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Caleb Parsons




Excel Lesson 6

Section A. Define the following vocabulary (4 pts):

1. Formula A formula is a equation.

2. Cell reference A cell reference is when a equation contains a cell address.

Section B. Explain how to do the following (12 pts):

1. Create a simple formula: To make a simple formula you must first put a equal sign and then

you're formula For example =32*10.

2. Create a formula using a cell reference: To make a formula using a cell reference it is the same

as without a cell reference but instead of numbers you use the cell address =B1+B2.

3. Edit a formula: To edit a formula First you click the cell you want to edit then put the cursor in

the formula bar and edit the formula just the way you want and press enter.

4. What are the symbols use for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division? The symbol

for addition is a plus sign(+), The symbol for subtraction is a minus sign(-), The symbol for

multiplication is a asterisk(*), and the symbol for division is a forward slash (/).

Section C. Critical Thinking (12 pts):

1. What do you have to do if you see multiple ### signs in a cell? If you see the ###### sign in a

cell you need to make the cell biger.

2. Why is it important to double check your formulas when you enter them? It is important to

double check your formulas because excel won't tell you if it's wrong.
3. Compare the different ways to create formulas in Excel. There are 3 different ways to make a

formula. The simple formula uses numbers that you type in while the others use a cell reference

The formulas with a cell reference in it you need to type the cell address in it while in the

clicking method you click the cell and put a equals sign in it then you select the first cell to be

included the type the operator and last select the other cell in the formula and press enter.

4. Describe a person or business that probably uses Excel and cell formulas. A person that

probably uses excel formulas is a banker because they need to keep track of money.

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