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Secret Latina at Large

Secret Latina at Large is an essay written by Veronica Chambers and published in

2000. The essay is about cultural identity. Veronica Chambers is a black latin girl
who was born in Panama and grew up in Brooklyn, and who looks Afroamerican
because of her appearance. Because of this, she has found discrimination not only
among white people but also from Latins. She claims she has two oceans of
heritage, because on the one hand her mother, who is Panamanian, has dark skin
and speaks Spanish language, and on the other hand, her father who is a Latin
black Afro Antillano. When they moved to the USA, her mother kept her culture by
speaking in Spanish and watching Spanish programmes. Her grandmother also
showed her Panamanian food, clothes and music .However, her father wanted to
acculturate to the place so he wanted the children to speak in English. When being
young, she got to know what opinion Americans have, about Latins when she had
to ask permission to study Spanish at school. Spanish was not considered a
language for the talented and intellectual. At the beginning, she was unsure about
her identity. But at the age of 27, she finally travelled to Panama. It was a turning
point in her life as she discovered that the love she had developed for the
Panamanian culture was real, she felt at home there. She agrees that Secret
Latina at large is a perfect description for her, because on the hand it is impossible
to know she has a latin origin at first glance, and on the other hand she is
representing a small ethnic black and latin group as a whole.

Fathers to the fore is an article written by two public officials, Beverly Hughes
and Duncan Fisher, published by The Guardian in 2006. This article is about the
necessity to
modernize family support services in the UK, so as to satisfy fathers
needs, because gender role stereotypes are falling away.This project is not an easy
task as family support services have to be updated so as to give fathers tools to be
as well
prepared as mothers, making them feel comfortable when it comes to asking for
advice in family support centres. An example of a modernized family support
service is the Daddy Cool Programme, a father-friendly centre which offers
activities for fathers as football games and magazines, where they can also ask for
help. Children who are brought up by both of their parents, will question gender
role stereotypes when they grow up, and this will change their future paradigm of

Support Charity Brings Single Father into Focus is an article written by Jenny
Sundelin and published by The Guardian in 2009. It is about a new centre, Dads
House, for single fathers and it is located in London. Since research suggests that
support centres for single mothers outnumber father support services, this centre
offers help and temporary accomodation for lone parent households. It is run by
paid stuff and volunteers. The founder of this centre is William Mc Granaham, who
was brought up by his lone father and who also had to raise up his child alone after
the mother left.

Account for the title:

Secret Latina at Large is an essay written by Veronica Chambers and published in

2000. It is about cultural identity. The author describes her experiences in her
search for identity. The title Secret Latina at Large is considered a perfect
description for her. Secret refers to the impossibility to identify at first glance that
she has a Latin origin because of her appearance. At large refers to the fact that
she is representing a small ethnic black and latin group as a whole.

Fathers to the Fore refers to the change in focus of British family support services
so as to become more father friendly when assistance is offered.

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