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Types of Writing in the Information Age

For the Teacher - Introduction to the Worksheets

This set of teaching materials aims to teach students how to distinguish between different types of
writing (genres) including digital forms such as email and ICQ instant messaging. There are altogether
three worksheets containing three tasks, which can be taught within one lesson, depending on the
level of your students. In the following sections, the objectives of these tasks will be outlined and their
possible adaptations will also be introduced.

Worksheet ONE - Task 1 Matching

1. To help students obtain a general idea on the differences between different genres
2. To familiarize students with the background and context of this set of materials

For students with lower abilities:
1. Fewer texts decrease the number of texts from eight to six or even four.
2. Easier texts replace some of the difficult texts with easier ones, for example, replace Text F
(Newspaper article), which is comparatively longer and more difficult, with a simpler one such as a
job advertisement from the Classified Post.
For students with higher ability:
1. Time limit get your students to finish the tasks in a shorter period of time by setting a reasonable
time limit for them.
2. Difficult texts replace some of the easier texts with advanced ones, for example, replace the
personal letter with a formal letter.
Other adaptations:
1. Authentic texts - include authentic texts from various sources e.g. SCMP, Young Post, and even
notices from your schools.
2. Add other possible genres to suit your schools curriculum e.g. debate speech, formal letters.

1. Avoid turning Task 1 into a reading comprehension exercise. The focus of the task is on the
structures and styles of different types of writing, not the content.
2. Remind students not to read the texts word by word.

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Worksheet TWO - Task 2 Discussion
1. To help students find out the generic features of digital genres, in this case, email and ICQ.
2. To let students compare the generic features of digital genres with those of other genres.
3. To provide students with a chance to practise their oral English.

For students with lower abilities:
1. Lockstep instead of Group Instead of turning the task into group discussion, try to go through it
with the whole class. Write down the points raised by students on the board and give feedback
2. Focus on only one aspect of language Try not to discuss too much at the same time. For
example, discuss only the broad structural features of the texts first as a warm-up exercise.
For students with higher ability:
1. Opinion Gap Add extra questions for discussion by making use of an opinion gap. For example,
after identifying shortenings as one of the features in ICQ, try to raise a further question Should
this kind of shortenings and abbreviations be allowed in classrooms? To what extent should it be
used? In what kind of contexts?

Worksheet THREE - Task 3 Rewriting

1. To consolidate what students have learnt in this lesson
2. To check whether students understand the differences between an email and a formal letter

For students with lower abilities:
1. Underline the parts needed to be changed
2. Decrease the number of errors to be changed
Other adaptations:
1. If there is not enough time in class, this task can be used as a piece of homework.

Other Points to Note:

1. Try not to spend too much time on Task 1 for students with higher abilities.
2. If there is enough time, for example, a double-period lesson, get students to complete Task 2 in
3. Change the order of Task 2 and 3 if Task 2 is not set as an assignment because Task 3 may be
easier than Task 2.
*This set of materials, including some supplementary notes of genre features, is available for
downloading at:

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Types of Writing in the Information Age

Worksheet One
Task One (5-10 mins)
You are Chris. Your home is in a mess and you are now helping your mother tidy up the room. When
you open the drawer, you find a few pieces of paper with some words on it, but you cannot recognize
what they are. Have a look at them (Texts A H) and match the texts with the descriptions below.
Write down the appropriate letters in the brackets.

(Adapted from TeleNex,

( ) A letter written by Chriss maid ( ) A recipe of Chriss mother

( ) An interview in the School Post ( ) A story

( ) An email written by Chris ( ) Chriss ICQ history

( ) The diary of Chriss father ( ) A newspaper article

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text A

Flat B, 33/F, Block A,

Versailles Ville,
Discovery Bay,
Lantau, HK
10th December, 2004

Dear Dad,

How are you? I'm writing to tell you all about Hong Kong. I'm living in Discovery Bay which is very
clean and modern. There are lots of trees, flowers and playgrounds here. I work for a nice family in
their big house. I have my own room. It's not very big, but it is comfortable. I have a bed, a wardrobe
and some drawers in my room. I quite like working there and my employer is fair.

Some of my friends and relatives are not so lucky. Cousin Gloria lives in a small house with twelve
girls. She shares a small bedroom with three girls. There is only one bed and Gloria sometimes sleeps
on the floor. The house is in a village called Nim Shue Wan which is south of Discovery Bay. Three
hundred Filipina domestic workers live there, but there aren't many houses in the village. Some of the
houses are old and crowded. I'm glad that I don't live there. Gloria says there are not enough rubbish
bins and there are rats near her house. Gloria's employer does not want her to live with his family. My
salary is $4000 a month but Gloria's is only $3860 a month. I don't pay rent because I live in my
employer's house but Gloria pays $1500 a month! Her employer gives her $700 a month for rent but it
is not enough. I get $500 a month for food, but Gloria only gets $300. Food is very expensive in
Discovery Bay! Poor Gloria, she's having an awful time here.

