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05.01 xjll xjlpr rcNi | lQ iw lolkl cUkriq

SurqkpiqSirxikSui lQ iw lolkl rw r Sur r
ASir r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r WMv r
LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
sthnni sthnibhyo yacchati | n te nibandhana cakuradhytma
draavyamadhibhtamdityastatrdhidaivata n te nibandhana yacakui
yo draavye ya ditye yo ny ya pre yo vijne ya nande yo hdyke
ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati so'yamtm

. .
, ,


[sthnni] sthnni( [(+) ]

sthna( . stay; a place, spot; an abode, a house; a country, region, a town, city)
[sthnibhyo] sthnibhya( [ ]
sthnin( . the original form or primitive element, that for which anything else substituted)
[yacchati] yacchati( [. .]
yam(1. . to check, restrain, control; to offer, give; to support, sustain; to exhibit, show)
[n] n( .nom.) []
n( . the tubular stalk of any plant; any tubular organ of the body; a pipe) = ndi( .)
[te] te(pn. []

14. _5 2597
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
nibandhana( . the act of fastening, binding together; constructing, building; restraining)
[cakuradhytma] caku( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]
, - ,
, - ,
. - .
[and/or] , , .
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)
adhytma( . belonging to self or person, concerning an individual: . the supreme spirit or the
relation between the supreme and the individual soul)
[draavyamadhibhtamdityastatrdhidaivata] draavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhtam( .nom.)
+ ditya( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [ ,
draavya(pot.p. to be seen, visible; perceptible; fit to be seen, investigated)
adhibhta( . the spiritual or fine substratum of material or gross objects; the allpenetrating
influence of the Supreme Spirit; the Supreme Spirit itself)
ditya( . solar, born in the solar line: . a son of Aditi; a god, divinity in general)
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
adhidaivata( . the presiding god or deity; the supreme deity or the divine agent operating in
material objects)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yacakui] ya(pn. .nom.) + cakui( .loc.) [() ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[draavye] draavye([ .] .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ditye] ditye( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
hd( . the mind, heart; the chest, breast; the soul)
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]

antara( . being in the inside, interior: . the interior, inside; soul, heart; the Supreme soul)
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
sacar(1. . to move, walk, go, pass; to practise, perform; to pass over; to act)
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]
ups(2. . to sit near to, sit at the side of, serve, worship; to use, occupy; to pass)
ajara( . not subject to old age or decay, ever young; undecaying, imperishable: . a god)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
abhaya( . free from fear or danger, secure, safe: . absence or removal of fear)
oka( . sorrow, grief, distress, affliction, lamentation)
ananta( . endless, infinite, eternal: . the sky, atmosphere) < anta( . limit, boundary)

05.02 qkriq iurqkpi SvxikSui lQ iw lolkl r

r iur r S r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r WMv
r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
rotramadhytma rotavyamadhibhta diastatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana ya rotre ya rotavye yo diku yo ny ya pre yo vijne
ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati so'yamtm

, ,


[rotramadhytma] rotram( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [

rotra( . the ear; proficiency in the Vedas; the Veda)
adhytma( . belonging to self or person, concerning an individual: . the supreme spirit or the
relation between the supreme and the individual soul)
[rotavyamadhibhta] rotavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [
rotavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ru(5. . to hear, listen to, give ear to)
adhibhta( . the spiritual or fine substratum of material or gross objects; the allpenetrating
influence of the Supreme Spirit; the Supreme Spirit itself)
[diastatrdhidaivata] dia( + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [

14. _5 2599
di( . a direction, cardinal point, point of the compass; the mere direction of a thing)
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
adhidaiva( . the presiding god or deity; the supreme deity or the divine agent operating in
material objects) < abhi( . to, towards, into) + daiva( . divine; fatal: . fate, destiny, luck)
[n] n( .nom.) []
n( . the tubular stalk of any plant; any tubular organ of the body; a pipe) = ndi( .)
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
nibandhana( . the act of fastening, binding together; constructing, building; restraining)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rotre] rotre( .loc.) [ ]
rotra( . the ear; proficiency in the Vedas; the Veda)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rotavye] rotavye([ .] .loc.) [ ]
rotavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ru(5. . to hear, listen to, give ear to)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[diku] diku( [ ]
di( . a direction, cardinal point, point of the compass; the mere direction of a thing)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
n( . the tubular stalk of any plant; any tubular organ of the body; a pipe) = ndi( .)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
hd( . the mind, heart; the chest, breast; the soul)
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
antara( . being in the inside, interior: . the interior, inside; soul, heart; the Supreme soul)
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
sacar(1. . to move, walk, go, pass; to practise, perform; to pass over; to act)
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]
ups(2. . to sit near to, sit at the side of, serve, worship; to use, occupy; to pass)

ajara( . not subject to old age or decay, ever young; undecaying, imperishable: . a god)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
abhaya( . free from fear or danger, secure, safe: . absence or removal of fear)
oka( . sorrow, grief, distress, affliction, lamentation)
ananta( . endless, infinite, eternal: . the sky, atmosphere) < anta( . limit, boundary)

05.03 lxkriq biurqkpi mju ikSui lQ iw lolkl r

lxr r biur r mjur r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r
WMv r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
nsdhytma ghrtavyamadhibhta pthiv tatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yo nsy yo ghrtavye ya pthivy yo ny ya pre yo
vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

, ,


[nsdhytma] ns( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]

ns( . the nose; the trunk of an elephant; the upper timber of door)
[ghrtavyamadhibhta] ghrtavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [(+)
ghrtavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ghr(1. . to smell, smell at; to kiss)
[pthiv] pthiv( .nom.) []
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[tatrdhidaivata] tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [ .]
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nsy] nsy( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ghrtavye] ghrtavye([ .] .loc.) [(+) ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pthivy] pthivy( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]

14. _5 2601
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.04 ekriq Uxriurqkpi uhxikSui lQ iw lolkl r

er r Uxriur r uh r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r
WMv r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
jihvdhytma rasayitavyamadhibhta varuastatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yo jihvy yo rasayitavye yo varue yo ny ya pre yo
vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

, , ''
, ''


[jihvdhytma] jihv( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]

jihv( . the tongue; the tongue of fire, a flame; a sentence)
[rasayitavyamadhibhta] rasayitavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [(+)
rasayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ras(10. . to taste, relish; to feel)
[varuastatrdhidaivata] varua( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [''
varua as god of water connects with rasa(taste).

varua( . N. of an ditya; the regent of the ocean and of the western quarter; the ocean)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[jihvy] jihvy( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rasayitavye] rasayitavye([ .] .loc.) [(+) ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[varue] varue( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.05 iuakriq xmvriurqkpi urxikSui lQ iw lolkl rxiuc

r xmvriur r ur r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r
WMv r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
tvagadhytma sparayitavyamadhibhta vyustatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yastvaci ya sparayitavye yo vyau yo ny ya pre yo
vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

, ,

14. _5 2603


[tvagadhytma] tvag( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]

tvac( . skin; hide; bark, rind; any cover or coating)
[sparayitavyamadhibhta] sparayitavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [(+)
sparayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < sp(6. . to touch; to adhere to)
[vyustatrdhidaivata] vyu( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yastvaci] ya(pn. .nom.) + tvaci( .loc.) [() ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[sparayitavye] sparayitavye([ .] .loc.) [(+) ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vyau] vyau( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.06 qlkriq qliurqkpi clSxikSui lQ iw lolkl r qlx

r qliur rlS r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r WMv r

LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
mano'dhytma mantavyamadhibhta candrastatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yo manasi yo mantavye yacandre yo ny ya pre yo vijne
ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati so'yamtm

, ,


[mano'dhytma] mana( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]

manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[mantavyamadhibhta] mantavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [
mantavya( . to be thought, considered; imaginable, conceivable; to be maintained)
[candrastatrdhidaivata] candra( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [
candra( . the moon; the eye in peacock's tail; water; gold)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[manasi] manasi( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mantavye] mantavye([ .] .loc.) [ ]
[yacandre] ya(pn. .nom.) + candre( .loc.) [() ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]

14. _5 2605
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.07 oUkriq ourqkpi o ikSui lQ iw lolkl r o r

our r oh r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r WMv r
LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
buddhiradhytma boddhavyamadhibhta brahm tatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yo buddhau yo boddhavye yo brahmai yo ny ya pre yo
vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

, ,
'' .
, ''


[buddhiradhytma] buddhi( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [(+ )

buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
[boddhavyamadhibhta] boddhavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [
boddhavya( . to be known or understood; intelligible, perceivable; to be informed, instructed)
[brahm] brahm( .nom.) []
brahman in the body, jvtman.
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[tatrdhidaivata] tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [ .]
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[buddhau] buddhau( .loc.) [(+ ) ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[boddhavye] boddhavye([ .] .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[brahmai] brahmai( .loc.) [ ]

[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.08 AWXMUkriqqWMiurqkpi SxikSui lQ iw lolkl

rWXMU rWMiur r S r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r
WMv r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
ahakro'dhytmamahakartavyamadhibhta rudrastatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yo'hakre yo'hakartavye yo rudre yo ny ya pre yo
vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

, '' .

[ahakro'dhytmamahakartavyamadhibhta] ahakra( .nom.) + adhytmam( .nom.) +

ahakartavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [ ,
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
ahakartavya( . to be referred to self: . the object of ahakara)

14. _5 2607
[rudrastatrdhidaivata] rudra( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [
rudra( . dreadful, terrific; great, large; driving away evil: . N. of a group of gods)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yo'hakre] ya(pn. .nom.) + ahakre( .loc.) [() ]
[yo'hakartavye] ya(pn. .nom.) + ahakartavye([ .] .loc.) [()
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rudre] rudre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.09 cqkriq ciriurqkpi xikSui lQ iw lolkl r

ririur r r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r
WMv r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
cittamadhytma cetayitavyamadhibhta ketrajastatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yacitte yacetayitavye ya ketraje yo ny ya pre yo
vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

, ,
( ) .



[cittamadhytma] cittam( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]

citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought)
[cetayitavyamadhibhta] cetayitavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [
cetayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < cetay(caus.) < cit(1. .10. . to
perceive, see, notice, observe; to know, understand; consciousness)
[ketrajastatrdhidaivata] ketraja( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.)
[( ) .]
, .
ketraja( . knowing places; clever, dexterous: . the soul; the Supreme Soul; a libertine)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yacitte] ya(pn. .nom.) + citte( .loc.) [() ]
[yacetayitavye] ya(pn. .nom.) + cetayitavye([ .] .loc.) [()
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ketraje] ketraje( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

14. _5 2609
05.10 uakriq uurqkpiqalxikSui lQ iw lolkl r uc r
uur ral r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r WMv r
LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
vgadhytma vaktavyamadhibhtamagnistatrdhidaivata n te nibandhana
yo vci yo vaktavye yo'gnau yo ny ya pre yo vijne ya nande yo
hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati so'yamtm

, ,


[vgadhytma] vg( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]

vc( . a word, sound, an expression; words, talk, language, speech; a voice, sound)
[vaktavyamadhibhtamagnistatrdhidaivata] vaktavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) +
agni( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [ ,
vaktavya(pot.p. fit to be said, told; to be spoken about: . speaking, speech; a precept, rule)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vci] vci( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vaktavye] vaktavye([ .] .loc.) [ ]
[yo'gnau] ya(pn. .nom.)+ agnau( .loc.) [() ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]

[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.11 WxiukriqqSiurqkpiqlSxikSui lQ iw lolkl r Wxi r

ASiur r ClS r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r WMv r
LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
hastvadhytmamdtavyamadhibhtamindrastatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana yo haste ya dtavye ya indre yo ny ya pre yo vijne ya
nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati so'yamtm

, ,
'' .
, ''


[hastvadhytmamdtavyamadhibhtamindrastatrdhidaivata] hastau( .nom.du.) +

adhytmam( .nom.) + dtavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhtam( .nom.) + indra( .nom.) +
tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [ , (+ )
, .]
hasta( . the hand; the trunk of an elephant; the forearm)
dtavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < d(3. . to receive, accept; to seize, take hold of)
indra( . The lord of gods; the god of rain)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[haste] haste( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[dtavye] dtavye([ .] .loc.) [(+) ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]

14. _5 2611
[indre] indre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.12 mSukriq aliurqkpi uwhxikSui lQ iw lolkl r mS

r aliur r uwh r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r WMv
r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
pdvadhytma gantavyamadhibhta viustatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana ya pde yo gantavye yo viau yo ny ya pre yo vijne
ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati so'yamtm

, , '
' .
, ''


[pdvadhytma] pdau( .nom.du.) + adhytma( .nom.) [

pda( . the foot; a quarter, fourth part) < pad(10. . to go or move: 4. . to go to)
[gantavyamadhibhta] gantavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [(+ )

gantavya(pot.pass.p. should go) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < gam(1. . to go, move, go away)
[viustatrdhidaivata] viu( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.) [
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pde] pde( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[gantavye] gantavye([ .] .loc.) [(+ ) ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[viau] viau( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.13 mrUkriq uxeriurqkpi qirxikSui lQ iw lolkl r

mr r uxeriur r qir r lQr r mh r ul r AllS r
WMv r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
pyuradhytma visarjayitavyamadhibhta mtyustatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana ya pyau yo visarjayitavye yo mtyau yo ny ya pre yo
vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

14. _5 2613
, ,


[pyuradhytma] pyu( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) [ ,]

pyu( . the anus)
[visarjayitavyamadhibhta] visarjayitavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [
visarjayitavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < visarjay(caus.) < visj(6. . to abandon, leave,
give up; to let go, let loose; to shed, pour down)
[mtyustatrdhidaivata] mtyu( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.)
[( ) .]
mtyu( . death, dying)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pyau] pyau( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[visarjayitavye] visarjayitavye([ .] .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mtyau] mtyau( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijne] vijne( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.14 EmxjkriqqllSriurqkpi memixikSui lQ iw lolkl
r Emxj r AllSriur r memi r lQr r mh r ul r
AllS r WMv r LixqlxuxqliU xcUi xrqiq
upastho'dhytmamnandayitavyamadhibhta prajpatistatrdhidaivata n te
nibandhana ya upasthe ya nandayitavye ya prajpatau yo ny ya pre
yo vijne ya nande yo hdyke ya etasminsarvasminnantare sacarati
so'yamtm tamtmnamupastjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam

, ,


[upastho'dhytmamnandayitavyamadhibhta] upastha( .nom.) + adhytma( .nom.) +

nandayitavyam([ .] .nom.) + adhibhta( .nom.) [ ,
(+ ) ,]
upastha( . near, approximate: . the lap: . the organ of generation; the anus)
nandayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < nand(1. . to rejoice, be delighted)
[prajpatistatrdhidaivata] prajpati( .nom.) + tatra( .) + adhidaivata( .nom.)
[ .]
prajpati( . the god presiding ever creation)
[n] n( .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. []
[nibandhana] nibandhana( .nom.) [,]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[upasthe] upasthe( .loc.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nandayitavye] nandayitavye([ .] .loc.) [(+ ) ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[prajpatau] prajpatau( .loc.) [ ]
[yo ny] ya(pn. .nom.) + ny( .loc.) [() ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pre] pre( .loc.) [ ]
[yo vijne] ya(pn. .nom.) + vijne( .loc.) [() ]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nande] nande( .loc.) [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hdyke] hdyke( .loc.) [ ]

14. _5 2615
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etasminsarvasminnantare] etasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarvasmin( . .loc.) +|n|+ antare( .loc.)
[ ]
[sacarati] sacarati( [ ]
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [ .]
[tamtmnamupstjaramamtamabhayamaokamanantam] tam(pn. .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
upsta( + ajaram( . .acc.) + amtam(") + abhayam(") + aokam(") + anantam(")
[ .]

05.15 Lw xu Lw xuU Lw xukmiUwlirqrw rl xuxr

xuxZrmxrql l c xuxZrlrmxri uSvxmxrql l c
uSvxhrmxri rxrqS xu l c r puiri mU xulrl
mvxiqr piiq mhqr ClSriq qlqr xMsmiq ulqr
MsiqllSqr sriqMiu lxi i Mi qir lxirqi Mi
llim l oWm lprim l mlbl l m lmm l
uSi u lxiiriuhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq
ea sarvaja ea sarvevara ea sarvdhipatireo'ntarymyea yoni sarvasya
sarvasaukhyairupsyamno na ca sarvasaukhynyupsyati vedastrairupsyamno
na ca vedastryupsyati yasynnamida sarve na ca yo'nna bhavatyata
para sarvanayana prastnnamayo bhttm pramaya indriytm manomaya
sakalptm vijnamaya kltmnandamayo laytmaikatva nsti dvaita kuto
martya nstyamta kuto nntaprajo na bahiprajo nobhayataprajo na
prajnaghano na prajo nprajo'pi no vidita vedya
nsttyetannirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti vednusanam

, , ,
, .
. .
, ,
, ,
, ,
, . .

[ea] ea(pn. .nom.) []
[sarvaja] sarvaja([ .] .nom.) [ ,]
sarvaja( . allknowing, omniscient)
[ea] ea(pn. .nom.) []
[sarvevara] sarva+vara( .nom.) [ ,]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
vara( . powerful, able, capable of; wealthy: . a lord, master; a king; a great man) <
(2. . to rule, be master of, govern) + vara( . best, excellent: . selecting; choice)
[ea] ea(pn. .nom.) []
[sarvdhipatireo'ntarymyea] sarva+adhipati( .nom.) + ea(pn. .nom.) + antarym( .nom.)
+ ea(pn. .nom.) [ , , ]
adhipati( . a lord, ruler, king, sovereign) = adhipa( .)
antarymin( . regulating the soul or internal feelings, soul; providence, supreme spirit)
[yoni] yoni( .nom.) []
yoni( . womb, uterus; any place of birth or origin; a mine; an abode, a place)
[sarvasya] sarvasya([ .] .gen.) [ .]
[sarvasaukhyairupsyamno] sarva+saukhyai( + upsyamna([ .] .nom.)
[ (+) ]
saukhya( . pleasure, happiness, satisfaction) < sukha( . happy: . happiness)
ups(2. . to sit near to, sit at the side of, serve, worship) > upsyamna(pass.pres.p.) <
upa( . toward, near to, by the side of) + s(2. . to sit, lie, rest; to live, dwell)
[na] na( .)
[ca] ca( .)
[sarvasaukhynyupsyati] sarva+saukhyni( + upsyati( [
( ),]
ups(4. . to throw off, throw or cast down upon, throw under) < upa( . toward, by the side
of) + as(4. . to throw, cast, hurl, discharge; to drive away, remove)
[vedastrairupsyamno] veda+strai( + upsyamna([ .] .nom.) [
(+ ) ]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
stra( . an order, rule; any religious or scientific treatise; education)
[na ca] na( .) + ca( .)
[vedastryupsyati] veda+stri( + upsyati( [(+)
( ).]
[yasynnamida] yasya(pn. .gen.) + annam( .nom.) + ida(pn. .nom.) [ ()
anna( . food; boiled rice; corn)
[sarve] sarve([ .] [ ,]
[na ca] na( .) + ca( .)
[yo'nna] ya(pn. .nom.) + anna( .nom.) [() ]
[bhavatyata] bhavati( + ata( .) [ . ]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
atas( . than this, from this; hence, so, therefore)

14. _5 2617
[para] para(adv.) [(+) ]
param(adv. in a high degree, excessively, very much, completely, quite)
[sarvanayana] sarva+nayana( . .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
nayana( . leading, guiding, managing; taking, bringing to or near; governing; the eye)
[prastnnamayo] prast( .nom.) + anna+maya( . .nom.) [. (+)
prast( . a king, ruler, governor; a director, adviser)
maya( . An affix used to indicate 'made of' 'consisting or composed of' 'full of'.)
[bhttm] bhtatm( .nom.) [,]
bhttman( . one whose soul is purified; composed of the five elements [as the body]: . the
individual [as opposed to the Supreme Soul]; an elementary substance; the body)
[pramaya] pra+maya( . .nom.) [ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[indriytm] indriya+tm( .nom.) [ ]
. .
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[manomaya] mano+maya( . .nom.) [ ]
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[sakalptm] sakalpa+tm( .nom.) [ ,]
sakalpa( . will, volition; purpose, aim, intention; wish, desire; thought, idea)
[vijnamaya] vijna+maya( . .nom.) [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[kltmnandamayo] kla+tm( .nom.) + nanda+maya( . .nom.) [ ,
: (= )
kla( . black; injuring, hurting: . death; time in general)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[laytmaikatva] laya+tm( .nom.) + ekatva( .nom.) [ . (
: ( )
laya( . sticking, union, adherence; lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution)
ekatva( .) < * + tva('the state of') < eka( . one)
[nsti] na( .) + asti( [ ]
: '' '' .
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[dvaita] dvaita( .nom.) []
dvaita( . duality; dualism in philosophy; N. of a forest)
[kuto] kuta( .) [ (+ )?]
kutas( . from where, whence; where, in what place; much more, much less) < kim + tas
[martya] martya( .nom.) []
martya( . mortal: . a mortal, a human being, man: . the body)
[nstyamta] na( .) + asti( + amta( .nom.) [ ]
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)

[kuto] kuta( .) [ (+ )?]
[nntaprajo] na( .) + antapraja([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
antapraja( . knowing oneself, with an enlightened soul)
[na] na( .)
[bahiprajo] bahipraja([ .] .nom.) [ ]
bahipraja( . one whose knowledge is directed towards external objects)
[nobhayataprajo] na( .) + ubhayata+praja([ .] .nom.) [ ,]
ubhayata(abl.|adv.) < *+ta < ubhaya(pn. . both) < ubha(pn. . both)
praja( . wise, intelligent, learned; conversant with: . a wise or learned man)
[na] na( .)
[prajnaghano] prajna+ghana([ .] .nom.) [ ]
prajna( . prudent: . intelligence, knowledge, wisdom; a mark, token, sign)
ghana( . compact, firm, hard, solid; thick, close; full, fully developed: . a cloud)
[na] na( .)
[prajo] praja([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
: '' ,
[nprajo'pi] na( .) + a+praja([ .] .nom.) + api( .) [(+ )
[no] no( .)
no( . no, not; and not; often used like 'na')
[vidita] vidita([ .] .nom.) [ ]
vidita(p.p. known, understood) < * + ita(past.pass.p.) < vid(2. . to know, understand)
[vedya] vedya([ .] .nom.) [ ]
vedya( . to be known; to be taught) < *[v] + ya(pot.pass.p.) < vid(2. . to know)
[nsttyetannirvnusanamiti] na( .) + asti( + iti( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) +
nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

05.00 Ci mgcq ZhQ

iti pacama khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[pacama] pacama( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]

14. _5 2619

06.01 luW Mcla AxSqsqlkUqq me merli Sur Su LM

lUrh Sur c lUrh c iur c lUrh bh c
biur c lUrh e c Uxriur c lUrhxiuM c xmvriur c
lUrh ql qliur c lUrh o our c
lUrhWgMUWMiur c lUrh c ciriur c lUrh uM
c uur c lUrh Wxi cSiur c lUrh mS c aliur c
lUrh mr uxeriur c lUrh EmxjllSriur c lUrh
ki uki Mi uMi Sur Su LM lUrh ASir S qi
uxuluc rew xql qlalUerWilUrh Eu xqpu
Sur Su LM lUrh qi mi pi lux vUh xWilUrh
rl lQlql Surl aei ari ui uwi uhrq clSq
Ms Mski o memiqbu SuxkSux Ms Msmku
c Sv xu lUrh
mw LuS xu ri rcc purq |
Eiqiiuxrvl rSliUWi
iwh mUq mS xS mvrli xUr |
Suu cUiiq
imx umlru eaux xqlki |
uwhrimUq mSq
iSiuhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq

naiveha kicangra sdamlamandhramim praj prajyante divyo deva eko
nryaacakuca draavya ca nryaa rotra ca rotavya ca nryao
ghra ca ghrtavya ca nryao jihv ca rasayitavya ca nryaastvak ca
sparayitavya ca nryao manaca mantavya ca naryao buddhica
boddhavya ca nryao'hakrachakrtavya ca nryaacitta ca
cetayitavya ca nryao vk ca vaktavya ca nryao hastau cdtavya ca
nryaa pdau ca gantavya ca nryaa pyuca visarjayitavya ca nryaa
upasthacnandayitavya ca nryao dht vidht kart vikart divyo deva eko
nryaa dity rudr maruto vasavo'vinvco yaji smni
mantro'gnirjyhutirnryaa udbhava sambhavo divyo deva eko nryao mt
pit bhrt nivsa araa suhdgatirnryao virj
vijeyni nnmni divyni garjati gyati vti varati varuo'ryam candram
kal kalirdht brahm prajpatirmaghav divascrdhadivasca kal
kalpcordhva ca diaca sarva nryaa
purua eveda sarva yadbhta yacca bhavyam |
utmtatvasyeno yadannenatirohati
tadvio parama pada sad payanti sraya |
divva cakurtatam
tadviprso vipanyavo jgvsa samindhate |
vioryatparama padam
tadetannirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti vednusanam

( ) ,
'' .
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, .

. () () () (
. ( )
( ) .
. '' '' ''
'' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
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. '' '' ''

14. _6 2621
'' ,


. .
, . .

[naiveha] na( .) + eva( .) + iha( .) [ ]

iha( . here, in this place or case; in this world; now, at this time)
[kicangra] kicana( .) + agre(adv.) [ ]
kicana( . to a certain degree, a little)
agre(adv. in front of, before; in the presence of; at the head, ahead)
[sdamlamandhramim] st( + amlam([ .] .acc.adv.) +
andhram([ .] .acc.adv.) + im(pn. [. (+ )
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
mla( . a root; lowest edge or extremity of anything; base; beginning; basis, foundation)
dhra( . support, stay; power of sustaining, aid; a receptacle, reservoir)
[praj] praj( []
praj( . procreation, generation; offspring, progeny; subjects, mankind; a creature)
[prajyante] prajyante( [,]
prajan(4. . to be born or produced, spring up from [abl.]; to bring forth, generate, bear)
[divyo] divya( . .nom.) []
divya( . divine, heavenly; brilliant; beautiful: . celestial nature, divinity; the sky)
[deva] deva( . .nom.) [ ]
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[eko] eka( . .nom.) []
[nryaacakuca] nryaa( .nom.) + caku( .nom.) + ca( .) ['' (+).
'' , .
nryaa( . an epithet of Viu)
nryaa < nra( . human, mortal) + ayana( . going: . a walk, path; a place, abode)
nryaa < nr( . water) + ayana( . going: . a walk, path; a place, abode)
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)
[draavya] draavya([ .] .nom.) [ ]
() + () ()
draavya(pot.p. to be seen, visible; perceptible; fit to be seen, investigated)
[ca] ca( .)
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[rotra] rotra( .nom.) [ ]
rotra( . the ear; proficiency in the Vedas; the Veda)
[ca] ca( .)

[rotavya] rotavya([ .] .nom.) [ ]
rotavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ru(5. . to hear, listen to, give ear to)
[ca] ca( .)
[nryao] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[ghra] ghra( .nom.) [ ]
ghra(p.p. smelt: . smell; smelling; the nose: . the act of smelling; the nose)
[ca] ca( .)
[ghrtavya] ghrtavya([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
ghrtavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ghr(1. . to smell, smell at; to kiss)
[ca] ca( .)
[nryao] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[jihv] jihv( .nom.) [ ]
jihv( . the tongue; the tongue of fire, a flame; a sentence)
[ca] ca( .)
[rasayitavya] rasayitavya([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
1~9( + tavya) : ghrtavya(p.p.p.) < * + tavya < ghr(1. . to smell)
10( + aya[vikaraa] + tavya) : rasayitavya(p.p.p.) < * + aya + tavya < ras(10. .
to taste) - |i| .
rasayitavya(pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ras(10. . to taste, relish; to feel)
[ca] ca( .)
[nryaastvak] nryaa( .nom.) + tvak( .nom.) ['', ]
tvac( . skin; hide; bark, rind; any cover or coating)
[ca] ca( .)
[sparayitavya] sparayitavya([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
sparayitavya( .) < * + |aya| |i|tavya(pot.pass.p.) < sp(6. . to touch; to adhere to)
[ca] ca( .)
[nryao] nryaa( .nom.) ['']
[manaca] mana( .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[mantavya] mantavya([ .] .nom.) [ ]
mantavya( . to be thought, considered; imaginable, conceivable; to be maintained)
[ca] ca( .)
[naryao] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[buddhica] buddhi( .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
[boddhavya] boddhavya([ .] .nom.) [ ]
boddhavya < bod + dhavya < bodh + tavya < *[v] + tavya < budh(1. . to know)
boddhavya( . to be known or understood; intelligible, perceivable; to be informed, instructed)
[ca] ca( .)
[nryao'hakrachakrtavya ca] nryaa( .nom.) + ahakra( .nom.) + ca( .) +
ahakrtavya([ .] .nom.) + ca( .) ['',
ahakrayitavya < ahakraya + |i|tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ahakr(as basic)aya(10.vikaraa) <
ahakrayati( < ahakra( . egotism) < aha + k(8. .)
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self; pride, selfconsciousness)
ahakrtavya( .) < *[i] + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ahakra( . egotism)

14. _6 2623
[nryaacitta ca] nryaa( .nom.) + citta( .nom.) + ca( .) ['',
citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought)
[cetayitavya ca] cetayitavya([ .] .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
cetayitavya < *[v] + |aya(vikaraa)| + |i(multi syllable)| tavya < cit(10. . to perceive)
cetayitavya(pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < cit(1. .10. . to perceive; consciousness)
[nryao] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[vk ca] vk( .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
vc( . a word, sound, an expression; words, talk, language, speech; a voice, sound)
[vaktavya ca] vaktavya([ .] .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
vaktavya(pot.p. fit to be said, told; to be spoken about: . speaking, speech; a precept, rule)
[nryao] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[hastau] hastau( .nom.du.) [ ]
hasta( . the hand; the trunk of an elephant; the forearm)
[cdtavya] ca( .) + dtavya([ .] .nom.) [(+ ) ]
dtavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < d(3. . to receive, accept; to seize, take hold of)
[ca] ca( .)
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[pdau ca] pdau( .nom.du.) + ca( .) [ ]
pda( . the foot; a quarter, fourth part) < pad(10. . to go or move: 4. . to go to)
[gantavya ca] gantavya([ .] .nom.) + ca( .) [(+ ) ]
gantavya(pot.pass.p. should go) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < gam(1. . to go, move, go away)
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[pyuca] pyu( .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
pyu( . the anus)
[visarjayitavya ca] visarjayitavya([ .] .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
visarjayitavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < visarjay(caus.) < visj(6. . to abandon, leave,
give up; to let go, let loose; to shed, pour down)
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) ['',]
[upasthacnandayitavya ca] upastha( .nom.) + ca( .) + nandayitavya([ .] .nom.) +
ca( .) [ (+ ) ]
upastha( . near, approximate: . the lap: . the organ of generation; the anus)
nandayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < nand(1. . to rejoice, be delighted)
[nryao] nryaa( .nom.) [''.]
[dht] dht( .nom.) []
dht( . a maker, creator, originator; a bearer, preserver, supporter; an epithet of Brahm)
[vidht] vidht( .nom.) []
vidht( . a maker, creator, originator; a granter, giver, bestower; fate, destiny)
[kart] kart( .nom.) [ ]
kart( . a doer, one who does, makes; an agent; the Supreme Spirit)
[vikart] vikart( .nom.) [ ]
vikart( . causing any obstacle) < vi( . separation, disjunction) + kart( . a doer)
[divyo] divya( . .nom.) []
divya( . divine, heavenly; brilliant; beautiful: . celestial nature, divinity; the sky)
[deva] deva( . .nom.) [ ]

deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[eko] eka( . .nom.) []
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) [''.]
[dity] dity( [(+) ]
(33koi) 33 (33crore) = 33
koi( . the curved end of a bow; the end or extremity, edge or point in general; the highest
point, excess; ten millions, a crore)
ditya( . solar, born in the solar line: . a son of Aditi; a god, divinity in general)
[rudr] rudr( [(+) ]
rudra( . dreadful, terrific; great, large; driving away evil: . N. of a group of gods)
[maruto] maruta( [(+ ) ]
marut( . wind, air; vital air or breath; the god of wind; a god, deity: . a kind of plant)
[vasavo'vinvco] vasava( + avinau( .nom.du.) + ca( [(+)
vasu( . sweet; dry: . wealth, riches; a jewel: . N. of a class of deities)
avinau( .du. the two physicians of the gods who are represented as the twin sons of the Sun
by a nymph in the form of a mare)
c( . a hymn; a single verse or stanza or text, a verse of the gveda)
[yaji] yaji( [ ]
yajus( . a sacrificial prayer or formula; a text of the Yajurveda)
[smni] smni( [ ]
sman( . appeasing, calming; conciliation, negotiation; a verse or text of the Smaveda)
[mantro'gnirjyhutirnryaa] mantra( .nom.) + agni( .nom.) + jya+huti( .nom.) +
nryaa( .nom.) [ '',]
mantra( . a sacred text; consultation; a charm, spell, an incantation)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
jya( . clarified butter, ghee; oil, milk; N. of a sort of chant or religious service)
huti( . offering oblations with fire to the deities) > hut(in comp. for huti)
[udbhava] udbhava( .nom.) [(+ ) ]
udbhava( . production, creation, birth, generation; source, origin)
[sambhavo] sambhava( .nom.) [(+ ) ]
sambhava( . birth, production, springing up; production and bringing up; cause, origin, motive)
[divyo] divya( . .nom.) []
divya( . divine, heavenly; brilliant; beautiful: . celestial nature, divinity; the sky)
[deva] deva( . .nom.) [ ]
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[eko] eka( . .nom.) []
[nryao] nryaa( .nom.) [''.]
[mt] mt( .nom.) []
mt( . a mother; mother as a term of respect or endearment; a cow)
[pit] pit( .nom.) []
pit( .sg. a father: .pl. forefathers, ancestors; the Manes)
[bhrt] bhrt( .nom.) []
bhrt( . a brother; an intimate friend or relation; a near relative in general; 'my friend')
[nivsa] nivsa( .nom.) []
nivsa( . living, dwelling; a house, abode; passing the night)

14. _6 2625
[araa] araa( .nom.) []
araa( . protection, help; refuge, shelter; a place of refuge, asylum)
[suhdgatirnryao] suht( .nom.) + gati( .nom.) + nryaa( .nom.) [
suhd( . having a kind heart, friendly: . a friend; an ally) < su + hd( . the mind)
gati( . motion, going, moving; access, entrance; scope, room; a way, path)
[virj] virj( .nom.) ['']
sudaran( .nom.) + jit(") + saumy(") + amogh(") + kumr(") + amt(") + saty(") +
madhyam(") + nsr(") + iur(") + asur(") + sry(") + bhsvat(") + vijeyni
( . ['' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''
'' '' '' '' '' ]
sudaran( .) < su( . good, excellent) + darana( . seeing, looking at: . seeing; knowing)
jit( .) < jita(p.p. conquered, subdued, restrained; won, got, obtained; surpassed, excelled)
saumy( .) < saumya( . lovely; gentle, soft, mild)
amogh( .) < amogha( . unfailing, reaching the mark; unerring, infallible; not vain or useless)
kumr( .) < kumra( . a son, boy, a youth; a boy below five; a prince)
amt( .) < amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
saty( .) < satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
madhyam( .) < madhyama( . being or standing in the middle, central; intermediate)
asur( .) < asura( . an evil spirit, a demon; the chief of the evil spirit)
sry( .) < srya( the sun; the tree called Arka; the number twelve)
bhsvat( .) < bhsvat( . bright, shining, luminous, resplendent) < bhs( . light, luster)
vijeya( . knowable, cognizable; to be learned; to be regarded)
[nnmni] n+nmni( [ ]
n( . the tubular stalk of any plant; any tubular organ of the body; a pipe) = ndi( .)
nman( . a name; the mere name; a noun; a word)
[divyni] divyni( . [.]
divya( . divine, heavenly; brilliant; beautiful: . celestial nature, divinity; the sky)
[garjati] garjati( [(+ ) ]
gj(1. . to sound, roar, grumble &c.)
[gyati] gyati( []
gai(1. . to sing, sing a song; to speak or recite in a singing tone; to relate, declare)
[vti] vti( []
vt(10. . to blow; to serve; to go; to make happy)
[varati] varati( [.]
v(1. . to rain; to rain or pour down; to grant, bestow; to produce)
[varuo'ryam] varua( .nom.) + aryam( .nom.) ['' '']
varua( . N. of an ditya; the regent of the ocean and of the western quarter; the ocean)
aryaman( . the sun; the head of the Pits or Manes)
[candram] candram( .nom.) []
candramas( . the moon; a month; camphor) < candra( . glittering, bright: . the moon)
[kal] kal( .nom.) [ ( )]
kal( . a small part of anything; any practical art, any mechanical or fine art)
[kalirdht] kali( .nom.) + dht( .nom.) ['( )' ]
kali( . strife, quarrel; war, battle; the fourth age of the world)

dht( . a maker, creator, originator; a bearer, preserver, supporter; an epithet of Brahm)
[brahm] brahm( .nom.) ['']
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[prajpatirmaghav] prajpati( .nom.) + maghav( .nom.) [ '']
prajpati( . the god presiding ever creation)
maghavan( . liberal, munificent: . N. of Indra; an owl; N. of Vysa)
[divascrdhadivasca] divas( + ca( .) + ardhadivas( + ca( .)
[ ]
divasa( . a day, heaven)
ardhadivasa( . half a day, midday; a day of 12 hours) < ardha( . half, forming a half)
[kal] kal( [ ( )]
[kalpcordhva] kalp( + ca( .) + urdhva( .) [ ]
kalpa( . a day of Brahm or 1,000Yuga, being a period of 432 million years of mortals)
rdhvam( . upwards, aloft, above; in the sequel; in a high tone, aloud)
[ca] ca( .)
[diaca] dia( + ca( .) [ ]
di( . a direction, cardinal point, point of the compass; the mere direction of a thing)
[sarva] sarva([ .] .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) [''.]
[purua] purua( .nom.) []
purua( . a male being, man; mankind; the soul; the supreme being)
[eveda] eva( .) + ida(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[sarva] sarva([ .] .nom.) [ ,]
[yadbhta] yat(pn. .nom.) + bhta( .nom.) [() ()]
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
[yacca] yat(pn. .nom.) + ca( .) [ () ]
[bhavyam] bhavyam( .nom.) [().]
bhavya([pot.pass.p.] . existing, being; future; likely to become; suitable: . existence)
[utmtatvasyeno] uta( .) + amtatvasya( .gen.) + na( .nom.) [(+)
uta( . doubt, guess; whether, or; and, also; 'emphasis')
amtatva( . immortality) < * + tva < amta( . not dead; imperishable; . an immortal)
na( . owning, possessing, master or lord; reigning, ruling; wealthy: . a ruler, master)
[yadannentirohati] yat(pn. .nom.) + annena( .ins.) + atirohati( [()
anna( . food; boiled rice; corn)
atiruh(1. . to climb or ascend over; to grow higher) < ruh(1. . to grow, spring up)
[tadvio] tat(pn. .acc.) + vio( .gen.) [ ]
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
[parama] parama( . .acc.) []
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
[pada] pada( .acc.) []
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[sad] sad( .) []

14. _6 2627
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)
[payanti] payanti( []
pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
[sraya] sraya( [,]
sri( . the sun; a learned or wise man, a sage; a priest; a worshipper)
[divva] divi( .loc.) + iva( .) [ ]

div( . the heaven; the sky; a day; light, brilliance)
[cakurtatam] caku( .nom.) + tatam( p. .nom.) [ .]
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)
tata(p.p. spread, extended; stretched [as a bowstring])
[tadviprso] tad( .) + viprsa( [ ]
vipra( . a brhmaa) viprsa( - vedic form.
tad( . there; then, in that case, at that time; for that reason, therefore)
vipra( . a Brhmaa; a sage, wise man; the Avattha tree)
[vipanyavo] vipanyava( . [ ]
vipanyu( .) < vi( . separation, disjunction) + * < panyu( . love, passion) < pan(1. . to
praise; to rejoice at)
vipanyu( . praising, rejoicing; wonderful, admirable) < vipan(1. . to pride one's self, boast) <
pan(1. . to praise, extol; to rejoice at, be glad of)
[jgvsa] jgvsa( . [(+) ]
jg(2. . to be awake, be watchful or attentive; to be roused from sleep, awake)
[samindhate] samindhate( [ (),]
samindh(7. . to kindle, light up; to excite, inflame; to glorify) < indh(7. . to kindle)
[vioryatparama] vio( .gen.) + yat(pn. .nom.) + parama( . .nom.) [
() ]
[padam] padam( .nom.) [.]
[tadetannirvnusanamiti] tat(pn. .nom.) + etat(pn. .nom.) + nirva+anusanam( .nom.) +
iti( .) [(+) . .]
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

06.00 Ci w ZhQ
iti aha khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[aha] aha( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]


07.01 AlivUU lWi aWrqe LM lir rxr mju

vUU r mjuqliU xcUl r mju l uS |
rxrm vUU rmliU xcUlrqm l uS |
rxr ie vUU rxieliU xcUl r ie l uS |
rxr ur vUU r urqliU xcUl r url uS |
rxrMv vUU r AMvqliU xcUl rqMv l uS |
rxr ql vUU r qlliU xcUl r ql l uS |
rxr o vUU r oqliU xcUl r ol uS |
rxrWXMU vUU rWXMUqliU xcUl rqWXMU l uS |
rxr c vUU rqliU xcUl r c l uS |
rxrur vUU rurqliU xcUl rqur l uS |
rxrU vUU rUqliU xcUl rqU l uS |
rxr qir vUU r qirqliU xcUl r qirl uS |
x Lw xupiliUiqmWimmq Sur Su LM lUrh |
Li uqmliUiqr SSumliUiq oh SS o bUXaUx SS
bUXaU UYur SS UYu Uqr SS Uq xupr pipr SSuiru
luhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq
antaarre nihito guhymaja eko nityo yasya pthiv
arra ya pthivmantare sacaran ya pthiv na veda |
yasypa arra yo'po'ntare sacaranyampo na vidu |
yasya teja arra yastejo'ntare sacaran ya tejo na veda |
yasya vyu arra yo vyumantare sacaran ya vyurna veda |
yasyka arra ya kamantare sacaran yamko na veda |
yasya mana arra yo mano'ntare sacaran ya mano na veda |

14. _7 2629
yasya buddhi arra yo buddhimantare sacaran ya buddhirna veda |
yasyhakra arra yo'hakramantare sacaran yamahakro na veda |
yasya citta arra yacittamantare sacaran ya citta na veda |
yasyvyakta arra yo'vyaktamantare sacaran yamavyakta na veda |
yasykara arra yo'karamantare sacaran yamakara na veda |
yasya mtyu arra yo mtyumantare sacaran ya mtyurna veda |
sa ea sarvabhtntartmpahatappm divyo deva eko nryaa |
et vidymapntaratamya dadvapntaratamo brahmae dadau brahm
ghorgirase dadau ghorgir raikvya dadau raikvo rmya dadau rma
sarvebhyo bhtebhyo dadvityeva nirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti

. .
. .
. ,
'' , '' '' , '
' '' , '' '' , '
' '' , '' . ,
. .

[antaarre] anta+arre( .loc.) [ ]

antar( . in the middle, between; between, amongst, within)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[nihito] nihita( p. .nom.) []
nihita(p.p. placed, laid, lodged; delivered, entrusted; bestowed upon, applied to)
[guhymaja] guhym( .loc.) + aja( . .nom.) [ ]
guh( . a cave, cavern, hidingplace; hiding, concealing; a pit, hole in the ground)
aja( . unborn, existing from all eternity: . the unborn; the soul)
[eko] eka( . .nom.) []
[nityo] nitya([ .] .nom.) [ .]
nitya( . continual, perpetual, everlasting, eternal; invariable, regular; necessary, essential)
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[pthiv] pthiv( .nom.) []
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)

[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pthivmantare] pthivm( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [ ]
antara( . being in the inside, interior: . the interior, inside; soul, heart; the Supreme soul)
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
sacar(1. . to move, walk, go, pass; to practise, perform; to act) > sacarat(pres.p.)
[ya] ya(pn. .acc.) [() ]
[pthiv] pthiv( .nom.) []
[na] na( .)
[veda] veda( [ .]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[yasypa] yasya(pn. .gen.) + pa( [() ]
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo'po'ntare] ya(pn. .nom.) + apa( + antare( .loc.) [() ]
[sacaranyampo] sacaran( p. .nom.) + yam(pn. .acc.) + pa(
[() () ]
[na] na( .)
[vidu] vidu( [ .]
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[teja] teja( .nom.) []
tejas( . sharpness; the point or top of a flame; heat, glow; lustre, brilliance; dignity)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yastejo'ntare] ya(pn. .nom.) + teja( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [() ]
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .acc.) [() ]
[tejo] teja( .nom.) []
[na] na( .)
[veda] veda( [ .]
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[vyu] vyu( .nom.) []
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vyumantare] vyum( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [ ]
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .acc.) [() ]
[vyurna] vyu( .nom.) + na( .) []
[veda] veda( [ .]
[yasyka] yasya(pn. .gen.) + ka( .nom.) [() ]
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[kamantare] kam( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [ ]

14. _7 2631
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
sacar(1. . to move, walk, go, pass; to practise, perform; to act) > sacarat(pres.p.)
[yamko] yam(pn. .acc.) + ka( .nom.) [() ]
[na veda] na( .) + veda( [ .]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[mana] mana( .nom.) []
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mano'ntare] mana( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [ ]
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .acc.) [() ]
[mano] mana( .nom.) []
[na] na( .)
[veda] veda( [ .]
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[buddhi] buddhi( .nom.) []
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[buddhimantare] buddhim( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [ ]
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .acc.) [() ]
[buddhirna] buddhi( .nom.) + na( .) []
[veda] veda( [ .]
[yasyhakra] yasya(pn. .gen.) + ahakra( .nom.) [() ]
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo'hakramantare] ya(pn. .nom.) + ahakram( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [()
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
sacar(1. . to move, walk, go, pass; to practise, perform; to act) > sacarat(pres.p.)
[yamahakro] yam(pn. .acc.) + ahakra( .nom.) [() ]
[na] na( .)
[veda] veda( [ .]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[citta] citta( .nom.) []
citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yacittamantare] ya(pn. .nom.) + cittam( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [()

[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .acc.) [() ]
[citta] citta( .nom.) []
[na] na( .)
[veda] veda( [ .]
[yasyvyakta] yasya(pn. .gen.) + avyakta( .nom.) [() ]
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; obscure)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo'vyaktamantare] ya(pn. .nom.) + avyaktam( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [()
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
[yamavyakta] yam(pn. .acc.) + avyakta( .nom.) [() ]
[na] na( .)
[veda] veda( [ .]
[yasykara] yasya(pn. .gen.) + akara( .nom.) [() ]
akara( . imperishable, unalterable: . sound, word: . a letter of the alphabet; syllable Om)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo'karamantare] ya(pn. .nom.) + akaram( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [()
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
sacar(1. . to move, walk, go, pass; to practise, perform; to act) > sacarat(pres.p.)
[yamakara] yam(pn. .acc.) + akara( .nom.) [() ]
[na] na( .)
[veda] veda( [ .]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[mtyu] mtyu( .nom.) []
mtyu( . death, dying)
[arra] arra( .nom.) [()]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mtyumantare] mtyum( .acc.) + antare( .loc.) [ ]
[sacaran] sacaran( p. .nom.) [ ]
[ya] ya(pn. .acc.) [() ]
[mtyurna] mtyu( .nom.) + na( .) []
[veda] veda( [ .]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[ea] ea(pn. .nom.) []
[sarvabhtntartmpahatappm] sarva+bhta+antar+tm( np.nom.) + apahata+ppm( . .nom.)
[ (+) ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
antar( . in the middle, between; between, amongst, within)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
apahata( . destroyed, warded off, killed) < apahan(2. . to ward or beat off, repel, destroy)
ppman( . hurtful, injurious; sinful: . sin, crime, wickedness, guilt; evil, bad fortune)

14. _7 2633
[divyo] divya( . .nom.) []
divya( . divine, heavenly; brilliant; beautiful: . celestial nature, divinity; the sky)
[deva] deva( . .nom.) [ ]
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[eko] eka( . .nom.) []
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) [''.]
[et] et(pn. .acc.) []
[vidymapntaratamya] vidym( .acc.) + apntaratamya( .dat.) [ '' ]
vidy( . knowledge, science, learning, scholarship; right knowledge, spiritual knowledge)
apntaratama( . N. of...)
[dadvapntaratamo] dadau( + apntaratama( .nom.) [, '']
d(1. . to give, bestow, grant: 3. . to give, bestow, grant)
[brahmae] brahmae( .dat.) ['' ]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[dadau] dadau( [,]
[brahm] brahm( .nom.) ['']
[ghorgirase] ghorgirase( .dat.) ['' ]
ghorgiras( . N. of...)
[dadau] dadau( [,]
[ghorgir] ghorgir( .nom.) ['']
[raikvya] raikvya( .dat.) ['' ]
raikva( . N. of...)
[dadau] dadau( [,]
[raikvo] raikva( .nom.) ['']
[rmya] rmya( .dat.) ['' ]
rma( . pleasing; beautiful; obscure: . N. of three celebrated personages)
[dadau] dadau( [,]
[rma] rma( .nom.) ['']
[sarvebhyo] sarvebhya( . []
[bhtebhyo] bhtebhya( [ ]
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
[dadvityeva] dadau( + iti( .) + eva( .) [. ]
[nirvnusanamiti] nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

07.00 Ci xmiq ZhQ

iti saptama khaa


08.01 AlivUU lWi aWr v xrqiq xuxr qSqxYsSuMh

vUUqkrirlimWi cpmiMv alkulaUmq MSsapuxU
esoSuccgcs lxiqiqlqclirm Sur SuqxXa v
iexMrqm xuUqclirqvUU lWi aWrqqi upeqlqllS
i mvrli uxxil sr l mvrli
antaarre nihito guhy uddha so'yamtm sarvasya medomsakledvakre
arramadhye'tyantopahate citrabhittipratke gandharvanagaropame
kadalgarbhavannisre jalabudbudavaccacale nistamtmnamacintyarpa
divya devamasaga uddha tejaskyamarpa sarvevaramacintyamaarra
nihita guhymamta vibhrjamnamnanda ta payanti vidvsastena laye
na payanti



, .

[antaarre] anta+arre( np.loc.) [ ]

antar( . in the middle, between; between, amongst, within)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[nihito] nihita( . .nom.) []
nihita(p.p. placed, laid, lodged; delivered, entrusted; bestowed upon, applied to)
[guhy] guhy( .loc.) [ ]
guh( . a cave, cavern, hidingplace; hiding, concealing; a pit, hole in the ground)
[uddha] uddha( p. .nom.) []

14. _8 2635
uddha(p.p. pure, clean, purified; holy, undefiled: . anything pure; the pure spirit; rocksalt)
[so'yamtm] sa(pn. .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) + tm( .nom.) [(+)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[sarvasya] sarvasya([ .] .gen.) [ .]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[medomsakledvakre] medo+msa+kleda+avakre( . .loc.) [
medas( . fat, marrow; corpulence, fat of the body; excessive fatness, morbid corpulence)
msa( . flesh, meat; the flesh of fish; the fleshy part of a fruit: . a worm)
kleda( . wetness, moisture, dampness; running, discharge from a sore; distress, suffering)
avakra(p.p. scattered, filled, covered over; coarsely pounded; destroyed)
[arramadhye'tyantopahate] arra+madhye( .loc.) + atyanta+upahate( . .loc.) [
[(medomsakledvakre arra)+madhye] - (spekasamsa) :
[or] atyantopahate :
madhya( . middle, central: . the middle, centre; the middle of the body, the waist)
atyanta( . excessive, much, very great or strong; complete, perfect; endless, perpetual)
upahata(p.p. injured, struck, impaired; affected by; struck by lightning) stinking
[citrabhittipratke] citra+bhitti+pratke( . .loc.) [ ]
citra( . excellent, wonderful; various, different: . the variegated colour: . a picture)
bhitti( . breaking, splitting; a wall, partition; any place or ground to work anything upon)
pratka( . reflexion, resemblance, appearance)
[gandharvanagaropame] gandharva+nagara+upame( . .loc.) [ (+)
gandharva( . a celestial musician; a singer in general; a horse)
nagara( . a town, city)
upam( . resemblance, similarity, equality; simile, comparison)
[kadalgarbhavannisre] kadal+garbha+vat(adv.) + nisre( . .loc.) [
kadal( . the plantain tree) < kadala( . the plantain or banana tree [its soft and perishable
stem is a symbol of frailty])
garbha( . the womb, the belly; a foetus, embryo, pregnancy; the child [in the womb])
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
nisra( . going forth or cut, exit: . worthless; sapless; unsubstantial)
[jalabudbudavaccacale] jala+budbuda+vat(adv.) + cacale( . .loc.) [ ,]
jala( . dull, cold, frigid; stupid, idiotic: . water)
budbuda( . a bubble; a type of anything very transitory; embryo five days old)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
cacala( . moving, shaking, trembling; inconstant, fickle, unsteady: . the wind; a lover)
[nistamtmnamacintyarpa] nistam( . .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.) +
acintya+rpa( . .acc.) [(+) ]
nista(p.p.) < * + ta(kt) < nis(1.3. . to go out, come forth, depart, withdraw)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
acintya( . inconceivable, incomprehensible, unexpected)

rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[divya] divya( . .acc.) []
divya( . divine, heavenly; brilliant; beautiful: . celestial nature, divinity; the sky)
[devamasaga] devam( . .acc.) + asaga( . .acc.) [ ]
deva( . divine; shining; fit to be worshipped: . a god, deity; the god of rain)
asaga( . not attached, free from worldly; not hindered or obstructed; not united, solitary)
[uddha] uddha( . .acc.) []
uddha(p.p. pure, clean, purified; holy, undefiled, chaste, innocent; white, bright)
[tejaskyamarpa] tejas+kyam( . .acc.) + a+rpa( . .acc.) [
tejas( . sharpness; the point or top of a flame; heat, glow; lustre, brilliance; dignity)
kya( . the body; the trunk of a tree; a multitude; home, residence, habitation)
[sarvevaramacintyamaarra] sarva+varam( . .acc.) + acintyam( . .acc.) +
aarra( . .acc.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
vara( . powerful, able, capable of; wealthy: . a lord, master; a king; a great man)
acintya( . inconceivable, incomprehensible, unexpected)
aarra( . bodiless, incorporeal: . the Supreme Being, Brahman; a god or deity in general)
[nihita] nihita( . .acc.) []
nihita(p.p. placed, laid, lodged; delivered, entrusted; bestowed upon, applied to)
[guhymamta] guhym( .loc.) + amta( . .acc.) [ ]
guh( . a cave, cavern, hidingplace; hiding, concealing; a pit, hole in the ground)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
[vibhrjamnamnanda] vibhrjamnam( . .acc.) + nanda( np.acc.) [
(+ )]
vibhrj(1. . to shine brilliantly or intensely) > vibhrjamna(pres.p.)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[ta] ta(pn. .acc.) []
[payanti] payanti( []
pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
[vidvsastena] vidvsa( + tena( .) [ . ]
() ( ) .
vidvas( . knowing; wise, learned: . a learned or wise man, scholar)
[laye] laye( .loc.) [ ]
laya( . sticking, union, adherence; lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution)
[na] na( .)
[payanti] payanti( [ .]

08.00 Ci Aq ZhQ
iti aama khaa

14. _8 2637

09.01 Aj Wl UYu mmcN paulMxqlxuxi acNlii | ixq x Wuc

cUumri rccUuxiqi Surqumri r
SurquxiqirSirqumri r ASirquxiqi uUequmri r
uUequxiqi mhqumri r mhquxiqi ulqumri r
ulquxiqirllSqumri r AllSquxiqi iUrqumri
rxiUrquxiqi iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
atha haina raikva papraccha bhagavankasminsarve'sta gacchantti | tasmai sa
hovca cakurevpyeti yaccakurevstameti draavyamevpyeti yo
draavyamevstametydityamevpyeti ya dityamevstameti virjamevpyeti yo
virjamevstameti pramevpyeti ya pramevstameti vijnamevpyeti yo
vijnamevstametynandamevpyeti ya nandamevstameti turyamevpyeti
yasturyamevstameti tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

'' .
! ?
, .
, . ,
. ,
. , .
, . ,
. '' , '' .
, .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]

[raikva] raikva( .nom.) ['']
raikva( . N. of...)
[papraccha] papraccha( [.]
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[bhagavankasminsarve'sta] bhagavan( .voc.) + kasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarve(pn. +
asta( .acc.) [ ! ]
bhagavat( . glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: . a god, deity)
asta(p.p. thrown, cast, given up, left; finished; dispatched: . setting: . home)
[gacchantti] gacchanti( + iti( .) [? .] ?
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[tasmai] tasmai(pn. .dat.) [ ]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
ha( . an emphatic particle - 'verily' 'indeed' 'certainly')
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[cakurevpyeti] caku( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)
ap(2. . to go in or near, enter into or upon; to have a share in, partake of; to join, flow)
[yaccakurevstameti] yat(pn. .nom.) + caku( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( causal) [() .]
() ( ) , () [primitivecausal] . :
'astam eti' 'eti' primitive causal .
[or] - yasmin(pn. .loc.) caku( .nom.) - [ () '' .]
'' .
asta(p.p. thrown, cast, given up, left; finished; dispatched: . setting: . home)
[draavyamevpyeti] draavyam([ .] .nom.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
draavya(pot.p. to be seen, visible; perceptible; fit to be seen, investigated)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[draavyamevstametydityamevpyeti] draavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + dityam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
. ]
ditya( . solar, born in the solar line: . a son of Aditi; a god, divinity in general)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[dityamevstameti] dityam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[virjamevpyeti] virjam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
virj( . splendid, excellent; a ruler: . beauty, splendour; the first progeny of Brahman)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[virjamevstameti] virjam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[pramevpyeti] pram( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]

14. _9 2639
[pramevstameti] pram( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijnamevstametynandamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + nandam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
. ]
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nandamevstameti] nandam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[turyamevpyeti] turyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
turya( . the fourth; consisting of four parts: a quarter, a fourth part)
[yasturyamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + turyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() '' .]
'' , '' . :
' ' ,
() .
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
tat(pn. .nom.) tattvam( .nom.) sa(pn. .nom.) tm( .nom.)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
abhaya( . free from fear or danger, secure, safe: . absence or removal of fear)
oka( . sorrow, grief, distress, affliction, lamentation)
ananta( . endless, eternal: . N. of Viu; the cloud; Vsuki, the lord of serpents)
nir( . away from, without, free from)
bja( . seed, seedcorn, grain; a germ, element; origin, source, cause)
i(2. . to go, go to or towards, come to or near; to arrive at, reach; to return)
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.02 qumri r quxiqi iurqumri r iurquxiqi

Svqumri r Svquxiqi xSvlqumri r
xSvlquxiqirmlqumri rmlquxiqi ulqumri r
ulquxiqi iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
rotramevpyeti ya rotramevstameti rotavyamevpyeti ya
rotavyamevstameti diamevpyeti yo diamevstameti sudaranmevpyeti ya
sudaranmevstametyapnamevpyeti yo'pnamevstameti vijnamevpyeti yo
vijnamevstameti tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . ,
. '' , '
' . , .
, .
, .

[rotramevpyeti] rotram( .acc.)+ eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

rotra( . the ear; proficiency in the Vedas; the Veda)
ap(2. . to go in or near, enter into or upon; to have a share in, partake of; to join, flow)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rotramevstameti] rotram( .acc.)+ eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
asta(p.p. thrown, cast, given up, left; finished; dispatched: . setting: . home)
[rotavyamevpyeti] rotavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
rotavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ru(5. . to hear, listen to, give ear to)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rotavyamevstameti] rotavyaem([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[ .]
[diamevpyeti] diam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
di( . a direction, cardinal point, point of the compass; the mere direction of a thing)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[diamevstameti] diam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[sudaranmevpyeti] sudaranm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
sudaran( .) < su( . good, excellent) + darana( . seeing, looking at: . seeing; knowing)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[sudaranmevstametyapnamevpyeti] sudaranm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + apnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
. ]
[yo'pnamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + apnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() .]
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[yo vijnamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [(+) .]
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

14. _9 2641
09.03 lxqumri r lxquxiqi biurqumri r biurquxiqi
mjuqumri r mjuquxiqi eiqumri r eiquxiqi
urlqumri r urlquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
nsmevpyeti yo nsmevstameti ghrtavyamevpyeti yo ghrtavyamevstameti
pthivmevpyeti ya pthivmevstameti jitmevpyeti yo jitmevstameti
vynamevpyeti yo vynamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, .
, . '' ,
'' . ,
. , .
, .

[nsmevpyeti] nsm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

ns( . the nose; the trunk of an elephant; the upper timber of door)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nsmevstameti] nsm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[ghrtavyamevpyeti] ghrtavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
ghrtavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ghr(1. . to smell, smell at; to kiss)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ghrtavyamevstameti] ghrtavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[(+) .]
[pthivmevpyeti] pthivm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pthivmevstameti] pthivm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[jitmevpyeti] jitm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
jit( .) < jita(p.p. conquered, subdued, restrained; won, got, obtained; surpassed, excelled)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[jitmevstameti] jitm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''

[vynamevpyeti] vynam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
vyna( . one of the five lifewinds or vital airs)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vynamevstameti] vynam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.04 equmri r equxiqi Uxriurqumri r

Uxriurquxiqi uhqumri r uhquxiqi xqrqumri r
xqrquxiqirSlqumri r EASlquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
jihvmevpyeti yo jihvmevstameti rasayitavyamevpyeti yo
rasayitavyamevstameti varuamevpyeti yo varuamevstameti saumymevpyeti
ya saumymevstametyudnamevpyeti ya uadnamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . ''
, '' . '' , '
' . , .
, .
, .

[jihvmevpyeti] jihvm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

jihv( . the tongue; the tongue of fire; a sentence)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[jihvmevstameti] jihvm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[rasayitavyamevpyeti] rasayitavyam([ .] .nom.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
rasayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ras(10. . to taste, relish; to feel)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rasayitavyamevstameti] rasayitavyam([ .] .nom.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +

14. _9 2643
eti( [(+) .]
[varuamevpyeti] varuam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
varua( . N. of an ditya; the regent of the ocean and of the western quarter; the ocean)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[varuamevstameti] varuam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
['' .]
[saumymevpyeti] saumym( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
saumy( .) < saumya( . lovely; gentle, soft, mild)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[saumymevstametyudnamevpyeti] saumym( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + udnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
. ]
udna( . breathing upwards; breath in general)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[uadnamevstameti] uadnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[ .]
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.05 iucqumri rxiucquxiqi xmvriurqumri r

xmviurquxiqi urqumri r urquxiqi qbqumri r
qbquxiqi xqlqumri r xqlquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
tvacamevpyeti yastvacamevstameti sparayitavyamevpyeti ya
sparaitavyamevstameti vyumevpyeti yo vyumevstameti moghmevpyeti yo
moghmevstameti samnamevpyeti ya samnamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . ''
, '' . '' , ''
. , .
, .
, .

[tvacamevpyeti] tvacam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
tvac( . skin; hide; bark, rind; any cover or coating)
[yastvacamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + tvacam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() .]
[sparayitavyamevpyeti] sparayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti(
[(+) ]
sparayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < sp(6. . to touch; to adhere to)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[sparaitavyamevstameti] sparayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [(+) .]
[vyumevpyeti] vyum( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( ['' ]
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vyumevstameti] vyum( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[moghmevpyeti] moghm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
mogh( .) < mogha( . vain, useless, fruitless; aimless: . a fence, a hedge)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[moghmevstameti] moghm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[samnamevpyeti] samnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
samna( . same, one, similar: . a friend, an equal one of five lifewinds or vital airs,
which has seat in the cavity of the navel and is essential to digestion)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[samnamevstameti] samnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[ .]
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.06 ucqumri r ucquxiqi uurqumri r

uurquxiqiralqumri ralquxiqi MqUqumri r
MqUquxiqi uUqpqumri r uUqpquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc

14. _9 2645
vcamevpyeti yo vcamevstameti vaktavyamevpyeti yo
vaktavyamevstametyagnimevpyeti yo'gnimevstameti kumrmevpyeti ya
kumrmevstameti vairambhamevpyeti yo vairambhamevstameti
vijnamevpyeti tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, .
, . ''
, '' . '' ,
'' . , .

[vcamevpyeti] vcam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

vc( . a word, sound, an expression; words, talk, language, speech; a voice, sound)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vcamevstameti] vcam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[vaktavyamevpyeti] vaktavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
vaktavya(pot.p. fit to be said, told; to be spoken about: . speaking, speech; a precept, rule)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vaktavyamevstametyagnimevpyeti] vaktavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + agnim( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
. ]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[yo'gnimevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + agnim( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() .]
[kumrmevpyeti] kumrm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
kumr( .) < kumra( . a son, boy, a youth; a boy below five; a prince)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[kumrmevstameti] kumrm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
['' .]
[vairambhamevpyeti] vairambham( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
vairambha( . N. of an ocean)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vairambhamevstameti] vairambham( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
['' .]
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)

[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.07 Wxiqumri r WxiquxiqirSiurqumri r

ASiurquxiqilSqumri r ClSquxiqirqiqumri
rqiquxiqi qZrqumri r qZrquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
hastamevpyeti yo hastamevstametydtavyamevpyeti ya
dtavyamevstametndramevpyeti ya indramevstametyamtmevpyeti
yo'mtmevstameti mukhyamevpyeti yo mukhyamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . '' ,
'' . '' , ''
. '' , '' .
, .
, .

[hastamevpyeti] hastam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

hasta( . the hand; the trunk of an elephant; the forearm)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[hastamevstametydtavyamevpyeti] hastam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + dtavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
. (+) ]
dtavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < d(3. . to receive, accept; to seize, take hold of)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[dtavyamevstametndramevpyeti] dtavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + indram( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
. '' ]
indra( . The lord of gods; the god of rain)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[indramevstametyamtmevpyeti] indram( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
+ amtm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( ['' .
'' ]
amt( .) < amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
[yo'mtmevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + amtm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() '' .]

14. _9 2647
[mukhyamevpyeti] mukhyam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
mukhya( . relating to the mouth or the face; chief, principal; foremost, recited first)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mukhyamevstameti] mukhyam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.08 mSqumri r mSquxiqi aliurqumri r aliurquxiqi

uwhqumri r uwhquxiqi xirqumri r
xirquxiqirlirqqumri rlirqquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
pdamevpyeti ya pdamevstameti gantavyamevpyeti yo gantavyamevstameti
viumevpyeti yo viumevstameti satymevpyeti ya
satymevstametyantarymamevpyeti yo'ntarymamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . '' ,
'' . '' , ''
. '' , ''
. , .
, .

[pdamevpyeti] pdam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

pda( . the foot; a ray of light; a quarter; the foot or leg of an inanimate object)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pdamevstameti] pdam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[gantavyamevpyeti] gantavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
gantavya(pot.pass.p. should go) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < gam(1. . to go, move, go away)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[gantavyamevstameti] gantavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[(+ ) .]

