Education-Policy For Secondary and Primary

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Pakistan Education Policy


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Pakistan Education Policy

University of Agriculture Faisalabad

Deptt of Business MGT Sciences
Subject: Public Policy

About Assignment: Education Policy of Pakistan

Submitted By:

03 Shoaib Nasir
09 Muhammad Umair
15 Nabeela Tabassum
22 Sobia Shafi
27 Asifa Hassan
Submitted to: Sir Abdul Ghafoor

Date of Submission: 16-10-2009

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Pakistan Education Policy
Table of Contents
Topics Page
1.0 About Policy 04
1.1 What is the Policy 05
1.2 Education Policy 05
1.3 Introduction 05
2.0 History of Education Policy 07
2.1 The post independence period in Pakistan 08
2.2 Education policy (1972-1980) 08
2.3 Education Policy 1979 08
2.4 National education policy 1992 09
3.0 Running Education Policy (1998-2010) 10
3.1 Aims and objectives 11
3.2 Literacy and non formal education 11
3.3 Elementary education 11
3.4 Teacher education 11
3.5 Secondary education 11
3.6 Technical and vocational education 11
3.7 Higher education 12
3.8 Information technology 12
3.9 Library and documentation services 12
3.10 Private Sector in Education 12
3.11 Innovation program 13
3.12 Implementation monitoring & evaluation 13
Challenges 14
Salient features of national education policy 14
Policies Reform Undertaking 15
4.0 Recommendations 17

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Pakistan Education Policy


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Pakistan Education Policy
Problem solving rules and regulations are called policy


Education policy refers to the collection of laws or rules that govern The operation of education

Education occurs in many forms for many purposes through many institutions

For example

Early childhood education.

Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Two and four Year College or universities.
Graduate and professional education.
Adult education.
And job training.

There for education policy can directly affect the education people engage in at all Ages. Areas subject to
debate in education policy; especially from the field schools include.

School size.
Class size.
School choice.
School privatization.
Teacher education and certification.
Teacher pay.
Teaching method.
Curricular content.
Graduation requirement.
School infrastructure investment.

And values that schools are expected to uphold and model. Education policy analysis is the scholarly
study of education policy. It seeks to answer questions about the purpose of education. The objectives
(societal and personal) that is designed to attain the methods for attaining them and the tools for
measuring their success or failure.

Education can be thought of as the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a
society. In this sense, it is equivalent to what social scientists term socialization or enculturation.
Children--whether conceived among New Guinea tribes people, the Renaissance Florentines, or the
middle classes of Manhattan--are born without culture. Education is designed to guide them in learning a
culture, molding their behavior in the ways of adulthood, and directing them toward their eventual role in
society. In the most primitive cultures, there is often little formal learning, little of what one would
ordinarily call school or classes or teachers; instead, frequently, the entire environment and all activities
are viewed as school and classes, and many or all adults act as teachers. As societies grow more complex,
however, the quantity of knowledge to be passed on from one generation to the next becomes more than

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Pakistan Education Policy
any one person can know; and hence there must evolve more selective and efficient means of cultural
transmission. The outcome is formal education--the school and the specialist called the teacher.
As society becomes ever more complex and schools become ever more institutionalized,
educational experience becomes less directly related to daily life, less a matter of showing and
learning in the context of the workaday world, and more abstracted from practice, more a matter
of distilling, telling, and learning things out of context. This concentration of learning in a formal
atmosphere allows children to learn far more of their culture than they are able to do by merely
observing and imitating. As society gradually attaches more and more importance to education, it
also tries to formulate the overall objectives, content, organization, and strategies of education.
Literature becomes laden with advice on the rearing of the younger generation. In short, there
develop philosophies and theories of education.

