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Catulli Carmina – Text and Translation page 1 /9

Praelusio Prelude
Young men and women, couples, are cavorting
together, observed by a group of old men.
Juvenes, Juvencelae
Eis aiona, eis aiona, tui sum. Young Men & Women
Forever, forever, I am yours.
Tui sum. Young Women
I am yours.
Juvenes, Juvencelae
O mea vita. Young Men & Women
Eis aiona, tui sum. Eis aiona! You are my life.
Forever, I am yours. Forever!
Tu mihi cara, mi cara amicula Young Men
corculum es! You are my darling,
my dear one, my sweetheart.
Cornulum es! Young Women
You are my sweetheart!
Tu mihi corculum, tu mihi corculum! Young Men
You are my sweetheart, my sweetheart!
Corcule, corcule Young Women
Dic mi, dic mi, a te me amari? Dear one, dear one,
Tell me, tell me, are you my love?
O tui oculi, ocelli lucidi Young Men
Fulgurant, efferunt me velut specula O your eyes, your shining eyes,
They glitter, inspiring me to hope.
Specula, specula tu mihi specula? Young Women
Hope, hope, are you my hope?
O tua blandula, blanda, blandicula, Young Men
blanda, blandicula tua labella. Oh your charming, flattering, alluring-
Your charming, alluring, lips.
Cave, cave, cave cavete! Young Women
Watch out, watch out, beware!
….ad ludum prolectant Young Men
…they entice us to games (of love).
Cave, cave, cave cavete! Young Women
Watch out, watch out, beware!
O tua lingula, lingula, lingula Young Men
Usque perniciter, vibrans ut vipera Ah, your tongue, your tongue,
Always quick, darting like a viper.
Cave, cave, cave cavete, Young Women
Cave meam viperam, nisi te mordet. Watch out, watch out, beware!
Beware of my viper, it may try to bite you.
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Juvenes Young Men

Morde me! Bite me!

Juvencelae Young Women

Basia me! Kiss me!
Juvenes Young Men
O tuae mammulae… Oh your breasts…
Juvenculue Young Women
…Mammulae… …breasts…
Juvenes, Juvencelae Young Men & Women
...mammulae molliculae… …supple breasts…
Juvenes, Young Men
..dulciter turgidae, gemine pomo!! …sweetly swelling, like twin apples!
Mea manus est cupida, My hands are longing,
O vos papillae horridulae! O you thrusting nipples!
Mea manus est cupida, illas prensare My hands are longing to grasp them.
Juvenculae Young Women
Suave, suave, lenire. Delightful, delightful, such pleasure

Juvenes, Young Men

illas prensare, vehementer prensare to grasp them, to passionately grasp them.
Juvenculae Young Women
O tua mentula, mentula, … O your phallus, your phallus, …

Juvenes Young Men

Mentula… …phallus…
Juvenculae Young Women
Cupide saliens .. …longing to rise,
Juvenes Young Men
..peni peniculus… …the penis, the little penis,
Juvenculae Young Women
..velut pisciculus, …just like a little fish,
Juvenes Young Men qui desiderat tuam fonticulam …which desires your little pond.

Juvenculae Young Women

Mea manus est cupida, My hand is longing.
coda, codicula, avida, avida! Your tail, your little tail is eager, eager!
Mea manus est cupida, illam captare. My hand is longing to seize it.
Juvenes Young Men
Petulanti marticula! Mischievous little hands!
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Juvenculae Young Women

…illam captare. seize it.
Juvenes Young Men
Tu est Venus, Venus es! You are Venus, Venus!
Juvenculae Young Women
O me felicem, o me felicem! How happy I am, how happy!
Juvenes Young Men
In te, in te, in te habitant In you, in you dwells
Omnia gaudia, omnes dulcedines, omnis All joy, all sweet delight, all pleasure.
voluptas. In te, in te, in tuo amplexu In you, in your embrace,
In tuta ingenti amplexu In your fervent embrace,
Yota est, tota est mihi vita. Is all, is all my life.

Juvenculae Young Women

O me felicem! How happy I am!