[viumevpyeti] vium( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[viumevstameti] vium( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[satymevpyeti] satym( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
saty( .) < satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[satymevstametyantarymamevpyeti] satym( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + antarymam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
. '' ]
antaryma( . N. of a vessel for holding the some juice)
[yo'ntarymamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + antarymam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( ['' .]
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.09 mrqumri r mrquxiqi uxeriurqumri r

uxeriurquxiqi qirqumri r qirquxiqi qkrqqumri r
qkrqquxiqi mpgelqumri r mpgelquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
pyumevpyeti ya pyumevstameti visarjayitavyamevpyeti yo
visarjayitavyamevstameti mtyumevpyeti yo mtyumevstameti
madhyammevpyeti yo madhyammevstameti prabhajanamevpyeti ya
prabhajanamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . ''
, '' . '' ,
'' . '' , '
' . , .

14. _9 2649
[pyumevpyeti] pyum( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
pyu( . the anus)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[pyumevstameti] pyum( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[visarjayitavyamevpyeti] visarjayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti(
[ ]
visarjayitavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < visarjay(caus.) < visj(6. . to abandon, leave,
give up; to let go, let loose; to shed, pour down)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[visarjayitavyamevstameti] visarjayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [ .]
[mtyumevpyeti] mtyum( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [('')
mtyu( . death, dying)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mtyumevstameti] mtyum( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[('') .]
[madhyammevpyeti] madhyamm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
madhyam( .) < madhyama( . being or standing in the middle, central; intermediate)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[madhyammevstameti] madhyamm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
['' .]
[prabhajanamevpyeti] prabhajanam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
prabhajana( . breaking to pieces: . wind, especially stormy wind, hurricane)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[prabhajanamevstameti] prabhajanam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
['' .]
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.10 Emxjqumri r EmxjquxiqirllSriurqumri r
AllSriurquxiqi memiqumri r memiquxiqi
lxUqumri r lxUquxiqi MqUqumri r MqUquxiqi
ulqumri iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
upasthamevpyeti ya upasthamevstametynandayitavyamevpyeti ya
nandayitavyamevstameti prajpatimevpyeti ya prajpatimevstameti
nsrmevpyeti yo nsrmevstameti kumramevpyeti ya kumramevstameti
vijnamevpyeti tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, .
, . ''
, '' . ''
, '' . ,
. ,

[upasthamevpyeti] upastham( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

upastha( . near, approximate: . the lap: . the organ of generation; the anus)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[upasthamevstametynandayitavyamevpyeti] upastham( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + nandayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
. (+ ) ]
nandayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < nand(1. . to rejoice, be delighted)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nandayitavyamevstameti] nandayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [(+ ) .]
[prajpatimevpyeti] prajpatim( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
prajpati( . the god presiding ever creation)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[prajpatimevstameti] prajpatim( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[ .]
[nsrmevpyeti] nsrm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nsrmevstameti] nsrm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[kumramevpyeti] kumram( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''

14. _9 2651
kumra( . a son, boy, a youth; a boy below five; a prince)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[kumramevstameti] kumram( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
['' .]
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.11 ql Lumri r ql Luxiqi qliurqumri r qliurquxiqi

clSqumri rlSquxiqi vvqumri r vvquxiqi
vrlqumri r vrlquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
mana evpyeti yo mana evstameti mantavyamevpyeti yo mantavyamevstameti
candramevpyeti yacandramevstameti iumevpyeti ya iumevstameti
yenamevpyeti ya yenamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . ''
, '' . '' ,
'' . '' , ''
. , .

[mana] mana( .acc.) [(+) ]

manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[evpyeti] + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mana] mana( .acc.) []
[evstameti] + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [ .]
[mantavyamevpyeti] mantavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
mantavya( . to be thought, considered; imaginable, conceivable; to be maintained)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[mantavyamevstameti] mantavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[ .]

[candramevpyeti] candram( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
candra( . the moon; the eye in peacock's tail; water; gold)
[yacandramevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + candram( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() '' .]
[iumevpyeti] ium( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
iur( .acc.) : nmaikadee nmaikagrahaa - .
iur( .) < iu( . a child, an infant; the young of any animal; a pupil, scholar)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[iumevstameti] ium( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[yenamevpyeti] yenam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
yena( . the white colour; whiteness; a hawk, falcon)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[yenamevstameti] yenam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.12 oqumri r oquxiqi ourqumri r ourquxiqi

ohqumri r ohquxiqi xrquxiqi r xrquxiqi
Mwhqumri r Mwhquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
buddhimevpyeti yo buddhimevstameti boddhavyamevpyeti yo
boddhavyamevstameti brahmamevpyeti yo brahmamevstameti
srymevstameti ya srymevstameti kamevpyeti ya kamevstameti
vijnamevpyeti tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, . ''
, '' . '' ,
'' . '' , '
' . , .

14. _9 2653
[buddhimevpyeti] buddhim( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[buddhimevstameti] buddhim( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[boddhavyamevpyeti] boddhavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
boddhavya( . to be known or understood; intelligible, perceivable; to be informed, instructed)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[boddhavyamevstameti] boddhavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [ .]
[brahmamevpyeti] brahmam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[brahmamevstameti] brahmam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[ .]
[srymevstameti] srym( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
sry( .) < srya( the sun; the tree called Arka; the number twelve)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[srymevstameti] srym( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[kamevpyeti] kam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
ka( . black, dark: . a crow, indian cuckoo; Viu in his 8th incarnation)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[kamevstameti] kam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.13 AWXMUqumri rWXMUquxiqirWXMiurqumri

rWXMiurquxiqi Squmri r SquxiqirxUqumri
rxUquxiqi iqumri r iquxiqi ulqumri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc

ahakramevpyeti yo'hakramevstametyahakartavyamevpyeti
yo'hakartavyamevstameti rudramevpyeti yo rudramevstametyasurmevpyeti
yo'surmevstameti vetamevpyeti ya vetamevstameti vijnamevpyeti
tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
. '' , '' .
'' , '' . ''
, '' . ,
. ,

[ahakramevpyeti] ahakram( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
[yo'hakramevstametyahakartavyamevpyeti] ya(pn. .nom.) + ahakram( .acc.) + eva( .)
+ astam( .acc.) + eti( + akartavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti(
[() .
ahakartavya( . to be referred to self: . the object of ahakara)
[yo'hakartavyamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + akartavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) +
astam( .acc.) + eti( [()
[rudramevpyeti] rudram( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
rudra( . dreadful, terrific; great, large; driving away evil: . N. of a group of gods)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[rudramevstametyasurmevpyeti] rudram( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
+ asurm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( ['' .
'' ]
asur( .) < asura( . an evil spirit, a demon; the chief of the evil spirit)
[yo'surmevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + asurm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() '' .]
[vetamevpyeti] vetam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
veta( . white: . the white colour; a white cloud; N. of a range of mountains)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vetamevstameti] vetam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)

14. _9 2655
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

09.14 cqumri rquxiqi ciriurqumri ririurquxiqi

qumri r quxiqi pxuiqumri r pxuiquxiqi
laqumri r laquxiqi ulqumri r
uquxiqirllSqumri r AllSquxiqi iUrqumri
rxiUrquxiqi iSqiqprqvMqlli loequmri
iSqiqprqvMqlliloequmrii Wuc
cittamevpyeti yacittamevstameti cetayitavyamevpyeti
yacetayitavyamevstameti ketrajamevpyeti ya ketrajamevstameti
bhsvatmevpyeti yo bhsvatmevstameti ngamevpyeti yo ngamevstameti
vijnamevpyeti yo vijmevstametynandamevpyeti ya nandamevstameti
turyamevpyeti yasturyamevstameti tadamtamabhayamaokamananta
nirbjamevpyeti tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti hovca

, .
, .
'' , '' . ''
, '' . '' ,
'' . , .
, . '' ,
'' . ,
, .

[cittamevpyeti] cittam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(+)

citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought)
[yacittamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + cittam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() .]
[cetayitavyamevpyeti] cetayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti(
[ ]
cetayitavya(caus.pot.pass.p.) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < cetay(caus.) < cit(1. .10. . to
perceive, see, notice, observe; to know, understand; consciousness)
[yacetayitavyamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + cetayitavyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) +
astam( .acc.) + eti( [() .]

[ketrajamevpyeti] ketrajam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [(
) ]
, .
ketraja( . knowing places; clever, dexterous: . the soul; the Supreme Soul; a libertine)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ketrajamevstameti] ketrajam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
[( ) .]
[bhsvatmevpyeti] bhsvatm( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
bhsvat( .) < bhsvat( . bright, shining, luminous, resplendent) < bhs( . light, luster)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[bhsvatmevstameti] bhsvatm( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti(
['' .]
[ngamevpyeti] ngam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
nga( . a snake; one of the five vital airs [which is expelled by eructation])
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[ngamevstameti] ngam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [''
[vijnamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijmevstametynandamevpyeti] vijnam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( + nandam( .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [
. ]
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[nandamevstameti] nandam( .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) + eti( [
[turyamevpyeti] turyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + apyeti( [''
turya( . the fourth; consisting of four parts: a quarter, a fourth part)
[yasturyamevstameti] ya(pn. .nom.) + turyam([ .] .acc.) + eva( .) + astam( .acc.) +
eti( [() '' .]
[tadamtamabhayamaokamananta] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta( . .acc.) [
[nirbjamevpyeti] nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) + api( .) + eti( [
[tadamtamabhayamaokamanantanirbjamevpyetti] tat(pn. .nom.) + amtam([ .] .acc.) +
abhayam( . .acc.) + aokam( . .acc.) + ananta+nirbjam( . .acc.) + eva( .) +
api( .) + eti( + iti( .) [()
. ]
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]

14. _9 2657
09.15 r Lu loe uS loe Lu x pui l eri l qri l qi l
pi l Si l Ni l Mqmi l Mmri xuSWlrqiqirci
luqiq muclvilm spri l oWil l olil l qkr l
uSl rl impal xZrl ralqllrUiqlqmspli mucll
mvxr urijll iqi oh vuxlcl Emspli vli Sli
EmUixii xqWi piuiqlruiql mvri xuxriq pui r Lu
ya eva nirbja veda nirbja eva sa bhavati na jyate na mriyate na muhyate na
bhidyate na dahyate na chidyate na kampate na kupyate
sarvadahano'yamtmetycakate naivamtm pravacanaatenpi labhyate na
bahurutena na buddhijnritena na medhay na vedairna yajairna
tapobhirugrairna skhyairna yogairnramairnnyairtmnamupalabhante
pravacanena praasay vyutthnena tameta brhma uruvso'ncn
upalabhante nto dnta uparatastitiku samhito bhtvtmanyevtmna payati
sarvasytm bhavati ya eva veda

, .
, , , , , ,
, . ' .' .
1 , , ,
, , , ,
, , ,
. ( )
. .

[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]

[eva] eva( .) []
[nirbja] nir+bja([ .] .acc.) [ ]
nir( . away from, without, free from)
bja( . seed, seedcorn, grain; a germ, element; origin, source, cause)
[veda] veda( [(),]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[nirbja] nir+bja([ .] .nom.) [ ]
[eva] eva( .) []
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)

[na] na( .)
(intransitive) : jan(jyate), m(mriyate), kup(kupyate)
(transitive) : muh(muhyateactv.), bhid(bhidyatepass.), dah(dahyatepass.),
kamp(kampateactv.) - (pass.) .
[jyate] jyate( [(+ ) ]
jan(4. . to be born; to rise, spring up; become, take place; to be born or destined)
[na] na( .)
[mriyate] mriyate( [ ]
mriyate( < mriy(m) + a(vikaraa) + te < m(6. .) - intransitive verb.
m(6. . to die, decease)
[na] na( .)
[muhyate] muhyate( [ ]
muh(4. . to faint, swoon, lose consciousness; to be perplexed or bewildered; to be foolish)
[na] na( .)
[bhidyate] bhidyate( [ ]
bhid(1. .[bhindati] to divide or cut into parts: 7. .[bhinatti] to break; to divide, separate)
[na] na( .)
[dahyate] dahyate( [ ]
dah(1. . to burn, scorch; to consume, destroy completely; to pain, torment, distress)
[na] na( .)
[chidyate] chidyate( [ ]
chid(7. . to cut or lop off, hew, mow, tear; to disturb, interrupt; to remove, drive off, destroy)
[na] na( .)
[kampate] kampate( [ ]
kamp(1. . to shake, tremble, move about: [caus.] cause to tremble; to utter with a thrill)
[na] na( .)
[kupyate] kupyate( [ .]
kup(4. . to be angry; to be excited, be virulent)
[sarvadahano'yamtmetycakate] sarva+dahana( . .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) +
tm( .nom.) + iti( .) + cakate( [ .
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
dahana( . burning, consuming by fire; destructive, injurious: . fire; a pigeon)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
cak(2. . to speak, announce, declare, teach; to name, call, say; to divine, bespeak)
[naivamtm] na( .) + evam( .) + tm( .nom.) [() ]
[pravacanaatenpi] pravacana+atena( .ins.) + api( .) [1 ]
pravacana( . one who exposes, propounds: . speaking, talking; recitation, oral instruction)
ata( . a hundred; any very large number)
[labhyate] labhyate( [ ,]
labh(1. . to take, seize, catch) > labhya( . to be found or met with
[na] na( .)
[bahurutena] bahu+rutena( .ins.) [ ]
bahu( . much, many, frequent, numerous; plentiful, great)
ruta(p.p. heard, listened to; learnt, understood: . the object of hearing; sacred knowledge)
[na] na( .)

14. _9 2659
[buddhijnritena] buddhi+jna+ritena( .ins.) [ ]
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
rita( . the objects perceived by the senses and mind) < rita(p.p.[w/acc.] resorting to,
having recourse to; dwelling in, seated or resting on; using)
[na] na( .)
[medhay] medhay( .ins.) []
medh( . retentive faculty, retentiveness; intellect, intelligence in general; a sacrifice)
[na] na( .)
[vedairna] vedai( + na( .) [ ]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[yajairna] yajai( + na( .) [ ]
yaja( . a sacrifice, sacrificial rite; an act of worship, any pious or devotional act)
[tapobhirugrairna] tapobhi( + ugrai( . + na( .) [
tapas( . warmth, heat; pain, suffering; religious austerity, bodily mortification)
ugra( . fierce, cruel; formidable, terrific, frightful; powerful, mighty)
[skhyairna] skhyai( + na( .) [ ]
skhya( . relating to number; calculating: . N. of one of the six systems of Hindu P.)
[yogairnramairnnyairtmnamupalabhante] yogai( + na( .) + ramai( +
na( .) + anyai([ .] + tmnam( .acc.) + upalabhante( [
(+) .]
yoga( . the act of yoking, joining; connection; fitness, propriety; meditation; way, method)
rama( . a hermitage, hut, cell; a stage or period of the [religious] life of a Brhmaa)
anya( . another, different; other than, different from)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
upalabh(1. . to know, understand, see, perceive; to ascertain, find out; to get, obtain)
[pravacanena] pravacanena( .ins.) []
pravacana( . one who exposes, propounds: . speaking, talking; recitation, oral instruction)
[praasay] praasay( .ins.) []
praas( . praise, eulogy, applause; description, reference top glory, fame, reputation)
[vyutthnena] vyutthnena( .ins.) []
vyutthna( . great activity; rising up against, opposition; independent action)
[tameta] tam(pn. .acc.) + eta(pn. .acc.) [(+) ]
[brhma] brhma( [ ]
brhmaa( . belonging to a Brhmaa: . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)
[uruvso'ncn] uruvsa( . + ancn( .
[(+) (+ ) ]
: .
uruvas( .[perf.p.] one who has heard; one who has learnt or studied, a scholar) <
ur( . desire to hear; service, attendance; dutifulness, obedience; reverence) < ru(1. .)
ancna( . one devoted to study, learned; modest, unassuming, humble, wellbehaved)
[upalabhante] upalabhante( [. .]
[nto] nta([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
, , , , .
nta(p.p. appeased, allayed, calmed, satisfied; cured, alleviated; abated, subsided)

[dnta] dnta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
dnta(p.p. tamed, subdued, overpowered, curbed; docile, tame, mild; selfpossessed)
[uparatastitiku] uparata([ .] .nom.) + titiku([ .] .nom.) [
uparata(p.p. stopped, ceased; dead; withdrawn or retired from) < upa( . by the side of) +
ram(1. . to be pleased or delighted; to remain, stay, pause)
titiku( . patient, forbearing, enduring; desiring to give up)
[samhito] samhita([ .] .nom.) [ ]
samhita(p.p. brought together, assembled; adjusted, settled; composed, collected, calm) <
sam( . together with) + (towards) + dh(3. . to put, place) > samdhi( . concentrating)
[bhtvtmanyevtmna] bhtv(ger.) + tmani( .loc.) + eva( .) + tmna( .acc.) [
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[payati] payati( [. .]
pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
[sarvasytm] sarvasya([ .] .gen.) + tm( .nom.) [ ]
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[eva] eva( .) []
[veda] veda( [().]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)

09.00 Ci luq ZhQ

iti navama khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[navama] navama( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]

14. _9 2661

'' -

10.01 Aj Wl UYu mmcN paulMxqlxu xmii pulii

UxissMwui Wuc MxqlxissM Ai mii
psMwui Wuc MxqlpsM Ai mii pusMwui Wuc
MxqlpusM Ai mii xusMwui Wuc MxqlxusM
Ai mii qWsMwui Wuc MxqlqWsM Ai mii
elsMwui Wuc Mxql elsM Ai mii imsMwui
Wuc MxqximsM Ai mii xirsMwui Wuc
MxqlxirsM Ai mii memisMwui Wuc
MxqlmemisM Ai mii osMwui Wuc
MxqlosM Ai mii xusM Aiql oh qhr Cui
mii x Wucuqil sMliql miiluSiqu x
puiiriuhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq
atha haina raikva papraccha bhagavankasminsarve sapratihit bhavantti
rastalalokeviti hovca kasminrastalalok otca protceti bhrlokeviti hovca
kasminbhrlok otca protceti bhuvarlokeviti hovca kasminbhuvarlok otca
protceti suvarlokeviti hovca kasminsuvarlok otca protceti maharlokeviti
hovca kasminmaharlok otca protceti janolokeviti hovca kasmin janolok
otca protceti tapolokeviti hovca kasmistapolok otca protceti
satyalokeviti hovca kasminsatyalok otca protceti prajpatilokeviti hovca
kasminprajpatilok otca protceti brahmalokeviti hovca kasminbrahmalok
otca protceti sarvalok tmani brahmai maaya ivautca protceti sa
hovcaivametn lokntmani pratihitnvedtmaiva sa
bhavattyetannirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti vednusanam

'' .
! ?
. .
'' .
'' ?
'' .
'' ?
'' .
'' ?
'' .
'' ?
, . .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
[raikva] raikva( .nom.) ['']
[papraccha] papraccha( [.]
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[bhagavankasminsarve] bhagavan( .voc.) + kasmin(pn. .loc.) + sarve([ .]
[ ! ]
bhagavat( . glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: . a god, deity)
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[sapratihit] sapratihit( p. []
sapratihita(p.p.p.) < sa + prati + * < sthita(p.p.p.) < sth(1. . to stand; to stay)
sam( . together with) + prati( . equality) + sthita(p.p. stood, remained; standing; standing up)
[bhavantti] bhavanti( + iti( .) [? .] ?

14. _10 2663

bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[rastalalokeviti] rastala+lokeu( + iti( .) [ (+ ). ]
rastala( . N. of one of the seven regions below the earth; the hell in general) < ras( . the
earth, ground, soil) + tala( . surface, level; lower part, bottom)
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminrastalalok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + rastala+lok( [ ]
'rastala' . : atala( . bottomless; N. of
one of the seven hells beneath the earth) vitala( . depth of hell) sutala( . great depth:
. the base or foundation of a large building) rastala( . the lower world or hell in general)
< ras( . moisture, humidity) taltala( . N. of a hell) mahtala( . the regions under the
earth inhabited by the Ngas &c.) ptla( . the abode of the Ngas or serpents and demons)
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
ota( . woven, sewn with threads across)
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
prota(p.p. sewn, stitched; extended lengthwise or perpendicularly; tied, bound, fastened)
[bhrlokeviti] bhr+lokeu( + iti( .) [ (+ ). ]
. : svarga, pthiv, ptla. : satya, tapas, janas,
mahar, svar, bhuvas, bhr. ' '
bhr( . the lowest of the seven lower worlds; one of the three Vyhtis) < bhrloka( . the
earth) - earth.
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminbhrlok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + bhr+lok( [ ]
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[bhuvarlokeviti] bhuvar+lokeu( + iti( .) [ (+
). ]
bhuvas( . the atmosphere, ether; one of the three Vyhtis) = bhuvarloka( . the space
between the earth and sun inhabited by Munis Siddhas &c.) - sky.
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminbhuvarlok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + bhuvar+lok( [ ]
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[suvarlokeviti] suvar+lokeu( + iti( .) [ (+
). ]
svar( . heaven, paradise; one of the three Vyhtis) = svarloka( . Indra's heaven above the
sun or between it and the polar star) - heaven.
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminsuvarlok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + suvar+lok( [ ]
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[maharlokeviti] mahar+lokeu( + iti( .) ['' (+
). ]
mahar( . the forth of the seven worlds which rise one above the other from the earth) =
maharloka( . a region above the polar star and inhabited by Bhgu and other saints who
survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds) - middle region.

[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminmaharlok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + mahar+lok( [ '' ]
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[janolokeviti] jano+lokeu( + iti( .) ['' (+ ).
janas( .) = janarloka( . inhabited by Brahm's son Sanatkumra &c.) - place of rebirths.
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasmin] kasmin(pn. .loc.) []
[janolok] jano+lok( ['' ]
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[tapolokeviti] tapo+lokeu( + iti( .) ['' (+ ).
tapas( .) = taparloka( . inhabited by deified Vairgins) - mansion of the blest.
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasmistapolok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + tapo+lok( [ '' ]
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[satyalokeviti] satya+lokeu( + iti( .) ['' (+
). ]
satya( .) = Brahmaloka = satyaloka( . abode of Brahm, translation to which exempts from
rebirth) - abode of truth.
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminsatyalok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + satya+lok( [ '' ]
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[prajpatilokeviti] prajpati+lokeu( + iti( .) [ (+
). ]
prajpati( . the god presiding ever creation)
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminprajpatilok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + prajpati+lok( [
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[brahmalokeviti] brahma+lokeu( + iti( .) [ (+
). ]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[kasminbrahmalok] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + brahma+lok( [
[otca] ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ ? .]
[sarvalok] sarva+lok( [ ]

14. _10 2665

[tmani] tmani( np.loc.) []
[brahmai] brahmai( .loc.) []
[maaya] maaya( []
mai( . a jewel, gem, precious stone; an ornament in general; anything best of its kind)
[ivautca] iva( .) + ot( p. + ca( .) [ ]
[protceti] prot( p. + ca( .) + iti( .) [ . ]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovcaivametn] ha( .) + uvca( + evam( .) + etn(pn. [ .
[lokntmani] lokn( + tmani( .loc.) [ ]
[pratihitnvedtmaiva] pratihitn( . + veda( + tm( .nom.) +
eva( .) [ () ()]
pratihita(p.p. set up, erected; fixed, established; placed, situated; installed)
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[bhavattyetannirvnusanamiti] bhavati( + iti( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) +
nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . . .]
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

10.00 Ci Svq ZhQ

iti daama khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[daama] daama( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]


11.01 Aj Wl UYu mmcN paulrr ulbl Eiqlx Ml MiUu

xjlqixermqii ixq x Wuc WSrxr qkr sWi qxmhQ
rxqxiWU mhQUM MqSqulMk uMxi ixr qkr xqS
xqSxr qkr MvxixqlQrix puli UqUqcNmlpui i
Uq mhrl mhr sM lrirUq mml mmqcNr rixqUi iSpxmi
Amlpur Mv pl Mv pu vwMms pl vwMms pu
mju pl mju pum plrm pu ie pl ie pu
ur pl ur puMv plrMv pu ql pl ql pu
piS pl piS pu qWli pl qWli puur plrur
puU plrU pu qir pl qiru mU Su LMpuii
mUxi xx xSxSiriuhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi
atha haina raikva papraccha bhagavanyo'ya vijnaghana utkrmansa kena
kataradvva sthnamutsjypakrmatti tasmai sa hovca hdayasya madhye
lohita msapia yasmistaddahara puarka kumudamivnekadh
vikasita tasya madhye samudra samudrasya madhye koastasminnnyacatasro
bhavanti ramramecch'punarbhaveti tatra ram puyena puya loka
nayatyaram ppena ppamicchay yatsmarati tadabhisapadyate apunarbhavay
koa bhinatti koa bhittv rakapla bhinatti rakapla bhittv pthiv
bhinatti pthiv bhittvpo bhinattypo bhittv tejo bhinatti tejo bhittv vyu
bhinatti vyu bhittvka bhinattyka bhittv mano bhinatti mano bhittv
bhtdi bhinatti bhtdi bhittv mahnta bhinatti mahnta bhittvvyakta
bhinattyavyakta bhittvkara bhinattyakara bhittv mtyu bhinatti
mtyurvai pare deva ekbhavatti parastnna sannsanna
sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti vednusanam

14. _11 2667

'' .
, ()
, , , '' '
' '' '' . ''
, '' , ''
, '' .
, , ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
. .
, , . ,
. .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
[raikva] raikva( .nom.) ['']
[papraccha] papraccha( [.]
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[bhagavanyo'ya] bhagavan( .voc.) + ya(pn. .nom.) + aya(pn. .nom.) [ !
() ]
bhagavat( . glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: . a god, deity)
[vijnaghana] vijna+ghana( . .nom.) [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
ghana( . compact, firm, hard, solid; thick, close; full, fully developed: . a cloud)
[utkrmansa] utkrman( . .nom.) + sa(pn. .nom.) [(+) ]
sa ea 'a-' '' .
utkram(1. .4. . to go up, step up; to step beyond; to step out) > utkrmat(pres.p.)
[kena] kena( .) []
kena( . by what? how? why?)
[kataradvva] katarat( . .acc.) + vva( .) [ ]
katara(pn. . who or which of two, whether of two; who or which of many) < kim + tara
[sthnamutsjypakrmatti] sthnam( .acc.) + utsjya(ger.) + apakrmati( + iti( .)
[() (+) ? .]
sthna( . stay; a place, spot; an abode, a house; a country, region, a town, city)
utsj(6. . to pour out, emit, send forth or down; to quit, leave, abandon; escape)

apakram(1. . to go away, run away; to glide away; to measure off by step or by pacing)
[tasmai] tasmai(pn. .dat.) [ ]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[hdayasya] hdayasya( .gen.) []
hdaya( . the heart, soul, mind; the bosom, chest, breast; love, affection)
[madhye] madhye( .loc.) []
madhya( . middle, central: . the middle, centre; the middle of the body, the waist)
[lohita] lohita( . .nom.) []
lohita( . red, redcolored; copper, made of copper: . copper; blood; saffron)
[msapia] msa+pia( .nom.) [ (+),]
msa( . flesh, meat; the flesh of fish; the fleshy part of a fruit: . a worm)
pia( . solid; compact, dense, close: . a round mass, ball; a lump, clod)
[yasmistaddahara] yasmin(pn. .loc.) +|s|+ tat(pn. .nom.) + dahara( . .nom.)
[() ]
dahara( . small, subtle, fine, thin; young in age; unintelligible: . a child, an infant)
[puarka] puarka( .nom.) []
puarka( . a lotusflower, especially a white lotus; a white parasol; a medicine drug)
[kumudamivnekadh] kumudam( .nom.) + iva( .) + anekadh( .) [(+)
kumuda( . the white waterlily said to open at moonrise; a red lotus)
iva( . like, as; as if, as it were; little, some what)
anekadh( . in various ways, variously)
[vikasita] vikasita( p. .nom.) [,]
vikasita(p.p. blown, fully opened or expanded)
[tasya] tasya(pn. .gen.) []
[madhye] madhye( .loc.) []
[samudra] samudra( .nom.) [ (+),]
samudra( . sealed, bearing a seal, stamped: . the sea, ocean)
[samudrasya] samudrasya( .gen.) []
[madhye] madhye( .loc.) []
[koastasminnnyacatasro] koa( .nom.) + tasmin(pn. .loc.) +|n|+ nya( +
catasra(num. . [ (+), ]
koa( . a cask, vessel for holding liquids; a treasury; treasure; bud)
n( . the tubular stalk of any plant; any tubular organ of the body; a pipe, flute)
catur(num. . four: . four time) > catvra(, catvri( ."), catasra( .")
[bhavanti] bhavanti( [ ]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[ramramecch'punarbhaveti] ram( .nom.) + aram( .nom.) + icch( .nom.) +
apunarbhav( .nom.) + iti( .) ['' '' '' '' .]
ram( .) < rama( . pleasing, delightful, gratifying: . joy, delight; a lover, husband)
icch( . wish, desire, inclination of mind; willingness) < i(6. . to wish, desire)
apunarbhav( .) < a + punar( . again) + bhava( . becoming, ; coming into existing)
[tatra] tatra( .) [ ]
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)

14. _11 2669

[ram] ram( .nom.) ['' ]
[puyena] puyena( .ins.) [ ]
puya( . holy, sacred; good, meritorious: . virtue, religious or moral merit; purity)
[puya] puya( . .acc.) []
[loka] loka( .acc.) []
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[nayatyaram] nayati( + aram( .nom.) [, '' ]
n(1. . to carry, lead; to guide, direct; to lead away to, carry or bring away)
[ppena] ppena( .ins.) [ ]
ppa( . evil, sinful, wicked; mischievous, destructive: . evil; sin: . sinful person)
[ppamicchay] ppam( .acc.) + icchay( .ins.) [( ) (+), '' ]
[yatsmarati] yat(pn. .acc.) + smarati( [() ]
sm(1. . to remember, bear or keep in mind; to recite mentally)
[tadabhisapadyate] tat(pn. .acc.) + abhisapadyate( [ ,]
abhisapad(4. . to become; to be changed to, be similar to; to come or go; to get, to obtain)
[apunarbhavay] apunarbhavay( .ins.) ['' ]
a+punar+bhava : ++
[koa] koa( .acc.) []
koa( . a cask, vessel for holding liquids; a treasury; treasure; bud)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ().]
bhid(7. .[bhinatti] to break; to dig or tear up; to divide, separate)
[koa] koa( .acc.) []
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[rakapla] ra+kapla( .acc.) [ ]
ran( . the head) < ra( . the head; the upper part, tip)
kapla( . a skull, skull bone; a piece of broken jar; a multitude, collection)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ,]
[rakapla] ra+kapla( .acc.) [ ]
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[pthiv] pthiv( .acc.) []
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ,]
[pthiv] pthiv( .acc.) []
[bhittvpo] bhittv(ger.) + apa( [ ]
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water) > pa(, apa(
[bhinattypo] bhinatti( + apa( [ , ]
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[tejo] teja( .acc.) []
tejas( . sharpness; the point or top of a flame; heat, glow; lustre, brilliance; dignity)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ,]
[tejo] teja( .acc.) []
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[vyu] vyu( .acc.) []
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ,]

[vyu] vyu( .acc.) []
[bhittvka] bhittv(ger.) + ka( .acc.) [ ]
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[bhinattyka] bhinatti( + ka( .acc.) [ , ]
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[mano] mana( .acc.) []
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ,]
[mano] mana( .acc.) []
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[bhtdi] bhtdi( .acc.) [ ] (subtle elements)
bhtdi( . the Supreme Spirit; the Origin of being's)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ,]
[bhtdi] bhtdi( .acc.) [ ]
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[mahnta] mahnta( .acc.) []
mahat( . great: . greatness: . the great principle, the intellect [distinguished from manas],
the second of the 25element or tattvas recognized by the Skhyas)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ ,]
[mahnta] mahnta( .acc.) []
[bhittvvyakta] bhittv(ger.) + avyakta( .acc.) [ ]
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
[bhinattyavyakta] bhinatti( + avyakta( .acc.) [ , ]
[bhittvkara] bhittv(ger.) + akara( .acc.) [ ]
akara( . imperishable, unalterable: . sound, word: . a letter of the alphabet; syllable Om)
[bhinattyakara] bhinatti( + akara( .acc.) [ , ]
[bhittv] bhittv(ger.) [ ]
[mtyu] mtyu( .acc.) []
mtyu( . death, dying)
[bhinatti] bhinatti( [ .]
(= )
(=) .
[mtyurvai] mtyu( .nom.) + vai( .) [ ]
[pare] pare( . .loc.) []
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[deva] deve( .loc.) []
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[ekbhavatti] ekbhavati( + iti( .) [ . .]
ekbh(1. . to become one, blend, combine, bemingled)
[parastnna] parastt( .) + na( .) [ ( )]
parastt( . beyond, on the other side of, further than [w/gen.]; hereafter, afterwards)
[sannsanna] sat( .nom.) + na( .) + asat( .nom.) + na( .) [(+)
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
asat( . not being or existing; non existent, unreal: . nonexistence, nonentity)

14. _11 2671

[sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti] sad+asat([ .] .nom.) + iti( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) +
nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .
. .]
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

11.00 CirMSv ZhQ

ityekdaa khaa

[ityekdaa] iti( .) + ekdaa( . .nom.) [ ]

[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]


12.01 lUrh Aqai mYu osM qWxuiM ml mYuqSir ml

mYu iuS ml mYu esMsYs mrwi
miqqrciqxMmiqvlr Mcl rci
o nryadv annamgata pakva brahmaloke mahsavartake puna
pakvamditye puna pakva kratvdi puna pakva jlakilaklinna paryuita
ptamannamaycitamasaklptamanynna kacana yceta

'' '' . ,
, .
( ) (
). ,

[o] o( .) ['']
om( . the sacred syllable om)
[nryadv] nryat( .abl.) + vai( .) ['' ]
nryaa( . an epithet of Viu)
[annamgata] annam( .nom.) + gata( p. .nom.) [ .]
anna( . food; boiled rice; corn)
gata(p.p. come, arrived; occurred, happened; obtained, got)
[pakva] pakva( p. .nom.) [(+ ) ]
pakva < pak + va < pac + ta < pac
pakva( . cooked, roasted, boiled; digested; baked, burned, annealed) < pac(1. . to cook, ripen)
[brahmaloke] brahmaloke( .loc.) []
: mahas( . the fourth of
the seven worlds) '' .
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[mahsavartake] mah+savartake( .loc.) [ ,]

14. _12 2673

mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
savartaka( . a kind of cloud; the fire of destruction, the fire that is to destroy the world at
the period of universal destruction; submarine bire)
[puna] puna( .) []
punar( . again, further, moreover, once more; back; on the other hand)
[pakvamditye] pakvam( p. .nom.) + ditye( .loc.) [ ,]
ditya( . solar, born in the solar line: . a son of Aditi; a god, divinity in general)
[puna] puna( .) []
[pakva] pakva( p. .nom.) []
[kratvdi] krabydi( [ .]
kratu( . a sacrifice; one of the ten Prajpatis; intelligence, talent; power, ability)
[puna] puna( .) []
[pakva] pakva( p. .nom.) []
[jlakilaklinna] jla+kila+klinna( . .nom.) [ ]
jla( . a net, snare; a web, cobweb; a collection, an assemblage, number, mass)
kila( . play, trifling: . verily, indeed) < kil(6. . to be or become white; to freeze; to throw)
klinna( . wet, moistened; rotted, putrefied; soft) < * + na < klid(4. . to become wet)
[paryuita] paryuita([ .] .nom.) [ (+ ).]
paryuita( . stale, not fresh; insipid; stupid; vain)
[ptamannamaycitamasaklptamanynna] ptam( . .acc.) + annam( .acc.) +
a+ycitam([ .] .acc.) + a+saklptam([ .] .acc.) + anyt( + na( .)
[ .]
pta(p.p. purified, cleansed, washed; threshed, winnowed; expiated)
ycita(p.p. asked, solicited, begged; requisite: . the profession of a beggar; bagging)
saklp(1. .) < klp(1. . to be fit or adequate for result in, bring about, tend to; to become)
kp(1. . to be fit or adequate for result in; to succeed; to become; to be prepared, be ready)
a(5. . to pervade, fill completely, penetrate; to reach, go or come; to get, gain)
[kacana] kacana(pn. .acc.) []
kicana( . to a certain degree, a little)
[yceta] yceta( [ .]
yc(1. . to beg, ask, request; to demand in marriage)

12.00 Ci Sv ZhQ
iti dvdaa khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[dvdaa] dvdaa( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]


13.01 osrl ixsxupuxXa lUu qll mhQirl

lUukMUirmspri Musrq laql memiuc qWimS iu
uqs uxi McsxWr LMM xqkxj AiqMq AmiMq
lwMq ehMq Wxil xW Sv qvM lMs xmUxalku qir
mh uSiu l opi Mili uqu ixcNqlm l Mmri
l Mqmiimsqu ixcNqlm l Mmri l MqmiMvqu
ixcNqlm l Mmri l Mqmi xirl ixixirrqiq
xuwqu alkl mju WSr xuwqu Uxlqm WSr xuvqu
mh ie WSr xuwqu xmvl urWSr xuwqu voSlqMv
WSr xuwqu ailqur WSr xuwqu xul qirWSr qiru mU
Su LMpuii mUxi xx xSxSiriuhlvxlqi
uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq
blyena tihsedblasvabhvo'sago niravadyo maunena pityena
niravadhikratayopalabhyeta kaivalyamukta nigamana prajpatiruvca
mahatpada jtv vkamle vaseta kucelo'sahya ekk samdhistha tmakma
ptakmo nikmo jrakmo hastini sihe dae maake nakule
sarparkasagandharve mtyo rpi viditv na bibheti kutacaneti vkamiva
tihsecchidyamno'pi na kupyeta na kampetotpalamiva tihsecchidyamno'pi na
kupyeta na kampetkamiva tihsecchidyamno'pi na kupyeta na kampeta
satyena tihsetsatyo'yamtm sarvemeva gandhn pthiv hdaya
sarvemeva rasnmpo hdaya sarvemeva rp tejo hdaya
sarvemeva sparn vyurhdaya sarvemeva abdnmka hdaya
sarvemeva gatnmavyakta hdaya sarvemeva sattvn mtyurhdaya
mtyurvai pare deva ekbhavatti parastnna sannsanna
sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti vednusanam

14. _13 2675

. ''


, ,
, , ,
, .
. , ,
. , . .

[blyena] blyena( .ins.) []

blya( . boyhood, childhood; the period or state of waxing, crescentstate; folly, puerility)
[tihsedblasvabhvo'sago] tihset( + bla+svabhva( .nom.) +
asaga( p. .nom.) [ ! ]
sth(1. . to stand; to stay, abide, dwell; to remain, be left; to be, exist)
bla( . young; newly risen; ignorant, unwise: . a child, an infant; a boy, youth)
svabhva( . own state; an essential or inherent property, natural constitution)
asaga( . not attached, free from worldly; not hindered or obstructed; not united, solitary)
[niravadyo] nir+avadya( p. .nom.) [,]
nir( . away from, without, free from)
avadya( . fit to be condemned, censurable; defective, faulty: . a fault, defect; sin)
[maunena] maunena( .ins.) []
mauna( . silence, taciturnity; the unblooming state)
[pityena] pityena( .ins.) []
pitya( . scholarship, profound learning; cleverness, skill; prudence)
[niravadhikratayopalabhyeta] niravadhikratay( .ins.) + upalabhyeta( [
() ]
niravadhikrat( .) < niravadhikra( .) < niravadhi( . continuous) + kra( . an act)
[or] niravadhikratay( .ins.) [ ]
adhikra() = varaadhikra() + ramaadhikra()
adhikra( . superintendence, watching over; duty, authority; sovereignty, government)
vara( . a colour, hue; look; a class of men, tribe, caste; a good quality)
rama( . a hermitage, hut, cell; a stage or period of the [religious] life of a Brhmaa)

niravadhi( . having no end, unlimited; continuous) + kra( . doer, making; . an act, action)
upalabh(1. . to know, understand, see, perceive; to ascertain, find out; to get, obtain)
[kaivalyamukta] kaivalyam( .nom.) + ukta( . .nom.) ['' ]
kaivalya( . perfect isolation, soleness, exclusiveness; detachment of the soul from matter)
ukta(p.p. said, spoken; uttered; told: . a speech, words) < vac(2. . to say, speak)
[nigamana] nigamana( .nom.) [ .]
nigamana( . quotation of a word from the Veda or the word so quoted; conclusion)
[prajpatiruvca] prajpati( .nom.) + uvca( [ .]
prajpati( . the god presiding ever creation)
[mahatpada] mahat+pada( .acc.) [ ]
mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[jtv] jtv(ger.) [] ...
j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of; to find out)
[vkamle] vka+mle( .loc.) [ ]
vka( . a tree; a tree bearing visible flowers and fruit)
mla( . a root; lowest edge or extremity of anything; base; beginning; basis, foundation)
[vaseta] vaseta( [ ]
vaset( & vaseta(
vas(1. . to dwell, inhabit, live, stay, abode, reside [w/loc. or w/acc.]; to be, exist; to spend)
[kucelo'sahya] kucela( p. .nom.) + asahya( p. .nom.) [
(+) ]
kucela( . wearing bad or ragged garments) < ku( . 'badness') + cela( . a garment)
asahya( . friendless, lonely, solitary; without companions or assistants: . loneliness)
[ekk] ekk( p. .nom.) [ ]
ekkin( . alone, solitary)
[samdhistha] samdhistha( p. .nom.) [ .]
samdhistha( . absorbed in meditation or contemplation)
[tmakma] tmakma( p. .nom.) [ ]
tmakma( . loving one's self, possessed of selfconceit; loving the supreme spirit)
[ptakmo] ptakma( p. .nom.) [(+) ]
ptakma( . one who has gained his wish, satisfied; one who knows the identity of Brahman)
< pta(p.p. got, obtained, gained: . a trustworthy) + p(5. . to obtain, attain, get)
[nikmo] ni+kma( p. .nom.) [(+) ]
nis( . 'out of', 'away from'; 'not', 'without'; 'crossing over', 'transgressing')
kma( . wish, desire; affection, love: . object of desire)
[jrakmo] jra+kma( p. .nom.) [(+) ]
jra(p.p. old, ancient; worn out, ruined, wasted, decayed; digested: . an old man; a tree) <
j(1.4.9. .10. . to grow old, wear out; to perish, be consumed; to be dissolved or digested)
[hastini] hastini( .loc.) [ ]
hastin( . having hands; having a trunk: . an elephant)
[sihe] sihe( .loc.) [ ]
siha( . a lion; the best)
[dae] dae( .loc.) [ ]
daa( . biting, stinging; the sting of a snake; a bite; cutting)
[maake] maake( .loc.) [ ]

14. _13 2677

maaka( . a mosquito, gnat; a particular disease of the skin; a leather waterbag)
[nakule] nakule( .loc.) [ ]
nakula( . the mungoose, an ichneumon)
[sarparkasagandharve] sarpa+rkasa+gandharve( .loc.) [ ]
sarpa( . serpentine or winding motion, gliding; a snake, serpent)
rkasa( . belonging to or like an evil spirit, demoniacal: . a demon, an evil spirit)
gandharva( . a celestial musician; a singer in general; a horse)
[mtyo] mtyo( .gen.) []
mtyu( . death, dying)
[rpi] rpi( []
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[viditv] viditv(ger.) [ ]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[na] na( .)
[bibheti] bibheti( [ .]
bh(3. . to fear, dread, be afraid of; to be anxious or solicitous about: 10. . to fear)
[kutacaneti] kutacana(pn. .abl.) + iti( .) [ . .]
kicana( . to a certain degree, a little) < kutas( . from where, whence; where)
[vkamiva] vkam( .nom.) + iva( .) [ ]
vka( . a tree; a tree bearing visible flowers and fruit)
[tihsecchidyamno'pi] tihset( + chidyamna([ .] .nom.) + api( .)
[ ( ) (+) ]
sth(1. . to stand; to stay, abide, dwell; to remain, be left; to be, exist)
chid(7. . to cut or lop off, hew, mow, tear; to disturb, interrupt; to remove, drive off, destroy)
[na] na( .)
[kupyeta] kupyeta( [ ]
kup(4. . to be angry; to be excited, to gather strength, be virulent)
[na] na( .)
[kampetotpalamiva] kampeta( + utpalam( .nom.) + iva( .) [ .
() ]
upala( .nom.) < upala( . a stone, rock; a precious stone, jewel; sand)
kamp(1. . to shake, tremble, move about: [caus.] cause to tremble; to utter with a thrill)
utpala( . fleshless, emaciated: . a blue lotus, any lotus or water lily)
[tihsecchidyamno'pi] tihset( + chidyamna([ .] .nom.) + api( .)
[ ( ) (+) ]

[na] na( .)
[kupyeta] kupyeta( [ ]
[na] na( .)
[kampetkamiva] kampeta( + kam( .nom.) + iva( .) [ .
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[tihsecchidyamno'pi] tihset( + chidyamna([ .] .nom.) + api( .)
[ ( ) (+ ) ]

[na] na( .)
[kupyeta] kupyeta( [ ]
[na] na( .)
[kampeta] kampeta( [ .]
[satyena] satyena( .ins.) []
satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
[tihsetsatyo'yamtm] tihset( + satya([ .] .nom.) + ayam(pn. .nom.) +
tm( .nom.) [ ( ) .]
'' .
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[sarvemeva] sarvem( . + eva( .) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[gandhn] gandhn( []
gandha( . smell, odour; a very small quantity; a perfume: . smell; black aloe wood)
[pthiv] pthiv( .nom.) []
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[hdaya] hdaya( .nom.) [,]
hdaya( . the heart, soul, mind; the bosom, chest, breast; love, affection)
[sarvemeva] sarvem( . + eva( .) [ ]
[rasnmpo] rasnm( + pa( [ ]
rasa( . sap, juice [of trees]; a liquid, fluid; water; liquor, drink)
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(
[hdaya] hdaya( .nom.) [,]
[sarvemeva] sarvem( . + eva( .) [ ]
[rp] rp( []
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[tejo] teja( .nom.) []
tejas( . sharpness; the point or top of a flame; heat, glow; lustre, brilliance; dignity)
[hdaya] hdaya( .nom.) [,]
[sarvemeva] sarvem( . + eva( .) [ ]
[sparn] sparn( []
spara( . touch, contact; conflict, encounter; feeling, sensation)
[vyurhdaya] vyu( .nom.) + hdaya( .nom.) [ ,]
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[sarvemeva] sarvem( . + eva( .) [ ]
[abdnmka] abdnm( + ka( .nom.) [ ]
abda( . sound, note, noise in general; a word, sound, significant word)
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[hdaya] hdaya( .nom.) [,]
[sarvemeva] sarvem( . + eva( .) [ ]
sarvsm( .
[gatnmavyakta] gatnm( + avyakta( .nom.) [ ]
gati( . motion, going, moving; access, entrance; scope, room; a way, path)
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
[hdaya] hdaya( .nom.) [,]

14. _13 2679

[sarvemeva] sarvem( . + eva( .) [ ]
[sattvn] sattvn( []
sattva( . being, existence, entity; nature character; life, spirit; consciousness, mind, sense)
[mtyurhdaya] mtyu( .nom.) + hdaya( .nom.) [ .]
(= , ) .
mtyu( . death, dying)
[mtyurvai] mtyu( .nom.) + vai( .) [ ]
[pare] pare( . .loc.) []
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[deva] deve( .loc.) []
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[ekbhavatti] ekbhavati( + iti( .) [ . .]
ekbh(1. . to become one, blend, combine, bemingled)
[parastnna] parastt( .) + na( .) [ ( )]
parastt( . beyond, on the other side of, further than [w/gen.]; hereafter, afterwards)
[sannsanna] sat( .nom.) + na( .) + asat( .nom.) + na( .) [(+)
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
asat( . not being or existing; non existent, unreal: . nonexistence, nonentity)
[sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti] sad+asat([ .] .nom.) + iti( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) +
nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .
. .]
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

13.00 Ci rSv ZhQ

iti trayodaa khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[trayodaa] trayodaa( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]


14.01 mju uqmS Am u eriUS eriu urUS

uruqMvS AMv uqlSrhrSllSrh u qlS
ql u oUS ouqurqSqur uqUqSqU u
qirUS qiru mU Su LMpuii mUxi xx
xSxSiriuhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq
o pthiv vnnampo'nnd po vnna jyotirannda jyotirvnna vyuranndo
vyurvnnamko'nnda ko vnnamindriyyanndnndriyi vnna
mano'nnda mano vnna buddhirannd
buddhirvnnamavyaktamanndamavyakta vnnamakaramanndamakara vnna
mtyuranndo mtyurvai pare deva ekbhavatti parastnna sannsanna
sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti vednusanam

'' , . ,
. , . ,
. , .
, . , .
, . ,
. , . .
, ,
. , . .

[o] o( .) ['']
om( . the sacred syllable om)
[pthiv] pthiv( .nom.) []
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[vnnampo'nnd] v( .) + annam( .nom.) + pa( + annd( p.
[ .]
v( . or, either, or else; indeed, truly, only)

14. _14 2681

anna( . food; boiled rice; corn)
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(
annda( . eater of food)
[po] pa( []
[vnna] v( .) + anna( .nom.) [ ]
[jyotirannda] jyoti( .nom.) + annda( p. .nom.) [ .]
jyotis( . light, lustre, brightness, flash; light of Brahman; a heavenly body)
[jyotirvnna] jyoti( .nom.) + v( .) + anna( .nom.) [ ]
[vyuranndo] vyu( .nom.) + annda( p. .nom.) [ .]
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[vyurvnnamko'nnda] vyu( .nom.) + v( .) + annam( .nom.) + ka( .nom.) +
annda( p. .nom.) [ , .]
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[ko] ka( .nom.) []
[vnnamindriyyanndnndriyi] v( .) + annam( .nom.) + indriyi( +
anndni( p. + indriyi( [ ,
. ]
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[vnna] v( .) + anna( .nom.) [ ]
[mano'nnda] mana( .nom.) + annda( p. .nom.) [ .]
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[mano] mana( .nom.) []
[vnna] v( .) + anna( .nom.) [ ]
[buddhirannd] buddhi( .nom.) + annd( p. .nom.) [ .]
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
[buddhirvnnamavyaktamanndamavyakta] buddhi( .nom.) + v( .) + annam( .nom.) +
avyaktam( .nom.) + anndam( p. .nom.) + avyakta( .nom.) [ ,
. ]
[vnnamakaramanndamakara] v( .) + annam( .nom.) + akaram( .nom.) +
anndam( p. .nom.) + akara( .nom.) [ , .
akara( . imperishable, unalterable: . sound, word: . a letter of the alphabet; syllable Om)
[vnna] v( .) + anna( .nom.) [ ]
[mtyuranndo] mtyu( .nom.) + annda( p. .nom.) [ .]
mtyu( . death, dying)
[mtyurvai] mtyu( .nom.) + vai( .) [(= , ) ]
[pare] pare( . .loc.) []
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[deva] deve( .loc.) []
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[ekbhavatti] ekbhavati( + iti( .) [ . .]
ekbh(1. . to become one, blend, combine, bemingled)
[parastnna] parastt( .) + na( .) [ ( )]
parastt( . beyond, on the other side of, further than [w/gen.]; hereafter, afterwards)

[sannsanna] sat( .nom.) + na( .) + asat( .nom.) + na( .) [(+)
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
asat( . not being or existing; non existent, unreal: . nonexistence, nonentity)
[sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti] sad+asat([ .] .nom.) + ity( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) +
nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .
. .]
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

14.00 Ci ciSv ZhQ

iti caturdaa khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[caturdaa] caturdaa( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]

14. _14 2683


15.01 Aj Wl UYu mmcN paulrr ulbl Eiqlx Ml MiUu

xjl SWii ixq x Wuc rr ulbl Eiqlmh SWirml
urlqSl xql uUqp qZrqlirq mpgel MqU vrl i Mwh
la SWi mjurmxieuruMv SWi eaUi xuml xwmi iUr c
qWi c sM mU c sM SWi sMsM SWi kqkq
SWirpxMUqqrS lUsMqi mU SWi qWli SWirur SWirU
SWi qir SWi qiru mU Su LMpuii mUxi xx
xSxSiriuhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq
atha haina raikva papraccha bhagavanyo'ya vijnaghana utkrmansa kena
kataradvva sthna dahatti tasmai sa hovca yo'ya vijnaghana
utkrmanpra dahatyapna vynamudna samna vairambha
mukhyamantaryma prabhajana kumra yena veta ka nga
dahati pthivypastejovyvka dahati jgarita svapna suupta turya ca
mahat ca loka para ca loka dahati lokloka dahati dharmdharma
dahatyabhskaramamaryda nirlokamata para dahati mahnta
dahatyavyakta dahatyakara dahati mtyu dahati mtyurvai pare deva
ekbhavatti parastnna sannsanna sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti
vednusanamiti vednusanam

, '' .
! ?
'' '' '' '' '' ''
'' '' '' ,
, '' ,
, '' , '' ,

, , ,
, . .
, , .
, . .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
[raikva] raikva( .nom.) ['']
[papraccha] papraccha( [.]
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[bhagavanyo'ya] bhagavan( .voc.) + ya(pn. .nom.) + aya(pn. .nom.) [ !
() ]
bhagavat( . glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: . a god, deity)
[vijnaghana] vijna+ghana( . .nom.) [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
ghana( . compact, firm, hard, solid; thick, close; full, fully developed: . a cloud)
[utkrmansa] utkrman( . .nom.) + sa(pn. .nom.) [ (+) ]
utkram(1. .4. . to go up, step up; to step beyond; to step out) > utkrmat(pres.p.)
[kena] kena( .) []
kena( . by what? how? why?)
[kataradvva] katarat( . .acc.) + vva( .) [ ]
katara(pn. . who or which of two, whether of two; who or which of many)
[sthna] sthna( .acc.) []
sthna( . stay; a place, spot; an abode, a house; a country, region, a town, city)
[dahatti] dahati( + iti( .) [? .]
dah(1. . to burn, scorch; to consume, destroy completely; to pain, torment, distress)
[tasmai] tasmai(pn. .dat.) [ ]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[yo'ya] ya(pn. .nom.) + aya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vijnaghana] vijna+ghana( . .nom.) [ ]
[utkrmanpra] utkrman( . .nom.) + pra( .acc.) [ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[dahatyapna] dahati( + apna( .acc.) [ ]
apna( . breathing out, respiration)
[vynamudna] vynam( .acc.) + udna( .acc.) [ ]
vyna( . one of the five lifewinds or vital airs)
udna( . breathing upwards; breath in general)
[samna] samna( .acc.) []
samna( . same, one, similar: . a friend, an equal one of five lifewinds or vital airs,
which has seat in the cavity of the navel and is essential to digestion)
[vairambha] vairambha( .acc.) ['' ]
vairambha( . N. of an ocean)

14. _15 2685

[mukhyamantaryma] mukhyam( .acc.) + antaryma( .acc.) ['' ''
mukhya( . relating to the mouth or the face; chief, principal; foremost, recited first: . a
leader, guide: . a principal rite or ordinance)
antaryma( . N. of a vessel for holding the some juice)
[prabhajana] prabhajana( .acc.) ['' ]
prabhajana( . breaking to pieces: . wind, especially stormy wind, hurricane)
[kumra] kumra( .acc.) ['' ]
kumra( . a son, boy, a youth; a boy below five; a prince)
[yena] yena( .acc.) ['' ]
yena( . the white colour; whiteness; a hawk, falcon)
[veta] veta( .acc.) ['' ]
veta( . white: . the white colour; a white cloud; N. of a range of mountains)
[ka] ka( .acc.) ['' ]
ka( . black, dark: . a crow, indian cuckoo; Viu in his 8th incarnation)
[nga] nga( .acc.) ['' ]
nga( . serpentine; elephantine: . a snake in general; an elephant)
[dahati] dahati( []
[pthivypastejovyvka] pthiv+pas+tejo+vyu+ka( .acc.) [
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(
tejas( . sharpness; the point or top of a flame; heat, glow; lustre, brilliance; dignity)
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[dahati] dahati( [,]
[jgarita] jgarita( .acc.) [ ]
jgarita( . one who has been long awake: . waking)
[svapna] svapna( .acc.) [ ]
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
[suupta] suupta( .acc.) [ ]
suupta( .) = suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; spiritual ignorance)
[turya] turya( .nom.) [ '' ]
turya( . the fourth; consisting of four parts: a quarter, a fourth part)
[ca] ca( .)
[mahat] mahat( . .acc.) [ ]
mahnta( . .acc.)
mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
[ca] ca( .)
[loka] loka( .acc.) []
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[para] para( . .acc.) [ ]
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[ca] ca( .)
[loka] loka( .acc.) []

[dahati] dahati( [,]
[lokloka] lokloka( .acc.) ['' ]
'' : , or
lokloka( . N. of a mythical mountain that encircles the earth and is situated beyond the sea
of fresh water which surrounds the last of the seven continents)
[dahati] dahati( [,]
[dharmdharma] dharmdharma( .acc.) ['' ]
'' : , or
dharmdharmau( .nom.du. right and wrong, religion and irreligion)
[dahatyabhskaramamaryda] dahati( + abhskaram( . .acc.) +
amaryda( . .acc.) [, ]
bhskara( . the sun; a hero; fire: . gold) < bhs( . light; majesty) + kara( . a maker)
maryda( . one who sets marks or limits; an arbiter, umpire) > maryd( . a limit, boundary)
[nirlokamata] nirlokam( .acc.) + ata( .) [ ]
nirloka( . not looking about or seeing; deprived of sight; deprived of light, dark)
atas( . than this, from this; hence, so, therefore)
[para] para( . .acc.) []
[dahati] dahati( [,]
[mahnta] mahnta( . .acc.) []
mahat( . great, big, large: . greatness, infiniteness; kingdom, dominion; sacred, knowledge)
[dahatyavyakta] dahati( + avyakta( .acc.) [, ]
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; obscure)
[dahatyakara] dahati( + akara( .acc.) [, ]
akara( . imperishable, unalterable: . sound, word: . a letter of the alphabet; syllable Om)
[dahati] dahati( []
[mtyu] mtyu( .acc.) []
mtyu( . death, dying)
[dahati] dahati( [.]
[mtyurvai] mtyu( .nom.) + vai( .) [ ]
[pare] pare( . .loc.) []
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[deva] deve( .loc.) []
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[ekbhavatti] ekbhavati( + iti( .) [ . .]
ekbh(1. . to become one, blend, combine, bemingled)
[parastnna] parastt( .) + na( .) [ ( )]
parastt( . beyond, on the other side of, further than [w/gen.]; hereafter, afterwards)
[sannsanna] sat( .nom.) + na( .) + asat( .nom.) + na( .) [(+)
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
asat( . not being or existing; non existent, unreal: . nonexistence, nonentity)
[sadasadityetannirvnusanamiti] sad+asat([ .] .nom.) + ity( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) +
nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .
. .]
nirva(p.p. blown out; lost; dead: . extinction; vanishing from sight; dissolution, death)
anusana( . instruction, direction, command, precept) < sana( . instruction, teaching; rule)

14. _15 2687

[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

15.00 Ci mgcSv ZhQ

iti pacadaa khaa

[iti] iti( .) []
[pacadaa] pacadaa( . .nom.) [ ]
[khaa] khaa( .nom.) [.]


16.01 xosoeomlwmvlir Siur lmr lvwrr

lxuixUUwir lmUiMsvsr Siur lu c muur | rxr
Su mU prj Su ij aU | ixri Mji j mMvli qWiql
Ciriuhlvxlqi uSlvxlqi uSlvxlq
saublabjabrahmopaniannprantya dtavy nputrya niyya nsavatsara
rtroitya nparijtakulalya dtavy naiva ca pravaktavy | yasya deve par
bhaktiryath deve tath gurau | tasyaite kathit hyarth prakante mahtmana
ityetannirvnusanamiti vednusanamiti vednusanam

'' ' '


, .
, ,
, . .

[saublabjabrahmopaniannprantya] saubla+bja+brahma+upaniat( .nom.) + na( .) +

aprantya([ .] .dat.) ['' ('' ) '
' ]
[or] saubla+abja+brahma+upaniat [- '() ' -]
saubla( .) < *[v&i] + a(taddhita) < subla( . N. of...) < su(good) + bla( . young)
bja( . seed, seedcorn, grain; a germ, element; origin, source, cause)
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
upaniad( . an esoteric or secret doctrine; true knowledge; a religious observance)
pranta(p.p. calmed, tranquillized, composed; calm, serene, quiet; tamed, subdued, quelled)
[dtavy] dtavy( p. .nom.) [ ,]
dtavya( .) < * + tavya(pot.pass.p.) < d(1. . to give, bestow, grant)
[nputrya] na( .) + aputrya([ .] .dat.) [ ]
putra( . a son, child)

14. _16 2689

[niyya] na( .) + aiyya([ .] .dat.) [ ]
iya( . a pupil, disciple, scholar; anger, passion; violence, force)
[nsavatsarartroitya] na( .) + a+savatsara+rtra+uitya([ .] .dat.) [(+
) ]
savatsara( . a year; the first year in the cycle of five years) < vatsara( . a year)
rtra( . in end of comp.) < rtri( . night; the darkness of night; turmeric) = rtr( .)
uita(p.p. burnt, consumed; dwelt, fixed, remaining in or on, stale; quick, expeditious)
[nparijtakulalya] na( .) + a+parijta+kula+lya([ .] .dat.) [
parijta(p.p.p.) < parij(9. . thorough knowledge, complete acquaintance; recognition)
kula( . a race, family; the residence of a family, a seat, house; a high or noble family)
la( . good disposition or character; habit, custom; a moral precepts)
[dtavy] dtavy( p. .nom.) [ ]
[naiva] na( .) + eva( .) [ ()]
[ca] ca( .)
[pravaktavy] pravaktavy( p. .nom.) [ .]
pravac(2. . to speak, say, address; to tell, announce; to explain) > pravaktavya(pot.p.)
[yasya] yasya(pn. .gen.) [() ]
[deve] deve( .loc.) [ ]
[par] par( . .nom.) []
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[bhaktiryath] bhakti( .nom.) + yath( .) [ ]
bhakti( . separation, partition, division; a division, portion, share; devotion, attachment)
[deve] deve( .loc.) [ (+)]
[tath] tath( .) [ ]
tath( . in that manner, so, thus; yes, so be it, so it shall be)
[gurau] gurau( .loc.) [ (+), (+),]
guru( . heavy, weighty: . a father; any venerable or respectable person; a teacher)
[tasyaite] tasya(pn. .gen.) + ete(pn. [(+) ]
[kathit] kathit( . []
kathita(p.p. told, described, narrated; expressed: . the supreme being: . a conversation
[hyarth] hi( .) + arth( [ ]
artha( . object, purpose; cause, motive, reason, means; property, money)
[prakante] prakante( [ ]
prak(1. . to shine, gleam; to become visible, come to light; to look or appear like)
[mahtmana] mahtmana( . .gen.) [.]
mahtman( . highsouled, highminded, noble; illustrious, distinguished, exalted; mighty)
[ityetannirvnusanamiti] iti( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) + nirva+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .)
[. . .]
[vednusanamiti] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]
[vednusanam] veda+anusanam( .nom.) + iti( .) [ . .]

16.00 Ci wQv ZhQ

iti oaa khaa

00.00 A mhqS mhqS mhimhqScri |
mhxr mhqSr mhquuvwri
A vli vli vli
o pramada pramida prtpramudacyate |
prasya pramdya pramevvaiyate
o nti nti nti

- , . .
- , , .

[o] o( .) [-]
o( . the sacred syllable o)
[pramada] pram( .nom.) + ada(pn. .nom.) [ ]
pra(p.p. filled; whole; fulfilled, accomplished: . filling; completing; accomplishing)
[pramida] pram( .nom.) + ida(pn. .nom.) [ .]
(manifestation) .
[prtpramudacyate] prt( .abl.) + pram( .nom.) + udacyate(
[ .]
udac(1. . to raise, elevate, lift or throw up, draw up; to utter, send forth; to go up)
[prasya] prasya( .gen.) []
[pramdya] pram( .acc.) + dya(ger.) [ ()] ...
d(3. . to receive, accept, take; to begin to speak, utter; to seize, take hold of)
[pramevvaiyate] pram( .nom.) + eva( .) + avaiyate( [
avai([used mostly in pass.] to be left last or as a remainder)
[o] o( .) [-]
[nti] nti( .nom.) []
nti( . tranquillity, peace, absence of passion; welfare, prosperity)
[nti] nti( .nom.) []
[nti] nti( .nom.) [.]

00.00 iti sublopaniatsampt

Ci xosmlwixqmi

14. _16 2691

< _03.08 >
niyata kuru karma tva karma jyyo hyakarmaa |
arraytrpi ca te na prasidhyedakarmaa
, .
, .

< _03.17 >

yastvtmaratireva sydtmatptaca mnava |
tmanyeva ca satuastasya krya na vidyate
, ,
, .

( eosmlwS )
15. (Jbla Upaniad)

6 .
(Bhaspati) (yjavalkya)
'jbla' . ' '

1 oWxmiuc rusYr rSl M Sul Surel xuw pil

oxSlq | Auq u M Sul Surel xuw pil
oxSlq | ixq Yucl acNi iSu qlri iSuqqu | CS u
M Sul Surel xuw pil oxSlq | A W eli
mhwiqqhw SxiUM o urc rlxuqi piu q pui |
ixqSuqqu lwui Auq l uqgcSuquiusYr
o bhaspatiruvca yjavalkya yadanu kuruketra devn devayajana
sarve bhtn brahmasadanam | avimukta vai kuruketra devn
devayajana sarve bhtn brahmasadanam | tasmdyatra kvacana gacchati
tadeva manyeta tadavimuktameva | ida vai kuruketra devn devayajana
sarve bhtn brahmasadanam | atra hi janto pretkramameu
rudrastraka brahma vycae yensvamt bhtv mok bhavati |
tasmdavimuktameva nieveta avimukta na vimucedevamevaitadyjavalkya


. ''
. , '
. '' .
. '' . ''
! !