I think I'll introduce her to my friend Angela. Angela lives in Nim Shue Wan, but she's happier than
Gloria. Angela doesn't want to live in her employer's house. She doesn't want to eat Chinese food or
Western food. She doesn't want to speak English in her free time. She doesn't want to sit alone in the
evenings in a little room. She likes living in Nim Shue Wan because she has lots of Filipina friends
there. I can understand that, but I like my little room and I quite like my new job.

I'm going to go to church now so I'll say bye-bye. I can't wait to see you at Christmas in the Philippines!
I will write again soon!



PS. Gloria is unhappy because she cannot go home for Christmas.

(Adapted from TeleNex,

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text B

Once upon a time, there was a pretty girl called Cinderella. Her father had died many years before and
she lived with her stepmother and two ugly sisters. They were all very unkind to Cinderella. They
always told her to do the housework and gave her little to eat.

One day the prince invited all the girls in the country to go to his party at the palace because he was
looking for a wife. Cinderella wanted to go too but her stepmother said, "No, you can't go because you
have to do the housework." Poor Cinderella was very disappointed and cried in the kitchen.

Suddenly, a fairy appeared and turned her into a beautiful princess. The fairy told Cinderella that she
could go to the party but she had to be home before 12 o'clock or her pretty dress would disappear.
Cinderella was very happy and thanked the fairy.

When the prince saw Cinderella, he liked her immediately. They danced and danced until it was 12.
Just before the clock struck midnight, Cinderella remembered what the fairy had told her and left
quickly. The prince was very upset that she had left. He did not know her name or where she lived.
However, he noticed that Cinderella had dropped one of her glass shoes on her way down the stairs.
The prince picked up the glass shoe and asked his soldiers to look for the girl. When they reached
Cinderella's home, she showed them the other shoe. The prince recognized her as being the lovely
lady at the party. They got married and lived happily ever after.

(From TeleNex,

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text C

I must improve my English and Putonghua. I've got to speak fluently when I give speeches so I've
decided to improve my English by keeping a diary. It's a good way of practising my English! Every
night, before I go to bed, I'm going to write a short paragraph about what I did during the day.

I started my Putonghua course. We did group work and pair work. I enjoyed it very much this morning
because we did lots of speaking and listening. I wish I could speak languages fluently like Mr Tung
and Mrs Chan. A photographer from the Daily News took a photograph of me at work today. I can't
wait to see it in the newspaper tomorrow morning.

I got up early this morning and looked for my photograph in the newspaper. Unfortunately, it was not a
good picture of me. I was not smiling and I looked very unhappy. Everyone in the office laughed at me
because I looked so sad. They said that nobody would vote for such a miserable person.

It was a busy day at the office. Many people came to see me. They asked me how I would improve
Hong Kong. I said to them, "Wait until tomorrow because I am going to make a speech." I went to bed
very late because I was writing my speech. I think Mr Tung will like my speech. I'm going to make
Hong Kong a cleaner place and I'm going to improve the environment. I've just noticed that we use lots
of tenses to write a diary, not just the past tense!

I presented my speech this morning. Everyone liked my ideas and they clapped for a long time. They
smiled and said, "Well done." My speech was perfect. I think I will change my name to Peter Perfect -
that's a good name for a politician! I'm so happy that it is Saturday tomorrow because I do not have to
go to work.

(Adapted from TeleNex,

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text D

Q: First of all, Suguna, tell us a little bit about your school.

A: My school is in the middle of a rubber estate. It is surrounded by rubber trees, so it's very good for
cross-country running. It's about 10 miles from the nearest big town, Seremban. Some of us come
to school by bike, and some of us come by bus.

Q: Do you like your school?

A: Most days I like school because I get to meet my friends and most of the teachers are OK.
They're rather strict, but quite fair. Actually, I don't like the syllabus. We always have to work so
hard. When I was in Form 1, I used to find it very difficult to study in Malay, but I can manage now.

Q: How many children are there in your class?

A: In my class there are 42 students. Some have just 40.

Q: What's your classroom like?

A: The walls are light blue and we have wooden desks and chairs arranged in rows. There's a
teacher's desk at the front and a big blackboard, which is full of holes - like the floor! The
classroom is always very hot, because there aren't any fans.

Q: How long are your lessons?

A: Each lesson is 40 minutes. I hate doubles: they go on and on and sometimes I get really sleepy.
We have a half-hour break in the middle of the afternoon and we can go to the canteen to buy
drinks and things.

Q: What's your school uniform like?