Juvenes, Juveaculae Young Men & Women

Eis aiona! Forever!
Senes Old men
Eis aiona! Eis aiona! Eis aiona! Forever! Forever! Forever!
O res ridicula, immensa stultitia! How ridiculous, utter folly!
Nil, nihil durare potest tempore perpetuo Nothing, nothing can last forever
Cum bene Sol nituit redditur Oceano, As the sun begins to shine on the ocean,
Decrescit Phoebe, quaemodo plena fuit. The moon wanes, which was just now full.
Venrum feritas Love’s fire often changes,
Saepe, saepe, fit aura levis. Fades, fades to a gentle breeze.
Tempus, tempus amoris cubiculum non est, Time, the time for love is not in the bedroom,
Sublata lucerna nulla est fides: Under the lamp’s light (you can see) there is no
Per fida omnia sunt. faithfulness: All is deceit.
O vos brutos, vos stupidos, vos stolidos! O you dullards, you stupid, unthinking men!
Senex Old man
Lantenari, tene scaiam! Lantern-bearer, hold the ladder!

Senes Old Men

Audite, audite, audite ac videte: Listen, listen, listen and see!
Catulli Carmina, Catulli Carmina! The Songs of Catullus, The Songs of Catullus!
Juvenes, Juveaculae Young Men & Women
Audiamus! We listen!

The theatrical play begins.

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Acutus I Act I
Catullus leans on a column.

I: Catulli Carmen #85 I:

Chorus Chorus
Odi et amo. I hate and love. Why do I do both, you may ask?
Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. I do not know, but I sense it happening,
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior and it tortures me.
Lesbia enters. Catullus and Lesbia stand
II: Catulli Carmen #5 II:
Catullus, then the chorus Catullus, then the chorus
Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus, Let us live, my Lesbia, together in love
Rumoresque senum severiorum Regard the mumblings of old men,
Omnes unius aestimemus assis! As nearly worthless!
Catullus & chorus Catullus & chorus
Soles occidere et redire possunt: Suns set and rise again:
Nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux, For when our short-lived light fades,
Nox est pepertua una dormienda. We will sleep together in the eternal night.
Catullus Catullus
Da mi basia! Kiss me!
Chorus Chorus
Da mi basia mille, deinde centum, Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred,
Dein mille altera, dein secunda centum, then another thousand, and a second hundred,
Deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum. then still another thousand, and a hundred more.
Dein, cum milia multa fecerimus, Then, with many thousands more,
Conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus, until we are confused as to the count,
Aut nequis malus invidere possit, so that no one can be jealous of
Cum tantum sciat esse basiorum. the number of our kisses.
Catullus Catullus
Da mi basia, basia, basia… Kiss me, kiss me….
III: Catulli Carmen #51 III: Catullus and Lesbia sit by a column
Catullus Catullus
Ille mi par esse deo videtur, He seems to me like a god.
Ille, si fas est, superare divos, He, if I may, appears to surpass the gods,
Qui sedens adversus identidem te The man who sits opposite you, ever
Spectat et audit dulce ridentem, watching and listening to your sweet laughter…
Lesbia Lesbia
Ridentem …laughter…
Catullus Catullus
Misero quod omnis eripit sensus mihi: …which miserably robs me of all sense.
Nam simul te, Lesbia, adspexi, nihil est super Just as, Lesbia, beholding you, I am overcome…
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Lesbia Lesbia
…super mi… …overcome…

Catullus Catullus
Lingua sed torpet, my tongue grows numb,
tenuis sub artus flamma demanat, an exquisite flame flows down my limbs,
sonitu suopte titinant aures, my ears ring with sound,
gemina teguntur lumina nocte. both of my eyes are dim as the night.

Lesbia Lesbia
Nocte. ..the night.

Catullus falls asleep in Lebia’s lap.

Chorus Chorus
Otium, Catulle, tibit molestum’st, Idleness, Catullus, is what troubles you:
Otio exultas nimiumque gestis: You are enthralled with idleness, and it is too
otium et reges prius et beatas perdidit urbes. much to bear,
Idleness has ruined kings and affluent cities.

Lesbia leaves Catullus sleeping.

Lesbia dances in a tavern before her admirers.

Meanwhile Catullus awakens. Caelius enters,
and Catullus despairs.

IV: Cattuli Carmen #58 IV:

Catullus Catullus
Calei, Lesbia nostra, Lesbia illa, Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia,
Illa Lesbia, quam Catullus unam the Lesbia, who Catullus loved more than
Plus quam se atque suos amavit omnes, himself, more than all who were his,
Chorus Chorus
Nunc in quadriviis et angiportis Now (they are) left at street corners and down
Glubit magnanimi Remi nepotes. alleys, those descendants of the noble Remus.

Catullus Catullus
O mea Lesbia! O my Lesbia!