[o] o( .) ['']
[bhaspatiruvca] bhaspati( .nom.) + uvca( ['' ]
bhaspati( . N. of the preceptor of the gods; the planet Jupiter: N. of the author savatsaras)
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .acc.) [''.]
yjavalkya( . N. of a ancient sage, the first reputed teacher of vjasaney sahit, and the
author of a wellknown code of laws only next in importance to that of Manu)

15. 2695
[yadanu] yat(pn. .nom.) + anu( .) [ ( )]
[or] anu( anuklam) + kuruketra( .nom.) [( ) ] :
anukla( . opportune, timely, adapted or suited to the time: [m] . opportunely)
(karmapravacanya) :
anu( . with, along with; afterward, behind)
[kuruketra] kuruketra( .nom.) []
kuruketra( . N. of an extensive plain near Delhi, the scene of the great war between the
Kauravas and Pavas) < kuru( .[pl.] N. of a country) + ketra( . a field, ground)
[devn] devn( []
deva( . divine; shining: . a god, deity; the god of rain: . an organ of sense)
[devayajana] devayajana( .nom.) [ ]
devayajana = devasthna < sthna( . a place)
devayajana( . a sacrificial place, a place where a sacrifice is performed; a place of worship) <
yajana( . the act of sacrificing; a sacrifice; a place of sacrifice)
[sarve] sarve( . []
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[bhtn] bhtn( []
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
[brahmasadanam] brahmasadanam( .nom.) [ .]
brahmasadana( . the seat of the chief priest) < sadana( . a house, palace, mansion)
brahmasadas( . the residence or court of Brham)
[avimukta] avimukta( .nom.) ['']
'' : ''
avimukta( . unloosed, not quitted or let go: . the lord of Benares: . N. of a Tirtha or
sacred place near Benares, or Benares itself; the space between the chin and the head)
[vai] vai( .) [ ]
[kuruketra] kuruketra( .nom.) []
[devn] devn( []
[devayajana] devayajana( .nom.) [ ]
[sarve] sarve( . []
[bhtn] bhtn( []
[brahmasadanam] brahmasadanam( .nom.) [ .]
[tasmdyatra] tasmt( .) + yatra( .) [ ]
tasmt( . from that, on that account, therefore)
yatra( . where, in which place; when[yatra kle]; whereas, since)
[kvacana] kvacana( .) []
kicana( . to a certain degree, a little) > kvacana( . somewhere) < kva( . whither, where)
[gacchati] gacchati( []
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[tadeva] tat(pn. .acc.) + eva( .) [ ]
[manyeta] manyeta( [ .]
man(4.8. . to think, believe; to consider, regard)
[tadavimuktameva] tat(pn. .nom.) + avimuktam( .nom.) + eva( .) [ ''
[ida] ida(pn. .nom.) []

[vai] vai( .) []
[kuruketra] kuruketra( .nom.) []
[devn] devn( []
[devayajana] devayajana( .nom.) [ ]
[sarve] sarve( . []
[bhtn] bhtn( []
[brahmasadanam] brahmasadanam( .nom.) [ .]
[atra] atra( .) []
atra( . in this place, here; in this respect, matter, or case; as to this)
[hi] hi( .) []
[janto] janto( .gen.) [ ]
jantu( . a creature, a living being, man; the soul; an animal of the lowest organization)
[pretkramameu] preu( + utkramameu( p.
[ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
utkram(1. .4. . to go up, step up, ascend; to step beyond; to step out; to pass away)
[rudrastraka] rudra( .nom.) + traka( np.acc.) [ '']
rudra( . dreadful, terrific; great, large; driving away evil: . N. of a group of gods)
traka( . carrying over; protecting: . a pilot, helmsman: . the pupil of the eye; a star) <
t(1. . to cross over; to float, swim; to get over, overcome)
[brahma] brahma( .acc.) []
trakam brahma : (t) '(traka)'
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[vycae] vycae( [.]
vycak(2. . to recite, rehearse; to explain, comment upon) < cak(2. . to see; to speak)
[yensvamt] yena(pn. .ins.) + asau(pn. .nom.) + amt( .nom.) [
amtbh(1. .) < * +||+ bh(1. . to become) < amta( . immortality)
amtin( .) < * + in(agent) < amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; ambrosia)
[bhtv] bhtv(ger.) []
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[mok] mok( p. .nom.) []
mokbh(1. .) < * +||+ bh(1. . to become) < moka( . liberation)
mokin( .) < * + in(agent) < moka( . liberation, release, escape, freedom; rescue)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[tasmdavimuktameva] tasmt( .) + avimuktam( .acc.) + eva( .) [ ''
[nieveta] nieveta( [ .]
niev(1. . to pursue, follow; to enjoy; to resort to, inhabit: [caus.] to fall into [hell])
[avimukta] avimukta( .acc.) ['']
[na] na( .)
[vimucedevamevaitadyjavalkya] vimucet( + evam( .) + eva( .) + etat(pn. .acc.)
+ yjavalkya( .voc.) [ ! . !]
vimuc(6. . to free, liberate; to loosen, unbind; to give up, lay aside, abandon)

15. 2697
2 Aj Wlq mmcN rusYr r Lwlliur Aiq i MjqW
uelrqi | x Wuc rusYr xuq Emxr r
Lwlliur Aiq xuq mii Ci | xuq Mxqlmii
Ci | uUhr lvr c qkr mii Ci | M u uUh M c lvi |
xullSrMilSwluUrii il uUh pui |
xullSrMilmmvrii il lv puii | Miq cxr xjl
puii | pubhxr c r xlk x Lw sMxr mUxr c
xlkpuii | Li xlk xlkr ouS Emxi Ci | xuq
Emxr Ci | xuq lqc | r uiSu uSi
atha hainamatri papraccha yjavalkya ya eo'nanto'vyakta tm ta
kathamaha vijnymiti | sa hovca yjavalkya so'vimukta upsyo ya
eo'nanto'vyakta tm so'vimukte pratihita iti | so'vimukta kasminpratihita iti
| varay ny ca madhye pratihita iti | k vai vara k ca nti |
sarvnindriyaktndonvrayatti tena vara bhavati |
sarvnindriyaktnppnnayatti tena n bhavatti | katama csya sthna
bhavatti | bhruvorghrasya ca ya sandhi sa ea dyaurlokasya parasya ca
sandhirbhavatti | etadvai sandhi sandhy brahmavida upsata iti | so'vimukta
upsya iti | so'vimukta jnamcae | yo vaitadeva vedeti

, ?
'' . '' .
'' ?
'' '' .
'', ''?
' ' '' , '
' '' .
' ' . ' ' ''
. '' . ''

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[hainamatri] ha( .) + enam(pn. .acc.) + atri( .nom.) [ '']

atri( . N. of a celebrated sage and author of many Vedic hymns)
[papraccha] papraccha( []
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .acc.) [''.]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() (+)]
[eo'nanto'vyakta] ea(pn. .nom.) + ananta( . .nom.) + avyakta( . .nom.) [
ananta( . endless, infinite, eternal: . the sky, atmosphere) < anta( . limit, boundary)
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
[tm] tm( .nom.) [(),]
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[ta] ta(pn. .acc.) []
[kathamaha] katham( .) + aha(pn..nom.) [ ]
katham( . how, in that way, in what manner, whence; oh! what indeed)
[vijnymiti] vijnym( + iti( .) [ ? .]
vij(9. . to know, be aware of; to learn, comprehend; to ascertain, find out)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [''.]
[so'vimukta] sa(pn. .nom.) + avimukta( .nom.) [ '']
avimukta( . unloosed, not quitted or let go: . the lord of Benares: . N. of a Tirtha or
sacred place near Benares, or Benares itself; the space between the chin and the head)
[upsyo] upsya( p. .nom.) [ ,]
upsya(pot.p. to be served or worshipped; to be performed or accomplished; to be respected)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[eo'nanto'vyakta] ea(pn. .nom.) + ananta( . .nom.) + avyakta( . .nom.) [
[tm] tm( .nom.) [(),]
[so'vimukte] sa(pn. .nom.) + avimukte( .loc.) [ '']
[pratihita] pratihita( p. .nom.) [ .]
pratihita(p.p. set up, erected; fixed, established; placed, situated; installed)
[iti] iti( .) [.]
[so'vimukta] sa(pn. .nom.) + avimukta( .nom.) [ '']
[kasminpratihita] kasmin(pn. .loc.) + pratihita( p. .nom.) [
[iti] iti( .) [.]
[varay] varay( .loc.) ['']
vara( . a name of river) < v(1.5.9. . to choose; to cover, conceal; to surround)
[ny] ny( .loc.) [ '']
n( . a name of river) < na(4. . to be lost, to disappear; to be destroyed, to perish)
[ca] ca( .)
[madhye] madhye( .loc.) []
madhya( . middle, central: . the middle, centre; the middle of the body, the waist)
[pratihita] pratihita( p. .nom.) [ .]

15. 2699
[iti] iti( .) [.]
[k] k(pn. .nom.) []
[vai] vai( .) []
[vara] vara( .nom.) ['']
[k] k(pn. .nom.) [ ]
[ca] ca( .)
[nti] n( .nom.) + iti( .) [''? .]
[sarvnindriyaktndonvrayatti] sarvn( . + indriya+ktn( . +
don( + vrayati( + iti( .) ['
.' (+ )]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
kta(p.p. done, performed, made, effected, accomplished; wounded, hurt; acquired)
doa( . a fault, blame; a crime, guilt; noxious quality, badness)
v(1.5.9. . to choose; to cover: [caus.] to cover; to avert from; to prevent, ward off)
[tena] tena(pn. .ins.) []
[vara] vara( .nom.) ['']
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[sarvnindriyaktnppnnayatti] sarvn( . + indriya+ktn( . +
ppn( + nayati( + iti( .) ['
.' (+ )]
ppa( . evil, sinful, wicked; mischievous, destructive: . evil; sin: . sinful person)
na(4. . to be lost, to disappear, vanish; to be destroyed, to perish, die; to run away)
[tena] tena(pn. .ins.) []
[n] n( .nom.) ['']
[bhavatti] bhavati( + iti( .) [. .]
[katama] katama(pn. .nom.) [() ]
katama(pn. . who or which of many)
[csya] ca( .) + asya(pn. .gen.) []
[sthna] sthna( .nom.) []
sthna( . stay; a place, spot; an abode, a house; a country, region, a town, city)
[bhavatti] bhavati( + iti( .) [? .]
[bhruvorghrasya] bhruvo( .gen.du.) + ghrasya( .gen.) [ ]
bhr( . brow, eyebrow)
ghra(p.p. smelt: . smell; smelling; the nose: . the act of smelling; the nose)
[ca] ca( .)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[sandhi] sandhi( .nom.) [' '.]
'' '' .
sadhi( . union, junction, combination; a compact, an agreement; alliance, league)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) [(+) ]
[ea] ea(pn. .nom.) [ ]
[dyaurlokasya] dyau+lokasya( .gen.) [ ]
dyau+lokasya( .gen.) : (aluktatpurua samsa)

dyo( . heaven, paradise, the sky) > dyau( < div( . the heaven; the sky; light)
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[parasya] parasya([ .] .gen.) [ ()]
bhr bhuvas svar mahar janas tapas
satya . ''
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[ca] ca( .)
[sandhirbhavatti] sandhi( .nom.) + bhavati( + iti( .) [' '
(). .]
[etadvai] etad( .) + vai( .) [ ]
etad( . in this manner, thus, so, here, at this time, now)
[sandhi] sandhi( .acc.) [' ']
[sandhy] sandhy( .acc.) ['']
''( , , ) : ( )
( ) , '' .
sandhy( . union, association; intimate union; an agreement, a promise)
[brahmavida] brahmavida( [ ]
brahmavid( . knowing the Supreme Spirit: . a sage, theologian, philosopher)
[upsata] upsate( [.]
ups(2. . to sit near to, sit at the side of, serve, worship; to use, occupy; to pass)
[iti] iti( .) [.]
[so'vimukta] sa(pn. .nom.) + avimukta( .nom.) [ '']
[upsya] upsya( p. .nom.) [ .]
[iti] iti( .) [.]
[so'vimukta] sa(pn. .nom.) + avimukta( np.acc.) [ '']
[jnamcae] jnam( .acc.) + cae( [ ( ),]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
cak(2. . to speak, announce, declare, teach; to make known, acquaint; to look at, inspect)
[yo] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[vaitadeva] vai( .) + tat(pn. .acc.) + eva( .) [ ]
[vedeti] veda( + iti( .) [(). .]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)

3 Aj Wl ocUh Fc M emrlqiiu oWi | x Wuc rusYr

| viSrhirilru W u Aqixr lql | LiW u Aqi puii
atha haina brahmacria cu ki japyenmtatva brhti | sa hovca
yjavalkya | atarudriyeetyetnyeva ha v amtasya nmni | etairha v
amto bhavatti evamevaitadyjavalkya

, .
? !

15. 2701
'' .
. .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
[brahmacria] brahmacria( []
brahmacrin( . studying the Vedas; practising continence or chastity: . a religious student;
one who vows to lead the life of a celibate) < crin( . acting, proceeding)
[cu] cu( [.]
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[ki] ki( .) [()]
[japyenmtatva] japyena( .ins.) + amtatva( .acc.) [(+)
(+ )?]
kim+japyena( .ins.) [ ]
() ? () ?
japya( . to be repeated in a low voice, muttered or whispered: . a muttered prayer)
amtatva( . immortality) < * + tva('the state of') < amta( . not dead; imperishable; . an
immortal, a god; ambrosia)
[brhti] brhi( + iti( .) [ ! .]
br(2. . to say, tell, speak; to say or speak about, refer to; to declare, proclaim)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [''.]
[atarudriyeetyetnyeva] atarudriyea( .ins.) + iti( .) + etni(pn. + eva( .)
['' (+ ). . ]
atarudriya < ata( . a hundred) + rudra( . gods) + ya(taddhita) <>
atarudriya( . a vedic text; a particular ivastotra in the Mahbhrata)
[ha] ha( .) []
[v] vai( .) []
[amtasya] amtasya( .gen.) []
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
[nmni] nmni( [(+ ) .]
nman( . a name; the mere name; a noun; a word)
[etairha] etai(pn. + ha( .) [ ]
[v] vai( .) []
[amto] amta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
[bhavatti] bhavati( + iti( .) [. ]
[evamevaitadyjavalkya] evam( .) + eva( .) + etat(pn. .acc.) + yjavalkya( .nom.)
[ .]

4 Aj Wl elM uSW rusYrqmxqiruc paulxlrx oWi | x
Wuc rusYr | ocr mUxqmr aW pui aW piu ul pui
ul piu muei rS uiUj ocrSu mueW ul | Aj
mlUui u ui u xliM uxliM uixalM u rSWUu
uUeSWUu muei iM memirqu Muli | iS ij l
MrSalrqu Mri | AalW u mh mhqu ij MUi |
kiurqu Mri Liru r kiu rSi xu Uexiq Ci | Ar i
rlUiue ri ei mhSUcj | i mh elal AUWj l
ukr Urq Cirll qlhalqebi | Lw W u Aalrlr mh mh
acN xuWiruquiSW | aqSalqWir muuSalqbmri | ral l
ulSSmx eWri Am u xu Sui xupr Suipr eWq xuWi
Wiukir mvlrixer WuUlqr qql rru uSi
LiSoiSmxiurq Luquiaui u rusYr
atha haina janako vaideho yjavalkyamupasametyovca bhagavansanysa
brhti | sa hovca yjavalkya | brahmacarya parisampya gh bhavet gh
bhtv van bhavet van bhtv pravrajet yadi vetarath brahmacarydeva
pravrajedghdv vandv | atha punaravrat v vrat v sntako v'sntako
votsanngniko v yadahareva virajettadahareva pravrajet taddhaike
prjpatymevei kurvanti | tadu tath na kurydgneymeva kuryt | agnirha
vai pra prameva tath karoti | traidhtavymeva kuryt etayaiva trayo
dhtavo yaduta sattva rajastama iti | aya te yonirtvijo yato jta
prdarocath | ta pra jnannagna rohth no vardhaya rayim ityanena
mantregnimjighret | ea ha v agneryonirya pra pra gaccha
svhetyevamevaitadha | grmdagnimhtya prvavadagnimghrpayet |
yadyagni na vindedapsu juhuyt po vai sarv devat sarvbhyo devatbhyo
juhomi svheti hutvodhtya prnytsjya haviranmaya mokamantra
trayyaiva vadet etadbrahmaitadupsitavyam evamevaitadbhagavanniti vai

, .
! !
, .
, ,
. , ,

15. 2703
( ) '' .
( ) '' . ,
. ''
. '' '' ''.
, ! !
! ! !
. ' .
!' . ,
. ,
! .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
[janako] janaka( .nom.) ['']
janaka( . generating: . a father; N. of a famous king of Videha or Mithil)
[vaideho] vaideha( np.nom.) [ ]
vaideha( . a king of Videha; an inhabitant of Videha) < videh( .pl. N. of a country)
[yjavalkyamupasametyovca] yjavalkyam( .acc.) + upasametya(ger.) + uvca(
[ .]
upasami(2. . to approach together) < upa + sam + + i(2. . to go, come to or near)
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[bhagavansanysa] bhagavan( .voc.) + sanysa( .acc.) [ ! '
'(~ )]
bhagavat( . glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: . a god, deity)
sanysa( . leaving, abandonment; complete renunciation of the world, renunciation; a deposit)
< sam( .) + ni( .) + as(4. . to throw, cast)
[brhti] brhi( + iti( .) [ ! .]
br(2. . to say, tell, speak; to say or speak about, refer to; to declare, proclaim)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [''.]

[brahmacarya] brahmacarya( .acc.) []
() :
brahmacarya( . religious studentship, the life of celibacy passed by a Brhmaa boy in studying
the Vedas, the first stage or order of his life; religious study, selfrestraint; celibacy)
[parisampya] parisampya(ger.) []
parisamp(5. . to be fully completed, arrive at completion; to be contained in) < pari( .
about; towards) + sam( . together with) + p(5. . to obtain, attain; to reach, go to)
[gh] gh( .nom.) [ ]
'ghin' ' ' ' ' .
w ghin( .) < *[vi] + in(agentive) < gha( . a house)
w ghin( .) < *[vi] + in(agentive) < gh( .pl. a wife) < gha( . a wife)
ghin( . a house: . the master of a house, a householder) < gha( . a householder)
[bhavet] bhavet( [ ,]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[gh] gh( .nom.) [ ]
[bhtv] bhtv(ger.) []
[van] van( .nom.) [ ]
vanin( . worshipping; desiring; giving: . a tree; a Brhmaa in the third stage of his life)
[bhavet] bhavet( [ ,]
[van] van( .nom.) [ ]
[bhtv] bhtv(ger.) []
[pravrajet] pravrajet( [ .]
, .
pravraj(1. . to go into exile; to renounce all worldly attachments: [caus.] to banish, send into
exile; to compel to become a monk)
[yadi] yadi( .) [ ]
yadi( . if, even if, in case; whether)
[vetarath] v( .) + itarath( .) [ ]
itarath( . in another manner, in a contrary manner; perversely; on the other hand)
[brahmacarydeva] brahmacaryt( .abl.) + eva( .) [ ()]
[pravrajedghdv] pravrajet( + ght( .abl.) + v( .) [ ,
gha( . an assistant, servant; a householder: [pl.] family)
[vandv] vant( .abl.) + v( .) [ () (+ ).]
vana( . a forest, wood; residence, house)
[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[punaravrat] puna( .) + avrat( .nom.) [ ]
: .
punar( . again, further, moreover, once more; back; on the other hand)
avratin( . one who has not performed the prescribed rites) < avrata( . not observing [the
prescribed] religious rites or obligations)
[v] v( .)
[vrat] vrat( .nom.) [ ]
vratin( . one who has performed the rites) < vrata( . a religious act of devotion; vow)
[v] v( .)

15. 2705
[sntako] sntaka( .nom.) [ ]
sntaka( . a Brhmaa who has performed the ceremony of ablution which has to be performed
on his finishing his first rama [that of a Brahmachrin])
[v'sntako] v( .) + asntaka( .nom.) [ ]
[votsanngniko] v( .) + utsanna+agnika([ .] .nom.) [ ]
utsanna(p.p. raised, elevated; decayed; destroyed, ruined; finished, completed)
agnika( .) = agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[v] v( .)
[yadahareva] yat(pn. .nom.) + aha( .nom.) + eva( .) [() () ]
ahar( . a day; a sacrificial or festival day) < ahan( . a day; day time; the sky)
[virajettadahareva] virajet( + tat(pn. .nom.) + aha( .nom.) + eva( .) [
, () ]
viraj(1.4. . to grow discolored or soiled, be coarse; to be discontented or disaffected, to
dislike; to become disgusted with the world and hence to renounce all worldly attachments)
[pravrajet] pravrajet( [ .]
[taddhaike] tad( .) +|d|+ ha( .) + eke([ .] [ () ]
tad( . there; then, in that case, at that time; for that reason, therefore)
[prjpatymevei] prjpatym( . .acc.) + eva( .) + ii( .acc.) [''
prjpatym ii : ( ) ''
prjpatya( . sacred to Prajpati; born of Prajpati; belonging to Prajpati) > prjpaty( .)
ii( . wish, request, desire; seeking, striving to get; any desired object; an oblation consisting
of butterfruits&c, opposed to the sacrifice of an animal or soma)
[kurvanti] kurvanti( [.]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[tadu] tat(pn. .acc.) + u( .) [ ]
u( .[Ved.] as an expletive 'and, but, on the other hand, now')
[tath] tath( .) []
tath( . in that manner, so, thus; yes, so be it, so it shall be)
[na] na( .)
[kurydgneymeva] kuryt( + gneym( .acc.) + eva( .) [ ''
gneym : (=) ( ) ''
gneya( . belonging to Agni; offered or consecrated to Agni; similar to fire) > gney( .)
[kuryt] kuryt( [ .]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[agnirha] agni( .nom.) + ha( .) [ ]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[vai] vai( .) []
[pra] pra( .nom.) []
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[prameva] pram( .acc.) + eva( .) [( ) ]
[tath] tath( .) []
[karoti] karoti( [. .]
[traidhtavymeva] traidhtavym( .acc.) + eva( .) [(+) ]

traidhtavym : (=) ( ) ''
traidhtavy( .) < traidhtav( . N. of a closing ceremony) < tri(num. .pl. three) +
dhtu( . a constituent or essential part, an ingredient; an element; a part, portion)
[kuryt] kuryt( [ .]
[etayaiva] etay(pn. .ins.) + eva( .) [( ) ]
[or] etay traya dhtava (+ijyante) [()
() ]
[trayo] traya(num. . [ ]
tri(num. .pl. three)
[dhtavo] dhtava( []
dhtu( . a constituent or essential part, an ingredient; an element; a part, portion)
[yaduta] yat( .) + uta( .) []
yad( . because, since, in this manner) whatever
uta( . doubt, guess; whether, or; and, also; 'emphasis')
[sattva] sattva( .nom.) []
(gua) : (sattvagua), (rajasgua), (tamasgua)
sattva( . being, existence, entity; nature character; life, spirit; consciousness, mind, sense)
[rajastama] raja( .nom.) + tama( .nom.) [ ]
rajas( . dust, powder, dirt; the dust or pollen of flowers; foulness, passion, emotion)
tamas( . darkness; mental darkness; darkness or ignorance)
[iti] iti( .) [.]
[aya] aya(pn. .nom.) ["()]
[te] te(pn..gen.) []
[yonirtvijo] yoni( .nom.) + tvija( . .abl.) [, ]
yaj(1. .) ijyate(
yoni( . womb, uterus; any place of birth or origin; a mine; an abode, a place)
tvij( . [Ved.] sacrificing at the proper season or regularly: . the invoking priest) < tu( .
a season, period of the year) + ij < yaj(1. . to sacrifice)
[yato] yata( .) [() ]
yatas( . as, since, for, because; from hence; wherefore)
[jta] jta( p. .nom.) []
jta(p.p. brought into existen ce, engendered; grown, arisen; caused, occasioned)
[prdarocath] prt( .abl.) + arocath( [ ()
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
ruc(1. . to shine, look splendid or beautiful; to like, be pleased with, be agreeable to)
[ta] ta(pn. .acc.) []
[pra] pra( .acc.) []
[jnannagna] jnan([ .] .nom.) +|n|+ agne( .voc.) [ !]
jnat(pres.p.) < * + at(pres.p.) < j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[rohth] roha( + atha( .) + ( .) [ ! ]
ruh(1. . to ascend, mount, get upon; to ride upon, domineer over; to venture upon)
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[no] na( []
[vardhaya] vardhaya( [ !]

15. 2707
vdh(1. . to grow, increase; become larger; to continue)
[rayim] rayim( .acc.) [."]
rayi( . water; wealth; stuff, material, food)
[ityanena] iti( .) + anena(pn. .ins.) [ ]
[mantregnimjighret] mantrea( .ins.) + agnim( .acc.) + jighret(
[( ) ( ).]
ghr(1. .) jighret( : 1 presimpfpotimp
11 .
mantra( . a sacred text; consultation; a charm, spell, an incantation)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
ghr(1. . to smell, smell at; to kiss, touch [with the nose] as the head; to attack)
[ea] ea(pn. .nom.) ["]
[ha] ha( .) []
[v] vai( .) []
[agneryonirya] agne( .gen.) + yoni( .nom.) + ya(pn. .nom.) [ ()
[pra] pra( .nom.) [.]
[pra] pra( .acc.) []
[gaccha] gaccha( [!] ! !
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[svhetyevamevaitadha] svh( .) + iti( .) + evam( .) + eva( .) + etat(pn. .acc.) +
ha( .) [!" .]
. .
svh( . an exclamation used in offering oblations to the gods [w/dat.])
ha( . an irregular verbal form of the of a defective verb: 'to say' 'to speak')
[grmdagnimhtya] grmt( .abl.) + agnim( .acc.) + htya(ger.) [
( )
grma( . a village, hamlet; a race, community; a multitude, collection)
h(1. . to bring, fetch; to bring near, give; to recover, bring back; to obtain, get)
[prvavadagnimghrpayet] prva+vat(adv.) + agnim( .acc.) + ghrpayet(
[ .]
prva( . being in front of; eastern, easterly; previous to, earlier than; old, ancient)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
ghr(1. . to smell, smell at; to kiss, touch [with the nose] as the head; to attack)
[yadyagni] yadi( .) + agni( .acc.) [ ]
yadi( . if, even if, in case; whether)
[na] na( .)
[vindedapsu] vindet( + apsu( [ ]
vid(6. . to get, obtain, acquire, gain; to find, discover, recognise; to feel, experience)
ap( .[declined in classical language only in pl.] water; air) > apsu(
[juhuyt] juhuyt( [ .]
hu(3. . to offer or present [as oblation to fire]; to perform a sacrifice; to eat)
[po] pa( []
[vai] vai( .) []
[sarv] sarv( . []

[devat] devat( []
devat( . divine dignity or power; a deity, god; the image of a deity; an organ of sense)
[sarvbhyo] sarvbhya( . []
[devatbhyo] devatbhyo( [ ]
[juhomi] juhomi( []
hu(3. . to offer or present [as oblation to fire]; to perform a sacrifice; to eat)
[svheti] svh( .) + iti( .) [! ]
[hutvodhtya] hutv(ger.) + ud+htya(ger.) [ ]
ud( . superiority in place; disjunction; motion upwards; acquisition)
h(1. . to take, carry, convey; take to a distance; to take away)
[prnytsjya] prnyt( + sa+jya( . .acc.) [ (
) ]
pr(9. . to eat, consume, devour, feed upon; to taste; to enjoy; to drink)
jya( . clarified butter, ghee; oil, milk; N. of a sort of chant or religious service)
[haviranmaya] havi( .acc.) + anmaya( . .acc.) [ (
) (+)]
havis( . an oblation or burnt offering in general; clarified butter; water)
anmaya( . free from disease, healthy: . good or sound health; health, wellbeing)
[mokamantra] moka+mantra( .nom. .acc.) [ ]
havi ghtv mantram vadet [ .]
moka( . liberation, release, escape, freedom; rescue, deliverance; final emancipation)
mantra( . a sacred text; consultation; a charm, spell, an incantation)
[trayyaiva] trayy( .ins.) + eva( .) [ ( ) ]
tray( . the three Vedas taken collectively)
[vadet] vadet( [ .]
vad(1. . to speak, say, tell; to announce, communicate; to speak of, describe)
[etadbrahmaitadupsitavyam] etat(pn. .nom.) + brahma( .nom.) + etat(pn. .nom.) +
upsitavyam( p. .nom.) [ , .]
upsitavya(pot.p.) < * +|i|+ tavya(pot.pass.p.) < ups(2. . to sit near to, serve, worship)
[evamevaitadbhagavanniti] evam( .) + eva( .) + etat(pn. .nom.) + bhagavan( .voc.) +|n|+
iti( .) [ . ! ]
bhagavat( . glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: . a god, deity)
[vai] vai( .) []
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [''.]

5 Aj Wlq mmcN rusYr mcNq iu rusYr Armui Mj

oh Ci | x Wuc rusYr | CSquxr imui r Aiqm
mvrcqrr uk mUueMlq uUkul u AlvM u Am muv
u Aalmuv u qWmxjl u | Aj mUuQuuhux qhQmUaW
vcUSW ph oprr puii | riU xrlqlx uc xlrxi
Lw mlj oh Wluxili xlrx ouSiruquw paulrusYr

15. 2709
atha hainamatri papraccha yjavalkya pcchmi tv yjavalkya ayajopavti
katha brhmaa iti | sa hovca yjavalkya | idamevsya tadyajopavta ya
tmpa prycamyya vidhi parivrjaknm vrdhvne v anake v ap
pravee v agnipravee v mahprasthne v | atha parivrvivaravs
muo'parigraha uciradroh bhaikao brahmabhyya bhavatti | yadytura
synmanas vc sanyaset ea panth brahma hnuvittastenaiti sanys
brahmavidityevamevaia bhagavanyjavalkya

, .
! . ?
, .
( ).

. ,
. .
, . !

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[hainamatri] ha( .) + enam(pn. .acc.) + atri( .nom.) [ '']
atri( . N. of a celebrated sage and author of many Vedic hymns)
[papraccha] papraccha( [.]
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .acc.) [''.]
[pcchmi] pcchmi( []
[tv] tv(pn..acc.) [.]
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .voc.) [''!]
[ayajopavt] a+yajopavt( .nom.) [ ]
: , . ''
yajopavtin( . one who...) < * + in(agent) < yajopavta( .)
yajopavta( . the sacred thread over the left shoulder and under the right arm) < yaja( . a
sacrifice) + upavta( . the sacred thread worn by the first three classes)
[katha] katha( .) []
katha( . how, in what manner)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) [?]
brhmaa( . belonging to a Brhmaa: . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)
[iti] iti( .) [.]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)

[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [''.]
[idamevsya] idam(pn. .nom.) + eva( .) + asya(pn. .gen.) [ () ]
[tadyajopavta] tat(pn. .nom.) + yajopavta( .nom.) [ ,]
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[tmpa] tm( .nom.) + apa( [ (+) ]
apa camya tm (+udhyate) sa ya [ ]
w udh(4. . to become pure or purified; to be auspicious; to be made clear)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
ap( .[declined in classical language only in pl.] water; air) > apa(
[prycamyya] prya(ger.) + camya(ger.) + aya(pn. .nom.) [ .
pr(9. . to eat, consume, devour, feed upon; to taste; to enjoy, sport with)
cam(1. . to sip, lick, lap, drink; to rinse the mouth; to lick up, dry or drink up)
[vidhi] vidhi( .nom.) []
vidhi( . doing, performance, practice; method, manner; a rule, commandment)
[parivrjaknm] parivrjaknm( [,]
parivrjaka( . a wandering mendicant, vagrant, recluse, an ascetic) < *[v] + aka <
parivraj(1. . to wander about as a religious mendicant; turn out a recluse)
[vrdhvne] vra+adhvne( .loc.) [ ]
adhvne( .loc.) < adhvna( . a way) < * + a < adhvan( . a way)
vra( . heroic, brave; mighty, powerful; excellent, eminent: . a hero, warrior, champion)
adhvan( . a way, road, journey, travel; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it)
[v] v( .) []
[anake] anake( .loc.) []
icchmaa : death depending on one's wish -
anaka( . devoid of full enjoyment, not hurtful: . fast, abstaining from eating even to death)
[v] v( .) []
[ap] ap( [ ]
[pravee] pravee( .loc.) []
pravea( . entrance, penetration; ingress, access) < pravi(6. . to enter, resort to)
[v] v( .) []
[agnipravee] agni+pravee( .lco.) [ ]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[v] v( .) []
[mahprasthne] mah+prasthne( .loc.) [ ]
mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
prasthna( . going or setting forth, departure, walking; coming to; sending away; a march)
[v] v( .) [.]
[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[parivrvivaravs] parivr( .nom.) + vivara+vs( . .nom.) [
parivrj( . a wandering mendicant, vagrant, recluse, an ascetic)
vivara( . colourless, pale, wan, pallid; discoloured; low, vile; ignorant, stupid)
vsas( . a cloth, garment, clothes; a pall; a curtain)

15. 2711
[muo'parigraha] mua( . .nom.) + aparigraha( . .nom.) [ ]
mua( . shaved, bold; lopped, stripped of top leaves; blunt, pointless)
aparigraha( . without possessions or belongings, attendants, without a wife)
[uciradroh] uci( . .nom.) + adroh( . .nom.) [ (+)
uci( . clean, pure, clear; white; bright, resplendent; virtuous, pious, holy)
adrohin( . one who) < * + in(agent) < adroha( . absence of malice or illfeeling)
[bhaikao] bhaikaa( . .nom.) []
bhaikaa( .) < * + na(taddhita) < haika( .)
bhaika( . living on alms: . begging, mendicancy; anything got by begging; alms, charity)
[brahmabhyya] brahmabhyya( .dat.) [ ]
brahmabhya( . identity with Brahma, absorption or dissolution into Brahma, final emancipation)
< bhya( . the state of being or becoming)
[bhavatti] bhavati( + iti( .) [. .]
( ) .
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[yadytura] yadi( .) + tura( p. .nom.) [ ]
tura( . hurt, injured; sick, disabled: . a patient, one suffering from a disease)
[synmanas] syt( .) + manas( .ins.) [ ]
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[vc] vc( .ins.) []
vc( . a word, sound, an expression; words, talk, language, speech; a voice, sound)
[sanyaset] sanyaset( [(+) .]
() : (manas)
, (vc) , (kya)
. '' .
' '
sanyas(4. . to place or put down, deposit; to lay down or aside, give up; entrust)
[ea] ea(pn. .nom.) []
[panth] panth( .nom.) []
pathin( .) : nom.(panthpanthnaupanthna),,
pathin( . a road, way, path; journey, wayfaring; range, reach)
[brahma] brahma( .ins.) [ ]
brhmaena( .ins.) < brhmaa( . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[hnuvittastenaiti] ha( .) + anuvitta( p. .nom.) + tena(pn. .ins.) + eti(
[ , (+ ) .]
anuvitta( . found, obtained) < vitta(p.p. found, discovered; gained, acquired: . wealth; power)
i(2. . to go, go to or towards, come to or near; to arrive at, reach; to return)
[sanys] sanys( .nom.) []
sanysin( . one who lays down or deposits; one who abandons, gives up; one who completely
renounces the world and its attachments, an ascetic)
[brahmavidityevamevaia] brahmavit( .nom.) + iti( .) + evam( .) + eva( ) +
ea(pn. .nom.) [ . . ]
brahmavid( . knowing the Supreme Spirit: . a sage, theologian, philosopher)
[bhagavanyjavalkya] bhagavan( . .voc.) + yjavalkya( .voc.) [ !]

6 i mUqWx lqxuiMhiMiSuxGplSbeQ
pUiSrUuiMmpirursXa AurcU Allq
ElquScUlixShQ MqhQs vYr m esmu vZ rmui c
Ciriixu pxuWirmx mUireriqlqlucNi | rj eimkU
lalj lwmUaWxiSoqa xqrYxm vqlx mhxlkUhj
rjMs uq pqcUSUmh spspr xq piu
UMlSUMOUlfUxjhQsw iwulMiuxr mr lqq
vYskrlmUrhkriqlvpMqlqslmU xlrxl SWira MUi
x mUqWx lq mUqWx lqi
tatra paramahas nmasavartakruivetaketudurvsabhunidghajaa
bharatadatttreyaraivatakaprabhtayo'vyaktalig avyaktcr anunmatt
unmattavadcarantastridaa kamaalu ikya ptra jalapavitra ikh
yajopavta ca ityetatsarva bhsvhetyapsu parityajytmnamanvicchet |
yath jtarpadharo nirgrantho niparigrahastattadbrahmamrge samyaksapanna
uddhamnasa prasandhrartha yathoktakle vimukto
bhaikamcarannudaraptrea lbhlbhayo samo bhtv
rakandarakoaranirjharasthaileu tevaniketavsya prayatno nirmama
ukladhynaparyao'dhytmaniho'ubhakarmanirmlanapara sanysena
dehatyga karoti sa paramahaso nma paramahaso nmeti

' .
. ''
'' '! !'
'' ,

, ''
' '. ' '.

[tatra] tatra( .) []
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)

15. 2713
[paramahas] parama+has( [' '()]
nma( .) + savartaka+rui+vetaketu+durvsa+bhu+nidgha+jaabharata+datttreya
+raivataka+prabhtaya( + avyakta+lig( . [
( )]
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
hasa( . a swan, goose, duck; the Supreme Soul, Brahman; the individual soul)
nma( . by name, called; indeed, certainly, really)
savartaka( . N. of...)
rui( . N. of Uddlaka; the son of Arua)
vetaketu( . N. of...), durvsa( . N. of...), bhu( . N. of...), nidgha( . N. of...),
jaabharata( . N. of...), datttreya( . N. of...), raivataka( . N. of...)
prabhti( . beginning, commencement: . from, ever since, beginning with)
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; obscure)
liga( . a mark, sign, token; a false or unreal mark; a symptom, mark of disease)
[avyaktcr] avyakta+cr([ .] [ (
) ]
cra( . conduct, behavior; good conduct or behaviour; a custom, usage)
[anunmatt] anunmatt( p. [ ]
unmatta(p.p. drunk, intoxicated; insane, frantic, mad; puffed, elevated; possessed by a ghost)
[unmattavadcarantastridaa] unmatta+vat(adv.) + caranta( p. +
tridaa( .acc.) [ . (+) '']
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
car(1. . to act, practise, do, perform, undertake; to act or behave towards) > carat(pres.p.)
tridaa( . the three staves of a Sanysin[who has resigned the world] tied together so as
to form one; the triple subjection of thought: . the state of a religious ascetic)
[kamaalu] kamaalu( .acc.) [(+) '']
kamaalu( . a waterpot used by ascetics)
[ikya] ikya( . .acc.) [ ]
ikya( . a loop or swing [made of rope]; a burden or load carried in a sling)
[ptra] ptra( . .acc.) []
ptra( . a drinkingvessel, cup, jar; a vessel or pot in general; recipient; a reservoir)
[jalapavitra] jala+pavitra( . .acc.) [ ]
jala( . dull, cold, frigid; stupid, idiotic: . water)
pavitra( . sacred, holy, sinless; purifying, removing sin: . a means of purifying the mind)
[ikh] ikh( .acc.) []
ikh( . a lock of hair left on the crown of the head; a chest; tuft; summit; a flame)
[yajopavta] yajopavta( .acc.) [ ]
yajopavta( . the sacred thread over the left shoulder and under the right arm)
[ca] ca( .)
[ityetatsarva] iti( .) + etat+sarva([ .] .acc.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[bhsvhetyapsu] bh( .) + svh( .) + iti( .) + apsu( ['! !'
(+) ]
bhr( . one of the three Vyhtis; the lowest of the seven lower worlds)

svh( . an exclamation used in offering oblations to the gods [w/dat.])
ap( .[declined in classical language only in pl.] water; air) > apsu(
[parityajytmnamanvicchet] parityajya(ger.) + tmnam( .acc.) + anvicchet(
[ .]
parityaj(1. . to leave, quit, abandon; to resign, give up, discard)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
anvi(4. . to seek: 6. . to desire, seek, search for or after, look out for, seek to get)
[yath] yath( .) []
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
[jtarpadharo] jta+rpa+dhara([ .] .nom.) [ ]
jta(p.p. brought into existence, engendered; grown, arisen: . a creature; origin; kind)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
dhara( .[end of comp.] holding, carrying, bearing, wearing: . a mountain, a hillfort)
[nirgrantho] nir+grantha( . .nom.) [(+) ]
nir( . away from, without, free from)
grantha( . binding, stringing together; a work, treatise; wealth, property)
[niparigrahastattadbrahmamrge] ni+parigraha( . .nom.) + tattat( .) +
brahma+mrge( .loc.) [(+) ]
parigraha( . seizing, holding, taking; surrounding, enclosing; putting on, wrapping round)
tattad(pn. several, various) < tad(pn. that, he, it, she)
tattat( . anything whatever; various) < tat(pn. < tad(pn. that, it)
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
mrga( . seeking, search, tracing out; a walk, journey; a way, passage)
[samyaksapanna] samyak+sapanna( p. .nom.) [ (+) .]
samyak( . with, together with; well, properly, rightly)
sapanna(p.p. prosperous, rich; fortunate, successful; effected, brought about, accomplished)
[uddhamnasa] uddha+mnasa( . .nom.) [ ]
uddha(p.p. pure, clean, purified; holy, undefiled, chaste, innocent; white, bright)
mnasa( . mental, spiritual; produced from the mind: . the mind, heart, soul)
[prasandhrartha] pra+sandhraa+artha([ .] .acc.adv.) [
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
sadhraa( . restraining, checking; observing, following; suffering, enduring) < sadh(10. .)
artha( . object, purpose; cause, motive, reason, means; property, money)
[yathoktakle] yathokta+kle( .abso.loc.) [( ) ]
yathokta( . as said or told above) < yath( . as it is or was) + ukta( . uttered, said)
kla( . black; injuring, hurting: . death; time in general)
[vimukto] vimukta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
vimukta(p.p. set free, released, liberated; abandoned, given up; freed from)
[bhaikamcarannudaraptrea] bhaikam( .acc.) + caran( p. .nom.) +|n|+
udara+ptrea( .ins.) [ ]
bhaika( . living on alms: . begging, mendicancy; anything got by begging; alms, charity)
car(1. . to act, practise, do, perform, undertake; to act or behave towards) > carat(pres.p.)
udara( . the belly; the interior or inside of anything, cavity)
ptra( . a drinkingvessel, cup, jar; a vessel or pot in general; recipient; a reservoir)
[lbhlbhayo] lbha+albhayo( .loc.du.) [ ]

15. 2715
lbha( . gaining, obtaining, acquirement; gain, profit, advantage; enjoyment)
albha( . without gain or profit: . nonacquirement; loss)
[samo] sama( p. .nom.) []
sama( . same, identical; equal, as in; like, similar: . a level plain, flat country)
[bhtv] bhtv(ger.) [(+ ),]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
arasthaileu] nygra+devagha+taka+valmka+vkamla+kullal+agnihotragha
+nadpulina+girikuhara+kandara+koara+nirjhara+sthaileu( [

(+ ) (+ ) ]
nya( . empty, void; vacant, absent; nonexistent; lonely)
agra( . a house)
devagha( . a temple; the place of a king)
taka( . a heap of straw) < ta( . grass) + ka( . froud, illusion; heap, mass)
valmka( . an anthill: . swelling of certain parts of the body)
vka( . a tree; a tree bearing visible flowers and fruit)
mla( . a root; lowest edge or extremity of anything; base; beginning; basis, foundation)
kulla( . a potter; a wild cock; an owl)
l( . an apartment, a room, saloon; a house, an abode; the upper or main branch of a tree)
agnihotra( . an oblation to Agni; maintenance of the sacred fire and offering oblation to it)
gha( . a house, dwelling, habitation, mansion; a wife; the life of a householder)
nad( . a river, any flowing stream)
pulina( . a sandbank, sandy beach; the bank of a river)
giri( . a mountain, hill)
kuhara( . a cavity, hollow; the ear; the throat)
kandara( . a cave, a valley: . a hook for driving an elephant)
koara( . the hollow of a tree; cave, cavity) < koa( . a hog; the hollow of tree, cavity)
nirjhara( . a spring, waterfall; cascade; mountaintorrent)
sthaila( . a piece of ground [levelled, squared and prepared for a sacrifice]; a barren field)
[tevaniketavsyaprayatno] teu(pn. + aniketa+vs( p. .nom.) +
aprayatna( p. .nom.) [() , (+ ) ]
aniketa( . houseless, vagrant; having no fixed abode)
vsin( . staying, dwelling, living dweller) < vas(1. . to dwell, live)
prayatna( . effort, exertion, endeavour; persevering or continued effort; labour)
[nirmama] nirmama( p. .nom.) ['' ]
nirmama( . free from all connections with the outer world, who has renounced all worldly ties;
unselfish, disinterested; indifferent to)
[ukladhynaparyao'dhytmaniho'ubhakarmanirmlanapara] ukla+dhyna+paryaa
( p. .nom.) + adhytma+niha( p. .nom.) + aubhakarma+nirmlana+para
( p. .nom.) [ ]
ukla( . white, pure, bright; spotless, unsullied; virtuous, moral)
dhyna( . meditation, reflection, thought) < dhyai(1. . to think of, meditate upon)
paryaa( . attached or devoted to, adhering to; depending on, subject to; intent on)
adhytma( . belonging to self or person, concerning an individual: . the supreme spirit or the
relation between the supreme and the individual soul)
niha( . being in or on, situated on; depending or resting on; devoted or attached to)

aubha( . inauspicious; impure, dirty: . an auspiciousness; sin, a shameful deed; misfortune)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
nirmlana( . eradication, uprooting, extirpating)
para( . other; higher; [comp.] having anything as the highest object, intend on)
[sanysena] sanysena( .ins.) []
sanysa( . leaving, abandonment; complete renunciation of the world, renunciation; a deposit)
[dehatyga] deha+tyga( .acc.) [ ]
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
tyga( . leaving, forsaking; giving up; donation; liberality; sacrificing oneself)
[karoti] karoti( [.]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[paramahaso] paramahasa( .nom.) [' ']
[nma] nma( .) [.]
nma( . by name, called; indeed, certainly, really)
[paramahaso] paramahasa( .nom.) [' ']
[nmeti] nma( .) + iti( .) [. .]

0 mhqS Ci vli
o pramada iti nti

'' . .

15. 2717
< _03.40 >
indriyi mano buddhirasydhihnamucyate |
etairvimohayatyea jnamvtya dehinam
, .
, .

< _03.41 >

tasmttvamindriyydau niyamya bharatarabha |
ppmna prajahihyena jnavijnananam
, !
, !

< _03.42 >

indriyi paryhurindriyebhya para mana |
manasastu par buddhiryo buddhe paratastu sa
, .
, .

( mXasmlwS )
16. (Paigala Upaniad)

4 54 .
'(mlaprakti)' ' (trigua)'
'(packaraa)', ' (triarra)' '
(pacakoa)' (jvanmukti)
'paigala' (yjavalkya)
, ' '

1.01 Aj W mXas rusYrqmxqir SvuwvwmuM

mUqUWxrMusrqloWi mmcN
atha ha paigalo yjavalkyamupasametya dvdaavaraurprvaka
paramarahasyakaivalyamanubrhti papraccha

'' !

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
[ha] ha( .) []
[paigalo] paigala( .nom.) []
paigala( . the son of pigala)
[yjavalkyamupasametya] yjavalkyam( .acc.) + upasametya(ger.) [
yjavalkya( . N. of a ancient sage, the first reputed teacher of vjasaney sahit, and the
author of a wellknown code of laws only next in importance to that of Manu)
upasame(2. . to come together with, meet with, meet) < same(2. . to come together or
meet; to go through, march)
[dvdaavaraurprvaka] dvdaa+vara+ur+prvaka( . .acc.) [
dvdaa(num. . twelve)
vara( . raining, rain; sprinkling, effusion, throwing down; seminal effusion; a year)
ur( . desire to hear; service, attendance; dutifulness, obedience; reverence)
prvaka( . preceded by, attended with; preceding, antecedent; previous, former)
[paramarahasyakaivalyamanubrhti] parama+rahasya+kaivalyam( .acc.) + anubrhi( +
iti( .) [ '' ! ]
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
rahasya( . secret, private, clandestine; mysterious: . a secret; the mystery)
kaivalya( . perfect isolation, soleness, exclusiveness; detachment of the soul from matter)
anubr(2. . to pronounce, recite; to utter; to address, invite; learn by heart)
[papraccha] papraccha( [.]
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)

16. _1 2721

1.02 x Wuc rusYr xSu xqrSqa Axi | iirqqur

xirlllS mUmh xlilqMquir o
sa hovca yjavalkya sadeva saumyedamagra st | tannityamuktamavikriya
satyajnnanda paripra santanamekamevdvitya brahma

! '' .

[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []

[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [.]
[sadeva] sat( .nom.) + eva( .) [ ]
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
[saumyedamagra] saumya( .voc.) + idam( .) + agre(adv.) [ ! ]
saumya( . relating or sacred to the moon; handsome, lovely; gentle, soft, mild)
idam( . here, to this place; now; there; with these words, herewith; in this manner)
agre(adv. in front of, before; in the presence of; at the head, ahead)
[st] st( [.] '' .
as(2. . to be, live, exist; to belong to)
[tannityamuktamavikriya] tat(pn. .nom.) + nitya+muktam( . .nom.) +
avikriya( . .nom.) [ ]
nitya( . continual, perpetual, everlasting, eternal; invariable, regular; necessary, essential)
mukta(p.p. loosened, relaxed; set free, liberated; abandoned, left)
avikriya( . unchangeable, immutable: . Brahman)
[satyajnnanda] satya+jna+nanda( . .nom.) [ ( )]
satya(sat) jna(cit) nanda.
satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[paripra] paripra( . .nom.) [ ]
paripra( . quite full, completely filled or covered with; selfsatisfied, content)
[santanamekamevdvitya] santanam( . .nom.) + ekam( . .nom.) + eva( .) +
advitya( . .nom.) [ ]
santana( . perpetual, constant, eternal; firm, fixed, settled; primeval, ancient)
advitya( . without a second, matchless, peerless; without a companion, alone; sole, unique)
[brahma] brahma( .nom.) [.]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)


1.03 ixqlqvMxjhxTOMS
esUmrmwUZSussWivYsMwhahqr ahxqrlucr
qsmMiUxi iimioqoi rixcilrqxi
jalaraupyapuruarekhdivallohitauklakaguamay guasmynirvcy
mlapraktirst tatpratibimbita yattatskicaitanyamst

. .

[tasminmaruuktiksthusphaikdau] tasmin(pn. .loc.) + maru+uktik+sthusphaika

+dau( .loc.) [ ]
maru( . a desert, sandy desert, a wilderness, any region destitute of water)
uktik( . a pearloyster) < ukti( . an oyster shell, pearloyster; a conchshell)
sthu( . firm, fixed, steady, stable, immoveable: . an epithet of iva; a stake)
sphaika( . a crystal, quartz)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
[jalaraupyapuruarekhdivallohitauklakaguamay] jala+raupya+puruarekh+di+vat( .) +
lohita+ukla+ka+gua+may( . .nom.) [
jala( . dull, cold, frigid; stupid, idiotic: . water)
raupya( . made of silver, silver, like silver: . silver)
purua( . a male being, man; mankind; the soul; the supreme being)
rekh( . a line, streak; the measure of a line, small portion; a row, range)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
lohita( . red, redcolored; copper, made of copper: . copper; blood; saffron)
ukla( . white, pure, bright; spotless, unsullied; virtuous, moral)
ka( . black, dark: . a crow, indian cuckoo; Viu in his 8th incarnation)
gua( . a quality; a good quality, merit, virtue; use, advantage, good; effect, result)
maya( . An affix used to indicate 'made of' 'consisting or composed of' 'full of': [] .)
[guasmynirvcy] gua+smy( . .nom.) + nir+vcy( . .nom.) [
smya( . equality, sameness, evenness; likeness, resemblance; equability)
nir( . away from, without, free from)
vcya( . to be spoken, told or said; to be predicated; expressed: . blame; a predicate)
[mlapraktirst] mlaprakti( .nom.) + st( [ .]

16. _1 2723
mlaprakti( . the Prakti or Pradhna of the Skhyas) < mla( . a root; foundation) +
prakti( . the natural condition or state of anything, nature; nature senses)
as(2. . to be, live, exist; to belong to)
[tatpratibimbita] tat(pn. .nom.) + pratibimbita( p. .nom.) [ ]
pratibimbita( . reflected, mirrored) < pratibimbana( . reflection; comparison)
[yattatskicaitanyamst] yat( .nom.) + tat(pn. .nom.) + ski+caitanyam( .nom.) +
st( [() ( ).]
skin( . seeing, observing, witnessing: . a witness, an observer, an eyewitness)
caitanya( . spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation; soul, mind; consciousness, feeling)

1.04 x mluMi mmr xuSurZruUhvUxi iimioqoi

rSUcilrqxi x xuklqr xu xxjisrlqSMi
eaSXMUm pui | xuxqlusl xMs eaSupuri |
mhMquvSw mO rimxUi mhMqrimlxiUpuri |
ixquZs u xXMcimOuii
s punarvikti prpya sattvodriktvyaktkhyvaraaaktirst tatpratibimbita
yattadvaracaitanyamst sa svdhnamya sarvaja sisthitilaynmdikart
jagadakurarpo bhavati | svasminvilna sakala jagadvirbhvayati |
prikarmavadea pao yadvatprasrita prikarmakaytpunastirobhvayati |
tasminnevkhila viva sakocitapaavadvartate

'' ,
. '' .

, .
. .

[s] s(pn. .nom.) [()]

[punarvikti] puna( .) + vikti( .acc.) [ ]
punar( . again, further, moreover, once more; back; on the other hand)
vikti( . change; an unnatural or accidental circumstance, an accident; sickness)
[prpya] prpya(ger.) []
prp(5. . to get, obtain, gain, acquire; to attain to, go to reach; to stretch, extend)
[sattvodriktvyaktkhyvaraaaktirst] sattva+udrikta+avyakta+khya+varaa+akti( .nom.) +
st( [ '' (+) .]
' ' .

sattva( . being, existence, entity; nature character; life, spirit; consciousness, mind, sense)
udrikta(p.p. increased, excessive, abundant; distinct, evident)
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
khya( . a narrator) < khy(2. . to tell, say, inform, narrate; to call, denominate)
varaa( . covering, hiding, obscuring, obstructing: . covering, concealing, hiding; shutting)
akti( . power, ability, capacity; regal power; the power of composition, poetic power)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tatpratibimbita] tat(pn. .nom.) + pratibimbita( p. .nom.) [ ]
pratibimbita( . reflected, mirrored) < pratibimbana( . reflection; comparison)
[yattadvaracaitanyamst] ya(pn. .nom.) + tat(pn. .nom.) + vara+caitanyam( .nom.) +
st( [() '' ( ).]
vara( . powerful, able, capable of; wealthy: . a lord, master; a king; a great man)
caitanya( . spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation; soul, mind; consciousness, feeling)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) [('')]
sa(tat) esa(etat) , 'a' '' .
[svdhnamya] svdhna+mya( . .nom.) [
svdhna( . dependent on oneself, selfdependent; independent; in one's own power)
mya( . possessing magical power: . a conjurer; a demon, an evil spirit)
my( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image; N. of...)
[sarvaja] sarvaja( . .nom.) [ ]
sarvaja( . allknowing, omniscient)
[sisthitilaynmdikart] si+sthiti+laynm( + dikart( .nom.) [
si( . creation, anything created; the creation of the world; nature)
sthiti( . standing, remaining, staying; stopping, standing still; remaining stationary)
laya( . sticking, union, adherence; lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution)
dikart( . the creator, an epithet of Brahm or Viu) < di( . first, primary; chief,
principal: . beginning) + kart( . a doer; the supreme spirit)
[jagadakurarpo] jagat+akura+rpa( . .nom.) [' ' ]
jagat( . moving, living: . air, wind: . the world, the universe; the world of the soul)
akura( . a sprout, shoot; water; blood)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[svasminvilna] svasmin( .loc.) + vilna( . .acc.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
vilna(p.p. sticking to, clung or attached to; hidden, disappeared, perished, absorbed in)
[sakala] sakala( . .acc.) []
sakala( . together, with the parts; all, whole; having all the digits: . everything)
[jagadvirbhvayati] jagat( .acc.) + virbhvayati( [ .]
virbh(1. . to become manifest, appear, become visible, show oneself to) < vis( . before
the eyes, openly, evidently) + bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced)
bh(1. . to be) > bhvayati( to cause to be; to foster, cherish, support)
[prikarmavadea] pri+karmavat( .abl.reason) + ea(pn. .nom.) [
( ) ()]

16. _1 2725
prin( . breathing, living, alive: . a living or sentient being, a living creature; a man)
karmavaa( . fate considered as the inevitable result of actions done in a former life) <
karman( . act; work, activity) + vaa( . influenced by: . wish, desire; influence, control)
[pao] paa( .nom.) [(+ ) ]
paa( . a garment, raiment, cloth; fine cloth; a veil, screen)
[yadvatprasrita] yadvat( .) + prasrita( p. .nom.) [ ,]
yadvat( . as)
prasrita(p.p. expanded, spread, diffused; stretched out; exhibited, laid out)
[prikarmakaytpunastirobhvayati] pri+karma+kayt( .abl.reason) + puna( .) +
tirobhvayati( [ ( )
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
kaya( . a house, abode; loss, decline, waste; destruction, end, termination)
punar( . again, further, moreover, once more; back; on the other hand)
tirobh(1. . to disappear, vanish: [caus.] to dispel) < tiras( . secretly, covertly, invisibly) <
tiras( . crookedly; without; secretly, invisibly) + bh(1. . to be, become)
[tasminnevkhila] tasmin(pn. .loc.) +|n|+ eva( .) + khila( .) [ ]
akhila( . whole, entire, without a gap, complete; [m] . completely)
[viva] viva([ .] .nom.) [ ]
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
[sakocitapaavadvartate] sakocita+paa+vat(adv.) + vartate( [
sakocita( .) < *[i] + ita(past.pass.p.) < sakoca(contraction, shrinking up; diminution)
paa( . a garment, raiment, cloth; fine cloth; a veil, screen)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
vt(1. . to be, exist, abide, remain, subsist, stay)

1.05 DvkiuUhvi UeS qWSZr umvUxi iimioqoi

rUhrapcilrqxi x qWupql xmxmumpui
dhihitvaraaaktito rajodrikt mahadkhy vikepaaktirst tatpratibimbita
yattaddhirayagarbhacaitanyamst sa mahattattvbhimn spaspaavapurbhavati

' '
' ' . ''
. , .

[dhihitvaraaaktito] a+adhishita+varaa+aktita( .abl.) ['' '

' ]
a( . owning, possessing; powerful, supreme: . a lord, master; a husband; a Rudra)

adhihita(p.p. standing, being; occupied, possessed by) < adhih(1. . to stand on or upon)
varaa( . covering, hiding, obscuring, obstructing: . covering, concealing, hiding; shutting)
akti( . power, ability, capacity; regal power; the power of composition, poetic power)
[rajodrikt] rajo+udrikt( . .nom.) [ ]
rajaudrikt < raja + udrikt < rajas + udrikt [or] 'rajodrikt' as double sandhi.
rajas( . dust, powder, dirt; the dust or pollen of flowers; foulness, passion, emotion)
udrikta(p.p. increased, excessive, abundant; distinct, evident)
[mahadkhy] mahat+khy( . .nom.) [ ]
mahat( . great: . greatness: . the great principle, the intellect [distinguished from manas],
the second of the 25element or tattvas recognized by the Skhyas)
khya( . a narrator) < khy(2. . to tell, say, inform, narrate; to call, denominate)
[vikepaaktirst] vikepa+akti( .nom.) + st( [ .]
' ' : ' '
' ' . '' .
vikepa( . throwing away or asunder, scattering about; casting, discharging; waving)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tatpratibimbita] tat(pn. .nom.) + pratibimbita( p. .nom.) [ ]
pratibimbita( . reflected, mirrored) < pratibimbana( . reflection; comparison)
[yattaddhirayagarbhacaitanyamst] yat(pn. .nom.) + tat(pn. .nom.) +|d|+
hirayagarbha+caitanyam( .nom.) + st( [() ''
( ).]
hirayagarbha( . N. of Brahman as born from a goldenegg) < hiraya( . gold; any vessel of
gold) + garbha( . the womb, the belly; a foetus, embryo)
caitanya( . spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation; soul, mind; consciousness, feeling)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) [()]
[mahattattvbhimn] mahat+tattva+abhimn( . .nom.) [ ]
tattva( . essence, true or real state)
abhimnin( . possessed of selfrespect; having a high opinion of oneself, proud)
[spaspaavapurbhavati] spaa+aspaa+vapu( .nom.) + bhavati( [
spaa( . distinctly visible, clearly perceived; real, true; fullblown, expanded)
vapus( . handsome, beautiful: . body, person; essence, nature; a beautiful appearance)
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)

1.06 WUhrapkiumvixiqSWXMUpk xjsvUxi

iimioqoi rUOcilrqxi x iSpql xmum xuxjsmsM
uwh mklmw pui | ixqSiql AMv xqpi | AMvr |
urUal | AalUm | ASpr mju | il mgc ilqh ahl

16. _1 2727
hirayagarbhdhihitavikepaaktitastamodrikthakrbhidh sthlaaktirst
tatpratibimbita yattadvircaitanyamst sa tadabhimn spaavapu
sarvasthlaplako viu pradhnapuruo bhavati | tasmdtmana ka
sambhta | kdvyu | vyoragni | agnerpa | adbhya pthiv | tni
paca tanmtri triguni bhavanti

' ' ''

. ''
. ,
, , , .

hirayagarbha+ahihita+vikepa+aktita( .abl.) + tamo+udrikta+ahakra+abhidh( . .nom.)
[ ' ' '' ]
hirayagarbha( . N. of Brahman as born from a goldenegg)
adhihita(p.p. standing, being; occupied, possessed by) < adhih(1. . to stand on or upon)
vikepa( . throwing away or asunder, scattering about; casting, discharging; waving)
akti( . power, ability, capacity; regal power; the power of composition, poetic power)
tamas( . darkness; mental darkness; darkness or ignorance)
udrikta(p.p. increased, excessive, abundant; distinct, evident)
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
abhidh( . naming, praised, invoked: . a name, appellation; a word, sound)
[sthlaaktirst] sthla+akti( .nom.) + st( [ .]
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tatpratibimbita] tat(pn. .nom.) + pratibimbita( p. .nom.) [ ]
pratibimbita( . reflected, mirrored) < pratibimbana( . reflection; comparison)
[yattadvircaitanyamst] yat(pn. .nom.) + tat(pn. .nom.) + virj+caitanyam( .nom.) +
st( [() '' ( ).]
(hirayagarbha) + (ahakra) = (virj) - !
virj( . splendid, excellent; a ruler: . beauty, splendour; the first progeny of Brahman)
caitanya( . spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation; soul, mind; consciousness, feeling)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) [()]
[tadabhimn] tad+abhimn( . .nom.) [ ]
abhimnin( . possessed of selfrespect; having a high opinion of oneself, proud)
[spaavapu] spaa+vapu( . .nom.) [ ]
spaa( . distinctly visible, clearly perceived; real, true; fullblown, expanded)
vapus( . handsome, beautiful: . body, person; essence, nature; a beautiful appearance)
[sarvasthlaplako] sarva+sthla+plaka( . .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
plaka( . a guardian, protector; a prince, king, ruler; a groom, horsekeeper)

[viu] viu( .nom.) []
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
[pradhnapuruo] pradhna+purua( . .nom.) [ ]
pradhna( . chief, principal, main: . the chief thing or object, most important thing)
purua( . a male being, man; mankind; the soul; the supreme being)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[tasmdtmana] tasmt(pn. .abl.) + tmana( .abl.) [ (=)]
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[ka] ka( .nom.) []
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[sambhta] sambhta( p. .nom.) []
sabhta(p.p. born, produced; formed or composed of; combined or united with)
[kdvyu] kt( .abl.) + vyu( .nom.) [ ]
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[vyoragni] vyo( .abl.) + agni( .nom.) [ ]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[agnerpa] agne( .abl.) + pa( [ ]
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl.&sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(, adbhya(
[adbhya] adbhya( []
[pthiv] pthiv( .nom.) [ (+).]
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[tni] tni(pn. []
[paca] paca( . []
pacan(num. . five) < pac(1. . to spread out the hand with its five fingers)
[tanmtri] tanmtri( []
tanmtra( . merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; a subtle and primary element)
[triguni] tri+guni( . [ ]
gua( . a quality; a good quality, merit, virtue; use, advantage, good; effect, result)
[bhavanti] bhavanti( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)

1.07 xMq ealxiqahqkr xqilqh pil xjsMi

xMqri | x mUqil pilrMqM k ukr mlik Miu
xuxuiUirv mgck xrer mgcMipiUlliMOohQl
iShQcicikvpuhl iShQciasMxjsvUUhrxei

16. _1 2729
sraukmo jagadyonistamoguamadhihya skmatanmtri bhtni
sthlkartu so'kmayata | se parimitni bhtnyekameka dvidh vidhya
punacaturdh ktv svasvetaradvityai pacadh sayojya
packtabhtairanantakoibrahmni tattadaocitacaturdaabhuvanni

. ,


[sraukmo] srau+kma( . .nom.) [ ]

srau( . a maker; a creator, an epithet of Brahman) < sraum(inf.) < sj(6. . to create)
kma( . wish, desire; affection, love: . object of desire)
[jagadyonistamoguamadhihya] jagat+yoni( .nom.) + tamo+guam( .acc.) + adhihya(ger.)
[ (=) ]
jagat( . moving, living: . air, wind: . the world, the universe; the world of the soul)
yoni( . womb, uterus; any place of birth or origin; a mine; an abode, a place)
tamas( . darkness; mental darkness; darkness or ignorance)
gua( . a quality; a good quality, merit, virtue; use, advantage, good; effect, result)
adhih(1. . to stand on or upon, to sit in or upon, occupy; to be in, dwell in, inhabit)
[skmatanmtri] skma+tanmtri( [ ]
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; little, small; fine, thin, delicate; nice; sharp)
tanmtra( . merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; a subtle and primary element)
[bhtni] bhtni( []
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
[sthlkartu] sthlkartu(inf.) [ ]
cvi verb : ++bh(to become ) gua++bh > gubh(to become a gua)
sthlk(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong)
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[so'kmayata] sa(pn. .nom.) + akmayata( [() ,]
kam(1.10. . to love, be enmaoured of, be in love with; to long for, wish, desire)
[se] se( .gen.) [ (+)]
[or] se( .gen.loc.) [ ]
si( . creation, anything created; the creation of the world; nature)
[parimitni] parimitni( . []
parimita(p.p. moderate, sparing; limited; measured, meted out; regulated, adjusted)
[bhtnyekameka] bhtni( + ekameka( .) [ ()]
(pthiv), (ap), (tejas), (vyu), (ka).
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
ekameka( .) < ekaika( . one by one, one taken singly, a single one)
[dvidh] dvidh( .) []
dvidh( . twofold; in two parts) < dvi(num. . two, both) + dh(3. . to put, place)
[vidhya] vidhya(ger.) []

vidh(3. . to distribute, apportion, grant, bestow; to form, create, settle; instruct)
[punacaturdh] puna( .) + caturdh( .) [ ( ) ]
punar( . again, further, moreover, once more; back; on the other hand)
caturdh( . in four ways, fourfold)
[ktv] ktv(ger.) [ ]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[svasvetaradvityai] sva+svetara+dvitya+aai( [
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
svetara(pn. . another) < sva(pn. . one's own) + itara(pn. . another)
dvitya( . the second: . the second in a family, a son; a companion, partner, friend)
aa( . a share, part, portion; a share in property, inheritance)
[pacadh] pacadh( .) [ ]
' '
pacadh( . fivefold; in five parts) < pacan(num. . five) + dh(3. . to put, place)
[sayojya] sayojya(ger.) [ ]
sayuj(7. . to join together, connect, unite; to endow or furnish with; to form an alliance)
[packtabhtairanantakoibrahmni] packta+bhtai( +
ananta+koi+brahmni( [
: .
packta(p.p.) < * + ta(kt) < pack(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < pacan(num. .)
packaraa( . a philosophical term meaning the action by which anything is constituted of the
five elements [1/2 of one and 1/8 of other four elements])
ananta( . endless, eternal: . N. of Viu; the cloud; Vsuki, the lord of serpents)
ananta( . endless, infinite, eternal: . the sky, atmosphere) < anta( . limit, boundary)
koi( . the curved end of a bow; the end or extremity; edge or point in general; ten millions)
brahma( . the egg of Brahman', the primordial egg from which the universe sprang)
[tattadaocitacaturdaabhuvanni] tat+tat+aa+ucita+caturdaa+bhuvanni( [
( ) ]
' '
aa( . the testicles; the scrotum; an egg)
ucita(p.p. fit, proper, right, suitable; usual, customary; accustomed or used to)
caturdaan(num. . fourteen)
bhuvana( . a world; the earth; heaven; a being, living)
[tattadaocitagolakasthlaarryasjat] tat+tat+aa+ucita+golaka+sthla+arri( .
+ asjat( [ ( )
' ' tamas (packaraa
14 ), ' ' rajas (
), ' ' sattva ( ).
golaka( . a ball, globe; a wooden ball for playing with; a globular waterjar)
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
sj(6. . to create, produce, make; to put on, place on; to let go, let loose)

16. _1 2731
1.08 x mgcpil Uevik Miu parimgcuriqM mhqxei x
iw irpal MqlSrhrxei
sa pacabhtn rajocaturdh ktv bhgatraytpacavttytmaka
pramasjat sa te turyabhgena karmendriyyasjat

, .