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Pakistan Education Policy



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Pakistan Education Policy

On Aug. 14, 1947, Pakistan emerged as a national sovereign state. For the new state the
initial years proved to be a period essentially of consolidation and exploration. The constitution
adopted in 1956 recognized the obligation of the state to provide education as one of the basic
necessities of life. The new constitution implemented by the National Assembly in 1973 made
practically no changes to the original educational policy. The federal Ministry of Education,
headed by the federal education secretary, oversees education in the federal capital territory and
in national institutions and determines policies and standards. Provincial governments handle all
other administrative duties.
Beginning in 1955, Pakistan adopted a series of five-year plans to improve economic and
educational development. The most important educational objectives of the sixth plan (1983-88)
were: (1) to strengthen training programs for all categories of manpower, (2) to establish
technical trade schools and vocational institutes, (3) to provide adequate machinery, materials,
and books for workshops, laboratories, and other facilities, and (4) to strengthen and develop
centers for advanced engineering studies. Because less than 30 percent of the adult population is
able to read and write, literacy is also a major area of concern. The National Education Policy of
1979 emphasized the need for improving vocational and technical education and for
disseminating a common culture based on Islamic ideology. It also announced plans for
gradually replacing the four-tier school structure (primary, secondary, college, and university)
with a three-tier system consisting of primary (grades one through eight), secondary (grades nine
through 12), and higher education.
The government has accepted responsibility for providing free primary education for a
length of time fixed provisionally at five years. Only a little more than 50 percent of primary-age
children are enrolled in schools, however, with attendance concentrated in urban areas. Religious
classes providing Islamic moral and sociocultural education have been taught in the schools
since about 1980. An alternative course for non-Muslim students is also being introduced.
2.2 EDUCATION POLICY (1972-1980)
Ensuring preservation, promotion and practice of basic ideology of Pakistan.
Educating illiteracy within shortest possible time, through universalization of elementary
education, and a massive adult education program.
Equalizing access to education through provision of special facilities for women, under-privileged
and adult in backward area.
Providing a comprehensive program of studies through integration of general and technical
Generally promoting the welfare dignity and sense of responsibility of teachers and students.


National education policy 1979 was presented on Feb.1979. The basic aim behind
implementation of this policy was harmonization of education in Pakistan with concepts of Islam. Basic
change which was introduced through this policy was the national language used as medium of
instruction. National education policy aimed at giving desired ideological direction to education. Hence it
was estimated that an additional provision of 255.57 million required a part form fifth plan of allocation
implementation on the proposal of policy started in1979. The medium instruction was switched over to
Urdu in Govt. Schools and policy of nationalized was reserved. Private schools were allowed to have
English as medium of instruction, since they were to ultimately prepare students for foreign examination.

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Pakistan Education Policy
Participation rate at various level of education has been very low national education policy 1992
was another attempt to streamline the process of education, which has fallen victim to both external and
internal inefficient. This policy was initiated in Dec. 1992 by the then minister of education Syed Fakhar
Imam, with hope that manager of education will be able to enrich educational process and concentrate on
quality educators.

Basic objective of policy was to restructure the existing education system on modern lines, and to bring a
social change as dictated by teachings of Islam. This was to be achieved by:
Primary education.
Improving quality of education.
Unleashing energies for participation in nation building process.
Shifting higher education from supply to demand oriented study programmed.
This policy also aimed for a higher participation of private sector in education development. This
policy was prepared for period of ten years like all previous policies. It was also insure 100%
participation of children in education at primary level by year 2002.
The different education policy clearly brings out that there has been concern regarding the need to
reform education. The reforms have also been clearly spelled out. However implementation has never
matched the fine words of polices. Financial allocations have been inadequate. The result is that in
Pakistan education generally and higher education in Pakistan gives the looks of an abandoned child.

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Pakistan Education Policy


The current education policy which is implemented is 1998 to 2010.


The objectives of the policy provide the education for all Pakistanis improvement and
discipline in personal life according to the Islamic rule and regulations for achieving this
objective. Nazira Quran impose the compulsory subject from class 1 to 8, and also for secondary
level translate of selected verses of Holy Quran added in course.
Decrease in illiteracy through formal and informal means for expansion of basic
education through involvement of community. According to policy the literacy rate is 39%in the
time of policy making process. We will achieve the objective of up to 55% increase in literacy
rate and about 70% by the year 2010.
Also provide income generation skills to the women of 15 to 25 years of age and also provide
basic education facility for working children. Function education provided to adolescent age of
10 to 14 who missed out the chance of primary education. The basic difference in basic
education will be reduced to half by 2010.
About 90% of children of age 5 to 9 will be enrolled in schools by 2002-2003.
Enrollment ratio at primary level will be increased to 105%by the year 2010.
Compulsory primary education will be enforced in phased manner. The existing capacity
of the basic level will be fully utilized by providing for introduction of double shift in existing
schools of basic education. Quality of education will be improved by training the teacher by
raising entry qualification for teacher for matriculation to intermediate. Also improving
management and supervision system and reforming the existing and assessment system,
integration of primary and middle level education into elementary education. Increasing
participant rate from 46%-65%by 2002-3 and 85%by 2010 at middle level. A continues
evaluation system will be adapted to increase the quality of education at elementary level.
To create effectiveness of education introduces a new training program for teacher in
service. The contents and methodology parts of the teacher education
Circular will be revised. Both former and non former means shall be used to provide
increase opportunity of in service training to new teacher provide incentives to the outstanding
teachers. It will be a motivation for a teacher to provide a quality of education.
Every district will have one model secondary school. A definite carrier will be introduce
at secondary level. All boys and girls who are willing to enter in the secondary schools would be
ensured to enrolled in secondary schools. Multiple textbooks will be introduced at secondary and
higher secondary level. Participation rate will be increased from 31% to 48%by 2002-3. The base

