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Essay template: revised Jan 13, 2015

Tip: Just type the template verbatim at the beginning, and then fill in the blank with examples.

The argument, that [insert conclusion only] omits some important considerations that
need to be addressed to get a holistic view of the situation under consideration. The argument
fails to provide substantive evidence or sound reasoning to be able to prove or even support the
conclusion from the given premises. The major flaws in the argument include unstated
assumptions as well as the fact that the argument confused revenue with profit. The passage
below aims to elaborate on the flaws as well as provide potential remedies to resolve them.

First, the argument readily assumes that []. This is an unwarranted leap of faith which
needs additional evidence in order to hold. A possible situation that contradicts this assumption
could be that []. Another possibility might be []. Moreover, []... Hence, the conclusion is invalid
unless the argument provides additional evidence to validate this unstated assumption.
Second, the argument claims that []. This is again a weak and unsupported claim as the
argument does not take into account []. For instance, [] Additionally, in the case that []. The
argument would not hold as well. Hence, the argument fails to convince readers that [conclusion].

Lastly, the argument confused [] with []. What if? Another possibility might be
Moreover, if, then the argument would not hold either

To remedy the aforementioned flaws, the argument need to include evidences that
support each of those unstated assumptions as well as interpret the given information reasonably.
Had the argument [fix flaw 1], [fix flaw 2], and [fix flaw 3], the argument would have been much
more sound.

In short, the argument fails to mention several key factors, on the basis of which it could
be evaluated, and fails to reason logically from the given premises. The [flaw 1, 2, 3] render the
argument unconvincing. Had the argument included the remedies mentioned above, the
conclusion would have been much more reasonable.

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