[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []

[pacabhtn] paca+bhtn( [ ]
pacabhtni(5) : pthiv(), ap(), tejas(), vyu(), ka()
pacan(num. . five) < pac(1. . to spread out the hand with its five fingers)
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
[rajocaturdh] rajo+an( +||+ caturdh( .) [ ]
rajas( . dust, powder, dirt; the dust or pollen of flowers; foulness, passion, emotion)
aa( . a share, part, portion; a share in property, inheritance)
caturdh( . in four ways, fourfold)
[ktv] ktv(ger.) [ ]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[bhgatraytpacavttytmaka] bhga+trayt( .abl.) + paca+vtti+tmaka( . .acc.)
[ ( ) ]
bhga( . a part, portion, division, share; allotment, distribution; lost, fate)
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
vtti( . being, existence; abiding, remaining, attitude; state, condition)
tmaka( .[comp.] made up or composed of, of the nature or character of)
[pramasjat] pram( .acc.) + asjat( [ ,]
(pacapr) : pra(-),
apna(-), samna(-), vyna(-), udna(-)
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
sj(6. . to create, produce, make; to put on, place on; to let go, let loose)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. [ ]
[turyabhgena] turya+bhgena( .ins.) [ ]
turya( . fourth: . a quarter, a fourth part)
[karmendriyyasjat] karma+indriyi( + asjat( [
5karmendriyni() : vc(), hasta(), pda(), pyu(), upastha()
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)

1.09 x iw xuv cik Miu parxqi mgcruriqMqli
MUhqxei | x iw xuiUrpal llSrhrxei
sa te sattva caturdh ktv bhgatrayasamaita pacakriyvtti
tmakamantakaraamasjat | sa te sattvaturyabhgena jnendriyyasjat


[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []

[te] te(pn. []
[sattva] sattva+aa( .acc.) [ ]
sattva( . being, existence, entity; nature character; life, spirit; consciousness, mind, sense)
aa( . a share, part, portion; a share in property, inheritance)
[caturdh] caturdh( .) []
caturdh( . in four ways, fourfold)
[ktv] ktv(ger.) [ ]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[bhgatrayasamaita] bhga+traya+samaita( .abl.) [ ( )
bhga( . a part, portion, division, share; allotment, distribution; lost, fate)
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
samai( . collective pervasion or aggregate; totality)
[pacakriyvttytmakamantakaraamasjat] paca+kriy+vtti+tmakam( . .acc.) +
antakaraam( .acc.) + asjat( [
() ( ) .
antakaraa() : buddhi(), ahakra(), manas(), citta()
kriy( . doing, execution, performance; an action, act; activity, labour)
vtti( . being, existence; abiding, remaining, attitude; state, condition)
tmaka( .[comp.] made up or composed of, of the nature or character of)
antakaraa( . the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking
faculty, mind) < antar( . in the middle) + karaa( . doing; act; an organ of sense)
sj(6. . to create, produce, make; to put on, place on; to let go, let loose)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[te] te(pn. [ ]
[sattvaturyabhgena] sattva+turya+bhgena( .ins.) [ ]
turya( . the fourth; consisting of four parts: a quarter, a fourth part)
[jnendriyyasjat] jna+indriyi( + asjat( [ .]
5jnendriyni() : cakus(), rotra(), ghra(), rasas(), tvac()
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)

16. _1 2733
1.10 xuxqi ClSrmsMlxei | il xlrhQ mcmi | iSr
xqwOrhQ urmr ilril | iSrWXMUxqlui uUO xjslrUi
| WUhrapxiSr xqhrmsri
sattvasamaita indriyaplaknasjat | tni snyae prcikipat | tadjay
samayaa vypya tnyatihan | tadjayhakrasamanvito vir
sthlnyarakat | hirayagarbhastadjay skmyaplayat

, .
, .

[sattvasamaita] sattva+samaita( .abl.) [(+) ]

sattva( . being, existence, entity; nature character; life, spirit; consciousness, mind, sense)
samai( . collective pervasion or aggregate; totality)
[indriyaplaknasjat] indriya+plakn( + asjat( [
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
plaka( . a guardian, protector; a prince, king, ruler; a groom, horsekeeper)
sj(6. . to create, produce, make; to put on, place on; to let go, let loose)
[tni] tni( []
tn(, .
[snyae] sni( . + ae( .loc.) [ ]
sa(p.p. created, produced; poured out, emitted; let loose; left, abandoned)
aa( . the testicles; the scrotum; an egg)
[prcikipat] prcikipat( [ .]
prakip(6. . to throw, fling at; to put into, throw at or in; to insert, interpolate)
[tadjay] tad+jay( .ins.) [() ]
j( . an order, command; permission, allowance; power of arrangement)
[samayaa] samai+aa( .acc.) [ ]
samai( . collective pervasion or aggregate; totality)
[vypya] vypya(ger.) []
vyp(5. . to fill completely, pervade; to reach as far, extend to)
[tnyatihan] tni( + atihan( [( ) .]
sth(1. . to stand, stand firmly; to stay, remain)
[tadjayhakrasamanvito] tad+jay( .ins.) + ahakra+samanvita( . .nom.)
[() ]
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
samanvita(p.p. connected with; followed; endowed with, possessing, full of)
[vir] vir( .nom.) []
virj( . splendid, excellent; a ruler: . beauty, splendour; the first progeny of Brahman)

[sthlnyarakat] sthlni([ .] + arakat( [
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
rak(1. . to protect, guard, take care of, watch; to keep, not to divulge)
[hirayagarbhastadjay] hirayagarbha( .nom.) + tad+jay( .ins.) [
() ]
hirayagarbha( . N. of Brahman as born from a goldenegg)
[skmyaplayat] skmi([ .] + aplayat( [
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; little, small; fine, thin, delicate; nice; sharp)
pl(10. . to watch, guard, protect; to observe; to wait)

1.11 AhQxjl il il ul xmlSi ci u l vM | il cilMi

xMqri ohQoUlkh xqxiurqxiMluSr iSulmuvi |
iS eQlrm il ciluixuMqh cU
aasthni tni tena vin spanditu ceitu v na eku | tni cetankartu
so'kmayata brahmabrahmarandhri samastavyaimastaknvidrya
tadevnuprviat | tad janyapi tni cetanavatsvakarmi cakrire

. .

[aasthni] aa+sthni( . [ ]

aa( . the testicles; the scrotum; an egg)
stha([comp.] . standing, staying, abiding; immovable) < sth(1. . to stand; to stay)
[tni] tni(pn. [( )]
[tena] tena(pn. .ins.) [()]
[vin] vin( .) []
vin( . without, except [w/acc.,ins.,abl.]; in the absence of)
[spanditu] spanditu(inf.) [()]
spand(1. . to throb, palpitate; to shake, tremble, quiver; to go, move; to come suddenly to life)
[ceitu] ceitu(inf.) [ ()]
ce(1. . to move about, stir, be active, show signs of life; to make effort; to perform)
[v] v( .)
[na] na( .)
[eku] eku( [.]
ak(5. . to be able, be competent for, have power to effect; to bear, endure)
[tni] tni(pn. []
[cetankartu] cetankartu(inf.) [() ()]
cetank(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') <cetan( . sense, consciousness; understanding)
[so'kmayata] sa(pn. .nom.) + akmayata( [ .]

16. _1 2735
kam(1.10. . to love, be enmaoured of, be in love with; to long for, wish, desire)
[brahmabrahmarandhri] brahma+brahmarandhri( [ ]
brahma( . the egg of Brahman', the primordial egg from which the universe sprang)
brahmarandhra( . an aperture in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to
escape on its leaving the body)
[samastavyaimastaknvidrya] samasta+vyai+mastakn( + vidrya(ger.) [
samasta(p.p. thrown together, combined; compounded; all whole entire)
vyai( . individuality, singleness; distributive, pervasion; [in Vednta phil.] an aggregate or
whole viewed as made up of many separate bodies [samai])
mastaka( . the head, skull; peak, summit) < masta( . the head)
vid(9. .|10. . to split, tear asunder, divide, cut to pieces; to rend)
[tadevnuprviat] tat(pn. .nom.) + eva( .) + anuprviat( [
anupravi(6. . to enter into, join; to accommodate or adapt oneself to; to follow in entering)
[tad] tad( .) []
[janyapi] jani( . + api( .) [( ) ]
jaa( . cold, frigid, chilly; dull, paralysed; dull, senseless, stupid)
[tni] tni(pn. []
[cetanavatsvakarmi] cetana+vat(adv.) + svakarmi( [()
cetanavat( . animate, having consciousness)
cetana( . animate, alive; visible, conspicuous: . a sentient being; soul; the supreme soul)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
svakarman( . one's own duty) < karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite)
[cakrire] cakrire( []
cak(1. . to be satiated, be contented or satisfied; to repel, resist; to shine)

1.12 xuv qrsvxqlui urSW muvr ir qWi euiuqaqi |

vUUriSiqriMiiupiuiqaqi |
eaixumlxwmiqcNqUhkqr bOrluSal ei qi Cu
Mssclrrl mUpqii
sarvajeo myleasamanvito vyaideha praviya tay mohito jvatvamagamat
| arratrayatdtmytkarttvabhokttvatmagamat |
jgratsvapnasuuptimrcchmaraadharmayukto ghayantravadudvigno jto mta
iva kullacakranyyena paribhramatti

'' ,
. ' '
' ' . ( )

[sarvajeo] sarvaja+a( .nom.) [ ]
sarvaja( . allknowing, omniscient)
a( . owning, possessing; powerful, supreme: . a lord, master; a husband; a Rudra)
[myleasamanvito] my+lea+samanvita( p. .nom.) ['' ]
my( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image; N. of...)
lea( . a small bit or portion, a particle, an atom; smallness, littleness; a measure of time)
samanvita(p.p. connected with; followed; corresponding or answering to [in comp.])
[vyaideha] vyai+deha( .acc.) [ ]
vyai( . individuality, singleness; distributive, pervasion; [in Vednta phil.] an aggregate or
whole viewed as made up of many separate bodies [samai])
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[praviya] praviya(ger.) []
pravi(6. . to enter into; engaged in, occupied with; begun)
[tay] tay(pn. .ins.) [ ]
[mohito] mohita( p. .nom.) []
mohita(p.p. stupefied; perplexed, bewildered; deluded, fascinated)
[jvatvamagamat] jvatvam( .acc.) + agamat( [ .]
agacchat( < gam(1. .) > agamat(
jvatva( .) < * + tva('the state of') < jva( . living, existing: . the principle of life)
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[arratrayatdtmytkarttvabhokttvatmagamat] arra+traya+tdtmyt( .abl.reason) +
karttva+bhokttvatm( .acc.) + agamat( [(+ )
' ' ' ' .]
. : .
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
tdtmya( . sameness of nature, identity, unity) < tad + tman + ya(taddhita)
karttva( . agency) < * + tva('the state of') < kart( . a doer, one who does; an agent)
bhokttva( . being a possessor; enjoyment, possession; perception) < * + tva('the state of')
< bhokt( . one who enjoys or eats; possessing: . a possessor, enjoyer, user)
[jgratsvapnasuuptimrcchmaraadharmayukto] jgrat+svapna+suupti+mrcch+maraa+dharma
+yukta( p. .nom.) [(+ )
(+) ()]
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)
mrcch( . fainting, swooning; spiritual ignorance or delusion; a process in calcining)
maraa( . the act of dying, death)
dharma( . that which is established or firm, law; usage, practice, duty; right, justice)
yukta(p.p. joined, united; fastened, yoked; fitted out united with the Brahman)
[ghayantravadudvigno] ghayantra+vat(adv.) + udvigna( p. .nom.) [
, .
ghayantra( . a machine for raising water) < gha( . a small jar) + yantra( . any rope)

16. _1 2737
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
udvigna(p.p. grieved, afflicted, sorrowful, anxious; alarmed, frightened)
[jto] jta( p. .nom.) [ ]
jta(p.p. brought into existence, engendered; grown, arisen; caused, occasioned)
[mta] mta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
mta(p.p. dead, deceased; as good as dead, useless; calcined, reduced: . death)
[iva] iva( .) []
[kullacakranyyena] kulla+cakra+nyyena( .ins.) [ ]
kulla( . a potter; a wild cock; an owl)
cakra( . the wheel of a carriage; a potter's wheel; a sharp circular missile)
nyya( . method, manner, way, rule, system; fitness, propriety; law, justice, virtue)
[paribhramatti] paribhramati( + iti( .) [. .]
paribhram(1.4. . to rove, wonder about, move to and fro; to hover, whirl round; to revolve)

1.00 Ci mjqkrr
iti prathamo'dhyya


2.01 Aj mXas rusYrquc xusMl xxjirliMpUv Mj

atha paigalo yjavalkyamuvca sarvalokn sisthityantakdvibhura katha



[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[paigalo] paigala( .nom.) []
[yjavalkyamuvca] yjavalkyam( .acc.) + uvca( [ .]
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[sarvalokn] sarva+lokn( [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[sisthityantakdvibhura] si+sthiti+anta+kt( . .nom.) + vibhu( . .nom.) +
a( .nom.) [ ]
si( . creation, anything created; the creation of the world; nature)
sthiti( . standing, remaining, staying; stopping, standing still; remaining stationary)
anta( . end, limit, boundary; whole amount; nature, condition, sort, species)
kt( . [comp.] accomplisher, doer, maker, performer, manufacturer)
vibhu( . mighty, powerful; eminent, supreme: . ether; space; time; the soul; a lord, ruler)
a( . owning, possessing; powerful, supreme: . a lord, master; a husband; a Rudra)
[katha] katha( .) []
katha( . how, in that way, in what manner, whence; oh! what indeed)
[jvatvamagamaditi] jvatvam( .acc.) + agamat( ['' ? .]
jvatva( .) < * + tva('the state of') < jva( . living, existing: . the principle of life)
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)

16. _2 2739

2.02 x Wuc rusYr xjsxqMUhSWumuM euUxum uucr

Mjrqi xukllMair riq | Dv mgcMiqWpisvlSr
urxqwOriqMxjsvUUh rjqqMUi |
MmscqlxjqxlZl mjurv | UqssxuSSMqmv |
whwhqWqjl Aalrv | mcUhUhxSM uruv |
MqkSr urqv | LiixXbi Mqh xgci iuaSr
osruxjpqlxmS oWSwr xjsvUU pui
sa hovca yjavalkya sthlaskmakraadehodbhavaprvaka jvevarasvarpa
vivicya kathaymti svadhnenaikgratay ryatm | a
packtamahbhtalendya vyaisamaytmakasthlaarri
yathkramamakarot | kaplacarmntrsthimsanakhni pthivya |
raktamtrallsveddikamapa | kuttoamohamaithundy agnya |
pracraottraavsdik vyva | kmakrodhdayo vyom |
etatsaghta karmai sacita tvagdiyukta blydyavasthbhimnspada
bahudoraya sthlaarra bhavati


. !

, ,
, ,

[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []

[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ .]
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [.]
sthla+skma+kraa+deha+udbhava+prvaka( . .acc.) [
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; little, small; fine, thin, delicate; nice; sharp)
kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)

deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
udbhava( . production, creation, birth, generation; source, origin)
prvaka( . preceded by, attended with; preceding, antecedent; previous, former)
[jvevarasvarpa] jva+vara+svarpa( .acc.) [ () ]
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
vara( . powerful, able, capable of; wealthy: . a lord, master; a king; a great man)
svarpa( . one's own form or shape; natural character or form; kind, sort; real nature)
[vivicya] vivicya(ger.) []
vivic(3.7. . to separate, divide, remove from; to discern, discriminate; to judge, ascertain)
[kathaymti] kathaymi( + iti( .) [(). .]
kath(10. . to tell, relate; to declare, state, mention; to converse, talk with)
[svadhnenaikgratay] svadhnena(adv.) + ekgratay( .ins.) [
svadhna( . attentive, bestowing attention, careful) > svadhnam( .) = svadhnena(adv.)
ekgra( . fixed on one object or point only; closely attentive, concentrated) > ekgrat( .)
[ryatm] ryatm( + aya(pn. .nom.) [ ! .]
ru(5. . to hear, listen to, give ear to)
[a] a( .nom.) []
a( . owning, possessing; powerful, supreme: . a lord, master; a husband; a Rudra)
[packtamahbhtalendya] packta+mahbhta+len( + dya(ger.) [
packta(p.p.) < * + ta(kt) < pack(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < pacan(num. .)
mahbhta( . a great or primary element: . the Supreme Being; a great creature)
lea( . a small bit or portion, a particle, an atom; smallness, littleness; a measure of time)
d(3. . to receive, accept, take; to begin to speak; to seize, take hold of)
[vyaisamaytmakasthlaarri] vyai+samai+tmaka+sthla+arri( [
vyai( . individuality, singleness; distributive, pervasion; [in Vednta phil.] an aggregate or
whole viewed as made up of many separate bodies [samai])
samai( . collective pervasion or aggregate; totality)
tmaka( .[comp.] made up or composed of, of the nature or character of)
[yathkramamakarot] yathkramam( .) + akarot( [ .]
yathkramam( . in due order or succession, regularly, in due form, properly) < yath( . in
which manner or way; as, as like) + krama( . a step, pace; a foot; proceeding)
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[kaplacarmntrsthimsanakhni] kapla+carma+ntra+asthi+msa+nakhni(
[ ]
kapla( . a skull, skull bone; a piece of broken jar; a multitude, collection)
carman( . skin; leather, hide; the sense of touch; a shield)
ntra( . relating to the bowels: . bowels, entrails)
asthi( . a bone; the kernel or stone of a fruit)
msa( . flesh, meat; the flesh of fish; the fleshy part of a fruit: . a worm)
nakha( . a nail of a finger or of a toe, claw, talon)
[pthivya] pthiv+a( [ .]
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
aa( . a share, part, portion; a share in property, inheritance)

16. _2 2741
[raktamtrallsveddikamapa] rakta+mtra+ll+sveda+dikam( .nom.) +
ap+a( [ .]
rakta(p.p. coloured, dyed; red, crimson, bloodred: . blood; copper, cinnabar)
mtra( . urine)
ll( . saliva, spittle)
sveda( . sweat, perspiration; heat, warmth; vapour)
dika( .[comp.] beginning with, and so on)
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(
[kuttoamohamaithundy] kud+t+ua+moha+maithuna+dy( [
kud( . hunger; food) < kudh(4. . to be hungry)
t( . thirst; desire, strong desire, greedy, avidity, desire of gain)
ua( . hot, warm; sharp, strict; clever: . heat, warmth; the hot season)
moha( . loss of consciousness, fainting; delusion, confusion; folly, ignorance; mistake)
maithuna( . paired, coupled; relating to copulation: . sexual union; marriage) > maithun( .)
dya( . first, primitive; being at the head; beginning with, and so on; eatable)
[agnya] agni+a( [ .]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[pracraottraavsdik] pracraa+uttraa+vsa+dik( [
pracraa( . scattering, strewing moving) < *[v] + ana(kt) < pracar(1. . to walk about,
stalk forth; to go or issue forth, appear; to roam, wander over)
uttraa( . lifting) < *[v] + ana(kt) < utt(1. . to pass out of [water], disembark)
vsa( . breathing, breath, respiration; a sigh, panting; air, wind)
[vyva] vyu+a( [ .]
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[kmakrodhdayo] kma+krodha+daya( [ ]
kma( . wish, desire; affection, love: . object of desire)
krodha( . anger, wrath)
[vyom] vyoma+a( [ .]
vyoman( . the sky, atmosphere; water; a temple sacred to the sun)
[etatsaghta] etat+saghta([ .] .nom.) [( ) ]
saghta( . union, combination, an association; a multitude, an assemblage; killing, slaughter)
[karmai] karmai( .loc.) [ ]
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
[sacita] sacita( p. .nom.) []
sacita(p.p. heaped up, accumulated, collected; laid by, stored; enumerated; full of)
[tvagdiyukta] tvag+di+yukta( p. .nom.) [ ]
tvac( . skin; hide; bark, rind; any cover or coating)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
yukta(p.p. joined, united; adapted, fitted; fit, proper, suitable)
[blydyavasthbhimnspada] blya+di+avastha+abhimna+spada( . .nom.) [
(+) ]
blya( . boyhood, childhood; the period or state of waxing, crescentstate; folly, puerility)
avastha( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
abhimna( . pride, selfrespect; selfconceit, arrogance; the act of ahakra; conception)

spada( . a place, site, seat, room; an abode, subject; rank, position)
[bahudoraya] bahu+doa+raya( . .nom.) [ () ]
bahu( . much, many, frequent, numerous; plentiful, great)
doa( . a fault, blame; a crime, guilt; noxious quality, badness)
raya( . a resting place, seat; a place of refuge, asylum; patron, supporter)
[sthlaarra] sthla+arra( .nom.) []
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)

2.03 AjmgcMiqWpiUevparxqi mhqxei

mhmlurlSlxql mhur | laMqMMUSuSklger
Emmh | WSxllpMhPxuXal xjll |
AMvSUeahiUrpal MqlSrqxei
uYmhmSmrmxjxir | uclSlaqluxallSxiwr
athpacktamahbhtarajoabhgatrayasamaita pramasjat
prpnavynodnasamn pravttaya | ngakrmakkaradevadattadhanajay
upapr | hdsananbhikahasarvgni sthnni |
kdirajoguaturyabhgena karmendriyamasjat
vkpipdapypasthstadvttaya | vacandnagamanavisargnandstadviay

, ( )
, '' '' '' '' '' ,
, ,

[athpacktamahbhtarajoabhgatrayasamaita] atha( .) + apackta+mahbhta+rajo'a

+bhga+traya+samaita( .abl.) [ (+ )
(+) (+ ) ]
, ...
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
packta(p.p.) < * + ta(kt) < pack(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < pacan(num. .)
mahbhta( . a great or primary element: . the Supreme Being; a great creature)
rajas( . dust, powder, dirt; the dust or pollen of flowers; foulness, passion, emotion)

16. _2 2743
aa( . a share, part, portion; a share in property, inheritance)
bhga( . a part, portion, division, share; allotment, distribution; lost, fate)
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
samai( . collective pervasion or aggregate; totality)
[pramasjat] pram( .acc.) + asjat( [ ,]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
sj(6. . to create, produce, make; to put on, place on; to let go, let loose)
[prpnavynodnasamn] pra+apna+vyna+udna+samn( [
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, vitality; wind, air inhaled the first of the five
lifewinds or vital airs, which has its seat in the lungs - - ) < pr(2. . to
breathe, respire, inhale air) < pra( . higher, forward) + an(2. . to breathe)
apna( . breathing out, respiration one of the five life winds in the body which goes
downwards and out at the anus - - ) < apn(2. . to breathe out, respire; to
expire) < apa( . away) + an(2. . to breathe)
vyna( . one of the five lifewinds or vital airs, which is diffused through the whole body -
- ) < vyan(2. . to respire, breathe, inhale and exhale; to draw in the breath
through the whole body) < vi( . separation, disjunction) + an(2. . to breathe)
udna( . breathing upwards; breath in general one of five lifewinds or vital airs, which
rises up the throat and enter into the head - - ) < udan(2. . to breathe
upwards, emit the breath in an upward direction) < ud( . up, upward) + an(2. . to breathe)
samna( . same, one, similar: . a friend, an equal one of five lifewinds or vital airs,
which has seat in the cavity of the navel and is essential to digestion - - ) <
samn(2. .) < sama( . same, identical) + an(2. . to breathe)
[pravttaya] pra+vttaya( [ .]
vtti( . being, existence; abiding, remaining, attitude; state, condition) < vt(1. . exist, to be,
live; to be in particular condition; to happen, take place)
[ngakrmakkaradevadattadhanajay] nga+krma+kkara+devadatta+dhanajay(
['' '' '' '' '' ]
nga( . a snake; one of the five vital airs [which is expelled by eructation])
krma( . a tortoise; one of the outer winds of the body [causing the closing of the eyes])
kkara( . one of the five vital airs [that which assists in digestion]) < k(5. . to hurt, injure)
devadatta( . the Arjuna's conchshell; of one of the vital air [which is exhaled in yawning])
dhanajaya( . a particular vital air supposed to nourish the body) < dhana( . property,
wealth) +||+ jaya( . conquest) < ji(1. . to conquer)
[upapr] upapr( [ .]
upapra( . a secondary lifewind [belonging to the body])
[hdsananbhikahasarvgni] hd+sana+nbhi+kaha+sarva+agni( [
(+ )]
hd( . the mind, heart; the chest, breast; the soul)
sana( . sitting down; a seat, place; dwelling) pyu( . the anus)
nbhi( . the navel; any navellike cavity; the navel of the wheel; the centre; chief)
kaha( . the throat, the neck; the voice; sound)
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
aga( . the body; a limb or member of the body)
[sthnni] sthnni( [(+) .]

sthna( . stay; a place, spot; an abode, a house; a country, region, a town, city)
[kdirajoguaturyabhgena] ka+di+rajo+gua+turya+bhgena( .ins.) [
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
rajas( . dust, powder, dirt; the dust or pollen of flowers; foulness, passion, emotion)
gua( . a quality; a good quality, merit, virtue; use, advantage, good; effect, result)
turya( . the fourth; consisting of four parts: a quarter, a fourth part)
bhga( . a part, portion, division, share; allotment, distribution; lost, fate)
[karmendriyamasjat] karmendriyi( + asjat( [ .]
5karmendriyni() : vc(), pi(), pda(), pyu(), upastha()
karmendriya( . an organ of action) < karman( . action) + indriya( . an organ of sense)
[vkpipdapypasthstadvttaya] vk+pi+pda+pyu+upasth( +
tad+vttaya( [ ,]
vc( . a word, sound, an expression; words, talk, language, speech; a voice, sound)
pi( . the hand; a hoof)
pda( . the foot; a quarter, fourth part) < pad(10. . to go or move: 4. . to go to)
pyu( . the anus)
upastha( . near, approximate: . the lap: . the organ of generation; the anus)
vtti( . being, existence; abiding, remaining, attitude; state, condition)
[vacandnagamanavisargnandstadviay] vacana+dna+gamana+visarga+nand( +
tad+viay( [
vacana( . the act of speaking, uttering; a text; an order: . speaking, indicating)
dna( . taking, receiving, seizing; earning, getting; binding, fettering)
gamana( . going, motion, gait; approaching, going to)
visarga( . sending forth, emission; shedding, pouring down; casting, discharge; creation)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
viaya( . an object of sense; a worldly object or concern, an affair; an object, a thing)

2.04 Lu pixuvparxqiliMUhqxei |
AliMUhqlocWXMUxir |
xXMsmlrxqUhpqllxlklxiwr | asuSllpWSrpqkr
xjlq pixuiUrpal llSrqxei
iuYcebhxir | voSxmvmUxalkxiwr |
SauiMmciulSmlSqirM | clS uwhiuY vqp
eva bhtasattvabhgatrayasamaito'ntakaraamasjat |
antakaraamanobuddhicitthakrstadvttaya |
sakalpanicayasmarabhimnnusandhnstadviay |
galavadananbhihdayabhrmadhya sthnam bhtasattvaturyabhgena
jnendriyamasjat rotratvakcakurjihvghrstadvttaya |

16. _2 2745
abdaspararparasagandhstadviay |
digvtrkapraceto'vivahnndropendramtyuk | candro viucaturvaktra
ambhuca kradhip

, ,
, ,
. '' '' '' ''

[eva] eva( .) []
[bhtasattvabhgatrayasamaito'ntakaraamasjat] bhta+sattva+aa+bhga+traya
+samaita( .abl.) + antakaraam( .acc.) + asjat( [(+) (+
) .]
antakaraa() : buddhi(), ahakra(), manas(), citta().
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
sattva( . being, existence, entity; nature character; life, spirit; consciousness, mind, sense)
aa( . a share, part, portion; a share in property, inheritance)
bhga( . a part, portion, division, share; allotment, distribution; lost, fate)
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
samai( . collective pervasion or aggregate; totality)
antakaraa( . the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking
faculty, mind) < antar( . in the middle) + karaa( . doing; act; an organ of sense)
sj(6. . to create, produce, make; to put on, place on; to let go, let loose)
antakaraa+mano+buddhi+citta+ahakr( + tad+vttaya( [
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought)
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
vtti( . being, existence; abiding, remaining, attitude; state, condition)
sakalpa+nicaya+smaraa+abhimna+anusandhn( + tad+viay(
[ ,]
sakalpa( . will, volition; purpose, aim, intention; wish, desire; thought, idea)
nicaya( . ascertainment, investigation, inquiry; a fixed opinion, settled or firm conviction)
smaraa( . remembering, remembrance, recollection; thinking of or about)
abhimna( . pride, selfrespect; selfconceit, arrogance; the act of ahakra; conception)
anusandhna( . inquiry, investigation; aiming at; planning, arranging) < sandhna( . joining)
viaya( . an object of sense; a worldly object or concern, an affair; an object, a thing)
[galavadananbhihdayabhrmadhya] gala+vadana+nbhi+hdaya+bhrmadhya( .nom.)
[ ]

gala( . the throat, neck; the resin of the Sla tree; a kind of musical instrument)
vadana( . the face; the mouth; aspect, look, appearance)
nbhi( . the navel; any navellike cavity; the navel of the wheel; the centre; chief)
hdaya( . the heart, soul, mind; the bosom, chest, breast; love, affection)
bhrmadhya( . the space between the eyebrow) < bhr( . eyebrow)+madhya( . the middle)
[sthnam] sthnam( .nom.) [ .]
sthna( . stay; a place, spot; an abode, a house; a country, region, a town, city)
[bhtasattvaturyabhgena] bhta+sattva+turya+bhgena( .ins.) [(+)
turya( . the fourth; consisting of four parts: a quarter, a fourth part)
[jnendriyamasjat] jna+indriyi( + asjat( [ .]
5jnendriyni() : cakus(), rotra(), ghra(), rasas(), tvac()
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[rotratvakcakurjihvghrstadvttaya] rotra+tvak+caku+jihv+ghr( +
tad+vttaya( [ ,]
rotra( . the ear; proficiency in the Vedas; the Veda)
tvac( . skin; hide; bark, rind; any cover or coating)
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)
jihv( . the tongue; the tongue of fire, a flame; a sentence)
ghra(p.p. smelt: . smell; smelling; the nose: . the act of smelling; the nose)
[abdaspararparasagandhstadviay] abda+spara+rpa+rasa+gandh( +
tad+viay( [ .]
abda( . sound, note, noise in general; a word, sound, significant word)
spara( . touch, contact; conflict, encounter; feeling, sensation)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
rasa( . sap, juice; a liquid, fluid; taste, flavor; charm, interest)
gandha( . smell, odour; a very small quantity; a perfume: . smell; black aloe wood)
[digvtrkapraceto'vivahnndropendramtyuk] dig+vta+arka+pracetas+avi+vahni+indra
+upendra+mtyuk( [ '' ''
'' '' ]
di( . a direction, cardinal point, point of the compass; the mere direction of a thing)
vta(p.p. blown; desired or wished for: . air, wind; gout, rheumatism [& kapha and pitta])
arka( . fit to be worshipped: . a ray of light, a flash of lighting; fire; a crystal) sun
pracetas( . attentive, observant, mindful, clever, wise; happy: . N. of Varua)
avinau( .du. the two physicians of the gods who are represented as the twin sons of the Sun
by a nymph in the form of a mare)
vani( . fire; the digestive faculty, gastric fluid; digestion, appetite)
indra( . The lord of gods; the god of rain)
upendra( . N. of Viu or Ka as the younger brother of Indra in his dwarf incarnation)
mtyuka( .) = mtyu( . death, dying)
[candro] candra( .nom.) []
candra( . the moon; the eye in peacock's tail; water; gold)
[viucaturvaktra] viu( .nom.) + catur+vaktra([ .] .nom.) [ (+
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)

16. _2 2747
catur(num. . four: . four time)
vaktra( . the mouth; the face; snout, muzzle, beak; beginning)
[ambhuca] ambhu( .nom.) + ca( .) [ ]
ambhu( . causing happiness, granting prosperity: . N. of iva)
[kradhip] kraa+adhip( [ .]
karadhip = antakaradhip
'' , ,
, .
kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)
adhipa( . a lord, ruler, king, sovereign, head)

2.05 AjqrmhqrqlqrulqrllSqr mgcMv | AUxlu

piuUxlpu mmrUxqrmjur rsri xqrMv | iSu
xjsvUUq MqlSr xW mhSmgcM mhqrMv | llSr xW
oulqrMv | LiiMvr sXavUUq xumlqllSqrMv
| iiMUhvUUq
athnnamayapramayamanomayavijnamaynandamay pacako |
annarasenaiva bhtvnnarasenbhivddhi prpynnarasamayapthivy yadvilyate
so'nnamayakoa | tadeva sthlaarram karmendriyai saha prdipacaka
pramayakoa | jnendriyai saha buddhirvijnamayakoa | etatkoatraya
ligaarram svarpajnamnandamayakoa | tatkraaarram

, .
. .
, .

[athnnamayapramayamanomayavijnamaynandamay] atha( .) + annamaya+pramaya

+manomaya+vijnamaya+nandamay( . [
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
anna( . food; boiled rice; corn)
maya( . An affix used to indicate 'made of' 'consisting or composed of' 'full of'.)
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)

nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[pacako] paca+ko( [ .]
pacan(num. . five) < pac(1. . to spread out the hand with its five fingers)
koa( . a cask, vessel for holding liquids; a treasury; treasure; bud)
[annarasenaiva] anna+rasena( .ins.) + eva( .) [ () ]
rasa( . sap, juice; a liquid, fluid; taste, flavor; charm, interest)
[bhtvnnarasenbhivddhi] bhtv(ger.) + anna+rasena( .ins.) + abhivddhi( .acc.)
[ , () ]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
abhivddhi( . increase, growth, addition, success, prosperity)
[prpynnarasamayapthivy] prpya(ger.) + annarasa+maya+pthivy( .loc.) [,
() ]
prp(5. . to get, obtain, gain, acquire; to attain to, go to reach; to stretch, extend)
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[yadvilyate] yat(pn. .nom.) + vilyate( [() ,]
vil(4. . to cling or stick to, adhere to; to rest on, settle down; to be dissolved, to melt away)
[so'nnamayakoa] sa(pn. .nom.) + annamaya+koa( .nom.) [
[tadeva] tat(pn. .nom.) + eva( .) [ ()]
[sthlaarram] sthla+arra( .nom.) [.]
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[karmendriyai] karmendriyai( []
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[saha] saha( .) []
saha( . with, together with, along with, accompanied by [with ins.])
[prdipacaka] pra+di+pacaka( .acc.) [ ( )]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
pacaka( . consisting of 5: . a collection or aggregate of five, the pentad of five)
[pramayakoa] pramaya+koa( .nom.) [ .]
[jnendriyai] jna+indriyai( []
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
[saha] saha( .) []
[buddhirvijnamayakoa] buddhi( .nom.) + vijnamaya+koa( .nom.) [
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
[etatkoatraya] etat(pn. .nom.) + koa+traya( .nom.) [ ]
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
[ligaarram] liga+arram( .nom.) [.]
liga( . a mark, sign, token; a false or unreal mark; a symptom, mark of disease)
[svarpajnamnandamayakoa] svarpa+jnam( .nom.) + nandamaya+koa( .nom.)
[ ,]
svarpa( . one's own form or shape; natural character or form; kind, sort; real nature)
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)

16. _2 2749
[tatkraaarram] tat(pn. .nom.) + kraa+arram( .nom.) [ .]
kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)

2.06 Aj llSrmgcM MqlSrmgcM mhSmgcM

urSSmgcMqliMUhcir MqMqiqxrmUq
atha jnendriyapacaka karmendriyapacaka prdipacaka
viyaddipacakamantakaraacatuaya kmakarmatamsyaapuram

' .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[jnendriyapacaka] jnendriya+pacaka( .nom.) [ ]
5jnendriyni() : cakus(), rotra(), ghra(), rasas(), tvac()
jnendriya( . an organ of perception as cakusrotraghrarasastvac) < jna( .
cognizance, knowing, knowledge) + indriya( . an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
pacaka( . consisting of 5: . a collection or aggregate of five, the pentad of five)
[karmendriyapacaka] karmendriya+pacaka( .nom.) [ ]
5karmendriyni() : vc(), pi(), pda(), pyu(), upastha()
karmendriya( . an organ of action) < karman( . action) + indriya( . an organ of sense)
[prdipacaka] pra+di+pacaka( .nom.) [ (+ )]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
[viyaddipacakamantakaraacatuaya] viyat+di+pacakam( .nom.) + antakaraa
+catuaya( .nom.) [ ( ) ]
antakaraa() : buddhi(), ahakra(), manas(), citta().
5paca mahbhtni() : pthiv(), ap(), tejas(), vyu(), ka()
viyat( . going apart or asunder, being disolved: . the sky, heaven, air, atmosphere)
antakaraa( . the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking
faculty, mind) < antar( . in the middle) + karaa( . doing; act; an organ of sense)
catuaya( . fourfold, consisting of four: . a group or collection of four)
[kmakarmatamsyaapuram] kma+karma+tamsi( + aapuram( .nom.)
[ ''(+ ).]
kma( . wish, desire; affection, love: . object of desire)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
tamas( . darkness; mental darkness; darkness or ignorance)
aapura( . the totality of the subtle body) < aan(num. eight) + pura( . a town; the body)

2.07 Dvr uUe urSW muvr oqkr uiuqaqi, uliq
cSpx u uruWUM eaixjsSWpql MqpUi c uxr
lq pui | Dvr xiq urxqvUU muvr ql Akr
iexiuqaqi iex mipxM xumlMsmi Ci iexxr lq pui
| Dvr qrmkUurxqlui urMUhvUU muvr miuqaqi
mucN mUqjM xwmirpqli mxr lq pui |
AursvlcNSimUqjMeuxr iuqxrSuYrl ohMi
ea liUruruWUMmipxMr | AliMUhmioqoicilr
rSuuxjrpapui | x eaixumlxwmiruxj mmr
bOrluSal ei qi Cu xji pui | Aj
eaixumlxwmiqcNqUhuxj mgc puli
jay virjo vyaideha praviya buddhimadhihya vivatvamagamat
vijntm cidbhso vivo vyvahriko jgratsthladehbhimn karmabhriti ca
vivasya nma bhavati | jay strtm vyaiskmaarra praviya mana
adhihya taijasatvamagamat taijasa prtibhsika svapnakalpita iti taijasasya
nma bhavati | jay myopdhiravyaktasamanvito vyaikraaarra
praviya prjatvamagamat prjo'vicchinna pramrthika suuptyabhimnti
prjasya nma bhavati | avyaktalejncchditapramrthikajvasya
tattvamasydivkyni brahmaaikat jagu netarayorvyvahrikaprtibhsikayo |
antakaraapratibimbitacaitanya yattadevvasthtrayabhgbhavati | sa
jgratsvapnasuuptyavasth prpya ghayantravadudvigno jto mta iva sthito
bhavati | atha jgratsvapnasuuptimrcchmaradyavasth paca bhavanti

'' . ''
, , . ' ' ''
' . '' . ' '
'' .
' '
'' . '' . '
' '' .
' !'
'' , ''
'' , .

16. _2 2751

. , .

[jay] a+jay( .ins.) [ ]

a( . owning, possessing; powerful, supreme: . a lord, master; a husband; a Rudra)
j( . an order, command; permission, allowance; power of arrangement)
[virjo] virja( .nom.) []
virj( . .) < * + [kvit] <virj(1. .) [and] virja( . .) < * + a < virj(1. .)
virj( . splendid; a ruler: . beauty, splendour; the first progeny of Brahman) = virja( .)
[vyaideha] vyai+deha( .acc.) [ ]
vyai( . individuality, singleness; distributive, pervasion; [in Vednta phil.] an aggregate or
whole viewed as made up of many separate bodies [samai])
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[praviya] praviya(ger.) []
pravi(6. . to enter into; engaged in, occupied with; begun)
[buddhimadhihya] buddhim( .acc.) + adhihya(ger.) [ ]
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
adhih(1. . to stand on or upon, to sit in or upon, occupy; to be in, dwell in, inhabit)
[vivatvamagamat] vivatvam( .acc.) + agamat( ['' .]
'' . <UpaM_03>
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[vijntm] vijna+tm( np.nom.) [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[cidbhso] cit+bhsa( . .nom.) [ ] ' '
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
bhsa( . splendour, light, lustre; a reflection; resemblance, likeness)
[vivo] viva( .nom.) ['']
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
[vyvahriko] vyvahrika( p. .nom.) [ ]
vyvahrika( . relating to business, practical; legal, judicial; customary, usual) < vyavahra( .
doing, performing; dealing; work, job) < vyavah(1. . to deal in any transaction or business)
[jgratsthladehbhimn] jgrat( p. .nom.) + sthla+deha+abhimn( p. .nom.)
[ .]
abhimnin( . ~ ) < abhi(about) + man(to think) + in(agent)
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
abhimnin( . possessed of selfrespect; having a high opinion of oneself, proud) < mnin( .
fancying, considering; respecting; haughty, proud) < man(4.8. . to think; to consider, regard)
[karmabhriti] karmabh( .nom.) + iti( .) [ ' ' (+)]
karmabh( . the land of religious rites; this world [a place for man's probation]) < karman( .
act, business; work, activity) + bh( . the earth; the universe, globe; ground, floor; land)
[ca] ca( .)

[vivasya] vivasya( .gen.) ['']
[nma] nma( .nom.) [(+ ) ]
nman( . a name; the mere name; a noun; a word)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[jay] a+jay( .ins.) [ ]
[strtm] stra+tm( .nom.) [ ( )]
strtman( . having the nature of a string or thread: . the soul) < stra( . a thread, string,
line; a fiber; a wire; a rule, canon, decree)
[vyaiskmaarra] vyai+skma+arra( .acc.) [ ]
vyai( . individuality, singleness; distributive, pervasion; [in Vednta phil.] an aggregate or
whole viewed as made up of many separate bodies [samai])
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; little, small; fine, thin, delicate; nice; sharp)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[praviya] praviya(ger.) []
[mana] mane( .loc.) []
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[adhihya] adhihya(ger.) []
adhih(1. . to stand on or upon, to sit in or upon, occupy; to be in, dwell in, inhabit)
[taijasatvamagamat] taijasatvam( .acc.) + agamat( ['' .]
'' . - <UpaM_4>
taijasa( . luminous; made up or consisting of light: . the highly refined or subtle essence)
[taijasa] taijasa( .nom.) ['']
[prtibhsika] prtibhsika([ .] .nom.) [ .]
prtibhsika( . existing only in appearance, not real; looking like)
[svapnakalpita] svapna+kalpita([ .] .nom.) [' ']
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
kalpita( . arranged, made, fashioned, formed) < kalpa( . practicable, feasible; proper, fit)
[iti] iti( .) [ (+)]
[taijasasya] taijasasya( .gen.) ['']
[nma] nma( .nom.) [(+ ) ]
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[jay] a+jay( .ins.) [ ]
[myopdhiravyaktasamanvito] my+updhi([ .] .nom.) + avyakta+samanvita( . .nom.)
[ ( ) ]
[(vyaktasamanvito my)+updhi] : '(=prakti) '
[my+(vyaktasamanvito updhi)] : '(=brahman) '
my( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image; N. of...)
updhi( . fraud, deceit, trick; deception, disguise; attribute; limitation, condition)
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
samanvita(p.p. connected with; followed; corresponding or answering to [in comp.])
[vyaikraaarra] vyai+kraa+arra( .acc.) [ ]
karaa( . doing, performing, accomplishing; act, action; business, trade; an organ of sense)
[praviya] praviya(ger.) []
[prjatvamagamat] prjatvam( .acc.) + agamat( ['' .]
'' . - <UpaM_5>

16. _2 2753
prja( . intellectual; wise, learned, clever: . a wise or learned man)
[prjo'vicchinna] prja( .nom.) + avicchinna( . .nom.) ['' ]
avicchinna( . not separated, undivided; continuous, uninterrupted; ordinary, common)
[pramrthika] pramrthika([ .] .nom.) [ ( ).]
pramrthika( . relating to the highest truth or spiritual knowledge; real, essential) < *[g&i]
+ ika(taddhita) < paramrtha( . the highest or most sublime truth, true spiritual knowledge)
[suuptyabhimnti] suupti+abhimn( .nom.) + iti( .) [' '
suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)
abhimnin( . possessed of selfrespect; having a high opinion of oneself, proud)
[prjasya] prjasya( .gen.) ['']
[nma] nma( .nom.) [(+ ) ]
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
avyakta+lea+ajna+cchdita+pramrthika+jvasya( .gen.) [
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
lea( . a small bit or portion, a particle, an atom; smallness, littleness; a measure of time)
ajna( . ignorant, unwise: . ignorance, unconsciousness)
cchdita( .) < * + ita(past.pass.p.) < cchad(10. . to cover; to hide; to clothe, dress)
pramrthika( . relating to the highest truth or spiritual knowledge; real, essential)
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
'tat(pn. .nom.)+tvam(pn..nom.)+asi('+di+vkyni( [(+ )
' !' ]
. '' .
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
vkya( . speech, words; a sentence, period; an argument or syllogism)
[brahmaaikat] brahma( .ins.) + ekat( .acc.) [ (+
'' )]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
ekat( .) < * + t('the state of') < eka(pn. . one, single, alone, only)
[jagu] jagu( [.] ,
gai(1. . to sing, sing a song; to speak or recite in a singing tone; to relate, declare)
[netarayorvyvahrikaprtibhsikayo] na( .) + itarayo(pn. .gen.du.) +
vyvahrika+prtibhsikayo( .gen.du.) [ ('' )
('' ) (+ ) .]
'' '' .
itara(pn. . another, the other; the rest or others; other than, different from)
vyvahrika( . relating to business, practical; legal, judicial; customary, usual)
prtibhsika( . existing only in appearance, not real; looking like)
[antakaraapratibimbitacaitanya] antakaraa+pratibimbita+caitanya( .nom.) [

antakaraa() : buddhi(), ahakra(), manas(), citta()
antakaraa( . the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking
faculty, mind) < antar( . in the middle) + karaa( . doing; act; an organ of sense)
pratibimbita( . reflected, mirrored) < pratibimbana( . reflection; comparison)
caitanya( . spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation; soul, mind; consciousness, feeling)
[yattadevvasthtrayabhgbhavati] yat(pn. .nom.) + tat(pn. .nom.) + eva( .) +
avasth+traya+bhg([ .] .nom.) + bhavati( [()
() .]
avasth( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
bhj( .[comp.] sharing or participating in, liable to; having, enjoying; entitled to; feeling)
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[jgratsvapnasuuptyavasth] jgrat+svapna+suupti+avasth( [
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)
[prpya] prpya(ger.) []
prp(5. . to get, obtain, gain, acquire; to attain to, go to reach; to stretch, extend)
[ghayantravadudvigno] ghayantra+vat(adv.) + udvigna( p. .nom.) [
[ghayantravadudvigno] ghayantra+vat(adv.) + udvigna( p. .nom.) [
ghayantra( . a machine for raising water) < gha( . a small jar) + yantra( . any rope)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
udvigna(p.p. shuddering, starting, frightened, terrified, grieved, afflicted, sorrowful)
[jto] jta( p. .nom.) [ ]
jta(p.p. brought into existence, engendered; grown, arisen; caused, occasioned)
[mta] mta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
mta(p.p. dead, deceased; as good as dead, useless; calcined, reduced: . death)
[iva] iva( .) []
[sthito] sthita( p. .nom.) []
sthita(p.p. stood, remained, stayed; standing; standing up, risen; staying)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[atha] atha( .) []
jgrat+svapna+suupti+mrcch+maraa+di+avasth( [
mrcch( . fainting, swooning; spiritual ignorance or delusion; a process in calcining)
maraa( . the act of dying, death)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
avasth( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
[paca] paca(num. . []
pacan(num. . five) < pac(1. . to spread out the hand with its five fingers)
[bhavanti] bhavanti( [.]

16. _2 2755

2.08 iuiaWlui SllSr voSjuwraWhl eaSuxj

pui | i pqkr ai eu AmSqxiM urmr
MwuhZsrMi pui | iiTspM c pui | sMliUai
MqeiTs x Lu pX | x xupquSuruWUcNli Alipul
mu qaqir ii | MUhmUq eaixxMUijmokuSaa
WMmxTUh xumluxj pui | i u Lu eaSuruWUsm
Qqkr cUxiexiuqumr uxlmM eacr xupx
pxrlrjmxi xur pX
tattaddevatgrahnvitai rotrdijnendriyai abddyarthaviayagrahaajna
jgradavasth bhavati | tatra bhrmadhya gato jva pdamastaka vypya
kiravadyakhilakriykart bhavati | tattatphalabhuk ca bhavati |
lokntaragata karmrjitaphala sa eva bhukte | sa srvabhaumavadvyavahrc
chrnta antarbhavana praveu mrgamritya tihati | karaoparame
jgratsaskrotthaprabodhavadgrhyagrhakarpasphuraa svapnvasth bhavati |
tatra viva eva jgradvyavahralopnnmadhya carastaijasatvamavpya
vsanrpaka jagadvaicitrya svabhs bhsayanyathepsita svaya bhukte

' ' .

, .

' ' . ''
'' ,

[tattaddevatgrahnvitai] tattad+devat+graha+anvitai( . [ (+)

tattad(pn. several, various) < tad(pn. that, he, it, she)
devat( . divine dignity or power; a deity, god; the image of a deity; an organ of sense)
graha( . seizing, grasping; a grip, grasp; taking, receiving; a planet[Rhu]) eclipse
anvita(p.p. followed or attended by, joined by; possessed of; connected with; having)

[rotrdijnendriyai] rotra+di+jnendriyai( [ ]
rotra( . the ear; proficiency in the Vedas; the Veda)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
jnendriya( . an organ of perception as cakusrotraghrarasastvac) < jna( .
cognizance, knowing, knowledge) + indriya( . an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[abddyarthaviayagrahaajna] abda+di+artha+viaya+grahaa+jna( .nom.) [
~ ]
abda( . sound, note, noise in general; a word, sound, significant word)
artha( . object, purpose; cause, motive, reason, means; property, money)
viaya( . an object of sense; a place, spot; a country, realm, domain, territory)
grahaa( . seizing, catching; receiving, accepting; mentioning, uttering)
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
[jgradavasth] jgrat+avasth( .nom.) [ ]
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
avasth( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[tatra] tatra( .) [ ]
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
[bhrmadhya] bhrmadhya( .acc.) []
bhrmadhya( . the space between the eyebrow) < bhr( . eyebrow)+madhya( . the middle)
[gato] gata( . .nom.) []
gata(p.p. gone; passed away; dead; arrived at)
[jva] jva( .nom.) []
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
[pdamastaka] +pda+mastaka( .acc.) [ ]
([as a separable preposition with abl.] till, until, up to, as far as, unto)
pda( . the foot; a quarter, fourth part) < pad(10. . to go or move: 4. . to go to)
mastaka( . the head, skull; peak, summit) < masta( . the head)
[vypya] vypya(ger.) [ (+ ) ]
vyp(5. . to fill completely, pervade; to reach as far, extend to)
[kiravadyakhilakriykart] ki+ravaa+di+akhila+kriy+kart( .nom.) [
ki( . ploughing; agriculture, husbandry; the harvest)
ravaa( . the ear; the hypotenuse of a triangle: . the act of hearing; fame)
akhila( . whole, entire, without a gap, complete; [m] . completely)
kriy( . doing, execution, performance; an action, act; activity, labour)
kart( . a doer, one who does, makes; an agent; the Supreme Spirit)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[tattatphalabhuk] tattad+phalabhuk( .nom.) [ () ]
phalabhuj( . enjoying fruit) < phala( . a fruit; a result) + bhuj([comp.] . eating, enjoying)
[ca] ca( .)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[lokntaragata] lokn( + tara+gata( p. .nom.) [(+) ]
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
tara( . carrying, across or beyond, saving; passing over or beyond: . crossing)

16. _2 2757
gata(p.p. gone; passed away; dead; arrived at)
[karmrjitaphala] karma+arjita+phala( .acc.) [ ]
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
arjita( . acquired, gained, earned) < arj(1. . to procure, secure, gain; to take up)
phala( . fruit; crop, produce; a result; aim, purpose; use, good)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[eva] eva( .) [ ]
[bhukte] bhukte( [. .]
bhuj(7. . to eat, devour, consume; to enjoy, use, possess; to enjoy carnally)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[srvabhaumavadvyavahrcchrnta] srvabhauma+vat(adv.) + vyavahrt( .abl.) +
rnta( . .nom.) [(+ ) (+) ]
srvabhauma( . relating to the whole earth, universal: . an emperor, a universal monarch)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
vyavahra( . conduct, behaviour, action; affair, business, work; profession, occupation)
rnta(p.p. wearied, tired, fatigued, exhausted; calmed, tranquil)
[antarbhavana] antar+bhavana( .acc.) [ ]
antar( . in the middle, between; between, amongst, within)
bhavana( . being, existence; production, birth; an abode, residence, dwelling)
[praveu] praveu(inf.) [ ]
pravi(6. . to enter into; engaged in, occupied with; begun)
[mrgamritya] mrgam( .acc.) + ritya(ger.) [ ]
mrga( . seeking, search, tracing out; a walk, journey; a way, passage)
ri(1. . to resort or betake oneself to; to go through; to rest or depend upon)
[tihati] tihati( [.]
. . :
sth(1. . to stand; to stay, abide, dwell; to remain, be left; to be, exist)
[karaoparame] karaa+uparame( .abso.loc.) [ (+) ]
karaa( . doing, performing, accomplishing; act, action; business, trade; an organ of sense)
uparama( . ceasing, stopping; ending; abstaing from, giving up; death)
[jgratsaskrotthaprabodhavadgrhyagrhakarpasphuraa] jgrat+saskra+uttha+prabodha
+vat(adv.) + grhya+grhaka+rpa+sphuraa( .nom.) [
(+) ]

' ' ' '

jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
saskra( . making perfect, refining, polishing; refinement, perfection; education)
uttha( . born or produced from, arising, springing up, originating from)
prabodha( . awaking, regaining one's consciousness; blowing; wakefulness, sleeplessness)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
grhya( . to be taken or seized; to be understood; acceptable; to be admitted in evidence)
grhaka( . one who receives, takes &c.; captivating, persuading)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
sphuraa( . throbbing, quivering, trembling; breaking forth, arising, starting into view)

[svapnvasth] svapna+avasth( .nom.) [ ]
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
avasth( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[tatra] tatra( .) []
[viva] viva( .nom.) ['']
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
[eva] eva( .) []
[jgradvyavahralopnnmadhya] jgrat( . .nom.) + vyavahra+lopt( .abl.reason) +
n+madhya( .acc.) [ ]
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
vyavahra( . conduct, behaviour, action; affair, business, work; profession, occupation)
lopa( . taking away, deprivation; loss, destruction; abolition, cancellation)
n( . the tubular stalk of any plant; any tubular organ of the body; a pipe, flute)
madhya( . middle, central: . the middle, centre; the middle of the body, the waist)
[carastaijasatvamavpya] caran( p. .acc.) +|s|+ taijasatvam( .acc.) + avpya(ger.)
[ '' ]
car(1. . to walk, move, go about; to perform, do, act) > carat(pres.p.)
taijasa( . luminous; made up or consisting of light: . the highly refined or subtle essence)
avp(5. . to get, obtain, secure, gain; to reach, go to, enter; to suffer, incur, receive)
[vsanrpaka] vsan+rpaka( . .acc.) [ ]
vsan( . knowledge derived from memory; particularly, the impression unconsciously left on
the mind by past good or bad action, which therefore produces pleasure or pain; imagination)
rpaka( . form, figure, shape [comp.]; manifestation or representation; a sign, feature)
[jagadvaicitrya] jagat( .acc.) + vaicitrya( . .acc.) [ ]
jagat( . moving, living: . air, wind: . the world, the universe; the world of the soul)
vaicitrya( . variety, diversity; manifoldness; strangeness)
[svabhs] sva+bhs( .ins.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
bhs( . light, lustre, brightness; a ray of light; a reflection; majesty, glory)
[bhsayanyathepsita] bhsayan( p. .nom.) + yath( .) + psita( .acc.) [,
bhs(1. . to shine, glitter, be bright; come into the mind; to appear) > bhsayat(caus.pres.p.)
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
psita( . desired, wished for, dear to: . desire, wish)
[svaya] svaya( .) []
svaya( . oneself, spontaneously)
[bhukte] bhukte( [.]
bhuj(7. . to eat, devour, consume; to enjoy, use, possess; to enjoy carnally)

16. _2 2759

2.09 cMMUh xwmiruxj pui | pqulivMl m xWir

lQpqZ rj acNi ij eum eaixumlmmgc uruWir
lil muvr xullS pX
cittaikakara suuptyavasth bhavati | bhramavirntaakuni pakau sahtya
nbhimukha yath gacchati tath jvo'pi jgratsvapnaprapace vyavahtya
rnto'jna praviya svnanda bhukte


[cittaikakara] citta+eka+kara( p. .nom.) [ ()]

citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought)
karaa( . doing, performing, accomplishing; act, action; business, trade; an organ of sense)
[suuptyavasth] suupti+avasth( .nom.) [ ]
suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)
avasth( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[bhramavirntaakuni] bhrama+virnta+akuni( .nom.) [ ]
bhrama( . moving or roaming about, roving; turning round, whirling; circular motion)
virnta(p.p. ceased, stopped; rested, reposed; calm, tranquil) < viea( . peculiar; specialized)
+ rnta(p.p. wearied, tired, fatigued, exhausted; calmed, tranquil)
akuni( . a bird; a vulture, kite or eagle; a cock)
[pakau] pakau( .acc.du.) [ ]
paka( . a wing, pinion; the side of anything; one of two cases)
[sahtya] sahtya(ger.) []
sah(1. . to bring or draw together; to draw out, suck; to contract, compress; to withdraw)
[nbhimukha] na+abhimukha([ .] .acc.adv.) [ ]
na( . a bird's nest; a bed, couch; a lair, den; the interior or a seat of a carriage)
abhimukha( . with the face turned or directed towards; coming or going near)
[yath] yath( .) []
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
[gacchati] gacchati( [ ]
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[tath] tath( .) [ ]
tath( . in that manner, so, thus; yes, so be it, so it shall be)

[jvo'pi] jva( .nom.) + api( .) [ ]
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
[jgratsvapnaprapace] jgrat+svapna+prapace( .loc.) [
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
prapaca( . display, manifestation; development, expansion; amplification, expatiation)
[vyavahtya] vyavahtya(ger.) []
vyavah(1. . to deal in any transaction or business; to act, behave, deal with)
[rnto'jna] rnta( . .nom.) + ajna( .acc.) [ ( )]
. : + =
rnta(p.p. wearied, tired, fatigued, exhausted; calmed, tranquil)
ajna( . ignorant, unwise: . ignorance, unconsciousness)
[praviya] praviya(ger.) []
pravi(6. . to enter into; engaged in, occupied with; begun)
[svnanda] sva+nanda( .acc.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[bhukte] bhukte( [.]
bhuj(7. . to eat, devour, consume; to enjoy, use, possess; to enjoy carnally)

2.10 AMxqlqUShQxiQiurlprqlSrxXbi Mqmu qiisr

qcN pui
akasmnmudgaradadyaistitavadbhayjnbhymindriyasaghtai kampanniva
mtatuly mrcch bhavati

[akasmnmudgaradadyaistitavadbhayjnbhymindriyasaghtai] akasmd( .) +
mudgara+daa+dyai( + tita+vat(adv.) + bhaya+ajnbhym( .abl.du.) +
indriya+saghtai( [
akasmd( . accidentally, suddenly; without cause or ground, causelessly, in vain)
mudgara( . a hammer, mallet; a club, mace; a staff for breaking clouds of earth)
daa( . a stick, staff; the scepter of a king; attack, assault, violence, punishment)
dya( . first, primitive; being at the head; beginning with, and so on; eatable)
tita(p.p. struck, beaten, chastised) < ta(10. . to beat, strike; punish by bating, hit)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
bhaya( . fear, alarm, dread; fright, terror; a danger, risk)
ajna( . ignorant, unwise: . ignorance, unconsciousness)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
saghta( . union, combination, an association; a multitude, an assemblage; killing, slaughter)

16. _2 2761
[kampanniva] kampan( p. .nom.) +|n|+ iva( .) [ ]
kampan( . .nom.) < kampat(pres.p.) < kamp(1. . to shake)
kamp(1. . to shake, tremble, move about: [caus.] cause to tremble; to utter with a thrill)
iva( . like, as; as if, as it were; little, some what)
[mtatuly] mta+tuly( . .nom.) [ ]
mta(p.p. dead, deceased; as good as dead, useless; calcined, reduced: . death)
tulya( . equal to, similar) < tul(1. .10. . to weigh, measure; to compare, equal)
[mrcch] mrcch( .nom.) []
mrcch( . fainting, swooning; spiritual ignorance or delusion; a process in calcining)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)

2.11 eaixumlxwmiqcNuxjlqlr oSxiqomrli xueuprmS

xjsSWuxel qUhuxj pui | MqlSrh llSrh
iwrlmhlxWir MqMqlui Aupiui eu SWliU mmr
sMliU acNi | mYMqTsmMluiliUMOuli lu acNi |
xiMqmUmMi oWl elqlqli lh qcN eri
jgratsvapnasuuptimrcchvasthnmany brahmdistambaparyanta
sarvajvabhayaprad sthladehavisarjan maravasth bhavati | karmendriyi
jnendriyi tattadviaynprnsahtya kmakarmnvit avidybhtaveito jvo
dehntara prpya lokntara gacchati |
prkkarmaphalapkenvartntarakavadvirnti naiva gacchati |
satkarmaparipkato bahn janmanmante n mokecch jyate

' '
. ,

. ,

[jgratsvapnasuuptimrcchvasthnmany] jgrat+svapna+suupti+mrcch+avasthnm
( + any( . .nom.) [ (
~ ~) ]
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)

mrcch( . fainting, swooning; spiritual ignorance or delusion; a process in calcining)
avastha( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
anya(pn. . another, different; other than, different from)
[brahmdistambaparyanta] brahma+di+stamba+paryanta( .acc.) [
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
stamba( . a clump of grass; a sheaf of corn; a cluster, clump or bunch in general)
paryanta( . bounded by, extending as far as; adjoining: . circuit, circumference; skirt, edge)
[sarvajvabhayaprad] sarva+jva+bhaya+prad( . .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
bhaya( . fear, alarm, dread; fright, terror; a danger, risk)
prada( . giving, bestowing or conferring on; liberal, bountiful)
[sthladehavisarjan] sthla+deha+visarjan( .nom.) [ ]
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
visarjana( . emitting, sending forth; giving away, a gift; voiding; casting off, abandoning)
[maravasth] maraa+avasth( .nom.) [ ]
maraa( . the act of dying, death)
avasth( . state, condition, situation; position, circumstance; period, stage)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[karmendriyi] karmendriyi( []
karmendriya( . an organ of action) < karman( . action) + indriya( . an organ of sense)
[jnendriyi] jnendriyi( []
jnendriya( . an organ of perception as cakusrotraghrarasastvac) < jna( .
cognizance, knowing, knowledge) + indriya( . an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[tattadviaynprnsahtya] tattad( .) + viayn( + prn( +
sahtya(ger.) [(+ ) ]
tattad(pn. several, various) < tad(pn. that, he, it, she)
viaya( . an object of sense; a worldly object or concern, an affair; an object, a thing)
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
sah(1. . to bring or draw together; to draw out, suck; to contract, compress; to withdraw)
[kmakarmnvit] kma+karma+anvit( . .nom.) [ ]
kma( . wish, desire; affection, love: . object of desire)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
anvita(p.p. followed or attended by, joined by; possessed of; connected with; having)
[avidybhtaveito] avidy+bhta+veita( . .nom.) [ ]
avidy( . ignorance, folly, want of learning; spiritual ignorance; illusion)
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
veita(p.p. surrounded, enclosed; wrapped up, dressed; blocked: . encircling, surrounding)
[jvo] jva( .nom.) []
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
[dehntara] deha+antara( .acc.) [(+ ) ]
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)

16. _2 2763
antara( . being in the inside, interior: . the interior, inside; soul, heart; the Supreme soul)
[prpya] prpya(ger.) []
prp(5. . to get, obtain, gain, acquire; to attain to, go to reach; to stretch, extend)
[lokntara] loka+antara( .acc.) [(+ ) ]
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[gacchati] gacchati( [.]
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[prkkarmaphalapkenvartntarakavadvirnti] prk+karma+phala+pkena( .ins.) + varta
+antara+ka+vat(adv.) + virnti( .acc.) [
prk( . before [w/abl.]; at first, already; previously; as far as, up to)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
phala( . fruit; crop, produce; a result; aim, purpose; use, good)
pka( . small; praiseworthy: . cooking, dressing; burning, baking; digestion; grain, corn)
varta( . turning, round, winding, revolving; a whirlpool, an eddy; deliberation)
antara( . being in the inside, interior; near, proximate; different from)
ka( . hard, harsh: . a worm, an insect)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
virnti( . rest, repose; cessation, stop)
[naiva] na( .) + eva( .) []
[gacchati] gacchati( [ . .]
[satkarmaparipkato] sat+karma+paripkata( .abl.) [ ]
sat( . being, existing; real, essential: . a good or virtuous man: . that which really exists)
paripka( . being completely cooked or dressed; digestion; ripening, maturing)
[bahn] bahn( . []
bahu( . much, many, frequent, numerous; plentiful, great)
[janmanmante] janmanm( + ante( .loc.) [ ]
janman( . birth; origin, rise, production, creation; life, existence)
anta( . end, limit, boundary; whole amount; nature, condition, sort, species)
[n] n( []
n( . a man, a person whether male or female; a piece at chess)
[mokecch] moka+icch( .nom.) [ ]
moka( . liberation, release, escape, freedom; rescue, deliverance; final emancipation)
icch( . wish, desire, inclination of mind; willingness) < i(6. . to wish, desire)
[jyate] jyate( [.]
jan(4. . to cause to be born; to generate, produce, happen become)


2.12 iS xqir cUMsxur olk q Mimri | AucUMi

olk ucUlq pui | ixqixS ucUri AkrUmmuSi xum
lrMi vYri | ixqixS ucUreeaeeumUqiql
eupueauok mirap ouuvwri Ci
tad sadgurumritya ciraklasevay bandha moka kacitprayti | avicrakto
bandho vicrnmoko bhavati | tasmtsad vicrayet adhyroppavdata
svarpa nicaykartu akyate | tasmtsad vicrayejjagajjvaparamtmano
jvabhvajagadbhvabdhe pratyagabhinna brahmaivvaiyata iti

( )
. ,
. .
'' '' .