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Pakistan Education Policy
for technical and vocational education will be broadened through matriculation (technical) and
formation of vocational high schools.
To create opportunities for technical and vocational education for producing trained man
power for the need of industry and economic development. To improve the quality of technical
education so that the chance of employment for technical graduate will move from supply base
system to drive demand system. Updating and revising of circular provide more job opportunity
to the workers.
Circular is reflected by technical competence, communication skills, safety and health,
entrepreneurial skill. Institution and industry link shall also strengthen to give training to the
student according to job requirement. Emerging technologies like telecommunication computer
electronics and other which are greatly in demand in job market shall be introduced in technical
institute. Technical education council shall be establishing to regulate technical education.
Access to higher education is expanded at least 5%for age group 17-23 by year 2010.
Merit base selection shall be adopted. Access shall be based on entrance tests. Degree colleges
shall have the option to get affiliated with any recognized university in Pakistan. Talented
teachers will be paid at higher rates than usual grades. Local M.Phil and Ph.D programs shall be
launched and laboratory library facilities will be strengthened. Split Ph.D program is launched
and 100 scholars shall be annually trained under this program. Political activities are banned and
reserved seats will eliminated.
Computer shall be introduce in secondary schools. Schools curricula shall be revised to
include recent developments in information technology, such as software development, the
information super highway designing web pages, etc.
School college and university libraries shall be equipped with the last reading material /
services. Internal connection with computer shall be given to each library. Mobile library
services for semi urban and remote rural areas shall be introduced.
The investment in education private sector will be encouraged. Make the regulatory body
the national level and provincial level. To regulate the activities of private sector education for
this purpose proper rules and regulation are designed and also encouraging private sector
education provides the tax rebate for setup the educational institution. Education foundation
provides the grants to rural and poor urban areas. Education intuitions to be setup in private
sector shall be provided:-
Plots in reserved prices.
Rebate on income tax like industry.
Non-Profit Schools exempted from every taxes.
Curricula of private institution must concern to the Principal laid down in the federal supervision
of curricula under the text book and maintenance of standard of education act 1976. The fees
packages of private institution make with the Govt.

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Pakistan Education Policy


National Education Testing Service (NETS) establish for hiring for professional
institution. Selection of those candidates only who passed test of NETS for maintain the quality
of professional institution like general education in universities.
A district education authority is establish in every district for proper monitoring &
evaluation from gross route level to highest level. Education Minister will oversee monitoring
work at their level. The Prime Minister & Provincial Chief Minister will be the chief of national
and provincial education council respectively. This will ensure achievement of target. The exiting
EMIS at Federal and Provincial level shall be strengthen to make them responsive to the
monitoring and evaluation system (MES).The Academy of education planning and management
shall be strengthen to meet the emerging requirement of MES. Data Collective through provision
EMISs and from AEPAM shall be recognized as one source for planning and management.
Monitoring and evolution purpose under the head of national education management information
system (NEMIS). To avoid disparities and confusion. The qualitative aspect of critical indicator a
deal under EAPAM for developing and stainable indicator of progress based on more reliable
data. A school census day shall be fixed for collecting data all over the country. The total
expenditure of education will be raised from 2.2% to 4% of G.N.P by year 2002-2003 by Govt.

