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Lifting Lug

Developer: Meca Enterprises

Chris Rosencutter

Description: Design lifting lugs for a stack or vessel. The program is based
upon two (2) lugs located 180 degrees apart. A check of the shear,
bearing, bending, edge distances, and shackle clearance is made.
The program also checks the loads on the lugs for all angles of lift
from horizontal to vertical.

Platform: LiftLug is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. It requires MS Excel

2000 or later to run.

Units: English or Metric

(Click of the button automatically toggles all inputs and results)

Sample Output: The following pages are the output from the LiftLug spreadsheet.

Purchase: You may purchase this program at .

Lifting Lug v1-1
Two (2) Lifting lugs 180 Degrees Apart for a Stack or Vessel

Customer: Meca English Metric Project: Demo

Desc: Demo Engineer: CR

H= Lift Load with Stack in Horizontal Position (ea. Lug) 110,000 lbs
V= Lift load with Stack in Vertical Position (ea. Lug) 170,000 lbs
Phi = Lift Angle off of vertical (adds weak axis moment) 0 deg

OD = Outer Diameter of Shell 36 in

t= Corroded Shell Thickness 0.375 in
Fys = Yield Stress of Shell 32,600 psi
E= Modulus of Elasticity of Shell 2.90E+07 psi

Fy = Yield strength of Lifting Lug 36,000 psi

Fu = Ultimate tensile strength of material 60,000 psi

hl = Dist from top of shell to ctr of hole 4 in

hs = Dist from top of shell to bottom of lug 12 in
tg = Thickness of Lifting Lug 2 in
R= Radius of Lug 8 in
tw = Weld Leg Size 0.75 in

Crosby Shackle Size Model = G-2130 85 Ton 85 Ton

Db = Diameter of Shackle Pin 3.2500 in
hd = Diameter of Lug Hole 3.3750 in
Pd = Diameter of Repad 0 in
tp = Thickness of Repad 0 in

Description SR Result Actual Allowable Units

Lug: Minimum Edge Distance 0.45 PASS 6.313 2.833 in
Lug: Shear 0.94 PASS 13,465 14,400 psi
Lug: Bearing Stress 0.44 PASS 26,154 60,000 psi
Lug: Bending + Tensile Stress 0.36 PASS 7,750 21,600 psi
Welding 0.92 PASS 9,979 10,800 psi
Shackle Shackle is Acceptable 2/20/02
Lifting Lug v1-1
Two (2) Lifting lugs 180 Degrees Apart for a Stack or Vessel

Customer: Meca English Metric Project: Demo

Desc: Demo Engineer: CR

Lifting Lug Design

Minimum Edge Distance:

Req'd Minimum Edge Distance (per J3-6): 2*V/(Fu*tg) 2.833 in
Actual Edge Distance: (R - hd/2) 6.313 in

Single Plane Shear Stress:

fv = V / ((R - hd / 2) * tg+(Pd - hd / 2)*tp*2) 13,465 psi
Fv = Allowable Shear: 0.4 * Fy 14,400 psi

Bearing Stress:
fbr = V/(Db*(tg+2*tp)) 26,154 psi
Fbr = Allowable Bearing: 1.0 * Fu 60,000 psi




Stress in Lifting Lug

Angle Lift Load Fx Fy Mlug fa fb ftot
lbs lbs lbs in-lbs psi psi psi
0 110,000 110,000 - 4.400E+05 - 5,156 5,156
10 116,667 114,894 20,259 4.596E+05 633 5,386 6,019
20 123,333 115,895 42,182 4.636E+05 1,318 5,433 6,751
30 130,000 112,583 65,000 4.503E+05 2,031 5,277 7,309
40 136,667 104,693 87,848 4.188E+05 2,745 4,907 7,653
50 143,333 92,133 109,800 3.685E+05 3,431 4,319 7,750
60 150,000 75,000 129,904 3.000E+05 4,059 3,516 7,575
70 156,667 53,583 147,219 2.143E+05 4,601 2,512 7,112
80 163,333 28,363 160,852 1.135E+05 5,027 1,329 6,356
90 170,000 0 170,000 4.166E-11 5,313 0 5,313
Max 170,000 115,895 170,000 4.636E+05 5,313 5,433 7,750
Fx = (Lift Load) * Sin(Angle)
Fy = (Lift Load) * Cos(Angle)
Mlug = Fx * hl
Mweak = (Lift Load)*Tan(Phi)*hl
Slug = tg*(2*R)^2 / 6 = 85.33 in^3
Sweak = (2*R)*tg^2 / 6 = 10.67 in^3
Alug = tg*(2*R) = 32.00 in^2
fa = Fy / Alug
fb = Mlug / Slug + Mweak/Sweak 2/20/02
Lifting Lug v1-1
Two (2) Lifting lugs 180 Degrees Apart for a Stack or Vessel

Customer: Meca English Metric Project: Demo

Desc: Demo Engineer: CR

ftot = fa + fb


Weld Stresses
Angle Fx Fy T1x T1y T2x T2y Ttot
lbs lbs psi psi psi psi psi
0 110,000 - 3,704 - 3,402 4,536 8,431
10 114,894 20,259 3,869 682 3,553 4,738 9,191
20 115,895 42,182 3,903 1,421 3,584 4,779 9,721
30 112,583 65,000 3,791 2,189 3,482 4,643 9,979
40 104,693 87,848 3,526 2,958 3,238 4,317 9,934
50 92,133 109,800 3,103 3,698 2,849 3,799 9,573
60 75,000 129,904 2,526 4,375 2,320 3,093 8,902
70 53,583 147,219 1,805 4,958 1,657 2,210 7,960
80 28,363 160,852 955 5,417 877 1,170 6,837
90 0 170,000 0 5,725 0 0 5,725
Max 112,583 65,000 3,791 2,189 3,482 4,643 9,979

Aw = (hs+2*R)*2*0.707*tw 29.694 in^2
Ju = (hs+2*R)^3/6 3.6587E+03 in^3
Jw = Ju * tw * 0.707 1.9400E+03 in^4
Cw = ((hs/2)^2+R^2)^0.5 10.000 in
Theta = Atan(R/(hs/2)) 0.927 rads
Primary Shear Stress:
T1X = Primary Shear: Fx / Aw
T1y = Primary Shear: Fy / Aw
T2X = Secondary Shear: (Fx*(hl+hs/2)*Cw/Jw)*Sin(Theta)
T2Y = Secondary Shear: (Fx*(hl+hs/2)*Cw/Jw)*Cos(Theta)

Shackle Checks:
Rated Capacity 170,000 lbs
Maximum Load 170,000 lbs
--> Capacity Ok

Inside Clearnace for Shackle 13.0000 in

Actual Lug Radius: R 8.0000 in
--> Clearnace OK

Shackle Width 5.0000 in

Total Plate Width: tg + 2*tp 2.0000 in
--> Clearance OK 2/20/02

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