[tad] tad( .) [(+ ) ]

[sadgurumritya] sat+gurum( .acc.) + ritya(ger.) [ ]
sat( . being, existing; real, essential: . a good or virtuous man: . that which really exists)
guru( . heavy, weighty: . a father; any venerable or respectable person; a teacher)
ri(1. . to resort or betake oneself to; to go through; to rest or depend upon)
[ciraklasevay] cirakla+sevay( .ins.) [ ]
cirakla( . a long time) < cira( . long, lasting a long time: . a long time) + kla
sev( . service, attendance on, dependence; worship, homage)
[bandha] bandha( .acc.) []
bandha( . binding, tying, tie; putting together; a chain, fetter)
[moka] moka( .acc.) []
moka( . liberation, release, escape, freedom; rescue, deliverance; final emancipation)
[kacitprayti] kacit(pn. .nom.) + prayti( [ .]
. .
kimcit( . to a certain degree, somewhat, a little)
pray(2. . to walk, go; to depart, go forth or out; to advance, progress; to enter)
[avicrakto] avicra+kta( .abl.reason) [ ]
avicra( . void of judgment, undiscriminating, illjudging, unwise; unhesitating, prompt)
kt( .[comp.] accomplisher, doer, maker: . a class of affixes used to form derivatives)
[bandho] bandha( .nom.) []
[vicrnmoko] vicrt( .abl.reason) + moka( .nom.) [ ]
vicra( . reflection, deliberation, thought; examination, discussion; judgment) < vicar(1. .)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]

16. _2 2765
[tasmtsad] tasmt( .) + sad( .) [ ]
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)
[vicrayet] vicrayet( [ .]
vicar(1. . to wander about, roam over; to do, perform; to act, deal: [caus.] to think, reflect)
[adhyroppavdata] adhyropa+apavdata( .abl.) ['' '' '' ''
adhyropa() : .
apavda() :
(=) .
adhyropa( . raising, elevating &c.; [Vednata Phil.] act of attributing falsely or through
mistake, erroneously attributing the properties of one thing to another; erroneous knowledge)
apavda( . censuring, reviling, censure, reproach, blame; an exception; an order, command)
[svarpa] svarpa( .acc.) [ (+) ]
svarpa( . one's own form or shape; natural character or form; kind, sort; real nature)
[nicaykartu] nicaykartu(inf.) []
nicaykartu(inf.) < nicayk(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < nicaya( .)
nicaya( . ascertainment, investigation, inquiry; a fixed opinion, settled or firm conviction)
[akyate] akyate( [.]
ak(4. . to be able, have power to effect; to bear, endure; to give; to aid)
[tasmtsad] tasmt( .) + sad( .) [ ]
[vicrayejjagajjvaparamtmano] vicrayet( + jagat+jva+paramtmana(
[ .]
jagat( . moving, living: . air, wind: . the world, the universe; the world of the soul)
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
paramtman( . the Supreme Spirit or Brahman) < parama( . most distant, last; highest, best;
extreme; worst) + tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[jvabhvajagadbhvabdhe] jvabhva+jagadbhva+bdhe( .loc.) [
bhva( . being, existing; becoming, occurring; state, condition)
bdha( . pain, suffering; disturbance, molestation; harm, injury)
[pratyagabhinna] pratyag+abhinna( . .nom.) [ ]
prati( . each every thing) + ac(1. . to go) > pratyac( . go everywhere) > Brahman
pratyac( . turned or directed towards: . an individual soul) > pratyag(comp.)
abhinna( . not broken or cut, unbroken; unaffected; unchanged; the same, identical)
[brahmaivvaiyata] brahma( .nom.) + eva( .) + avaiyate( [
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
avai(1. .10. .[mostly in pass.] to be left last or as a remainder; to remain over or behind)
< i(1. .10. . to leave as remainder)
[iti] iti( .) [.]

2.00 Ci irkrr
iti dvityo'dhyya


3.01 Aj Wl mXas mmcN rusYr qWuYruuUhqloWi

atha haina paigala prapaccha yjavalkya mahvkyavivaraamanubrhti


[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
[paigala] paigala( .nom.) []
[prapaccha] papraccha( []
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .acc.) []
[mahvkyavivaraamanubrhti] mah+vkya+vivaraam( .acc.) + anubrhi( + iti( .)
[ ! .]
mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
vkya( . speech, words; a sentence, period; an argument or syllogism)
vivaraa( . displaying, expressing, unfolding; laying open; explanation, comment) < viv(5.9. .)
anubr(2. . to pronounce, recite; to utter; to address, invite; learn by heart)

3.02 x Wuc rusYrxiuqx iu iSx iu oxmSq oxqirlxlkl

Mri i mUrvos xuiuSsh qrmk xccSllSsh
ealxiimSucr pui | x
LuliMUhxqpokxqimirrusqolxiuqmSucr pui |
mUeumkqru uWr iumSsr mirap o | iuqxirW
oxqi uYrjucU uh pui | LMlil uhjlxlkl qll
pui | uhqlllucMixj uxilrMilur cixjml
lSkrxl pui | krikrl uWr luixjiSmuSkrrMacU c

16. _3 2767
xqkpui | iSlqiqacU ur xqiji Ai puli | i
xqUhSlqrli | CWlSxxU xgci MqMOrllu usr rli |
iiprxmOuixWxv xSqikU uwi | ii rauq xqk
kqqb mW | uxles lvwqql musmi Mqxgcr mhrmm
xqslqsi mYmUqm MUisqsMuYrqmiomUxiMU
mxri | iS eulq pui
sa hovca yjavalkyastattvamasi tva tadasi tva brahmspadam
brahmsmtyanusandhna kuryt tatra prokyaabala sarvajatvdilakao
myopdhi saccidnandalakao jagadyonistatpadavcyo bhavati | sa
evntakaraasambhinnabodho'smtpratyayvalambanastvampadavcyo bhavati |
parajvopdhimyvidye vihya tattvapadalakya pratyagabhinna brahma |
tattvamastyaha brahmsmti vkyrthavicra ravaa bhavati | ekntena
ravarthnusandhna manana bhavati | ravaamanananirvicikitse'rthe
vastunyekatnavattay cetasthpana nididhysana bhavati | dhytdhyne
vihya nivtasthitadpavaddhyeyaikagocara citta samdhirbhavati |
tadnmtmagocar vttaya samutthit ajt bhavanti | t smaradanumyante
| ihndisasre sacit karmakoayo'nenaiva vilaya ynti |
tato'bhysapavtsahasraa sadmtadhr varati | tato yogavittam samdhi
dharmamegha prhu | vsanjle nieamamun pravilpite karmasacaye
puyappe samlonmlite prkparokamapi karatalmalakavadvkyamapratibaddha
aparokasktkra prasyate | tad jvanmukto bhavati

' .' ' .' ' .' ' .'
. ' '
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'' .
'' '' . '
.' ' .' '' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' .

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. '' .
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[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)
[yjavalkyastattvamasi] yjnavalkya( .nom.) + tat(pn. .nom.) + tvam(pn..nom.) +
asi( [. .]
aham brahma asmi | tat tvam asi | sarvam kalvidam brahma |
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tva] tva(pn..nom.) []
[tadasi] tat(pn. .nom.) + asi( [ .]
[tva] tva(pn..nom.) []
[brahmspadam] brahma+spadam( .nom.) [ .]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
spada( . a place, site, seat, room; an abode, subject; rank, position)
[brahmsmtyanusandhna] brahma( .nom.) + asmi( + iti( .) +
anusandhna( .acc.) [() . ()]
anusandhna( . inquiry, investigation; aiming at; planning, arranging) < sandhna( . joining)
[kuryt] kuryt( [ .]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[tatra] tatra( .) [ ]
[prokyaabala] prokya+abala( . .nom.) [ ]
prokya( . mystery, secrecy) < paroka( . out of or beyond the range of sight, invisible)
abala( . spotted, brindled, variegated; varied, divided into various parts)
[sarvajatvdilakao] sarvajatva+di+lakaa( . .nom.) [' ' ]
sarvajatva( .) < * + tva('the state of') < sarvaja( . allknowing, omniscient)
lakaa( . a mark, token, sign; a symptom [of a disease]; an attribute, a quality)
[myopdhi] my+updhi( . .nom.) [ ]
my( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image; N. of...)
updhi( . fraud, deceit, trick; deception, disguise; attribute; limitation, condition)
[saccidnandalakao] sat+cit+nanda+lakaa( . .nom.) ['' '' '' ]
' '
sat( . being, existing; real, essential: . a good or virtuous man: . that which really exists)
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
[jagadyonistatpadavcyo] jagat+yoni( .nom.) + 'tat'+pada+vcya([ .] .nom.) [
'' ]
jagat( . moving, living: . air, wind: . the world, the universe; the world of the soul)
yoni( . womb, uterus; any place of birth or origin; a mine; an abode, a place)
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
vcya( . to be spoken, told or said; to be predicated; expressed: . blame; a predicate)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[evntakaraasambhinnabodho'smtpratyayvalambanastvampadavcyo] eva( .) + antakaraa
+sambhinna+bodha( . .nom.) + asmt(pn. .abl.) + pratyaya+avalambana( . .nom.) +
'tvam'+pada+vcya([ .] .nom.) [()
( ) (+'') '' ]

16. _3 2769
[or] asmat+pratyaya+avalambana( . .nom.) ['' ]
antakaraa() : buddhi(), ahakra(), manas(), citta()
antakaraa( . the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking
faculty, mind) < antar( . in the middle) + karaa( . doing; act; an organ of sense)
sambhinna(p.p. completely broken; shattered, shaken, agitated; combined or united with)
bodha( . knowing, understanding: . perception, apprehension; idea, thought; waking up)
pratyaya( . conviction, settled belief; trust, reliance, faith; conception, idea, notion)
avalambana( . a prop, support, stay; help, assistance; having recourse to, resorting to) <
lambana( . the phlegmatic humour; a campfollower: . hanging down, depending)
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
vcya( . to be spoken, told or said; to be predicated; expressed: . blame; a predicate)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[parajvopdhimyvidye] para+jva+updhi+my+avidye( .acc.du.) [
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
updhi( . fraud, deceit, trick; deception, disguise; attribute; limitation, condition)
my( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image; N. of...)
avidy( . ignorance, folly, want of learning; spiritual ignorance; illusion)
[vihya] vihya(ger.) [ ]
vih(2. . to leave, abandon, give up)
[tattvapadalakya] 'tat'+'tva'+pada+lakya( .nom.) ['' '' ]
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
lakya(pot.p. to be looked at or observed, visible, observable: . an aim, target; a sign)
[pratyagabhinna] pratyag+abhinna( . .nom.) [ ]
pratyac( . turned or directed towards: . an individual soul) > pratyag(comp.)
abhinna( . not broken or cut, unbroken; unaffected; unchanged; the same, identical)
[brahma] brahma( .nom.) [.]
[tattvamastyaha] tat(pn. .nom.) + tvam(pn..nom.) + asi( + iti( .) +
aha(pn..nom.) [ . (+), ]
[brahmsmti] brahma( .nom.) + asmi( + iti( .) [ . ]
[vkyrthavicra] vkya+artha+vicra( .nom.) [ ]

vkya( . speech, words; a sentence, period; an argument or syllogism)
artha( . object, purpose; cause, motive, reason, means; property, money)
vicra( . reflection, deliberation, thought; examination, discussion; judgment)
[ravaa] ravaa( .nom.) ['']
ravaa( . the act of hearing) < * + ana(kt) < ru(5. . to hear)
ravaa( . the ear; the hypotenuse of a triangle: . the act of hearing; fame)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[ekntena] ekntena( .ins.) [ ]
eknta( . a lonely or retired place, solitude; exclusive aim or boundary)
[ravarthnusandhna] ravaa+artha+anusandhna( .nom.) [ ]

anusandhna( . inquiry, investigation; aiming at; planning, arranging) < anu( . along with) +
sandhna( . joining, uniting; union, combination; mixing, compounding)

[manana] manana( .nom.) ['']
manana( . thoughtful, careful: . thinking, reflection, meditation; intelligence, understanding)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[ravaamanananirvicikitse'rthe] ravaa+manana+nirvicikitse( . .loc.) + arthe( np.loc.)
[ ]
nirvicikitsa( . free from doubt or reflection) < vicikits( . doubt, hesitation, uncertainty;
mistake, error; finding out the real state)
artha( . object, purpose; cause, motive, reason, means; property, money)
[vastunyekatnavattay] vastuni( .loc.) + ekatnavattay( .ins.) [
( )]
ekatnavatt( .) < * + t('the state of') < ekatnavat( .) < * + vat < ekatna( .)
vastu( . a real existing, the real; a thing in general, an object; wealth)
ekatna( . concentrated or fixed on one object only, closely attentive)
[cetasthpana] ceta+stha+pana( .nom.) [ ]
cetas( . consciousness, sense; thinking soul; the mind, heart, soul)
stha([comp.] . standing, staying, abiding; immovable) < sth(1. . to stand; to stay)
pana( . getting, obtaining, reaching &c.; pepper)
[nididhysana] nididhysana( .nom.) ['']
nididhysana( . profound and repeated meditation, constant musing)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[dhytdhyne] dhyt+dhyne( .acc.du.) [() () ]
3 : () () ()
dhyt( . one who reflects upon, a thinker)
dhyna( . meditation, reflection, thought) < dhyai(1. . to think of, meditate upon)
[vihya] vihya(ger.) []
vih(2. . to leave, abandon, give up)
[nivtasthitadpavaddhyeyaikagocara] nivta+sthita+dpa+vat(adv.) + dhyeya+eka+gocara
( . .nom.) [ ]
nivta( . sheltered from the wind, not windy, calm; unhurt, uninjured; safe) < vta( . wind)
sthita(p.p. stood, remained, stayed; standing; standing up, risen; staying)
dpa( . a light, lamp) < dp(4. . to blaze, flare, shine)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
dhyeya( . to be meditated upon, to be contemplated; fit for meditation; to be imagined)
gocara( . the range of cattle, pasturage; a district, department; range of the organs of sense)
< go( . cattle) + cara( . movable; going, wandering)
[citta] citta( .nom.) []
citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought)
[samdhirbhavati] samdhi( .nom.) + bhavati( ['' .]
(ravaa) : .
(manana) : .
(nididhysana) : .
(samdhi) : () .
samdhi( . collecting, composing, concentrating; intentness, concentration; penance)
[tadnmtmagocar] tadnm( .) + tma+gocar( . [(
) ( )]
tadnm( . then, at that time)

16. _3 2771
n( . leading, guiding, a leader or guide)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[vttaya] vttaya( [(+ ) ]
vtti( . being, existence; abiding, remaining, attitude; state, condition)
[samutthit] samutthit( p. []
samutthita(p.p. risen, raised; recovered; born) < samutth(1. . to stand up, rise)
[ajt] ajt( p. [(+ ) ]
jta( . knowing, intelligent, wise: . knowledge)
[bhavanti] bhavanti( [,]

, .
[t] t(pn. [(+) ]
[smaradanumyante] smarat( .abl.) + anumyante( [
smaraa( . remembering, remembrance, recollection; thinking of or about)
anum(3. .2. . to infer [as from some signs, premises &c.]; to reconcile, equal)
[ihndisasre] iha( .) + andi+sasre( .loc.) [ ]
iha( . here, in this place or case; in this world; now, at this time)
andi( . having no beginning, eternal, existing from eternity)
sasra( . course, passage; the course or circuit of worldly life; transmigration)
[sacit] sacit( . []
sacita(p.p. heaped up, accumulated, hoarded, collected; laid by, stored; enumerated)
[karmakoayo'nenaiva] karma+koaya( + anena(pn. .ins.) + eva( .) [
( ) ]
karman( . action, work, deed; duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
koi( . the curved end of a bow; the end or extremity; edge or point in general; ten millions)
[vilaya] vilaya( .acc.) []
vilaya( . dissolution, liquefaction; destruction, death, end) < vil(4. . to be dissolved)
[ynti] ynti( []
y(2. . to go, proceed, move, set out; to march against; to go or be reduced to any state)
[tato'bhysapavtsahasraa] tata( .) + abhysa+pavt( .abl.) + sahasraa( .)
[ 1 (1 )]
tatas( . in that manner, so, thus; and also, so also, as well as; true, exactly so)
abhysa( . repetition in general; repeated practice or exercise; habit, custom, practice)
pava( . sharpness, acuteness; cleverness, skill; energy; quickness, rashness)
sahasraas( . by thousands) < sahasra( . a thousand; a large number)
[sadmtadhr] sad( .) + amta+dhr( [ ]
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
dhra( . holding; streaming: . a sudden and violent shower of rain; snow, hail)
[varati] varati( [.]
v(1. . to rain; to rain or pour down; to grant, bestow; to produce)
[tato] tata( .) []
[yogavittam] yogavittam( [ ]
yogavid( . knowing the proper method, skilful, clever; conversant with Yoga: . a yogin)

tama(a taddhita affix of the supelative degree applied to nouns, adjective and also to verbs)
[samdhi] samdhi( .acc.) [(+ ) ]
samdhi( . collecting, composing, concentrating; intentness, concentration; penance)
[dharmamegha] dharma+megha( .acc.) ['']
dharma( . that which is established or firm, law; usage, practice, duty; right, justice)
megha( . a cloud; a mass, multitude)
[prhu] prhu( [.]
'ah' () : ttha(.sg.), hathu(.du.), ha(.sg.), hatu(.du.), hu(.pl.)
prh([only perf. prha] to announce, declare, utter, express, say, tell) < ah(5. . to say)
[vsanjle] vsan+jle( .abso.loc.) [(+ ) ]
vsan( . knowledge derived from memory; particularly, the impression unconsciously left on
the mind by past good or bad action, which therefore produces pleasure or pain; imagination)
jla( . a net, snare; a web, cobweb; a coat of mail, a helmet made of wire)
[nieamamun] nieam( .) + amun(pn. .ins.) [ ()]
nioa( . wholly, completely, totally) < nioa( . whole, complete, entire)
[pravilpite] pravilpite( p. .abso.loc.) [ ,]
pravilpita( .) < * + ita(past.pass.p.) < pravil(4. . to become dissolved, melt or vanish
away) < vil(4. . to rest on, settle down; to be dissolved, to melt away)
[karmasacaye] karma+sacaye( .abso.loc.) [ ]
karman( . action, work, deed; duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
sacaya( . heaping up, gathering; hoard, heap; a large quantity, collection)
[puyappe] puya+ppe( . .abso.loc.) [ ]
puya( . holy, sacred; good, meritorious: . virtue, religious or moral merit; purity)
ppa( . evil, sinful, wicked; mischievous, destructive: . evil; sin: . sinful person)
[samlonmlite] samla+unmlite( p. .abso.loc.) [ ,]
samla( . along with the roots)
unmlita( .) < * + ita(past.pass.p.) < unml(10. . to eradicate, pluck up by the root)
[prkparokamapi] prk( .) + parokam([ .] .acc.) + api( .) [
prk( . before [w/abl.]; at first, already; previously; as far as, up to)
paroka( . out of or beyond the range of sight, invisible; unknown: . absence, invisibility)
[karatalmalakavadvkyamapratibaddhparokasktkra] karatala+malaka+vat(adv.) +
vkyam( .nom.) + apratibaddha+aparoka+sktkra( .acc.) [ ''
(+) (+) ]
vkyam mahvkyam : aham brahma asmi | tat tvam asi | sarvam kalvidam brahma |
karatala( . the palm of the hand) < kara( . a hand) + tala( . a surface)
malaka( . the tree, Emblic Myrobalan: . fruit of the Emblic Myrobalan)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
vkya( . speech, words; a sentence, period; a percept, rule)
pratibaddha(p.p. bound, tied, fastened to; connected with; hindered, obstructed)
aparoka( . not invisible, perceptible to the senses, visible; not distant or remote)
skkra( . perception, apprehension, knowledge) < skt( . in the presence of, before the
very eyes, visibly) + kra( . doer, making; . an act, action; power, strength)
[prasyate] prasyate( [.]
pras(2.4. . to beget, generate, produce; to bring forth) < s(2.4. . to bring forth, produce)
[tad] tad( .) []

16. _3 2773
[jvanmukto] jvanmukta( .nom.) [ ]
jvanmukta( . liberated while alive) < jvat( . living, alive) + mukta(p.p. loosened, relaxed;
set free, liberated; abandoned, left)
jvanmukta( .) : a man who, being purified by a true knowledge of the Supreme Spirit, is freed
from the future birth and all ceremonial rites while yet living.
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]

3.03 Dv mgcMipilqmgcMUh Mi xMqri |

ohQiisMlMrm MUhiu mmriu ii xqXa
MqlSrh mh llSrhrliMUhcir cMMir xuh
piMl MUh pimgcM xrer pq es es u u ur
urqMv cMvqWXMU cWXMU qWi qWSurur mw qh
usri | uUQRUhrapU EmkusrimUqiql srli |
MqrixiMqmUmMimgcMUh mmr xqhMpiu
MUhmiuqx iiMUh MOxj miraiql usri | uiexm
xuxumksrimiraiql srli | AhQ lall Sak MUh xW
mUqiql sl pui | ii oh xqWi piu iumSYrqu xS
Mri ii qbmrvqluiqupui | kriu qkrxjqiql
MsvliUSmui AXaqqiqlqkqerimMq
a packtabhtnmapackaraa kartu so'kmayata |
brahmatadgataloknkryarpca kraatva prpayitv tata skmga
karmendriyi prca jnendriyyantakaraacatuaya caikktya sarvi
bhautikni krae bhtapacake sayojya bhmi jale jala vahnau vahni vyau
vyumke ckamahakre chakra mahati mahadavyakte'vyakta purue
kramea vilyate | virhirayagarbhevar updhivilaytparamtmani lyante |
karmakaytsatkarmaparipkato'packaraa prpya skmeaikbhtv
kraarpatvamsdya tatkraa kasthe pratyagtmani vilyate |
vivataijasaprj svasvopdhilaytpratyagtmani lyante | aa jngnin
dagdha kraai saha paramtmani lna bhavati | tato brhmaa samhito
bhtv tattvapadaikyameva sad kuryt tato meghpye'umnivtmvirbhavati
| dhytv madhyasthamtmna kalantaradpavat


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, , ,

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. .

[a] a( .nom.) []
a( . owning, possessing; powerful, supreme: . a lord, master; a husband; a Rudra)
[packtabhtnmapackaraa] packta+bhtnm( + a+packaraa( .acc.)
[ (~) ]
packta(p.p.) < * + ta(kt) < pack(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < pacan(num. .)
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
packaraa( . a philosophical term meaning the action by which anything is constituted of the
five elements [1/2 of one and 1/8 of other four elements])
karaa( . doing, performing, accomplishing; act, action; business, trade; an organ of sense)
[kartu] kartu(inf.) []
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[so'kmayata] sa(pn. .nom.) + akmayata( [ .]
kam(1.10. . to love, be enmaoured of, be in love with; to long for, wish, desire)
[brahmatadgataloknkryarpca] brahma+tadgata+lokn( + krya+rpn
( . +||+ ca( .) [() ]
brahma( . the egg of Brahman', the primordial egg from which the universe sprang)
tadgata( . gone or directed to that, intent on that, devoted to that, belonging to that)
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
krya(pot.pass.p. what ought to be done, made, performed, effected: . work, action, act)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[kraatva] kraatva( .acc.) [ ]
kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)
[prpayitv] prpayitv(caus.ger.) [ ,] ,
prp(5. . to get, obtain, gain, acquire; to attain to, go to reach; to stretch, extend)
[tata] tata( .) []
tatas( . in that manner, so, thus; and also, so also, as well as; true, exactly so)
[skmga] skma+aga( .acc.) [ ]
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; little, small; fine, thin, delicate; nice; sharp)
aga( . the body; a limb or member of the body)
[karmendriyi] karmendriyi( []

16. _3 2775
karmendriya( . an organ of action) < karman( . action) + indriya( . an organ of sense))i
[prca] prn( +||+ ca( .) [ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[jnendriyyantakaraacatuaya] jnendriyi( + antakaraa+catuaya( .acc.)
[ ]
jnendriya( . an organ of perception as cakusrotraghrarasastvac)
antakaraa( . the internal organ; the heart, soul; the seat of thought and feeling, thinking
faculty, mind) < antar( . in the middle) + karaa( . doing; act; an organ of sense)
catuaya( . fourfold, consisting of four: . a group or collection of four)
[caikktya] ca( .) + ekktya(ger.) [ ,]
ekk(8. . to collect; to unite, join together, combine) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < eka( .)
[sarvi] sarvi( . []
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[bhautikni] bhautikni( []
bhautika( . belonging to created or living beings; formed of coarse elements, elemental)
[krae] krae( np.loc.) []
kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)
[bhtapacake] bhta+pacake( .loc.) [ ]
pacabhtni(gross elements) : pthiv(), ap(), tejas(), vyu(), ka().
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
pacaka( . consisting of 5: . a collection or aggregate of five, the pentad of five)
[sayojya] sayojya(caus.ger.) [ ,]
sayuj(7. . to join together, connect, unite; to endow or furnish with; to form an alliance)
[bhmi] bhmi( .acc.) []
bhmi( . the earth; soil, ground; a territory, country) < bh(1. . to be born or produced)
[jale] jale( .loc.) []
jala( . dull, cold, frigid; stupid, idiotic: . water)
[jala] jala( .acc.) []
[vahnau] vahnau( .loc.) []
vani( . fire; the digestive faculty, gastric fluid; digestion, appetite)
[vahni] vahni( .acc.) []
[vyau] vyau( .loc.) []
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[vyumke] vyum( .acc.) + ke( .loc.) [ ]
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[ckamahakre] ca( .) + kam( .acc.) + ahakre( .loc.) [ ]
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
[chakra] ca( .) + ahakra( .acc.) [ ]
[mahati] mahati( .loc.) []
mahat( . great: . greatness: . the great principle, the intellect [distinguished from manas],
[mahadavyakte'vyakta] mahat( .acc.) + avyakte( .loc.) + avyakta( .acc.) [
, ]
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
[purue] purue( .loc.) []
purua( . a male being, man; mankind; the soul; the supreme being)

[kramea] kramea( .ins.adv.) []
krama( . a step, pace; a foot; going, proceeding, course; performance)
[vilyate] vilyate( [. .]
vil(4. . to cling or stick to, adhere to; to rest on, settle down; to be dissolved, to melt away)
[virhirayagarbhevar] vir+||+hirayagarbha+var( [
virj( . splendid, excellent; a ruler: . beauty, splendour; the first progeny of Brahman)
hirayagarbha( . N. of Brahman as born from a goldenegg)
vara( . powerful, able, capable of; wealthy: . a lord, master; a king; a great man)
[updhivilaytparamtmani] updhi+vilayt( .abl.) + paramtmani( .loc.) [
( ) ]
updhi( . fraud, deceit, trick; deception, disguise; attribute; limitation, condition)
vilaya( . dissolution, liquefaction; destruction, death, end)
paramtman( . the Supreme Spirit or Brahman) < parama( . most distant, last; highest, best;
extreme; worst) + tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[lyante] lyante( [. .]
l(4. .[lyate] to stick or adhere firmly on, recline, stay or dwell in)
[packtamahbhtasambhavakarmasacitasthladeha] packta+mahbhta+sambhava+karma
+sacita+sthla+deha( .nom.) [ (+)
packta(p.p.) < * + ta(kt) < pack(8. .) < *[i] + ||+k('cvi') < pacan(num. .)
mahbhta( . a great or primary element: . the Supreme Being; a great creature)
sambhava( . birth, production, springing up; production and bringing up; cause, origin, motive)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
sacita(p.p. heaped up, accumulated, hoarded, collected; laid by, stored; enumerated)
sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[karmakaytsatkarmaparipkato'packaraa] karma+kayt( .abl.) +
satkarma+paripkata( .abl.) + a+packaraa( .acc.) [(+) (+)
kaya( . a house, abode; loss, decline, waste; destruction, end, termination)
satkarman( . a virtuous or pious act; virtue, piety; funeral obsequies)
paripka( . being completely cooked or dressed; digestion; ripening, maturing)
packaraa( . a philosophical term meaning the action by which anything is constituted of the
five elements [1/2 of one and 1/8 of other four elements])
[prpya] prpya(ger.) []

prp(5. . to get, obtain, gain, acquire; to attain to, go to reach; to stretch, extend)
[skmeaikbhtv] skmea( .ins.) + ekbhtv(ger.) [( )
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; small; fine, thin; sharp: . an atom: . sand: ...)
ekbh(1. . to become one, blend, combine, bemingled)
[kraarpatvamsdya] kraa+rpa+tvam( .acc.) + sdya(ger.) [
( ) ]
sad(1. . to sit, lie down; to sink down, plunge into) > sdayitv(ger.) or sdya(ger.)

16. _3 2777
kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
sad(1. . to sit down or near; to approach, reach, to go to or towards; to meet with, find)
[tatkraa] tat+kraa( .nom.) [ (+)]
[kasthe] kasthe( . .loc.) [ ]
kastha( . standing at the top, occupying the highest place: . the Supreme Soul) < ka( .
false; immovable, steady; despised) + stha([comp.] . standing, staying, abiding; immovable)
[pratyagtmani] pratyag+tmani( .loc.) [( )]
pratyac( . turned or directed towards; being behind; following; turn back) > pratyag(comp.)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[vilyate] vilyate( [. .]
vil(4. . to cling or stick to, adhere to; to rest on, settle down; to be dissolved, to melt away)
[vivataijasaprj] viva+taijasa+prj( ['' '' '' ]
'' , ''
, '' . ' '
prja( . intellectual; wise, learned, clever: . a wiseor learned man)
taijasa( . luminous; made up or consisting of light: . the highly refined or subtle essence)
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
[svasvopdhilaytpratyagtmani] sva+sva+updhi+layt( .abl.) + pratyag+tmani( .loc.)
[ ( ) ( )]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
updhi( . fraud, deceit, trick; deception, disguise; attribute; limitation, condition)
laya( . sticking, union, adherence; lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution)
[lyante] lyante( [. .]
l(4. .[lyate] to stick or adhere firmly on, recline, stay or dwell in)
[aa] aa( .nom.) []
aa( . the testicles; the scrotum; an egg)
[jngnin] jna+agnin( .ins.) [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[dagdha] dagdha( p. .nom.) []
dagdha(p.p. burnt, consumed by fire; consumed by grief, tormented, distressed)
[kraai] kraai( [(+) ]
kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)
[saha] saha( .) []
saha( . with, together with, along with, accompanied by [with ins.])
[paramtmani] paramtmani( .loc.) [ ]
paramtman( . the Supreme Spirit or Brahman) < parama( . most distant, last; highest, best;
extreme; worst) + tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[lna] lna( p. .nom.) []
lna(p.p. clung or adhered to, stuck to; lurking, hid, concealed; resting or reclining on)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[tato] tata( .) []
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) [ ]
brhmaa( . belonging to a Brhmaa: . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)

[samhito] samhita( p. .nom.) []
samhita(p.p. brought together, assembled; adjusted, settled; composed, collected, calm)
samdhna( . putting together, uniting; fixing the mind in abstract contemplation on the true
nature of spirit; profound or abstract meditation, deep contemplation)
[bhtv] bhtv(ger.) []
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[tattvapadaikyameva] 'tat'+'tva'+pada+aikyam( .acc.) + eva( .) ['' ''
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
aikya( . oneness, unity, harmony; unanimity; identity, sameness
[sad] sad( .) []
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)
[kuryt] kuryt( [ .]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[tato] tata( .) [ ]
[meghpye'umnivtmvirbhavati] megha+apye( .abso.loc.) + aumn( . .nom.) +
iva( .) + tm( .nom.) + virbhavati( [
[] meghpyai'umn meghpye'umn
megha( . a cloud; a mass, multitude)
apya( . going away, departure; destruction, loss, death; ill, misfortune, risk)
ape(2. . to go away, depart, withdraw, escape) < apa( . away, away from) + i(2. . to go)
aumat( . luminous, radiant; pointed; fibrous: . the sun) < au( . a ray, beam of light)
virbh(1. . to become manifest, appear, become visible, show oneself to) < vis( . before
the eyes, openly, evidently) + bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced)
[dhytv] dhytv(ger.) []
dhyai(1. . to think of, meditate upon, ponder over, contemplate, reflect upon, imagine)
[madhyasthamtmna] madhya+stham( . .acc.) + tmna( .acc.) [(+)
madhya( . middle, central: . the middle, centre; the middle of the body, the waist)
stha([comp.] . standing, staying, abiding; immovable) < sth(1. . to stand; to stay)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[kalantaradpavat] kalaa+antara+dpa+vat(adv.) [ ]
kalaa( . a pitcher, waterpot, a jar, dish; a churn; a kind of measure)
antara( . being in the inside, interior; near, proximate; different from)
dpa( . a light, lamp) < dp(4. . to blaze, flare, shine)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
[aguhamtramtmnamadhmajyotrpakam] aguha+mtram( . .acc.) + tmnam( .acc.)
+ adhma+jyot+rpakam( . .acc.) [ (+)
(+ ).]
jyotrpaka < jyot + rpaka < jyotir + rpaka < jyotis + rpaka
aguha( . the thumb; a thumb's breadth)
mtra( . measure, quantity; the whole, nothing but, only)
dhma( . smoke, vapour; mist, haze; a could; a smoke inhaled)
jyotis( . light, lustre, brightness, flash; light of Brahman; a heavenly body)
rpaka( . form, figure, shape [comp.]; manifestation or representation; a sign, feature)

16. _3 2779
3.04 mMvrliqlixj krriMOxjqurrq |
krrxi qlu cxmiUqixi r
prakayantamantastha dhyyetkasthamavyayam |
dhyyannste municaiva csuptermtestu ya

, , ,
, .

[prakayantamantastha] prakayantam([ .] .acc.) + antastha([ .] .acc.) [

prak(1. . to shine, gleam; to become visible, come to light) > prakayat(caus.pres.p.)
antastha( . being between or in the midst)
[dhyyetkasthamavyayam] dhyyet( + kastham([ .] .acc.) +
avyayam([ .] .acc.) [ .]
dhyai(1. . to think of, meditate upon, ponder over, contemplate, reflect upon, imagine)
kastha( . standing at the top, occupying the highest place: . the Supreme Soul)
avyaya( . not liable to change, imperishable, undecaying; eternal, overlasting)
[dhyyannste] dhyyan( . .nom.) +|n|+ ste( [ ]
dhyai(1. . to think of, meditate upon, ponder over, contemplate, imagine) > dhyyat(pres.p.)
s(2. . to sit, sit down, rest, lie; to be present, to exist; to sit quietly, abide, remain)
[municaiva] muni( .nom.) + ca( .) + eva( .) [ ]
muni( . a saint, sage, monk)
[csuptermtestu] ca( .) + ( .) + supte( .abl.) + ( .) + mte( .abl.) + tu( .)
[ ]
supti( . sleep, sleepiness, drowsiness; insensibility, paralysis; trust, confidence)
mti( . death, dying)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() .]

3.05 eulq x ur x klr MiMirul eulqmS irYiu xuSW

MsxiMi | uvirSWqiu mulxmlSiqu
jvanmukta sa vijeya sa dhanya ktaktyavn jvanmuktapada tyaktv
svadehe klastkte | viatyadehamuktatva pavano'spandatmiva

' ' . .


[jvanmukta] jvanmukta([ .] .nom.) [ () ()]
jvanmukta( . liberated while alive) < jvat( . living, alive) + mukta(p.p. loosened, relaxed)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) [(+) ]
[vijeya] vijeya( p. .nom.) [.]
vijeya( . knowable, cognizable; to be learned; to be regarded)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[dhanya] dhanya( .nom.) [ ]
dhanya( . blessed, fortunate: . a lucky or blessed man, a fortunate being)
[ktaktyavn] kta+ktyavn( . .nom.) [ .]
kta(p.p. done, performed, made, effected, accomplished; wounded, hurt; acquired)
ktya( . what should or ought to be done, right, proper: . duty, function; work, deed)
vat( . an affix added to nouns to show 'possession')
[jvanmuktapada] jvanmukta+pada( .acc.) [ ]
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[tyaktv] tyaktv(ger.) []
tyaj(1. . to leave, abandon; to let go, dismiss; to give up, renounce)
[svadehe] sva+dehe( .abso.loc.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[klastkte] kla+st+kte( p. .abso.loc.) [ ]
bhasman( . ashes) > bhasmast(adv.) bh [to be completely reduced to ashes.]
kla( . black; injuring, hurting: . death; time in general)
st( . a taddhita affix to show that something is completely changed into the thing expressed
by that word, or that it is left at the complete disposal or control of that thing.)
[viatyadehamuktatva] viati( + adeha+muktatva( .acc.) [
vi(6. . to enter, go or enter into; to go or come to, come into the possession of)
mukta(p.p. loosened, relaxed; set free, liberated; abandoned, left)
[pavano'spandatmiva] pavana( .nom.) + aspandatm( .acc.) + iva( .) [
(+) .]
pavana( . clean, pure: . air, wind; a householder's sacred fire; a purifier wind)
aspandat( .) < * + t('the state of') < aspanda( . not trembling or moving, motionless)
iva( . like, as; as if, as it were; little, some what)

3.06 AvoSqxmvqmqurr ijUx lirqalkucc ri |

Allli qWi mU ku iSu vwrirqs lUqrq
aabdamasparamarpamavyaya tathrasa nityamagandhavacca yat |
andyananta mahata para dhruva tadeva iyatyamala nirmayam


16. _3 2781
[aabdamasparamarpamavyaya] aabdam( . .nom.) + asparam( . .nom.) + arpam
( . .nom.) + avyaya( . .nom.) [ ]
abda( . sound, note, noise in general; a word, sound, significant word)
spara( . touch, contact; conflict, encounter; feeling, sensation)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
avyaya( . not liable to change, imperishable, undecaying; eternal, overlasting)
[tathrasa] tath( .) + arasa( . .acc.) [ ]
tath( . in that manner, so, thus; yes, so be it, so it shall be)
rasa( . sap, juice; a liquid, fluid; taste, flavor; charm, interest)
[nityamagandhavacca] nityam( .) + agandhavat( . .nom.) + ca( .) [
nitya( . always, constantly, regularly) < nitya( . continual, perpetual, everlasting, eternal)
gandha( . smell, odour; a very small quantity; a perfume: . smell; black aloe wood)
vat( . an affix added to nouns to show 'possession')
[yat] yat(pn. .nom.) [() ,]
[andyananta] andi+ananta( . .nom.) [ ]
andi( . having no beginning, eternal, existing from eternity)
ananta( . endless, eternal: . N. of Viu; the cloud; Vsuki, the lord of serpents)
[mahata] mahata( .abl.) []
mahat( . great: . greatness: . the great principle, the intellect [distinguished from manas],
the second of the 25element or tattvas recognized by the Skhyas)
[para] para( . .nom.) []
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[dhruva] dhruva( . .nom.) []
dhruva( . fixed, firm, immovable, stable, permanent; certain, sure, inevitable)
[tadeva] tat(pn. .nom.) + eva( .) [ ]
[iyatyamala] iyati( + amala( . .nom.) [(+ )
i(1. .10. . to leave as a remainder, spare: 7. . to leave as a reminder)
amala( . free from dirt or impurities, pure, undefiled, stainless, spotless; white, bright)
[nirmayam] nirmayam( . .nom.) [ .]
nirmaya( . free from disease or illness, sound, healthy; untainted, pure; guileless)

3.00 Ci iirkrr
iti ttyo'dhyya


4.01 Aj Wl mXas mmcN rusYr ll M Mq M c xjiUi |

x Wuc rusYr | AqliuSxqm qqUMuviMs iUri |
oulqh MsqMUvi iUri |
Aiql Ujl u vUU Ujqu c |
o i xUj u ql maWqu c
atha haina paigala prapaccha yjavalkya jnina ki karma k ca sthitiriti
| sa hovca yjavalkya | amnitvdisampanno mumukurekaviatikula
trayati | brahmavinmtrea kulamekottaraata trayati |
tmna rathina viddhi arra rathameva ca |
buddhi tu srathi viddhi mana pragrahameva ca

' ' ? ?

21 ,

101 .
, !
, .

[atha] atha( .) []
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; thereupon)
[haina] ha( .) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
[paigala] paigala( .nom.) []
[prapaccha] papraccha( []
pracch(6. . to ask, question; to ascertain, learn by inquiry; to seek for)
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .acc.) []
[jnina] jnina( .gen.) [' ']
jnin( . intelligent, wise: . an astrologer; a sage, one possessed of spiritual knowledge)
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) [ ]

16. _4 2783
[karma] karma( .nom.) [?]
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
[k] k(pn. .nom.) [ ( )]
[ca] ca( .)
[sthitiriti] sthiti( .nom.) + iti( .) [(+ ) ? .]
sthiti( . standing, remaining, staying; stopping, standing still; remaining stationary)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
[yjavalkya] yjavalkya( .nom.) [.]
[amnitvdisampanno] amnitva+di+sampanna( . .nom.) [ ]
' '
amnitva( . modesty, humility)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
sampanna(p.p. prosperous, rich; fortunate, successful; endowed with, possessed of)
[mumukurekaviatikula] mumuku( .nom.) + ekaviati+kula( .nom.) [
mumuku( . desirous of liberating: . a sage striving after final emancipation or beatitude)
ekaviati( . twentyone)
kula( . a race, family; the residence of a family, a seat, house; a high or noble family)
[trayati] trayati( [(+) ,]
t(1. . to cross over, over; to sail across, navigate; to float, swim; to get over)
[brahmavinmtrea] brahmavit+mtrea( .ins.) [ ]
brahmavid( . knowing the Supreme Spirit: . a sage, theologian, philosopher)
mtra( . measure, quantity; the whole, nothing but, only)
[kulamekottaraata] kulam( .acc.) + ekottaraata( . .acc.) [ 101]
ekottaraata( . 101) < eka(num. . one) + uttara( . upper) + ata( . a hundred)
[trayati] trayati( [(+) .]
[tmna] tmna( .acc.) []
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[rathina] rathina( .acc.) [ ]
rathin( . riding or driving in a carriage: . an owner of a carriage; a warrior; a driver)
[viddhi] viddhi( [!]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[arra] arra( .acc.) [ ]
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[rathameva] ratham( .acc.) + eva( .) [ .]
ratha( . a carriage, chariot; a hero; a foot; a limb, part, member; the body)
[ca] ca( .)
[buddhi] buddhi( .acc.) [() ]
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
[tu] tu( .)
[srathi] srathi( .acc.) []
srathi( . a charioteer; a companion, helper; the ocean; a leader, guide)
[viddhi] viddhi( [!]
[mana] mana( .acc.) [ ]

manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[pragrahameva] pragraham( .acc.) + eva( .) [ .]
pragraha( . holding in front, stretching forth; seizing: . holding or stretching forth; a rein)
[ca] ca( .)

4.02 ClSrh WrlWuwrxiw acUl |

eXaql uqll WSrl qlwh
indriyi haynhurviaysteu gocarn |
jagamni vimnni hdayni mania

[] ,

[indriyi] indriyi( []

indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[haynhurviaysteu] hayn( + hu( + viayn( +|s|+
teu(pn. [ (=) ]
haya( . a horse; a man of a particular class; the number of seven)
ah(5. . to say, speak, mention; to acknowledge)
viaya( . an object of sense; a worldly object or concern; the pleasure of sense)
[gocarn] gocarn( [( ).]
gocara( . the range of cattle, pasturage; a district, department; range of the organs of sense)
[jagamni] jagamni( . []
jagama( . moving, living, movable: . a movable thing)
[vimnni] vimnni( []
vimna( . disrespect, dishonour; a measure; a balloon, a heavenly car; a palace)
[hdayni] hdayni( []
hdaya( . the heart, soul, mind; the bosom, chest, breast; love, affection)
[mania] mania( .gen.) [(+ ) .]
manin( . wise, learned, intelligent, clever: . a wise or learned person, a sage)

4.03 AiqlSrqlr pirWqWwr |

ii lUrh xSr xmii
tmendriyamanoyukta bhoktetyhurmaharaya |
tato nryaa skddhdaye supratihita

' ' .
'' .

16. _4 2785
[tmendriyamanoyukta] tma+indriya+mano+yukta( .acc.) [
( )]
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
yukta(p.p. joined, united; adapted, fitted; fit, proper, suitable)
[bhoktetyhurmania] bhokt( .nom.) + iti( .) + hu( + maharaya(
[' ' .]
bhokt( . one who enjoys or eats; possessing: . a possessor, enjoyer, user)
mahari( . a great sage or saint)
[tato] tata( .) []
[nryaa] nryaa( .nom.) ['']
nryaa( . an epithet of Viu)
[skddhdaye] skt( .) +|d|+ hdaye( .loc.) [ ]
skt( . in the presence of, before the very eyes, visibly; in person, actually in bodily form)
hdaya( . the heart, soul, mind; the bosom, chest, breast; love, affection)
[supratihita] su+pratihita( p. .nom.) [ .]
su( . well, good; beautiful, handsome; easily, readily)
pratihita(p.p. set up, erected; fixed, established; placed, situated; installed)

4.04 mUokMqmrliqWlqMuSuruWUi |
clSuccUi SW x qlMil
prrabdhakarmaparyantamahinirmokavadvyavaharati |
candravaccarate deh sa muktacniketana



[prrabdhakarmaparyantamahinirmokavadvyavaharati] prrabdha+karma+paryantam( .acc.) +

ahinirmoka+vat(adv.) + vyavaharati( [
(acc.) .
'(anrabdhakarma)', '(kriyamakarma)'.
prrabdha(p.p. begun, commenced: . what is begun, an undertaking)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
paryanta( . bounded by, extending as far as; adjoining: . circuit, circumference; skirt, edge)
ahinirmoka( . the slough of a serpent) < ahi( . a serpent, snake) + nirmoka( . setting free,
liberating; a hide, skin; the slough of a serpent)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
vyavah(1. . to deal in any transaction or business; to act, behave, deal with)

[candravaccarate] candra+vat(adv.) + carate( [(+ ) ]
candra( . the moon; the eye in peacock's tail; water; gold)
car(1. . to walk, move, go about; to perform, do, act; to act, behave towards)
[deh] deh( p. .nom.) [ ]
dehin( . incarnate, embodied: . a living being, especially a man)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[muktacniketana] mukta( . .nom.) + ca( .) + aniketana( . .nom.) [
mukta(p.p. loosened, relaxed; set free, liberated; abandoned, left)
aniketana( .) < niketana( . a mansion, house, abods) | aniketa( . houseless, vagrant)

4.05 ij mcaW u il uWr ri Musrq

mhluMr ri Musrq
i maos MrSju Zll cUi |
mx muel m liUr MScl
trthe vapacaghe v tanu vihya yti kaivalyam
prnavakrya yti kaivalyam
ta pacddigbali kurydathav khanana caret |
pusa pravrajana prokta netarya kadcana


[trthe] trthe( .loc.) []

trtha( . a passage, road, way; a holy place, place of pilgrimage, a shrine)
[vapacaghe] va+paca+ghe( .loc.) [() () ]
(cala: . a general name for the lowest and most despised of
the mixed castes originating from a dra father and a Brhmaa mother)
van( . a dog) > [nom.] vvnauvna; [] una
paca( . cooking, roasting; digesting: . cooking, maturing)
gha( . a house, dwelling, habitation, mansion; a wife; the life of a householder)
[v] v( .)
[tanu] tanu( .acc.) []
tanu( . the body; outward form, manifestation; nature, the form of character of anything)
[vihya] vihya(ger.) []
vih(2. . to leave, abandon, give up)

16. _4 2787
[yti] yti( []
y(2. . to go, move, walk; to march against; to happen, come to pass; to behave, act)
[kaivalyam] kaivalyam( .acc.) [( ).]
kaivalya( . the state of Brahman) < * + ya < kevala( . exclusive; alone, sole Brahman)
kaivalya( . perfect isolation, soleness, exclusiveness; detachment of the soul from matter)
[prnavakrya] prn( + avakrya(ger.) [ ]
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
avak(6. . to bestow, pour upon, to shower upon, cover with; throw out; leave)
[yti] yti( []
y(2. . to go, move, walk; to march against; to happen, come to pass; to behave, act)
[kaivalyam] kaivalyam( .acc.) [( ).]
[ta] ta(pn. .acc.) []
tanu( . body) t(pn. .acc.) or arra( . the body) tat(pn. .acc.)
[pacddigbali] pact( .) + digbali( .acc.) [ (
pact( . from behind, from the back; behind, backwards; after, then, afterwards)
digbali( . food for appeasing the hunger of birds and the like) < bali( . an oblation, a gift or
offering; worship, adoration; a victim offered to a diety)
kkabali( .) < kka( . a crow) + bali( . an oblation; adoration; a victim offered to a diety)
[kurydathav] kuryt( + atha( .) + v( .) [ . ]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
[khanana] khanana( .acc.) []
khanana( . digging, excavating; burying)
[caret] caret( [ () .]
car(1. . to walk, move, go about; to perform, do, act; to act, behave towards)
[pusa] pusa( .gen.) [ ]
pus( . a male; a man, human being; man, mankind, people)
[pravrajana] pravrajana([ .] .acc.) [ ]
pravrajana( .) < * + ana(kt) < pravraj(1. . to go into exile; to renounce all worldly
attachments: [caus.] to banish, send into exile; to compel to become a monk)
pravrajana( . going, abroad, sojourning; going into exile; turning a recluse)
[prokta] prokta( p. .nom.) [(+) ,]
prokta( . announced, told, taught, mentioned; said, spoken, addressed; called, declared)
[netarya] na( .) + itarya([ .] .dat.) [ ]
itarasmai(pn. .dat.) < itara(pn. .)
itara(pn. . another, the other; the rest or others; other than, different from)
[kadcana] kadcana( .) [.]
kadcana( . at some times, one day, at one time or another, once) < kad( . when)

4.06 lvc lalMr c l mhQ lSMr |

l MrimuhSl opir pu
nauca ngnikrya ca na pia nodakakriy |
na kurytprvadni brahmabhtya bhikave


'' ,
'' .

[nauca] na( .) + aauca( .acc.) [ (+10 ) ]

aauca : 10 .
aauca( . impurity, dirtiness, foulness; legal impurity or contamination)
[ngnikrya] na( .) + agni+krya( .nom.) [ ()]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
krya(pot.pass.p. what ought to be done: . work, action, act; a motive, object, purpose)
[ca na] ca( .) + na( .) [ ]
[pia] pia( .nom.) [''('' )]
pia( . solid; compact, dense, close: . a round mass, ball; a lump, clod)
[nodakakriy] na( .) + udaka+kriy( .nom.) [ ()]
udaka( . water)
kriy( . doing, execution, performance; an action, act; activity, labour)
[na] na( .)
[kurytprvadni] kuryt( + prvaa+dni( [ ''
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
prvaa( . belonging or relating to a Parvan, falling on a Parva day: . the ceremony of
offering oblations to all the manes at a Parvan)
parvan( . the days of the four change of the moon; the 8th & 14th day of each half month and
the days of the fullnew moon; a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
[brahmabhtya] brahmabhtya( . .dat.) [ ]
brahmabhta( . become one with Brahma, absorbed into the Supreme Spirit)
[bhikave] bhikave( .dat.) [ .]
bhiku( . a beggar, mendicant in general; a religious mendicant; a Buddhist mendicant)

4.07 Sakxr SWl lxi mYuxr mcl rj |

lalSakSWxr l c l c r
dagdhasya dahana nsti pakvasya pacana yath |
jngnidagdhadehasya na ca rddha na ca kriy



16. _4 2789
[dagdhasya] dagdhasya([ .] .gen.) [ ]
dagdha(p.p. burnt, consumed by fire; consumed by grief, tormented, distressed)
[dahana] dahana( .nom.) [(+) ]
dahana( . burning, consuming by fire; destructive: . fire: . burning, consuming by fire)
[nsti] nsti( .) [ ]
nsti( . 'it is not', nonexistence)
[pakvasya] pakvasya([ .] .gen.) [ ]
pakva( . cooked, roasted, boiled; digested; baked, burned, annealed)
[pacana] pacana( .nom.) [(+) (+ )]
pacana( . cooking, dressing, maturing: . fire: . cooking, dressing, maturing)
[yath] yath( .) [,]
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
[jngnidagdhadehasya] jna+agni+dagdha+dehasya([ .] .gen.) [
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[ca] ca( .)
[na] na( .) [ ]
[rddha] rddha( .nom.) ['' ]
'(rddha)' : 12 10
'' , 1 ''
, 3 1 '' .
rddha( . faithful, believing: . a funeral rite or ceremony performed in honour of the
departed spirits of dead relatives; an obsequial oblation)
[ca] ca( .)
[na] na( .) [ ]
[kriy] kriy( .nom.) [.]
kriy( . doing, execution, performance; an action, act; activity, labour)

4.08 ruccmkmrli iucNwrq |

auprr iimw c uilq
yvaccopdhiparyanta tvacchurayedgurum |
guruvadgurubhryy tatputreu ca vartanam



[yvaccopdhiparyanta] yvat( .) + ca( .) + updhi+paryanta( .acc.) [ (~

) (+ ) ( )]

[or] () : 12 .
yvat( . as far as, for, up to, till; as long as, while, by the time)
updhi( . fraud, deceit, trick; deception, disguise; attribute; limitation, condition)
paryanta( . bounded by, extending as far as; adjoining: . circuit, circumference; skirt, edge)
[tvacchurayedgurum] tvat( .) + urayet( + gurum( .acc.) [
tvat( . so much, so many; so great, so large: . first; just, now; indeed; truly)
ru(5. . to hear, listen to, give ear to) > uura(desi.) > uru(desi. .)
guru( . heavy, weighty: . a father; any venerable or respectable person; a teacher)
[guruvadgurubhryy] guruvat(adv.) + guru+bhryy( .loc.) [
bhry( . a lawful wife; the female of an animal)
[tatputreu] tat+putreu( [ ]
putra( . a son, child)
[ca] ca( .)
[vartanam] vartanam( .nom.) [ (+ ).]
vartana( . abiding, living, staying: . living, being; staying, abiding; action, movement)

4.09 vqlx vcSm xWwh xWqxq xWwh xWqxqi mmi

ll ul r mUqiql WS xxji SW sokvlimS ai iS
mpqlovlr pui | Aqil imixr mrx M mrelq, Lu
xuiql iu uS mrel M pui | lqiimiral l
MgciMiurqxi iSxi c x iuuui | SUxjm l SUxj
mhQuei mhQxjm miraiq xuurm pui | WSr lqs Miu
cliriumrlqrq AWqu mU xuqi mvrimU xZq
uddhamnasa uddhacidrpa sahiu so'hamasmi sahiu so'hamasmti prpte
jnena vijne jeye paramtmani hdi sasthite dehe labdhantipada gate
tad prabhmanobuddhinya bhavati | amtena tptasya payas ki prayojanam
eva svtmna jtv vedai prayojana ki bhavati | jnmtatptayogino na
kicitkartavyamasti tadasti cenna sa tattvavidbhavati | drastho'pi na drastha
piavarjita piastho'pi pratyagtm sarvavyp bhavati | hdaya nirmala
ktv cintayitvpyanmayam ahameva para sarvamiti payetpara sukham

' .',
' .' , ,
, ,
? ''
? .

16. _4 2791
. ,
., . .

[uddhamnasa] uddha+mnasa( . .nom.) [ ]

uddha(p.p. pure, clean, purified; holy, undefiled, chaste, innocent; white, bright)
mnasa( . mental, spiritual; produced from the mind: . the mind, heart, soul)
[uddhacidrpa] uddha+cit+rpa( . .nom.) [ ]
= ' '
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[sahiu] sahiu([ .] .nom.) [ ]
sahiu( . able to bear or endure, capable of enduring) < * + iu('of the nature of') <
sah(4. . to satisfy; to endure)
[so'hamasmi] 'sa(pn. .nom.) + aham(pn..nom.) + asmi(' [' .']
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[sahiu] sahiu([ .] .nom.) [ ]
[so'hamasmti] 'sa(pn. .nom.) + aham(pn..nom.) + asmi(' + iti( .) ['
.' ( )]
[prpte] prpte( .abso.loc.) [ ,]
prpta(p.p. got, obtained, won; reached, attained to; met with, found)
[jnena] jnena( .ins.) [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
[vijne] vijne( .abso.loc.) [ ]
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
[jeye] jeye( p. .abso.loc.) [ ,]
jeya(pot.p. to be investigated, or learnt or understood; to be regarded as; cognizable)
[paramtmani] paramtmani( .abso.loc.) [ ]
paramtman( . the Supreme Spirit or Brahman) < parama( . most distant, last; highest, best;
extreme; worst) + tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[hdi] hdi( .loc.) []
hd( . the mind, heart; the chest, breast; the soul)
[sasthite] sasthite( p. .abso.loc.) [ ,]
sasthita(p.p. being or standing together; being, staying; adjacent, contiguous)
[dehe] dehe( .abso.loc.) []
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[labdhantipada] labdha+nti+pada( .acc.) [ ]
labdha(p.p. got, obtained, acquired; taken, received; perceived)
nti( . pacification, allayment; calmness, tranquillity, quiet; cessation of hostility)
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[gate] gate( p. .abso.loc.) [ ,]
gata(p.p. gone; passed away; dead: . motion, going; gait, manner of going; an event)
[tad] tad( .) [ ]
[prabhmanobuddhinya] prabh+mano+buddhi+nya([ .] .nom.) [( )

(=) (=)
prabh( . light, splendour, beautiful appearance)
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)
nya( . empty, void; vacant, absent; nonexistent; lonely)
[bhavati] bhavati( [. .]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[amtena] amtena( .ins.) []
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
[tptasya] tptasya([ .] .gen.) [ ]
tpta( . satisfied, contented: . satisfaction)
[payas] payas( .ins.) []
payas( . water; milk; semen virile; food)
[ki] ki(pn. .acc.) []
[prayojanam] prayojanam( .acc.) [?] ?
prayojana( . purpose, cause, motive, opportunity)
[eva] eva( .) []
[svtmna] sva+tmna( .acc.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[jtv] jtv(ger.) [ ]
j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of; to find out)
[vedai] vedai( ['']
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
[prayojana] prayojana( .nom.) []
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) []
[bhavati] bhavati( [?] '' ?
[jnmtatptayogino] jna+amta+tpta+yogina( .gen.) [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
tpta( . satisfied, contented: . satisfaction)
yogin( . a contemplative saint, a devotee; a magician, sorcerer)
[na] na( .)
[kicitkartavyamasti] kicit( .) + kartavyam( .nom.) + asti( [
kicit( . to a certain degree, somewhat, a little)
kartavya(pot.p. what is fit or ought to be done: . what ought to be done, obligation)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tadasti] tat(pn. .nom.) + asti( [ ]
[cenna] ced( .) + na( .) []
ced( . if, provided that, although [never used at the beginning of a sentence])
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[tattvavidbhavati] tattva+vit( .nom.) + bhavati( [ .]
tattvavid( . a philosopher; knowing the true nature of Brahman; knowing the true nature of
anything) < tattva( . true state or condition, fact; truth, reality) + vid(2. . to know)
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)

16. _4 2793
[drastho'pi] dra+stha( . .nom.) + api( .) [(+) ]
dra( . distant, remote, far off; very high, up; excessive, very much: . distance)
stha([comp.] . standing, staying, abiding; immovable) < sth(1. . to stand; to stay)
[na] na( .)
[drastha] drastha( . .nom.) [(+) ,]
drastha( . remote, far off) < dra( . distance, far) + stha( . standing, staying, existing)
[piavarjita] pia+varjita( . .nom.) [('') ]
pia( . solid; compact, dense, close: . a round mass, ball; a lump, clod)
varjita(p.p. left out, excepted; abandoned, relinquished; excluded)
[piastho'pi] pia+stha( . .nom.) + api( .) [('') ,]
[pratyagtm] pratyag+tm( .nom.) [( )]
pratyak( . in an opposite direction, backwards; against; in the interior, inwardly)
[sarvavyp] sarva+vyp([ .] .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
vypin( . pervading, filling, occupying [comp.]; allpervading, coextensive; covering)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[hdaya] hdaya( .acc.) []
hdaya( . the heart, soul, mind; the bosom, chest, breast; love, affection)
[nirmala] nirmala( . .acc.) [ ]
nirmala( . free from dirt or impurities, clear, pure; resplendent, bright; without sin)
[ktv] ktv(ger.) []
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[cintayitvpyanmayam] cintayitv(caus.ger.) + api( .) + anmayam( .acc.) [
cint(10. . to think, have a thought or idea)
anmaya( . free from disease, healthy: . good or sound health; health, wellbeing)
[ahameva] aham(pn..nom.) + eva( .) [ ]
[para] para( . .nom.) []
para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[sarvamiti] sarvam([ .] .nom.) + iti( .) [ . ]
[payetpara] payet( + para( . .nom.) [ ]
pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
[sukham] sukham( .nom.) [. (+)]
sukha( . happy, delighted, joyful; agreeable: . happiness, joy, delight, pleasure)

4.10 rj es es mi U U bi biq Auvw

yath jale jala kipta kre kra ghte ghtam avieo


[yath] yath( .) []
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
[jale] jale( .loc.) []
jala( . dull, cold, frigid; stupid, idiotic: . water)
[jala] jala( .nom.) []
[kipta] kipta( . .nom.) []
kipta(p.p. thrown, scattered, hurled, cast; abandoned; disregarded, neglected)
[kre] kre( .loc.) []
kra( . milk; the milky juice or sap of trees; water)
[kra] kra( .nom.) []
[ghte] ghte( .loc.) []
ghta( . sprinkled; illumined: . ghee, clarified butter; butter; water; spirit, energy)
[ghtam] ghtam( .nom.) []
[avieo] aviea( p. .nom.) [(+ ) ]
viea( . peculiar; copious; specialized: . discrimination, distinguishing between; difference)
aviea( . remnant, rest, leavings, remainder)
[bhavettadvajjvtmaparamtmano] bhavet( +tadvat( .) + jvtma+paramtmano
( .gen.du.) [, (+ ).]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
tadvat( . containing or possessed of that: . like that, in that manner; equally, similarly)
jvtman( . the living or personal or individual soul [as distinct from the paramtman])
paramtman( . the Supreme Spirit or Brahman) < parama( . most distant, last; highest, best;
extreme; worst) + tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)

4.11 SW ll Smi oUZhQMUm rS pui iS ulolall

xuolk lSWi ii mu mUqUZrqim uqsqoUpq rjSM
irqlmu ijiqm lmkxxji
dehe jnena dpite buddhirakhakrarp yad bhavati tad
vidvnbrahmajngnin sarvabandha nirdahet tata pavitra
paramevarkhyamadvaitarpa vimalmbarbham yathodake toyamanupravia
tathtmarpo nirupdhisasthita

, ,


[dehe] dehe( .abso.loc.) []

deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[jnena] jnena( .ins.) []
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge; consciousness, cognizance) < j(9. . to know)

16. _4 2795
[dpite] dpite( p. .abso.loc.) [ ]
dpita(p.p. set on fire; inflamed; illuminated; manifested; excited, stimulated)
[buddhirakhakrarp] buddhi( .nom.) + akhaa+kra+rp( . .nom.) [
(+ ) ]

buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion) < budh(1. . to understand)
akhaa( . unbroken, whole, entire, complete)
kra( . form, shape, figure; aspect, appearance; expression of the face)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[yad] yad( .) [(~)]
yad( . when, at what time, whenever; if)
[bhavati] bhavati( [(+) ]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[tad] tad( .) [ ]
tad( . at that time, then, in that case)
[vidvnbrahmajngnin] vidvn( .nom.) + brahma+jna+agnin( .ins.) [
vidvas( . knowing; wise, learned: . a learned or wise man, scholar)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[sarvabandha] sarva+bandha( .acc.) [ ]
bandha( . binding, tying, tie; putting together; a chain, fetter)
[nirdahet] nirdahet( [.]
nirdah(1. . to burn, consume; to torment, distress, pain) < dah(1. . to burn)
[tata] tata( .) []
tatas( . in that manner, so, thus; and also, so also, as well as; true, exactly so)
[pavitra] pavitra([ .] .acc.) [ ]
pavitra( . sacred, holy, sinless; purifying, removing sin: . a means of purifying the mind)
[paramevarkhyamadvaitarpa] parama+vara+khyam( . .acc.) +
advaita+rpa( . .acc.) [ ]
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
vara( . powerful, able, capable of; wealthy: . a lord, master; a king; a great man)
khya( . a narrator) < khy(2. . to tell, say, inform, narrate; to call, denominate)
advaita( . not dual, of one or uniform nature; matchless, peerless: . nonduality, identity)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[vimalmbarbham] vimala+ambara+bham( . .acc.) [ ]
vimala( . pure, stainless, spotless, clean; clear, limpid; white, bright)
ambara( . sky, atmosphere, ether; cloth, garment; saffron)
bh( . light, splendour, lustre; colour, appearance, beauty; likeness, resemblance)
[yathodake] yath( .) + udake( .loc.) [ ]
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
udaka( . water)
[toyamanupravia] toyam( .nom.) + anupravia( . .nom.) [ ]
toya( . water; the constellation)
anupravi(6. . to enter into, join; to follow in entering) > anupravia(p.p.)
[tathtmarpo] tath( .) + tma+rpa([ .] .nom.) [

tath( . in that manner, so, thus; yes, so be it, so it shall be)
[nirupdhisasthita] nirupdhi+sasthita( . .nom.) [ .]
nirupdhi( . without qualities, absolute) < nir( . away from, free from) + updhi( . fraud,
deceit, trick; deception, disguise; attribute; limitation, condition)
sasthita(p.p. being or standing together; being, staying; adjacent, contiguous)

4.12 AMvuixqvUU Aiq l Svri uruSliUiq |

x oqprliUlsiq lsMrmvri cliUiq
kavatskmaarra tm na dyate vyuvadantartm |
sa bhyamabhyantaranicaltm jnolkaypayati cntartm



[kavatskmaarra] ka+vat(adv.) + skma+arra( . .nom.) [

ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; little, small; fine, thin, delicate; nice; sharp)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[tm] tm( .nom.) []
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[na] na( .)
[dyate] dyate( [ ]
d(1. . to see, look at, observe)
[vyuvadantartm] vyu+vat(adv.) + antartm( np.nom.) [ (+ )
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
antartman( . the inmost spirit or soul, the soul or mind; the internal feelings, the heart)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) [ ]
[bhyamabhyantaranicaltm] bhyam([ .] .acc.) + abhyantara+nicala+tm( .nom.)
[ (+ ) ]
bhya( . outer, outward, external; foreign) > bhyam( . outside, on the outside, externally)
abhyantara( . interior, internal, inner; being included in: . space within)
nicala( . immovable, steady, fixed, still; invariable, unchangeable)
[jnolkaypayati] jna+ulkay( .ins.) + payati( [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
ulk( . a fiery phenomenon in the sky, a meteor, a shooting star; torch; fire, flame)
pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
[cntartm] ca( .) + antartm( np.nom.) [(+ ) .]
antartman( . the inmost spirit or soul, the soul or mind; the internal feelings, the heart)

16. _4 2797
4.13 rr qi l rl u Ml qirl |
rj xuai urq ii sr ai
yatrayatra mto jn yena v kena mtyun |
yath sarvagata vyoma tatratatra laya gata

' '


[yatrayatra] yatra( .) + yatra( .) [( )]

yatra( . where, in which place; when[yatra kle]; whereas, since)
[mto] mta( p. .nom.) []
mta(p.p. dead, deceased; as good as dead, useless; calcined, reduced: . death)
[jn] jn( .nom.) [' ']
jnin( . an astrologer, fortuneteller; a sage, one possessed of spiritual knowledge)
[yena] yena( .) [ ]
yena( . in which direction; in which manner; wherefore, in order that)
[v] v( .)
[kena] kena( .) []
kena( . by what? how? why?)
[mtyun] mtyun( .ins.) []
mtyu( . death, dying)
[yath] yath( .) []
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
[sarvagata] sarva+gata( . .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
gata(p.p. gone; passed away; dead; arrived at)
[vyoma] vyoma( .nom.) []
vyoman( . the sky, atmosphere; water; a temple sacred to the sun)
[tatratatra] tatra( .) + tatra( .) [ ]
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
[laya] laya( .acc.) [(+) ]
laya( . sticking, union, adherence; lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution)
[gata] gata( p. .nom.) [.]

