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Hawthorne Academy

English IV Honors

Instructor: Nicole Sparrow

Office: C109
Office Hours: 2:15-3:00/ by appointment
Office Telephone: 980-343-6011
E-mail: (best form of contact)

Course Description:

English IV Honors is an in-depth study of British literature and British literary nonfiction
especially foundational works and documents from 449 AD through the current times. Students
will be expected to do an in class novel study as well as a guided independent novel study.

This satisfy the NC Requirement for English 4.

Textbooks and Materials:

Textbook Website:
Textbook: Holt McDougal Literature Grade 9-12: Common Core Edition

This course has several components. It consist of lecture, discussion, activities, papers, projects,
and presentations.

Grading Procedures:
All formal assignments and assessment will be on the course website calendar and will be scored
1-100 and given the weight 1-3 in advance.

Grading Policy
Semester Grade:
o 40% 1st 9 Weeks
o 40% 2nd 9 Weeks
o 20% NC Final
First 9 Week Grade
o 60% Formal Assessments (weighted 1-5)
o 20% Informal Assessments (weighted 1-5)
o 20% Midterm Assessment
Second 9 Week Grade
o 60% Formal Assessments (weighted 1-5)
o 20% Graduation Project or Paper
o 20% Informal Assessments (weighted 1-5)

Hawthorne Academy

Late Work Policy/Make Up Work

Make Up Work:

A Student who misses homework assignments or other assignments or due dates because of absences,
whether excused or unexcused, will be allowed to make up the work. Arrangements for completing the
work should be made within five (5) school days of the date of the students return to school and include
a schedule for completion of the work. Students must initiate the contact with the teacher.

Late Work:
1. Homework and other assignments will be accepted, even if turned in after the designated
date. After 5 school days late, they will not be accepted.

2. Students will receive an initial score of zero (0) for an assignment or assessment on which her
or she made no attempt or which is missing.

3. Credit for late work shall be awarded according to the following guidelines:

a. If the student was present in class on the due date, the work will be penalized 20

b. If the student was not present in class on the due date because of an excused
absence, full credit will be given for the completed work.

c. If the student was not present in class on the due date because of an unexcused
absence, the work will be penalized 20 points.

Retake Policy:

If a student scores below a 79 on a test, he or she must be given the option to retake a test with a
qualifier. The English Department requires that students stay for tutoring after school to practice the skill
needed, and complete all missing work from that unit and then they may retest within 5 school days of
receiving feedback from the original assessment.

Students who retest will receive the average (mean) of the 1st (original score) and the 2nd (retest
score). The original score shall never go below a 50 (F). This will give the student the
opportunity to make improvement.

Viewing Grades in PowerSchool (optional):

Points you receive for graded activities will be posted to the Power School Grade Book. Please see
Ms. Leeper for the forms and the procedures for parental and student access to Power School.
Grades are typically updated daily. Essay assignments may take longer but I will inform you of
progress in class.

Hawthorne Academy

Letter Grade Assignment

Letter Grade Percentage
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%

Course Policies:

Attend Class
Students are expected to attend all class sessions.

Students are expected to participate daily. Weekly participation grades will be entered into
Power School. Students will earn points for in class discussions and other activities.

Build Rapport
If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course,
make sure you let your instructor know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and
effective relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure that you are
proactive in informing your instructor when difficulties arise during the semester so that they can
help you find a solution.

Complete Assignments
All assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through Google Drive unless
otherwise instructed. Assignments must be submitted by the given deadline or special
permission must be requested from instructor before the due date. All discussion assignments
must be completed by the assignment due date and time. Late or missing discussion assignments
will affect the students grade.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations,
plagiarism and helping someone else commit an act of academic dishonesty. It usually involves an
attempt by a student to show possession of a level of knowledge or skill that he/she does not

2. Course instructors have the initial responsibility for detecting and dealing with academic
dishonesty. Instructors who believe that an act of academic dishonesty has occurred are obligated
to discuss the matter with the student(s) involved. Instructors should possess reasonable
evidence of academic dishonesty.

3. Instructors who are convinced by the evidence that a student is guilty of academic dishonesty

Hawthorne Academy

shall assign an appropriate academic penalty. If the instructors believe that the academic
dishonesty reflects on the student's academic performance or the academic integrity in a course,
the student's grade should be adversely affected. A failing grade on the particular paper, project
or examination will be recorded.

Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, may be reported
to the office.
Course policies are subject to change. It is the students responsibility to check the course website for
corrections or updates to the syllabus. Any changes will be posted on the course website.

Accommodations Needed
Any student with a 504 or IEP in place will have those accommodations met. If you do not have
one of those documents and have special needs, please inform your teacher and I will refer to the
person who can help you receive additional accommodations.

Course Topics:
Week Topic
Week 1 The Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods
Week 2 The Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods
Week 3 The Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods
Week 4 The English Renaissance (1485-1660)
Week 5 The English Renaissance (1485-1660)
Week 6 The English Renaissance (1485-1660)
Week 7 The Restoration and 18th Century (1660-1798)
Week 8 The Restoration and 18th Century (1660-1798)
Week 9 The Flowering of Romanticism (1798-1832)
Week 10 The Flowering of Romanticism (1798-1832)
Week 11 The Flowering of Romanticism (1798-1832)
Week 12 The Victorians (1832-1901)
Week 13 The Victorians (1832-1901)
Week 14 The Victorians (1832-1901)
Week 15 Modern and Contemporary Literature (1901 present)
Week 16 Modern and Contemporary Literature (1901 present)
Week 17 Exam Review
Week 18 Exams

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