A: We wear a blue skirt and a white shirt. The Malay girls also have to wear a headscarf. The boys
wear dark green shorts, or trousers and a white shirt.

Q: Do you have tests?

A: We have a monthly test nearly every month and also mid-year and end-of-year examinations. I
hate having so many tests!

Q: That's all very interesting. Thanks for talking to us!

(Adapted from TeleNex,

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text E

6 large eggs

A small amount of butter

A pinch of salt

1. Crack six eggs and beat them in a bowl with the salt.

2. Heat a frying pan. Add a knob of butter and let it melt.

3. Pour the egg mixture over the melted butter and stir the egg two or three times. Then with a fork,

draw the edges into the middle and allow the uncooked egg to run onto the exposed part of the


4. Continue to cook until the omelette begins to turn golden brown. Then put on a plate and serve.

(From TeleNex,

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text F

Cocaine bust nets 72-year-old man

Dennis Ng
December 6, 2004

A 72-year-old local man was arrested at Hong Kong International Airport carrying 10.3 kilograms of
cocaine in a suitcase at the weekend.

It is the largest single cocaine haul at the airport.

The suspect, surnamed Ma, was stopped on Saturday morning when Customs officers noticed his
suitcase weighed 22.5 kg, far too heavy for what seemed to be just clothing.

Officers found two 5 kg bags of cocaine concealed inside a false top and bottom of the suitcase.

The officers spent an hour dismantling the suitcase.

Layers of strong-smelling glue had been painted inside the case to mask the smell of cocaine from
drug dogs.

The haul has an estimated street value of HK$10.2 million.

Ma, who is unemployed and survives on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, said he was
offered HK$50,000 to take the drugs from Lima, Peru to Hong Kong via Amsterdam. Most suspected
drug traffickers caught at Kai Tak and Chek Lap Kok were aged between 20 and 40 and flew
economy classes.

But Ma was dressed like a businessman and flew business class.

Police seized about 46 kg of cocaine in Hong Kong in the first 10 months of this year, almost five
times last year's seizures.

Customs seized a total of 5.5 kg of cocaine in the airport in 2000. The figure jumped to 9.8 kg in
2001, and at about 7.2 kg in 2002 and 2003. Some 12.8 kg were seized at the airport this year before
Ma's arrest.

Ma will appear at Tsuen Wan Magistracy today to be charged with trafficking dangerous drugs.

(From The Standard,

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text G

A: hiya
B: hi
A: done ur homework??
B: What homework?
A: today
B: Today have homework?
A: no ar
is today need to hand in ar
B: oh...MC and NewsCut....did all lu...
A: u hand in today??
B: yep
A: O no
i haven't hand in new cut ar
is sure tim. need to have blackmark lesson??
B: Maybe... but quite sure......
A: ai..........
will u need to stay blackmark leeson tom.
B: dunno ..maybe I was late on Swimming
A: me two la
B: oh...yup....ho cham...
A: maybe tom. gra
B: yup

2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Text H

Hi Marcus,

How r u these days? I m quite busy ar ... u know, I am now studying in the USA. I like USA very much
ar! I live with my uncle & aunt. They r V gd 2 me. Last week, I have a trip to New York. waaaavery
people mountain people sea there. I sent u postcard wor. Have u got it? The view is super beautiful!!

Hows ur life in Hong Kong? U must be very happy la. R u still in the same class with Amy? I miss her
so much. She phone me b4. Hows everyone? Ill come back to HK in Feb. U must come out and play
with me ga hor hor hor ^__^ CU later. bb!

Wait 4 ur reply la!!


2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Types of Writing in the Information Age

Worksheet Two

Task Two (15-20 mins)

Chriss mother does not know how to use the computer. She has never heard
of ICQ or email before. She wants to know more about the ways in which
language is used in ICQ and email. She wonders whether she can write in the
same style in other situations, such as letters to relatives and job applications.
How are you going to explain to her? Work in groups and discuss with your

Hint: Compare the language between Text A and Text G/H. Note down the differences.
Underline the words and symbols which Chriss mother may not be able to understand.

You may want to discuss:

1. Use of words in Text G & H
2. Language accuracy in Text G & H
3. Whether she can use them in other situations e.g. letters to relatives, job applications.

Jot down your notes below.


2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.
Types of Writing in the Information Age

Worksheet Three

Task 3 (15 mins)

Chris finds out that he has not yet sent the email (Text H) to Marcus.
But his computer is out of order. He wants to rewrite it by hand and
send it to Marcus by post. However, the language in the email sounds
inappropriate for a letter. Please use the appropriate words to help
Chris rewrite the email into a letter.


2002-2005. Quality Education Fund Project 2002/0384 (Project Leader: Dr. A. B. Bodomo, University of Hong Kong). All Rights Reserved.

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