4.14 bOMvquiql usr u iui |

x acNi lUsqo lsM xqlii
ghakamivtmna vilaya vetti tattvata |
sa gacchati nirlamba jnloka samantata



[ghakamivtmna] ghaa+kam( .acc.) + iva( .) + tmna( .acc.) [

(+ ) ]
ghaa( . a large earthen waterjar, pitcher)
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[vilaya] vilaya( . .acc.) [ ]
[or1] [(vilaya ghaa)+kam] as spekasamsa [ ]
[or2] () ()
vilaya( . dissolution; destruction, death) < viea( . specialized) + laya( . dissolution)
vilaya( . indissoluble) < vi( . separation, disjunction) + laya( . sticking, union, adherence;
lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution; disappearance, dissolution, extinction)
[vetti] vetti( []
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[tattvata] tattvata( .) []
tattvata( . truly, really, accurately) < tattva( . essence, true or real state)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[gacchati] gacchati( [ ]
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[nirlamba] nirlamba( . .acc.) []
nirlamba( . having no prop or support; not depending on another; selfsupported, alone)
[jnloka] jnloka( .acc.) [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
loka( . seeing, beholding; sight, aspect; light, lustre, splendour)
[samantata] samantata( .abl.) [ . .]
samanta( . being on every side, universal; complete, entire: . limit, boundary, term)

4.15 imwxWxh LMmSxji lU |

Lixr krlraxr Ms lWi wQvq
tapedvarasahasri ekapdasthito nara |
etasya dhynayogasya kal nrhati oam


[tapedvarasahasri] tapet( + vara+sahasri( [

() 1 ]
tap(1.4. . to shine, blaze; to make hot, heat; to hurt, injure)
vara( . raining, rain; sprinkling, effusion, throwing down; seminal effusion; a year)
sahasra( . a thousand; a large number)

16. _4 2799
[ekapdasthito] eka+pda+sthita( . .nom.) [ ]
pda( . the foot; a quarter, fourth part) < pad(10. . to go or move: 4. . to go to)
sthita(p.p. stood, remained, stayed; standing; standing up, risen; staying)
[nara] nara( .nom.) []
nara( . a man, male person; the supreme spirit)
[etasya] etasya(pn. .gen.) []
[dhynayogasya] dhyna+yogasya( .gen.) [ ]
dhyna( . meditation, reflection, thought; especially, abstract contemplation)
yoga( . the act of yoking, joining; connection; fitness, propriety; meditation; way, method)
[kal] kal( .acc.) [()]
kal( . a small part of anything; any practical art, any mechanical or fine art)
[nrhati] na( .) + arhati( [ ]
arh(1. . to deserve, be worthy of; to have a right to, be allowed to do anything [w/acc.])
[oam] oam( . .acc.) [ .]
oa( . sixteenth)

4.16 CS lqS r iixu iqcNi |

Am uwxWxr vxli lkacNi
ida jnamida jeya tatsarva jtumicchati |
api varasahasryu strnta ndhigacchati

. .
1 .

[ida] ida(pn. .nom.) []

[jnamida] jnam( .nom.) + ida(pn. .nom.) [. ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
[jeya] jeya([ .] .nom.) [ . (+ )]
jeya(pot.p. to be investigated, or learnt or understood; to be regarded as; cognizable)
[tatsarva] tat(pn. .acc.) + sarva([ .] .acc.) [(+) ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[jtumicchati] jtum(inf.) + icchati( [ .]
j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of; to find out)
i(6. . to wish, desire, long for; to endeavor to obtain; strive or seek for)
[api] api( .) []
[varasahasryu] vara+sahasra+yu( .nom.) [1 ] 1
vara( . raining, rain; sprinkling, effusion, throwing down; seminal effusion; a year)
sahasra( . a thousand; a large number)
yu( . living, going, movable: . a living being; mankind; living beings taken collectively)
[strnta] stra+anta( .acc.) [ ]
stra( . an order, rule; any religious or scientific treatise; education)
anta( . end, limit, boundary; whole amount; nature, condition, sort, species)

[ndhigacchati] na( .) + adhigacchati( [ .]
adhigam(1. . to acquire, obtain, get, attain; to approach, reach; to study, learn)

4.17 urUilq eui um cgcsq |

uWr vxesl rixir iSmxriq
vijeyo'karatanmtro jvita vpi cacalam |
vihya strajlni yatsatya tadupsyatm


'' !

[vijeyo'karatanmtro] vijeya( p. .nom.) + akara+tanmtra([ .] .nom.)bcp.

[ ] =
akara+tanmtram( .nom.)tcp. [ ]
vijeya( . knowable, cognizable; to be learned; to be regarded)
akara( . imperishable, unalterable: . sound, word: . a letter of the alphabet; syllable Om)
tanmtra( . merely that, only a trifle, a very small quantity; a subtle and primary element)
[jvita] jvita( .nom.) [ ]
jvita(p.p. living, existent; returned to life: . life, existence; a living being)
[vpi] v( .) + api( .) [()]
[cacalam] cacalam( p. .nom.) [.]
cacala( . moving, shaking, trembling; inconstant, fickle, unsteady: . the wind; a lover)
[vihya] vihya(ger.) []
vih(2. . to leave, abandon, give up: [caus.] to give away; to abandon, give up) < h(3. .)
[strajlni] stra+jlni( [ ]
stra( . an order, rule; any religious or scientific treatise; education)
jla( . a net, snare; a web, cobweb; a coat of mail, a helmet made of wire)
[yatsatya] yat(pn. .nom.) + satya( .nom.) [() ]
satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
[tadupsyatm] tat(pn. .nom.) + upsyatm( [ !]
ups(2. . to sit near to, sit at the side of, serve, worship; to use, occupy; to pass)

4.18 AlliMqvc c em rxiju c |

ijrpaql ruu l ulSi
anantakarmaauca ca japo yajastathaiva ca |
trthaytrbhigamana yvattattva na vindati

. .

16. _4 2801
[anantakarmaauca] ananta+karma( .nom.) + auca( np.nom.) [
(+) ]
ananta( . endless, infinite, eternal) < an(not) + anta( . limit, boundary)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
auca( purity, clearness; cleansing, purifying; voiding of excrement)
[ca] ca( .)
[japo] japa( np.nom.) []
japa( . muttering, whispering: . muttering prayers, repeating prayers)
[yajastathaiva] yaja( np.nom.) + tath( .) + eva( .) [ ]
yaja( . a sacrifice, sacrificial rite; an act of worship, any pious or devotional act)
[ca] ca( .)
[trthaytrbhigamana] trtha+ytr+abhigamana( np.nom.) []
trtha( . a passage, road, way; a place of water; a sacred or holy personage, worthy person)
ytr( . going, motion, journey; the march of an army; going on a pilgrimage)
abhigamana( . approaching, going or coming to visit, arrival; sexual intercourse)
[yvattattva] yvat( .) + tattva( .acc.) [(~ ) ]
yvat( . as far as, for, up to, till; as long as, while, by the time)
tattva( . essence, true or real state)
[na] na( .)
[vindati] vindati( [ .] .
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)

4.19 AW oi lri qWiqWiqlq |

mS olkqr l qqi qqi c
aha brahmeti niyata mokaheturmahtmanm |
dve pade bandhamokya na mameti mameti ca

. .

'' .

[aha] aha(pn..nom.) []
[brahmeti] brahma( .nom.) + iti( .) [. ]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[niyata] niyata( .nom.) []
niyata(p.p. curbed, restrained; maintained, controlled; fixed, permanent; certain, settled, sure)
niyatam( . always, constantly; positively, certainly)
[mokaheturmahtmanm] moka+hetu( .nom.) + mahtmanm([ .] [

moka( . liberation, release, escape, freedom; rescue, deliverance; final emancipation)
hetu( . cause, reason, motive; source, origin; a means or instrument)
mahtman( . highsouled, highminded; distinguished, exalted, eminent: . the Supreme Spirit)
[dve] dve(num. . .nom.du.) []
dvi(num. . two, both)
[pade] pade( .nom.du.) [() ]
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[bandhamokya] bandha+mokya( .dat.) [ ]
bandha( . binding, tying, tie; putting together; a chain, fetter)
[na] na( .)
[mameti] mama(pn..gen.) + iti( .) [''(+ ) (+)]
[mameti] mama(pn..gen.) + iti( .) [ ''(+ ) (+).]
[ca] ca( .)

4.20 qqi okri elilqqi uqcri |

qlx lqlpu i lumspri
mameti badhyate janturnirmameti vimucyate |
manaso hyunmanbhve dvaita naivopalabhyate

' ' .

'' .

[mameti] 'mama(pn..gen.)' + iti( .) ['' (+)]

[badhyate] badhyate( [ ]
badh(10. . to bind, check)
[janturnirmameti] jantu( .nom.) + 'nir+mama(pn..gen.)' + iti( .) [, '
' (+)]
jantu( . a creature, a living being, man; the soul; an animal of the lowest organization)
nir( . away from, without, free from)
nirmama( . free from all connections with the outer world, who has renounced all worldly ties;
unselfish, disinterested; indifferent to)
[vimucyate] vimucyate( [. .]
vimuc(6. . to free, liberate; to loosen, unbind; to give up, lay aside, abandon)
[manaso] manasa( .gen.) [ ]
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[hyunmanbhve] hi( .) + unmanbhve( .abso.loc.) [ ]
unmanbh < ud( . upward) + manas( . the mind) +||+ bh(1. . to become)
unmanbhva( . absence of mind) < unmanbh(8. . to be excited, disturbed)
[dvaita] dvaita( .nom.) [ '' ]
dvaita( . duality; dualism in philosophy; N. of a forest)

16. _4 2803
[naivopalabhyate] na( .) + eva( .) + upalabhyate( [ .]
upalabh(1. . to know, understand, see, perceive; to ascertain, find out; to get, obtain)

4.21 rS rirlqlpuxiS iimUq mSq |

rr ql ri ii mU mSq
yad ytyunmanbhvastad tatparama padam |
yatrayatra mano yti tatratatra para padam



[yad] yad( .) [(~)]

yad( . when, at what time, whenever; if)
[ytyunmanbhvastad] yti( + unmanbhva( .nom.) + tad( .) [
, ]
[or] yati+unmanbhva( .nom.) [ (+ )]
yati( . restraint, control; stopping; guidance: . an ascetic, one who has renounced the world
and controlled his passions; striver)
y(2. . to go, move, walk; to march against; to happen, come to pass; to behave, act)
unmanbhva( . absence of mind) < unmanbh(8. . to be excited, disturbed)
tad( . at that time, then, in that case)
[tatparama] tat(pn. .nom.) + parama( . .nom.) [ ]
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
[padam] padam( .nom.) [.]
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[yatrayatra] yatra( .) + yatra( .) [( )]
yatra( . where, in which place; when[yatra kle]; whereas, since)
[mano] mana( .nom.) [(+ ) ]
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[yti] yti( [ ]
[tatratatra] tatra( .) + tatra( .) [ ( )]
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
[para] para( . .nom.) []
para( . other, different; distant, removed; beyond, further; alien; hostile, inimical)
[padam] padam( .nom.) [.]

4.22 ii mU o xu xquxjiq |
WlrlqpUMv ki ZhQrwq
tatratatra para brahma sarvatra samavasthitam |
hanynmuibhirka kudhrta khaayettuam


[tatratatra] tatra( .) + tatra( .) [( )]

tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
[para] para( . .nom.) []
para( . other, different; distant, removed; beyond, further; alien; hostile, inimical)
[brahma] brahma( .nom.) []
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[sarvatra] sarvatra( .) [ ]
sarvatra( . everywhere, in all places; at all times)
[samavasthitam] samavasthitam( p. .nom.) [ .]
samavasthita(p.p. remaining fixed; steady; ready; being in any place or position)
[hanynmuibhirka] hanyt( + muibhi( .ins.) + ka( .acc.) [
han(2. . to kill, slay, destroy, strike down; to strike, beat; to hurt, injure) > hanyat(pres.p.)
mui( . the clenched hand, fist; a handful, fistful; a handle or hilt)
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
[kudhrta] kudhrta([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
kudhrta( . afflicted by hunger) < kudh(4. . to be hungry)
[khaayettuam] khaayet( + tuam( .acc.) [ .]
kha(10. . to break, cut, tear, break to pieces, crush; to defeat completely, destroy)
tua( . the husk or chaff of grain)

16. _4 2805

4.23 lW oi eli ixr ql eri | r LiSmlwS lirqki

xalmi pui | x urmi pui | x ASirmi pui | x omi
pui | x uwhmi pui | x Smi pui | x xuw ijw xli
pui | x xuw uSwuki pui | x xuuSuicrx cUi pui |
iliWxmUhl Sh vixWxh emil Tsl puli |
mhulqri emi pui | Sv mulSvUlmli | x mXmul
pui | x qWlpui | oWirxUmlxuhxiraismaql
iixramiMpr mi pui | iwh mUq mS xS mvrli xUr |
Suu cUiiq
nha brahmeti jnti tasya muktirna jyate | ya etadupaniada nityamadhte
so'gnipto bhavati | sa vyupto bhavati | sa dityapto bhavati | sa brahmapto
bhavati | sa viupto bhavati | sa rudrapto bhavati | sa sarveu trtheu snto
bhavati | sa sarveu vedevadhto bhavati | sa sarvavedavratacarysu carito
bhavati | tenetihsapurn rudr atasahasri japtni phalni bhavanti |
praavnmayuta japta bhavati | daa prvndaottarnpunti | sa
paktipvano bhavati | sa mahnbhavati | brahmahatysurpnasvarasteya
gurutalpagamanatatsayogiptakebhya pto bhavati | tadvio parama pada
sad payanti sraya | divva cakurtatam

. .
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, .
. 10 10 ,
, ,

[nha] na( .) + aha(pn..nom.) []

[brahmeti] brahma( .nom.) + iti( .) [. (+)]
[jnti] jnti( [ ]
j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of; to find out)

[tasya] tasya(pn. .gen.) []
[muktirna] mukti( .nom.) + na( .) [ ]
mukti( . release, liberation, freedom, emancipation; leaving, giving up)
[jyate] jyate( [ .]
jan(4. . to be born or produced; become, occur)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[etadupaniada] etad+upaniada( .acc.) [ ]
upaniad( . an esoteric or secret doctrine; true knowledge; a religious observance)
[nityamadhte] nityam( .) + adhte( [ (),]
nityam( . always, constantly, regularly)
adh(2. . to study, learn [by heart], read; to remember, think of; to know learn by heart)
[so'gnipto] sa(pn. .nom.) + agni+pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
pta(p.p. purified, cleansed, washed; threshed, winnowed; expiated)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[vyupto] vyu+pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[dityapto] ditya+pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
ditya( . solar, born in the solar line: . a son of Aditi; a god, divinity in general)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[brahmapto] brahma+pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[viupto] viu+pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[rudrapto] rudra+pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
rudra( . dreadful, terrific; great, large; driving away evil: . N. of a group of gods)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[sarveu] sarveu( . []
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[trtheu] trtheu( [ ]
trtha( . a passage, road, way; a descent into a river; a place of water)
[snto] snta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
snta(p.p. bathed, washed, purified by ablution: . one whose course of holy study is over)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []

16. _4 2807
[sarveu] sarveu( . []
[vedevadhto] vedeu( + adhta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
adhta( . attained; studied, read; well read, learned) < adh(2. . to study)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[sarvavedavratacarysu] sarva+veda+vrata+carysu( [ ]
vrata( . a religious act of devotion or austerity; will, promise, vow)
cary( . going about, moving, walking about; course, motion) < carya( . to be gone)
[carito] carita([ .] .nom.) [(+) ]
carita(p.p. wandered over, gone; performed, practised: . going, moving; acting; life)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[tenetihsapurn] tena(pn. .ins.) + itihsa+purn( [
( )]
itihsa( . history; heroic history; historical evidence, tradition)
pura( . old, ancient; aged, primeval: . a past event or occurrence; tale of the past; N. of.)
[rudr] rudr( [ ]
rudra( . dreadful, terrific; great, large; driving away evil: . N. of a group of gods)
[atasahasri] ata+sahasri( . [ ]
ata( . a hundred; any very large number)
sahasra( . a thousand; a large number)
[japtni] japtni( . []
japta(p.p.) < * + ta(kt) < jap(1. . muttering, whispering: . muttering prayers)
[phalni] phalni( []
phala( . fruit; crop, produce; a result; aim, purpose; use, good)
[bhavanti] bhavanti( [,]
[praavnmayuta] praavnm( + ayuta( . .nom.) [
praava( . the sacred syllable; a kind of musical instrument; an epithet of Viu)
ayuta( . uncontrolled, unchecked)
[japta] japta([ .] .nom.) []
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[daa] daa(num. . [ ]
daan(num. . 10) > daa(in comp. nom.acc.)
[prvndaottarnpunti] prvn( + daa+uttarn( + punti(
[ .]
p(9. .) > pavate( to blow) or punti( to purify)
prva( . being in front of; eastern, easterly; old, ancient: . an ancestor, a forefather)
uttara( . upper, higher, superior; later: . future time: . north: . an answer, reply)
p(9. . to make pure, cleanse, purify; to refine; to clean from chaff, winnow)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[paktipvano] paktipvana([ .] .nom.) [ ]
paktipvana( . a respectable or eminent person; especially, a respectable Brhmaa who, being
very learned, always gets the seat of honour at dinner parties, or who purifies by his presence
the pakti or persons who sit in the same row to dine with him) < pakti( . a line, row; a
group; a row of people) + pvana( . purifying, freeing from sin, purificatory: . purifying)

[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[mahnbhavati] mahn([ .] .nom.) + bhavati( [ ,]
mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
[ (+ )
brahmahaty( . brahmanicide, killing a brhmaa)
surpna( . the drinking of wine or liquor) < sur( . a spirituous liquor, wine; water; a
drinking vessel) + pna( . drinking; drinking spirituous liquors) < p(1. . to drink; to kiss)
svara( . gold; a golden coin; a kind of red chalk)
steya( . theft, robbery; anything stolen or liable to be stolen)
gurutalpaga( . one who violates his teacher's bed[wife]) = gurutalpagamana( .) < guru( . a
teacher) + talpa( . a bed; a wife) + gamana( . going)
sayogin( . united, conjoined; joining; married)
ptaka( . sin, crime)
[pto] pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
pta(p.p. purified, cleansed, washed; threshed, winnowed; expiated)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[tadvio] tat(pn. .acc.) + vio( .gen.) [ ]
viu skta from Rgveda.
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
[parama] parama( . .acc.) []
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
[pada] pada( .acc.) []
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[sad] sad( .) []
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)
[payanti] payanti( []
pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
[sraya] sraya( []
sri( . the sun; a learned or wise man, a sage; a priest; a worshipper)
[divva] divi( .loc.) + iva( .) [ ]
div( . the heaven; the sky; a day; light, brilliance)
[cakurtatam] caku( .nom.) + tatam( p. .nom.) [ .]
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)
tata(p.p. spread, extended; stretched [as a bowstring])

16. _4 2809
4.24 imx umlru eaux xqlki | uwhrimUq mSq |
tadviprso vipanyavo jgvsa samindhate | vioryatparama padam | o

'' ' ' .

[tadviprso] tad( .) + viprsa( [ ()]

vipra( .) > vipr( = viprsa( as Vedic form.
tad( . there; then, in that case, at that time; for that reason, therefore)
vipra( . a Brhmaa; a sage, wise man; the Avattha tree)
[vipanyavo] vipanyava( . []
vipanyu( . praising, admiring, rejoicing; wonderful, admirable) < vipan(1. . to pride one's self,
boast) < pan(1. . to praise, extol; to rejoice at, be glad of)
[jgvsa] jgvsa( . []
jgvsa( . < jgvas(perf.p.) < * + vas < jg(2. .)
jg(2. . to be awake, be watchful or attentive; to be roused from sleep, awake)
[samindhate] samindhate( [ ]
samindh(7. . to kindle, light up; to excite, inflame; to glorify) < indh(7. . to kindle)
[vioryatparama] vio( .gen.) + yat(pn. .acc.) + parama( . .nom.) [
() ]
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
[padam] pada( .acc.) [.]
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
[o] o( .) ['']
[satyamityupaniat] satyam( .nom.) + iti( .) + upaniat( .nom.) [
.] ' ' .
satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
upaniad( . an esoteric or secret doctrine; true knowledge; a religious observance)


( MusrmlwS )
17. (Kaivalya Upaniad)

25 ,

'kaivalya' , '
' .

00 xWluui | xW l pl | xW ur MUuuW |
iexulukiqxi | q uwuW
A vli vli vli
o sahanvavatu | saha nau bhunaktu | saha vrya karavvahai |
tejasvinvadhtamastu m vidvivahai
o nti nti nti

'' , , .

[o] o( .) ['']
[sahanvavatu] saha( .) + nau(pn..acc.du.) + avatu( [
saha( . with, together with, along with, accompanied by[w/ins.])
av(1. . to protect, defend; to please, satisfy, give pleasure; to like, wish; to favour, promote)
[saha] saha( .) []
[nau] nau(pn..acc.du.) [ ]
[bhunaktu] bhunaktu( [!]
bhuj(7. . to eat, consume; to enjoy, use; to suffer, endure, experience; to rule, protect)
bhuj(7. .) > bhunakti( to rule, govern, protect, guard)
bhuj(7. .) > bhukte( to eat, consume; to enjoy; experience)
[saha] saha( .) []
[vrya] vrya( .acc.) []
vrya( . heroism, prowess, valour; vigour, strength; energy, firmness, courage)
[karavvahai] karavvahai(imp..du.) [( ) .]
k(8. . to do, perform, accomplish)
[tejasvinvadhtamastu] tejasvi( p. .nom.) + nau(pn..gen.du.) + adhtam([ .] .nom.) +
astu( [ ! ( ) (~ !)]
tejasvin( . brilliant, bright; powerful, heroic; dignified, noble; famous, illustrious)
adhta( . attained; studied, read; well read, learned)
[m] m( .) [()]
m( . a particle of prohibition usually joined with the Imperative)

17. 2813
[vidvivahai] vidvivahai(imp..du.) [( ) !]
vidvi(2. . to dislike, hate, be hostile to: . to hate each other mutually)
[o] o( .) ['']
[nti] nti( .nom.) []
nti : a rite for peace.
nti( . pacification, allayment; calmness, tranquillity, quiet; cessation of hostility)
[nti] nti( .nom.) []
[nti] nti( .nom.) [.]

01 Ajsrl pauli mUqlqmxqiruc | AkW paulou

uU xS x xurql laRq | rjcUixumm urm mUimU
mw Emi ri ul
o athvalyano bhagavanta paramehinamupasametyovca | adhhi
bhagavanbrahmavidy varih sad sadbhi sevyamn nighm |
yath'cirtsarvappa vyapohya partpara purua upaiti vidvn

! ,

[o] o( .) ['']
[athvalyano] atha( .) + valyana( .nom.) [ '']
atha( . here, now; then, afterwards; now if, in case; and, also, likewise)
valyana( . N. of...)
[bhagavanta] bhagavanta( . .acc.) []
bhagavat( . glorious, illustrious; revered, venerable, divine, holy: . a god, deity)
[paramehinamupasametyovca] paramehinam( .acc.) + upasametya(ger.) + uvca(
[( ) .]
paramehin( . standing at the head, highest: . an epithet of Brahman) < * + in(agentive)
< parameha( .) < parama( . highest, best) + iha(super. suffix)
upasame(2. . to come together with, meet with) < upa + sam + + i(2. . to go)
vac(2. . to speak, say, tell)

[adhhi] adhhi( [!]
adhypaya( [!] < adhhi( [!]
adh(2. . to study, learn [by heart], read; to remember, think of; to know learn by heart:
[caus.] to teach, instruct in)
[bhagavanbrahmavidy] bhagavan( .voc.) + brahmavidy( .acc.) [ !
brahmavidy( . knowledge of the Supreme Spirit)
[varih] varih( . .acc.) []
variha( . best, most excellent, most distinguished or preeminent; largest, greatest; wildest)
[sad] sad( .) []
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)
[sadbhi] sadbhi( [ ]
sat( . being, existing; real, good, right: . a good or virtuous man; a sage)
[sevyamn] sevyamn( . .acc.) []
sevyamna(pass.pres.p.) < sevya(pass.) < sev(1. . to serve, honour, worship; to go after,
pursue; to enjoy)
[nighm] nighm( . .acc.) [ .]
nigha( . hidden, concealed; secret, private; mysterious, obscure) < ni + * < gha(p.p.
hidden, concealed; covered; invisible; secret) < * + ta(kta) < guh(1. . to cover, hide)
[yath'cirtsarvappa] yath( .) + acirt( .abl.adv.) + sarva+ppa( .acc.) [
yath( . in which manner or way, according as, as it is or was; as, as like)
acira( . brief, transitory, of short duration; recent, late; 'recently' 'just' 'not long ago')
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
ppa( . evil, sinful, wicked; mischievous, destructive: . evil; sin: . sinful person)
[vyapohya] vyapohya(ger.) []
vyapoh(1. . to atone for, expiate; to heal, cure; to drive away, remove, keep off) < vi + apa
+ uh(1. . to hurt or give pain; to kill, destroy)
[partpara] partpara( . .acc.) []
partpara( . the supreme being: . supreme) < para( . highest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[purua] purua( .acc.) []
purua( . a male being, man; mankind; the soul; the supreme being)
[upaiti] upaiti( [ ( )]
upe(2. . to go or come or step near; to join; to obtain, attain to; admit, acknowledge)
[vidvn] vidvn( .nom.) [(+) .]
vidvas( . knowing; wise, learned: . a learned or wise man, scholar)

17. 2815
02 ixq x Wuc miqW pkrlraSuW |
l Mqh l mer kll iralM Aqiiuqlv
tasmai sa hovca pitmahaca raddhbhaktidhynayogdavaihi |
na karma na prajay dhanena tygenaike amtatvamnau

, ,
'' .

[tasmai] tasmai(pn. .dat.) [ ]

[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[hovca] ha( .) + uvca( [ ]
[pitmahaca] pitmaha( np.nom.) + ca( .) [(+ ) .]
pitmaha( . a paternal grandfather; an epithet of Brahman)
[raddhbhaktidhynayogdavaihi] raddh+bhakti+dhyna+yogt( .abl.) + avaihi(
[ (~ ) (+) !]
raddh+bhakti+dhyna+yogebhya( [ ]
raddh( . trust, faith, belief; belief in divine revelation) < raddh(3. . to confide, believe)
bhakti( . separation, partition, division; a division, portion, share; devotion, attachment)
dhyna( . meditation, reflection, thought) < dhyai(1. . to think of, meditate upon)
yoga( . the act of yoking, joining; connection; fitness, propriety; meditation; way, method)
ave(2. . to know, understand, learn; to go or move away; to go to, approach)
[na] na( .)
[karma] karma( .ins.) [(+ ) ]
karman( . action, work, deed; duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
[na] na( .)
[prajay] prajay( .ins.) []
praj( . procreation, generation; offspring, progeny; subjects, mankind; a creature)
[dhanena] dhanena( .ins.) [(+) ]
dhana( . property, wealth the prize of a contest or the contest itself)
[tygenaike] tygena( .ins.) + eke([ .] ['' ]
tyga( . leaving, forsaking; giving up; donation; liberality; sacrificing oneself)
eka(pn. . one, single; not accompanied by anyone; one and the same)
[amtatvamnau] amtatvam( .acc.) + nau( [ .]
nau( < a(augment) + 'a|na(vikaraa)|' + us(suffix) < a(as 7. .)
amtatva( . immortality) < * + tva('the state of') < amta( . imperishable; . an immortal)
a(5. . to pervade, fill completely; to reach, go or come: 9. . to eat, to consume; enjoy)

03 mUh lM lWi aWr upei Liir uvli
parea nka nihita guhy vibhrjate etadyatayo vianti

, .

[parea] parea(adv.) [ ]
parea(adv. farther, beyond, more than; afterwards; after) < para( . other, different)
[nka] nka( .acc.) []
'' : .
nka(happy) < na + aka < aka(sorrow) < a + ka < ka(happy)
nka( . happy, painless: . heaven; vault of heaven, upper sky, firmament; the sun)
[nihita] nihita([ .] .nom.) [ ]
nihita(p.p. placed, laid, lodged; delivered, entrusted; bestowed upon, applied to)
[guhy] guhy( .loc.) [(+) ]
guh( . a cave, cavern, hidingplace; hiding, concealing; a pit, hole in the ground)
[vibhrjate] vibhrjate( [ ,]
vibhrj(1. . to shine brilliantly or intensely)
[etadyatayo] etat(pn. .acc.) + yataya( [ ]
yati( . an ascetic, one who has renounced the world and controlled his passions; striver)
[vianti] vianti( [.]
vi(6. . to enter, go or enter into; to go or come to, come into the possession of)

04 uSliulxlij xlrxrair vxu |

i osMw mUliMs mUqi mUqcrli xu
vedntavijnasunicitrth sanysayogdyataya uddhasattv |
te brahmalokeu parntakle parmt parimucyanti sarve

'' ,

[vedntavijnasunicitrth] vednta+vijna+su+nicitrth( . [

vednta( . the end of the Veda, an Upaniad: . N. of Hindu philosophy)
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency)
su( . well, good; beautiful, handsome; easily, readily)
nicitrtha( . one who has formed a certain opinion about, judging rightly) < nicita(p.p.
ascertained, determined, decided) + artha( . object, purpose; cause, motive)
[sanysayogdyataya] sanysa+yogt( .abl.) + yataya( [
( ) ]
sanysa( . leaving, abandonment; complete renunciation of the world, renunciation; a deposit)

17. 2817
yoga( . the act of yoking, joining; connection; fitness, propriety; meditation; way, method)
yati( . an ascetic, one who has renounced the world and controlled his passions; striver)
[uddhasattv] uddha+sattv( . [ ]
'sattva' (sattvatamasrajas) ''
, ' ' 'sattva' .
uddha(p.p. pure, clean, purified; holy, undefiled, chaste, innocent; white, bright)
sattva( . being, existence, entity; nature character; life, spirit; consciousness, mind, sense)
[te] te(pn. []
[brahmalokeu] brahma+lokeu( [ ]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[parntakle] parntakle( .loc.) [ ]
parntakla( . the time of death)
[parmt] para+amt( p. [ ]
[or] ati+amt( p. [ ]
para( . other, different; distant, removed; beyond, further; alien; hostile, inimical)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
[parimucyanti] parimucyanti( []
parimuc(6. . to free, release, liberate; to leave, quit, abandon; to discharge, emit)
[sarve] sarve( . [.]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)

05 uuSv c xZxlxj vc xqauvUvUU |

Alirqxj xMslSrh lkr pYir xua mhqr
viviktadee ca sukhsanastha uci samagrvairaarra |
antyramastha sakalendriyi nirudhya bhakty svaguru praamya

[viviktadee] vivikta+dee( .loc.) [ ]

vivikta(p.p. separated, detached, disjoined; lonely, solitary; single, alone)
dea( . a place or spot in general; a region, country; a department, part)
[ca] ca( .)
[sukhsanastha] sukha+sana+stha( p. .nom.) [ ]
sukha( . happy, delighted, joyful; agreeable, charming; virtuous, pious; easy, practicable)
sana( . sitting down; a seat, place; a particular posture or mode of sitting; dwelling)
stha([comp.] . standing, staying, abiding; immovable) < sth(1. . to stand; to stay)
[uci] uci( p. .nom.) [(+) ]
uci( . clean, pure, clear; white; bright, resplendent; virtuous, pious, holy)
[samagrvairaarra] sama+grva+ira+arra( p. .nom.) [ ()
() ]
sama( . same, identical; equal, as in; like, similar: . a level plain, flat country)

grva( . the neck; a corridor) = grv( . the neck, the back part of the neck)
iras( . the head; skull; a peak, summit; the head top of anything)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[antyramastha] antya+rama+stha( p. .nom.) [ ]
: 4 . (-brahmacrin),
(-ghastha), (-vnaprastha), (-sanysa)
antya( . last, final; immediately following; perishable, transitory)
rama( . a hermitage, hut, cell; a stage or period of the [religious] life of a Brhmaa)
[sakalendriyi] sakala+indriyi( [ ]
sakala( . together with the parts; all, whole, entire; having all the digit, full)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[nirudhya] nirudhya(ger.) [ ]
nirudh(7. . to obstruct, stop, oppose, block up; to confine, lock up; to cover, hide)
[bhakty] bhakty( .ins.) []
bhakti( . separation, partition, division; a division, portion, share; devotion, attachment)
[svaguru] sva+guru( .acc.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
guru( . heavy, weighty: . a father; any venerable or respectable person; a teacher)
[praamya] praamya(ger.) [,]
praam(1. . to bend or bow down, salute, be humble)

06 WimhQUM uUe uv uclir qkr uvS uvMq |

Aclirqurqllim vu mvliqqi orlq
htpuarka viraja viuddha vicintya madhye viada viokam |
acintyamavyaktamanantarpa iva prantamamta brahmayonim

' ' ,

[htpuarka] ht+puarka( .acc.) [ ]

hd( . the mind, heart; the chest, breast; the soul)
puarka( . a lotusflower, especially a white lotus; a white parasol; a medicine drug)
[viraja] viraja( . .acc.) [ ]
viraja( . free from dust or passion, pure) < vi( . separation) + rajas( . dust, powder, dirt)
[viuddha] viuddha( . .acc.) [ ]
viuddha( . purified, cleansed; pure, free from vice; spotless, stainless) < viea( . peculiar;
copious, abundant) + uddha(p.p. pure, clean, purified; holy, undefiled)
[vicintya] vicintya(ger.) [ ]
vicint(10. . to think, consider; call to mind; to take into consideration, have regard to)
[madhye] madhye( .loc.) [(+) ]

17. 2819
madhya( . middle, central: . the middle, centre; the middle of the body, the waist)
[viada] viada( . .acc.) []
viada( . clear, pure, clean; white, of a pure white colour; bright)
[viokam] viokam( . .acc.) [ ]
vioka( . free from grief, happy: . cessation of grief) < vi( . separation) + oka( . grief)
[acintyamavyaktamanantarpa] acintyam( . .acc.) + avyaktam( . .acc.) +
anantarpa( . .acc.) [ ]
acintya( . inconceivable, incomprehensible, unexpected)
avyakta( . indistinct, not manifest or apparent; invisible, imperceptible; undetermined)
anantarpa( . of innumerable forms or shapes; epithet of Viu)
[iva] iva( . .acc.) []
iva( . auspicious, propitious, lucky; in good health or condition, happy, fortune: . N.)
[prantamamta] prantam( . .acc.) + amta( . .acc.) [ ]
pranta(p.p. calmed, tranquillized, composed; calm, serene, quiet; tamed, subdued, quelled)
amta( . not dead; imperishable: . immortality; nectar of immortality, ambrosia)
[brahmayonim] brahma+yonim( . .acc.) [ ,]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
yoni( . womb, uterus; any place of birth or origin; a mine; an abode, a place)

07 iqSqkrliuWlqM up cSllSqmqiq |
EqxWr mUqU mp scl lsMhP mvliq |
kriu qlacNi pirl xqxix iqx mUxii
tamdimadhyntavihnameka vibhu cidnandamarpamadbhutam |
umsahya paramevara prabhu trilocana nlakaha prantam |
dhytv munirgacchati bhtayoni samastaski tamasa parastt

'' ,
' ' .

[tamdimadhyntavihnameka] tam(pn. .acc.) + di+madhya+anta+vihnam( . .acc.) +

eka( . .acc.) [ ]
madhya( . middle, central: . the middle, centre; the middle of the body, the waist)
anta( . end, limit, boundary; whole amount; nature, condition, sort, species)
vihna(p.p. left, abandoned; devoid of, without; base, low)
[vibhu] vibhu( . .acc.) []
vibhu( . mighty, powerful; eminent, supreme: . ether; space; time; the soul; a lord, ruler)
[cidnandamarpamadbhutam] cit+nandam( . .acc.) + arpam( . .acc.) +
adbhutam( . .acc.) [ ] ' '
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
arpa( . formless, shapeless; ugly, deformed; dissimilar: . a bad or ugly figure; the pradhna
of the Skhyas and Brahman of the Vedntins)

adbhuta( . wonderful, marvellous, prodigious, extraordinary: a wonder, miracle)
[umsahya] um+sahya( . .acc.) ['' ]
'' . ' '
um( . N. of the daughter of Himavat and Men, and wife of iva; light, splendour; fame)
sahya( . a friend, companion; a follower, an adherent; an ally)
[paramevara] paramevara( . .acc.) [ ]
paramevara( . an epithet of ViuIndraiva; the almighty god, the Supreme Being) <
parama( . highest, best) + vara( . powerful: . a lord, master)
[prabhu] prabhu( . .acc.) []
prabhu( . mighty, strong; able, competent: . a lord, master; a governor, ruler; an owner)
[trilocana] tri+locana( . .acc.) [ ]
tri(num. .pl. three)
locana( . illuminating, brightening; visible: . seeing, sight; the eye)
[nlakaha] nla+kaha( . .acc.) [ ]
14 'hlahala'
'' .
nla( . blue, darkblue; dyed with indigo: . the darkblue or black colour; sapphire)
kaha( . the throat, the neck; the voice; sound)
[prantam] prantam( . .acc.) []
pranta(p.p. calmed, tranquillized, composed; calm, serene, quiet; tamed, subdued, quelled)
[dhytv] dhytv(ger.) []
dhyai(1. . to think of, meditate upon, ponder over, contemplate, reflect upon, imagine)
[munirgacchati] muni( .nom.) + gacchati( [ ()]
muni( . a saint, sage, monk)
gam(1. . to go, move; to decease, die; to go to any state or condition)
[bhtayoni] bhtayoni( .acc.) [ ]
bhtayoni( . the origin of all created beings) < bhta( . any being) + yoni( . womb)
[samastaski] samasta+ski( . .acc.) [ ]
samasta+skina( . .acc.)
samasta(p.p. thrown together, combined; compounded; all whole entire)
skin( . seeing, observing, witnessing: . a witness, an observer, an eyewitness)
[tamasa] tamasa( .gen.) []
tamas( . darkness; mental darkness; darkness or ignorance)
[parastt] parastt( .) [.]
parastt( . beyond, on the other side of, further than [w/gen.]; hereafter, afterwards)

08 x o x vu xlS xU mUq xuUO |

x Lu uwh x mh x Msal x clSq
sa brahm sa iva sendra so'kara parama svar |
sa eva viu sa pra sa klo'gni sa candram

, , , ,
, , .

17. 2821
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[brahm] brahm( .nom.) []
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[iva] iva( .nom.) []
iva( . auspicious, propitious, lucky; in good health or condition, happy, fortune: . N.)
[sendra] sa(pn. .nom.) + indra( .nom.) [ ]
sendra < sa + indra < sa + indra : .
indra( . The lord of gods; the god of rain)
[so'kara] sa(pn. .nom.) + akara( . .nom.) [ ]
akara( . imperishable, unalterable: . iva, viu: . sound, word, speech)
[parama] parama( . .nom.) []
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
[svar] sva+r([ .] .nom.) [ ]
sva+r([ .] .nom.) < sva+rj( .) < rj( .) < [kvip] < rj(1. . to shine)
[or] sva+rj( .nom.) [ ]
sva+r( .nom.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
rj(1. . to shine, glitter, be eminent; to rule, govern; to direct, regulate)
rj( . a king, chief; anything best of its kind) < rj(1. . to reign, rule over, govern)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[eva] eva( .) [ ]
[viu] viu( .nom.) []
viu( . The Viu; N. of Agni; a pious man; N. of a lawgiver)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[pra] pra( .nom.) []
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[klo'gni] kla( .nom.) + agni( .nom.) [ ]
kla( . black; injuring, hurting: . death; time in general)
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[candram] candram( .nom.) [.]
candramas( . the moon; a month; camphor) < candra( . glittering, bright: . the moon)

09 x Lu xu ri rcc pur xlilq |

iu i qirqiri llr mlj uqr
sa eva sarva yadbhta yacca bhavya santanam |
jtv ta mtyumatyeti nnya panth vimuktaye

, .
, .

[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
purua eveda sarva yad bhta yac ca bhavyam |
[eva] eva( .) [ ]
[sarva] sarva([ .] .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[yadbhta] yat(pn. .nom.) + bhta( . .nom.) [() ,]
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
[yacca] yat(pn. .nom.) + ca( .) [ () ]
[bhavya] bhavya( . .nom.) []
bhavya([pot.pass.p.] . existing, being; future; likely to become; suitable: . existence)
[santanam] santanam([ .] .nom.) [ .]
santana( . perpetual, constant, eternal; firm, fixed, settled; primeval, ancient)
[jtv] jtv(ger.) []
j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of; to find out)
[ta] ta(pn. .acc.) []
[mtyumatyeti] mtyum( .acc.) + atyeti( [ ]
mtyu( . death, dying)
at(2. . to go beyond, cross; to enter, step over; to surpass) < ati( .) + i(2. . to go)
[nnya] na( .) + anya( . .nom.) []
anya(pn. . another, different; other than, different from)
[panth] panth( .nom.) [ ]
pathin( .) : nom[panthpanthnaupanthna][patha][pathibhi]
pathin( . a road, way, path; journey, wayfaring; range, reach)
[vimuktaye] vimuktaye( .dat.) [ . .]
vimukti( . release, liberation; separation; absolution, final liberation)

10 xupixjqiql xupil ciql |

xqmvrlo mUq ri llrl Wil
sarvabhtasthamtmna sarvabhtni ctmani |
sampayanbrahma parama yti nnyena hetun

. .

[sarvabhtasthamtmna] sarva+bhta+stham( . .acc.) + tmna( .acc.) [

sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
stha([comp.] . standing, staying, abiding; immovable) < sth(1. . to stand; to stay)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[sarvabhtni] sarva+bhtni( [ ]
[ctmani] ca( .) + tmani( .loc.) [ (+)]

17. 2823
[sampayanbrahma] sampayan([ .] .nom.) + brahma( .acc.) [ ]
sad(1. . to see, behold) < sapa( . to see, behold, recognize) > sapayat(pres.p.)
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[parama] parama( . .acc.) []
parama( . most distant, last; highest, best; extreme; worst)
[yti] yti( []
y(2. . to go, move, walk; to go to, march towards; to vanish, disappear)
[nnyena] na( .) + anyena( . .ins.) []
anya(pn. . another, different; other than, different from)
[hetun] hetun( .ins.) [ .]
hetu( . cause, reason, motive; source, origin; a means or instrument)

sarvabhtasthamtmna sarvabhtni ctmani |
kate yogayukttm sarvatra samadarana

() .

11 AiqlqUh Miu mhu cUUhq |

llqjlprximm SWi mhQi
tmnamarai ktv praava cottarraim |
jnanirmathanbhystppa dahati paita


[tmnamarai] tmnam( .acc.) + arai( .acc.) [ (+)]

tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
arai( []. a piece of wood used for kindling the sacred fire by attrition)
[ktv] ktv(ger.) [ ]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[praava] praava( .acc.) [ ( '')]
praava( . the sacred syllable; a kind of musical instrument; an epithet of Viu)
[cottarraim] ca( .) + uttara+araim( .acc.) [ (+)]
uttara( . upper, higher, superior; northern; left; later, following, subsequent)
[jnanirmathanbhystppa] jna+nirmathana+abhyst( .abl.) + ppa( .acc.) [
( ) ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
nirmathana( . rubbing, churning, stirring; the wood used for producing fire by friction)
abhysa( . repetition in general; repeated practice or exercise; habit, custom, practice)
ppa( . evil, sinful, wicked; mischievous, destructive: . evil; sin: . sinful person)
[dahati] dahati( []

dah(1. . to burn, scorch; to consume, destroy completely; to pain, torment, distress)
[paita] paita( .nom.) [ .]
paita( . learned, wise; clever; skilled in, proficient: . a scholar, learned man)

12 x Lu qrmUqWiiq vUUqxjr MUi xuq |

xrmlSucpa x Lu eaimUimiqi
sa eva myparimohittm arramsthya karoti sarvam |
stryannapndivicitrabhogai sa eva jgratparitptimeti


[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []

[eva] eva( .) []
[myparimohittm] my+parimohita+tm( .nom.) [ ]
my( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image; N. of...)
parimohita(caus.past.pass.p.) < pari( . completely) + mohita(p.p. stupefied; bewildered;
deluded, fascinated) < * + ita(kt) < muh(4. . to faint, swoon, lose consciousness)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[arramsthya] arram( .acc.) + sthya(ger.) [ ]
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
sth(1. . to stand or remain on or by, to occupy; to ascend, mount; to use, assume)
[karoti] karoti( []
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[sarvam] sarvam([ .] .acc.) [ ,]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[stryannapndivicitrabhogai] str+anna+pna+di+vicitra+bhogai( [
str( . a woman; a female of any animal; a wife)
anna( . food; boiled rice; corn)
pna( . drinking, quaffing; drinking spirituous liquors; a drink, beverage in general)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
vicitra( . diversified, variegated; various; painted; beautiful, lovely)
bhoga( . eating; enjoyment; possession; a curve, coil; a snake; voluptuary)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[eva] eva( .) []
[jgratparitptimeti] jgrat( . .nom.) + paritptim( .acc.) + eti(
[( ) .]
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
paritpti( . complete satisfaction) < tpti( . satisfaction) < tp(4.5.6. . to become satisfied)
i(2. . to go, go to or towards, come to or near; to arrive at, reach; to return)

17. 2825
13 xuml x eu xZSZp xuqrr MsmieusM |
xwmiMs xMs usl iqppi xZmqi
svapne sa jva sukhadukhabhokt svamyay kalpitajvaloke |
suuptikle sakale vilne tamo'bhibhta sukharpameti


[svapne] svapne( .loc.) [ ]

svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[jva] jva( .nom.) []
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
[sukhadukhabhokt] sukha+dukha+bhokt( p. .nom.) [ ]
sukha( . happy, delighted, joyful; agreeable: . happiness, joy, delight, pleasure)
dukha( . uneasy, uncomfortable: . sorrow, pain, trouble; difficulty)
bhokt( . one who enjoys or eats; possessing; enjoying: . a possessor, enjoyer, user)
[svamyay] sva+myay( .ins.) [ ]
sva(pn. . one's own: . one's own self; a relative)
my( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image; N. of...)
[kalpitajvaloke] kalpita+jva+loke( .loc.) [ (+).]
[(svamyay kalpita)+jva+loke] - (spekasamsa)
kalpita( . arranged, made, fashioned, formed: . an elephant armed for war)
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
loka( . free or open space, room, place; the sky or heaven; the human race, mankind)
[suuptikle] suupti+kle( .loc.) [ ]
suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)
kla( . black; injuring, hurting: . death; time in general)
[sakale] sakale( .abso.loc.) [ ]
sakala( . together, with the parts; all, whole; having all the digits: . everything)
[vilne] vilne( p. .abso.loc.) [ ]
vilna(p.p. sticking to, clung or attached to; hidden, disappeared, perished, absorbed in)
[tamo'bhibhta] tama( .acc.) + abhibhta( p. .nom.) [ ]
tamas( . darkness; mental darkness; darkness or ignorance)
abhibhta( . surpassed, defeated, subdued, humbled; overcome, aggrieved, injured)
[sukharpameti] sukha+rpam( .acc.) + eti( [ .]
' ' ''
, ' ' .
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
i(2. . to go, go to or towards, come to or near; to arrive at, reach; to return)

14 ml elqliUMqraix Lu eu xumi mo |
mUr Qi r euxiixi ei xMs ucq |
AkUqllSqZhQok rxqssr ri mUr c
punaca janmntarakarmayogtsa eva jva svapiti prabuddha |
puratraye krati yaca jvastatastu jta sakala vicitram |
dhramnandamakhaabodha yasmillaya yti puratraya ca

, .

[punaca] puna( .) + ca( .) [ ]

punar( . again, further, moreover, once more; back; on the other hand)
[janmntarakarmayogtsa] janmntara+karma+yogt( .abl.reason) + sa(pn. .nom.) [
( ) ]
janmntara( . another life; the preceding life, former birth; regeneration) < janman( . birth;
origin, rise, production, creation; life, existence) + antara( . being in the inside, interior)
karman( . action, work, deed; duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
yoga( . the act of yoking, joining; connection; fitness, propriety; meditation; way, method)
[eva] eva( .) []
[jva] jva( .nom.) []
. .
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
[svapiti] svapiti( [ ]
jva svapiti prabuddha ca bhavati
svap(2. . to sleep, fall asleep, go to sleep; to recline, repose, lie down)
[prabuddha] prabuddha( p. .nom.) [.] .
prabuddha(p.p. awakened, roused; wise, learned; knowing, conversant with)
[puratraye] pura+traye( .loc.) [(+ ) ]
pura( . a town, city; a castle, fortress; a house, residence; the body; the skin)
traya( . a triad, a group or collection of three)
[krati] krati( [()]
kr(1. . to play, amuse oneself; to gamble, play at dice; to jest, joke or trifle with)
[yaca] ya(pn. .nom.) + ca( .) [ () ]
[jvastatastu] jva( .nom.) + tata( .) + tu( .) [ ]
'' : .
. '' : .
tatas( . in that manner, so, thus; and also, so also, as well as; true, exactly so)
[jta] jta( p. .nom.) []
jta(p.p. brought into existence, engendered; grown, arisen; caused, occasioned: . a creature,
living being; production, origin; kind, sort, class)

17. 2827
[sakala] sakala( .nom.) [ ]
sakala( . together, with the parts; all, whole; having all the digits: . everything)
[vicitram] vicitram( . .nom.) [.]
vicitra( . diversified, variegated; various; painted; beautiful, lovely)
[dhramnandamakhaabodha] dhram( .acc.) + nandam( .acc.) +
akhaa+bodha( .acc.) [ ]
dhre( np.loc.) + nande( np.loc.) + akhaa+bodhe( np.loc.)
dhra( . support, stay; power of sustaining, aid; a receptacle, reservoir)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
akhaa( . unbroken, whole, entire, complete: [m] . uninterruptedly)
bodha( . knowing, understanding: . perception, apprehension; idea, thought; waking up)
[yasmillaya] yasmin(pn. .loc.) +|l|+ laya( .acc.) [ ]
puratraya yasmin tmani dhre nande akhaabodhe layam yti |
laya( . sticking, union, adherence; lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution)
[yti] yti( []
y(2. . to go, move, walk; to go to, march towards; to vanish, disappear)
[puratraya] pura+traya( .nom.) [(+ ) .]
[ca] ca( .)

15 Lixqeeri mh ql xulSrh c |
Z ureriUm mju uxr kUh
etasmjjyate pro mana sarvendriyi ca |
kha vyurjyotirpaca pthiv vivasya dhri

, ,

[etasmjjyate] etasmt(pn. .abl.) + jyate( [ ]

jan(4. . to be born or produced; become, occur)
[pro] pra( .nom.) []
pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, life, vitality; wind, air inhaled)
[mana] mana( .nom.) []
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)
[sarvendriyi] sarva+indriyi( [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
[ca] ca( .)
[kha] kha( .nom.) []
kha( . a cavity, hollow, empty space, sky, cave)
[vyurjyotirpaca] vyu( .nom.) + jyoti( .nom.) + pa( + ca( .) [
vyu( . air, wind; the god of wind; a lifewind or vital air)
jyotis( . light, lustre, brightness, flash; light of Brahman; a heavenly body)

ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(
[pthiv] pthiv( .nom.) []
pthiv( . the earth; ground, soil)
[vivasya] vivasya([ .] .gen.) [ ]
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
[dhri] dhri( . .nom.) [.]
dhrin( . carrying, bearing, having, holding; keeping in one's memory) < dh(1. .10. . to
hold, bear; maintain, support; to intend in mind) + in(agent)

16 rimU o xuiq uxrril qWi |

xqixqiU lir iuqu iuqu ii
yatpara brahma sarvtm vivasyyatana mahat |
skmtskmatara nitya tattvameva tvameva tat

, , ,
, .
, .

[yatpara] yat(pn. .nom.) + para( . .nom.) [() ]

para( . other, different; beyond, further; highest, greatest: . the Supreme Spirit)
[brahma] brahma( .nom.) []
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[sarvtm] sarva+tm( .nom.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
[vivasyyatana] vivasya( .gen.) + yatana( .nom.) [ ]
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
yatana( . place, abode, house, resting place; a sanctuary, sacred place)
[mahat] mahat( . .nom.) []
mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
[skmtskmatara] skmt( .abl.) + skmatara([ .] .nom.) [
skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; small; fine, thin; sharp: . an atom: . sand: ...)
tara(an affix forming the comparative degree added to adjective nouns and also to verbs)
[nitya] nitya([ .] .nom.) [ .]
nitya( . continual, perpetual, everlasting, eternal; invariable, regular; necessary, essential)
[tattvameva] tat(pn. .nom.) + tvam(pn..nom.) + eva( .) [ ()]
[tvameva] tvam(pn..nom.) + eva( .) [ ()]
[tat] tat(pn. .nom.) [.]

17. 2829
17 eaixumlxwmirSmmgc rimMvi |
iSoWqi iu xuolk mqcri
jgratsvapnasuuptydiprapaca yatprakate |
tadbrahmhamiti jtv sarvabandhai pramucyate

'' .

[jgratsvapnasuuptydiprapaca] jgrat+svapna+suupti+di+prapaca( . .nom.)

[ ]
jgrat( . watching, being awake; attentive, careful; clear, bright: .[Ved.] daydream)
svapna( . sleeping, sleep; a dream, dreaming; sloth, indolence; the state of ignorance)
suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)
prapaca( . display, manifestation; development, expansion; amplification, expatiation)
[yatprakate] yat(pn. .nom.) + prakate( [() (
prak(1. . to shine, gleam; to become visible, come to light; to look or appear like)
[tadbrahmhamiti] tat(pn. .nom.) + brahma( .nom.) + aham(pn..nom.) + iti( .) [
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[jtv] jtv(ger.) []
j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of; to find out)
[sarvabandhai] sarva+bandhai( [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
bandha( . binding, tying, tie; putting together; a chain, fetter)
[pramucyate] pramucyate( [.]
pramuc(6. . to set free, liberate, release; to throw, cast; to shed, emit)

18 w kqx rar p pa rui |

ipr ush x clqW xSvu
triu dhmasu yadbhogya bhokt bhogaca yadbhavet |
tebhyo vilakaa sk cinmtro'ha sadiva

' ' ' ' ' ' ,

[triu] triu(num. . [(+ ) ]

tri(num. .pl. three)

[dhmasu] dhmasu( [(+) ]
dhman( . a dwellingplace, abode; a place, resort; state, condition; a ray of light; lustre)
[yadbhogya] yat(pn. .nom.) + bhogya( .nom.) [() ]
bhogya( . to be enjoyed or turned to one's account; to be suffered or endured)
[bhokt] bhokt( .nom.) [ ]
bhokt( . one who enjoys or eats; possessing; enjoying: . a possessor, enjoyer, user)
[bhogaca] bhoga( .nom.) + ca( .) [ ( )]
bhoga( . eating; enjoyment; possession; a curve, coil; a snake; voluptuary)
[yadbhavet] yat(pn. .nom.) + bhavet( [() ( )]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[tebhyo] tebhya(pn. [ ]
[vilakaa] vilakaa( p. .nom.) []
vilakaa( . having no characteristic or distinguishing marks; different; strange, extraordinary)
[sk] sk( np.nom.) [ ]
skin( . seeing, observing, witnessing: . a witness, an observer, an eyewitness)
[cinmtro'ha] cit+mtra( . .nom.) + aha(pn..nom.) [ ]
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
mtra( . measure, quantity; the whole, nothing but, only)
[sadiva] sad+iva( . .nom.) [ .]
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)
iva( . auspicious, propitious, lucky; in good health or condition, happy, fortune: . N.)

19 qrru xMs ei qr xu miiq |

qr xu sr ri iSorqxqrWq
mayyeva sakala jta mayi sarva pratihitam |
mayi sarva laya yti tadbrahmdvayamasmyaham

, .

[mayyeva] mayi(pn..loc.) + eva( .) [ ]

[sakala] sakala( .nom.) [ ]
sakala( . together, with the parts; all, whole; having all the digits: . everything)
[jta] jta( p. .nom.) []
jta(p.p. brought into existence, engendered; grown, arisen; caused, occasioned)
[mayi] mayi(pn..loc.) [ ]
[sarva] sarva([ .] .nom.) [ ]
[pratihitam] pratihitam( p. .nom.) []
pratihita(p.p. set up, erected; fixed, established; placed, situated; installed)
[mayi] mayi(pn..loc.) [ ]
[sarva] sarva([ .] .nom.) [ ]

17. 2831
[laya] laya( .acc.) []
laya( . sticking, union, adherence; lurking, hiding; fusion, melting, solution)
[yti] yti( [.]
y(2. . to go, move, walk; to go to, march towards; to vanish, disappear)
[tadbrahmdvayamasmyaham] tat(pn. .nom.) + brahma( .nom.) + advayam( . .nom.) +
asmi( + aham(pn..nom.) [ () .]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
dvaya( . twofold, double: . pair, couple; twofold nature, duplicity)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)

20 AhUhrlWqu ilqWlW uqW ucq |

mUilW mwWqv WUhqrW vumqxq
aoraynahameva tadvanmahnaha vivamaha vicitram |
purtano'ha puruo'hamo hiramayo'ha ivarpamasmi

, , .
, , .

[aoraynahameva] ao( .abl.) + ayn( p. .nom.) + aham(pn..nom.) + eva( .)

[ ]
au( . minute, small, little: . an atom, a very small particle; an atom of time)
ayas( . smaller, smallest, very small) < *[i] + yas(comparative affix) < anu( . minute,
small: . an atom, a very small particle)
[tadvanmahnaha] tadvat( .) + mahn( p. .nom.) + aham(pn..nom.) [
] .
tadvat( . containing or possessed of that: . like that, in that manner; equally, similarly)
mahat( . great, big, large, huge; ample, copious, abundant; long, extended, extensive)
[vivamaha] vivam( .nom.) + aha(pn..nom.) [ ]
viva(pn. . all, whole; every one; allpervading, omnipresent: . the universe: . the soul)
[vicitram] vicitram( . .nom.) [.]
vicitra( . diversified, variegated; various; painted; beautiful, lovely)
[purtano'ha] purtana( .nom.) + aha(pn..nom.) [ ]
purtana( . old, ancient; aged, primeval; worn out, decayed: . the ancients)
[puruo'hamo] purua( .nom.) + aham(pn..nom.) + a( .nom.) [ ,
purua( . a male being, man; mankind; the soul; the supreme being)
a( . owning, possessing; powerful, supreme: . a lord, master; a husband; a Rudra)
[hiramayo'ha] hiramaya( . .nom.) + aha(pn..nom.) [ ]
hiramaya( . made of gold, golden: . the god Brahman)
[ivarpamasmi] iva+rpam( .nom.) + asmi( [ ().]
iva( . auspicious, propitious, lucky; in good health or condition, happy, fortune: . N.)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)

21 AmhmSWqclirv mvrqrc x vhqrMh |
AW uelq uum l cxi u qq cixSWq
apipdo'hamacintyaakti paymyacaku sa omyakara |
aha vijnmi viviktarpo na csti vett mama citsad'ham

, .

[apipdo'hamacintyaakti] a+pi+pda( . .nom.) + aham(pn..nom.) +

a+cintya+akti( p. .nom.) [ ,]
pi( . the hand: [] . a market)
pda( . the foot; a quarter, fourth part) < pad(10. . to go or move: 4. . to go to)
cintya(pot.p. to be considered or thought over; to be discovered, to be devised or found out)
akti( . power, ability, capacity; regal power; the power of composition, poetic power)
[paymyacaku] paymi( + acaku( p. .nom.) [ ]
pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) [ ]
[omyakara] omi( + akara( p. .nom.) [ .]
ru(5. . to hear, listen to, give ear to)
kara( . having long ears: . the ear; N. of a celebrated warrior)
[aha] aha(pn..nom.) []
[vijnmi] vijnmi( [(+ ) ]
vij(9. . to know, be aware of; to learn, comprehend; to ascertain, find out)
[viviktarpo] vivikta+rpa( . .nom.) [ ,]
: , .
vivikta(p.p. separated, detached, disjoined; lonely, solitary; single, alone)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[na] na( .)
[csti] ca( .) + asti( [() ]
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[vett] vett( .nom.) [ ]
vett( . a knower; a sage; a husband, an espouser; one who obtains)
[mama] mama(pn..gen.acc.) [.]
[citsad'ham] cit( .nom.) + sad( .) + aham(pn..nom.) [ .]
. ' '
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
sad( . always, ever, perpetually, at all times)

17. 2833
22 uSUlMUWqu u uSliMSuSu cWq |
l mhrmm qq lxi lv l elq SWlSroUxi
vedairanekairahameva vedyo vedntakdvedavideva cham |
na puyappe mama nsti no na janma dehendriyabuddhirasti

, .
, ,

[vedairanekairahameva] vedai( + anekai( . + aham(pn..nom.) + eva( .)

[ () ]
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
aneka( . not one, many, much; separated, divided)
[vedyo] vedya( p. .nom.) [ ,]
vedya( . to be known; to be taught or explained; to be married)
[vedntakdvedavideva] vednta+kt( .nom.) + veda+vit( .nom.) + eva( .) [
vednta( . the end of the Veda, an Upaniad: . N. of Hindu philosophy)
kt( .[comp.] accomplisher, doer, maker, performer) < [kvip] + t* < k(8. .)
w [kvip] 't' .
vid( .[com.] knowing, conversant with: . a learned man) < [kvip] < vid(2. . to know)
[cham] ca( .) + aham(pn..nom.) [.]
[na] na( .)
[puyappe] puya+ppe( .nom.du.) []
puya( . virtue, religious or moral merit; a virtuous or meritorious act; purity)
ppa( . evil, sinful, wicked; mischievous, destructive: . evil; sin: . sinful person)
[mama] mama(pn..gen.) [ ,]
[or] (gen.acc.) (+ )
[nsti] na( .) + asti( [(+) ]
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[no] na( .nom.) [,]
na( . disappearance; frustration, destruction, ruin, loss; death; misfortune)
[na] na( .)
[janma] janma( .nom.) []
janman( . birth; origin, rise, production, creation; life, existence)
[dehendriyabuddhirasti] deha+indriya+buddhi( .nom.) + asti( [
(+) .]
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
indriya( . power, the quality; an organ of sense, faculty of sense)
buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea)

23 l pqUm l c uUxi l cls qxi l cqoU c |
Lu uSiu mUqiqm aWvr lwMsqirq |
xqxix xSxWl mri v mUqiqmq
na bhmirpo na ca vahnirasti na cnilo me'sti na cmbara ca |
eva viditv paramtmarpa guhaya nikalamadvityam |
samastaski sadasadvihna prayti uddha paramtmarpam



[na] na( .)
[bhmirpo] bhmi( .nom.) + pa( [ ]
bhmi( . the earth; soil, ground; a territory, country) < bh(1. . to be born or produced)
ap( .[only pl. in classical, pl. & sg. in Veda] water; air) > pa(
[na] na( .)
[ca] ca( .)
[vahnirasti] vahni( .nom.) + asti( [ ]
vani( . fire; the digestive faculty, gastric fluid; digestion, appetite)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[na] na( .)
[cnilo] ca( .) + anila( .nom.) [ ]
anila( . wind; the god of wind)
[me'sti] me(pn..gen.) + asti( [ ]
[na] na( .)
[cmbara] ca( .) + ambara( .nom.) [ .]
ambara( . sky, atmosphere, ether; cloth, garment; saffron)
[ca] ca( .)
[eva] eva( .) []
[viditv] viditv(ger.) []
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[paramtmarpa] paramtma+rpa( .acc.) [ ]
paramtman( . the Supreme Spirit or Brahman) < parama( . highest, best) + tman( .)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[guhaya] guh+aya( . .acc.) [(+ ) ]
guh( . a cave, cavern, hidingplace; hiding, concealing; a pit, hole in the ground)
aya( . lying down, sleeping [comp.]: . sleep; a bed, couch; a hand) < * + a(kt) <
(2. . to lie, lie down, recline; to sleep; to rest)
w aya < ay + a < e + a < * + a <

17. 2835
[nikalamadvityam] nikalam( . .acc.) + advityam( . .acc.) [ ()
nikala( . without parts, undivided; waned, diminished; impotent, barren; indivisible)
advitya( . without a second, matchless, peerless; without a companion, alone; sole, unique)
[samastaski] samasta+ski( . .acc.) [ ]
samasta(p.p. thrown together, combined; compounded; all whole entire)
skin( . seeing, observing, witnessing: . a witness, an observer, an eyewitness)
[sadasadvihna] sad+asad+vihna( . .acc.) [ ]

sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
asat( . not being or existing; non existent, unreal: . nonexistence, nonentity)
vihna(p.p. left, abandoned; devoid of, without; base, low)
[prayti] prayti( []
pray(2. . to walk, go; to depart, go forth or out; to advance, progress; to enter)
[uddha] uddha( . .acc.) []
uddha(p.p. pure, clean, purified; holy, undefiled, chaste, innocent; white, bright)
[paramtmarpam] paramtma+rpam( .acc.) [ .]

24 r viSrqki xalmi pui xUmlimi pui x oWirr

mi pui x xuhxirimi pui x MirMirimi pui
ixqSuqqi puirirq xuS xM emi
ya atardriyamadhte so'gnipto bhavati surpntpto bhavati sa
brahmahatyy pto bhavati sa suvarasteytpto bhavati sa ktyktytpto
bhavati tasmdavimuktamrito bhavatyatyram sarvad sakdv japet

'' ,
, ,
, . ''
'' .

