Lakas Mapeh Majors

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Edgardo P. Soqueno Jr.

September 26, 2017

BSED MAPEH III-C Mr. Marlon T. Bojos, LPT, MAED P.E.


Colors of blue, red, yellow, green and violet filled the vicinity as the annual

Intramurals 2017 had been commenced. Balls, rackets, courts and loud cheers were

visible during the sports events. Arts and cultural festival was also apparent for I had

sensed pens, brushes, loud music and dances in the event.

MAPEH majors were assigned as officiating officials. I was designated to officiate

the event where every Normalite is excited and thrilled to watch every Intramurals, the

Mr. And Ms. CNU 2017. I was not too focused on my designated event for I was also a

cultural participant, representing CTE in contemporary dance competition. I had to

manage my time in order to partake these two jobs on my Intramurals worklist. I was not

able to help fully the pageant's talent's night because we were having our rehearsals of

our dance piece. On the third day of the intramurals week, I've done my jobs


Right after our competition where we received gold medals, I immediately went to

the event place to help. Still with my lizard's makeup, I was able to help and prepare the

things needed for the pageant's coronation night. During the pageant, the audiences felt

thrilled as we presented our winning piece that portrays a story of a family through

lizards. A shocking moment felt within me, as we, the officials of the pageant, were

called to come up on stage to receive certificates noting the support we shared on the

We all greatly learn from our experiences. To be involved in such big event is a

great privilege and help in our future endeavors. Even if we MAPEH Majors were busy

and lacked of rest during the event, seeing the smiles, hearing the loud cheers and

feeling the happiness of the Normalites were a great fulfillment and satisfaction in our

hearts, body and soul. The event was successful, and the experiences we had will

always be treasured.

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