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Contract- meeting of the minds between two 1.

Preparation or negotiation- includes all

persons whereby one binds himself, with respect the steps taken by the parties leading to
to the other, to give something or to render the perfection of the contract; parties
service have not yet arrived at any definite
Characteristics of Contract
2. Perfection or birth- it is when the parties
1. Autonomy of wills- parties may stipulate have come to a definite agreement or
anything as long as not illegal, immoral, meeting of the minds regarding the
etc. subject matter and cause of the contract
2. Mutuality- performance or validity binds 3. Consummation or termination- when
both parties; not left to will of one the parties have performed their
parties respective obligations and the contract
3. Obligatory force- parties are bound from may be said to have been fully
perfection of contract accomplished or executed, resulting in
4. Fulfill what has been expressly the extinguishment or termination
How are contracts perfected
5. All consequences which may be in
keeping with good faith, usage and law 1. Consensual contracts- contracts are
6. Relativity- binding only between the perfected by mere consent of the parties
parties, their assigns, heirs, strangers regarding the subject matter and the
cannot demand enforcement cause of the contract
7. Contract must not be contrary to law 2. Real contracts- real contracts are
8. Contract must not be contrary to morals perfected not merely by consent but by
9. Contract must not be contrary to good the delivery, actual or constructive, of
customs the object of the obligation
10. Contract must not be contrary to public 3. Solemn contracts- when the law
order requires that a contract be in some form
11. Contract must not be contrary to public to be valid, this special form is necessary
policy for its perfection

Determination of performance by a third Effects of perfection of the contract

1. Parties are bound to the fulfillment of
Article 1309: The determination of the what has been expressly stipulated but
performance may be left to a third person, also;
whose decision shall not be binding until it has 2. To all the consequences which according
been made known to both contracting parties. to their nature, may be in keeping with
good faith, usage, and law.
Article 1310: The determination shall not be
obligatory if it is evidently inequitable. In such Element of a contract
case, the courts shall decide what is equitable
1. Essential elements- those without
under the circumstances
which no contract can validly exist;
Stages that will give rise to a contract requisites of a contract
a. Common- those present in 3. It is conscious or spontaneous- there is
all contracts (consent, no vitiation of consent by reason of
object, cause) mistake, undue influence, or fraud
b. Special- not common to all
Vices of consent
contracts or those which
must be present only in, or 1. Error or mistake
peculiar to, certain specified 2. Violence or force
contracts 3. Intimidation or threat or duress
2. Natural elements- those that are 4. Undue influence
presumed to exist in certain contracts 5. Fraud or deceit
unless the contrary is expressly
stipulated by the parties, like warranty Effects of vices
against eviction, or warranty against Mistake
hidden defects in sale
3. Accidental elements- or the particular 1. A simple mistake of account or
stipulations, clauses, terms, or calculation does not avoid a contract
conditions established by the parties in because it does not affect its essential
their contract, like, conditions, period, requisites; defect is merely in the
interest, penalty, therefore, they exist computation of the account or amount
only when they are expressly provided which can be corrected.
by the parties 2. If a party knew beforehand the doubt,
contingency, or risk affecting the object
Unilateral contract- when it creates an of the contract, it is to be assumed that
obligation on the part of only one parties he was willing to take chances and
(Example: commodatum, gratuitous deposit) cannot, therefore, claim mistake.
Contracts entered into during lucid interval 3. Mistake of law does not invalidate
consent because ignorance of the law
Article 1328: Contracts entered into during a excuses no one from compliance
lucid interval are valid. Contracts agreed to in a therewith.
state of drunkenness or during a hypnotic spell
are voidable. Violence

- Lucid interval-temporary period of 1. Violence requires the employment of

sanity physical force. To make a consent
- Contracts entered are valid, however, it defective, the force employed must
must be shown that there is a full return either be serious or irresistible
of the mind to sanity as to enable him to Intimidation
understand the contract that he is
entering into For intimidation to vitiate the consent of a party
to a contract, the following must be present:
Characteristics of consent
1. It must produce a reasonable and well-
1. It is intelligent- there is a capacity to act grounded fear of an evil;
2. It is free and voluntary- there is no 2. The evil must be imminent and grave;
vitiation of consent by reason of
violence or intimidation
3. The evil must be upon his person or a. Absolute simulation- when the contract
property, or that of his spouse, does not really exist and the parties do
descendants, or ascendants; not intend to be bound at all; inexistent
4. It is the reason why he enters into the and void
contract b. Relative simulation- when the contract
entered into by the parties is different
*if a contract is signed merely out of reverential
from their true agreement
fear or the dear of displeasing a person to whom
respect and obedience are due, contract is valid Voidable contract
because reverential fear by itself does not annul
Article 1390: The following contracts are
consent in the absence of actual threat
voidable or annullable, even though there may
Undue influence- influence of a kind that have been no damage to the contracting parties:
overpowers the mind of a party as to destroy his
1. Those where one of the parties is
free will and make him express the will of
incapable of giving consent to a
another, rather than his own
The influence must be undue or improper to 2. Those where the consent is vitiated by
avoid a contract. mistake, violence, intimidation, undue
influence, or fraud.
These contracts are binding, unless they are
1. If the fraud did not have the effect of
annulled by proper action in court. They are
causal fraud, that is, it did not by itself
susceptible of ratification
alone cause the other contracting party
to give his consent, it gives rise only to Kind of Unenforceable Contracts
an action for damages; ground for the
1. Those entered into in the name of
annulment of contract
another by one without, or acting in
2. Incidental fraud, which only renders the
excess, of authority;
party who employs it liable for damages
2. Those that do not comply with the
because the fraud was not the principal
statute of frauds;
inducement that led the other to give his
3. Those where both parties are incapable
consent; do not vitiate consent
of giving
Concealment- a neglect or failure to
When unenforceable contract becomes a
communicate that which a party to contract
voidable contract
knows and ought to communicate
Where both parties to a contract are incapable
*To constitute a fraud, the
of giving consent, the contract is unenforceable.
misrepresentation must refer to facts not
However, if the parent or guardian, as the case
may be, of either party, or if one of the parties
Simulation of a contract- the act of deliberately after attaining or regaining capacity, ratifies the
deceiving others, by feigning or pretending by contract, it becomes voidable.
agreement, the appearance of a contract which
When unenforceable contract becomes a valid
is either non-existent or concealed
If the ratification is made by the parents or
guardians, as the case may be, of both
contracting parties, or by both contracting
parties after attaining or regaining capacity, the
contract is validated and its validity retroacts to
the time it was entered into.

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