI a X q 0 836.76 30 590
E f 10,692.219.81 V

E f Van 19.81

30 19.81 49.81

Using [7.40],
I d I a sin 836.76sin 49.81 639.2 A

I q I a cos 836.76cos 49.81 539.98 A

If E f is moved to the reference,

E f Van jI d X d jI q X q

Ef 19.81 639.2 90 990 539.980 590 13, 248.980 V
E f 13, 248.98 V

(b) By [7.48],
3Pd 3Van I a cos 3 VL I L cos

3Pd 3 13,800 836.76 0.866 17.32 MW

7.32 The total conductors per phase is found as

S1Cs 24 20
C 160 series conductors per phase
m 3
The speed of each conductor is
4/ 2
v r m 1000 / 30 5.32 m / s
Based on the Bl v rule,
em C Bl v
em 123/ 2
B 0.948 T
C l v 160 3/ 39.37 5.32

7.33 The maximum value of L occurs when a stator and rotor pole are aligned.
N2 N2A
Lmax o
R min
Assuming no fringing,
4 6 / 2
25 /180 0.003378 m
A l r
39.37 39.37

4 10 7 30 0.003378
Lmax 7.52 mH
0.020 / 39.37

7.34 This four-pole machine can probably be successfully designed with a rotor peripheral
speed less than for a 2-pole machine. Use a rated peripheral speed of 28,000 ft/min. The
rotor diameter is then
vr 28,000 12
Dr 59.41 in
ns 1800

Use Dr 59 in and try a 1-in air gap length for initial trial. The bore diameter is
calculated as
D Dr 2 59 2 1 61 in

Based on [7.73] and [7.74] for this air-cooled machine,

Co Sp 1400 25 4
l 37.62 in 38 in
D 2
61 2
Rated current is found.
SR 25 106
I aR 1046 A
3 VLR 3 13,800

A single circuit winding ( a 1 ) should result in acceptable conductor size for this level
of current.
Select the number of stator slots as S1 72 . The stator slot pitch is then
D 61
1 2.662 in
S1 72

This value of stator slot pitch falls within the good design practice suggested by [7.76].
The winding factor can now be calculated by the formulas of Appendix A.
S1 72
18 slots per pole
p 4
10 per slot
S 72
Ns 1 6 slots per pole per phase
mp 3 4

Let the stator coil span 15 slots to give the preferred 5/6 coil pitch.
180 150
sin N s / 2 sin / 2 sin 6 10 / 2 sin 150 / 2
kw 0.9236
N s sin / 2 6sin 10 / 2

Estimate the conductors per slot by [7.84].


0.1 1 13,800 / 3 39.37 2.67

kw N s Dl fBav 0.9236 6 61 38 60 0.6

Cs must be an even integer. It is a better choice to go higher rather than lower to avoid
increase in the required flux. Use Cs 4 conductors per slot. The air gap length can now
be checked by [7.91].
kwCs N s I aR 0.9236 4 6 1046 1.04 in
4.5 105 4.5 10 5
a 1

Since this value is quite close to the already chosen value of 1 in , no reconsideration
is necessary.
The slot can now be sized based on [7.77]-[7.79]. Select bs1 1.125 in , which is on
the lower end of the range suggested by [7.77].
ts1 1 bs1 2.662 1.125 1.537 in

A coil design is made for the two conductors per coil side. Each conductor is made
up of 12 strands of 0.175 in 0.210 in solid copper wire stacked 2 wide and 6 deep.
The conductors are side by side. The insulation and slot dimensions are presented below.
Slot Width:
4(0.175) conductor strands
8(0.002) Kapton film
2(0.125) mica paper (ground insulation)
1.15(0.966) = 1.1109 in
With the included 15% tolerance for irregularity and coil transposition, this coil will fit
in the slot width bs1 1.125 in .
Slot Depth:
12(0.210) conductor strands
24(0.002) Kapton film
4(0.125) mica paper (ground insulation)
0.125 top stick
0.500 tooth edge
1.15(3.693) = 4.247 in
Use d s1 4.25 in . The area of the 12 strands forming a conductor is 0.441 in 2 , giving a
current density of
I aR 1046
1 2372 A / in 2
asa 1 0.441

This value satisfies [7.86] for air-cooled coils.