V Catulli Carmina #70 V

Catullus & Chorus Catullus and Chorus
Nulli se dicit mulier mea nubere malle My love says there is no one she would prefer to
Quam mihi, non si se Juppiter ispe petat. marry than me, not even if Jupiter himself
Dicit: sed mulier cupido quod dicit amanti should ask her. She declares: yet, what a woman
In vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua. tells the lover she desires is as a breath of wind
and as though written in swiftly running water.
Placet, placet, placet, old men applaud, saying:
Optime, optime, optime! Bravo, bravo, bravo,
It is true, it is true!
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Actus II Act II
Night. Catullus is asleep in the street in front
of Lesbia’s house. In a dream, he sees though
the transparent walls of the house to watch
himself lying on the couch passionately
embracing Lesbia.

VI Catulli Carmina 109 VI

Chorus Chorus
Jucundum, mea vita, mihi proponis amorem. My life, I promise that this love we share will
Huc nostrum inter not sperpetuumque fore always be enchanting and will last forever.
Lesbia caresses him lovingly.
Dorm, dormi, dormi ancora
Sleep, sleep, sleep still…

Chorus Chorus
Jucundum, mea vita, mihi proponis amorem My life, I promise that this love we share will
Huc nostrum inter not sperpetuumque fore. always be enchanting and will last forever.
Di magni, facite ut vere promittere posit, Great Gods, let her truly vow, and say it
atque sincere dicat et ex animo, genuinely from her heart, that we may be
ut liceat nobis tota perducere vita granted, throughout out lives, to continue in this
aetermum hoc sanctae foedus amicitiae. sacred bond.

Lesbia Lesbia
Dorm, dormi, dormi ancora Sleep, sleep, still…

Love Scene

Catullus wakes from his dream. He realizes

Caellus is with Lesbia, in his place. The walls
of the house become opaque, Catullus is in
darkness and despairs.
VII: Catulli Carmen #73 VII:
Catullus Catullus
O mea Lesbia! O, my Lesbia!
Chorus Chorus
Desine de quoquam quicquam bene velle mereri, Stop expecting anything good from anyone; stop
Aut aliquem fieri posse putare pium. thinking anyone can ever be righteous.
Omnia sunt ingrate, nil, nil fecisse benigne All things are unappreciated. Good deeds are
Immo etiam taedet obestque magis; nothing, indeed, wearisome and an utter nuisance;
Ut mihi quem nemo gravius nec acerbius urget, As for myself, no one more deeply or severely
quam mado qui me unum atque unicum amicum distresses me than the one who was once my one
habuit. Omnai sunt ingrata. and only friend. All things are unappreciated.

Senes old men applaud, saying:

Placet, placet, placet, Bravo, bravo, bravo,
Optime, optime, optime! It is true, it is true!
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Actus III
Morning. Catullus leans on a pillar.
VIII: Cartulli Carmen #85
Chorus VIII:
Odi et amo. Chorus
Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris. I hate and love. Why do I do both, you may ask?
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior. I do not know, but I sense it happening,
and it tortures me.

Ipstilla, a beautiful young woman, appears at a

window. Enflamed with passion, Catullus
writes her a letter.
IX: Catulli Carmen #32 IX:
Catullus Catullus
Amabo, mea dulcis Ipsitilla, My beloved, my sweet Ipsitilla,
Meae deliciae, mei lepores My darling, my charming love,
Iube ad te veniam meridiatum. Tell me to come to you in the afternoon.
Et si iusseris illud adiuvato, And if you so command me, be sure no one
Ne quis liminis observet tabellam, blocks the door-way.
neu tibi libeat foras abira, And please do not go out, but stay at home and
Sed domi maneas paresque nobis prepare yourself for nine uninterrupted acts of
Novem continuas fututiones. love!
Verum si quid ages, statim iubeto: In fact, if you request, I will come at once;
Nam pransus iaceo et satur supinus For I have eaten lunch and lie down, sated, my
Pertundo tunicamque palliumque. member poking through my tunic and cloak.

X: Ameana, an old prostitute, assails Catullus

X: Cartulli Carmen #41
Chorus Ha, ha, ha, ha
Ha, ha, ha
Catullus Ameana, that worn-out whore
Ameana puella defututa Asked me for ten thousand,
Tota millia me decem poposcit, The one with the ugly nose,
Ista turpinculo puella naso, Mistress of the bankrupt Formianus.
Decoctoris amica Formiani. Call relatives to care for her,
Propinqui, quibus est puella curae, Send for her friends and the medics: she is not
Amicos medicosque convocate: sane: she does not ask for the (small) amount she
Non est sana puella, is worth, she should be made to see her (true)
Nec rogate quails sit, solide est imaginosa appearance.