[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]

[atardriyamadhte] atardriyam( .acc.) + adhte( [''
: ''
, '
' .
atardriya < ata() rudra() iya(taddhita suffix) :
atardriya( . a Vedic text; a particular ivastotra in the Mahbhrata)
adh(2. . to study, learn [by heart], read; to remember, think of; to know learn by heart)
[so'gnipto] sa(pn. .nom.) + agni+pta([ .] .nom.) [ ]
agni( . fire; the god of fire; sacrificial fire of three kinds)
pta(p.p. purified, cleansed, washed; threshed, winnowed; expiated)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]

bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[surpntpto] surpnt( .abl.) + pta( p. .nom.) [(+ ) ]
surpna( . the drinking of wine or liquor) < sur( . a spirituous liquor, wine; water; a
drinking vessel) + pna( . drinking; drinking spirituous liquors) < p(1. . to drink; to kiss)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[brahmahatyy] brahma+hatyy( .abl.) [() (+ )]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
haty( . killing, slaying, slaughter, murder)
[pto] pta( p. .nom.) []
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[suvarasteytpto] suvara+steyt( .abl.) + pta( p. .nom.) [ (+
) ]
suvara( . of a good or beautiful colour, bright, golden: . gold; a golden coin)
steya( . theft, robbery; anything stolen or liable to be stolen)
[bhavati] bhavati( [,]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[ktyktytpto] ktya+aktyt( .abl.) + pta( p. .nom.) [ (+
) ]
ktya( . what should or ought to be done, right, proper: . duty, function; work, deed)
aktya( . unfit to be done: . a crime, an improper act)
[bhavati] bhavati( [.]
[tasmdavimuktamrito] tasmt( .) + avimuktam( .acc.) + rita([ .] .nom.)
[ '' ]
'' : ''
tasmt( . from that, on that account, therefore)
avimukta( . unloosed, not quitted or let go: . the lord of Benares: . N. of a Tirtha or
sacred place near Benares, or Benares itself; the space between the chin and the head)
rita(p.p.[w/acc.] resorting to, having recourse to; dwelling in, seated or resting on; using)
[bhavatyatyram] bhavati( + atyram( .nom.) [, ( ) ]
atyramin( . sanyasa) < atyrama( . sanyasa, renunciation) < ati( . beyond) +
rama( . a hermitage; a stage or period of the [religious] life of a Brhmaa)
[sarvad] sarvad( .) []
sarvad( . always, at all times, forever)
[sakdv] sakd( .) + v( .) [ ]
sakd( . once; at one time, on one occasion; always; together with)
[japet] japet( [(+ ) .]
jap(1. . to utter in a low voice, repeat internally; to mutter prayers or spells)

17. 2837
25 All lqmli xxUhulvlq ixqSu uSiul Musr mSqvli
Musr mSqvli Ci
anena jnampnoti sasrravananam tasmdeva viditvaina kaivalya
padamanute kaivalya padamanuta iti

'' .
'' .

[anena] anena(pn. .ins.) []

[jnampnoti] jnam( .acc.) + pnoti( [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
p(5. . to obtain, attain, get; to reach, go to; to pervade, occupy)
[sasrravananam] sasra+arava+nanam( . .acc.) [ .]
sasra( . course, passage; the course or circuit of worldly life; transmigration)
arava( . being agitated, foaming; full of water: . a stream, flood; the sea, ocean)
nana( . destroying, causing to perish, removing: . destruction, ruin; removing; perishing)
[tasmdeva] tasmt( .) + eva( .) [ ]
[viditvaina] viditv(ger.) + ena(pn. .acc.) [ ]
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
[kaivalya] kaivalya( np.acc.) ['']
'' : '' ''
kaivalya(the position of Brahman) < kevala(only one without second Brahman)
kaivalya( . perfect isolation, soleness, exclusiveness; detachment of the soul from matter) <
kevala( . peculiar, exclusive, uncommon; alone, mere, sole; whole, entire)
[padamanute] padam( .acc.) + anute( [ .]
pada( . a foot, step, footprint; a complete or inflected word, pretext; a way, road)
a(5. . to pervade, fill completely, penetrate; to reach, go or come; to get, gain)
[kaivalya] kaivalya( np.acc.) ['']
[padamanuta] padam( .acc.) + anute( [ .]
[iti] iti( .) [.]

00 mhqS Ci vli
o pramada iti nti

'' . .


( uexcMmlwS )
18. (Vajrascik Upaniad)

9 .
'vajrascik' 'vajra' 'sci' , '
' .

0 cixSllSmr xukuxh lq uSliur ohllimh

citsadnandarpya sarvadhvttiskie namo vedntavedyya

'' '' ''


[citsadnandarpya] cit+sat+nanda+rpya( . .dat.) ['' '' '' ]

' '
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[sarvadhvttiskie] sarva+dhvtti+skie( . .dat.) [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
dh( . intellect, understanding, mind; idea, conception; a thought)
vtti( . being, existence; abiding, remaining, attitude; state, condition)
skin( . seeing, observing, witnessing: . a witness, an observer, an eyewitness)
[namo] nama( .) [ ]
namas( . a bow, salutation; food; a thunderbolt; a gift, present: . bow, obeisance)
[vedntavedyya] vednta+vedyya( . .dat.) [ ]
vid(2. .) > vid( . knowing) : vednta+vide([ .] .dat.) [ ]
vednta( . the end of the Veda, an Upaniad: . N. of Hindu philosophy)
vedya( . to be known; to be taught or explained) < *[v&i] + ya(kt) < vid(2. . to know)
[brahmae'nantarpie] brahmae( .dat.) + ananta+rpie( . .dat.) [
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
ananta( . endless, infinite, eternal: . the sky, atmosphere) < anta( . limit, boundary)
rpin( . appearing like; embodied, incarnate) < *[v&i] + in(agent) < rpa( . form)

18. 2841

1 | uexc murq vxqlpSlq Swh lWll pwh

o vajrasci pravakymi stramajnabhedanam daa jnahnn
bhaa jnacakum

'' .

[o] o( .) ['']
[vajrasci] vajrasci( .acc.) ['' '' ]
vajrasci( . diamond needle) < vajra( . hard; severe: . a thunderbolt, the weapon of
Indra; any destructive weapon) + sci( . piercing; a needle; sharp point or pointed blade)
[pravakymi] pravakymi( [ ]
pravac(2. . to speak, say, address; to tell, relate, announce; to explain)
[stramajnabhedanam] stram( np.acc.) + ajna+bhedanam( . .acc.)
[() ]
stra( . an order, rule; any religious or scientific treatise; education)
ajna( . ignorant, unwise: . ignorance, unconsciousness)
bhedana( . breaking, dividing: . splitting, breaking; dividing, separating; distinguishing)
[daa] daa( np.nom.) []
daa( . corrupting, spoiling, destroying: . spoiling, corrupting; violating; seducing)
[jnahnn] jna+hnn([ .] [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
hna(p.p. left, abandoned; excluded, shut out from; wasted: . without, devoid of)
[bhaa] bhaa( np.nom.) []
bhaa( . ornamenting, decoration; an ornament, decoration)
[jnacakum] jna+cakum([ .] [ .]
cakus( . seeing: . the eye; sight, look, vision; light, clearness)

2 ohruvrvS Ci ciuU uhxiw uhl oh Lu mkl Ci
uSucllm xqipUmrq i cqxi M u oh lq M
eu M SW M ei M l M Mq M kqM Ci
brhmaakatriyavaiyadr iti catvro varste varn brhmaa eva
pradhna iti vedavacannurpa smtibhirapyuktam tatra codyamasti ko v
brhmao nma ki jva ki deha ki jti ki jna ki karma ki
dhrmika iti

'' '' '' '' .

. , .
. '' ? ? ?
? ? ? ?

[brhmaakatriyavaiyadr] brhmaa+katriya+vaiya+dr( [''

'' '' '']
brhmaa( . belonging to a Brhmaa: . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)
katriya( . a member of the military or second caste)
vaiya( . a man of the third tribe, his business being trade and agriculture)
dra( . a man of the fourth or the last of the four principal tribes of the Hindus)
[iti] iti( .) []
iti( . to indicate the meaning, to mark the conclusion, as for, because, thus)
[catvro] catvra( . []
catur(num. . four: . four time) > catvra( .
catvara( . a quadrangular place or courtyard; a place where many roads meet)
[varste] var( + te(pn. [. ]
vara( . a colour, hue; look; a class of men, tribe, caste; a good quality)
[varn] varn( [ ]
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[eva] eva( .) []
eva( . indeed, truly, really; just so, exactly so truly)
[pradhna] pradhna( p. .nom.) [ ]
pradhna( . chief, principal, main: . the chief thing or object, most important thing)
[iti] iti( .) [ ]
[vedavacannurpa] veda+vacana+anurpa( .nom.) ['' ]
~ ''
veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning; a bundle of Kua grass)
vacana( . the act of speaking, uttering; a text; an order: . speaking, indicating)
anurpa( . like, resembling, corresponding to; suitable or fit, adapted to [w/gen.]: .)
[smtibhirapyuktam] smtibhi( + api( .) + uktam( p. .nom.) [''
(+) .]

18. 2843
ruti <> , smti ruti
<> , pura ruti smti
<> .
smti( . remembrance, recollection, memory; thinking of, calling to mind)
ukta(p.p. said, spoken; uttered; told: . a speech, words) < vac(2. . to say, speak)
[tatra] tatra( .) [ ]
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
[codyamasti] codyam( .nom.) + asti( [ .]
codya(pot.pass.p.) < *[g] + ya(kt) < cud(10. . to send; to press with a request)
codya( . to be driven or impelled to be mentioned: . objecting, asking a question; wonder)
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[ko] ka(pn. .nom.) []
[v] vai( .) []
[brhmao] brhmaa( .nom.) [''()]
[nma] nma( .) [?]
nma( . by name, called; indeed, certainly, really)
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[jva] jva( .nom.) [?]
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[deha] deha( .nom.) [?]
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[jti] jti( .nom.) [?]
jti( . birth, production; the form of existence fixed by birth; race, family, lineage)
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[jna] jna( .nom.) [?]
'' ? '' ?
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[karma] karma( .nom.) [?]
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
[ki] ki(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[dhrmika] dhrmika( .nom.) [?]
dhrmika( . righteous, pious, just, virtuous: . a judge; a bigot; a juggler)
[iti] iti( .) [.]

3 i mjq eu oh Ci ci i AiilailMSWl
euxrMmiui LMxrm MquvSlMSWxpui xuvUUh
euxrMmiucc ixqi l eu oh Ci
tatra prathamo jvo brhmaa iti cet tanna attngatnekadehn
jvasyaikarpatvt ekasypi karmavadanekadehasabhavt sarvaarr
jvasyaikarpatvcca tasmt na jvo brhmaa iti

. ,
, .

[tatra] tatra( .) []
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
[prathamo] prathama([ .] .nom.) [ ]
viaya( . an object of sense; a worldly object or concern, an affair; an object, a thing)
prathama( . first, foremost, chief, principal: [m] firstly, at first; already; immediately)
[jvo] jva( .nom.) []
jva( . living, existing, alive: . the principle of life, the individual or personal soul)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) [.]
brhmaa( . belonging to a Brhmaa: . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)
[iti] iti( .) []
[cet] cet( .) []
[tanna] tat(pn. .nom.) + na( .) [ .]
[attngatnekadehn] atta+angata+aneka+dehn( [()
( ) ]
atta(p.p. gone beyond, crossed; exceeding, going beyond) < at(2. . to go beyond, pass on)
angata( . not come or arrived; not got or obtain; future, to come: . the future time)
aneka( . not one; more than one, many; separated, divided)
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[jvasyaikarpatvt] jvasya( .gen.) + eka+rpatvt( .abl.) [
rpatva( .) < * + tva('the state of') < rpa( .)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
[ekasypi] ekasya([ .] .gen.) + api( .) [(+) ]
[karmavadanekadehasabhavt] karmavat( .abl.) + aneka+deha+sabhavt( .abl.) [
karmavaa( . fate considered as the inevitable result of actions done in a former life) <
karman( . specific action, moral duty) + vaa( . influenced by: . wish, desire; influence)
sabhava( . birth, production, springing up; production and bringing up; cause, origin)
[sarvaarr] sarva+arr( [ ]
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
[jvasyaikarpatvcca] jvasya( .gen.) + eka+rpatvt( .abl.) + ca( .) [
[tasmt] tasmt( .) []
tasmt( . from that, on that account, therefore)
[na] na( .) []
[jvo] jva( .nom.) []
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) [.]

18. 2845
4 iW SW oh Ci ci i AchQsSmrlil qlwrh mgcpi
Miul SWxrMmiui eUqUhkqkqSxqrSvli oh iuh
r Uuh uvr miuh vS Mwhuh Ci lrqpui mS
vUUSWl mSl oWirSSwxpucc ixqi l SW oh Ci
tarhi deho brhmaa iti cet tanna caldiparyantn manuy
pacabhautikatvena dehasyaikarpatvt jarmaraadharmdharmdismyadarant
brhmaa vetavara katriyo raktavaro vaiya ptavara dra kavara
iti niyambhvt pitrdiarradahane putrdn brahmahatydidoasabhavcca
tasmt na deho brhmaa iti

. , ''
. (
) , ,
, , , . (
. .

[tarhi] tarhi( .) [ ]
tarhi( . at that time, then; in that case)
[deho] deha( .nom.) []
deha( . the body; a form, shape; a person, an individual)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) []
[cet] cet( .) []
[tanna] tat(pn. .nom.) + na( .) [ .]
[caldiparyantn] +cala+di+paryantn( . [''
([as a separable preposition with abl.] till, until, up to, as far as, unto from)
cala( . wicked or cruel in deeds: . a general name for the lowest and most despised of
the mixed castes originating from a dra father and a Brhmaa mother)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
paryanta( . bounded by, extending as far as; adjoining: . circuit, circumference; skirt, edge)
[manuy] manuy( [ ]
manuya( . friendly or useful to man: . a man, human being; mate)
[pacabhautikatvena] paca+bhautikatvena( .ins.) [ ]
pacan(num. . five) < pac(1. . to spread out the hand with its five fingers)
bhautika( . belonging to created or living beings; formed of coarse elements, elemental)
[dehasyaikarpatvt] dehasya( .gen.) + eka+rpatvt( .abl.) [

rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
jar+maraa+dharma+adharma+di+smya+darant( .abl.) [(+ )
jar( . old age; decrepitude, infirmity, general debility consequent on old age)
maraa( . the act of dying, death)
dharma( . that which is established or firm, law; usage, practice, duty; right, justice)
adharma( . unrighteousness, irreligion, lawlessness)
smya( . equality, sameness, evenness; likeness, resemblance; equability)
darana( . seeing, looking at: . seeing, looking at; knowing; sight, vision; appearance)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
brhmaa( . belonging to a Brhmaa: . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)
[vetavara] veta+vara( .nom.) [,]
veta( . white: . the white colour; a white cloud; N. of a range of mountains)
vara( . a colour, hue; look; a class of men, tribe, caste; a good quality)
[katriyo] katriya( .nom.) []
katriya( . a member of the military or second caste)
[raktavaro] rakta+vara( .nom.) [,]
rakta(p.p. coloured, dyed; red, bloodred; dear, liked: . blood; copper)
[vaiya] vaiya( .nom.) []
vaiya( . a man of the third tribe, his business being trade and agriculture)
[ptavara] pta+vara( .nom.) [,]
pta( . drunk, quaffed; steeped, soaked in; absorbed, drunk up; yellow: . yellow colour)
[dra] dra( .nom.) []
dra( . a man of the fourth or the last of the four principal tribes of the Hindus)
[kavara] ka+vara( .nom.) []
ka( . black, dark; wicked, evil: . the black colour; the dark half of a lunar month)
[iti] iti( .) []
[niyambhvt] niyama+abhvt( .abl.) [ .]
niyama( . restraining, checking; taming, subduing; confining, preventing)
abhva( . non existence; absence) < bhva( . being, existing) < bh(1. . to become)
[pitrdiarradahane] pitr+di+arra+dahane( .loc.) [ ]
pit( .sg. a father: .pl. forefathers, ancestors; the Manes)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
dahana( . burning, consuming by fire; destructive, injurious: . fire; a pigeon)
[putrdn] putra+dn( [ ]
putra( . a son, child)
[brahmahatydidoasabhavcca] brahma+hati+di+doa+sabhavt( .abl.) + ca( .)
[() .]
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
hati( . killing, destruction; striking, wounding; a blow, stroke) < han(2. . to kill)
doa( . a fault, blame; a crime, guilt; noxious quality, badness)
sabhava( . birth, production, springing up; production and bringing up; cause, origin)
[tasmt] tasmt( .) []

18. 2847
[na] na( .) []
[deho] deha( .nom.) []
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) [.]

5 iW ei oh Ci ci i i eirliUeliwulMeixpui,
qWwr oWu xli GwrvXa qar, MvM Mvi eqoM eqoMi
usqM usqMi urx MuiMlrMrq vvmi aiq ux
Euvrq Aaxir Msv ei Ci iiui Liw eir ulmra
lmimSi Gwr oWu xli ixqi l ei oh Ci
tarhi jti brhmaa iti cet tanna tatra jtyantarajantuvanekajtisabhavt
maharayo bahava santi yago mgy kauika kut jmbuko jambukt
vlmko valmkt vysa kaivartakanyakym aapht gautama vasiha
urvaym agastya kalae jta iti rutatvt ete jty vinpyagre
jnapratipdit ayo bahava santi tasmt na jti brhmaa iti

. ,
. '' '
' '' '' ''
'' '' '' ''
. .

[tarhi] tarhi( .) [ ]
[jti] jti( .nom.) []
jti( . birth, production; the form of existence fixed by birth; race, family, lineage)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
. : .
[iti] iti( .) []
[cet] cet( .) []
[tanna] tat(pn. .nom.) + na( .) [ .]
[tatra] tatra( .) []
tatra( . there, in that place, in that case)
[jtyantarajantuvanekajtisabhavt] jti+antara+jantuu( +
aneka+jti+sabhavt( .abl.) [ ]
antara( . being in the inside, interior; near, similar; different from, other than [w/abl.])
jantu( . a creature, a living being, man; the soul; an animal of the lowest organization)
aneka( . not one; more than one, many; separated, divided)
sabhava( . birth, production, springing up; production and bringing up; cause, origin)
[maharayo] maharaya( [ ]
mahari( . a great sage or saint)

[bahava] bahava( . []
bahu( . much, many, frequent, numerous: . much, abundantly, very much; somewhat)
[santi] santi( [.]
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[yago] yaga( .nom.) ['']
yaga( . N. of a sage) < ya( . a whitefooted antelope) + ga( . a horn)
[mgy] mgy( .abl.) [,]
mg( . a female deer, doe; epilepsy; N. of a particular class of women)
[kauika] kauika( .nom.) ['']
kauika( . coming from an owl; born of the family of Kuika: . an owl; an ichneumon)
[kut] kut( .abl.) ['',]
kua( . a holy grass which forming as essential requisite of several religious ceremonies)
[jmbuko] jmbuka( .nom.) ['']
jmbuka( . N. of...)
[jambukt] jambukt( .abl.) [,]
jambuka( . a jackal; a low man; the rose apple tree)
[vlmko] vlmka( .nom.) ['']
vlmki( . N. of a celebrated sage, and author of the Rmyaa) = vlmiki, vlmka.
[valmkt] valmkt( .abl.) [,]
valmka( . an anthill: . swelling of certain parts of the body)
[vysa] vysa( .nom.) ['']
vysa( . N. of a sage, the son of the sage Parara: . distribution, separation; dissolution)
[kaivartakanyakym] kaivarta+kanyakym( .abl.) [ ,]
kaivarta( . a fisherman)
kanyak( . a girl; an unmarried girl, virgin, maiden; a technical name for a girl ten years old)
[aapht] aa+pht( .abl.) [ ]
aa( . a hare, rabbit; the spots of the moon)
pha( . the back, hinder part, rear; the back of an animal; the surface or upper side)
[gautama] gautama( .nom.) ['',]
gautama( . relating to Gotama: . patr. fr. Gotama)
[vasiha] vasiha( .nom.) ['']
vasiha( . most excellent, best, richest: . N. of a celebrated Vedic i or sage)
[urvaym] urvaym( .loc.) [(+) '',]
urva( . N. of a famous Apsaras or nymph of Indra's heaven)
[agastya] agastya( .nom.) ['']
agastya( .) = agasti( . 'Pitcherborn', N. of a celebrated i or sage)
[kalae] kalae( .loc.) []
kalaa( . a pitcher, waterpot, a jar, dish; a churn; a kind of measure)
[jta] jta( p. .nom.) []
jta(p.p. brought into existence, engendered; grown, arisen; caused, occasioned)
[iti] iti( .) []
[rutatvt] rutatvt( .abl.) [ .] .
ruta(p.p. heard, listened to; learnt, understood: . the object of hearing; sacred knowledge)

18. 2849
[ete] ete(pn. [ ]
[jty] jty( .ins.) [(+) ]
jti( . birth, production; the form of existence fixed by birth; race, family, lineage)
[vinpyagre] vin( .) + api( .) + agre( .loc.) [ ]
+ ()
vin( . without, except [w/acc.,ins.,abl.]; in the absence of)
agra( . first, foremost, chief: . setting mountain: . the foremost or topmost point)
[jnapratipdit] jna+pratipdit( . [ ]
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
pratipdita(p.p. given, bestowed, granted; established, proved, demonstrated; explained)
[ayo] aya( []
i( . an inspired poet or sage; a sanctified sage, saint, an ascetic; the veda; life)
[bahava] bahava( . []
bahu( . much, many, frequent, numerous: . much, abundantly, very much; somewhat)
[santi] santi( [. .]
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tasmt] tasmt( .) []
[na] na( .) []
[jti] jti( .nom.) []
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) [.]

6 iW l oh Ci ci i rSrm mUqjSvlp oWu

xli ixqi l l oh Ci
tarhi jna brhmaa iti cet tanna katriydayo'pi paramrthadarino'bhij
bahava santi tasmt na jna brhmaa iti

. ,
' ' . .

[tarhi] tarhi( .) [ ]
[jna] jna( .nom.) []
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) []
[cet] cet( .) []
[tanna] tat(pn. .nom.) + na( .) [ .]
[katriydayo'pi] katriya+daya( . + api( .) [ ]
katriya( . a member of the military or second caste)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
[paramrthadarino'bhij] paramrtha+darina( . + abhij( [
() ]

paramrtha( . the highest or most sublime truth, true spiritual knowledge; truth, reality)
darin( . seeing, perceiving, observing; receiving, securing; experiencing)
abhija( . knowing, aware of; skilled in: . Brahm, the Almighty: . recognition;
remembrance) < abhija(9. . to recognize; to know; to admit)
[bahava] bahava( p. []
bahu( . much, many, frequent, numerous: . much, abundantly, very much; somewhat)
[santi] santi( [.]
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tasmt] tasmt( .) []
[na] na( .) []
[jna] jna( .nom.) []
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) [.]

7 iW Mq oh Ci ci i xuw mhl
mUokxgciaqMqxkqrSvliMqpmUi xli el r
Mulii ixqi l Mq oh Ci
tarhi karma brhmaa iti cet tanna sarve prin
prrabdhasacitgmikarmasdharmyadarantkarmbhiprerit santo jan kriy
kurvantti tasmt na karma brhmaa iti

. ,
[] [] [] ,

[tarhi] tarhi( .) [ ]
[karma] karma( .nom.) []
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) []
[cet] cet( .) []
[tanna] tat(pn. .nom.) + na( .) [ .]
[sarve] sarve( . []
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
[prin] prin( [ ]
prin( . breathing, living, alive: . a living or sentient being, a living creature; a man)
[prrabdhasacitgmikarmasdharmyadarantkarmbhiprerit] prrabdha+sacita+gmi+karma
+sdharmya+darant( .abl.) + karma+abhiprerit( . [ ()
() () , (+
) ]
prrabdha(p.p. begun, commenced: . what is begun, an undertaking)

18. 2851
sacita(p.p. heaped up, accumulated, hoarded, collected; laid by, stored; enumerated)
gmin( . coming; future; impending, arriving; learned) < gam(1. . to come)
karman( . action, work; business, duty; a religious rite; specific action, moral duty)
sdharmya( . sameness or community of duty; sameness of nature, common character)
darana( . seeing, looking at: . seeing, looking at; knowing; sight, vision; appearance)
abhiprer(2. .[caus.] to drive forwards, push on) < abhi + pra + r(2. . to go; to rise)
[santo] santa( . []
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
[jan] jan( []
jana( . a creature, living being, man; an individual or person; the people)
[kriy] kriy( [(+) ]
kriy( . doing, execution, performance; an action, act; activity, labour)
[kurvantti] kurvanti( + iti( .) [( ). .]
k(8. . to do; to make; to manufacture, prepare; to built, create; to form, arrange)
[tasmt] tasmt( .) []
[na] na( .) []
[karma] karma( .nom.) []
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) [.]

8 iW kqM oh Ci ci i rSr WUhrSiU oWu xli,

ixqi l kqM oh Ci
tarhi dhrmiko brhmaa iti cet tanna katriydayo hirayadtro bahava santi
tasmt na dhrmiko brhmaa iti

. ,
. .

[tarhi] tarhi( .) [ ]
[dhrmiko] dhrmika( .nom.) []

dhrmika( . righteous, pious, just, virtuous: . a judge; a bigot; a juggler)
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) []
[cet] cet( .) []
[tanna] tat(pn. .nom.) + na( .) [ .]
[katriydayo] katriya+daya( . [ ]
katriya( . a member of the military or second caste)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
[hirayadtro] hiraya+dtra( . [(+ ) ]
hiraya( . gold; any vessel of gold; silver; any precious metal)
dt( . giving, offering: . a giver; a donor; a lender, creditor)
[bahava] bahava([ .] [ ]

bahu( . much, many, frequent, numerous: . much, abundantly, very much; somewhat)
[santi] santi( [.]
as(2. . to be, live, exist, be present; to abide, dwell, stay; to take place, happen)
[tasmt] tasmt( .) []
[na] na( .) []
[dhrmiko] dhrmika( .nom.) []
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) []
[iti] iti( .) [.]

9 iW M u oh lq r MSiqlqir eiahrWl
wQqwQpuirSxuSwUWi xirlllSllixum xur
AlpuMuqmUirpxql MUisqsMuixSmUMir
Mijir MqUaSSwUWi vqSqSxm
puqixriwhvqWSUWi SqpWXMUSpUxxmci uii
Luqsh r x Lu oh Ci ixqimUhiWxlqpmr
Alrj W ohiuxlxiru | xccSllSqiqlqir o puri
Aiqlqir o purSirmlwi
tarhi ko v brahmao nma ya kacidtmnamadvitya jtiguakriyhna
armiabhvetydisarvadoarahita satyajnnandnantasvarpa svaya
anubhavaikavedyamaparokataybhsamna karatalmalakavatskdaparokktya
ktrthatay kmargdidoarahita amadamdisapanno
bhvamtsaryatmohdirahito dambhhakrdibhirasaspacet vartata
evamuktalakao ya sa eva brhmaa iti rutismtipuretihsnmabhiprya
anyath hi brhmaatvasiddhirnstyeva | saccidnandamtmnamadvitya brahma
bhvayet tmnamadvitya brahma bhvayedityupaniat

'' ? ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, ''
, , ,
, .

18. 2853
'' '' '' . ''
. . .

[tarhi] tarhi( .) [ ]
[ko] ka(pn. .nom.) []
[v] vai( ) []
[brahmao] brahmaa( .nom.) [()]
[nma] nma( .) [?]
nma( . by name, called; indeed, certainly, really)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[kacidtmnamadvitya] kacit(pn. .nom.) + tmnam( .acc.) + advitya( . .acc.)
[ ]
kicit( . to a certain degree, somewhat, a little)
tman( . the soul; self; supreme deity and soul of the universe)
advitya( . without a second, matchless, peerless; without a companion, alone; sole, unique)
[jtiguakriyhna] jti+gua+kriy+hna( . .acc.) [ ]
jti( . birth, production; the form of existence fixed by birth; race, family, lineage)
gua( . a quality; a good quality, merit, virtue; use, advantage, good; effect, result)
kriy( . doing, execution, performance; an action, act; activity, labour)
hna(p.p. left, abandoned; excluded, shut out from; wasted: . without, devoid of)
armi+abhva+iti+di+sarva+doa+rahita( . .acc.) [
armi : , , , , , .
abhva : , , , , , .
a(num. < a(num. . six)
rmi( . a wave, billow; current, flow; light; speed, velocity)
bhva( . being, existing; becoming, occurring; state, condition)
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
sarva(pn. . whole, entire, all, every)
doa( . a fault, blame; a crime, guilt; noxious quality, badness)
rahita(p.p. quitted, left, abandoned; separated from, free from; lonely, solitary)
[satyajnnandnantasvarpa] satya+jna+nanda+ananta+svarpa( . .acc.) [
: satyajnaananta satcitnanda
satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
ananta( . endless, infinite, eternal: . the sky, atmosphere) < anta( . limit, boundary)
svarpa( . one's own form or shape; natural character or form; kind, sort; real nature)
[svaya] svaya( .) []
svaya( . oneself, spontaneously)
[nirvikalpamaeakalpdhramaeabhtntarymitvena] nir+vikalpam( . .acc.) + aea+kalpa
+dhram( . .acc.) + aea+bhta+antar+ymitvena( .ins.) [

nir( . away from, without, free from)
vikalpa( . doubt, uncertainty, indecision; suspicion; contrivance, art)
aea( . without remainder, whole, all, entire, complete, perfect)
kalpa( . practicable, feasible, possible; proper, fit, right; strong, vigorous; able, competent)
dhra( . support, stay; power of sustaining, aid; a receptacle, reservoir)
bhta(p.p. become, existing; past, gone: . any being; a spirit; the past, past time)
antar( . in the middle, between; between, amongst, within)
ymitva( .) < *[v&i] + tva('the state of') < yamin( . restraining, curbing: . one who
has restrained his passions)
[vartamnamantarbahickavadanusytamakhanandasvabhvamaprameya] vartamnam
( . .acc.) + antar( .) + bahi( .) + ca( .) + ka+vat(adv.) + anusytam( . .acc.) +
akhaa+nanda+svabhvam( . .acc.) + aprameya( . .acc.) [ ,
, , ]
vartamna( . being, existing: . presence; the present time) < vt(1. . to be, exist)
bahis( . out of, outside; on the outside, out of doors; externally, outwardly)
ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
anusyta( . woven, together regularly and uninterruptedly; sewn on, fastened to)
akhaa( . unbroken, whole, entire, complete: [m] . uninterruptedly)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
svabhva( . own state; an essential or inherent property, natural constitution)
aprameya( . immeasurable, unbounded; inscrutable, unfathomable: . Brahman)
[anubhavaikavedyamaparokataybhsamna] anubhava+eka+vedyam( . .acc.) +
aparokatay( .ins.) + bhsamna( . .acc.) [ ,
() ]

~ , ~ .
anubhava( . direct perception or cognition; knowledge derived from personal observation or
experiment, notion, apprehension, the impression on the mind not derived from memory)
vedya( . to be known; to be taught or explained) < *[v&i] + ya(kt) < vid(2. . to know)
aparoka( . not invisible, perceptible to the senses, visible; not distant or remote) <
paroka( . out of or beyond the range of sight, invisible; absent; secret, unknown
bhs(1. . to shine, glitter, be bright; come into the mind; to appear) > bhsamna(pres.p.)
[karatalmalakavatskdaparokktya] karatala+malaka+vat(adv.) + skt( .) +
aparokktya(ger.) [ '' ]
karatala( . the palm of the hand) < kara( . a hand) + tala( . a surface)
malaka( . the tree, Emblic Myrobalan: . fruit of the Emblic Myrobalan)
vat( . an affix added to nouns or adjectives to denote 'likeness' or 'resemblance')
skt( . in the presence of, before the very eyes, visibly; in person, actually in bodily form)
aparokk(8. .) < * +||+ k(8. . to do, to make) < aparoka( . not invisible, perceptible
to the senses, visible; not distant or remote)
[ktrthatay] ktrthatay( .ins.) [ ]
ktrtha( . having gained one's object, successful; that which has served its purpose)
[kmargdidoarahita] kma+rga+di+doa+rahita( . .nom.) [
kma( . wish, desire; affection, love: . object of desire)
rga( . colouring, dyeing; red colour, redness; love, passion)

18. 2855
di( . first, primary; chief, principal; 'etc.' in comp.: . beginning, commencement)
doa( . a fault, blame; a crime, guilt; noxious quality, badness)
rahita(p.p. quitted, left, abandoned; separated from, free from; lonely, solitary)
[amadamdisapanno] ama+dama+di+sapanna( . .nom.) [ ]
ama( . quite, tranquillity, calmness; rest, calm; absence or restraint of passions)
dama( . taming, subduing; selfcommand, subduing the passions; firmness of mind; punishment)
sapanna(p.p. prosperous, rich; perfect; obtained; perfectly acquainted or conversant with)
[bhvamtsaryatmohdirahito] bhva+mtsarya+t++moha+di+rahita( . .nom.)
[ ]
bhva( . being, existing; becoming, occurring; state, condition)
mtsarya( . envy, jealousy, spite, malice; displeasure)
t( . thirst; desire, strong desire, greedy, avidity, desire of gain)
( . hope, expectation, prospect; false hope or expectation; space, region)
moha( . loss of consciousness, fainting; delusion, confusion; folly, ignorance; mistake)
rahita(p.p. quitted, left, abandoned; separated from, free from; lonely, solitary)
[dambhhakrdibhirasaspacet] dambha+ahakra+dibhi( +
a+saspa+cet( p. .nom.) [
dambha( . deceit, fraud, trickery; religious hypocrisy; arrogance pride, ostentation)
ahakra( . egotism, sense of self, selflove considered as an avidya or spiritual ignorance in
Vednta Phil.; pride, selfconsciousness, selfconceit, haughtiness)
saspa(p.p. touched, brought into contact; affected, smit; mixed, mingled; defiled)
cetas( . consciousness, sense; thinking soul; the mind, heart, soul)
[vartata] vartate( [. .]
vt(1. . to be, exist, abide, remain, subsist, stay)
[evamuktalakao] evam( .) + ukta+lakaa( . .nom.) [ ]
evam( . thus, so, in this manner or way)
ukta(p.p. said, spoken; uttered; told: . a speech, words) < vac(2. . to say, speak)
lakaa( . a mark, token, sign; a symptom [of a disease]; an attribute, a quality)
[ya] ya(pn. .nom.) [() ]
[sa] sa(pn. .nom.) []
[eva] eva( .) [ ]
[brhmaa] brhmaa( .nom.) [.]
[iti] iti( .) [ ]
[rutismtipuretihsnmabhiprya] ruti+smti+pura+itihsnm( +
abhiprya( .nom.) ['()' '()' '()'
ruti( . hearing; the ear; report, rumour, news, oral intelligence)
smti( . remembrance, recollection, memory; thinking of, calling to mind)
pura( . old, ancient; aged, primeval: . a past event or occurrence; tale of the past; N. of.)
itihsa( . history; heroic history; historical evidence, tradition)
abhiprya( . going near, approaching; aiming at, intending, meaning: . aim, purpose)
[anyath] anyath( .) [ ]
anyath( . otherwise, in another way or manner; or else, in the contrary case)
[hi] hi( .) []
hi( . really, indeed, surely; for because; just, pray, do)

[brhmaatvasiddhirnstyeva] brhmaatva+siddhi( .nom.) + nsti( .) + eva( .)
['' ().]
brhmaatva( .) < * + tva('the state of') < brhmaa( . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)
siddhi( . accomplishment, fulfillment; success, prosperity; establishment, settlement)
nsti( . 'it is not', nonexistence)
[saccidnandamtmnamadvitya] sat+cit+nandam( np.acc.) + tmnam( np.acc.) +
advitya( . .acc.) [ ]
' '
sat( . being, existing, existent; real, true: . that which really exists; truth, reality)
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
nanda( . happiness, joy, delight; god, Supreme Spirit)
rpa( . any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour; form, shape, figure)
advitya( . without a second, matchless, peerless; without a companion, alone; sole, unique)
[brahma] brahma( .acc.) []
brahman( . the supreme being; a hymn of praise; a sacred text: . The Supreme Being)
[bhvayet] bhvayet( [ ( ).]
bh(1. . to be, become; to be born or produced; to spring or proceed from; to happen)
[tmnamadvitya] tmnam( np.acc.) + advitya( . .acc.) [ ]
[brahma] brahma( .acc.) []
[bhvayedityupaniat] bhvayet( + iti( .) + upaniat( .nom.) [ .
upaniad( . an esoteric or secret doctrine; true knowledge; a religious observance)

18. 2857
< _04.17 >
karmao hyapi boddhavya boddhavyaca vikarmaa |
akarmaaca boddhavya gahan karmao gati
, ,
. .

< _04.18 >

karmayakarma ya payedakarmai ca karma ya |
sa buddhimnmanuyeu sa yukta ktsnakarmakt
, .
, .

< _04.22 >

yadcchlbhasatuo dvadvtto vimatsara |
sama siddhvasiddhau ca ktvpi na nibadhyate
, ,
, .


(gyatra sm an)
~ . '' '
' . '' '_(gyatr_mantra)'
'' , ''
tatsaviturvareyam | bhargo devasya dhmahi | dhiyo yo napracodayt || [''
!] <RgVeda_3.062.10>


'a' 6 .
1. : abhava( . nonexistence)
asaaya( . doubtless) a + saaya( . doubt) :
apraka( . dark; hidden) a + praka( . bright: . light) :
2. : tadalpat( . smallness, minuteness)
anudharakany( .) an + udara( . the belly)+kany( . a girl) :
adhana( . poorman) a + dhana( . property) :
3. : aprastya( . nonpraiseworthy) < prastya( .) < praasta(p.p. praiseworthy)
aputra( .nom.) a +putra( . a son) :
aiya( .nom.) a +iya( . a pupil) :
4. : tadanyatva( . the state of other)
ida anmram : . .
sa phaka nsti : . .
5. : virodha( . opposition, obstruction)
dharmdharmau( .nom.du. right and wrong) dharma + a+dharma :
asura( . an evil spirit, a demon) sura( . a god, deity; a sage) :
6. : tadsdya( . a similarity; a likeness)
aya anava asti : . .
sa abrhmaa asti : . .


'' .
1. (= ) - vaikhar(=vaikharivg) :
2. (= ) - madhyam(=madhyamavg) :
3. (= ) - payant(=payantvg) :
4. (= ) - par(=paravg) or anapyin(=anapyinvg) :
vaikhar abdanipattirmadhyam rutigocar | dyotitrth ca payant sukm vganapyin ||
vaikhar( .nom.) + abda+nipatti( . .nom.) + madhyam( .nom.) +
ruti+gocar( . .nom.) | dyotita+arth( . .nom.) + ca( .) + payant( .nom.) +
sukm( . .nom.) + vg( .nom.) + anapyin( .nom.) ['' ,
'' , '', ''.]
'' , ''
, ''
, ''
w vaikhar( . articulate utterance, production of sound)
w abda( . sound, note, noise in general; a word, sound, significant word)
w nipatti( . birth, production; ripeness, maturity; perfection, consummation)
w madhyama( . being or standing in the middle, central; intermediate, intervening)
w ruti( . hearing; the ear; report, rumour, news, oral intelligence)
w gocara( . the range of cattle, pasturage; a district, department; range of the organs of sense)
w dyotita(p.p. illuminated; illustrated) < dyota( . light, lustre, brilliance; sunshine; heat)
w artha( . object, purpose; cause, motive, reason; property, money)
w payant( . a particular sound) < pa(4. . to see, behold, look at, observe, perceive, notice)
w skma( . subtle, minute, atomic; little, small; fine, thin, delicate; nice; sharp))
w vc( . a word, sound, an expression; words, talk, language, speech; a voice, sound)
w anapyin( . imperishable, firm, steady, unfailing, constant, durable, not transient)


(Dharm a)
'(Dharma, )' , .
[dhraddharmamityhu dharmo dharyate praj] dhrat( .abl.) + dharmam( .acc.) +
iti( .) + hu( + dharma( .nom.) + dharyate( + praj(
[(+ ) '' (+) , ''
().] [ .
ya dharyate sa dharma [ '()'.]
w dh(6. . to be or exit; to be maintained: 1. .10. . to hold, bear, carry; maintain, support)


1. - yogapravtti( ) < pravtti( . origin, source; appearance) :
2. - yogrambha( ) < rambha( . beginning; an act, undertaking) :
3. - yogaghaa( ) < ghaa( . suspending the breath as a religious exercise) :
' ' .
mahnya tato bhti sarvasiddhisamrayam [(+ )
(+) (+ ) .]
w nya( . empty, void; vacant, absent; nonexistent; lonely)
w bh(2. . to shine, be bright or splendid; to seem, appear)
w siddhi( . accomplishment; a superhuman power or faculty) - aiman( .) ~ vaitva( .)
w samraya( . seeking protection or shelter; refuge, shelter; a place of refuge)
4. [] - yogaparicaya( ) < paricaya( . heaping up; study, practice) :
() () .
5. [] - yoganipatti( ) < nipatti( . birth; ripeness; perfection) : ()
() .

1. ka( . the sky; ether; the subtle and ethereal fluid pervading the whole universe) -
' '
2. kham( . a cavity, hollow, empty space, sky, cave) -
' '
3. antarika( . the intermediate region between heaven and earth; the air, atmosphere, sky) -
, ' '
4. dyau( . heaven, paradise, the sky) - ' '


(Rudra) .
aja( . the 'unborn', epithet of the almighty being)
ekapd( . onefooted, lame: . N. of iva or Viu or one of the Rudras)
ahirbudhanya( . one of the Rudras) < ahi( . a serpent)
trea( .) < tr(2. . to protect) + ia( . desired; beloved: . wish; a sacrifice)

rudra( . dreadful, terrific, frightful, formidable; great, large; driving away evil;
praiseworthy: . N. of a group of gods, eleven in number, supposed to be inferior manifestations
of iva or akara) < rud(2. . to cry, weep, lament, mourn; to howl, roar, scream)
hara( . taking away, removing; bringing; grasping: . iva; N. of agni or fire; an ass)
tryambaka( . 'having three eyes') < tri(num. .pl. three) + ambaka( . an eye)
ambhu( . causing happiness, granting prosperity: . N. of)
vkapi( . an epithet of the sun; of Viu) < va( . a bull)
na( . owning, possessing, master or lord; reigning; wealthy: . a ruler, master)

(vibhndaka) (yaga)
. (aga) (snt)
. (ayodhy) (daaratha),
(rma) .


(m anas) (buddhi) (citta)

. 'manas' 'buddhi' 'citta'
* [indriya][cit/citta][budh/buddhi][tman][man/manas][vivic/viveka][indriya] : indriya(
.) citta('' .) buddhi(! . , ''
.) tman manas( ? '!' .)
viveka( ? ' !' .) indriya(
! .)
w manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after) < man(4.8. . to
think, believe; to consider, regard, look upon) thinking , ''
w buddhi( . intelligence, mind, judgment; comprehension; an opinion, idea) < buddh(1. |4. . to
know, understand, comprehend) knowing , '(=)'
w citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought) < cit(1. .10. .
to perceive, observe; to know; consciousness) consciousness , ''

(m anas) (citta) -
1. (manas) -
man(4.8. . to think, believe; to consider, regard, look upon; to honour, respect)
manas( . the mind, heart; conscience; thought, idea; desire, longing after)

2. (citta) -
cit(1. .10. . to perceive, notice, observe; to know, understand; consciousness)
cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, understanding; the heart, mind) ' '
citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended: . mind, thinking, thought) < cit + ta
cetana( . animate, alive; visible, conspicuous: . a sentient being; soul) < cit + ana
cetan( . sense, consciousness; understanding, intelligence)
cetas( . consciousness, sense; thinking soul; the mind, heart, soul)
3. (buddhi) - ()
budh(1. . to know, understand; to perceive, notice, recognize; to regard, consider)
1) buddhi( . perception, comprehension; intellect; information) < budh + ti
buddha(p.p. known, understood, perceived; awakened; enlightened, wise) < budh + a
4. (viveka) -
vivic(3.7. . to separate, divide, remove from; to discern, discriminate; to judge)
viveka( . discrimination, judgment, discernment; consideration, discussion) < vic + a
5. (vidya) -
vid(2. . to know, understand; to feel, experience; to look upon, regard)
vidy( . knowledge, science, learning, scholarship; right knowledge, spiritual knowledge)
6. (jna) -
* 'jna'

. , 'saj'
' '
'vi' '' ,
'vijna' ,
j(9. . to know, to learn; to know, be aware of; to find out) -
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance) -
abhij(9. . to recognize, discern; to know, understand; to look upon, consider as)
abhijna( . recognition; remembrance, recollection; a sign or token of recognition)
* abhi( . to, towards, into, over, upon, in direction of)
* []2) abhij(9. . , , )
j(9. . to know, understand, learn, obtain)
j( . order, command; authority, unlimited power; permission)
jna( . noticing, perceiving)
* ( . till, until, up to, as far as, unto)
* [] j(9. . , ; , ; , )
upaj(9. . to ascertain, to know; to invent, find out, hit upon)
upaj( . knowledge acquired by oneself and not handed down by tradition, invention, primitive
or untaught knowledge; usually in comp. which is treated as a neuter noun)
* upa( . toward, near to, by the side of; death; defect, fault; beginning)
* [] upaj(9. . ; )

1) 'buddhi' '' .
2) ' <>' <>.

parij(9. . thorough knowledge, complete acquaintance; recognition) -
parij( . knowledge) -
parijna( . perception, thorough knowledge, ascertainment, experience, discrimination) -
* pari( . round, about; towards; completely; excessively)
* [] parij(9. . , ) parijta(p.p. , )
praj(9. . to know, know about, be acquainted with; to be aware of, find out) -
prajna( . intelligence, knowledge; a mark, sign) excessive or best knowledge -
* pra( . higher, forward; excessively, very much; excellence, purity)
* [] praj(9. . , , , ) prajta(p.p. , )
pratij(9. . to promise, declare solemnly, engage; to state, affirm; adduce)
pratij( . admission, acknowledgement; a vow, promise; a statement)
pratijna( . asserting, affirmation; agreement, promise; admission)
* pratij( .[In Nyya Phil.] a proposition, statement of the proposition to be proved)
* prati( . back, in return, again; upon, down upon: likeness, resemblance, equality)
* [] pratij(9. . ; ; , , ; , )
vij(9. . to know, be aware of; to learn, comprehend; to ascertain, find out) -
vijna( . knowledge, wisdom; discrimination; skill, proficiency) -
* vi( . separation, disjunction; intensity, greatness; variety, manifoldness)
* [] vij(9. . , ; , ; )
saj(9. . to know, understand; to live in harmony; agree together; to watch) -
saj( . consciousness; knowledge, understanding) perfect knowledge -
sajna( . knowledge, understanding) -
* sam( . with, together with, together; like, same, similar; near, before)
* [] saj(9. . , , ) saj( . , ; , ,
) sajna( . )
sapraj(9. . to distinguish, discern, recognize, know accurately or perfectly) -
saprajta( . distinguished, discerned, known accurately) -
* saprajta( .[In Patajali Yoga] a kind of yogic meditation or samdhi in which the object of
meditation remains distinct, though the mind is absorbed in its contemplation asaprajta)
* [] sapraj(9. . , , )

(M y)
* My( . deceit, fraud, trick; jugglery, witchcraft; an unreal or illusory image)
<> 'my' : magical power( )
<> 'my' : delusion( )
<> 'my' : super human power( .


(m antra) - (skta) - (m aala)

* mantra('') skta('') maala('')
1. mantra(-verse) : . '(c)'
, '(yajus)' , '(sman)' .
4( 3) . [ ]

w mantra( . a sacred text; consultation; a charm, spell, an incantation)
2. skta(-hymn) : .
3 30 , 10
. .
w skta( . good recitation or speech, wise saying, song of praise; Vedic hymn [as distinguished
from a c or single verse of a hymn])
3. maala(-book) : .
, .
10 , 2~8
, 9 '(soma)'
, 1 10 .
w maala( . round, circular: . circular array or troops: . a circular orb, wheel, ring)
* mantra skta -
1. ' ' .
tatsaviturvareyam | bhargo devasya dhmahi | dhiyo yo napracodayt || [''
2. ' ' .
madhu vt tyate | madhu karanti sindhava | mdhvrna santvoadh ||
madhu naktamutoaso | madhumatprthiva raja | madhu dyaurastu na pit ||
madhumnno vanaspatir | madhum astu srya | mdhvrgvo bhavantu na ||
3. 4 .
* mantra skta - : (purua_skta) 16

(avam edha)
'' .
. <> (yudhitira)
, ,
, . , ()


(bahulam chandasi)
(pini) ' '
, ' ' .
, ' (bahulam chandasi-
)' .

kvacitpravtti kvacinnivtti kvacidvibh kvacidanyadeva caturvidham bahulakam vadanti |
[() , , ,
. ('' )

1. trivtakaraa : (50%)+(25%)+(25%)
, .
w trivtakaraa( . making threefold [Vedntas], combining three things [earth, water, and fire,
1/2 of one and 1/4 of other two elements])
2. packaraa : (pthiv) (ap) (tejas) (vyu) (ka)
. ,
100% (50%) 4( 12.5%)
w packaraa( . a philosophical term meaning the action by which anything is constituted of the
five elements [1/2 of one and 1/8 of other four elements])
3. '' 8 : . ,
'' 100% , 50% 8
50% '' . , (1) = (0.5) + [(0.0625) + (0.0625) +
+ (0.0625)] .
bhyakaraa(external organ) : (bhmi), (pa), (anala), (vhu), (kha)
antarkaraa(internal organ) : (mana), (buddhi), (ahakra)

- The Six Vedgas

* 'aagni'
'The Six Vedgas' .
ik kalpo vykaraa nirukta chandas citi | jyotimayana caiva adago veda ucyate ||
[ .]
1. : ik( . one of the six Vedgas, the science which teaches the proper
pronunciation of words and laws of euphony) ''
2. : kalpa( . practicable, feasible, possible; proper, fit, right; strong, vigorous; able,
competent: . a sacred precept or rule, law, ordinance; a prescribed rule) ''
3. : vykaraa( . grammar, separation)
4. : nirukta( . expressed, pronounced, explained; loud, distinct; enjoined, decided: .
explanation, derivation, etymological interpretation; N. of one of the six Vedgas, that which
contains glossarial explanation of obscure words, especially those occurring in the Vedas)
5. : chandas( . metrical science, prosody; regarded as one of the six Vedgas or
auxiliaries to the Vedas)
6. : jyotia( . astronomical or astrological: . an astronomer or astrologer: .
astronomy; one of the six Vedgas [being a short tract on astronomy])


'' <> , '
' .
(mantra) (brhmaa) .
, .
, .

'' '' .
1. (veda) : (i)
2. (brhmaa, ) :
3. (rayaka, ) : , ,

4. (upaniad, ) :

* 4 3, 16 .
1. (gveda) (hot) : (c) ,
, 1500 1200
. (agni)
(vc) , 3 .
(hot). (maitrvarua), (acchvka), (grvastut) :
'' '(brhmacchamsin)' .
2. (smaveda) (udgt) :
(sman) .
. (vyu)
(pra) , 3 .
(smaveda) , .
(udgt) : sma . .
(prastot) : sma . .
(pratihart) : sma .
(subrahmaya) : sma .
3. (yajurveda) (adhvaryu) :
(yajus) , .
(ditya) (cakus) ,
3 .
, .
(adhvaryu). (pratiprastt), (ne), (unnet)

4. (atharvaveda) (brahm) :
, 4 ,
(mantra) .
(candra) (manas) ,
3 .
(brahman). (brhmacchamsin), (agndhara), (pot)

12 (brahmacrin) '
(svdhyya)' , '
(pravacana)' . 4
, '~
(~vedin)' . , (Yajurveda) (Yajurvedin)
, (Smavedin) .
(dvivedin), (trivedin),
(caturvedin) .
w svdhyya( . selfrecitation, muttering to oneself; study of the Vedas, sacred study)
w pravacana( . speaking, declaration; teaching, expounding; exposition, explanation)
w caturvedin( .) < catur(num. . four) + veda( . The Vedas) + in(agentive)

* (Nakatra) .
1. (avin) : , 3 .
2. (bhara) : , 3 .
3. (kttik) : , 6 .
4. (rohi) : , 5 .
5. (mgara) : , 3 .
: . , 6 7 .
6. (rdr) : , 1 .
7. (punarvasu) : , 2 4 .
8. (puya) : , 3 .
9. (le) : , - .
10. (magh) : , 5 .
11. (prvaphlgun) : , 2 .
12. (uttaraphlgun) : , 2 .
13. (hasta) : , 5 .
: .
14. (citr) : , 1 .
15. (svt) : , - .
: .
16. (vikh) : , 2 .

17. (anurdh) : , 4 .
18. (jyeh) : , 3 .
19. (mla) : , 11 .
20. (prvh) : , 2 .
21. (uttarh) : , 3 .
22. (ravaa) : , 3 .
23. (dhanih) : , 4 .
[] (ravih)
24. (atatrak) : , 100 .
25. (prvabhdrapad) : , 2 .
26. (uttarabhdrapad) : , 2 .
27. (abhijit) : , 32 .
[] (revat)
* , .
1. caitra( . 1 [ 3 ~ 4 ]) - 14.
2. vaikha( . 2 [ 4 ~ 5 ]) - 16.
3. jyaiha( . 3 [ 5 ~ 6 ]) - 18.
4. ha( . 4 [ 6 ~ 7 ]) - 20. & 21.
5. rvaa( . 5 [ 7 ~ 8 ]) - 22.
6. bhdrapada( . 6 [ 8 ~ 9 ]) - 25. & 26.

7. vina ( . 7[ September~October]) - 1.
8. krtika( . 8[ October~November]) - 3.
9. mrgara( . 9[ November~December]) - 5.
10. paua( . 10[ December~January]) - 8.
11. mgha( . 11[ January~February]) - 10.
12. phlguna( . 12[ February~March]) - 11. & 12.

1. itihsa( . history) : , <>.
2. pura( . mythology) : . pura
81 , Brhmapura 18 . pura
sarga( . relinquishment, abandonment; the creation of the world; nature) :
pratisarga( . secondary creation; dissolution; continued creation out primitive matter) :

vaa( . a bamboo; a race, dynasty; a shaft; a flute, reedpipe) :
manvantara( . the period or age of a Manu) :
vanucarita( . the history of a dynasty or family) :

3. vidy( . knowledge) : . 14 .
4. vykhyna( . communication, narration; speech, lecture; explanation, comment) :
(i) ''

(stra) ,
'(vykhyna)' .
5. anuvykhyna( . that which comments on and explains Mantras, Stras &c.) : '
' (stra) , '' 2
'(anuvykhyna)' .
* '' '' .
(veda) - (stra) - (bhya) :

'' , '' .
(stra) - (bhya) - (k) :
, 1
, 2 .
w veda( . knowledge; sacred knowledge, holy learning)
w stra( . a thread, string, line; a fiber; a wire; a rule, canon, decree)
w bhya( . speaking, talking; exposition, gloss, commentary)
w k( . a commentary, gloss)

1. (-brahmacrin) : (upanayana) . 8,
11, 12 . 12.
<> . .
w brahmacrin( . studying the Vedas; practising continence or chastity: . a religious student;
one who vows to lead the life of a celibate) < crin( . acting, proceeding)
2. (-ghastha) : 20 .
, , .
(Brahman) , (Pit)
(Srddh), (Deva) (Homa), (Bhta)
(Bali), .
w ghastha( . a household, one who has entered on the stage of a householder) < gha( . a
house, dwelling; the life of a householder) + stha( . standing, staying, abiding, existing)
3. (-vnaprastha) :
w vnaprastha( . a brhmaa in the third stage of his religious life; an anchorite, a hermit) <
vana( . a forest, wood; residence, house) + prastha( . going to, visiting, abiding in)
4. (-sanysa) :
. ,
4 .
w sanysa( . leaving, abandonment; complete renunciation of the world, renunciation; a deposit)

* < > (bhr)

* . - 7
satya( .) = Brahmaloka = satyaloka( . abode of Brahm, translation to which
exempts from rebirth) - abode of truth - ( ,
tapas( .) = taparloka( . inhabited by deities Vairgs) - mansion of the blest -
( Vairgin .)
janas( .) = janarloka( . inhabited by Brahm's son Sanatkumra &c.) - place of
rebirths - ( .)
mahar( . the forth of the seven worlds which rise one above the other from the earth)
= maharloka( . a region above the polar star and inhabited by Bhgu and other saints who
survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds) - middle region - (
Bhgu .)
svar( . heaven, paradise; one of the three Vyhtis) = svarloka( . Indra's heaven
above the sun or between it and the polar star) - heaven - (
bhuvas( . the atmosphere, ether; one of the three Vyhtis) = bhuvarloka( . the
space between the earth and sun inhabited by Munis Siddhas &c.) - sky - (Munis
bhr( . the lowest of the seven lower worlds) < bhrloka( . the earth) - earth -
( , .)
* 7
atala( . bottomless; N. of one of the seven hells beneath the earth)
vitala( . depth of hell)
sutala( . great depth: . the base or foundation of a large building)
rastala( . the lower world or hell in general) < ras( . moisture, humidity)
taltala( . N. of a hell)
mahtala( . the regions under the earth inhabited by the Ngas &c.)
ptla( . the abode of the Ngas or serpents and demons)
* .
naraka( . hell, infernal regions; a liquorvessel: . N. of a demon)


- (stobha)
, .
, .
1. '(hu)' . ,
(Rathantara Sman) .
2. '(hi)' . (Vmadevya
Sman) .
3. '(atha)' . [anna] [sthita] .
, '' '' '' .

4. '(iha)' . ' [iha]'
'' .
5. '()' . (Sman) ''
6. '()' . ,
'' .
7. '(e)' . ! 'eh' .
8. '(auhoi)' .
9. '(him)' (prajpati) .
'' .
10. '(svara)' .
11. '(y)' . [yti] ''
12. '(vir)' . '',
13. '(hum)' .

1. (brhmaa)
(adhyayana) :
(adhypana) :
(yajana) :
(yjana) :
(dhna) :
(pratigraha) :
2. (katriya)
[] , ,
(prajplana) :
3. (vaiya)
[] , ,
(ki) :
(pauplana) :
(vaijy) :
4. (dra)
(sarvesevanam) :

(Skhya) .
(Purua) : - [] ja, tman
(Prakti) : - [] (avyakta),

. ' '

praktermahstato'hakrastasmd gaaca oaaka |
tasmdapi oaakt pacabhya paca bhtni || <skhyakrik 22>
, ,
. .
1. purua() : [] ja, tman
2. prakti() : [] avyakta()
3. mahat() : [] buddhi()
4. ahakra()
5. [11 ]
5jnendriyni() : cakus(), rotra(), ghra(), rasas(), tvac()
5karmendriyni() : vc(), hasta(), pda(), pyu(), upastha()
1manas() : manas()
6. pacatanmtrni(5) : rpa(), abda(), gandha(), rasa(), spraavya()
7. pacabhtni(5) : pthiv(), ap(), tejas(), vyu(), ka()

(sthlaarram) , (manomayakoa)
(pramayakoa) (vijamayakoa)
(ligaarram) , (nandamayakoa)
(kraaarram) .
w sthla( . large, great, big; fat, corpulent; strong, powerful; thick, clumsy; gross, rough)
w liga( . a mark, sign, token; a false or unreal mark; a symptom, mark of disease)
w kraa( . a cause, reason; ground, motive, object; an instrument, means)
w maya( . An affix used to indicate 'made of' 'consisting or composed of' 'full of'.)
w koa( . a vessel for holding liquids; a storeroom; a treasury; treasure, money)

(upanayana-sa skra)
(, samskra)
(dra) .
8 ,
. .

. (ekaja) , '
' '' .
<(Ghyastra)> 12(, samskra)
: 4 .
: 3 . .
: 4 .
: . (ghee)
, .
: 10, 12 .
: 4 , .
: 6 , .
: 3 .
: .
: .
: .
: .

1. (-jgarita) : ''
'(vaivnara)' .
w jgarita( . one who has been long awake: . waking) < jg(2. . to be awake)
2. (-svapana) : ,
(manas) '' .
'(taijasa)' .
w svapna( . sleeping; a dream, dreaming; the state of ignorance) < svap(2. . to sleep)
3. (-suupti) : (manas) (suupdi)
(jvtman) '' .
'(prja)' .
w suupti( . deep or profound sleep, profound repose; great insensibility, spiritual ignorance)
4. (-samdhi) : (jvtman) (tman) ,

(, ) .
' ' '(turya)' , .
w samdhi( . collecting, composing, concentrating; intentness, concentration; penance)

2 2 . ,
2 .
adhytm( ) : Parama_Brahm, imperishable - spiritual
adhibtam( ) : perishable, physical or material world - material
, 2 2 .
adhidaivam( ) : Creator_Brahm, purua - middle spiritual
adhiyaja( ) : The Fire(sacrifice) inside everybody - sacrificial
4 .
(adhytmam) : ' ' .
(adhidaivatam) : ' ' .
(adhibhtam) : ' ' .

(Somalibation) (Somasacrifice)
. (jyotioma)
16 .
(ahna) 2 12 , (satra) 3
100 .
(suta) , (prasuta),
(suta) .

(pra) , (apna) , (samna)
, (vyna)
, (udna) (jvtman) .
(3.05~3.07) (apna) ,
(pra) , (samna)
.[3.05] . 101
, 1 72 .
(vyna) .[3.06] (udna)
, ,
.[3.07] .
(annamayakoa) (sthlaarram),
(manomayakoa, pramayakoa, vijamayakoa) (ligaarram),
(nandamayakoa) (kraaarram) .

' '
. ,
' ' ,
, ' (pryma)'
(recaka) (praka) (kumbhaka) .
w pra( . breath, respiration; the breath of life, vitality; wind, air inhaled the first of the five
lifewinds or vital airs, which has its seat in the lungs - - ) < pr(2. . to
breathe, inhale air; to live; to blow) < pra( . forward) + an(2. . to breathe) + a(kt)
w apna( . breathing out, respiration one of the five life winds in the body which goes
downwards and out at the anus - - ) < apn(2. . to breathe out, respire; to
expire) < apa( . away) + an(2. . to breathe) + a(kt)
w samna( . same, one, similar: . a friend, an equal one of five lifewinds or vital airs,
which has seat in the cavity of the navel and is essential to digestion - - ) <
samn(2. .) < sama( . same, identical) + an(2. . to breathe) + a(kt)
w vyna( . one of the five lifewinds or vital airs, which is diffused through the whole body -
- ) < vyan(2. . to respire, breathe, inhale and exhale; to draw in the breath
through the whole body) < vi( . separation, disjunction) + an(2. . to breathe) + a(kt)
w udna( . breathing upwards; breath in general one of five lifewinds or vital airs, which
rises up the throat and enter into the head - - ) < udan(2. . to breathe
upwards, emit the breath in an upward direction; to breathe out) < ud( . prefix 'up, upward'
etc.) + an(2. . to breathe) + a(kt)
w recaka( . emptying, purging; purgative, aperient; emptying the lungs, emitting the breath: .
emission of breath, breathing out; exhalation, especially through one of the nostrils - )
w praka( . filling up, completing; satisfying, making content: . closing the right nostril and
inhaling air through the left; flood, stream - )
w kumbhaka( . stopping the breath by closing the mouth and both nostrils with the fingers of the
right hand - )
< >
hdi pro gude'pna samno nbhissthita | udna kahadeastho vyna sarvaarraga ||
hdi( .loc.) + pra( .nom.) + gude( .loc.) + apna( .nom.) + samna( .nom.) +
nbhi+ssthita( p. .nom.) | udna( .nom.) + kaha+dea+stha( p. .nom.) +
vyna( .nom.) + sarva+arra+ga( p. .nom.) [ , ,
, , .] (pra),
(apna), (samna) . (udna)
, (vyna) .
w hd( . the mind, heart; the chest, breast; the soul)
w guda( . an intestine, entrail, rectum, anus)
w nbhi( . the navel; any navellike cavity; the navel of the wheel; the centre; chief)
w sasthita(p.p. being or standing together; being, staying; adjacent, contiguous)
w kaha( . the throat, the neck; the voice; sound)
w dea( . a place or spot in general; a region, country; a department, part)
w stha( . standing, staying, abiding, existing)
w arra( . the body; the constituent element; bodily strength; a dead body)
w ga( . going, moving; reaching to)

(stuta or stotra) (astra)
(mantra) (astra)
(asana) ,
(stotra) . () (hot)
3 (maitrvarua) (acchvka) (grvastut)
(udgt) . (skta)
. (nivitmantra)
w asana( . reciting, recitation, praise; report, announcement, communication)
w skta( . good recitation or speech, wise saying, song of praise; Vedic hymn)
w mantra( . instrument of thought, speech, sacred text or speech, a prayer or song of praise; a
Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula, that portion of the Veda which contains the texts called c or
yajus or sman as opp. to the Brhmaa and Upaniad portion)
w stoma( . praise, eulogium; a sacrifice, oblation; a collection, multitude) () : 5
~20 ( 8~10 ) stoma .
w stotra( . praise, eulogium; a hymn of praise, panegyric)
w astra( . a weapon, arms; an instrument, a tool in general; iron; a hymn of praise)

'' ''
'(svh)' ,
'(svadh)' . ''
, ''
w svh( . an oblation or offering made to all gods indiscriminately: . an exclamation used in
offering oblations to the gods [w/dat.]) < h(3. . to leave, abandon, quit; to resign)
w svadh( . the oblation of food offered to the Pitis or Manes of deceased ancestors: . an
exclamation used in offering oblations to the ancestors [w/dat.]) < dh(3. . to put, place)

nimea( . twinkling of the eye, a moment) -
pala( . flesh; a particular weight equal to four karas)
ghaik( . a bucket; a measure of time equal to 24 minutes)
muhrta( . a moment, any short portion of time)
divasa( . a day, heaven) - ()
rtri( . night; the darkness of night; turmeric; day and night) - ()
msa( . a month; the moon; the number twelve) -
tu( . a season, period of the year [commonly reckoned to be six]) -
ayana( . walking, a path; the sun's passage, north and south of the equator)
vara( . raining, rain; sprinkling; seminal effusion; a year) -
tapa( . burning, warming: . heat, fire; the sun; the hot season) -
savatsara( . a year; the first year in the cycle of five years) -

* . -
1. ekanemi( ) : .
2. trivta( ) :
(sattva : goodness, gods, -) (rajas : dust, men, -) (tamas :
darkness, demons, -) . (time) (space) (causation)
sattva( . being, natural character) - The quality of goodness or purity regarded as the
highest of the three Guas, it predominated in gods.
tamas( . darkness, ignorance) - Darkness or ignorance, as one of the three qualities
or constitutents of every thing in nature, it predominated in demons.
rajas( . dust, moral and mental darkness) - rajas is supposed to be the cause of the
great activity seen in creatures, it predominated in men.
3. oanta( ) : ,
. (virj)
(strtman) 14 .
pacabhtni( ) : pthiv(), ap(), tejas(), vyu(), ka()
pacajnendriyni( ) : cakus(), kara(), ghra(), rasana(), tvac()
pacakarmendriyni( ) : vc(), pi(), pda(), pyu(), upastha()
manas() : manas(). manas antarkara(internal organ) .
w virj( .[in Vednta phil.] N. of 'intellect' considered as ruling over the aggregate of bodies)
w strtman( . having the nature of a string or thread: . the soul)
14world : satya( . ), tapas( . ), jana( . ), mahas( . ), svar( .
), bhuvas( . ), bh( . ) + atala( . ), vitala( . ), sutala( .
), rastala( . ), taltala( . ), mahtala( . ), ptla( . )
4. viatipratyarbhi(20 ) :
10 : pacajnendriyni( ) + pacakarmendriyni( )
10 : rpa()abda()gandha()rasa()spraavya() + []
5. atrdhra(50 ) : ''
(ignorance) .
tamas( . darkness; mental darkness; darkness or ignorance)
moha( . loss of consciousness, fainting; delusion, confusion; folly, ignorance; mistake)
mahmoha( .) < mahat( . great, big, large) + moha( . loss of consciousness)
timira( . dark: . darkness; blindness; ironrust)
andhatimira( .) < andha( . blind; making blind) + timira( . dark: . darkness)
6. abhi+aakai( 8 )
praktyaaka( 8) : pthiv(), ap(), tejas(), vyu(), ka(), manas(),
buddhi(), ahakra()
dhtvaaka( 8) : bhaitvac(), antatvac(), asj(), msa(),
medas(), asthi(), vas(), retas()
eavaryaka( 8) : aiman( . ), mahiman( . ), laghiman( .
), gariman( . ), prpti( . ), prkmya( . ), itva( .
), vaitva( . )
bhvaka( 8) : dharma( . ), adharma( . ), buddhi( . ),
abuddhi( . ), arga( . ), rga( . ), divya( . ), adivya( . )

devaka( 8) : brahman( . ), prajpati( . ), devs( .pl. ),
gandharva( . ), yaka( . ), pit( . ), rakas( . ), pica( . ) -
sattvagua , rajasgua ,
tamasgua .
guaka( 8) : day( . compassion, ), kam( . forbearance, ),
nirmtsarya( . absence of jealousy, ), pvitrya( . purity, ), anysa( .
freedom from fatigue, ), mgalya( . auspiciousness, ), akrpaya( . freedom from
poverty, ), nisphat( . freedom from desirousness, )
7. vivarpaikapa( ) : ( . desire, ) .
8. trimrgabheda(3 ) : dharma() adharma() jna()
, devayna() pityna() kmikidimrga() .
w devayna( . the path leading to moka) < deva( . a god, deity) + yna( . going, moving)
w pityna( . the way of the Manes) < pit( .pl. the Manes) + yna( . going, moving)
w kmikidimrga( . a way of insects etc. to go) < kmi( . an insect) + ki(1. . to go or
approach) + di( . 'etc.') + mrga( . a way)
9. dvinimittaikamoham(2 ) : .