The peak value of flux per pole is determined from [7.83].

1.1 108 aVanR

1.1 108 1 13,800 / 3 7.448 107 lines
2.2kw N s Cs pf 2.2 0.9236 6 4 4 60

Based on [7.89] and [7.90],

2 2
D d s1 61 4.25
3 3
ts13 b
1.125 1.660 in
S1 72

l n 0.8l 0.8 38 30.40 in

p m

2 7.448 107

Bt13 27.5 kilolines / in 2
S1ts13l n SF 72 1.660 30.40 0.95

This value of tooth flux density is within the acceptable range.

Size the stator core outside diameter by [7.87].
Do 1.7 D 1.7 61 103.7 in

It is decided to use a 600 V exciter. Since 10 rotor slots per pole is known to give a
reasonably sinusoidal field flux density, S2 4 10 40 rotor slots .
S2 40
nr 5 slots per pole half
2 p 2 4

Dr 59
W f 0.25 r 0.25 0.25 11.58 in
p 4

Dr pW f 59 4 11.58
2 0.2356 rad
2 Dr nr 2 59 5

From [7.99], the field current density for this indirectly cooled rotor can be up to
2000 A / in 2 . By [7.102],
0.7V f max

2nr f p W f l Dr 2 i
i 1

0.7 600
Csf 24.26

2 5 1.014 10 6
2000 4 11.58 38 59 0.2356 15
Use Csf 24 conductors per rotor slot. By [7.103],
1.8kw N s Cs I aR 1.8 0.9236 6 4 1046
sf 0.2212 in 2
1 2000 24 3.93
a f Csf cos 2i 1 2 / 2
i 1

A rotor conductor with width of 2.500 in and thickness of 0.090 in is selected to

have s f 0.225 in . The slot dimensions are determined by the procedure that follows.
Slot Width:
2.500 conductor
2(0.015) turn insulation
2(0.075) slot liner
2.680 in
Use b f 2.750 in to allow for irregularities.

Slot Depth:
24(0.090) conductor
48(0.015) turn insulation
2(0.075) slot liner
0.063 creepage block
0.500 slot lip
3.593 in
Use d f 1 3.750 in , d f 2 0.500 in , and d f 3 0.188 in .
The rotor slot pitch at one-third slot depth is given by [7.109].
4 4
Dr d f 1 2 59 3.750 0.2356
3 3
f 13 6.361 in
2 2
By [7.111],
m 2 7.448 107 0.2356
B f 13 sin nr 1 2 sin 4 13.5
f 13l 6.361 38

B f 13 18.7 kilolines / in 2

As is usually the case for a four-pole design, the rotor tooth flux density is significantly
less than the maximum allowable values.
The data for this design were entered in TAdata.m . TAperf.m was executed and
the resulting magnetization curve showed the machine could operate with some increase
in saturation. The value of lamination stack length was decreased to l 33 in and the
stator lamination outside diameter was decreased to Do 95 in . After these data changes
were made, the screen display below resulted, showing that both stator and rotor winding
current densities are acceptable.

The value of full load efficiency is 98.4%; thus, the design criterion is satisfied.
The following plots display the magnetization curve, the efficiency, and the field
current requirements for the turboalternator.

Critique: Two areas of potential design refinement are pointed out for those who might
wish to pursue. First, the field current density is less than the 1500 A / in 2 that can be
cooled. The field conductor cross section could be reduced by approximately 20%; or, if
desired, the field conductor size could be retained and the generator rated for a PF less
than 0.8 lagging. The second area of refinement is in the synchronous reactance value
where X s 1.93 pu . This value could be lowered unless the generator were to have been
specified to have a large value of X s . Two courses of design action could be taken to
reduce X s : a new stator slot design with a smaller d s1 / bs1 ratio or a new single-turn
stator coil design ( Cs 2 ).


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