Catullus pushes Ameana away.

Searching among the strolling lovers and
courtesans, Catullus looks only for Lesbia.
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XI: Catulli Carmen #8 XI:

Chorus Chorus
Miser Catulle, desinas ineptire, Poor Catulus, cease being a fool,
Et quod vides perisse, perditum ducas. See what is lost, and this you must accept.
Fulsere quondam candidi tibi soles, Once brightly the sun shone on you,
Cum ventitabas quo peulla ducebat And you went wherever your lover led,
Amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla. Since you loved her more than any other.

Ibi illa multa tum iocosa fiebant, Then, there were many amusing times, in which
Quae tu volebas nec puella nolebat. your wishes were followed, she did not refuse you.
Fulsere vere candidi tibi soles. Truly the sun shone brilliantly for you then.
Nuc iam illa non vult: Now, she is not willing: Today you are as she
to quoque impotens noli, once was, powerless to refuse.
Nec quae fugit sectare, nec miser vive, Do not pursue her, or live in misery,
Sed obstinate mente prefer, obdura. but be strong, choose to be unyielding.

Vale, puella! Iam Catullus obdurat, Goodbye, my dear! Catullus is resolved,

Nec te requiret nec rogabit invitam: He will not seek you, or woo you against your
At tu dolebis, cum regaboeris nulla. will: but you will know regret, when no one
courts you.
Scelesta, vae te! Wretched woman, woe to you!
Quae tibit manet vita! Quis nuc te adibit? What a life awaits you! Who will visit now?
Cui videberis bella? Quem nunc amabit? Who will think you beautiful? Whom will you
Cullus esse diceris? Cui quem labella mordebis, love? Who will declare their love for you?
cui quem labella mordebis? Whose lips will you kiss, whose lips will you
At tu, Catulle, destinatus obdura. But you, Catullus, be strong, be resolute.
Among the lovers, Catullus staggers and
topples to the ground. Caelius and Lesbia
enter. Lesbia sees Catullus and cries out to
him. Catullus cries out to her, but pushes her
Catullus Catullus
Lesbia! Lesbia!
Catullus leans on a column.
XII: Catulli Carmina #87 & #75
Nulla potest mulier… Catullus
No woman can…
Nulla potest mulier tantum se dicere amatam Chorus
vere, quantum a me Lesbia amata mea’s: No woman can claim to have been truly loved as
much my Lesbia has been loved by me:
Nulla fides… Catullus
No such faithfulness…
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Chorus No such faithfulness has been found in any vow,
Nulla fides ullo fuit umquam in foedere tanta, nor did any find so great a love. Now is my
Quanta in amore tuo ex parte reperta mea est. reason shattered, because of you.
Nunc est mens diducta tua,
Catullus My Lesbia, you are to blame…
Mea Lesbia, culpa,
Chorus I am also ruined by my own devotion to you.
Atque ita se officio perdidit ipsa suo, tua
Catullus My Lesbia, you are to blame…
Mea Lesbia, culpa,
Chorus I cannot now wish you well,
ut iam nec bene velle queat tibi, however virtuous you may become;
si optima fias, nec desistere amare, nor can I cease to love you,

Catullus & Chorus

Catullus & Chorus Whatever you may do.
Omnia si facias.
Lesbia flees into the house in despair.

The theatrical play is over.

The young mean and women take no heed of
what they have seen, and are aroused anew to
mutual ardor.
Young Men & Women
Juvenes, Juveaculae Forever, forever, I am yours!
Eis aiona! Eis aiona! Tui sum!
Old men
Senes Ah, me!
Oi me!
Young Men & Women
Juvenes, Juveaculae Forever! Kindle the flame!
Eis aiona! Accendite faces!!

Only a fraction of the repetition of text in the score is included here. Translation is sometimes literal, sometimes
poetic license freely applied. Corrections and suggestions appreciated (e-mail
This original translation intended for use by Chora Nova. Includes notes of Catullus poem numbers and notes
on dramatic setting of the work (adapted from multiple sources). Some text spelling and punctuation
corrections taken from Project Gutenberg Ebook of Catulli Carmina by C. Varius Catullus & Robin Ellis and
Useful websites:
Summary/review of work and recording used for practice CD:
Compilation of Catullus’ poems with audio files of readings in Latin, multiple translations, etc:

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