* . -
1. pacasrotombu( ) :
pacajnendriyni( ) : cakus(), kara(), ghra(), rasana(), tvac()
2. pacayonyugravakra( ) :
pacabhtni( ) : pthiv(), ap(), tejas(), vyu(), ka()
3. pacaprormi( ) :
pra( . breathing in, , )
apna( . breathing out, , )
samna( . breathing to digestion, , )
vyna( . breathing which is diffused through the whole body, , )
udna( . breathing upwards, , )
4. pacabuddhydimla( ) : manas()
5. pacvarta( ) :
rpa(), abda(), gandha(), rasa(), spraavya()
6. pacadukhaughavega( )
garbhdhna(), jti(), pura(), vydhi(), mta()
7. pacadbheda( )
8. pacaparva( ) :

prya svh, apnya svh, samnya svh, vynya svh, udnya svh.
adbhya svh
adbhya svh
citrya svh, citraguptya svh, yamayya svh, yamadhamya svh, brhmaya svh.

w citra( . the variegated colour; a form of Yama)
w citragupta( . N. of one of Yama's attendants [recorder of every man's good & evil deeds)
w yama( . restraining, controlling; the god of death; a twin)
w yamadhma( . the dwellingplace of Yama) < dhma( . a dwellingplace)
w brhmaa( . belonging to a Brhmaa: . a Brhmaa; a priest, theologian)


'(sacitakarma)' ,
'(prrabdhakarma)' ,
'(anrabdhakarma)' , '
(kriyamakarma)' . ,
. ,

w sacita(p.p. heaped up, accumulated, hoarded, collected; laid by, stored; enumerated)
w prrabdha(p.p. begun, commenced: . what is begun, an undertaking)
w anrabdha(p.p.) < rabdha(p.p. begun, commenced: . beginning) < rabh(1. . to begin)
w kriyama(pass.pres.p.) < kriya(pass.) < k(8. . to do, perform, accomplish)

' (bhaga)' ,
'(bhagavan)' .
samagrasya aivaryasya dharmasya yaasa riya jnavairgyayo caiva am bhaga itra |
[ ' ' .]
aivarya( . supremacy, sovereignty; might, power; dominion) -
dharma( . law; usage, practice, duty; right, justice; virtue, morality, religion) -
yaas( . lovely, worthy; honoured: . fame, reputation, glory; favour) -
r( . wealth, prosperity; royalty, majesty; the goddess of wealth, Lakm) -
jna( . cognizance, knowing; knowledge, learning; consciousness, cognizance) -
vairgya( . absence of worldly desires or passions) - ()
w samagra( . all, whole, entire, complete; one who has everything)
w am(gen.) < a(num. . six)
w bhaga( . dispenser, gracious lord, patron; the sun; the moon; good fortune, luck, happy lot)
w raa( . agitating, driving: . the wind: . uttering, pronouncing) ra( . name)


. 'hemanta' 'iira' .
1. vasanta( . the spring, vernal season [caitra and vaikha]) -
(caitra) : . (citr) ,
3 4 .
(vaikha) : . (vikh) ,
4 5 .
2. grma( . hot, warm: . the summer, the hot season) -
(jyaiha) : . (jyeh) ,
5 6 .
(ha) : . (prvh) (uttarh)
, 6 7 .
3. var( . the rainy season, the monsoon) -
(rvaa) : . (ravaa) ,
7 8 .
(bhdrapada) : . (prvabhdrapad)
(uttarabhdrapad) , 8 9 .
4. arad( . the autumn) -
(vina) : . (avin) ,
9 10 .
(krtika) : . (kttik) ,
10 11 .
5. hemanta( . cold or winter season) -
(mrgara) : . (mgara)
, 11 12 .
(paua) : . (puya) , 12
1 .
6. iira( . cool, cold: . the cold season) -
(mgha) : . (magh) , 1
2 .
(phlguna) : . (prvaphlgun)
(uttaraphlgun) , 2 3 .

(O M - AUM )

, M .
O '(praava)' .
() kahya Gutturals - a,
() tlavya Palatals - i,
() mrdhanya Linguals - ,

() dantya Dentals -
() ohya Labials - u,

(Vasu) .
pa( . a flood or stream of water, water; sky) or aha( . N. of)
dhruva( . fixed, firm, immovable, stable, permanent; certain, sure, inevitable)
soma( . N. of a plant; the juice of the plant; nectar, beverage of the gods) the Moon
dhara( . holding, carrying: . a mountain, a hillfort; a flock of cotton: .
poison) or dhava( . shaking, trembling; a man; a husband; a master, lord; a rogue, cheat)
anila( . wind; the god of wind)
anala( . fire; agni or the god of fire; digestive power, gastric juice; wind; bile) >
analada( . removing or destroying heat or fire)
pratya([=pratyas] . daybreak, morning, dawn) < prati( . back, in return;
likeness, resemblance, equality) + a( . salt ground; an acid; a cleft, fissure; dawn, daybreak)
prabhsa( . splendour: . N. of a wellknown place of pilgrimage near Dvrak)

(vlm ki)
2 <> (vlmki),
(nrada) .
, ?

. 'rrma,
jayarma, jayajayarma' .
, (valmka) .
! ! ,
. ' '
'(vlmki)' .

1. (srjya) :
w srjya( . universal or complete sovereignty, imperial sway; empire, dominion) < sam( .
with, together with) + rj(1. . to reign, rule over, govern)
2. (bhaujya) :
w bhaujya( . the rank of a king with the title of Bhoja) < bhoja( . bestowing enjoyment)
3. (svarjya) :
w svarjya( . independent dominion or sovereignty) < sva(pn. . one's own) + rj(1. . to reign)
4. (vairjya) :
w vairjya( . extended sovereignty) < viea( . distinction, difference between) + rj(1. .)
5. (pramehyarjya) :
w pramehyarjya( . supreme sovereignty) < pramehya( . supremacy) + rj(1. . to reign)

'(um a)'
*(U)! (M). ! 'U, M!' 'Uma'
(daka) (sati) .
'' .

(parvati) .
, ! .
! , '! .' 'UMa'
. .

(vidy) & (avidy)

w vidy( . knowledge, science, learning, scholarship) , ,
w avidy( . ignorance, want of learning; spiritual ignorance; illusion) , ,
'' vidy , avidy
. , vidy ,
avidy .
vidy avidy
avidy . , vidy
, avidy .

avidy .
(samai) (vyai) (vidy)
(avidy) .
'' ,
, .
, .

' (vi)' (viu) (brahma)
(iva) 3 .
(dharma) (adharma)
. . .

1. (kurma, ) - :
(amta) .
(ptla) (vsuki)
, (dhanvantari) '' .
2. (matsya, ) - :

. (vsuki)
3. (vmana, ) - : (bali)
, .
(aditi) (viu)
(vmana) .
. (ukra)
4. (varha, ) - :
(manu) .

5. (narasiha, ) - :
(hirayka) .
(hirayakaipu) ,
, '
' .

. (prahlda)
6. (rma, ) - ''
7. (paraurma, ) - :
(bhgu) ''
. ''
21 .

8. (ka, ) - :
(ydava) (vasudeva)
(ka) . (kamsa)

(nanda) .

, .

, ,
9. (buddha, ) - :

' '
, .
10. (kalki, ) - :
, ''
. ''
(ktayuga, 1728 ) - 100% .
(tretyuga, 1296 ) - 75% .
(dvparayuga, 864 ) - 50% .
(kaliyuga, 432 ) - 25% .

(guru) (laghu) , 7
, .
gyatr( . metres with 6 syllables in a quarter[pda]) : 6 4 1
uik( . metres with 7 syllables in a quarter[pda]) : 7 4 1
anuubh( . metres with 8 syllables in a quarter[pda]) : 8 4 1
bhat( . metres with 9 syllables in a quarter[pda]) : 9 4 1
pakti( . metres with 10 syllables in a quarter[pda]) : 10 4 1
triubh( . metres with 11 syllables in a quarter[pda]) : 11 4 1
jagat( . metres with 12 syllables in a quarter[pda]) : 12 4 1
guru() raghu() .
guru() raghu() .
anusvra '' visarga '' guru() . : sajaya a
'a' .
guru() . : kuruketre uk 'u' guru
guru() .
(khghchjhhthphbh) .
(anuubh) 1 4pda , pda 8 .
pda 5 , 6 , pda
7 , pda 7 .

(anuubh) ,
dharmaketre kuruketre samavet yuyutsava |
mmak pavcaiva kim akurvata sajaya ||
pda 'dharmaketrekuruketre' 8 , 5 ku 'u'
(raghu), 6 ru 'u' (guru).
pda 7 e 'e' cai 'ai' , pda 7
sa 'a' ja 'a' .

'svara' ' ' ,
1. vara( . a letter, character, sound) : 63 64 .
2. svara( . sound, noise; voice; a tone, tune; an accent) :
(kahya[gutturals]) (tlavya[palatals]), (mrdhanya[linguals]),
(dantya[dentals]), (ohya[labials]) .
udtta( . high, elevated, lofty, exalted; noble, dignified; generous, bountiful: . the
acute accent, a high or sharp tone) [normal high] :
anudtta( . grave [accent]; not elevated or raised [udtta]; accentless, having the
neutral, general tone: . the grave accent) [low] :
svarita( . sounded, caused to sound; sounded as a note, pitched; accented: . the
circumflex accent; the third or mixed tone lying between high and low) [mixture] :

3. mtr( . a measure, standard; a unit of measure) : ' ' ,
, ' -' '' ,
'' , '-' .
hrasva( . short, small; dwarfish, low or short in stature) : ,
aiu .
drgha( . long, reaching far; lasting long, tedious; deep) : ,
pluta(p.p. inundated, submerged, overflowed; leaped, jumped) :
, .
* 'unit(mtr)' t, 3 .
oneunit : ut ut (1 hrasva 'u')
twounit : t t (2 drgha 'u')
threeunit : 3t 3t (3 pluta 'u').
4. bala( . power, strength; troops, an army) : ' ' , prayatna
pphbbhm .
cchjjh .

5. sman( . appeasing, calming; conciliation, negotiation; a verse or text of the Smaveda) : '
(pitch)' , . .
(trasvara) : .
(madhyamasvara) : .
(mandrasvara) : .
6. santna( . stretching, extending, extension; continuity, succession; family, race) : '
' , .
- santna( . stretching ) < * + ana < sam(continuously) + tana(spread)
- santati( . stretching across, spreading along; extent, expanse; series, row ) <
*[ti] + ti < sam(continuously) + tana(spread)
* 'svara' , 'vyajana' 'vara' .
svara( .) svayam( .) + rjante( : ,
vyajana( . making clear, indicating; a mark, token; a consonant) < vi( . hear & there) +
ac(1. . to go) + ana(kt) : ,
. ardhamtr( . half a short syllable) .

(cit) (citta)
my ,

. purua prakti ,
, .
(cit) 'satcitnanda'
, (citta)
, 4
(manas) ( , buddhi) (ahakra) . 'caitanya' 'cit'
w caitanya( . spirit, life, intelligence, vitality, sensation; soul, mind; consciousness, feeling)
w cit( . thought, preception; intelligence, intellect, understanding; the heart, mind)
w citta(p.p. observed; considered; intended, wished: . mind, thinking, thought) power of
contemplating or discriminating

(ia) (veda) (rauta) ,
. (prta)
(purana) (smrta) ,

ia() : rauta( ) ruta()
ruti( ) ru(5. . to hear)
prta() : smrta( )
smta() smti( ) sm(1. . to remember)
w rauta( . relating to the ear; sacrificial; audible: . any observance prescribed by the Vedas;
ritual enjoined by the Vedas)
w ruta(p.p. heard; reported; learnt: . the object of hearing; that which was heard by revelation
like the Veda) :
'ruta' , VEDAS ,
3 .
w ruti( . hearing; the ear; report, rumour, news, oral intelligence) which one heard by god
w smrta( . relating to memory, remembered; being within memory; based on or recorded in a
Smti: . an act or rite enjoined by the Smti, a legal act)
w smta(p.p. remembered, recollected; regarded, laid down; appointed, designed; termed, styled: .
remembrance, recollection) : 'ruta' (dra)
() 'smta' , PURANAS .
w smti( . remembrance, recollection; thinking of, calling to mind; a code of laws)
* (ia, ) (prta, ) .
agnihotra tapassatya vednmupalambhanam tithya vaivadeva ca iamityabhidhyate |
vpkpatakdi devatyatannica annapradnamrma ptramityabhidhyate ||
[ iam() ,
ptram() .]
w agnihotra( . an oblation to Agni; maintenance of the sacred fire and offering oblation to it)
w tapas( . warmth, heat; pain, suffering; religious austerity, bodily mortification)
w satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue) vednm
w upalambhana( . apprehension, perceiving; the capacity of perceiving, intelligence)
w tithya( . hospitable, proper for a guest: . a guest)
w vaivadeva( . an offering to all deities [made by presenting oblations to fire before meals])
w ia( . wished, desired; coveted: . a lover, husband: . wish, desire; a sacrifice)
w abhidh(3. . to say; [Ved.] to lay or put on, fasten, to draw oneself towards, hold, support)
w vp( . a well, any large oblong or circular reservoir of water)
w kpa( . a well; a hole, cave: [p] . a small well; a flask, bottle)
w taka( . a pond [deep enough for the lotus and other aquatic plants])
w devatyatana( . temple) < devatgha < devatgra( . god's house, temple, chapel)
w anna( . food; boiled rice; corn)
w pradna( . giving, granting, bestowing; giving away in marriage; imparting, instructing)
w rma( . pleasing, delightful: . delight, pleasure; a garden)
w prta( . full, complete; concealed: . fulfillment; cherishing, nourishing; a reward, merit)


, ,

. ,

. 100

: citta cognition *
: sakalpa decision *
: manas inspire(thinking) *
: vc meaning(knowing) *
: nma word *
: karman behavior(doing) * .
. :

(karmapj) . ,
[] prtasadhy < prtar( . a daybreak, at dawn)
[] madhyadinasadhy < madhyadina( . the midday)
[] syasadhy < syam( . in the evening)
w sadhyvandana( . the morning and evening prayers) < sadhy( . union; division; morning
or evening twilight) + vandana( . salutation, obeisance; reverence, adoration; praising)
(devapj) (brahmayaja)
(vaivadevam) .
, 5(pacopacra) .
16 , .
16(oaopacra) : () () , ,
, , ,
, , , , ,
() , , , , , (prrthana) .

w oaopacra( .pl. the sixteen ways of doing homage to a deity) < oaan(num. . sixteen) +
upacra( . service, attendance; honoring worshipping; civility, politeness; salutation)
w prrthana( . a request, entreaty, prayer; a wish, desire; a suit, petition)
3 ()
(pitpj or pityaja) , (ipj) .
w pityaja( . an oblation or offering to Pitaras)
, (kua)
(pia) . '(vasathygni)'
, .
, (baliyaja) .
w vaivadevayaja( . an oblation or offering to Vaivadevas) = vaivadeva( . an offering made
to the Vivedevas and/or to all deities [made by presenting oblations to fire before meals])
w pia( . a round mass, ball; a lump; a round lump of food; A ball or lump of rice offered to
the Manes at obsequial ceremonies or Srddhas)
w kua( . a bowlshaped vessel, a basin, bowl; a round hole in the ground for receiving and
preserving water; a hole in general)
w kkabali( .) < kka( . a crow) + bali( . an oblation, a gift or offering; worship, adoration)
w baliyaja( . an oblation or offering to all created beings) = bhtabali( .) = bhtayja( .)
w vasathya( . being in a house: . the sacred fire kept in the house)

' [caturnityakarma]' , '[nitya]' .
(atithipj) ,
w atithipj( . showing honour to a guest)
[] (prtasadhyvandanam)
[] (brahmayaja)
[] (devapj) : 5 .
[] (madhyadinasadhyvandanam)
[] (brahmayaja)
[] (devapj) : 'oaopacra' 16 .
[] (vaivadevam) : (baliyaja) .
[] (atithipj)
[] (sadhyvandanam)
[] (devapj) : 5 .

(brahman) .
(purua) (hirayagarbha) (prajpati) ,
(purua) (prakti) . ,
(brahman) (prajpati) ,
(pra) (manas) (indriyni) ,
(ka) (vyu) (agni) (ap) (ptiv) (oadhi) (anna)
(bhtni) . Skhya
(purua) (prakti) .
(sattvagua) (rajasgua) (tamasgua)
. (purua) '
(consciousness element)' ' (jvabhta)', (prakti)
, '' .
: (bhmi), (pa), (anala), (vhu), (kha)
: (mana), (buddhi), (ahakra)
25 .
(purua) : [] ja, tman
(prakti) : [] avyakta()
(mahat or buddhi)
11 : 5(jnendriyni) - (cakus), (rotra), (ghra), (rasas), (tvac) &
5(karmendriyni) - (vc), (hasta), (pda), (pyu),
(upastha) & 1(manas) - (manas)
5(pacatanmtrni) : (rpa)(abda)(gandha)(rasa)(spraavya)
5(pacabhtni) : (pthiv)(ap)(tejas)(vyu)(ka)

(tman), (purua)
(prakti) .
(tman) (brahman) .
, , (prakti)
(hirayagarbha) ,
. (purua)
(jvtman) .

, '' '' .
, [] []
, .

(jnpurua) .

[] [] [] []
[] '[]' .
, (krya) (kraa) (karma)
1. krya() : ''
2. kraa() :

samavyikraa( ) :
asamavyikraa( ) :
3. karma() :


1. - 1 : 2 [vddhi] a
i a ya , .
kuru > kauru + a > kaurava : kuru kaurava.
pandu > pndu + a > pndava : pandu pndava.
bharadvja > bhradvj + a > bhradvja : bharadvja bhradvja.
ibi > aib + ya > aibya : ibi aibya.
garga > grg + ya > grgya : garga grgya.
bhgu > bhrgu + a > bhrgava : bhgu bhrgava.
2. - 2 : 2 [vddhi]
yana , yain .
srya > saury + yana > sauryyana( ) or * + yain > sauryyain( )
val > val + yana > valyana : val valyana.
ktya > ktya + yana > ktyyana : ktya ktyyana.

(idam ), (etad), (adas), (tad)

1. idam(pn. . referring to something near the speaker) - ,
. ''
2. etad(pn. . referring to what is nearest to the speaker) - ,
'idam' . ''
3. adas(pn. . referring to a person or thing not present or near the speaker[hearer]) -
, , 'idam'
. ''
4. tad(pn. . referring to something seen or experienced before) -

, . ''
idamastu sanikam sampatara varti cedetado rpam | adasastu viprakam taditi paroke
vijanyat || idamas( .gen.) + tu( .) + sanikam([ .] .nom.) + sampatara( .) +
varti( + ced( .) + etada( .gen.) + rpam( .nom.) | adasas( .gen.) + tu( .) +
viprakam([ .] .nom.) + tad( .nom.) + iti( .) + paroke( .loc.) + vijnyt(
['idam' , 'etad' . 'adas'
, 'tad' ( ) .]

yusattvabalrogyasukhaprtivivardhan | rasy snigdh sthir hdy hr sttvikapriy ||
, ,
. <B.Gt_17.08>
kavamlalavatyuatkarkavidhina | hr rjasasye dukhaokmayaprad ||

, ( ) . <B.Gt_17.09>
ytayma gatarasa pti paryuita ca yat | ucchiamapi cmedhya bhojana tmasapriyam ||

. <B.Gt_17.10>

1. (dk) : . , .
w dk( . consecration for a religious ceremony; a ceremony preliminary to a sacrifice)
2. (yaja) : . (agnihotra) ,
. ''
w yaja( .a sacrifice, sacrificial rite; an act of worship, any pious or devotional act)
3. (kratu) : . .
' ' , (yaja)
'' .
w kratu(plan, design, intention, resolution, determination, purpose; desire, will; power, ability)

(kalpa) 4
1. (rautastra) : . .
w rautastra( . N. of a class of Stra works based on the Veda) < rauta( . relating to the
ear; sacrificial: . any observance prescribed by the Vedas; ritual enjoined by the Vedas)
2. (ghyastra) : .
w ghyastra( .) < gha( . a house, dwelling, habitation; a wife; the life of a householder)
3. (dharmastra) : . .
4. (luvastra) : .
w luvastra( . N. of Stra work, containing mathematical calculations required for rauta rituals)
< luva( . a rope, string; copper; a sacrificial rite or act)

(tam ) (satyam )
'sat' '' , .
1. vyvahrika+satyam : '' ,
. satyam()
2. pramrthika+satyam : '' ,
. tam()
'' 'tam' ,
. '' ,
w satya( . true, real; honest, truthful: . truth; sincerity; goodness, virtue)
w ta( . a fixed or settled rule, law; sacred custom, pious action; divine law, divine truth)
w vyvahrika( . relating to business, practical; legal, judicial; customary, usual) < *[g&i] +
ika(taddhita) < vyavahra( . doing, performing, action; exchange; dealing; work, job)
w pramrthika( . relating to the highest truth or spiritual knowledge; real, essential) < *[g&i]
+ ika(taddhita) < paramrtha( . the highest or most sublime truth, true spiritual knowledge)

(agnikunam) (grhapatya)
(dakigni) (havanya) , (agnihotr)
. ()
, () ()

. , .
' ' , '
' .
1. grhapatya( . one of the three sacred fires perpetually maintained by a householder,
which he receives from his father and transmits to his descendants, and from which fires for
sacrificial purposes are lighted) < gha( . a house, dwelling) +pati( . a master, lord)
2. dakigni( . the southern fire, the sacred fire placed southwards) = dakitya( .) =
anvhryapacana( . the southern sacrificial fire used for offerings to the ancestors)
3. havanya( . a consecrated fire taken from the householder's perpetual fire, one of the
three fires burning at a sacrifice) < (adv. near to, towards) + hu(3. . to offer or present [as
oblation to fire]) + anya(pot.pass.p.)
, .
4. sabhya( . N. of one of the five sacred fires) sabhya( . belonging to an assembly; fit
for society; refined, polished: . an assessor; an assistant at an assembly; a person of honourable
parentage) < sabh( . an assembly, a council; company, society)
5. vasathya( . being in a house: . the sacred fire kept in the house, one of the five
sacred fires used in sacrifices) (vaivadevayaja) .
, '' .

, '' .
, '' .
, '' .
, '' .


* (dityas)
mitra( . the sun; N. of an ditya: . a friend, companion)
ravi( . the sun; a mountain)
srya( the sun; the tree called Arka; the number twelve)
bhnu( . light, lustre, brightness; a ray of light; the sun)
khaga( . a bird; air, wind; the sun)
pan( . a Vedic deity; the protector of the universe; the sun)
hirayagarbha( . N. of Brahman as born from a goldenegg)
marci( . a ray of light; a particle of light; light)
ditya( . solar, born in the solar line: . a son of Aditi; a god, divinity in general)
savit( . generating, producing, yielding: . the sun; the creator of the world)
arka( . fit to be worshipped: . a ray of light, a flash of lighting; fire; a crystal)
bhskara( . the sun; a hero; fire: . gold) < bhs( . light) + kara( . a maker)

- jtavedas

, .


. (salokat)
, (sampat)
, (sarpat)
, (syujyat)
w salokat( .) < sa( . together with) + loka( . world) + t('state being')

w sampat( .) < sampa( . near, close by) + t('state being')
w sarpat( .) < sa( .) + rpa( . form, shape) + t('state being')
w syujyat( .) < syujya( . intimate union, identification) + t('state being')

. <B.Gt_13.07~13.11>
amnitvam(), adambhitvam(), ahis( )
knti(), rjavam(), cryopsana( )
auca(), sthairyam(), tmavinigraha( )
indriyrtheu vairgyam( ), anahakra( )
janmamtyujarvydhidukhadonudaranam( )
putradraghdiu asakti ca anabhivaga ca( )
iniopapattiu samacittatvam( )
mayi ananyayogena avyabhicri bhakti( )
viviktadeasevitvam( )
janasasadi arati( )
adhytmajnanityatva( )
tattvajnrthadaranam( )

brahma satya jaganmithy | jvo brahmaiva npara || [
, ( ) .]
' ' ' . '
(, )'
. .




(1) ()
'' 25
() '' 2012 ' ()' .
'' '' ,

(2) -

. '' ''
'' .


'(praj)' '(dhyna)' '(riputra)'
. 'praj'
'' . ,
. 'dhyna'
, .
'' '' . 'riputra' ''
'ri()' 'putra()' .

'(l) (putra)'
'' '' .

* : -
* : a -
* : bha -
* : ka -
'' () ' []' , '' ()
, 'bha' () '[]' , 'ka'
() () [] '' .

(brhm) 6
(siddha) 4
, .

. '(a) (anutpda)'

. ,


, .

(3) -

, <>
. 14(1688)
, ,
.. . . .. ..
* O sammaiya stv []



, ,



'(svh)' ''

* Namo ratnatrayya []

1968 ''
, .
* [] a() () i() () u() ()
() () l() e() ai() o() au()
* [] k() kh() g() gh() () h()
c() ch() j() jh() () ()
() h() () h() () ()
t() th() d() dh() n() s()
p() ph() b() bh() m()
y() v() r() l()
() ()
* [] a(), a(), i(), o(), saj()

, .

() ()
(single vowel) (diphthong)
(( () ()
hrasva(short vowel) drgha(long vowel)
() A A [L L]-[A A]
kahya(Gutturals) a [e ai]-[o au]1)
() C D L L
tlavya(Palatals) i e ai
() G H
mrdhanya(Linguals) -
() I
dantya(Dentals) - -

() E F A A
ohya(Labials) u o au

(( [] []
kaohra vyajana mdu vyajana
(Hard consonants) (Soft consonants)
M Z a b X
kahya [W]
(Gutturals) k kh g gh
c N e f g
tlavya [r] [v]
(Palatals) c ch j jh
O P Q R h
mrdhanya [U] [w]
(Linguals) h h
i j S k l
dantya [s . u] [x]
(Dentals) t th d dh n
m T o p q
ohya [u]
(Labials) p ph b bh m
- r u U s *
y v r l
() v w x
mavara(Sibilants) - *
() W
mahpra(Aspirate) - * *

1) 'e' 'ai' , 'o' 'au' , 'v' .

2) spara(ay 25 ), ma(al 4
), ' ' antastha(ya 4 ) .



'' .
stra : [] []
* '' 2mtra , ''
1mtra 1.5mtra .
'()' : i() ri() Ka() Kra()
'()' : yaja() yajna() jeya() jneya()
'()' : vetavatara() svetasvatara()
'()' : ('' .)


A a America * ( )

A father - * ( '' )

C i heat

D beet - * ( '' )
E u suit

F pool - * ( '' )

G river

H reed -

* ( '' )

I feel

* ''

L e gate
L ai aisle

A o pole

A au loud


M k skate
Z kh bunkhouse

a g give
b gh loghouse

X sing

* .
c c cello
N ch charm
e j just
f jh jain
g canyon * a()
s table

P h r

R h re dhead

h gentle
i t stable
j th table

S d dynamic

k dh redhead

l n gentle
m p spin
T ph shepherd

o b beautiful

p bh clubhouse
q m mother
r y yes * ya(), y()

u v victory * va(), vri()

U r red

* ara()
s l law

* ala()
v shine * a(), ri()
w effi cient

* a(), ri()
x s sweet

* sa(), sri()
W h hero

/// /// * .

//// //// * .

' - -



. a(), ()

A a America * ( )
A father - * ( '' )

'' '' , '' ''

. 'a' ''
, ''
'a' '' '' .
'a' '' .
a(not) + vij( . inttelligent) > avij( . ignorant) :
a(not) + dvaita( . duality) > advaita( . nonduality) :
'' '' . (
'shadeva' '' .)
gagy bhava yasya sa gga [ '' () ''.]
sahadevasya bhava yasya sa shadeva ['' ''.]

'+' .
strtman(straatman) [O] [X]
viidvaita [O] [X]
, '+' .
Sakarcrya( . N. of) [X] [O]
Rmnujcrya( . N. of) [X] [O]
'a' '' .
lokloka( . N. oa a mythical mountain) [O]
dharmdharmau( .nom.du. right and wrong) [O]

. i(), ()

C i heat
D beet - * ( '' )

'' '' .

. u(), ()

E u suit
F pool - * ( '' )

'' '' .

. (), ()

G river

H reed - * ( '' )

'' .
'(ri)' ,
'(ru)' '(r)' . '(ri)' '(ru)'
'' 2 ''
'' '' 'r'
. '(r)'
, ''
'' ''
'' .
'' '' .

. e(), ai()

L e gate
L ai aisle

. ()

I feel

* ''

'' .

. o(), au()

A o pole
A au loud


. 'k' : (kahya[Gutturals])

M k skate

Z kh bunkhouse

a g give

b gh loghouse

X sing * .

, '' .
daka( . N. of) askpta( . the falling of blood)
akti( . power) bhakta( . a worshipper)
'k' , 'y' ,
'v' ,
'l' .
[y] muky( . N. of a book), akya(pot.p. possible)
[v] kvara( . N. of various Smans), raikva( . N. of a sage)
[l] ukla( . white), klea( . pain), parikli(9. . to torment)
'' .

. 'c' : (tlavya[Palatals])

c c cello

N ch charm

e j just

f jh jain

g canyon * a()

'' 'n' '' ''

'' , ()
() .
praj : ++ >
prajo : ++ >
'()' 'n()' .
patajali( . N. of the celebrated author of the Mahbhya) :
pacam( . the fifth or ablative case) :

. '' : (mrdhanya[Linguals])

s table

P h


R h re dhead

h gentle

. 't' : (dantya[Dentals])

i t stable

j th table

S d dynamic

k dh redhead

l n gentle

't' 'd' '' .

vtsya( . N. of a sage) vatsanapt( . N. of a sage)
buddhi( . intelligence) savatsara( . a year)
't' 'd' '' , 'd'
'' .
aravat( . like an arrow) id( . just, only)
upaniad( . true knowledge) svid( . 'surprise')
'n' .
indriya( . an organ of sense) udanya( . thirsty)
'n' 'y' ''
'ny' 'n' 'y' .
jna( . cognizance) - vanya( . a wild animal) -
nyasta(p.p. cast, down) - [X] [O]
nyya( . method, manner) - [X] [O]
'ny' 'n' 'y' .
sanysin( . an ascetic) - [O] [X]

. 'p' : (ohya[Labials])

m p spin

T ph shepherd

o b beautiful

p bh clubhouse

q m mother

'p' 'b' '' .

pippalda( . N. of a sage) - [O]
'ph' '' , 'f' .
'm' 'l' .
damanaka( . N. of... from Pacatantra) - [O] [O]

. (antasthavara[Semivowels])

r y yes * ya()

U r red

* ara()

s l law

* ala()

u v victory /

* va(), vri(), vka()

'y' ,
yjavalkya( . N. of a sage) - [O] [X]
yogya( . fit, proper, suitable) - [O] [X]
skhya( . N. of a Indian Phil.) - [O] [X]
srya( . the sun) - [X] [O]
, ,
hirayagarbha( . N. of Brahman) - [X] [O]
, '' '' ,
bhya( . commentary) - [X] [O]
rkarkya( . son of arkarka) - [X] [O]
, (khchhthph) ,
(ghjhhdhbh) .
mukhya( . kind of a n) - [O] [X]
dlbhya( . N. of a sage) - [X] [O]
'y' 'y' '' ,
'y' .
nyyya( . just, proper) - akayya( . imperishable) -

'r' .
sarva(pn. . whole) - [O] [X]
dharma( . duty; justice) - [O] [X]
kurvanti( - [O] [X]
'l' '' ''
kla( . time in general), ulli( . crying aloud)
labhata( < labh(1. . to touch)
'l' .
kloman( . the right lung), ukla( . white), loka( . praise)
, 'l' .
nimloca( . sunset) < nimluc(1. . to set upon)
yjavalkya( . N. of a sage)
'l' .
sakalpa( . will, volition), valmka( . an anthill)
ilya( . N. of a sage)
'l' 'l' .
bhalla( . auspicious) - bala( . power)
'v' vabayo abheda('v' 'b' .)
'b' '' , ''
, '' 'v'
. 'v' 'b' ,
'w' .
'v' ,
'' '' , ''
, '' '' .
'v' '' .
vana( . a forest), vikra( . a modificaiton), vetla( . a goblin)
voh( . a porter), vaideha( . a king of Videha)
vaua( . a exclamation)
* , '' 'v' '' .
vddhi( . increase), vi( . rain)
* , .
veda( . sacred knowledge), vaiya( . a man of the third tribe)
'' .
vrata( . vow), vraa( . a wound), vlna(p.p. crushed)
vyna( . vital breath), vyoman( . the sky), vyui( . dawn)
vyui( . dawn), vraja( . a multitude), vlna(p.p. crushed)

. (mavara[Sibilants])

v shine * a(), ri()

effi cient

* a(), ri()

x s sweet

* '' .

'' 's' '' '' ''

, ()
() .
akuni : ++ > oita : ++ >
uddha : ++ > upu : ++ >
'' '' 's'
'' .
's' '' .
'' .
, '' .
smarasmara() smara+smara
'' .
suta( . a soma libation) : suta(), prasuta(), suta()
's' '' .
stra(), saskt(), saumanasya()
'' '' .
svarita(), spara(), stuti(), smrta()
's' '' 't' 'd' .
[t] vtsya( . N. of a sage) vatsanapt( . N. of a sage)
[d] buddhi( . intelligence) bhagavadgt
: samaveda(), saman(),
saskt() .

. (mahpra[Aspirate])

W h hero


/// /// * (anusvra)

//// //// * (visarga)

' - - * (avagraha)

'' ,
'' .
sakalpa sakalpa ++
sayoga sayoga ++
sad sand ++
sapratiha sampratiha ++
sastha sastha ++
pjasya + = pjasya + =
's' '' ,
, 100% .
deva + = deva + =
yoni + = yoni + =
guru + = guru + =
tapas+prabhva tapaprabhva
'' 'a' .
eo + apsu = eo'psu + =
so + asmin = so'smin + =


yjavalkya( .) - : yjavalkya( ['']
naciketas( .) - : naciket( ['']

bhadrayaka [o] [X]
jamadagni [o] [X]
straatman [o] [X]
'a' '' .
lokloka( . N. oa a mythical mountain) [O]
dharmdharmau( .nom.du. right and wrong) [O]


veda [X] [O]
saskt [X] [O]
vaiya [X] [O]
- 'v'
vddhi( . increase) [X] [O]
vi( . rain) [X] [O]
vka( . a wolf) [X] [O]

'(mtr)' , .
' -' '' '', '' '',
'-' '' .
(hrasva) : , aiu .
(drgha) : , .
(pluta) : , .
'' '3' .
ya katamo bhagav3 iti [ ? -! ().]
hovcjtaatruretvann3 [ . -? ?]
vyajsi3 iti [-? ( ).]

6. -
namo ratnatrayya 4)

nama ryvalokitevarya bodhisattvya mahsattvya mahkruikya6)

o sarvabhayeu trakarya tasmai namas

ktv imam ryvalokitevarastava nlakahanma

hdaya vartayiymi sarvrthasdhana7) ubha ajeya sarvabhtn

bhavamrgaviodhaka tadyath

o loka e lokamati loktikrnta ehyehi8) hare

3) ' '.


' ' ' ' .


5) : .

6) '-ya' '-' . , '-vya' '-', '-kya'

'-'. '-nma' '-' .

7) 'sarvrtha' '' 'sarva' 'artha'

'+' '' .

8) 'ehyehi' 'ehi+ehi' , '' '' .


mahbodhisattva smarasmara9) hdayam

kurukuru karma sdhayasdhaya

dhurudhuru vijayanta e mahvijayanta e

dharadhara dharaidharevara

calacala malla vimalmala10)mrtte

ehyehi lokevara rgavia vinaya dveavia vinaya mohajlavia vinaya

huluhulu malla hulu hare padmanbha

sarasara sirisiri surusuru buddhybuddhy bodhayabodhaya

maitriya nlakaha kmasya daranena prahldya mana svh

siddhya svh mahsiddhya svh siddhayogevarya svh

nlakahya svh

9) 'smarasmara' 'smara' . 's' '' .

10) 'vimalma' 'vimala+amala' '+' .


varhamukhasihamukhya svh

padmahastya svh

cakryudhya svh

akhaabdanibodhanya svh

mahlakuadharya svh

vmaskandadeasthitakjinya svh

vyghracarmanivasanya svh

namo ratnatrayya nama ryvalokitevarya svh


Edited with introduction, Text, translation and notes by S. RADHAKRISHNAN, 1951.
Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers INDIA. 1994.
< , > , , 1 11 2007.

<UPANISHADS> The thirteen principal
Translated from the Sanskrit by ROBERT ERNEST HUME, 1877.
Publisher : OXFORD University Press, New York, U.S.A. 1997.
<TEN PRINCIPAL UPANIADS> Works of akarcrya in original Sanskrit
Commentary by akarcrya in original Sanskrit only.
Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, INDIA. 2007.
<EIGHT UPANIADS> Swm Gambhrnanda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. 2008.
<MINOR UPANISHADS> Swami madhavananda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. 2008.
<Chndogya Upaniad> Swm Gambhrnanda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. 2006.
<Aitareya Upaniad> Swm Gambhrnanda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. 2006.
<Prana Upaniad> Swm Gambhrnanda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. 1998.
< Upaniad> Swm Gambhrnanda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. 2008.
<Chndogya Upaniad> Swm Swhnanda, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai. 2007.
<Maitryaya Upaniad> E.B.Cowell, C.P. Gautam, Delhi. 2007.
<Mkya Upaniad> Swami Nikhilananda, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata. 2006.
<Muakopaniad> Swami Chinmayananda, C.C. Mission Trust, Mumbak. 2008.
<Kenopaniad> Swami Chinmayananda, C.C. Mission Trust, Mumbak. 2007.
<Kathopaniad> Swami Chinmayananda, C.C. Mission Trust, Mumbak. 2008.
<vsya Upaniad> Swami Chinmayananda, C.C. Mission Trust, Mumbak. 2007.
<Taittirya Upaniad> Swami Chinmayananda, C.C. Mission Trust, Mumbak. 2006.

Edited by Vaman Shivaram Apte, 1890. Publisher : Poona, INDIA. 1978.(Rep.)
Edited by Monier Williams, 1899.
Publisher : OXFORD University Press, New York, U.S.A. 1899.
Reprinted by Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi, INDIA. 1956.
<Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature>
Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No.322
Edited by John Dowson, 1879. Publisher : Sri Satguru Publications, Delhi, INDIA. 2008.(Rep.)

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sthla 2728, 2730, 2734, 2740, 2748,

2751, 2762, 2775
() bhaikya 1938
bhik 840, 2710
trkya 1835, 1917, 1993 bhik 838, 1066, 2164
grgya 199, 201, 1837, 1879, 1880, 2259 tu 52, 380, 876, 878, 914, 915, 1930, 2073,
grg 342-385 2140, 2156
gardabhvipta 451 gotama 233, 1074
grhapatya 942, 943, 1105, 1131, 1225, pragraha 1770, 1771, 1774, 2324, 2783
1883, 2384, 2493, 2498 parivraj 2213
ghin 2703 tpasa 500, 1757
()gandhra 1309, 1310 kha 591, 1102, 1908, 1945, 2519, 2828
gandharva 56, 326, 343, 348, 511, 526, huta 154, 307, 438, 574, 670, 748, 1238,
740, 927, 1616, 2306, 2576, 2588, 2635, 2676 1240, 1871, 1930, 1931
upadi 2376 prta 1846
deva 81, 93, 1660 bhik 2167
hari 287 yc 2163, 2167, 2673
indriya 1739, 1771, 1775, 1819, 1875 ()camasa 715, 1162
jnendriya 2746, 2748, 2750, 2756, 2774 mahiman 553, 2109
pra 189, 220, 222, 225, 231, 392, 519, mahiman 390
521, 523, 547, 654, 881, 1143 asy 305, 311
graha 313-318 badhira 658, 1148, 2232
iu 227 chy 214, 378, 406, 1768, 1870, 1892,
ggyyani 2135 2261, 2274
van 424, 665, 856, 857, 1154, 1193, 2787 prakti 2022, 2080, 2408, 2476,
valmka 2713, 2848 2723
purua 154, 174, 240, 285, 398, 425, purua 1777, 1820, 2022, 2080,
486, 490, 528, 531, 689, 1036, 1271, 1444, 2408, 2409, 2775
1505, 1524, 1795, 1806, 1828, 1904, 1944, kraadeha 2740, 2751, 2775
1947, 1952, 2060, 2341 glva 856, 858
ranbhi 225, 1925, 2118, 2448 anaka 2583, 2710
tantu 225, 1925, 2448 anakyana 1437
dara 210, 407, 1453, 1818, 2261, 2273 rdhvaretas 2314, 2317, 2350
biba 2043 _kumr 2646

_nsr 2651
_ram 2668
_madhyam 2649 ()
_mogh 2644
_bhsvat 2656 plava 1934, 2037, 2468
_iur 2652 naimiya 784
_saty 2648 ()nciketa 1729, 1730, 1752, 1768,
_saumy 2643 1769, 1781
_sudaran 2641 naciketas 1714, 2550
_sry 2653 aaja 1538
_suumn 2445 apna 161, 191, 311, 332, 425, 731, 788,
_asur 2655 789, 790, 1001, 1231, 1232, 1506, 1511, 1520,
_amt 2647 1521, 1565, 1570, 1594, 1644, 1801, 1803,
1871, 1874, 1883, 1949, 2323, 2385, 2403,
_aram 2668
2493, 2535, 2576, 2588, 2641, 2684, 2743
_apunarbhav 2668
()prota 342
_icch 2668
dakiyana 691, 1188
_jit 2642
gndhrya 946
n 223, 465, 496, 1440, 1441, 1446,
anvhryapacana 1108, 1225, 1883
1827, 1873, 1959, 2285, 2445, 2522, 2558,
2588, 2597, 2599, 2602, 2621, 2641, 2756 dakigni 1132, 2384, 2500

pratih 1013, 1221, 1646, 2519 sanysa 2703, 2713, 2817

uat 1714, 1722, 1936 tyga 2816

nanda 431, 454, 509, 1568, 1602, 1623, samna 161, 425, 1002, 1233, 1234, 1570,
1635, 1961, 2535, 2616, 2635, 2722, 2768, 1871, 1874, 2323, 2403, 2493, 2537, 2588,
2820, 2827, 2841, 2854 2644, 2684, 2743

smara 1375, 1376, 1378, 1403, 1405, 2486 antarymin 348, 353, 354, 355

ktyyan 243, 558 ()ya 1437

kayapa 233 nidhana 868, 869, 897

kautaki 803, 804, 2163, 2184 nivid 387

kahola 338
ketu 2540
kosalas 1904 ()
kuru 294, 413, 837, 2695
()kta 1051, 1054, 1070 dadhyac 282, 284
kuruketra 2695 dharma 138, 277
695 darvhoma 380
barhis 893, 1225, 2170, 2848 ka 115, 205, 220, 276, 360, 375, 404,
makika 1858 438, 691, 792, 832, 1104, 1373, 1375, 1489,
1549, 1567, 2269, 2434, 2570, 2728
peaskrin 526, 2341, 2464
katra 625
()camasa 695
katra 133, 138, 570, 625, 702, 1173,
1766, 1861 irovrata 1987, 1989

katriya 134, 217, 1193, 2285, 2843, mtyava 2324, 2341, 2713, 2736
2846, 2850, 2852 puro'nuvky 305, 311

vyna 161, 311, 332, 425, 788, 789, 1000, marut 136, 980, 981, 982, 2311, 2477, 2535,
1229, 1230, 1565, 1570, 1594, 1873, 1874, 2621
1883, 2323, 2385, 2403, 2493, 2534, 2588, srathi 1770, 1771, 1772, 1774, 2038, 2324,
2642, 2684, 2743 2783
guh 892, 1754, 1789, 1790, 2058, 2067, avamedha 53, 69, 154, 328
2381, 2713, 2817 maitrey 243, 558
skara 1193, 1291, 1294 man 933, 934, 935
dv supar 1967, 2075 ()mahva 1061, 1062
dyo 228 mahas 1561, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1568
pra 161, 191, 311, 332, 425, 731, 788, 789, granthi 1405, 1826, 1952, 1962, 1986
790, 999, 1227, 1228, 1565, 1570, 1594, 1644,
khanana 2787
1801, 1803, 1871, 1874, 1883, 1949, 2323,
2385, 2403, 2493, 2531, 2588, 2638, 2684, kea 465, 496, 2285, 2588
2743, 2748, 2750 blgra 2103
taijasa 1998, 2004, 2751, 2756, 2775 pratirutk 271, 404, 787, 2261, 2276
turya 630, 2638, 2656, 2684 nididhysana 2022, 2768
triaku 1578 svara 933
triubh 023, 2534 akta 1940
tva 743 apravtti 2269
avidy 496, 537, 1405, 1589, 1664, 1665,
1666, 1720, 1746, 1747, 1912, 1935, 1936,
1952, 2011, 2140, 2346, 2550, 2751, 2762,
() 2768, 2842
udumbara 517, 695, 715, 1967, 2075
rathantara 902, 904 mauna 1436, 2676
raikva 1051, 1053, 1055, 1058, 1059, vykaraa 1923, 2576
1060, 1061, 2630, 2638, 2663, 2668, 2684
()muja 1828
rjana 924
matsya 493, 799, 2140, 2460
rj 1014
preyas 1743, 1744
rhu 1488, 2540
skma 2740, 2748, 2750, 2774, 2775
rkasa 2306, 2545, 2576, 2588, 2676
avyakta 1777, 1820, 2576, 2630,
revat 919, 920 2668, 2676, 2681, 2685, 2724, 2751, 2775
rudra 133, 136, 228, 390, 392, 941, 946, moha 338, 580, 1662, 1748, 1857, 2104,
948, 973, 974, 975, 1023, 1024, 1863, 2049, 2109, 2304, 2346, 2352, 2409, 2468, 2499,
2053, 2082, 2091, 2092, 2361, 2365, 2366, 2525, 2545, 2736, 2853
2368, 2384, 2392, 2461, 2534, 2542, 2576,
raddh 417, 772, 1048, 1175, 1186, 1302,
2607, 2621, 2655, 2695, 2806
1460, 1583, 1602, 1715, 1930, 2476, 2545
yaga 2848

baka 784, 856, 858
maghavan 1464, 1466, 1470, 1472, 1476,
bharadvja 233, 451, 1837, 1904
1478, 1480
vtarajju 2306
manu 130, 989, 1492
barku 447
madra 326, 348

vi 136, 140, 1193, 1489, 2191, 2570, brahmadatta 101
2843, 2846 brahmaloka 343, 553, 689, 1437,
khadyota 240, 1274, 1276, 2040 1485, 1759, 1781, 1818, 1933, 2144
nyagrodha 1301, 1302 brahmaloka 509, 511, 1425, 1431,
blki 199, 2259, 2263 1432, 1433, 1435, 1488, 1492, 1818, 1853,
1854, 1899
blakhilya 2314, 2315
bhgu 1625, 1635
nbhi 1506, 1511, 2388, 2743, 2746
bhadratha 2301
hasa 485, 486, 1049, 1051, 1087, 1088,
1800, 2018, 2065, 2398, 2499, 2511, 2542, bhaspati 97, 782, 930, 1545, 1587,
2713 1617, 1835, 1917, 1993, 2550, 2695
madhu 955, 1157 bhat 908
madhuni 956, 958, 961, 963, 966 v 255, 573, 820
paramtman 2403, 2434, 2768 sapad 304
vaivnara 1199, 1201, 1204, 1206, adhyropa 2765
1207, 1209, 1210, 1212, 1213, 1215, 1216, asat 1043, 1251, 1612, 1860, 1885,
1218, 1219, 1221, 1222, 1224, 1225, 1240 1954, 2088, 2331, 2334, 2336, 2352, 2570,
dhrmika 2843, 2852 2576, 2582, 2588, 2668, 2676, 2681, 2685,
2768, 2835
kala 655, 1145, 2232
asat 1250
vednta 1983, 2130, 2817, 2834, 2841
()parvan 2789
sahit 1549, 1553
parjanya 133, 228, 683
_magh 2424
paulkasa 500
_ravih 2424
pacla 294, 413, 668, 1165
_srpa 2424
pura 963, 964, 1321, 1324, 1328, 1351,
dna 548, 556, 595, 691, 937, 1031,
1188, 2583
pan 137
andha 657, 1146, 1210, 1468, 1470
pratardana 2177
ita 438, 574
prtda 619
pyita 438, 574
pratka 154
havanya 949, 1110, 1133, 1225, 1883,
2384, 2493, 2498, 2519 pratihra 844, 868, 869
bhuvas 604, 606, 939, 1130, 1561, 1563, prastva 843, 849, 850, 868, 895
1564, 1565, 1567, 2388 prastot 107, 704, 842, 843, 849
apavda 2765 pravhaa 668, 675, 824, 825, 831,
bhujyu 326, 328 1165
bhr 604, 606, 939, 1130, 1561, 1563, 1564, prja 1998, 2006, 2751, 2775
1565, 1567, 2388 pthiv 228
dhruva 2306 pia 2789
uttaryaa 689, 1121, 1186, 2477
vijna 1351, 1354, 1356, 1403
brahman 988, 989, 1919, 1920, 1926, ()
1927, 2099, 2127, 2145, 2152, 2159, 2359,
2361, 2365, 2369, 2384, 2419, 2461, 2477,
smaga 1573
2570, 2606, 2621, 2630, 2638, 2653, 2663,
2668, 2684, 2746, 2762, 2806, 2814, 2817, smarava 296
2819, 2821 sman 99, 624, 807

()camasa 231 _kkara 2743
di 91, 212, 271, 359, 404, 413, 451, 745, _ka 2653, 2684
1108, 1506, 1511, 2376, 2599, 2622 _nga 2656, 2684, 2743
daki 416, 438 _dhanajaya 2743
brahma 2730, 2735, 2774, 2775 _devadatta 2743
samdhi 2437, 2499, 2768 _mukhya 2647, 2684
dvaita 263, 581 _prabhajana 2649, 2684
dvandva 2334, 2336 _yena 2652
prvapaka 302, 2139 _antaryma 2648, 2684
manas 91, 1631, 1865, 1870, 1875, 1876, _vairambha 2588, 2646, 2684
1880, 1883, 1898, 1908, 2746, 2751, 2791 iva 2084, 2821
jvanmukta 2768, 2780 dra 137, 140, 734, 2545, 2570, 2843,
kyanya 2301 2846
akvar 916, 917 stuta 1031
astraasit 1573 smti 2843, 2854
ilya 1012 svar 604, 606, 610, 939, 1130, 2388
sattva 2059, 2356, 2368, 2369, 2704, 2724, svedaja 1538
2733, 2734, 2746 ruti 2854
547, 1193, 1415, 1873, 1933, 2253, 2762, vetaketu 668, 1165, 1243, 1244, 1278,
2775, 2851 1288, 2135, 2713
yajopavta 2184, 2710, 2713 devayna 670, 1166, 1187, 2144
trthaytrbhigamana 2801 devtman 2014
saindhava 260, 578, 1305, 2511, 2558 pura 256, 574, 2490, 2493
akha 254, 572 hdaya 220, 223, 258, 400, 415, 458, 465,
vara 471, 675, 677, 678, 695, 1164, 1721, 478, 521, 523, 547, 576, 597, 608, 728, 994,
1722, 1725, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1736, 997, 999, 1011, 1225, 1411, 1427, 1440, 1506,
1740, 1742, 2222, 2301 1511, 1536, 1567, 1591, 1801, 1826, 1827,
gua 1790, 2331, 2476, 2531 1828, 1960, 1961, 1962, 2037, 2060, 2067,
atithi 1576, 1582, 1643, 1719, 1721, 1800, 2087, 2187, 2194, 2196, 2285, 2324, 2373,
1931 2376, 2434, 2448, 2464, 2468, 2477, 2499,
2526, 2541, 2542, 2558, 2570, 2588, 2597,
nakhanikntana 1248
2668, 2676, 2743, 2746, 2775, 2785, 2791,
yena 494, 1532
2817, 2835
ratha 461, 516, 1006, 1051, 1053, 1056,
sanatkumra 1320, 1405
1058, 1059, 1060, 1210, 1381, 1482, 1770,
sdhya 983, 985, 986, 1949, 2537
1849, 1861, 1904, 1910, 1959, 2018, 2038,
2148, 2253, 2314, 2448, 2468, 2783, 2785 satyakma 454, 714, 715, 1072, 1156,
1837, 1895, 2385
svapna 222, 478, 481, 484, 486, 490,
491, 494, 515, 1164, 1278, 1442, 1467, 1474, sarasvat 752
1523, 1787, 1818, 1879, 1885, 1887, 1998, savit 635, 740, 859, 2030, 2031, 2032,
2004, 2232, 2261, 2278, 2285, 2458, 2588, 2036, 2088, 2392, 2398, 2402, 2431, 2499
2684, 2736, 2752, 2756, 2762, 2826, 2830 svitr 632, 707, 2376
suupti 223, 1998, 2684, 2752, 2760, sahamn 1014
2762, 2826, 2830 ()slajya 2144, 2152
_krma 2743 koa 747, 1013, 1016, 1555, 1963, 2344,
_kumra 2651, 2684 2464, 2468, 2525, 2588, 2668, 2748

sasravka 2114 yajyajya 921, 922
soma 101, 120, 202, 691, 930, 1206, 1437, yjavalkya 115, 243-247, 296, 711
2035 yaka 2306, 2540, 2545, 2576, 2588
()somasavana 1437 oadhi 53, 695, 699, 707, 717, 766, 1157,
202 1191, 1591, 1594, 1925, 1947, 1951, 2047,
subht 1014 2519, 2576
suvar 1561, 1563, 1564, 1565, 1568 tamas 2346, 2368, 2468, 2476, 2704, 2728,
2730, 2750
sinvl 743
()aparjita 1437, 2144,
()ota 342
pta 2806
nirukta 1923, 2576
avimukta 2695, 2698, 2836
aguha 1795, 1796, 1828, 2060, 2102,
() 2448, 2775
karman 140, 322, 511, 528, 748, 1531, 1908,
agastya 2848 1984, 2015, 2116, 2140, 2461, 2487, 2499,
agni 60, 88, 154, 322, 969, 1084, 1102, 2724, 2740, 2756, 2762, 2768, 2775, 2786,
1511, 1725, 2177, 2200, 2299, 2500, 2519 2827, 2843, 2845, 2851
adhvaryu 301, 307, 1124, 1573, 2180 ekari 1864, 1987
ditya 136, 228, 393, 2392, 2535 ()aaga 2437
aditi 1790 madhukararjan 1858
atri 233, 2698, 2710 itihsa 256, 574, 2490, 2493, 2854
()ara 1439, 2144, 2148 daa grmyi dhnyni 715
rui 2135 oaakala bhradvja
rtabhga 313, 322 purua 1904
()amitaujas 2145, 2152 puramekdaadvram 1799
asura 72, 74, 83, 595, 1658, 2291, 2306, japa 2801
2550, 2621, 2655 ()yeiha 2144, 2148
avala 296, 311, 1837, 1868 pacamahbhtni 1538
()avattha 1814, 2381 pratikram 2285
avin 282, 284, 743, 745, 2621, 2746 sasya 1718
aysya 85, 96, 101, 783 udna 161, 332, 425, 1003, 1235, 1236,
()airamadya 1437 1570, 1873, 1875, 1883, 2323, 2403, 2493,
2538, 2588, 2643, 2684, 2743
ajtaatru 199, 201, 2259, 2263
o 765, 768, 769, 770, 771, 784, 797, 799,
()jya 1157, 1159
800, 801, 802, 804, 939, 1445, 1573, 1757,
navadvrapuram 2065
1895, 1896, 1902, 1957, 1959, 1995, 2002,
547, 1116, 1193, 1873, 2253, 2713, 2775 2007, 2025, 2026, 2358, 2376, 2378, 2381,
antaryma 2323, 2684 2384, 2385, 2445, 2448, 2452, 2455, 2458,
tarka 2442 2460, 2468, 2510, 2522, 2538, 2558, 2824
()ambay 2145 vaavnala 2124
apsaras 2145, 2148 varua 133, 409, 419, 930, 977, 978, 1625,
yama 133, 416, 1716-1781, 1829, 2261, 2144, 2365, 2424, 2537, 2538, 2602, 2621,
2278, 2365, 2519, 2614, 2649, 2746 2643, 2746

yajus 623 vmadeva 130, 1532

vmadevya 905, 907

vaa 610 ()vicakaa 2145, 2152
vasu 136, 390, 391, 941, 945, 969, 1020, kta 1940
1021, 1800, 2402, 2531, 2621 jva 1299, 2440, 2736, 2739, 2740, 2751,
vasiha 233, 2848 2756, 2760, 2762, 2765, 2768, 2794, 2826,
vyu 1545, 1587, 1808, 1816, 2644 2827, 2843, 2845
vairja 914, 915 _gyatr 627, 628, 630, 632, 635,
639, 641, 992, 993, 995, 1020, 2531
vairpa 911, 912
_triubh 2534
vaivnara 52, 612, 1719, 1844, 1997,
2003, 2323, 2403, 2576 _pakti 2538
vaivasvata 1719 _anuubh 635, 2537
vjaravasa 1714 _jagat 2535
vcaknav 371 chandas 1923, 2576
rjaputra 223, 1904 _ bala 1548
bhaa 2545 _ sman 1548
udaka 443 _ svara 1548
udgt 704, 771, 784, 813, 851, 1124, _ mtr 1548
2180 _ santna 1548
udgtha 72, 100, 765, 774, 786, 797, 802, _vara 1548
824, 832 ik 1548, 1923, 2576
um 1700, 2820 saj 260, 262, 578
upasada 1030 caitanya 2409, 2723-2726, 2728, 2752
upu 2323 cit 2751, 2768, 2791, 2820, 2830, 2833,
uasta 332, 335 2841, 2854
uasti 837, 846 sakalpa 1705, 2102, 2104, 2227, 2319,
purua 2570, 2576 2368, 2409, 2476, 2541, 2616, 2746
uktha 622, 2180, 2232, 2519 idandra 1525
chandas 65, 795, 798 na 133
uddlaka 348, 369, 711, 721, 989, 1199, praj 2159, 2207, 2213, 2227, 2232,
1221, 1723 2238, 2241, 2244, 2247, 2248, 2253, 2291
vidagdha 387 dvaita 2392, 2393, 2473, 2511, 2558,
videha 294, 296, 372, 436, 534, 553, 641,
2703 indha 464
vir 465, 861, 1070 indra 133, 168, 228, 287, 328, 390, 394,
464, 747, 930, 933, 935, 973, 974, 1449, 1525,
virocana 1449, 1458, 1464
1538, 1567, 1616, 1700, 1702, 1703, 1704,
()vibhu 2145, 2152
1816, 1860, 1863, 2180, 2187, 2222, 2493,
viu 743, 1545, 1587, 2361, 2365, 2369, 2534, 2558, 2611, 2647, 2746, 2821
2398, 2421, 2431, 2461, 2526, 2535, 2542,
indragopa 240
2576, 2612, 2622, 2648, 2728, 2746, 2806,
indrajla 2352
2810, 2821
citta 1342-1347, 1403, 1876, 1888, 1941,
vivmitra 233
1976, 2232, 2440, 2442, 2464, 2499, 2608,
vivedeva 136, 309, 861, 941, 949, 950,
2621, 2630, 2656, 2746, 2760, 2768
951, 953, 2537
saptajihv 1931
vysa 2848
il 753
()vijara 2144, 2148
()ilya 2144, 2152

ekatva 2616 _rddha 2789
kaivalya 2676 _suta 202
kaivalya 2721, 2787 _agnioma 2519
arayyana 1437 _atirtra 2519
vanin 2703 _uktha 2519
dk 420, 421 sattryaa 1436
ia 1846
yaja 147, 177, 299, 302, 304, 394, 416,
() 443, 548, 937, 1752, 1753, 1861, 1937
kalpa 1923, 2576
yajamna 103, 107, 154, 299, 301, 302,
jagat 1025, 2535
304, 720, 931, 942, 944, 952, 1125, 1128,
yoni 120, 686, 691, 743, 1182, 1184, 1193,
1883, 1948, 2299, 2493, 2499, 2510, 2511
1532, 1567, 1805, 1861, 2000, 2013, 2045,
pitya 670, 1166, 1846
2156, 2334, 2336
virj 2638, 2728, 2734, 2751, 2775
janaka 199, 294, 436, 534, 641, 2259, 2703
pitloka 670, 1417
jtavedas 1791
pitrya 1321, 1324, 1328, 1351
jaratkru 313, 322
sat 133, 1250, 1251, 1612, 1860, 1954,
jamadagni 233
2088, 2570, 2576, 2588, 2668, 2676, 2681,
day 2583
2685, 2722, 2768, 2835, 2841, 2854
ahakra 1888, 2102, 2385, 2607, 2621,
anuvykhyna 256, 438, 574, 2490, 2576
2630, 2655, 2728, 2734, 2746, 2775
vykhyna 256, 438, 574, 2490, 2576
dama 2583
a 1656, 1969, 1970, 2020, 2021, 2048,
samyamana 2177
2049, 2054, 2067, 2077, 2096, 2125, 2126,
samidh 681, 683, 1076, 1174, 1204, 1449, 2253, 2437, 2726, 2736, 2739, 2740, 2751,
1464, 1470, 1476, 1837, 1940, 2136, 2285 2775, 2832
dk 1029 juh 1014
ekapda 438 antarika 1898, 1902
upaghta 740, 748 vidy 256, 574, 2490
mrdhan 523, 1446, 1567, 1827, 2445, vijna 219
2452, 2668, 2735
ta 1501, 1545, 1575, 1587, 1602, 1650,
vidti 1523 1800, 2331
reyas 1743, 1744 satya 196, 402, 632, 643, 1318, 1328, 1501,
jya 695, 716, 740, 1157, 1930, 2170, 1545, 1568, 1576, 1580, 1587, 1591, 1602,
2174, 2519, 2704 1608, 1670, 1692, 1926
sarpis 731, 735, 738, 1117, 1268, 2027, dhyna 1347, 1349, 1351, 2442, 2768
2028, 2461
sask 107, 1125, 2402, 2526, 2806
rdraidha 256, 574, 2490
tvij 299, 704, 720, 771, 784, 805, 822,
841, 1137, 1202, 1573
cla 500, 1193, 1240, 2846
mahiman 56
yjy 305, 311
_rjasya 134
antarika 304, 792, 808, 869, 889, 916, 947,
_prasuta 202
955, 1011, 1129, 1356, 1364, 1504, 1561,
_oain 2519 1863, 2222, 2493, 2510

pradhna 2022, 2408, 2409
prajpati 69, 72, 171, 185, 343, 390,
394, 411, 511, 526, 592, 597, 601, 644, 718,
743, 760, 774, 861, 890, 930-939, 1067, 1129,
1144, 1448, 1492, 1538, 1671, 1841-1853, hara 2022
1861, 2071, 2144, 2191, 2194, 2196, 2261, hari 1545, 2012
2280, 2314, 2317, 2319, 2320, 2323, 2336, aparapaka 302, 1188, 2139
2365, 2368, 2388, 2398, 2428, 2431, 2473, brahmacarya 592, 593, 2703
2493, 2519, 2542, 2570, 2615, 2651
brahmacrin 1066, 1068, 1072, 1074, 1076,
jyotia 1923, 2576 1099, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1243, 1410, 1412,
ravaa 2756, 2768 1433, 1434, 1436, 1437, 1439, 1451, 1466,
atimukti 299 1472, 1478, 1557, 1573, 1757, 2368, 2583,
sanysa 2409, 2710, 2836 2658, 2701
pravraj 559 savatsara 52, 63, 69, 154, 171, 174, 380,
mauna 338 393, 542, 655, 683, 1043, 1121, 1846, 2156,
2428, 2431, 2493
hanta 610
mukti 299, 301, 302, 304, 2806
() vimoka 488, 511
karmendriya 2732, 2743, 2748, 2750,
khaaparau 2570 2762, 2774
dadhi 716, 748, 750, 1157, 2027 dehin 1802, 1805, 2065, 2104, 2105
hastin 438, 496, 1398, 1538, 1735, 2676 hot 296, 299, 305, 311, 805, 1124, 1800,
ibhya 838 2180, 2431
bhikcarya 338, 548 mrcch 2761
pravrajy 2467 dhiya 723, 731, 2493, 2498
jruja 1538 ba 372
jti 2843, 2848 iu 2053, 2467
udbhijja 1538 ara 1956, 1957, 2455
mahat 1777, 1820, 2409, 2476, 688, 2789
2576, 2668, 2685, 2726, 2748, 2751, 2775, my 287, 2015, 2022, 2048, 2079,
2781, 2791, 2834 2080, 2096, 2724, 2751, 2768, 2825, 2826
myin 2079, 2080
my 2352, 2736, 2768
() rajas 2346, 2368, 2369, 2468, 2704,
2726, 2732, 2743
aaka 2015 hirayagarbha 2051, 2082, 2095, 2398,
spara 933, 934, 935 2519, 2542, 2726, 2728, 2734, 2775
tajalyuk 525 hiramaya ptra 643, 1670
tvac 258, 318, 367, 431, 576, 921, 1236, mahla 1198, 1200, 1261, 1921
1506, 1570, 1888, 1899, 2604, 2621, 2644, hit 223, 465, 496, 2285, 2588
2740, 2746 380, 1700, 2204
pra 905, 1323, 1405, 1769, 1959, 2306, him 704, 858, 861, 887, 1359
2467, 2468, 2476, 2554, 2783 hikra 868, 869, 895
praj 1840, 1841

< _18.52 >
viviktasev laghv yatavkkyamnasa |
dhynayogaparo nitya vairgya samuprita
, ,
, .

< _18.53 >

ahakra bala darpa kma krodha parigraham |
vimucya nirmama nto brahmabhyya kalpate
, ,
, .

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