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Pakistan Education Policy


Weakened Governance
Lack of Clarity in Inter-Tier Relationships
Poor Quality of Teachers & Managers
Quality of curriculum, textbooks & exams
Low level of literacy
Out of school children
Public Private Partnership
In-adequate financing
Gender Equity
Poor monitoring & evaluation
Imbalance in primary, middle & secondary schools
Inconvenient school location


Universal and Free Primary and Secondary Education
Promotion of Equity
Minimum National Standards
Relevance to Labour Market
Sector Planning
Financial allocation of 7% of GDP by 2018
Encourage Private sector
Link Allocations to Definition of Free Education
Improve Planning, Management and Implementation Capacity
Donor Harmonisation
Overcoming Fragmented Governance Bridging the Public Private Divide
Improved Examination System
Introduction of Early Childhood Education (3-5 years) & inclusive education.
Achieve the MDG goals.
All Primary schools shall be upgraded to Middle level
Well developed plan for expanding school facilities.
High priority to reducing drop out rates
Improved school environment
Career Counselling at higher secondary level
Develop national literacy curriculum
Enhance qualifications for employment as teachers
Pre-service & in-service teacher training
Accreditation and certification of teachers

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Merit based teacher recruitment, professional development, promotions & postings
Curriculum development
Competitive publishing of textbooks and learning materials
District Education Boards to be established for managing schools
Separate management & academic cadres


Highlights of New Scheme of Studies:

a. Islamiat as an integrated subject in Classes I-II. Full-fledged subject from Classes III to
XII. Ethics for non-Muslims.
b. Advanced Islamic Studies in Classes IX-XII as an elective subject.
c. General Science compulsory from Classes IV-VIII.
d. Pakistan Studies compulsory upto Class-X. Advance Pakistan Studies as Elective for
Classes XI & XII.
e. History, Geography compulsory in Classes VI-VIII. Includes history of sub-continent
upto 1947. Post 1947 in Pak Studies.
f. Computer Literacy compulsory for Classes VI-VIII. Computer Science elective subject
in Classes IX-X and a Group in Class XI-XII.
g. Choice of Arabic / Other Languages, Drawing, Technology, Home Economics,
Agriculture in Classes VI to VIII.
h. Medical Technology Group (6 subjects) in Classes XI & XII.

Review of Curriculum:
a. Curriculum being updated in view of new Scheme of Studies, challenges of modern
world and job market.
b. Curriculum for 24 core subjects notified. Implementation from 2009. Total subjects 81.

New Textbook Policy:

Main features are:
improved quality of education through quality textbooks at affordable prices,
competitive publishing of textbooks by public & private publishers,
textbook boards will become facilitating & regulating authorities.Will approve
controversial material (cultural, religious, ethnic) shall not be included in
National Education Assessment System (NEAS)
to improve quality of education at elementary level.
to develop capacity in education assessment.
to measure learning achievements of students in grades IV and VIII.
Based on test results, education system being rehashed.
Examination System:

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Pakistan Education Policy
a. Centralized Examination System.
b. Question papers will have 3 parts:
i. 20% objective.
ii. 50% short answers.
iii. 30% descriptive answers.
Choice reduced to 33%.
Papers based on curriculum, not textbooks.
Teachers being trained to prepare children for new pattern.
c. Grace marks reduced from 11 to 3 in max of 2 subjects.

Access to Education:
a. Free education and textbooks up to secondary level.
b. To promote girls' education, future primary schools to be co-education with female
teachers only.
c. Stipends to girl students at Middle level.

Governance Reforms:
a. Inter-Provincial Education Ministers' (IPEM) Conference, for uniformity at national
b. Colleges & Technical education schools withdrawn from Districts and placed under
c. Introduction of Prep (ECE) Class.
d. Regulatory Authority for private educational institutions in Islamabad.
e. Uniform academic session from 2009.
f. All schools Bilingual. English and Urdu compulsory from Class-1 onwards.
g. English as medium of instruction for Science, Math and Computer Science. Islamiat, Pak
Studies in Urdu in all schools.

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Pakistan Education Policy

4.0 Recommendation

However many policies regarding education have been made since the independent day
of Pakistan. It is the misfortune of Pakistan that our policies makers and other officials to this
department made many policies but lack in implementation. There are many wish lists in their
policies which the GOVT want to implement but there is no proper time farm and no
appointment of officials to do this job. When the GOVT sees that the aim of one policy is not
fulfilling properly the introduce new policy. However it is not take into consideration what the
bad things in running policy.

The major problem in our policies implementation is that proper funds are not given by
the GOVT. Currently funds which is given by the GOVT is 2.1% of total G.N.P serve on
education sector . But it is promised the previous policies the increase the level of 7% of G.N.P
up to 2015. It was also a part of almost every education policy to upgrade public education sector
as well as private sector .But it is a still a dream. It is also mention in almost every policy to
increase literacy rate to promise the basic education to give the facilities to needy student like as
interest free student loan (issued the facility by SBP) many more like that. But things are still
In nutshell we want to

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